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AWS AWS Networking and Content Delivery Diagnosing traffic disruption using AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager route analyzer https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/diagnosing-traffic-disruption-using-aws-transit-gateway-network-manager-route-analyzer/ Diagnosing traffic disruption using AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager route analyzerDiagnosing problems in your network traffic or fixing routing issues between your AWS Transit Gateways can be complex The new route analyzer feature for AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager is designed to diagnose and resolve network disruptions quickly With Network Manager you can centrally manage networks built around AWS Transit Gateways You are able to … 2020-07-23 15:22:55
Google Official Google Blog Using AI to identify the aggressiveness of prostate cancer http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/MKuf/~3/h_hXdb1F5oM/ Using AI to identify the aggressiveness of prostate cancerProstate cancer diagnoses are common with in men developing prostate cancer in their lifetime A cancer diagnosis relies on specialized doctors called pathologists looking at biological tissue samples under the microscope for signs of abnormality in the cells The difficulty and subjectivity of pathology diagnoses led us to develop an artificial intelligence AI system that can identify the aggressiveness of prostate cancer Since many prostate tumors are non aggressive doctors first obtain small samples biopsies to better understand the tumor for the initial cancer diagnosis If signs of tumor aggressiveness are found radiation or invasive surgery to remove the whole prostate may be recommended Because these treatments can have painful side effects understanding tumor aggressiveness is important to avoid unnecessary treatment Grading the biopsiesOne of the most crucial factors in this process is to “grade any cancer in the sample for how abnormal it looks through a process called Gleason grading Gleason grading involves first matching each cancerous region to one of three Gleason patterns followed by assigning an overall “grade group based on the relative amounts of each Gleason pattern in the whole sample Gleason grading is a challenging task that relies on subjective visual inspection and estimation resulting in pathologists disagreeing on the right grade for a tumor as much as percent of the time To explore whether AI could assist in this grading we previously developed an algorithm that Gleason grades large samples i e surgically removed prostates with high accuracy a step that confirms the original diagnosis and informs patient prognosis Our researchIn our recent work “Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer from Biopsy Specimens published in JAMA Oncology we explored whether an AI system could accurately Gleason grade smaller prostate samples biopsies Biopsies are done during the initial part of prostate cancer care to get the initial cancer diagnosis and determine patient treatment and so are more commonly performed than surgeries However biopsies can be more difficult to grade than surgical samples due to the smaller amount of tissue and unintended changes to the sample from tissue extraction and preparation process The AI system we developed first “grades each region of biopsy and then summarizes the region level classifications into an overall biopsy level score The first stage of the deep learning system Gleason grades every region in a biopsy In this biopsy green indicates Gleason pattern while yellow indicates Gleason pattern Our results Given the complexity of Gleason grading we worked with six experienced expert pathologists to evaluate the AI system These experts who have specialized training in prostate cancer and an average of years of experience determined the Gleason grades of tumor samples Highlighting how difficult Gleason grading is a cohort of “general pathologists without specialist training in prostate cancer achieved an average accuracy of percent on these samples By contrast our AI system s accuracy was substantially higher at percent Finally some prostate cancers have ambiguous appearances resulting in disagreements even amongst experts Taking this uncertainty into account the deep learning system s agreement rate with experts was comparable to the agreement rate between the experts themselves Potential cancer pathology workflow augmented with AI based assistive tools a tumor sample is first collected and digitized using a high magnification scanner Next the AI system provides a grade group for each sample These promising results indicate that the deep learning system has the potential to support expert level diagnoses and expand access to high quality cancer care To evaluate if it could improve the accuracy and consistency of prostate cancer diagnoses this technology needs to be validated as an assistive tool in further clinical studies and on larger and more diverse patient groups However we believe that AI based tools could help pathologists in their work particularly in situations where specialist expertise is limited Our research advancements in both prostate and breast cancer were the result of collaborations with the Naval Medical Center San Diego and support from Verily Our appreciation also goes to several institutions that provided access to de identified data and many pathologists who provided advice or reviewed prostate cancer samples We look forward to future research and investigation into how our technology can be best validated designed and used to improve patient care and cancer outcomes 2020-07-23 15:10:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 人物写真から3Dデータを作成する on GCP https://qiita.com/kurihiro/items/2ec625b32c23a5f9d396 pythonmappssimpletestruserectiimagedir解像度をにするにはインスタンスのメモリが足りないのでnhighmemvCPUGBmemoryにする必要があります。 