投稿時間:2020-10-23 08:20:57 RSSフィード2020-10-23 08:00 分まとめ(26件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、「Safari Technology Preview 115」をリリース https://taisy0.com/2020/10/23/126898.html Apple、「SafariTechnologyPreview」をリリース本日、Appleが、「SafariTechnologyPreview」をリリースしました。 2020-10-22 22:03:55
TECH Engadget Japanese Huawei Mate 40シリーズ発表。カメラ機能がさらに充実、充電機能も強化 https://japanese.engadget.com/huawei-mate-40-pro-plus-cameras-223009289.html huawei 2020-10-22 22:50:09
TECH Engadget Japanese ハリウッド映画版『アンチャーテッド』、トム・ホランド演じる主人公ネイサン・ドレイク初公開 https://japanese.engadget.com/uncharted-movie-tom-holland-as-nathan-drake-223043917.html 実写映画 2020-10-22 22:30:43
TECH Engadget Japanese 「リマインダー」のタスクには優先順位を付けられるって知ってました?:iPhone Tips https://japanese.engadget.com/reminder-priority-221000688.html iphonetips 2020-10-22 22:10:00
TECH Engadget Japanese PS5はApple TV対応。ネトフリ・アマプラ・DMM・U-NEXTなどメディアアプリを紹介 https://japanese.engadget.com/ps5-appletv-220015390.html apple 2020-10-22 22:00:15
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【CRUD】【Django】PythonフレームワークDjangoを使ってCRUDサイトを作成する~3~ https://qiita.com/oboerarenai_user/items/ecd06c48dea0941e261d blogアプリのurlspyを読み込む設定を記述します。 2020-10-23 07:31:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) データベースに値は存在している? が、詳細ページにアクセスすると404が返ってきてしまいます。(テスト) https://teratail.com/questions/299795?rss=all データベースはテスト用のものを作り使用しています。 2020-10-23 07:00:25
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails6のjs.erb内でJQueryを使う方法 https://qiita.com/beyan/items/b041860d9822a9d76a1a Railsのjserb内でJQueryを使う方法ちょっとはまったのでメモ概要Railsのビューのremotetrueなフォームを受けとったコントローラで、jserbを呼び出した時、JQueryhogeが動作しなかった。 2020-10-23 07:20:27
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Web Services入門 (AWSの基礎) https://qiita.com/nekoharuyuki/items/975d30485e72b20032e8 また、AWSクラウドの世界中のリージョンで提供される、すべてのサービスを始めることができます。 2020-10-23 07:19:24
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita アンケートの「良かった」「ふつう」「悪かった」の割合(パーセンテージ)をSQLで算出する https://qiita.com/jnchito/items/ab14b23ed2c33492971c ここではCOUNTでテーブルの全件数をカウントするここでは上のつの数値で割り算してを掛ければ、パーセンテージが算出できるただし、整数同士の割り算は整数値に丸められてしまうので、÷×となってしまう。 2020-10-23 07:40:33
海外TECH Ars Technica Better than the Scoville scale? Chili-shaped device can rate pepper hotness https://arstechnica.com/?p=1716412 display 2020-10-22 22:04:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Customers line up for iPhone 12 as pre-orders arrive https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/22/customers-line-up-for-iphone-12-as-pre-orders-arrive Customers line up for iPhone as pre orders arriveIt s Friday in Australia and New Zealand and that means early adopters are lining up for ーor taking receipt of ーlaunch day iPhone and iPhone Pro models Source Daniel Van Boom via TwitterIn Australia Apple fans started to line up outside of flagship Apple Stores late Thursday to be one of the first in the world to nab Apple s next generation device As noted by CNET editor Daniel Van Boom the first person in line at Apple Sydney has been there since p m Read more 2020-10-22 23:00:19
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ review: 'On the Rocks' brings Bill Murray, gloriously, to Apple https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/22/apple-tv-review-on-the-rocks-brings-bill-murray-gloriously-to-apple Apple TV review x On the Rocks x brings Bill Murray gloriously to AppleIn a Lost in Translation reunion Sofia Coppola directs Murray in a fine New York story Director Sofia Coppola with stars Rashida Jones and Bill Murray in On The Rocks premiering October on Apple TV With On the Rocks the Apple TV A partnership has yielded its best feature film to date It s a beautifully mounted comedy drama directed by Sofia Coppola that boasts a great performance from Bill Murray and a serviceable turn from Rashida Jones Read more 2020-10-22 22:58:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Scarlett Johansson to star in, produce 'Bride' for Apple TV+ and A24 https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/22/scarlett-johansson-to-star-in-produce-bride-for-apple-tv-and-a24 Scarlett Johansson to star in produce x Bride x for Apple TV and AApple TV is partnering with A on Bride a genre bending film produced by and starring Scarlett Johansson Credit Ashley Batz BustleThe plot of the film follows a woman created to be an ideal wife for a brilliant entrepreneur However she rejects her creator and is forced to flee into a world that sees her as a monster Deadline reported Read more 2020-10-22 22:48:38
