AWS Japan Blog |
金融機関で活用される AWS のテレワーク支援サービス |
nbsp在宅コンタクトセンターの実現をご支援するAmazonConnect金融機関の皆様における在宅勤務の促進という観点では、多くのスタッフで集中的にお客様対応を担うコンタクトセンターの在宅対応を可能にすることは、大きなポイントの一つになると考えます。 |
2020-05-13 12:21:23 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Python]02章-01 Pythonプログラムの基礎(演算と変数) |
正確には代入ではないですが変数を用いてプログラミングを行うでは実際に変数を用いてPythonプログラムを書いていきましょう。 |
2020-05-13 21:56:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PDF処理関係(分割など) |
2020-05-13 21:55:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pandasで地味に使う書き方 |
2020-05-13 21:51:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Python]画像に名前と年齢を書き込むラインボットの作成 |
テキストの受け取りmainpyテキストの受け取りhandleraddMessageEventmessageTextMessagedefhandletexteventglobaltextnamebirthday登録が無い場合、生年月日の確認ifnumtextnameeventmessagetextselectdayeventその他が選択された場合、名前を確認elifeventmessagetextその他linebotapireplymessageeventreplytokenTextSendMessagetext写真に写っている人の名前はelsetextnameeventmessagetext名前が登録済みの場合、生年月日を取得iftextnameinnamelistbirthdayuserdicttextnameifの場合撮影日、それ以外の場合生年月日の選択selectdayeventifnumは、登録が無い場合の名前の確認を行った返事を受けた時に実行され、名前を取得した後生年月日の確認に進みます。 |
2020-05-13 21:46:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
音声から顔画像を生成するwav2pixを実行してみる(アニメ顔生成もあるよ) |
2020-05-13 21:28:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Slack】レガシーテストトークンを使わずに絵文字を一括でエクスポートする |
【Slack】レガシーテストトークンを使わずに絵文字を一括でエクスポートするはじめに対処した問題Slackの新しいワークスペースを作成するに伴い現在使用しているワークスペースから絵文字を一括でエクスポートインポートしようと企てていました参考サイトを基にエクスポート使用としたらSlackのトークン作成のところで躓きました参考にさせていただいたサイト↓Slackの絵文字emojiを一括エクスポートインポートするというのも今まで紹介されているエクスポート方法ではSlackのレガシートークンが使われているものが主でしたしかしにレガシーテストトークンが作れなくなりましたThecreationoflegacytesttokensisdeprecatedWeredeprecatinglegacytesttokensandwilldisallowthecreationofnewtesttokensbeginningMayth現在のSlackで新しいトークンを使用するにはSlackアプリを作成するようにと記述されていますAPIトークンの生成と再生成注意レガシーテストトークンを新しく作成することはできなくなりました。 |
2020-05-13 21:59:34 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ReactのuseContextを使いたいあなたに!たった4ステップで使う方法 |
このuseContextを使うと冗長なコードがなくなり見通しがよくなるので是非最後まで読んでくださいuseContextのメリットまず、useContextとは何なのでしょうかコンポーネント間で受け渡しができるフック関数です。 |
2020-05-13 21:41:25 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
TypeScriptで学ぶデザインパターン〜Mediator編〜 |
ここで調整役のMクラスを作成してABCDEFクラス同士の通信をやめるようにするとパターンにまで通信の数が減ります「M→A」「A→M」が個分。 |
2020-05-13 21:38:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails formオブジェクトを使ったファイル複数投稿について |
Railsformオブジェクトを使ったファイル複数投稿について前提・実現したいことグループチャットでファイルを複数投稿できる機能を実装したいと考えています。 |
2020-05-13 21:59:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
background-imageをランダム表示したい。 |
backgroundimageをランダム表示したい。 |
2020-05-13 21:58:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
一覧表示の行幅(行の高さ)を1行毎に変更したい |
一覧表示の行幅行の高さを行毎に変更したい利用しているライブラリSlickGrid前提・実現したいことSlickGridを利用し、Excelのように行毎に行幅行の高さを変更させたいです。 |
2020-05-13 21:57:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
白黒のグラデーションを描く |
左上のみ白右上左下、右下の隅が黒のグラデーションを作りたいです。 |
2020-05-13 21:57:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ncmb:リレーションの検索方法について |
ncmbリレーションの検索方法について実現させたい事classaのデータclassbのデータリレーションを見るとclaaaがリレーションとして登録されています。 |
2020-05-13 21:54:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform. |
2020-05-13 21:40:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Thread 1: signal SIGTERMが消えない |
2020-05-13 21:36:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1がうまくインストールできません。 |
tensorflowgpu が うまく インストール でき ませ ん 。 |
2020-05-13 21:22:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
youtube を使用したサイトに対してのgoogleからの要求メールについて |
youtubeを使用したサイトに対してのgoogleからの要求メールについて私が開発、運用しているyoutuenbspのAPIやリンクを使用しているサイトについてgoogleよりAPIClientprivateToSViolationReportVYouTubeAPIServicesDeveloperPoliciesViolationsthatrequiredimmediateresolutionなるメールが送付されてきた。 |
2020-05-13 21:15:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
本文中の画像URLを取り出したいです。 |
どなたか、詳しい方いらっしゃいましたら、よろしくお願いします。 |
2020-05-13 21:03:53 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
難解で簡潔なattr_accessorについてまとめてみた。 |
熟練者の人ほど、コードが簡潔という話をよく聞きますが、今回のattraccessorのように短いコード裏には、それに至るまでの背景が存在するので、駆け出しのうちは、こういった短いコードの背景を理解することに注力することが大事だなと感じました。 |
2020-05-13 21:30:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
本番環境でローカルで指定していたフォントが使用できない時の対処法 |
