python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PHPによる型の比較について |
ltphp比較対象の型も検証するifechotrueelseechofalsegt実行結果phptestphpfalse型の検証まで行うとfalseになることを確認できました。 |
2021-01-16 00:59:45 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python Webスクレイピング selenium |
PythonWebスクレイピングselenium今年エンジニア転職を目指しているものです。 |
2021-01-16 00:44:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
visual studio codeで実行ができません。 |
visualstudiocodeで実行ができません。 |
2021-01-16 00:49:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
BeautifulSoupでtwemojiがスクレイピングできない |
2021-01-16 00:49:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
自作画像データセットでt-SNEによる次元圧縮・可視化を行いたい |
自作画像データセットでtSNEによる次元圧縮・可視化を行いたいやりたいこと自身が撮影した画像を用いて作ったデータセットに対してtSNEによって可視化を行い作成したデータセットが適切にクラスタリングできているかを可視化することで確認したい環境OSwindowsAnacondanbspPythonデータセット構造のフォルダに画像が枚ずつ格納されているわからないことMNISTなどのkeras上に存在するデータセットを用いている例は確認できるが自作データセットにおけるやり方がわからない初学者のためあまり知識はありませんがよろしくお願いします。 |
2021-01-16 00:39:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
php 入力した値がカレンダーとしてWeb上で表示されない |
入力した年月の値がWeb上でカレンダーとして表示されません。 |
2021-01-16 00:37:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
共有メモリを使ったメッセージの送受信 |
2021-01-16 00:32:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ハンバーガーメニュー リンク |
ハンバーガーメニューリンク現在このようにしてフロントエンド、バックエンドと分けて、フロントエンドやバックエンドにカーソルが乗ると①HTMLなどが表示できるようにしています。 |
2021-01-16 00:32:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MAMP MySQLサーバーが起動しない |
MAMPMySQLサーバーが起動しないやりたいこと事務所と自宅の台のwindowsマシンPCPCでMAMPのローカル環境を共有したい。 |
2021-01-16 00:31:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityのアプリをandroidでバックグラウンドで動かしたい |
Unityのアプリをandroidでバックグラウンドで動かしたい前提・実現したいことUnityでandroidで動く目覚ましアプリを作ってみたのですが、バックグラウンドで動かせず、開いたままでないと音が鳴りません。 |
2021-01-16 00:31:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WP_Queryを使って記事を出力するときaタグが色々な所に勝手に出力される |
2021-01-16 00:25:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
編集画面に、保存してあるタグを表示させたい |
編集画面に、保存してあるタグを表示させたい前提・実現したいことタグ付投稿機能をフォームオブジェクトを使って実装しています。 |
2021-01-16 00:16:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
adMobで広告を実装しましたが、収入は何で決まるのでしょうか? |
admob |
2021-01-16 00:15:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
updateする際にValidation failedが解消できない |
updateする際にValidationfailedが解消できない下記のタスクファイルにて該当データをupdateしたいのですが、下記のエラーがどうにもこうにも解消できません。 |
2021-01-16 00:12:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アコーディオンメニューの中で擬似要素を縦中央寄せにするには? |
アコーディオンメニューを最初から閉じておくには、accinnnerにdisplaynoneとすると、閉じるのですが、今度はコンテンツの位置関係がズレてしまいます。 |
2021-01-16 00:08:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Railsでのエラー There was an error while trying to load the gem 'ransack'.となりdocker-compoes upできません。 |
csvnbspファイルを読み込む関係でnbsprequirenbspaposcsvaposgemnbspdevisenbspを日本語化するためnbspgemnbspaposdeviseinaposを入れたところ、dockercomposenbspupで下記エラーでコンテナが立ち上がらなくなりました。 |
2021-01-16 00:05:27 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PHPによる型の比較について |
ltphp比較対象の型も検証するifechotrueelseechofalsegt実行結果phptestphpfalse型の検証まで行うとfalseになることを確認できました。 |
2021-01-16 00:59:45 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails]"kaminari"の使い方について |
defaultperpageデフォルトのページあたりの表示件数デフォルトは。 |
2021-01-16 00:13:01 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lightsail 入門3 基本設定(管理画面) |
AWSLightsail入門インスタンス作成静的IPの設定LightsailインスタンスのパブリックIPグローバルIPは通常、インスタンス停止時に開放され、次回起動時にはアドレスが変わる。 |
2021-01-16 00:59:57 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Goで現在時刻のテストどうする話(めっちゃ薄いライブラリ作った) |
しっくりくるのがなかったので欲しい機能だけ入れたライブラリを作った。 |
2021-01-16 00:43:55 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
未経験からエンジニア転職後、1年半の間に役に立ったGitコマンド |
どのような変更を行ったか確認するgitdiffファイルを指定することができます。 |
2021-01-16 00:59:14 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails]"kaminari"の使い方について |
defaultperpageデフォルトのページあたりの表示件数デフォルトは。 |
2021-01-16 00:13:01 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon Aurora のフェイルオーバー を E メールで通知する |
amazon |
2021-01-15 15:38:11 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Trump tries to claw back billions from COVID vaccine distributor |
enrage |
2021-01-15 15:55:02 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
This painted pig is the world’s oldest figurative art |
facial |
2021-01-15 15:08:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I went from newbie to dream role in 225 days... |
