投稿時間:2020-06-06 07:36:31 RSSフィード2020-06-06 07:00 分まとめ(34件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese 高音質だけでなくマイクにもこだわった完全ワイヤレスイヤホン【ONEAIR】 https://japanese.engadget.com/jp-2020-06-05-oneair.html 高音質であることはもちろんマイクの感度も非常に高く、通話においてもノンストレスでご使用いただけます。 2020-06-05 21:30:00
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Mission critical cloud: State and local government, on the Fix This podcast https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/mission-critical-cloud-state-local-government-fix-this-podcast/ Mission critical cloud State and local government on the Fix This podcastThe third episode of the Mission Critical Cloud Fix This podcast mini series by Teresa Carlson vice president of the worldwide public sector at Amazon Web Services AWS is now live We dove into how the cloud helps state and local government customers deliver critical services to citizens Interviews featured in the podcast include the state of West Virginia WV Smartronix and Los Angeles County Internal Services Department LA County ISD You can stream all episodes on Spotify nbsp Apple Podcasts nbsp Google Play nbsp Stitcher nbsp TuneIn nbsp Overcast nbsp iHeartRadio and via nbsp RSS 2020-06-05 21:02:44
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node.js の Lambda 関数を ローカルでテストする (その2) https://qiita.com/ekzemplaro/items/a885ed32890bf29c4a7b NodejsのLambda関数をローカルでテストするそのAWSのコンソールから、ダウンロードして解凍したindexjsを実行する方法です。 2020-06-06 06:16:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) コマンドプロンプトでのrubyのバージョン確認 https://teratail.com/questions/267922?rss=all コマンドプロンプトでのrubyのバージョン確認前提・実現したいことコマンドプロンプトでのrubyのバージョン確認発生している問題・エラーメッセージaposrubyaposnbspは、内部コマンドまたは外部コマンド、操作可能なプログラムまたはバッチnbspファイルとして認識されていません。 2020-06-06 06:47:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonのfor文の位置について https://teratail.com/questions/267921?rss=all pythonのfor文の位置についてkaggleで勉強中に以下のコードが出てきました。 2020-06-06 06:29:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Amazon Linux 2 で Perl を動かすと HTTP::Lite は http のみ扱います https://teratail.com/questions/267920?rss=all AmazonLinuxでPerlを動かすとHTTPLiteはhttpのみ扱いますやりたいことGMOnbspクラウドで動いていたnbspPerlnbspブログラムをnbspAmazonnbspLinuxnbspnbspでも動かしたいです。 2020-06-06 06:02:42
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 対話型コメント欄の非同期通信 https://qiita.com/iczo32/items/52701a5fdbf4dd270748 フリマアプリのコメント欄は「出品者」と「それ以外の方」の対話風の見た目にしたので、これを非同期通信化するにあたり、工夫した点を中心に書いていきます。 2020-06-06 06:27:43
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node.js の Lambda 関数を ローカルでテストする (その2) https://qiita.com/ekzemplaro/items/a885ed32890bf29c4a7b NodejsのLambda関数をローカルでテストするそのAWSのコンソールから、ダウンロードして解凍したindexjsを実行する方法です。 2020-06-06 06:16:18
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 対話型コメント欄の非同期通信 https://qiita.com/iczo32/items/52701a5fdbf4dd270748 フリマアプリのコメント欄は「出品者」と「それ以外の方」の対話風の見た目にしたので、これを非同期通信化するにあたり、工夫した点を中心に書いていきます。 2020-06-06 06:27:43
海外TECH Ars Technica We put Western Digital’s dreaded SMR Red drive to the test https://arstechnica.com/?p=1681322 nases 2020-06-05 21:40:56
海外TECH DEV Community Browser + React Native: How to process heavy workloads while animating at 60fps https://dev.to/miketalbot/javascript-react-native-how-to-process-heavy-workloads-while-animating-at-60fps-319a Browser React Native How to process heavy workloads while animating at fpsTL DRI ve written a library that lets you run processes in the gaps between animationsIt works on the Browser and now tested working in React NativeYou can stringify parse compress sort filter reduce and transform to your hearts content and animations remain smoothYou can use it with async functions or dive into using generator functions if you need to break up your own complex calculationsIt s available on MIT license from my GitHub and as npm i js coroutinesThere s a detailed article on how it works internally available here fps Javascript while stringfying and parsing Mbs of JSON Mike Talbot・May ・ min read javascript webdev react How to use js coroutines to keep your animations smooth If you are just sorting compressing or using array operations you can get away with importing the xxxxAsync methods and using them inside a normal Javascript async function import sortAsync parseAsync filterAsync from js coroutines async doMyProcess input const records await parseAsync input const filtered await filterAsync records r gt r age lt return await sortAsync filtered item gt item surname If you have your own complicated process you can use generator functions and run import run parseAsync from js coroutines async doMyProcess input const records await parseAsync input return await run function return yield myComplicatedProcess records function myComplicatedProcess data let total for let i i lt data items length i if i yield Check how much time is available if typeof data items i number total data items i data items i else if typeof data items i object total Math sqrt yield myComplicatedProcess data items i return total Demo Animations Too js coroutines also allows you to write imperative code for animationsMore on that here Write cool stateful animations with js coroutines Mike Talbot・May ・ min read javascript webdev react 2020-06-05 21:26:11