2020-07-24 00:57:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 同一リージョンS3バケット間で大きなサイズのファイルをコピーする https://qiita.com/akimai/items/a36137653c0bc28979e7 まとめ結論実行タイミングや環境で差がでる可能性はあるが、今回の実験結果によると、botosclientのcopy関数で、GBのファイルを東京リージョンのバケット間でコピーする場合、maxconcurrencymultipartchunksizeが最小のBilledDurationであった。 2020-07-24 00:17:35
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JS初心者がKintoneカスタマイズ行うために https://qiita.com/tuka_rbao/items/a17a2fcd6c102fb3d1b0 ProgateとかでJavaScriptを触ったことがある人は、第回まではおさらい程度に流し読みでいいかと思います。 2020-07-24 00:20:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) #define マクロ について https://teratail.com/questions/279838?rss=all define 2020-07-24 00:45:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) scanf関数について https://teratail.com/questions/279837?rss=all scanf関数について下記のコードをコンパイルし、実行してltENTERgtAnbspltENTERgtと入力したのですが、Anbspと出力されることを期待したのですがnbspと出力されました。 2020-07-24 00:43:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C#のasync,awaitについて https://teratail.com/questions/279836?rss=all CのasyncawaitについてCにおけるasyncawaitの動作の仕方をあまりイメージできていないでいます。 2020-07-24 00:36:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google スプレッドシートの文字の条件から計算をする方法について https://teratail.com/questions/279835?rss=all googlenbsp 2020-07-24 00:32:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) unity transform.Translateを使うとvelocity.magnitudeが0になってしまう https://teratail.com/questions/279834?rss=all 2020-07-24 00:31:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画面遷移 android studio https://teratail.com/questions/279833?rss=all 画面遷移androidstudio前提・実現したいことシューティングゲームを作成しているのですが、自機のHPがになったら結果画面ResultActivityclassに遷移するようにしたいです。 2020-07-24 00:25:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) FTPでの転送モード、そして改行コードに関してお教えください。 https://teratail.com/questions/279832?rss=all お恥ずかしいことか、これまで気にしたことなかったのですが、FTPでウェブサーバーにアップするときは、「ファイル名で転送モードに切り替え」、そして「ローカルの漢字コードはShiftJIS」になっていることに気付きました。 2020-07-24 00:24:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pngファイルを表示できない https://teratail.com/questions/279831?rss=all pngファイルを表示できない前提・実現したいことanacomdaからbotを起動していたのですがPycharmanacondaにした後にpngファイルを呼び出すコマンドをしたら呼び出せなくなりました。 2020-07-24 00:08:05
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 同一リージョンS3バケット間で大きなサイズのファイルをコピーする https://qiita.com/akimai/items/a36137653c0bc28979e7 まとめ結論実行タイミングや環境で差がでる可能性はあるが、今回の実験結果によると、botosclientのcopy関数で、GBのファイルを東京リージョンのバケット間でコピーする場合、maxconcurrencymultipartchunksizeが最小のBilledDurationであった。 2020-07-24 00:17:35
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS7系にChromeをインストールする https://qiita.com/miriwo/items/9b43678bec462c8db70f CentOS系にChromeをインストールする目的CentOS初体験でChromeのインストールすら詰まったので方法をまとめる実施環境CentOSバージョン概要rpmファイルのダウンロードyumを利用したインストール詳細rpmファイルのダウンロード下記ページにアクセスする。 2020-07-24 00:23:29
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 人物写真から3Dデータを作成する on GCP https://qiita.com/kurihiro/items/2ec625b32c23a5f9d396 pythonmappssimpletestruserectiimagedir解像度をにするにはインスタンスのメモリが足りないのでnhighmemvCPUGBmemoryにする必要があります。 2020-07-24 00:57:27
海外TECH Ars Technica Woz sues YouTube over “bitcoin giveaway” scam videos using his name https://arstechnica.com/?p=1693857 content 2020-07-23 15:14:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New regulatory filing hints 'iPhone 12 Pro' battery capacity higher than initially anticipated https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/23/new-regulatory-filing-hints-iphone-12-pro-battery-capacity-higher-than-initially-anticipated New regulatory filing hints x iPhone Pro x battery capacity higher than initially anticipatedThe iPhone may be getting a mAh battery larger than the mAh battery originally anticipated according to a tip AppleInsider received Image Credit MySmartPriceThe tip was sent in by known leaker MySmartPrice who recently uncovered the watt iPhone charger in regulatory filings Read more 2020-07-23 15:50:22
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deals: $169 Apple Watch, new MacBook Air for $929, Magic Keyboard sale https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/23/deals-169-apple-watch-new-macbook-air-for-929-magic-keyboard-sale Deals Apple Watch new MacBook Air for Magic Keyboard saleApple Authorized Resellers have a variety of month end Apple deals going on now and we ve rounded up discounts on Macs iPads and Apple Watches just in time for back to school shopping Today s top deals on AppleFrom last call for this popular iPad Pro to a new coupon discount on Apple s latest MacBook Air the deals are heating up as July winds down We ve rounded up some of the best bargains below including Amazon s popular Apple Watch promotion but if you re looking for a specific configuration there are hundreds of additional deals in the AppleInsider Apple Price Guide Read more 2020-07-23 15:50:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple CEO Tim Cook has spent much of July preparing for House antitrust hearing https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/23/apple-ceo-tim-cook-has-spent-much-of-july-preparing-for-house-antitrust-hearing Apple CEO Tim Cook has spent much of July preparing for House antitrust hearingAfter reluctantly agreeing to testify before a House antitrust committee at the start of July Apple CEO Tim Cook has reportedly spent much of the month since preparing for it Credit Apple Getty ImagesCook originally showed some reservations about appearing via video conference before the U S House Judiciary Committee prompting threats of a subpoena by lawmakers On July he agreed to testify Read more 2020-07-23 15:04:59