ローカル環境ではappassetsfontsの中にsoftttfを入れていたのだが本番環境だとassetsの下のjavascriptsimagesstylesheetsしか読みに行ってくれないみたい現時点ではこの認識なのでEC上でcpコマンドでローカルのfontsディレクトリの中のfontファイルをECにコピーしてくれば良いと考えターミナルでECにログインしてsshisshここにはAWSの鍵とユーザー名とIPアドレス自分のアプリにいきcpappassetsfontspublicassets本番環境ではpublicの下にassetsになるassets下にコピーして持ってきた。 |
2020-05-13 21:07:34 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
音声から顔画像を生成するwav2pixを実行してみる(アニメ顔生成もあるよ) |
2020-05-13 21:28:54 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【資格対策】AWS 認定ソリューションアーキテクト – アソシエイト |
実務でCLFは役に立たないからと言う人もいますが、であればCLFを取ってからSAAに合格して両方取ったと言ってやりましょう上記の通り、個人の自由なのでアソシエイト試験から受験しても良いと思いますが、未経験者の方には決して簡単な資格では無い事が伝わればと思います。 |
2020-05-13 21:05:56 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
音声から顔画像を生成するwav2pixを実行してみる(アニメ顔生成もあるよ) |
2020-05-13 21:28:54 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Webpackerを使用したRailsアプリケーションのHerokuデプロイが失敗する |
Webpackerを使用したRailsアプリケーションのHerokuデプロイが失敗する今月初めにデプロイしたときは大丈夫だったのに。 |
2020-05-13 21:12:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
May 13 — Daily CodeNewbie Check-in Thread |
May ーDaily CodeNewbie Check in ThreadYou are encouraged to use this daily thread to Ask for help all questions encouraged Explore topics you re curious aboutShare something you ve written or readCelebrate your winsStay accountable to your goalsSupport your fellow programmersHappy Coding Interested in joining the twice weekly live CodeNewbie Twitter chats You can find us on Twitter each Wednesday at pm ET am GMT on Thursday and Sunday at pm ET pm GMT |
2020-05-13 12:00:26 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to play Apple Music on Apple Watch |
How to play Apple Music on Apple WatchIf you ve got an active subscription to Apple Music you can play your favorite songs artists albums and playlists right on your Apple Watch Here s how |
2020-05-13 12:48:36 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple looking to add audio to Apple News+ |
articles |
2020-05-13 12:15:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Alphabet's balloon-powered Loon internet comes to Mozambique |
Alphabet x s balloon powered Loon internet comes to MozambiqueAlphabet has announced that Loon will soon provide its balloon powered G internet service to several regions in Mozambique The company has teamed with local carrier Vodacom to serve the Cabo Delgado and Niassa provinces two vast regions that curre |
2020-05-13 12:46:18 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
SteelSeries' Apple-compatible Nimbus+ controller has a 50-hour battery life |
SteelSeries x Apple compatible Nimbus controller has a hour battery lifeSteelSeries has officially launched the Nimbus a follow up to the original Nimbus wireless gaming controller for Apple devices It retains the original controller s looks with additional features that include clickable joysticks the capability to l |
2020-05-13 12:31:07 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache Software Foundation Announces the 10th Anniversary of Apache® HBase™ |
The Apache Software Foundation Announces the th Anniversary of ApacheHBaseOpen Source distributed scalable Big Data store celebrates a decade of processing zettabytes of data across highly scalable large tables for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem nbsp Wakefield MA ー May ー The Apache Software Foundation ASF the all volunteer developers stewards and incubators of more than Open Source projects and initiatives announced today the tenth Anniversary of Apache HBase the distributed scalable data store for the Apache Hadoop Big Data ecosystem quot The success of Apache HBase is the success of Open Source quot said Duo Zhang Vice President of Apache HBase quot Ten years after graduating as a TLP HBase is still among the most active projects at the ASF We have hundreds of contributors all around the world We speak different languages we have different skills but we all work together to make HBase better and better Ten year anniversary is not the end but a new beginning I believe our strong community will lead the project to a bright future quot HBase originated at Powerset in as an Open Source system to run on Apache Hadoop s Distributed File System HDFS similar to how BigTable ran on top of the Google File System In a significant code contribution was added to