海外TECH DEV Community 6 tips for remote job seekers https://dev.to/gajus/tips-for-job-seekers-1m03 tips for remote job seekersIt s super exciting to be working on a rapidly growing company Contra I am actively hiring talent using Contra s community and popular remote job boards to scout for the best of the best for very specific skills Every day we receive applications and I read through all of them However only about applicants are picked for the next interview Here are a few tips of how to stand out and how not to stand out Sell yourselfApply for relevant jobsFollow the instructionsPut care in your applicationBe respectful of the processMake a copy of your application Sell yourselfOur candidate sourcing starts with a self assessment form It is designed to introduce you to the role and give you confidence that you are the right candidate for the job However you still need to sell yourself Whoever is going to be reading your answers is going to search for keywords that show relevant experience Therefore regardless of what the question is give answers that show your relevant experience for the job in which you are applying to e g If the question is What is the most challenging project you ve ever worked on and the job for which you are applying is Node js GraphQL architect then describe the most challenging project that utilised Node js and GrapQL Unfortunately a lot of applicants describe projects that have nothing to do with the job for which they are applying and miss out on some relevance points Apply for relevant jobsHowever do not oversell yourself You should not apply to jobs that you are not a great match for Even if the company ends up hiring you this is likely not a company that you want to work for it shows that their hiring process is broken A well designed self assessment form will give you gentle hints e g we include a variation of the following question Rank yourself on a scale from for each of these technologies I know nothing or just basics I will answer anything that you may ask me Node jsTypeScript FlowGraphQLReactRelayPostgreSQLDockerKubernetesIf the job title is Node js GraphQL architect and you answer that your Node js is and GraphQL then you should weigh if it is worth your time to continue with the application Follow the instructionsIf you are applying for a position that mentions hot skills and advertises a good pay then you better be sure that you are competing against hundreds of other applicants For this reason you should try to adhere to all however trivial requirements that the job application asks If you do not then it shows that you cannot follow simple instructions and it makes it more difficult to assess your application fairly Using the previous example Rank yourself on a scale from you can make the reviewer s job easier by copy pasting the list of skills and just adding score to each Conversely ranking yourself is not going to increase your chances of getting the job Put care in your applicationYour application is a mirror of your work ethic If your application is full of grammatical errors that could be easily avoided with a spellchecker then so will the work we ask you to do One of the simplest ways to improve your chances of standing out is simply by being pedantic with grammar and formatting Be respectful of the processIt is important to stand out when applying for a job and the best way to do that is by demonstrating relevant experience and eagerness That being said if the job ad outlines a process you should stick to it Remember great jobs attract hundreds of candidates and there would be chaos without a process Therefore if the job ad asks you to fill a self assessment form and wait for us to follow up then you shouldn t send an email a LinkedIn message and or a Twitter DM At best your other messages will be ignored and at worst they will deduct points on your application Make a copy of your applicationIt is highly likely that whatever you put down in the self assessment form is going to be brought up in the following interview stages Therefore make a note of questions and your answers Having these notes will help you better prepare for the interview At the end of the day what gets you hired is your network your personality your attitude and your experience But following these tips will increase your odds of standing out among many great applicants 2020-06-05 21:19:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Some iPhone 11 users report transient green tint on display https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/06/05/some-iphone-11-users-report-transient-green-tint-on-display Some iPhone users report transient green tint on displayA small but indeterminate number of iPhone and iPhone Pro owners and users of certain older model handsets are reporting a bug that causes a green tint to display for a brief time after unlocking their devices 2020-06-05 21:28:05
