IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Google Pixel 4a」の発売は6月になる可能性が浮上 |
caschysblog |
2020-05-11 15:08:21 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Surface Go 2」を販売開始 |
microsoft |
2020-05-11 15:01:53 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、完全ワイヤレスイヤフォン「Surface Earbuds」を発売 |
microsoft |
2020-05-11 15:01:50 |
AWS News Blog |
AWS Inter-Region Data Transfer (DTIR) Price Reduction |
AWS Inter Region Data Transfer DTIR Price ReductionIf you build AWS applications that span two or more AWS regions this post is for you We are reducing the cost to transfer data from the South America S atilde o Paulo Middle East Bahrain Africa Cape Town and Asia Pacific Sydney Regions to other AWS regions as follows effective May Region Old Rate … |
2020-05-11 15:53:20 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
In case you missed it: April 2020 top blog posts round up |
In case you missed it April top blog posts round upIn April the AWS Public Sector Blog covered stories on AWS launching machine learning enabled search capabilities for COVID dataset supporting healthcare with technology in response to COVID and building a chatbot for your school in less than an hour For more blog highlights from this month you can also check out The Brief hosted this month by Ray Rogers the host of the Fix This podcast |
2020-05-11 15:23:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Udemy Python3入門+応用】 57. デコレーター |
デコレーターの基本デコレーターを使わずに書くとnondecoratordefaddnumabreturnabprintstartraddnumprintendprintrresultstartendaddnumを呼び出すだけでなく、その前後などでなにか追加で行いたいとき、「デコレーター」を用いることができる。 |
2020-05-12 00:54:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerで環境変数を設定してPythonに表示してみたよ |
Dockerで環境変数を設定してPythonに表示してみたよ目標dockerrunコマンドの際に設定した環境変数を、コンテナ内のシェルスクリプトで実行したPythonでprintする。 |
2020-05-12 00:44:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】listの使い方1 |
【Python】listの使い方はじめにとみーさんのブログのPython入門者のための学習ロードマップに沿ってPython学習を進めています。 |
2020-05-12 00:43:50 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure DatabricksでPythonとword2vec(学習済)を使う |
先に結論を書くと、・学習済モデルをアップロードしたBLOBをdatabricksにマウントしてloadすればよい・loadするときにwithopenコマンドを使わないと「ファイルが見つからない」エラーが出るので注意wordvec概要wordvecで単語の類似度を数学的に扱えるその名の通り、単語をベクトルに変換する。 |
2020-05-12 00:34:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby と Python で解く AtCoder ARC 059 C 最小二乗法 |
今回のお題AtCoderRegularContetsCいっしょDifficulty今回のテーマ、最小二乗法Ruby全探索問題文を読んでもちょっと分かりづらいのですが、出力例の説明を読みますと、最小二乗法wikipediaで傾きがの次関数をイメージすることが分かります。 |
2020-05-12 00:17:46 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
スクロールに追随する複数のヘッダーの作り方 |
これらを配列に入れ、ウインドウのスクロール位置が各ブロックのページ内の位置に到達した際に、対応するヘッダーのスタイルを書き換えてスティッキーなヘッダーにしています。 |
2020-05-12 00:01:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Java n桁の{0,1}での組み合わせでのみ表されるベクトルを列挙する方法。 |
javan |
2020-05-12 00:53:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
パッケージ中にあるはずの関数が見つかりません。 |
パッケージ中にあるはずの関数が見つかりません。 |
2020-05-12 00:53:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Phusion Passengerが実行されなくなった |
PhusionPassengerが実行されなくなったこんばんわ。 |
2020-05-12 00:50:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
tableviewを使ってフォルダ機能を作成 |
swift |
2020-05-12 00:42:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptでif文から画面遷移ができない |
JavaScriptでif文から画面遷移ができないお世話になっております。 |
2020-05-12 00:38:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ユーザー編集画面のURLにユーザーIDを含めない |
ユーザー編集画面のURLにユーザーIDを含めない現在Railsチュートリアルを進めているのですがユーザー名にユーザーIDを含め内容にするにはどうしたらいいのでしょうかsecupdatingusersRailsチュートリアルで作成するサイトの場合ユーザー編集ページはhttplocalhostuserseditやhttplocalhostuserseditのようにnbspusersnbspとnbspeditnbspの間にその人のユーザーIDが入ってしまいます。 |
2020-05-12 00:36:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Rails5.2] ECサイトにおいてカート機能実装後のエラー(NoMethodError in Devise::Sessions#new) |
RailsECサイトにおいてカート機能実装後のエラーNoMethodErrorinDeviseSessionsnew前提RailsでECサイトを作っています。 |
2020-05-12 00:36:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python]配列の代入について |
2020-05-12 00:35:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
レコードが正しく表示されない |
レコードが正しく表示されない前提・実現したいことRailsでデータベースを作り、マイグレーションファイルをつくり、テーブルを作り、種類、つの日本語のレコードを保存しましたa・b・cとおくと、abababcの順。 |
2020-05-12 00:34:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
任意の文字列変数をTEXT(Script)に格納したい |
任意の文字列変数をTEXTScriptに格納したい画像右の青い部分のTEXTScriptに対して元データの変数、explanationの内容を読み取って中の文字列を格納したいです。 |
2020-05-12 00:26:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity Photon2 プレイヤーの部位ごとに受けるダメージ量を変化させたい |
UnityPhotonプレイヤーの部位ごとに受けるダメージ量を変化させたい今、UnityとPhotonでオンラインFPSゲームを作っていて、Photonを使用したマルチプレイで相手プレイヤーの部位ごとに受けるダメージ量を倍率で変化させたいのですが、上手くできません。 |
2020-05-12 00:17:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
herokuでデプロイ後、bootstrapのjsが効かない |
herokuでデプロイ後、bootstrapのjsが効かないherokuでデプロイ後、bootstrapのjsが効かず、modalやalartの閉じるボタンが効かないです。 |
2020-05-12 00:12:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptで作成したアニメーションを可視範囲になったら動かしたいです |
javascriptで作成したアニメーションを可視範囲になったら動かしたいです画像とjQueryだけでグラフにアニメーションをつけてみた上記サイトをもとに作成した画像にアニメーションをつけました。 |
2020-05-12 00:12:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Laravel】退会していないのに「このユーザーは退会しました」と出てしまう |
【Laravel】退会していないのに「このユーザーは退会しました」と出てしまう会員登録したユーザーが記事を投稿し、そのユーザーが退会を行った場合、記事の詳細ページに「このユーザーは退会しました」と表示させる仕組みにしてあるつもりなのですが・・・。 |
2020-05-12 00:10:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
