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AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Train ALBERT for natural language processing with TensorFlow on Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/train-albert-for-natural-language-processing-with-tensorflow-on-amazon-sagemaker/ Train ALBERT for natural language processing with TensorFlow on Amazon SageMakerAt re Invent AWS nbsp shared nbsp the fastest training times on the cloud for two popular machine learning ML models BERT natural language processing and Mask RCNN object detection To train BERT in hour we efficiently scaled out to NVIDIA V GPUs by improving the underlying infrastructure network and ML framework nbsp Today we re open sourcing the optimized training code nbsp for … 2020-05-27 16:00:22
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 筑波大学の機械学習講座:課題のPythonスクリプト部分を作りながらsklearnを勉強する (7) 最急降下法を自作 https://qiita.com/legacyworld/items/bdbb0cbdc5b9b33fd1eb 筑波大学の機械学習講座課題のPythonスクリプト部分を作りながらsklearnを勉強する最急降下法を自作前回筑波大学の機械学習講座課題のPythonスクリプト部分を作りながらsklearnを勉強する課題最急降下法と確率的最急降下法解説は第回分あたり課題を読んだときは楽勝と思ったのだが、解説を見てみるとscikitlearnそのままでは無理だった多分理由としてはステップで動いていく毎にLossを表示するグラフを書く方法が見当たらなかったからである。 2020-05-28 01:30:07
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python]イテラブル、イテレーター、ジェネレーターをざっくり理解する https://qiita.com/KazukiTerashima/items/d3ca8f10cd5a302d62d8 簡単に言うとfor構文で使えるものイテレーターIteratorイテレーターは、イテラブルの一種イテラブルは、イテレーターとは限らない簡単に言うとリストみたいなものnextで現在の要素を返し、次の要素に進めます簡単に言うとリストみたいなものから空になるまで取り出していくジェネレーターGenerator関数中にyield返り値があると、その関数をジェネレーター関数と呼ぶ。 2020-05-28 01:05:37
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vue.jsでつくったサイトにfirebaseでユーザ認証してこっそり人の顔年齢を試して遊ぶ https://qiita.com/3yaka4/items/1e10b62f778422e4d85f Vuejsでつくったサイトにfirebaseでユーザ認証してこっそり人の顔年齢を試して遊ぶ概要Vuejsで作ったサイトをFirebaseにユーザー認証をお願いして、ログインしないと入れないページにして、人の顔年齢ComputerVisionAPIで遊んで、freenomとNetlifyで独自ドメインで公開するできたもの写真を入れると年齢をかえしてくれます。 2020-05-28 01:07:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Redux Toolkit で useDispatch が実行できません | React Hooks + Redux Toolkit + TypeScript https://teratail.com/questions/265448?rss=all ReduxToolkitでuseDispatchが実行できませんReactHooksReduxToolkitTypeScript前提・実現したいことReactnbspnbspTypeScriptにてSPAを作っており、ReactnbspHooksとReduxnbspToolkitで状態管理を行っています。 2020-05-28 01:46:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) cocoapodsでpod installした時のエラー https://teratail.com/questions/265447?rss=all cocoapodsでpodinstallした時のエラー前提・実現したいことプログラミング始めて一ヶ月足らずの初心者です。 2020-05-28 01:32:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravelでmampのphpmyadminへの接続方法 https://teratail.com/questions/265446?rss=all laravelでmampのphpmyadminへの接続方法laravelにてmampのphpmyadminへ接続をしてデータベースを作成したい。 2020-05-28 01:32:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) fontをWEBサイトで埋め込みの際のライセンス『GPLとOFLが両方記載されている場合』 https://teratail.com/questions/265445?rss=all 込み 2020-05-28 01:13:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) scala,playframeworkでデータベースアクセスの際のエラー発生(object db is not a member of package play.api) https://teratail.com/questions/265444?rss=all scalaplayframeworkでデータベースアクセスの際のエラー発生objectdbisnotamemberofpackageplayapiscalaplayframeworkを学習している初学者です。 2020-05-28 01:11:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) before要素にも色を指定したい https://teratail.com/questions/265443?rss=all 様々な色を利用するため、吹き出しの色を別のクラスで指定したく、以下のようなコードを作成しました所、せりふの入る部分は色の指定ができたのですが、before要素内の、border要素で作成した三角には色が継承されません。 2020-05-28 01:11:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Redux + TypeScript でのredux-localstorage利用方法について https://teratail.com/questions/265442?rss=all ReduxTypeScriptでのreduxlocalstorage利用方法について現象ReactnbspnbspTypeScriptにてlocalstrageを利用したいのですが実装方法が分からずで困っています。 2020-05-28 01:10:21
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby カラオケマシン問題 解いてみた(解答例あり) https://qiita.com/u_nayama/items/6009dcfe148e15ad9e1b CDEFEDCEFGAGFECCCCCCDDEEFFEDC実行例はこんな感じになります。 2020-05-28 01:27:11
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker Desktopインストール後WSL2でもつまずいたのでメモ https://qiita.com/On-You/items/0e51e8daab3ff4feca02 なんでWSLの設定やらなんやらしないといけないわけで、こっちも公式MicroSoftの手順に従ってやったWindows用WSLのインストールガイド手順をもらうと分かるが、MicroSoftStoreからお好きなLinuxディストリビューションをインストールすることになっている。 2020-05-28 01:49:05