the Apache Hadoop codebase and was integrated into the Apache Hadoop release later that year Development on HBase continued as a sub project of Apache Hadoop and graduated as an Apache Top Level Project TLP in April An Open Source versioned non relational database Apache HBase provides low latency random access to very large tables ーbillions of rows and millions of columnsーatop clusters of non specialized commodity hardware HBase reads writes and processes structured semi structured and unstructured data in real time environments Apache HBase is in use at thousands of organizations including Adobe Airbnb Alibaba Bloomberg Flipkart Huawei HP Hubspot IBM Microsoft NetEase Pinterest Salesforce Shopee Tencent Twitter Xiaomi and Yahoo now Verizon Media among others Testimonials quot Congratulations on the th birthday of Apache HBase Alibaba started to use HBase since January and has witnessed its growth and come along with the community through the years The Apache HBase community has always been an open and powerful team that produced many stable production ready and widely used versions Today at Alibaba we have HBase clusters with more than k nodes serving hundreds of petabytes of data as well as nbsp more than enterprise HBase users on Alibaba Cloud We will continue collaborating with and contributing to the HBase community and wish us all ongoing success in future quot ーChunhui Shen and Yu Li members of the HBase team at Alibaba quot I have worked with Apache HBase for many years and I think it is a great product it does what it says on the tin so to speak Ironically if you look around the NoSQL competitors most of them are supported by start ups whereas HBase is only supported as part of Apache suite of products by vendors like Cloudera Hortonworks MapR etc For those who would prefer to use SQL on top there is Apache Phoenix around which makes life easier for the most SQL savvy world to work on HBase problem solved For TCO HBase is still value for money compared to others You don t need expensive RAM or SSD with HBase That makes it easy to onboard it in no time Also HBase can be used in a variety of different business applications whereas other commercial ones nbsp are focused on narrower niche markets Least but last happy th anniversary and hope HBase will go from strength to strength and we will keep using it for years to come quot ーDr Mich Talebzadeh Chief Data Architect Big Data quot Congratulations on the th anniversary of Apache HBase Xiaomi started to use HBase in when our business started booming Many key Xiaomi products and services as well as Xiaomi s data analytics platform require a new system to provide quick and random access to billions of rows of structured and semi structured data Traditional solutions are not able to handle the large volume of data brought by the quickly increasing Xiaomi user base Among several available options we choose HBase not only because it provides a rich set of features and excellent performance specs but also because it has a very active open and friendly community Embracing open source has been part of Xiaomi s engineering culture and our deep involvement in the development of Apache HBase demonstrates the best practices of Xiaomi s open source strategy In the past several years we have contributed tons of bug fixes and important features to HBase and in the meantime we have contributed committers and PMC members to the HBase community Looking forward we will continue to work closely with the Apache HBase community to help the project grow and we wish Apache HBase a wonderful future quot ーDr Baoqiu Cui Vice President of Xiaomi Corporation and Technical Committee Chairman“Congratulations on the th anniversary of Apache HBase it s great to see how the project has developed over the years and continues to have good community support around it Salesforce has a large global footprint of Apache HBase in production storing multiple petabytes of customer data and serving several billions of queries per day for a wide variety of use cases including security monitoring collaboration portals and performance caches to scale over RDBMS limitations HBase has played a major role in Salesforce s customer success in the