クラスメソッドの確認 |
django |
2020-05-12 00:10:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カテゴリーごとの一覧が表示されず、全投稿の一覧が表示されてしまう |
カテゴリーごとの一覧が表示されず、全投稿の一覧が表示されてしまうwordpressのindexphpとarchivephpを作成中です。 |
2020-05-12 00:02:57 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby と Python で解く AtCoder ARC 059 C 最小二乗法 |
今回のお題AtCoderRegularContetsCいっしょDifficulty今回のテーマ、最小二乗法Ruby全探索問題文を読んでもちょっと分かりづらいのですが、出力例の説明を読みますと、最小二乗法wikipediaで傾きがの次関数をイメージすることが分かります。 |
2020-05-12 00:17:46 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS EKSクラスタにARMインスタンスをワーカーノードとして追加する |
既存のワーカーノードがあるクラスターにワーカーノードを追加することはできません。 |
2020-05-12 00:58:37 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Vue.js、AWS Amplifyおよびboto3でサンプルアプリを作ってみる(第二回:Amplifyとバックエンドリソース編) |
AWSAmplifyCLIの使い方インストールから初期セットアップまでAmplifyの認証認可設定CLIをインストールしたら、プロジェクトルートに移動した上で、AWSアカウントを使うための認証認可設定をする。 |
2020-05-12 00:57:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
How to construct web scraping service by Node.js Express on AWS EC2 linux instance (no.1 of 3) |
How to construct web scraping service by Node js Express on AWS EC linux instance no of this document is a weak memorandum for my cheap working jobconnect AWS EC instnceconnect by SSH to Linux instance from ec userpush Connect buttom belowuse EC Instance Connect browser base SSH conection select EC Instance Connect and push Connect buttom belowinstall Node jsinstall nvm node version manager curl o bashactivate nvm nvm nvm shinstall recent version of Node jsnvm install nodetest for correct Node js install and executenode e console log Running Node js process version then display below on terminalRunning Node js VERSIONinstall Express web framework for Node jsmake service directory and change this directorymkdir dev nodejs express appcd dev nodejs express appinitialise Node js projectnpm init yinstall Node js web framework Expressnpm install save expressthen create node modules folder and setting lock file package lock jsoninstall express that create web application template library for express frameworkinstall Express Generator and create a templatenpm install g express generatorcreate web application template what name is membersexpress view ejs members move directory for web application template and installcd membersnpm installtest running express web applicationnpm startthen display terminal blow gt members start home ec user dev nodejs express app members gt node bin wwwaccess web browser to URLhttp localhost or orhttp computer name then display web browser blow |
2020-05-12 00:35:04 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amazon WorkSpacesでWindows仮想マシンを作成した件 (その3) Tips まとめ |
最初、これ知らないで全画面モードにして、戻し方がわからなくて分間ほど焦りましたwOneDriveを利用するファイル共有のためにOneDriveを利用しようとしたのだけど、IEのセキュリティ設定が厳しいみたいで、ログオンの際にエラーになります。 |
2020-05-12 00:20:18 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Raspberry PI Flat インストール |
参照サイトFlatツールのテンプレート一覧その他公開しているテンプレートページです。 |
2020-05-12 00:51:56 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerで環境変数を設定してPythonに表示してみたよ |
Dockerで環境変数を設定してPythonに表示してみたよ目標dockerrunコマンドの際に設定した環境変数を、コンテナ内のシェルスクリプトで実行したPythonでprintする。 |
2020-05-12 00:44:51 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitのSSH接続を設定 |
GitのSSH接続を設定概要新しいPCに移行する作業で、GitHubにSSH接続するための設定が必要になりました。 |
2020-05-12 00:09:24 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
To compete with Gmail, Microsoft reveals plans for new Web-based Outlook features |
microsoft |
2020-05-11 15:12:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A/B Testing with CloudBees Rollout and Google Analytics (Part I) |
A B Testing with CloudBees Rollout and Google Analytics Part I Feature flags are a key tool for continuous delivery Software developers utilize feature flagging to iterate quickly and release safely ultimately improving product development This continuous improvement is a beneficial byproduct of continuous delivery made possible through repeating scientific methods Experimentation like A B testing is a popular way to test variations of an application Feature flag management solutions have further simplified creating multiple versions by varying one element and then routing the versions to end user groups But how do these teams know which variation is performing better As Sherlock Holmes once said “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was ahead of his time in warning against hasty conclusions In today s software world additional caution has to be taken with data analytics Incorrect assumptions can reduce a company s understanding about their customers Furthermore key decisions based on misrepresented data have respective strategic and dire economic impacts For a simple A B test a team would want to monitor the statistical significance to know when the experiment is done and perform Chi Squared analysis Additionally they would look at each variation s specific metrics such as website traffic page load time conversion rate bounce rate or number of clicks As teams scale and more experimentation ensues it s become imperative to adapt and ensure the metrics and data are tailored to the process they re measuring Niche data platforms like Google Analytics make it easy to wire in the appropriate metrics and monitor the