投稿時間:2020-08-21 07:20:01 RSSフィード2020-08-21 07:00 分まとめ(20件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese 落としてぶつけて壊す!破壊アクションがクセになる『Drop & Smash』:発掘!スマホゲーム https://japanese.engadget.com/drop-smash-211030593.html dropsmash 2020-08-20 21:10:30
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 机の下に隠せるヘッドフォンハンガー8選がテレワークにおすすめ https://www.kagua.biz/review/interior/headset-hook.html 必須 2020-08-20 21:00:57
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Field Notes: Anonymizing Personal Data from Connected Cars Using Amazon Rekognition https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-anonymizing-personal-data-from-connected-cars-using-amazon-rekognition/ Field Notes Anonymizing Personal Data from Connected Cars Using Amazon RekognitionCameras mounted in connected cars may collect a variety of video data Organizations may need to redact the personal information e g human faces and automobile license plates contained in the collected video data in order to protect individuals privacy rights and where required meet compliance obligations under privacy regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation … 2020-08-20 21:04:11
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog AWS DigiGov: Accelerating cloud learning for government, virtually https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/aws-digigov-accelerating-cloud-learning-for-government-virtually/ AWS DigiGov Accelerating cloud learning for government virtuallyLaunched in as a two day in person cloud education program for government officials AWS has redesigned AWS DigiGov in a virtual format AWS DigiGov is a two day education program with curriculum based on the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam Through lectures cloud based curriculum and hands on labs participants representing federal provincial and municipal government learn to use the cloud within their environment and remove barriers to the cloud technology 2020-08-20 21:21:06
AWS AWS Podcast #385: [INTRODUCING] Amazon Braket https://aws.amazon.com/podcasts/aws-podcast/#385 INTRODUCING Amazon BraketAmazon Braket is a fully managed AWS service that will help you get start with quantum computing Today Simon is joined by Richards Moulds General Manager for Amazon Braket here at Amazon to learn all about this recently launched service They will cover some interesting questions around quantum computing dig into the common customer challenges and why the team built the service 2020-08-20 21:32:54
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel Improving Business Continuity with Amazon Aurora Global Database https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FDonlvW3hU Improving Business Continuity with Amazon Aurora Global DatabaseAmazon Aurora Global Database provides fast cross region disaster recovery and enables high performance low lag cross region scaling of reads with minimal impact on database performance It allows you to place your database close to your users in any regions for fast local performance As a feature of Aurora Global Database uses physical storage level replication as opposed to logical replication used by other databases providing high availability features together with a greatly improved replication performance Data is replicated between the primary and secondary regions usually within a second with an upper bound of seconds In the unlikely event your database becomes degraded or isolated in an AWS region secondary regions can be promoted to take full read write workloads in under a minute Attend this tech talk to learn how you can use Aurora Global Database to build scalable and reliable apps Learning Objectives Create an Aurora Global Database that spans across multiple AWS Regions for fast cross region DR and local low latency reads and no impact on performance Learn about the latest improvements made to Global Database including write forwarding for MySQL and Managed RPO for PostgreSQL Walk through of a failover to show how Aurora Global Database can continue accepting reads writes and is back up and running within minute To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit 2020-08-20 21:33:27