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Koss suing Apple over basic concept of wireless connection to headphones and speakers https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/23/koss-suing-apple-over-basic-concept-of-wireless-connection-to-headphones-and-speakers Koss suing Apple over basic concept of wireless connection to headphones and speakersKoss is suing Apple over the concept of wirelessly connecting to headphones or speakers and is alleging that nearly all of Apple s current product lineup is in infringement of Koss held patents The suit was filed on July in the U S district court in Waco Texas The page lawsuit includes an page section titled Koss s Legacy of Audio Innovation in which they detail the company s year history Within this section they highlight various engineering achievements products created and company benchmarks Unlike many of the patent lawsuits Apple faces Koss isn t a known patent troll but rather a company that manufactures headphones earbuds and other audio accessories Read more 2020-07-23 15:00:18
海外TECH Engadget Fox Sports will pack MLB broadcasts with virtual crowds https://www.engadget.com/fox-sports-mlb-baseball-season-2020-virtual-crowds-fake-153300148.html Fox Sports will pack MLB broadcasts with virtual crowdsMajor League Baseball s shortened game season kicks off today but teams won t be taking the field to the customary roar of the crowds The idea of silent empty stands isn t just odd to players it s weird for broadcasters too which is why Fo 2020-07-23 15:33:00
海外TECH Engadget Corning says its latest Gorilla Glass can survive a two-meter drop https://www.engadget.com/corning-gorilla-glass-victus-152221345.html Corning says its latest Gorilla Glass can survive a two meter dropToday Corning revealed Gorilla Glass Victus its toughest glass yet for mobile electronics According to Corning Victus is twice as scratch resistant as its predecessor Gorilla Glass and it can withstand drops from two meters onto hard rough su 2020-07-23 15:22:21
海外TECH Engadget AT&T says its 5G network is now available 'nationwide' https://www.engadget.com/att-5g-network-nationwide-151047421.html AT amp T says its G network is now available x nationwide x AT amp amp T has hit a milestone in its G network rollout As of this morning the carrier says that its network is officially available nationwide ーby the FCC s guidelines that means it s available to more than million people in the US Specifica 2020-07-23 15:11:21
Cisco Cisco Blog Cellular networks: Worthy of the hype? https://blogs.cisco.com/internet-of-things/cellular-networks-worthy-of-the-hype Cellular networks Worthy of the hype Learn about the benefits of private cellular networks and how they address some very common pain points organizations experience today The post Cellular networks Worthy of the hype appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-07-23 15:59:44
Cisco Cisco Blog EforAll: Helping small businesses through entrepreneurship https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/eforall-helping-small-businesses-through-entrepreneurship EforAll Helping small businesses through entrepreneurshipWe recently sat down with EforAll s CEO David Parker to learn how they are helping entrepreneurs navigate these challenging times and why it is more important than ever to support small businesses The post EforAll Helping small businesses through entrepreneurship appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-07-23 15:00:52
Cisco Cisco Blog In Sickness and in Health https://blogs.cisco.com/customerexperience/in-sickness-and-in-health In Sickness and in HealthBill and Dorris have been married for years never spending a day apart When illness and a global healthcare crisis separated them Cisco stepped in to bring them back together The post In Sickness and in Health appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-07-23 15:00:41
Cisco Cisco Blog Keeping Counterfeit transceivers out of our Authorized Market https://blogs.cisco.com/partner/keeping-counterfeit-transceivers-out-of-our-authorized-market Keeping Counterfeit transceivers out of our Authorized MarketOur team partners closely with both law enforcement and customs officials around the world to stop counterfeit products at the border identify counterfeit operations and pursue legal actions against infringers of Cisco s intellectual property rights including trademarks The post Keeping Counterfeit transceivers out of our Authorized Market appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-07-23 15:00:36
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles HTML DOM designMode Property https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5274563/HTML-DOM-designMode-Property basic 2020-07-23 15:35:00