results But more importantly these tools provide an open library on how to communicate and push data to their systems So in addition to their out of the box metrics a company can define and use data that is relevant and meets the needs for a defined test In this blog post we will set up a simple A B test integrating two platforms that will help with the necessary set up and data analysis for this experimentation In doing so we ll outline how to Use CloudBees Rollout SDK in setting up variations in an A B test Route the user traffic through CloudBees Rollout Dashboard Integrate with Google Analytics and push data for further analysis Test OverviewOur example will focus around our sample Hacker News application built in Vue As you may see or may find hard to see the “Log In button s lack of contrast in the right hand corner of the header may be a contributing factor for a low user engagement rate A B testing can help confirm or negate this null hypothesis In our A B test we ll vary the color of this call to action button between our two test options “button is black and “button is primary The first thing we ll need to do is install the Rollout SDK using the JavaScript installation This can be done after cloning the repository locally and entering the following into the command line at the root of the directory yarn install yarn add rox browserThe flags js src utils flag js file initializes the feature flags and defines their default behaviors It also establishes a connection to the Rollout dashboard via the VUE APP ROLLOUT KEY must be modified in env local sample file thus permitting remote configuration Within the Flags constant the loginButtonColor is defined with its two variant values and button is black is the default color An outline of the flag file is shown below import Rox from rox browser export const Flags loginButtonColor new Rox Variant button is black button is black button is primary export const configurationFetchedHandler fetcherResults gt if fetcherResults hasChanges amp amp fetcherResults fetcherStatus APPLIED FROM NETWORK window location reload false const options configurationFetchedHandler configurationFetchedHandler Rox register default Flags Rox setup process env VUE APP ROLLOUT KEY options Creating a Split Experiment in RolloutNow that we have the variations of our application set up for A B testing we can rely on a Rollout split experiment to route traffic to our two user groups Within the dashboard we can create a new experiment and select the loginButtonColor flag By setting the split percentages to weight percent of the traffic towards our control “button is black control variable and the other percent to the “button is primary option we can ensure our entire user group will be split into two equally sized groups For more information on what makes this possible I recommend reading the article on Rollout s Stickiness Property We can now “Update Audience with our finished experiment With the set up for our test complete it s now time to push the data to an analytics platform Gating the Feature Behind a Feature FlagTo actually use the flag we have to gate the component i e the color of the log in button and reference the flag s value The Nav vue file src components Nav vue implements the log in button on the top navigation bar We first import the library and our flags from the previous file line and then create a new function “loginButtonColor that will get the value of the feature flag either locally or through the dynamic configuration file line loginButtonColor Flags loginButtonColor getValue The goal here is to use the flag to assign a color value from the configuration file Because we leveraged the Variant flag and provided the values of the Vue color choices as options we don t have to use any sort of if then or switch statement logic here lt div class buttons gt lt a class loginButtonColor v if loggedIn click logout gt Log out lt a gt lt a class loginButtonColor v else href login gt Log in lt a gt lt div gt Sending Data to Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is one of the most popular data analytics platforms It extensibility allows users to look at the various metrics e g pageviews page load time user location engagement rates etc and empowers teams with a massive public development library We can take advantage of this by installing the gtag js snippet in our index html file to allow subsequent gtag event calls in our code base Generally we want to send data through a gtag event whenever a flag is evaluated To start we can paste the snippet in the index html file to link our application to the data monitoring platform Note make sure to replace GA MEASUREMENT ID with personal ID where appropriate lt ーGlobal site tag gtag js Google Analytics ー gt lt script async src gt lt script gt lt script gt window dataLayer window dataLayer function gtag dataLayer push arguments gtag js new Date gtag config GA MEASUREMENT ID lt script gt Now that we have the application linked to the Google Analytics platform we ll need to transmit information about the feature flag i e its local value This will help segment our metrics in the dashboard so we can easily splice the views and visualize which log in button color