BigData storage space and we continue to invest in it as one of the pillars of our multi substrate database strategy along with Apache Phoenix for SQL access to data stored in HBase We have contributed many features and bug fixes to HBase over the last several years and we look forward to continue working with the Apache HBase community to develop the project further Here s to many more successful years for Apache HBase ーSanjeev Lakshmanan Senior Director Software Development Salesforce“Happy th Apache HBase It was around years ago that we started looking at HBase to include as part of our Hosted Big Data Services stack Fast forward to today and it continues to be a critical offering in our stack powering a diverse set of use cases and workloads such as ad targeting content personalization analytics security monitoring etc HBase enables these diverse workloads thanks to it s high scalability feature set and performance all of which have been continuously refined through the years In turn our footprint continues to grow storing petabytes of data across thousands of machines Our success is in part thanks to the project s success as we benefit from our collaborations the contributions and other efforts by the community eg mailing list meetups HBaseCon etc This is a testament to the open friendly and dedicated community around Apache HBase which is necessary for the success of any open source project We wish the project continued success for years to come as we continue to collaborate with and be part of the community cultivating the project ーFrancis Liu and Thiruvel Thirumoolan nbsp HBase Big Data Team Members Yahoo now Verizon Media “Congratulations on the th anniversary of Apache HBase It s great to see how this project has evolved from a big data project to one that runs business critical systems and continues to accelerate with a growing community and increasing pace of development Cloudera has over customers in production using it for a range of use cases ranging from mission critical transactional applications to supporting data warehousing Our largest customers have footprints in excess of nodes storing over PB of data Our customers choose HBase because of its resilience with some customers able to realize application uptime using HBase over the past years We plan to continue to invest in HBase and Apache Phoenix to ensure that we can continue to both broaden support for a variety of hybrid transactional and analytical use cases and deepen support for existing use cases Here s to many more successful years quot ーArun C Murthy Chief Product Officer Cloudera“Many Congratulations to the Apache HBase community on the th anniversary Apache HBase provides rich functions and excellent performance and has an open and friendly community Huawei started using HBase since HBase is widely used by multiple solutions of Huawei running on more than nodes storing hundreds of PBs data to meet our requirements Huawei FusionInsight provides the Best Practices of Huawei for HBase which serves a lot of customers across many industries such as finance operators government energy medical manufacturing and transportation Meanwhile Huawei team members contributed a lot of bug fixes and features to HBase successfully hosted the first HBase Asia Technology Conference HBaseCon Asia at Shenzhen Going forward Huawei will continue to work closely with the Apache HBase community to promote community development ーWei Zhi Kai Mo and Pankaj Kumar members of the HBase team at Huawei“Happy th anniversary HBase At Ultra Tendency you have been the backbone of our Dual Lambda Streaming Architecture for many years You have served billions of queries to our customers without interruption and at low latency Your architecture guaranteed that you were always there when we needed you never letting us or our customers down You are the reason why our European clients today are running flourishing new business models backed by low latency streaming products Our committers and contributors will continue to fix bugs and provide feature enhancements Ultra Tendency wishes you a bright and successful future ーJan Hentschel Chief Information Officer Ultra Tendency“Congratulations on the th anniversary of