海外科学 NYT > Science Why Some Mosquitoes Prefer Humans https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/science/mosquitoes-genetics-africa.html experiment 2020-07-23 15:29:13
海外科学 NYT > Science Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Nears 4 Million Cases https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/world/coronavirus-covid-19.html Coronavirus Live Updates U S Nears Million CasesPresident Trump s proposal had emerged as an obstacle to Senate Republicans plans for a stimulus package Alabama California Florida Idaho and Texas recorded daily death records 2020-07-23 15:45:21
海外科学 NYT > Science Australian Student Files Climate Change Lawsuit Against Government https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/world/australia/lawsuit-climate-change-bonds.html Australian Student Files Climate Change Lawsuit Against GovernmentA year old law student filed a class action suit accusing Australia of failing to disclose financial risks from climate change Experts say it is the first of its kind 2020-07-23 15:51:21
金融 生命保険おすすめ比較ニュースアンテナ waiwainews かんぽ生命、保険商品の営業再開の条件などを公表。 http://seiho.waiwainews.net/view/11471 newsallrightsreserved 2020-07-24 00:15:49
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Hibakusha memoir ‘The Atomic Bomb on My Back’ to be published in English https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/07/23/national/history/hibakusha-memoir-english/ activist 2020-07-24 02:00:13
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles ‘Just got to suck it up’: Masks made mandatory in Melbourne https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/07/23/asia-pacific/mandatory-masks-melbourne/ Just got to suck it up Masks made mandatory in MelbourneThere were few bare faces among rush hour commuters in Australia s second largest city on Thursday morning as Melbourne residents were largely complying with a new law 2020-07-24 01:59:19
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles China launches ambitious attempt to land rover on Mars https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/07/23/asia-pacific/science-health-asia-pacific/china-launch-mars-land-rover/ ancient 2020-07-24 00:18:03
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Scottish scrumhalf Greig Laidlaw looking forward to challenge of playing in Japan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/07/23/rugby/scottish-scrumhalf-greig-laidlaw-looking-forward-challenge-playing-japan/ Scottish scrumhalf Greig Laidlaw looking forward to challenge of playing in JapanThe year old was officially introduced to Japanese rugby in an online news conference held by his new club the NTT Communications ShiningArcs 2020-07-24 01:58:21
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Olympic champ Katie Ledecky inspired by Rikako Ikee’s positivity amid cancer fight https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/07/23/more-sports/swimming/olympic-champ-katie-ledecky-inspired-rikako-ikees-positivity-amid-cancer-fight/ Olympic champ Katie Ledecky inspired by Rikako Ikee s positivity amid cancer fightLedecky said she came to know the year old Ikee through competing against her and is delighted to see the progress she has made on her 2020-07-24 00:19:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: New guidance on face masks and coverings released for England https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53513026 offices 2020-07-23 15:51:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Dyson cuts 900 jobs amid coronavirus impact https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53517243 company 2020-07-23 15:11:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Elton John's ex-wife demands £3m over film and memoir https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-53505825 rocketman 2020-07-23 15:05:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Boris Johnson says response shows 'might of UK union' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-53485651 boris 2020-07-23 15:57:10
ニュース BBC News - Home Post-Brexit deal: What's happening in the UK-EU talks? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53518641 brexit 2020-07-23 15:45:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Is it legal to send federal forces into US states? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52893540 local 2020-07-23 15:26:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: What are the rules for face masks or face coverings? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51205344 scotland 2020-07-23 15:48:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: What powers do the police have? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52106843 coronavirus 2020-07-23 15:24:38
北海道 北海道新聞 千葉の住宅で男性2人死亡 女性けが、親族トラブルか https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/443609/ 千葉県松戸市上本郷 2020-07-24 00:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 豪華列車「ザ・ロイヤルエクスプレス」 霧の中、北海道上陸 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/443551/ 豪華 2020-07-24 00:16:52
北海道 北海道新聞 池江選手「希望の炎、輝いて」 五輪1年前 国立でイベント https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/443573/ 東京五輪 2020-07-24 00:10:07
ニュース THE BRIDGE 中国初の電子社印管理システム、Ant Group(螞蟻集団)のブロックチェーン基盤で構築——スマートシティ計画進む杭州で運用開始 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/bIrWxuAomhs/hangzhou-puts-company-seals-on-ant-group-blockchain 中国初の電子社印管理システム、AntGroup螞蟻集団のブロックチェーン基盤で構築ースマートシティ計画進む杭州で運用開始Alibaba阿里巴巴傘下のAntGroup螞蟻集団は日、中国初の電子印鑑ブロックチェーンアプリケーションプラットフォームがAntGroupのBAASBlockchainasaServiceを使用して構築され、杭州で稼働したとプレスリリースで発表した。 2020-07-23 15:10:34