yields a higher engagement rate To do this we will make use of Rollout s Impression Handler What is the Impression Handler The Rollout SDK allows its users to configure a function that is called every single time a feature flag is evaluated If you are familiar with JavaScript this should sound familiar to an EventHandler So in our example we can insert a gtag event within the Impression Handler This will relay the values of each user s login button color by calling “reporting value We can further restrict invoking the gtag event to only occur when certain logic criterion is met e g only if a Rollout experiment is configured for a flag or wait on a click event or some other user action This way we can filter any superfluous data transmission With our new impressionHandler our finished Flag js file will look similar to that below import Rox from rox browser export const Flags loginButtonColor new Rox Variant button is black button is black button is primary export const configurationFetchedHandler fetcherResults gt if fetcherResults hasChanges amp amp fetcherResults fetcherStatus APPLIED FROM NETWORK window location reload false export const impressionHandler reporting experiment gt if experiment console log flag reporting name value is reporting value it is part of experiment name experiment gtag event experiment name event category reporting name event label reporting value else console log No experiment configured for flag reporting name default value reporting value was used const options configurationFetchedHandler configurationFetchedHandler impressionHandler impressionHandler Rox register default Flags Rox setup process env VUE APP ROLLOUT KEY options The if statement within the impressionHandler ensures that we ll only relay data for feature flags that have a corresponding experiment defined from the dashboard Now run the app and head over to the Google Analytics dashboard We should not only see real time data coming in but also our successfully pushed flag data appearing as Events SummaryExperimentation is essential to continuously grow and improve a product or service The very premise of a split or multivariate based test suggests that feature flags can be employed allowing teams to create variations and route user traffic For experiments to be scalable and produce reliable actionable data a feature flag management tool should be used in concert with a specialized data analytics platform counterpart such as Google Analytics This two platform approach is advantageous because it enables developers and product managers to use specialized tools each designed to be the best in its field while experimenting In a future blog we will expand on the data manipulation done within Google Analytics to analyze results of an A B test from the information pushed through the impressionHandler Get off with a special Dev to promo code when you sign up here today In the meantime start using CloudBees Feature Flags with your free trial |
2020-05-11 15:23:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
MacBook Pro with 14-inch display may arrive in 2021 |
MacBook Pro with inch display may arrive in Instead of a late arrival Mac users may have to wait until before they can get their hands on a inch MacBook Pro a leaker claims |
2020-05-11 15:32:00 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Macs 'partially affected' by unpatchable Thunderbolt security exploit |
Macs x partially affected x by unpatchable Thunderbolt security exploit A security researcher has discovered a Thunderbolt vulnerability that could allow attackers to bypass system defenses and access the contents of a locked computer s drive in minutes with Boot Camp installs of Windows and Linux susceptible to the attack |
2020-05-11 15:28:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Tim Cook joins celebrities recording commencement speech podcasts |
Tim Cook joins celebrities recording commencement speech podcasts Apple CEO Tim Cook is to be one of dozens of high profile business people and celebrities contributing podcast recordings for the quot Commencement Speeches for the Class of quot program |
2020-05-11 15:19:56 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Spotify Group Sessions give multiple people control over what you're playing |
Spotify Group Sessions give multiple people control over what you x re playingSpotify has started beta testing a nifty new feature called Group Sessions that allows two or more Premium users under the same roof to share playback control with one another To start using the functionality navigate to Spotify s play screen and |
2020-05-11 15:25:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Intel and Penn Medicine are developing an AI to spot brain tumors |
Intel and Penn Medicine are developing an AI to spot brain tumorsWe ve seen AI outperform doctors in spotting breast cancer lung cancer and skin cancer Now researchers from Intel and the University of Pennsylvania are turning their attention to brain tumors Using Intel s AI hardware and software Penn Medicine |
2020-05-11 15:11:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
How to find free ebooks while libraries are closed |