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel Build Resilient, Easy to Manage Cont. Integration Workflows with AWS CodeBuild & AWS Step Functions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gp1tMZFvTo Build Resilient Easy to Manage Cont Integration Workflows with AWS CodeBuild amp AWS Step FunctionsAWS Step Functions is now integrated with AWS CodeBuild making it faster to build continuous integration CI workflows for your applications In this tech talk we will demonstrate how to use CodeBuild and Step Functions together to easily set up branching workflows with manual approval steps for your continuous integration processes or data processing applications With this latest integration AWS has made it even easier to set up resilient managed CI workflows that help to streamline your build and development processes At the conclusion of this tech talk you will know who to use the AWS Step Functions integration with AWS CodeBuild to start or stop a build get build report summaries and delete past build executions records during the execution of a state machine Learning Objectives Learn how to use AWS CodeBuild with AWS Step Functions to create build workflows handling software changes from multiple development branches Learn how to use AWS CodeBuild with AWS Step Functions to manually control workflow approval steps for your data processing applications Learn how to use AWS Step Functions to handle AWS CodeBuild runtime errors in your workflows To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit 2020-08-20 21:01:08
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptからハードウェアを扱えるWebAPIとその安全性について https://qiita.com/dojyorin/items/80fa80f9d15f8b4c81d5 これが全てではないとは思いますが、実際このような方も多いのではないかと思いました。 2020-08-21 07:00:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Firebase Authentication 匿名ログイン 成果物URL:https://tokumei.netlify.app https://qiita.com/yuzuru2/items/6af7f0baba4a6aa4d722 FirebaseAuthentication匿名ログイン成果物URL「ログイン後Firebaseから寿命が時間のJWTトークンが取得できる」ワイ「現実的な使い方をするなら」ワイ「JWTトークンを自分が使ってるオリジンサーバに送って改ざんされていないかチェックする」ワイ「ライブラリはfirebaseadminを使う」トークンが改ざんされていないかチェックするソースpackagejsondependenciesfirebaseadminindexjsconstadminrequirefirebaseadmin各自用意constfirebaseConfigtypeprojectidprivatekeyidprivatekeyclientemailclientidauthuritokenuriauthproviderxcerturlclientxcerturladmininitializeAppcredentialadmincredentialcertfirebaseConfigconstmainasyncjwtTokengttryconstuserawaitadminauthverifyIdTokenjwtTokenconsoleloguiduseruidcatcherrorconsolelogerrormainトークンフロントエンドソースコードpackagejsonscriptsstartparcelsrcindexhtmloutdirpublicdependenciesbabelpolyfillfirebaseparcelbundlerreactreactdomsrcindexhtmlltDOCTYPEhtmlgtlthtmllangjagtltheadgtltmetacharsetUTFgtltmetanameviewportcontentwidthdevicewidthinitialscalegtlttitlegt匿名ログインlttitlegtltlinkrelstylesheethrefintegritysharNyPKrjDleawBgDtpYUzmLAoMiAEQCSuDqnUKkluXQOfXJCJIcrossoriginanonymousgtltlinkrelstylesheethrefstylecssgtltheadgtltbodygtltdividappgtltdivgtltscriptsrcintegrityshaoesihOLfzrysLxRFOJCXdXDipiYWBnvTlYTRlwxlKIEHpNyvvDShgfcrossoriginanonymousgtltscriptgtltscriptsrcindexjsgtltscriptgtltbodygtlthtmlgtsrcindexjsimportReactfromreactimportReactDOMfromreactdomimportbabelpolyfillimportfirebaseauthconstfirebaserequirefirebaseapp各自用意constfirebaseConfigapiKeyfirebaseinitializeAppfirebaseConfigconstApplicationgtconstjwtTokensetJwtTokenReactuseStatenullconstuidsetUidReactuseStatenullconstdisplaysetDisplayReactuseStatefalseReactuseEffectgtfirebaseauthonAuthStateChangedasyncdatagtifdatanullsetUiddatauidsetJwtTokenawaitfirebaseauthcurrentUsergetIdTokentruesetDisplaytrueifdisplayreturnltgtltdivgtltdivclassNamepositionabsolutehwmdflexalignitemscenterjustifycontentcentergtltdivclassNamespinnerbordertextprimaryrolestatusgtltspanclassNamesronlygtLoadingltspangtltdivgtltdivgtltdivgtltgtreturnltgtuidnullltbuttontypebuttonclassNamebtnbtnprimaryonClickgtsetDisplayfalsefirebaseauthsignInAnonymouslythenasyncgtcatchgtalertログイン失敗gtログインltbuttongtltbuttontypebuttonclassNamebtnbtndangeronClickgtfirebaseauthsignOutthengtsetDisplaytruesetUidnullsetJwtTokennullalertログアウトしましたcatchgtalertログアウト失敗gtログアウトltbuttongtltbrgtltbrgtlttableclassNametabletableborderedstylewidthgtlttheadclassNametableprimarygtlttrgtltthgtuidltthgtltthgtJwtTokenltthgtlttrgtlttheadgtlttbodygtlttrgtlttdgtuidlttdgtlttdgtjwtTokenlttdgtlttrgtlttbodygtlttablegtltgtReactDOMrenderltApplicationgtdocumentgetElementByIdappsrcstylecsstablewidthbordercollapsecollapsetablelayoutfixedtabletdoverflowhiddenwordbreakbreakallコマンドnpmstartワイのGitHubとかGitHubYouTubeQiitaLINETwitter成果物まとめ最近の投稿【第回】「みんなのポートフォリオまとめサイト」を作りますプロトタイプ作成編【第回】「みんなのポートフォリオまとめサイト」を作りますRESTAPI編【第回】「みんなのポートフォリオまとめサイト」を作りますSNSログイン編【第回】「みんなのポートフォリオまとめサイト」を作りますフロントエンド編いいねが多い記事GoogleAppsScriptの神ライブラリ「cheeriogs」でヤフートップをスクレイピングする。 2020-08-21 06:45:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Seleniumで既に立ち上がっているブラウザを停止させたい https://teratail.com/questions/286240?rss=all Seleniumで既に立ち上がっているブラウザを停止させたいSeleniumで既に立ち上がっているブラウザ情報を取得して、そのブラウザを終了させる方法など御座いませんでしょうかプログラムでSeleniumでブラウザを立ち上げ、プログラムエラー等でプログラムが停止した場合などブラウザは立ち上がったままになります。 2020-08-21 06:33:20