Apache HBase I can t believe it s been years since the first day when I tried to use Apache HBase and its ecosystem to help the business and company Also it is so great to see many colleagues and friends work discuss cooperate together to make this system become better Some of them also make great career development and some are still progress Shopee one of the biggest e commerce platforms in Southeast Asia has several large Apache HBase clusters in production to support businesses that depend on several billions of queries per day Apache HBase has played a significant role in Shopee and it is still in expansion along with the business growth of Shopee Apache HBase as well as the community helps us a lot and we also will continue to make contributions to Apache HBase Looking forward to keeping working with the Apache HBase community to develop the project and its ecosystem further ーLi Luo Manager of Data Infra department Shopee At Microsoft our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more and it s this mission that drives our commitment to open source Congratulations to the Apache HBase community on its th anniversary Microsoft has been part of the vibrant HBase community since today we are proud to serve the numerous enterprise customers across industries who are leveraging HBase in Azure HDInsight for their most critical business applications ーTomas Talius Director of Engineering Azure Data Services MicrosoftAvailability and OversightApache HBase software is released under the Apache License v and is overseen by a self selected team of active contributors to the project A Project Management Committee PMC guides the Project s day to day operations including community development and product releases For downloads documentation and ways to become involved with Apache HBase visit nbsp and nbsp About The Apache Software Foundation ASF Established in The Apache Software Foundation ASF is the world s largest Open Source foundation stewarding M lines of code and providing more than B worth of software to the public at no cost The ASF s all volunteer community grew from original founders overseeing the Apache HTTP Server to individual Members and Project Management Committees who successfully lead Apache projects and initiatives in collaboration with Committers through the ASF s meritocratic process known as quot The Apache Way quot Apache software is integral to nearly every end user computing device from laptops to tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and mission critical applications Apache projects power most of the Internet manage exabytes of data execute teraflops of operations and store billions of objects in virtually every industry The commercially friendly and permissive Apache License v is an Open Source industry standard helping launch billion dollar corporations and benefiting countless users worldwide The ASF is a US c not for profit charitable organization funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors including Aetna Alibaba Cloud Computing Amazon Web Services Anonymous ARM Baidu Bloomberg Budget Direct Capital One CarGurus Cerner Cloudera Comcast Facebook Google Handshake Huawei IBM Indeed Inspur Leaseweb Microsoft ODPi Pineapple Fund Private Internet Access Red Hat Target Tencent Union Investment Verizon Media and Workday For more information visit nbsp and nbsp The Apache Software Foundation quot Apache quot quot HBase quot quot Apache HBase quot quot Hadoop quot quot Apache Hadoop quot and quot ApacheCon quot are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and or other countries All other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners |
2020-05-13 13:00:09 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Live Coronavirus News and Updates |
Live Coronavirus News and UpdatesMillions more U S residents left their homes this week according to a Times analysis of cellphone data The stay at home order in L A could last into July Dr Anthony Fauci said reopening too soon risked a new runaway outbreak |
2020-05-13 12:14:41 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応について |
新型コロナウイルス |
2020-05-13 13:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