How to find free ebooks while libraries are closedShelter in place orders throughout the country haven t just brought the economy to a grinding halt but frozen civic infrastructure as well Sure water still flows from our taps police and firefighters are still on the job but your local library l |
2020-05-11 15:00:59 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Navigating the evolving landscape? Cisco DC Networking Free Trials and Promotions can help! |
Navigating the evolving landscape Cisco DC Networking Free Trials and Promotions can help Cisco is continuing its global commitment to help customers and partners navigate an evolving landscape with the introduction of a new Business Resiliency Program The post Navigating the evolving landscape Cisco DC Networking Free Trials and Promotions can help appeared first on Cisco Blogs |
2020-05-11 15:00:54 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
How Cisco’s Networking Academy provides a bridge to career possibilities for people everywhere |
How Cisco s Networking Academy provides a bridge to career possibilities for people everywhereCisco Networking Academy provides access for anyone anywhere to gain new digital skills The program is available to teenagers those pursuing higher education and those seeking a new career path The post How Cisco s Networking Academy provides a bridge to career possibilities for people everywhere appeared first on Cisco Blogs |
2020-05-11 15:00:54 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Threat Spotlight: Astaroth – Maze of Obfuscation and Evasion Reveals Dark Stealer |
Threat Spotlight Astaroth Maze of Obfuscation and Evasion Reveals Dark StealerBy Nick Biasini Edmund Brumaghin and Nick Lister Executive summary The threat landscape is littered with various malware families being delivered in a constant wave to enterprises and individuals alike The majority of these threats have one thing in common money Many of these threats generate revenue for financially motivated adversaries by granting access to The post Threat Spotlight Astaroth Maze of Obfuscation and Evasion Reveals Dark Stealer appeared first on Cisco Blogs |
2020-05-11 15:00:23 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Coronavirus Live Updates: Outbreak in the White House Causes a Scramble to Stop the Spread |
Coronavirus Live Updates Outbreak in the White House Causes a Scramble to Stop the SpreadThe infections stirred concerns about how to keep workplaces safe as the economy reopens Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that unemployment would get worse before it got better |
2020-05-11 15:50:31 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Coronavirus World Updates: Empty Icons Return to Life With Lockdowns Easing |
Coronavirus World Updates Empty Icons Return to Life With Lockdowns EasingPlaces that seemed eerie and alien when empty ーfamous beaches theme parks and railways ーare now being cautiously revisited |
2020-05-11 15:39:05 |
金融 |
◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) |
保険デイリーニュース(05/12) |
airpost |
2020-05-11 15:23:55 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2020-05-11 15:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁における新型コロナウイルス感染症関連情報のSNSプロバイダー等による情報発信への協力の呼びかけについて公表しました。 |
呼びかけ |
2020-05-11 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
監査監督機関国際フォーラムによる新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)関係の議長レターについて掲載しました。 |
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2020-05-11 16:25:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
タミル・ナドゥ州がロックダウン第3期の緩和措置などを公表 |
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2020-05-11 15:40:00 |
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ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
カルナータカ州、第3期ロックダウン下でさらなる緩和装置を発表 |
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2020-05-11 15:30:00 |
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ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
PROSUR、新型コロナ感染拡大で関連パブリックドメイン技術を公開 |
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2020-05-11 15:20:00 |
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短時間労働給付の拡大、付加価値税の減税など追加経済対策を発表 |
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2020-05-11 15:10:00 |
海外ニュース |
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Defending virus handling, Abe signals willingness to compile second extra budget |
Defending virus handling Abe signals willingness to compile second extra budgetUnder pressure from opposition party lawmakers the prime minister is forced to defend his administration s response to the coronavirus pandemic |
2020-05-12 01:49:45 |
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Japan moves to limit foreign investment in half of listed firms |
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2020-05-12 00:25:38 |
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2020-05-12 02:00:12 |
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2020-05-11 15:36:28 |
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BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: No professional sport in England until 1 June at earliest |
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2020-05-11 15:22:28 |