海外TECH Engadget EA Play and the Steam Game Festival have been pushed back one week https://www.engadget.com/ea-play-delayed-steam-game-festival-210350041.html EA Play and the Steam Game Festival have been pushed back one weekEA is postponing its summer game showcase The digital version of EA Play was originally scheduled for June th at PM ET Instead it ll take place at the same time a week later on June th pic twitter com NSTbcxqEーElectronic Arts EA Jun 2020-06-05 21:03:50
Cisco Cisco Blog Threat Roundup for May 29 to June 5 https://blogs.cisco.com/security/talos/threat-roundup-0529-0506 Threat Roundup for May to June Today Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we ve observed between May and June As with previous roundups this post isn t meant to be an in depth analysis Instead this post will summarize the threats we ve observed by highlighting key behavioral characteristics indicators of compromise and discussing how our customers are The post Threat Roundup for May to June appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-06-05 21:18:11
海外科学 NYT > Science Live Coronavirus Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/05/world/coronavirus-updates.html Live Coronavirus UpdatesCompanies are trying to renegotiate their office and retail leases ーand in some cases refusing to pay Research suggests that some students in the U S will lose months of academic progress Mexico is slowly reopening but some fear too fast 2020-06-05 21:49:50
海外TECH WIRED Reddit's Cofounder Wants a Black Person to Take His Board Seat https://www.wired.com/story/reddit-cofounder-wants-black-person-take-board-seat floyd 2020-06-05 21:47:30
金融 生命保険おすすめ比較ニュースアンテナ waiwainews 久しぶりの新幹線 http://seiho.waiwainews.net/view/11329 newsallrightsreserved 2020-06-06 06:15:37
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Shigeru Yokota, father of North Korea abductee Megumi, dead at 87 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/06/05/national/shigeru-yokota-father-of-north-korea-abductee-megumi-dead-at-87/ Shigeru Yokota father of North Korea abductee Megumi dead at Yokota led other victims relatives in pushing the government to resolve the abduction issue for over years but died without ever seeing Megumi again 2020-06-06 06:10:18
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: WHO advises to wear masks in public areas, reversing policy https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52945210 evidence 2020-06-05 21:40:02
ニュース BBC News - Home Al-Qaeda chief in north Africa Abdelmalek Droukdel killed - France https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-52943692 parly 2020-06-05 21:32:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Prince William reveals he is a secret helpline counsellor https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52940787 messages 2020-06-05 21:42:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Buffalo police riot squad quit to back officers who shoved man https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52945190 elderly 2020-06-05 21:40:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Want to sell a home? Make the garden look nice https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52922313 lockdown 2020-06-05 21:01:07
ニュース BBC News - Home Biden: Trump 'despicable' for invoking George Floyd https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52941258 great 2020-06-05 21:42:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Florence Eshalomi: Black MP mistaken for colleagues condemns racism https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-52938162 black 2020-06-05 21:03:47
ニュース BBC News - Home O'Sullivan returns with moustache and win - but has 'struggled' in 'bubble' https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/snooker/52898285 O x Sullivan returns with moustache and win but has x struggled x in x bubble x Ronnie O Sullivan says he has struggled in the bubble of the Championship League which is being played behind closed doors 2020-06-05 21:10:30
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、109円後半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428079/ 外国為替市場 2020-06-06 06:44:00
北海道 北海道新聞 英の感染死者、4万人超す 政権不支持が拡大 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428078/ 新型コロナウイルス 2020-06-06 06:44:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「黒人の命大事」に通り改名 ホワイトハウス近く https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428077/ 黒人 2020-06-06 06:33:00
北海道 北海道新聞 宇宙の選挙利用に飛行士の妻抗議 トランプ陣営は動画削除 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428076/ 大統領選 2020-06-06 06:23:00
北海道 北海道新聞 米、中国航空会社の飛来許可 再開容認で対立緩和 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428069/ 中国東方航空 2020-06-06 06:13:00
北海道 北海道新聞 米軍嘉手納基地の川で高濃度汚染 有機フッ素化合物、流出の懸念 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428068/ 嘉手納基地 2020-06-06 06:13:35
北海道 北海道新聞 NY株続伸、829ドル高 米雇用改善、3カ月半ぶり高値 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/428067/ 高値 2020-06-06 06:03:00



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