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Wake on LAN用のPythonスクリプトを作成する(NAT超えWake on LAN[5]) https://qiita.com/jjjkkkjjj/items/afa4fe637e2c6dae3ecf WakeonLAN用のPythonスクリプトを作成するNAT超えWakeonLANはじめに前回の続きですとりあえずやりたいことはこんなんです今回は遂に「WakeonLAN用のPythonスクリプトを作成する」ですGCPとMyDNSを使ってドメインを取得するGCPにSoftetherServerを立てるiPhoneラズパイから接続GCP上のApacheからローカルのラズパイApacheにリバースプロキシするラズパイをルーター化するWakeonLAN用のPythonスクリプトを作成するDesktopPCの設定前提UbuntuですまずはWakeonLANが実行できるように設定します固定IPの割り当てsudovietcnetplanyaml以下を記入しますetcnetplanyamlLetNetworkManagermanagealldevicesonthissystemnetworkversionrendererNetworkManagerethernetsenodhcpnowakeonlantrueenablewakeonlanaddressesassignarbitraryaddressgatewayyourrouterraspisaddressnameserversaddressesgooglespublicdns再起動しますsudonetplanapplysudorebootwakeonlanが有効になっているか確認するためにethtoolをインストールしますsudoaptgetinstallyethtoolEthernetの名前をメモしますついでにIPが固定されているか確認しますipaloltLOOPBACKUPLOWERUPgtmtuqdiscnoqueuestateUNKNOWNgroupdefaultqlenlinkloopbackbrdinetscopehostlovalidlftforeverpreferredlftforeverinetscopehostvalidlftforeverpreferredlftforeverenoltltltltcopyltltltltltBROADCASTMULTICASTUPLOWERUPgtmtuqdiscfqcodelstateUPgroupdefaultqlenlinketherbrdffffffffffffinetbrdscopeglobalnoprefixrouteenovalidlftforeverpreferredlftforeverinetfedfffedscopelinkvalidlftforeverpreferredlftforeverWakeonLANが有効になっているか確認しますWakeongになっていればOKですsudoethtoolenoSupportsWakeonpumbgWakeongifitsdyourwakeonlansettingmaybewrongBIOSの設定省略します起動される側のPCのWOL設定BIOSUEFIの設定wo参考にしてください確認ラズパイでipaを確認してDesktopに繋いでいるEthernetにipが割り当てられていればOKですUPLOWERUPになっている必要がありますありがとうtelcomMipaethltBROADCASTMULTICASTUPLOWERUPgtmtuqdiscpfifofaststateUPgroupdefaultqlenlinketherbrdffffffffffffinetbrdscopeglobalnoprefixrouteethvalidlftforeverpreferredlftforeverinetfefadeeaescopelinkvalidlftforeverpreferredlftforever確認wakeonlanをインストールし起動できるか確認ラズパイにwakeonlanをインストールしますsudoaptinstallwakeonlanwakeonlanipこれで起動できればOKですmodwsgiまずPythonスクリプトをApacheで動かすことができるmodwsgiと諸々をインストールしますsudoaptinstallpythondevpythonpipapachelibapachemodwsgipysudoaptgetyinstallpythonipythonpythonflaskcurlPythonスクリプト作成とりあえず動くPythonスクリプトを作成します今回はFlaskを用いますcdmkdirflaskampampcdflaskviapppyflaskapppyfromflaskimportFlaskappFlasknameapproutedefhelloworldreturnThisisvpnserverforwakeonlannnifnamemainapprunhostportとりあえずmodwsgiが動くか確認しますpythonapppycurlhttplocalhost別タブでThisisvpnserverforwakeonlanThisisvpnserverforwakeonlanと出ればOKですApacheとmodwsgiの設定新たにflask用の設定ファイルを作成しますsudovietcapachesitesavailableflaskconf今回はGCPからポートにリダイレクトされるようにしているので以下のように記入しますetcapachesitesavailableflaskconfltVirtualHostgtServerNamekadoexamplecomWSGIDaemonProcessflaskuserusernamegroupusernamethreadsWSGIScriptAliashomeusernameflaskadapterwsgiltDirectoryhomeusernameflaskgtWSGIProcessGroupflaskWSGIApplicationGroupGLOBALWSGIScriptReloadingOnRequireallgrantedltDirectorygtltVirtualHostgtflaskconfを有効化しますsudoadissitedefaultconfsudoaensiteflaskconfsudoserviceapacherestartadapterwsgiファイルを作成しますviflaskadapterwsgiflaskadapterwsgiimportsysifsysversioninfoltrequirepythonraiseExceptionPythonrequiredCurrentwrongversionssysversioninfosyspathinserthomekadorpiflaskfromappimportappasapplicationltappmeansappofapppyApacheを再起動しますsudoserviceapacherestart動いているか確認しますcurllocalhostThisisvpnserverforwakeonlanこれでPythonスクリプトがApache上で動くようになりましたLinebot用のWakeonLANスクリプト作成ここまできたら後少しですLineからGCPにHTTPリクエストを送り受け取ったリクエストをラズパイのポートにリダイレクトしますそしてラズパイで受け取ったリクエストをPythonで処理しますまずLineDeveloperにアカウントを登録します次にChannelを作成しますChannelSecretを発行しメモしますChannelAccessTokenを発行しメモしますResponsesettingsからAutoreplyなどを適宜設定しますMessageAPIからWebhookURLを入力します今回はhttpsdomainnamewakeonlanとしますこれでLINEBotの設定は終わりですmodwsgiの再設定環境変数として先ほどメモしたChannelSecretとChannelAccessTokenを設定しますviflaskadapterwsgi以下を追記しますflaskadapterwsgiimportososenvironLINECHANNELSECRETfugaosenvironLINECHANNELACCESSTOKENhogehogePythonスクリプト必要なモジュールをインストールしますpipinstalllinebotsdkflaskpythonコードは以下のようにしますimportossysfromflaskimportFlaskrequestabortappFlasknamefromlinebotimportLineBotApiWebhookHandlerfromlinebotexceptionsimportInvalidSignatureErrorfromlinebotmodelsimportTextMessageTextSendMessageMessageEventgetchannelsecretandchannelaccesstokenfromyourenvironmentvariablechannelsecretosgetenvLINECHANNELSECRETNonechannelaccesstokenosgetenvLINECHANNELACCESSTOKENNoneifchannelsecretisNoneprintSpecifyLINECHANNELSECRETasenvironmentvariablesysexitifchannelaccesstokenisNoneprintSpecifyLINECHANNELACCESSTOKENasenvironmentvariablesysexitlinebotapiLineBotApichannelaccesstokenhandlerWebhookHandlerchannelsecretapproutedefshowwebreturnThisisvpnserverforwakeonlannnapproutewakeonlanmethodsPOSTdefwakeonlangetXLineSignatureheadervaluesignaturerequestheadersXLineSignaturegetrequestbodyastextbodyrequestgetdataastextTrueapploggerinfoRequestbodybodyhandlewebhookbodytryhandlerhandlebodysignatureexceptInvalidSignatureErrorabortreturnokhandleraddMessageEventmessageTextMessagedefhandlemessageeventmessageeventmessagetextrepliesifrecompileschecksreIGNORECASEsearchmessageresultconfirmrepliesTextSendMessageresultelifrecompileskicksreIGNORECASEsearchmessageifconfirmAwakerepliesTextSendMessageAlreadyawakeelseresultkickrepliesTextSendMessageresultbuttonstemplateButtonsTemplatetitleusagetextTapbelowbuttonsactionsMessageActionlabelmtextmforminmessagelisttemplatemessageTemplateSendMessagealttextUsagetemplatebuttonstemplaterepliestemplatemessagelinebotapireplymessageeventreplytokenrepliesdefconfirmhostnameresponseossystempingchostnameandthenchecktheresponseifresponsepingstatusAwakeelsepingstatusSleepingreturnpingstatusdefkickssocketsocketsocketAFINETsocketSOCKDGRAMssetsockoptsocketSOLSOCKETsocketSOBROADCASTssendtobxFFbxxxxxxsclosereturnkickedifnamemainapprunhostport少し説明を入れるとまず以下でLINE用のChannelSecretとChannelAccessTokenを読み込みますgetchannelsecretandchannelaccesstokenfromyourenvironmentvariablechannelsecretosgetenvLINECHANNELSECRETNonechannelaccesstokenosgetenvLINECHANNELACCESSTOKENNoneifchannelsecretisNoneprintSpecifyLINECHANNELSECRETasenvironmentvariablesysexitifchannelaccesstokenisNoneprintSpecifyLINECHANNELACCESSTOKENasenvironmentvariablesysexitlinebotapiLineBotApichannelaccesstokenhandlerWebhookHandlerchannelsecret以下はWeb表示用に一応加えましたapproutedefshowwebreturnThisisvpnserverforwakeonlannnここに上記で設定したWebhookのリクエスト処理を書きますapproutewakeonlanmethodsPOSTdefwakeonlangetXLineSignatureheadervaluesignaturerequestheadersXLineSignaturegetrequestbodyastextbodyrequestgetdataastextTrueapploggerinfoRequestbodybodyhandlewebhookbodytryhandlerhandlebodysignatureexceptInvalidSignatureErrorabortreturnokそして最後にメッセージでkickが来たらMagicPacketの送信checkが来たらPingで起動できているかを確認する処理をここで書いていますhandleraddMessageEventmessageTextMessagedefhandlemessageeventmessageeventmessagetextrepliesifrecompileschecksreIGNORECASEsearchmessageresultconfirmrepliesTextSendMessageresultelifrecompileskicksreIGNORECASEsearchmessageifconfirmAwakerepliesTextSendMessageAlreadyawakeelseresultkickrepliesTextSendMessageresultbuttonstemplateButtonsTemplatetitleusagetextTapbelowbuttonsactionsMessageActionlabelmtextmforminmessagelisttemplatemessageTemplateSendMessagealttextUsagetemplatebuttonstemplaterepliestemplatemessagelinebotapireplymessageeventreplytokenrepliesdefconfirmhostnameresponseossystempingchostnameandthenchecktheresponseifresponsepingstatusAwakeelsepingstatusSleepingreturnpingstatusdefkickssocketsocketsocketAFINETsocketSOCKDGRAMssetsockoptsocketSOLSOCKETsocketSOBROADCASTssendtobxFFbxxxxxxsclosereturnkickedApacheを再起動しますsudoserviceapacherestartおわり後半疲れてだれてしまいましたさらに備忘録的に書いているのでわかりづらいかもしれませんとりあえず全部書けたので良かったです。 2020-05-28 01:14:58
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita github static page作成 https://qiita.com/zomggang/items/51d1fae675d703eb4a9a githubstaticpage作成makesbranchghpagesuser名githubiorepository名でつながる私は最初にrepository設定はprivateにしたので、エラーが出たのように、ソースをrebuildした後にpushしたら直るらしい。 2020-05-28 01:41:51
海外TECH Ars Technica Tracing the trajectory of a 66 million-year-old asteroid impact https://arstechnica.com/?p=1679081 scenario 2020-05-27 16:33:41
海外TECH Ars Technica Samsung copies the Apple Card, announces “Samsung Money” https://arstechnica.com/?p=1679070 account 2020-05-27 16:17:45