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News LG rolls out Apple TV app for select 2018 smart TVs https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/08/20/lg-rolls-out-apple-tv-app-for-select-2018-smart-tvs LG rolls out Apple TV app for select smart TVsLG appears to be rolling out a firmware update that adds the Apple TV app to select models Credit LGIn February LG issued software updates that brought the Apple TV app to certain smart TV models At the time the company said a firmware update in would introduce the TV app to models as well Read more 2020-08-20 21:21:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple releases second macOS Big Sur public beta https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/08/20/apple-releases-second-macos-big-sur-public-beta Apple releases second macOS Big Sur public betaApple on Thursday issued a second beta version of the upcoming macOS Big Sur operating system to public beta testers offering members of the Apple Beta Software Program an early look at the software ahead of release this fall Today s public beta should share similarities with a fifth developer beta version that was pushed out alongside new test updates to iOS iPadOS tvOS and watchOS on Wednesday An initial macOS Big Sur public beta was issued on Aug Members of the Apple Beta Software Program can download the macOS Big Sur update through the Software Update option in System Preferences Those interested in taking a sneak peek at the next generation operating system can sign up for the program via Apple s website Read more 2020-08-20 21:12:05
Docker Docker Blog Docker Desktop & WSL 2 – Backport Update https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-desktop-wsl-2-backport-update/ Docker Desktop amp WSL Backport UpdateWhile we have continued to make improvements to our Windows experience on Docker Desktop for users of HyperV we are excited to see that Microsoft has announced the backport of WSL to Windows version and This means that as of today Docker Desktop Edge users will be able to use Docker Desktop The post Docker Desktop WSL Backport Update appeared first on Docker Blog 2020-08-20 21:01:00
海外科学 NYT > Science Live Covid-19 Coverage: Global Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/world/coronavirus-covid.html Live Covid Coverage Global UpdatesOverburdened health care specialists are finding themselves on the front lines as schools reopen India s crisis is now spreading to the hinterlands along its southern coastline 2020-08-20 21:15:53
海外TECH WIRED Uber and Lyft Win a Reprive, and Won't Quit California—for Now https://www.wired.com/story/uber-lyft-win-reprive-wont-quit-california-now Uber and Lyft Win a Reprive and Won x t Quit Californiaーfor NowAn appeals court delayed a requirement that the companies treat drivers as employees Voters will ultimately decide through a November ballot measure 2020-08-20 21:25:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Steve Bannon charged with fraud over Mexico wall funds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53853297 border 2020-08-20 21:52:23
ニュース BBC News - Home France: Virus cases spike to 4,700 in a day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53856609 numbers 2020-08-20 21:03:21
北海道 北海道新聞 イラン制裁復活手続き開始 米孤立「権限なく無効」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/452352/ 国務長官 2020-08-21 06:33:00
北海道 北海道新聞 京アニ犠牲者の作品展示 親族「生きた証し残す」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/452351/ 京都アニメーション 2020-08-21 06:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 あつまれ、ボウサイの森 東京消防庁、情報発信に活用 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/452350/ 情報発信 2020-08-21 06:03:18



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