A tale of two Japanese drugs in tests to fight COVID-19 |
avigan |
2020-05-13 22:17:53 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Traders are rewriting strategies for post-epidemic Asia stocks |
Traders are rewriting strategies for post epidemic Asia stocksAs it becomes increasingly clear that the coronavirus pandemic will have social and economic effects that outlast personnel lockdowns market participants are re drawing their long term |
2020-05-13 21:40:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
$460 billion Japan fund hunts for bargains in emerging bonds |
billion Japan fund hunts for bargains in emerging bondsBonds from countries such as Mexico with its multifaceted economy and competitive industries offer higher rates of return as yields from more developed economies fall |
2020-05-13 21:35:44 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Arizona governor opens door for pro sports to return to state |
Arizona governor opens door for pro sports to return to stateArizona Gov Doug Ducey has opened the door for professional sports to return to the state Ducey said on Tuesday that professional sports including MLB NBA |
2020-05-13 21:13:15 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Serena, Venus Williams offer fans yoga tips during online session |
Serena Venus Williams offer fans yoga tips during online sessionSerena Williams is looking forward to getting back to competing when the coronavirus pandemic permits it in part because she s feeling better than ever Her older |
2020-05-13 21:07:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns of 'significant recession' |
economy |
2020-05-13 12:51:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Some return to work as lockdown eases slightly in England |
public |
2020-05-13 12:44:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Three-day-old baby died after mother's positive test |
covid |
2020-05-13 12:16:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Cyber-attacks hit hospital construction companies |
yorkshire |
2020-05-13 12:00:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Images as England eases lockdown rules |
england |
2020-05-13 12:25:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Some anxieties over return, says England's Buttler |
buttler |
2020-05-13 12:04:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: How lockdown is being lifted across Europe |
countries |
2020-05-13 12:33:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
シスメックス(6869)、18期連続の「増配」を達成し、 “連続増配ランキング”第9位に! 配当利回りは0.9%と 低めでも、配当額は18年で25倍の「1株あたり72円」に - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
シスメックス、期連続の「増配」を達成し、“連続増配ランキング第位に配当利回りはと低めでも、配当額は年で倍の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュースシスメックスが期連続となる「増配」を達成して、年間配当は年で倍にシスメックスは、年月期の配当を前期比で「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」と発表した。 |
2020-05-13 21:50:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
旭川ラーメン やまざき しお篇 |
合わせみそ |
2020-05-13 13:16:45 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ニュージーランド、非常事態解除 新型コロナの感染抑制進む |
非常事態 |
2020-05-13 21:42:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
持続化給付金の申請サポート会場 14日、札幌に開設 経産省 |
中小企業 |
2020-05-13 21:38:44 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大型クレーン倒れ男性死亡、大分 機械メーカーの工場内で |
大分市日吉原 |
2020-05-13 21:29:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
スバル、600億円の融資要請 コロナ長期化備えみずほ銀などに |
subaru |
2020-05-13 21:25:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
介護施設で死亡全体の14% 新型コロナ、共同通信自治体調査 |
介護施設 |
2020-05-13 21:25:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
愛媛新聞が偽サイト確認 個人情報不正取得に注意呼び掛け |
online |
2020-05-13 21:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
首相が14日夕に記者会見 緊急事態の一部解除表明へ |
記者会見 |
2020-05-13 21:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
児相来所者対応は全て正規職員で 神戸の小6門前払いの再発防止策 |
児童相談所 |
2020-05-13 21:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
航空自衛隊の輸送機を国連登録へ 政府、PKO参加拡大狙う |
航空自衛隊 |
2020-05-13 21:06:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
弁護⼠ドットコムが LayerX と業務提携、クラウドサインと共同で⼤企業・⾏政機関のDXを推進 |
layerx |
2020-05-13 21:37:53 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
東京海上日動・ディーカレット、ブロックチェーン技術を利用した保険契約における業務プロセスの自動化に関する実証実験を実施 |
保険契約 |
2020-05-13 21:32:40 |