海外TECH DEV Community Why We Buy Domain Names (and what to do about it) https://dev.to/chrisachard/why-we-buy-domain-names-and-what-to-do-about-it-4hl6 Why We Buy Domain Names and what to do about it This post was originally published on  You have an idea It s an AMAZING idea You think of a domain name It s an AMAZING domain name and it s AVAILABLE Your mind starts racing This is it I can make this and turn it into something awesome I can see exactly what it would look like in my head it s going to be so cool I d better snap up that domain name before someone else does Hm I guess I d better register the twitter instagram and youtube accounts too So you buy it You have the domain name the twitter account a shiny new email address and then three months later you ve done exactly nothing on the project ‍ ️So the name gets put on the pile of other names a graveyard of projects that you ll get to eventually It sits in a list of old ideas tormenting you until it expires UGH WHY Why do we do this to ourselves And perhaps more importantly what can we do to stop the cycle Loss AversionThe sharpest pain we feel is loss aversion If you don t buy this domain name RIGHT NOW then someone else will They will steal your amazing idea and then they will get all the credit and then you ll be forced to get a stupid name instead and then the project will never reach its true potential We feel like once we ve found a good name it s OURS even before we ve bought it and if someone else buys it first then they ve taken something of ours It s even worse when we start imagining our amazing project or company that will live at that domain name We start to imagine the success of a project before we ve done any work on it and of course the domain name is the first step in that project s journey right So if we lose the domain name then we ve lost that entire great future as well What do do about itFirst just because YOU are on the verge of buying it doesn t mean that anyone else is You can wait a week it s ok the domain name will probably still be there in a week Second realize that just because you thought of it first doesn t mean it s yours You re imagining what the name WILL mean in the future and not recognizing it for what it is right now a commodity that anyone can buy or sell Lastly understand what is happening in your brain You re becoming attached to something you THINK is going to happen Instead try to remind yourself of all the work that would be ahead of you to make that a reality and that future isn t yours yet Good domains are hard to findThe reason we feel loss aversion so strongly is because it s really hard to find a good domain name Aren t they all taken already So when we find a short pronounceable name that perfectly describes the project of course we re going to feel attached to it We ve already spent so much time thinking up a good name for it There are at least two ways that thinking is twisted though Sunk cost fallacy just because you ve spent a lot of time finding a good name doesn t mean it s ACTUALLY a good name or that it s the best name for your project or even that the project is actually a good idea in the first place Good domain names are everywhere it FEELS like good names are in short supply but there hundreds of TLDs and millions of word combinations that are undiscovered What to do about itRemind yourself that there are THOUSANDS of domain names that expire every single day Every single one of those was bought by someone who thought it was a good idea but then a year two years years later they let the domain go Do you want to be one of those expired names Also remember that com isn t the only option TONS of great companies have been built on co io app and now there are s more to choose from People don t really type in domain names now anyway they search for it or click a link from somewhere Short term dopamine hitBuying a domain name FEELS good It feels like progress Buying a domain name is fun more fun than the actual work of making the thing so that s what we do first Once we give a name to a project it feels real feels like we ve done the first step on a great journey What we re really doing is giving our brain a quick hit of dopamine the same quick hit you get when you impulse buy something in the checkout line at a store We re not making progress on the real substance of the project but instead just doing all the ancillary things that we want to do to make us feel good about starting This isn t a fake feeling by the way it s a real chemical reaction in our brains that makes us feel amazing but it s misleading It will lead you down the wrong road What to do about itThe most important thing to do is recognize it for what it is a short term hit that will make you feel good for a