ニュース THE BRIDGE 2020年の世界スタートアップ・エコシステム・ランキングが発表——東京が初のランクイン、ベルリンやシンガポールを抑え15位に http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/3UTFj42xq_E/asia-startup-rise-covid-choke-growth 年の世界スタートアップ・エコシステム・ランキングが発表ー東京が初のランクイン、ベルリンやシンガポールを抑え位にTechinAsiaでは、有料購読サービスを提供。 2020-07-23 15:00:57
GCP Cloud Blog How G Suite helps businesses evolve to more flexible and distributed work models https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/recognizing-the-resilience-and-innovation-of-gsuite-customers/ How G Suite helps businesses evolve to more flexible and distributed work modelsSince joining Google a few months ago to lead G Suite marketing I ve been humbled by the many inspiring stories of businesses reacting swiftly to the global pandemic Our customers have enabled their teams to re imagine not only how they communicate and collaborate with each other remotely but also how they continue to serve their own customers and support the communities they belong to From doctors consulting with patients to financial institutions providing critical advice to customers to teachers delivering distant learning to car dealerships creating virtual showrooms with G Suiteーit s clear that these new ways of working are here to stay Here are some of the inspirational stories I ve heard from our customers  Keeping teams connected and productive Activision Blizzard King ABK a leading interactive entertainment company is going all in with G Suite Working with SADA a Google Cloud Premier Partner Activision Blizzard was looking for an innovative and scalable solution to transform the way their teams work together As their developers around the world build the next generation of innovation in gaming they rely on the power of collaboration in G Suite to create connect and share with each other G Suite helps them successfully meet critical deadlines for game launches and updates “The safety of our teams is paramount during these disruptive times and our workforce is already widely distributed across multiple locations internationally G Suite has brought our teams together as we continue to collaborate while we re apart says Jacques Erasmus Chief Information Officer Activision Blizzard PwC a global professional services organization enabled over people to work from home in response to COVID G Suite enables PwC to not only collaborate and stay connected with each other but to continue to serve their clients in a timely and efficient manner As a global organization with most of its people around the world needing to work from home PwC reached nearly million hours of video conferencing in Google Meet in a single month    G Suite allows us to stay connectedーit s the single place where we can collaborate discuss and share work in the current situation says Hilda Clune Technology and Transformation Leader at PwC G Suite provides enough resilience and security and the ability to scale at the speed we need to Learn about how PwC works remotely with G Suite Kärcher a global manufacturer of cleaning equipment accelerated its plans to move its workers to G Suite in response to COVID They accomplished the transition in only five days enabling employees to collaborate effectively without being physically present in a Kärcher office G Suite plays a critical role as Kaercher resumes business globally in the post COVID phase user adoption of various G Suite apps continues to grow and management is using tools like Jamboards and Google Meet hardware to help them collaborate better and stay connected with their teams “With G Suite Kaercher has transformed its global collaboration allowing for faster business decisions during the COVID crisis says Dr Daniel Heubach Chief Information Officer of Kaercher To face the current health crisis De Longhi an appliance manufacturer based in Italy created a local and international taskforce to ensure all their employees have everything they need to work from home safely and effectively G Suite is playing a critical role in helping them achieve this goal The De Longhi taskforce uses Google Sheets to help them collect up to date information from each of their regions and connect with local teams via Google Meet to better understand the unique circumstances and challenges they re facing As teams began to work from home with G Suite De Longhi has seen a increase in Meet usage and a growth in the number of shared files in Google Drive Helping to provide communities with critical services St Louis based Schnucks evolved from a neighborhood grocery chain to essential workersーvirtually overnight They supported both corporate and frontline workers in stores with an information hotline and created a virtual dispatch center for their transportation team all through Google Meet See how Schnucks was able to keep providing groceries to the communities it serves As Boston was one of the first areas to be hit by COVID patients at Cambridge Health Alliance s CHA Department of Psychiatry had to manage a whole new set of challenges including anxiety about the pandemic and new financial insecurity Thanks to Google Meet CHA was able to continue serving these patients in a timely manner Outpatient Psychiatry was an early adopter of video visits which are more appropriate for behavioral