How I went from newbie to dream role in days Ahh it s been too long since I sat down to write I am so so so excited to bring you this latest instalment As you may or may not know I GOT MY FIRST TECH JOB days after starting my learning journey I accepted a role as Developer Relations DevRel for Veeqo starting Monday th January This article follows on from my last post My journey through space time and tech so far lauracharvey・Aug ・ min read beginners codenewbie career watercooler And will cover what I did nexta bit about bootcampwhat my job application process was likehow I got my jobjob application tips and of course the burning question that you ve just thought of what on earth is DevRel Where we left offOn the th August I told you all I was going to carry on self teaching but if I m being honest readers it was only because I had a not so supportive partner with no tech experience who had told me that bootcamp was a load of hoo haa and he wasn t prepared to support me through it By the end of August I had decided a career in tech was more important to me than an unsupportive partner so I left and decided to pursue my dream alone I passed my entry challenges and enrolled in the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive course within a week and signed up for the cohort starting st September Turns out when you least expect it and you ve resigned yourself to being a lonely old spinster with dogs someone comes along and ruins your well made plans…Cue Ant Laura Harvey ️ lauracharvey I rarely post things about my personal life but I m too happy not to share World meet Ant my biggest supporter and the reason my Twitter engagement is now through the floor ️ PM Sep Laura I m here for the tech stuff not your love life tell me about the bootcamp…I wrote about the bootcamp application process here The No Jargon Guide Bootcamp Edition Entry Challenges lauracharvey・Sep ・ min read beginners codenewbie career My course was fully remote due to COVID for anyone reading this in the future who doesn t know COVID was like a sort of apocalypse over similar to the movie Contagion where no one was allowed out of the house and people busied themselves by stockpiling toilet paper My classes were held on Zoom with tutor teaching assistants and a cohort of students We would log into class from am until around pm with a hour lunch except on project weeks where you were gifted a lay in and didn t have to log in until am Our course was weeks long and the syllabus covered HTMLCSSReact jsExpress jsNode jsMongoDB amp Mongoose PythonFlaskPostgreSQLHere s a breakdown of the timescales What was the teaching like Class was a mix of sessions and “labs the sessions were minutes or more and then the labs were mini practical exercises done in groups or alone to break up the learning During labs we would often be put in breakout rooms on Zoom which would be a smaller group that you could chat to or solve problems with Homework was set at the end of each day and varied in length and complexity In the first few weeks it was going over concepts we d learnt that day from week onwards it was replicating a full stack application that the teacher had built adding to it each day with the things we d learnt in class I work better in the mornings so I would get up early and work for hours before class but I know most people in my cohort did theirs as soon as class was over for the day Go on how much did it cost It definitely wasn t cheap The General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive costs £ if you re a boy unlucky However if you are female or identify as female you get a discount of around £ BUT and this is a massive but you HAVE to have a Mac which is obviously a huge outlay on top of the course fees How did you make it work I chose to fund the course fees from savings I got the Mac on credit card eeek And I m extremely blessed to have parents who are able to help me out Although somewhat begrudgingly they paid me monthly “pocket money so I could pay my bills and afford to feed myself All I will say on this it s best to be prepared financially for bootcamp it s stressful enough without adding money worries in the mix There are part time options which although cost around the same you can fit them around a job so at least you don t have to stop earning Is bootcamp worth it I think this is a really personal question…what do you want to achieve and why For me I was making slow progress with JavaScript and I wanted to go quicker I felt like I d put life on hold enough in the past so I wanted to do something that could help me achieve my goal of being a developer as quickly as possible Also after trying university before I knew that style of learning wasn t for me It is true that you can learn everything I learnt at bootcamp for free online but I felt I needed the support and community learning that bootcamp brings I loved having people to ask questions chat with about code check understandings and also the solidarity when thinking “I don t get this at all… What are some things to bear