minute until the reality of the project sets in Just realizing that isn t enough though we have to train our brains to ignore or delay that impulse Try this exercise WARNING this is dangerous Go to and search for a common short word like nice Now LOOK AT ALL THOSE GOOD DOMAIN NAMES I personally like NiceZap com and NiceDigest com Here s the hard part DON T BUY ANY Congrats you ve just trained your brain a little bit to look at some good names and then not buy them Also if you do this enough you ll realize that there are HUNDREDS of good domain names still available Names aren t really in short supply that s just an illusion So what should you do You still want to start cool new projects so what are you supposed to do just NOT buy that cool domain name you ve found Here are the three ways I see it Create one unified brand name for all your side projectsA lot of people use myname com which is pretty good and has the benefit that you can launch myname com cool project even if cool project already exists in the world If you have a single broad name for all your projects you get several benefits You don t have to register new names twitter accounts emails for every single project you start Time savings You ll save money on domain namesYou don t get the dopamine hit from finding a good name and registering it instead you re forced to actually work ON the project If a project does take off and you want to peel it off in the future nothing is stopping you Just wait until after there is real forward progress Wait days before buying any new nameMaybe you REALLY want that name though ok ok but just wait a bit until you buy it It will almost certainly be available in a week so wait a week and then ask Do I still really want this I ll bet for more than half of those domain names you won t really care a week later There are two big downsides to this approach though First what if someone DOES buy the name Well they probably won t But you do have to be ready for that so figure out how you re going to feel about that NOW and try accept that feeling before it happens That way if you don t get the domain you ll be ready for it but if you DO get it then you can be super excited Second it can limit your forward progress if you let it If you think that setting up a website is the first step to complete a project then delaying that will delay the project RIGHT The remedy for that is to realize that setting up a domain name should NOT be the first step in a project There is SO MUCH WORK that has to be done for any project and a domain name isn t need until a ways down the line Say Screw It and buy the domain name anywayOk so this may be counter productive in a post that is trying to help break a habit but sometimes buying that domain name is ok It can be a cheap way to get a dopamine hit and they usually don t cost that much So give yourself some slack But there are a few things that you ll have to accept You ll have to stare a list of domains that you aren t using and then let them expire when you re done with them That part can hurt They renew every year so that can reallllly add up Recurring charges are dangerous Mental overhead How many projects are you still thinking about starting from years ago that you haven t gotten around to yet That can be really distracting Make awesome thingsWhether you choose to keep buying domain names or not I think it s great that the urge to create drives us Figure out if you can make peace with your growing list of unused domain names or if you should use some of the tactics here to try to prevent the purchase in the first place Try to be kind to yourself though it s hard to change your behavior And keeping making awesome things    Like this post Get one startup tip every weekday in a free newsletter 2020-05-27 16:15:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Compared: Dell XPS 15 and XPS 17 versus Apple's 16-inch MacBook Pro https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/05/27/compared-dell-s-xps-15-and-xps-17-versus-apples-16-inch-macbook-pro Compared Dell XPS and XPS versus Apple x s inch MacBook ProDell s new XPS and XPS lines are a direct competitor to Apple s inch MacBook Pro but are the rival notebooks any match for Apple s top of the range model On paper it could be too close to call 2020-05-27 16:21:42