health care than phone consultations Between March and June CHA was able to maintain of its expected patient visit volume in Psychiatry a huge win for patients families and the communities CHA serves  Southern Cross Care SA NT amp VIC Inc has begun using Google Meet to help residents across their Residential Aged Care homes stay connected to their loved ones despite lockdown measures associated with COVID Residents can now also see their doctor virtually via Google Meet keeping them safe from any potential exposure to the virus while still experiencing a high level of care through these virtual consultations Enabling business services for customers no matter where they areItalian bank Credem Credito Emiliano S p A relies on G Suite to help their staff adapt to a collaborative work from home environment leveraging tools like Google Meet Drive and Docs G Suite enables their teams across its banking and insurance businesses to collaborate and stay connected while working remotely Credem has also created a “virtual branch by moving its customer support to video conferencing using Google Meet This enables customers to continue to get access to critical financial services remotely and safely KIA Motors a multinational automotive manufacturer is using G Suite to provide virtual viewings for its customers enabling them to continue to engage in an immersive and engaging car buying experience With Google Meet KIA s sellers can interact with customers provide them with a virtual demonstration of a car and answer any questions that come up Live Stream Showroom demonstrates our continued commitment to tailor the car buying journey to the demands of our customers with virtual viewings says JT Hong Head of Global Channel amp Service department at Kia Motors “By launching this new platform testing in the Middle East amp Africa region we aim to stay ahead of the curve in digital sales and marketing in this time of transition These are just a few recent examples of how G Suite helps customers not only adapt to the current situation but also reimagine how to get things done We ve been working hard to make G Suite a better home for your work by providing an integrated workspace that brings together the core elements of workーlike chat email voice video and tasksーand making them better together Our goal is to help teams to stay productive and connected no matter where they re working from and enable businesses to serve their customers safely and more efficiently 2020-07-23 16:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog Giving you better cost analytics capabilities—and a simpler invoice https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/cost-management/cost-management-tools-in-google-cloud-console/ Giving you better cost analytics capabilitiesーand a simpler invoiceInvoices are an important part of your ability to record and track spending and attribute it back to purchase orders and department budgets They re also often required for enterprises by law for financial record keeping and audits  However a typical invoice doesn t offer the level of detail that a financial operations FinOps team needs to accurately report out across all your cloud services your organizational hierarchy and how you use those services Our data shows that many companies use dozens of Google Cloud services across tens to hundreds of projects and some of our customers invoices are over pages long Nor do invoices let FinOps teams perform data driven analysis or predict future cloud costs  At Google Cloud we enable you to monitor and analyze costs by providing transparency and clarity about your cloud spending We provide tools that present a timely consistent relevant and complete records of all your charges credits and payments Instead of overloading invoices with all this detail we ve been simplifying themーpointing you to the Google Cloud Console for granular details of all your cloud consumption At the same time we re creating more detailed cost analytics tools in the Cloud Console including new graph and table views plus ways to export billing data to CSV and BigQuery With this approach we think you ll get easier access to the information you need according to your role in your companyーso you can better analyze costs and predict future expenditures  Let s take a look at some of the cost management tools in the Cloud Console and how to use them  Cloud Console reporting for billing dutyThere are two main pages in the Cloud Console designed to help you understand your costs Cloud Billing reports and the Cost Table report The Billing Reports page lets you view usage costs at a glance so you can discover and analyze trends It s especially useful because it lets you see which products and geographical regions contributed to the most spend in a simple and chart based format and analyze costs by your organizational structure which are often represented as Folders Projects or Labels  The Cost Table report on the other hand presents a detailed tabular view of your monthly costs for a given invoice month The Cost Table matches your statement total effectively reconciling your invoice Then you can dynamically filter sort and group the various line items so you can better understand the costs associated with your invoice  Examples always help so let s take a look at a few ways of analyzing your invoice that you can now perform from Cloud Console s Billing Reports