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All primary pupils in England could go to school by summer |
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2020-05-11 15:37:37 |
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2020-05-11 15:36:54 |
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2020-05-11 15:12:13 |
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2020-05-12 00:37:10 |
Cloud Blog |
Get to know Google Cloud with our new Architecture Framework |
Get to know Google Cloud with our new Architecture FrameworkAre you using Google Cloud or thinking about making the move to the cloud Are you a cloud architect or cloud engineer who needs to ensure your services are secure and reliable yet also manageable during day to day operations We have heard feedback from many of you that you need a structured approach for efficiently running your business on Google Cloud and today we re excited to deliver just that Today we are making Google Cloud s Architecture Framework available to everyone This framework provides architecture best practices and implementation guidance on products and services to aid your application design choices based on your unique business needs With the help of this framework you can quickly identify areas where your approach differs from recommended best practices so you can apply them across your organization to ensure standardization and achieve consistency The framework provides a foundation for building and improving your Google Cloud deployments using four key principles Operational excellence Guidance on how to make design choices in the cloud to improve your operational efficiency These include approaches for automating the build process implementing monitoring and disaster recovery planning Security privacy and compliance Guidance on various security controls you can choose along with a list of products and features best suited to support security needs for your deployments Reliability How to build reliable and highly available solutions Recommendations include defining reliability goals improving your approach to observability including monitoring establishing an incident management function and techniques to measure and reduce the operational burden on your teams Performance Cost Optimization Suggestions on various available tools to tune your applications for a better end user experience and analyze the cost of operation on Google Cloud while maintaining an acceptable level of service Each section provides details on strategies best practices design questions recommendations and more You can use this framework during various stages of your cloud journey from evaluating design choices across various products to incorporating various aspects of security and reliability into your design You can also use the framework for your existing deployments to help you increase efficiency or incorporate new products and features into your solutions to simplify ongoing management How to use the frameworkWe recommend reviewing the “System Design Considerations first and then dive into other specific sections based on your needs Discover Use the framework as a discovery guide for Google Cloud Platform offerings and learn how the various pieces fit together to build solutions Evaluate Use the design questions outlined in each section to guide your thought process while you re thinking about your system design If you re unable to answer the design question you can review the highlighted Google Cloud services and features to address them Review If you re already on Google Cloud use the recommendations section to verify if you are following best practices or as a pulse check to review before deploying to production The framework is modular so you can pick and choose sections most relevant to you but we recommend reading all of the sections because why not You can learn more about the Google Cloud Architecture Framework here and contact us for additional insights A special thanks to a village of Googlers who helped deliver this framework Matt Salisbury Gustavo Franco Charles Baer Tiffany Lewis Vivek Rau Shylaja Nukala Jan Bultmann Ryan Martin Dom Jimenez Hamidou Dia Lindsey Scrase Lakshmi Sharma Amr Awadallah Ben Jackson Jim Travis |
2020-05-11 16:00:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Using logging for your apps running on Kubernetes Engine |
Using logging for your apps running on Kubernetes EngineWhether you re a developer debugging an application or on the DevOps team monitoring applications across several production clusters logs are the lifeblood of the IT organization And if you run on top of Google Kubernetes Engine GKE you can use Cloud Logging one of the many services integrated into GKE to find that useful information Cloud Logging and its companion tool Cloud Monitoring are full featured products that are both deeply integrated into GKE In this blog post we ll go over how logging works on GKE and some best practices for log collection Then we ll go over some common logging use cases so you can make the most out of the extensive logging functionality built into GKE and Google Cloud Platform What s included in Cloud Logging on GKEBy default GKE clusters are natively integrated with Cloud Logging and Monitoring When