海外TECH Engadget Pokémon Go Fest 2020 is a stay-at-home event starting July 25th https://www.engadget.com/pokemon-go-fest-2020-online-165204059.html Pokémon Go Fest is a stay at home event starting July thEach summer since app developer Niantic has hosted the Pokémon GO Fest in select cities across the globe The event incorporates Pokémon themed installations and activities in large parks and helps thousands of players connect in real life Du 2020-05-27 16:52:04
海外TECH Engadget Ford disinfects police cruisers by 'roasting' them https://www.engadget.com/ford-police-vehicles-heat-disinfect-coronavirus-164033329.html Ford disinfects police cruisers by x roasting x themTo help keep police safe from the coronavirus Ford is introducing a new way to disinfect police cruisers The company has developed software that cranks the heat in its Police Interceptor Utility vehicles until the temperature inside reaches deg 2020-05-27 16:40:33
海外TECH Engadget Facebook's latest experiment is a collaborative music video creation app https://www.engadget.com/facebook-collab-beta-ios-now-available-162628402.html Facebook x s latest experiment is a collaborative music video creation appFacebook is no stranger to releasing experimental apps but Collab the latest effort from its NPE team may end up its most creative yet The software allows you to create a clip of original music and then add up to two other community created compo 2020-05-27 16:26:28
海外TECH Engadget Sony may reveal a first crop of PS5 games on June 3rd https://www.engadget.com/sony-ps5-game-reveal-event-report-160948704.html Sony may reveal a first crop of PS games on June rdIt appears Sony is preparing to offer its first proper look at PS games on June rd according to Bloomberg However that date isn t set in stone Plans have reportedly “been in flux owing in part to the COVID pandemic so you might need to wa 2020-05-27 16:09:48
海外科学 NYT > Science Live SpaceX Launch: Latest Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/science/spacex-launch-nasa.html dragon 2020-05-27 16:59:46
海外科学 NYT > Science How SpaceX Got to Launch NASA's Astronauts to Orbit https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/26/science/spacex-launch-nasa.html successful 2020-05-27 16:43:42
海外科学 NYT > Science Meet Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, SpaceX’s First NASA Astronauts https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/science/bob-behnken-doug-hurley.html astronautsthey 2020-05-27 16:36:58
海外科学 NYT > Science Elon Musk’s SpaceX Suit Is Like a Tuxedo for the Starship Enterprise https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/fashion/SpaceX-Dragon-Suits.html wearable 2020-05-27 16:23:23
海外科学 NYT > Science Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Death Toll Approaches 100,000 as Cases Climb https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/us/coronavirus-live-updates.html Coronavirus Live Updates U S Death Toll Approaches as Cases ClimbThe national death toll is expected to reach soon Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said she will direct public school districts to share a portion of federal aid with private schools regardless of income 2020-05-27 16:58:44
海外科学 NYT > Science Coronavirus Live: World Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/world/coronavirus-news.html fears 2020-05-27 16:51:16
海外科学 NYT > Science SpaceX Astronaut Launch: How and When to Watch Today https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/science/what-time-is-spacex-launch.html space 2020-05-27 16:37:16
海外TECH WIRED Twitter Finally Fact Checked Trump. It's a Bit of a Mess https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-fact-checked-trump-tweets-mail-in-ballots disinformation 2020-05-27 16:21:54
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 5月診療分の報酬を概算前払いへ、厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20200528011238 医療機関 2020-05-28 02:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「業界団体との意見交換会において金融庁が提起した主な論点」を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/ronten/index_4.html 意見交換会 2020-05-27 17:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan’s new virus contact-tracing app promises privacy in bid for reach https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/27/national/japans-coronavirus-contact-tracing-app-privacy/ japan 2020-05-28 02:43:44