and Cost Table pages We ve added many features to these areas in the past year and plan to continue to invest heavily in these pages going forward Understanding costs by SKUYour invoice today includes a per SKU breakdown SKUs which you can think of as Google s parts list are more granular than product families including information such as product configuration e g VM sizes and location Analyzing your costs organized by SKU helps you identify the specific Google Cloud services that make up your monthly bill Here s a per SKU view from the Billing Reports page which lets you quickly see which SKUs are contributing to your monthly bill Here we ve set our time range to “Invoice month and chosen the invoice we re interested in analyzingーMay We ve chosen to “Group by SKU and kept all our projects products and SKUs selected Below the graph we re sorting the table by Subtotal which reflects committed use and sustained use discounts and any credits for which the account is eligible Similarly you can get SKU level information from the Cost Table report One of the benefits of this view is that it highlights the data in a tabular format which you can export to CSV Another cool feature is the ability to group the results by multiple fields using our recently introduced “Table Configuration option found on the top right of the table In this example we ve used one of the predefined grouping options “Service gt SKU which first groups by Service name and then nests the SKUs In the previous Billing Reports page example Compute Engine was split into multiple rows including instance size and storage Here in the Cost Table we have an aggregated view of all costs incurred to the product for that invoice month cycle but we can just as easily expand the Compute Engine row and see SKU level details Understanding costs per projectCustomers frequently ask how to attribute cloud costs by the projects that incurred them as projects often relate directly to specific work happening in a company Up until last year a Google Cloud invoice included costs per project but we removed that as many large companies had hundreds if not thousands of projects which doesn t scale in a PDF format Now you can find that information in the Cloud Console instead Let s see how to do it using the Cost Table report first Choose the “Table Configuration option We won t choose one of the pre defined options as we did before Choose “Custom grouping and in dimensions choose “Project ID and then “SKU ID The result will look like this Because we ve ordered our results according to total cost we can see projects ordered by their total cost And then when we expand “My Project we see the per SKU costs ordered by highest to lowest We recently introduced the ability to allocate spending based and sustained use discounts across multiple projects In this group by we can see how discounts are attributed to a specific project Speaking of discounts one of the advanced capabilities of the Billing Reports page is filtering by credit type For example you might want to see your spend grouped by project taking into account all types of credits except the spending based discounts This might be useful if you want to hypothesize about what your bill might have been had you not been eligible for these discounts To do so group your spending by “Project and deselect the “Spending based discounts option as you can see in the lower right hand corner Filtering by labelsLabels are an important way to add metadata to your resources so you can understand fine grained details of your costs For example imagine you receive your monthly invoice and want to understand how your development environments contributed to the total In this example we ve tagged resources with a label with the key “env and values of “prod “staging “dev We ll use the Billing Reports page grouped by “label and then choose “env as the key Then under the “Label filter we choose to only filter charges that have the key “env and keep the default selection of all three of the chosen environments This results in the following reportUnderstanding creditsWhat if you want to understand the impact of various credits on specific projects or products Credits are SKUs in their own right From the Cost Table report you use the new custom group by feature and set it to “Project then “SKU Notice how you can see the spending based discounts and sustained use discounts attributed to “My Project Then if you want to understand how a specific credit for example a sustained use discount affected your invoice across projects simply add a filter for “Sustained use discount The result will be similar to below where you can see one row per credit per project Using other tools to analyze the dataWe understand that no matter how many cost reporting and analysis features we add there comes a time when you want to use other data analytics tools That s why we ve made all the data presented to you available via CSV export The CSV export feature takes the flat list of cost list items together with all the data you can see on screen into a file that can be easily read by most data processing tools for example Google Sheets Alternatively for more detailed or programmatic data analysis you can export your cost to BigQuery and analyze it using a tool like Data Studio Supercharging cost analysis and reportingIf you ve read this far you know that we ve made a lot of improvements to