2020-02-22 04:00 分まとめ(33件)

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金融 金融庁ホームページ 「違法な金融業者に関する情報について」を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/ordinary/chuui/index.html 2020-02-10 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「違法な金融業者に関する情報について」を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/ordinary/chuui/index.html 2020-02-10 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 職員を募集しています。(金融モニタリング業務(検査・監督)に従事する職員) https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/recruit/31/souri-11.html 2020-02-17 11:04:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 職員を募集しています。(金融モニタリング業務(検査・監督)に従事する職員) https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/recruit/31/souri-11.html 2020-02-17 11:04:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融仲介の改善に向けた検討会議」(第21回)を開催します。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r1/sonota/20200217.html 2020-02-17 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融仲介の改善に向けた検討会議」(第21回)を開催します。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r1/sonota/20200217.html 2020-02-17 17:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS (論文)金融研究所DPS:ビッグデータとAIのファイナンスへの利用 http://www.boj.or.jp/research/imes/dps/dps_j2.htm 2020-02-21 11:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS (論文)金融研究所DPS:ファイナンス・ワークショップの模様 http://www.boj.or.jp/research/imes/dps/dps_j1.htm 2020-02-21 11:00:00
AWS AWS TrevalPort on AWS - Customer Success Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uBjR2FwIZE Using AWS CEE Travel System Travelport grew its portfolio of serverless solutions which allowed the company to process streaming data four times more cost efficiently than with its on premises infrastructure Learn more about AWS Migration and Transfers at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos AWS TrevalPort Migrations 2020-02-21 18:52:35
AWS AWS ‘Smart Place’ Essentials: IoT Networks and Platforms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2KN-Pb9Lz4 Which Internet of Things IoT network or platform will make the most of your data now and in the long run How do you keep your data secure in this connected world Find out in our webinar which tackles the infrastructure decisions that come with creating a smart place Learn more about AWS in the UK public sector at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos AWS AWSWebinar PublicSector 2020-02-21 18:47:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ライブラリを文字列で指定して使いたい https://teratail.com/questions/242809?rss=all pythonにてimportしたライブラリを文字列で指定して利用したいです。 2020-02-22 03:56:08
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita git filter-repoってなんぞ https://qiita.com/Freesia_t/items/2ce56f4df676e8377db9 ある日、いつものようにgitで歴史改竄をしようとしたらこんな警告文が…WARNINGgitfilterbranchhasaglutofgotchasgeneratingmangledhistoryrewritesHitCtrlCbeforeproceedingtoabortthenuseanalternativefilteringtoolsuchasgitfilterrepoinsteadSeethefilterbranchmanualpageformoredetailstosquelchthiswarningsetFILTERBRANCHSQUELCHWARNING要するにgitfilterbranchが新しくなんかいい感じになったgitfilterrepoがあるらしいです。インストールデフォルトではインストールされていないので、追加でインストール作業が必要です。 2020-02-22 03:01:37
海外TECH Ars Technica Facebook offers to pay users for their voice recordings https://arstechnica.com/?p=1655556 smart 2020-02-21 18:33:35
海外TECH Ars Technica An extended interview with Atrus himself, Myst creator Rand Miller https://arstechnica.com/?p=1655519 atrus 2020-02-21 18:17:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Maps' Look Around feature works in three more U.S. cities https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/02/21/apple-maps-look-around-feature-works-in-three-more-us-cities Apple has rolled out its quot Look Around quot feature of Apple Maps into three more cities in the United States giving users the ability to see Boston Philadelphia and Washington D C at street level on their iPhone or iPad 2020-02-21 18:02:43
海外TECH Engadget Minuscule ID chips could help spot even the smallest counterfeits https://www.engadget.com/2020/02/21/mit-tiny-secure-id-tags/ There are times when something is simply too small to tag it with existing technology and that can be a serious problem when you re trying to fight counterfeits MIT researchers might have a way to tag even the tiniest devices though They ve cre 2020-02-21 18:47:00
海外TECH Engadget Facebook plans to clarify when pro-Bloomberg posts come from staffers https://www.engadget.com/2020/02/21/facebook-mike-bloomberg-paid-post-transparency/ Thanks to Mike Bloomberg Facebook wants to make it more obvious when paid campaign staffers share posts promoting candidates CNBC reports This is a direct response to Bloomberg paying organizers to post on social media but it could apply to any c 2020-02-21 18:26:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Three boys with COVID-19 are Japan’s youngest cases https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/02/21/national/hokkaido-coronavirus/ hokkaido 2020-02-22 04:35:57
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan’s curbs on foreign ownership to cover 12 sectors, sources say https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/02/21/business/japan-foreign-ownership-12-sectors/ firms 2020-02-22 03:15:26
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles JTTA to assist China amid COVID-19 crisis https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/more-sports/jtta-assist-china-amid-covid-19-crisis/ national 2020-02-22 04:50:50
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Pele misses statue unveiling to honor Brazil’s 1970 World Cup-winning team https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/soccer/pele-misses-statue-unveiling-honor-brazils-1970-world-cup-winning-team/ brazilian 2020-02-22 04:27:07
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles England coach Eddie Jones apologizes for ‘half-Asian’ joke https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/rugby/england-coach-eddie-jones-apologizes-half-asian-joke/ jones 2020-02-22 04:22:02
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Consadole Sapporo postpone ticket sales over virus fears https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/soccer/j-league/consadole-sapporo-postpone-ticket-sales-virus-fears/ covid 2020-02-22 04:10:32
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Former Hawks pitcher Matt Skrmetta influenced Carter Stewart’s journey https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/baseball/japanese-baseball/former-hawks-pitcher-matt-skrmetta-influenced-carter-stewarts-journey/ place 2020-02-22 04:02:28
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles High-flyer Misugu Okamoto eyes skateboarding gold https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/02/21/more-sports/high-flyer-misugu-okamoto-eyes-skateboarding-gold/ women 2020-02-22 03:57:53
ニュース BBC News - Home Quaden Bayles: Fundraiser for boy in bullying video hits $300,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-51590984 bayles 2020-02-21 18:10:36



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投稿時間:2020-12-01 09:41:49 RSSフィード2020-12-01 09:00 分まとめ(69件)