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Four Minneapolis officers fired after death of arrested black man https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/27/world/crime-legal-world/minneapolis-officers-fired-after-black-man-dies/ Four Minneapolis officers fired after death of arrested black manTo the general American public the video of a white police officer pressing his knee into the neck of a shirtless black man prone on 2020-05-28 01:09:14
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Yusei Nakanishi gets new shikona, but what’s in a ring name? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/05/27/sumo/yusei-nakanishi-gets-new-shikona-whats-ring-name/ Yusei Nakanishi gets new shikona but what s in a ring name Ring name changes are not unusual and regularly happen upon significant promotions or as a way of changing luck after a string of bad results 2020-05-28 02:10:56
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Nagano and Ishikawa high school baseball coaches tout special anti-virus masks to get game going again https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/05/27/baseball/japanese-baseball/nagano-ishikawa-high-school-baseball-coaches-tout-special-anti-virus-masks-get-game-going/ Nagano and Ishikawa high school baseball coaches tout special anti virus masks to get game going againLocal baseball federation to hand out masks made of washable antimicrobial fabric that are more breathable 2020-05-28 02:05:33
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles New Zealand’s teams will stick to old rules for Super Rugby tournament https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/05/27/rugby/new-zealands-teams-will-stick-old-rules-super-rugby-tournament/ New Zealand s teams will stick to old rules for Super Rugby tournamentNew Zealand s domestic Super Rugby tournament will be played under traditional rules when it begins next month not amended laws being considered by World Rugby 2020-05-28 01:53:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Rebooting Japan’s movie business, one theater at a time https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2020/05/27/films/movie-theaters-coronavirus/ Rebooting Japan s movie business one theater at a timeAs Tokyo moves forward with plans to reduce social distancing measures in stages movie theaters look to draw audiences back to the silver screen 2020-05-28 01:38:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Test and trace system will start on Thursday https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52820592 england 2020-05-27 16:34:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Boris Johnson urges UK to 'move on' from Cummings row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52814815 lockdown 2020-05-27 16:47:07
ニュース BBC News - Home Newsnight 'breached impartiality guidelines' with Dominic Cummings remarks https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-52824508 cummings 2020-05-27 16:36:07
ニュース BBC News - Home SPFL clubs to discuss Hearts' 14-14-14 league revamp plan https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52826394 proposal 2020-05-27 16:21:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Rangers sign Genk winger Hagi on permanent deal https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52796014 ibrox 2020-05-27 16:11:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: How will contact tracing work in England? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52442754 coronavirus 2020-05-27 16:33:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: What are social distancing and self-isolation rules? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51506729 england 2020-05-27 16:33:36
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [日経] レイヤーX、30億円調達 金融・物流のデジタル化推進 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_11759 金融 2020-05-28 01:30:07



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