you create a GKE cluster both Monitoring and Cloud Logging are enabled by default That means you get a monitoring dashboard specifically tailored for Kubernetes and your logs are sent to Cloud Logging s dedicated persistent datastore and indexed for both searches and visualization in the Cloud Logs Viewer If you have an existing cluster with Cloud Logging and Monitoring disabled you can still enable logging and monitoring for the cluster That s important because with Cloud Logging disabled a GKE based application temporarily writes logs to the worker node which may be removed when a pod is removed or overwritten when log files are rotated Nor are these logs centrally accessible making it difficult to troubleshoot your system or application In addition to cluster audit logs and logs for the worker nodes GKE automatically collects application logs written to either STDOUT or STDERR If you d prefer not to collect application logs you can also now choose to collect only system logs Collecting system logs are critical for production clusters as it significantly accelerates the troubleshooting process No matter how you plan to use logs GKE and Cloud Logging make it simple and easy simply start your cluster deploy your applications and your logs appear in Cloud Logging How GKE collects logsGKE deploys a per node logging agent that reads container logs adds helpful metadata and then sends the logs to the logs router which sends the logs to Cloud Logging and any of the Logging sink destinations that you have configured Cloud Logging stores logs for the duration that you specify or days by default Because Cloud Logging automatically collects standard output and error logs for containerized processes you can start viewing your logs as soon as your application is deployed Where to find your logsThere are several different ways to access your logs in Logging depending on your use case Assuming you ve already enabled the workspace you can access your logs using Cloud Logging console You can see your logs directly from the Cloud Logging console by using the appropriate logging filters to select the Kubernetes resources such as cluster node namespace pod or container logs Here are some sample Kubernetes related queries to help get you started GKE console In the Kubernetes Engine section of the Google Cloud Console select the Kubernetes resources listed in Workloads and then the Container or Audit Logs links Monitoring console In the Kubernetes Engine section of the Monitoring console select the appropriate cluster nodes pod or containers to view the associated logs gcloud command line tool Using the gcloud logging read command select the appropriate cluster node pod and container logs For custom log aggregation log analytics or to integrate with third party systems you can also use the logging sinks feature to export logs to BigQuery Cloud Storage and Pub Sub For example you can export logs to BigQuery and then use SQL queries to analyze application logs over an entire year Or you may need to export specific logs to an existing third party system using an integration with Pub Sub The best way to access your logs depends on your use case Logging recommendations for containerized applicationsBefore we dive into some typical use cases for logging in GKE let s first review some best practices for using Cloud Logging with containerized applications Use the native logging mechanisms of containers to write the logs to stdout and stderr If your application cannot be easily configured to write logs to stdout and stderr you can use a sidecar pattern for logging Log directly with structured logging with different fields You can then search your logs more effectively based on those fields Use severities for better filtering and reducing noise By default logs written to the standard output are on the INFO level and logs written to the standard error are on the ERROR level Structured logs with JSON payload can include a severity field which defines the log s severity Use the links to the logs directly from the Kubernetes Engine section of the Cloud Console for containers which makes it quick to find the logs corresponding to the container Understand the pricing quota and limits of Cloud Logging to understand the associated costs Use casesNow let s look at some simple yet common use cases for logs in a GKE environment diagnosing application errors analyzing simple log data analyzing complex log data and integrating Cloud Logging with third party applications Read on for more Using Cloud Logging to diagnose application errors Imagine you re a developer and need to diagnose an application error in a development cluster To use a concrete example we will work through a scenario based on a sample microservices demo app deployed to a GKE cluster You can deploy this demo app in your own Google Cloud project or you can go through the Site Reliability Troubleshooting Qwiklab to deploy a version of this demo app that includes an error In the demo app there are many microservices and dependencies among them Let s say you start receiving Internal Server Errors from the app when you try to place an order Let the debugging begin There are two quick ways to find the logs Use the Kubernetes