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Quibi to shut down around Dec. 1, fate of content unknown https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/22/quibi-to-shut-down-around-dec-1-fate-of-content-unknown Quibi to shut down around Dec fate of content unknownQuibi expects to completely shut down its serve on or about Dec and doesn t know what will become of its short form video content the company told customers on Thursday Credit QuibiJust hours after The Wall Street Journal reported that the struggling short form video service would shut down Quibi founder Jeffrey Katzenberg and CEO Meg Whitman announced in an open letter on Thursday that it would officially be shutting down Read more 2020-10-22 22:14:04
海外TECH Engadget Get ready to raid 'Ghost of Tsushima' on October 30th https://www.engadget.com/weekly-challenges-and-raids-are-coming-to-ghost-of-tsushima-223345542.html Get ready to raid x Ghost of Tsushima x on October thFollowing last weekend s debut of co op gameplay and New Game SuckerPunch is ready to release more new ways to play The company announced on Thursday that beginning at am Pacific every Friday the team would release new “Weekly Challenges These 2020-10-22 22:33:45
海外科学 NYT > Science Schoolchildren Seem Unlikely to Fuel Coronavirus Surges, Scientists Say https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/22/health/coronavirus-schools-children.html Schoolchildren Seem Unlikely to Fuel Coronavirus Surges Scientists SayResearchers once feared that school reopenings might spread the virus through communities But so far there is little evidence that it s happening 2020-10-22 22:21:04
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: Test and trace 'can't cope' and jobs aid 'triples' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-54654115 admission 2020-10-22 22:54:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Celtic 1-3 AC Milan - Scots come up short in Europa League opener https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54528918 glasgow 2020-10-22 22:16:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Vinicius can play with Kane - Mourinho after Europa win https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54605812 Vinicius can play with Kane Mourinho after Europa winStriker Carlos Vinicius can play alongside Harry Kane and not just be his stand in says Jose Mourinho after he impresses in Tottenham s win over LASK 2020-10-22 22:36:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Leicester City 3-0 Zorya Luhansk: Harvey Barnes excels in Europa League win https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54605829 campaign 2020-10-22 22:37:23
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] Amazonタイムセールで、1000円台のディスプレイ上に置ける棚2個セットや綿がたっぷり入って丸洗いできる安眠枕がお買い得に https://www.lifehacker.jp/2020/10/1023_amazon-timesale-2.html amazon 2020-10-23 07:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 夜間外出禁止、人口の70%に 仏、1日4万人コロナ感染 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/473704/ 外出禁止 2020-10-23 07:04:22
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 中国が「個人情報保護法」制定に踏み出す事情 個人情報の濫用に歯止め、公益目的には例外も | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/382436?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back biztech 2020-10-23 07:30:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) DMM Bitcoin、10/28より同社提示の仲値価格で取引ができる「BitMatch注文」機能を追加 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_10_12014 bitmatch 2020-10-23 07:57:40
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [techcrunch] Gaudiyが少年ジャンプ「約束のネバーランド」向けにブロックチェーン活用公式コミュニティ提供 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_12013 techcrunchgaudiy 2020-10-23 07:52:41



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