our cost reporting user interfaceーwith many more to come Together with data exports to CSV and BigQuery you can analyze and report on the data as you see fit While you ll still want your Google Cloud invoice for accounting purposes going forward these are the tools we recommend for building cost analysis workflows Click here to learn more about our cost management capabilities and be sure to register for the Google Cloud Next OnAir session What s New in Google Cloud Cost Management 2020-07-23 16:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog Why you should share your Apps Script projects as G Suite Add-ons https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/g-suite-developers/benefits-of-sharing-your-apps-script-project-as-a-gsuite-add-on/ Why you should share your Apps Script projects as G Suite Add onsApps Script is a great way to quickly create automations and utilities to speed up processes or eliminate repetitive tasks within G Suite Once you ve developed such a tool you ll probably want to share it with colleagues across your organization Sharing the Sheet or Doc that s bound to your script project is simple and intuitive as a cornerstone of G Suite is friction free collaboration  But why not share your project as a G Suite Add on With just a few extra steps you can enable others to discover your app and avoid some of the pitfalls of basic document sharingーand do so in a scalable more manageable way  About Add onsG Suite Add ons as the name suggests enable solution developers to add new functionality and features to G Suite or to integrate their own third party solutions with the product If you re successfully writing Apps Script projects and sharing them with others you ve probably heard of Add onsーand might have used a few yourself here s a little more information if you haven t   Google partners including Lucidchart DocuSign Smartsheet and many other third party developers already offer Add ons through the G Suite Marketplace where users and G Suite admins can discover and deploy extensions for G Suite The case for creating Add onsIf you re like most folks using Apps Script to automate G Suite you re probably not in the business of building solutions for the world you re most likely more focused on developing useful tools for yourself your team and the rest of your company You might never have considered creating an add on likely because you thought it was not suited for small projects meant to be shared privately among just your work group  The reality is that developing your Apps Script project as an add on has benefits even if you re the only one who will ever use it For starters it makes your code more portable by unlocking it from being bound to a single document This lets you use it over and over again with different documents with little effort just as if it were built into G Suite  Here s an example from my own experience with Add ons I wrote a number of Apps Script automations to make managing notes in Google Slides easier such as clearing them changing formatting and exporting notes into a new Doc among other things I originally created these tools for one presentation that I used a lot but once I realized how useful they were I found myself copying the code from that project to new code projects bound to other Slides presentationsーover and over again After a while I realized I was repeating work unnecessarilyーand detracting from the efficiency gains my utility offered So I prepared my utility as an add on published it to my organization s domain and now I can use it instantly with every new slide deck I work with going forward  Another advantage is once your add on is published to the domain anyone else in your organization can discover it by browsing the G Suite Marketplace for your domain add ons and deploy itーall without having to connect with you or even know you On top of that add ons that have mass appeal for your organization can be deployed directly to the whole org or specific domain organizational units by your G Suite administrator making broad distribution seamless and standard Building your own Add onsHopefully you now have a clearer picture of the benefits of deploying your solutions as add ons it really isn t much more work to go from a simple document bound project to a ready to share add on For one thing you ll want to make sure your user interface menus sidebars dialogs is as intuitive as possible as others will be discovering and using your add on without your guidance You ll need to leverage add on specific events such as the onInstall trigger that will run your code when it s installed directly from one of the G Suite editor apps Then of course when you ve got your code written and tested you publish your add on according to the steps outlined here  And that s about it   Please note that in the post we have been primarily referring to Editor based add ons which pertain to Sheets Docs Slides and Forms There is a newer G Suite Add ons framework that spans all of G Suite you can use alternatively I ll discuss this in an upcoming post  Here are some resources to help you learn more about both methods for creating add ons for G Suite  Overview of extending G Suite with Add onsGuide to building G Suite Editor Add onsOverview of Publishing G Suite Add ons Steps for publishing an G Suite Editor Add on 2020-07-23 16:00:00



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