Engine console Start by opening the checkout service in the Kubernetes Engine console which has all the technical details about the serving pod the container and links to the container and audit logs There you can find the technical details about the pod along with the links for container and audit logs If you click the log link for the container you will be directed to the Cloud Logging s logs viewer with a pre populated search query similar to the one below This is created for you and points you to the specific container logs for the application running in the checkoutservice pod Use the Logs Viewer in the Cloud Logging console you can go directly to the Cloud Logging console and use the Logs Viewer to search for error messages across specific logs You can specify the resource types search fields and a time range to speed up your query more tips here The Logs Viewer provides both a Classic and a Preview option The Query builder in the Logs Viewer Preview lets you specify those filtering conditions quickly For instance you can select the resources in the dropdown menus for the cluster namespace and container This selection in the Query Builder yields the following query If you are not familiar with the codebase for the app you ll need to do some debugging with the logs to fix the issue One good starting point is to search for the error message in the logs to understand the context of the error You can add the field jsonPayload error to your query to look for the specific log message that you received To keep your queries most efficient make sure to include the resource type field One of the helpful features included in the Preview of the Logs Viewer is a histogram which lets you visualize the frequency of the logs matched by your query In this example this helps us understand how often our error appears in the logs Next you can look at the specific log entries that matched the query If you expand the log entries the payment related log entry provides you with details about the pod container and a stack trace of the error The logs point to the exact location of the defective code Alternatively if you prefer to use the command line interface you can run the same commands via Cloud Shell Notice the conditions used in the query and the stderr log it searches Analyzing log dataAnother common use case for logging is to analyze the log data with complex and powerful queries using built in logging query language You can use the query builder to build your queries or use the autocomplete to build a custom query To find log entries quickly you can include the exact values for the indexed log fields such as resource type logName and severity Below are several example queries You can use this query to check if an authorized user is trying to execute a command inside a container by replacing cluster name and location with your specific cluster s name and zone values You can use this query to check if a specific user is trying to execute a command inside a container by replacing cluster name location and principalEmail with your specific cluster s name zone and email address values This query filters pod related log entries within a given time period by replacing replacing cluster name location pod and timestamp with your specific cluster s name zone pod and time values You can find more sample queries for product specific examples of querying logs across Google Cloud You can also find specific GKE audit log query examples to help answer your audit logging questions Using Cloud Logging for advanced analytics For more advanced analytics you may want to export your logs to BigQuery You can then use standard SQL queries to analyze the logs correlate data from other sources and enrich the output For example the following SQL query returns log data related to the email user example com from the default namespace on a GKE cluster running the microservices demo app This log data may also provide valuable business insights For example the query below lets you know how many times a particular product was recommended by the recommendationservice in the last two days You can also analyze the activity and audit logs For example the following query returns all kubelet warnings in a specific timeframe If you are interested you can find more sample queries in the Scenarios for exporting Cloud Logging Security and access analytics article Using Cloud Logging for third party tools or automationThe last use case we want to mention is integrating Cloud Logging with Pub Sub You can create sinks and export logs to Pub Sub topics This is more than simply exporting the log data With Pub Sub you can create an event driven architecture and process the log events in real time in an automated fashion If you implement this event driven architecture with serverless technologies such as Cloud Run or Cloud Functions you can significantly reduce the cost and management overhead of the automation Learn more about Cloud Logging and GKEWe built our logging capabilities for GKE into Cloud Logging to make it easy for you to store search analyze and monitor your logs If you haven t already get started with Cloud Logging on GKE and join the discussion on our mailing list |
2020-05-11 16:00:00 |