in mind It s like a massive information dump for monthsIf you don t get something the next day you re onto a new topic and you have homework so it can be difficult to go back over material during the course It s really intense no really I was totally unprepared for how intense bootcamp was its hours per day days a week You have homework and you re learning masses of information each day The GA course also has built in career support called “outcomes The outcomes team set homework and arrange networking sessions in the evenings a few times throughout the course Once you finish the weeks teaching you go straight into weeks outcomes work which include work to get you job ready CV Resume cover letters LinkedIn portfolio READMEs and a job tracker No one gets you a jobIf you are hoping going to bootcamp will magically get you job offers left right and center and you ll be alright because bootcamps have affiliated employers unfortunately you re wrong You have to put in all the work on your deliverables yourself approach employers yourself and prepare for those technical interviews yourself Ok enough about bootcamp tell me how did you get a job I think my job search journey is a little bit unusual so I ll tell you but I ll also give you some tips for a more traditional job search As some of you might know since starting to learn to code I have built a Twitter following I don t have the secrets as to how but I ll do my best to share some tips in a thread another day On the th December I posted my new portfolio letting everyone know I was looking for work Laura Harvey ️ lauracharvey NEW PORTFOLIO ️lauracharvey devBuilt with reactjs my new love I am looking for work so I d really appreciate a retweet and if you re hiring or know of any roles going give me a shout TIA PM Dec I had a few people direct message me and one of them was the CEO of Veeqo who said he thought I might be a good fit for the Developer Relations role they had advertised with a link to the role DevRel was something I knew I wanted to get into but never dreamed I could do as a junior so I jumped at the opportunity The application was very simple upload your CV add a cover letter and answer a question which CTO do you find most inspirational and why I chose Gerri Martin Flickinger because she s female and was the first ever CTO at Starbucks and I think her vision for technologically connected coffee shops is pretty cool I was so glad to be shortlisted and the interview process was then done in stages Interview minutesChat with their Head of People about the role Veeqo as a company their culture and the sort of thing I was looking for to check it was a match Interview minutesChat with the hiring manager about the role and my experience in more detail Interview minutesI was asked to give a minute presentation on their API how it works and its benefits What are other tech interviews like I got a job quite early on in my search but I interviewed at other companies I won t disclose who but I ll give you an overview of the role the type of business and the interview process Full Stack DeveloperDigital AgencyAbout weeks into bootcamp chat about the role my journey the tech I was familiar with and transferable skillsOutcome RejectedFrontend Developer React Start UpChat about the role my journey the tech I was familiar with the type of role I was looking for transferable skills and my learning styleOutcome WithdrewFrontend Developer React Start UpInterview Chat with the CEOInterview Chat with the CEO and backend developerOutcome Offer DeclinedJunior Software EngineerStart UpInterview Chat with hiring manager and technical test create a function in any language to convert a serial number and letters in certain numerical values to find an overall check digit and check the authenticity of the serial numberInterview One and a half hour pair programming session in ReactOutcome Withdrew Where did you find all these roles Twitter amp LinkedInThere s no magic trick to it unfortunately you just have to sift through lots of roles however networking can really help bring the roles to you rather than you going looking for them I have like Twitter follower will I ever get a job Everyone has to start somewhere and you definitely don t need to have followers on social media to get a job in tech Here are some practical tips for you if you re currently searching Show some personalityJob applications don t need to be boring you re not a tech savvy robot you re a person and that is the person the hiring manager is going to have to work with on the daily should you be successful Are you a loud or funny person Show it Are you a Warhammer enthusiast Show it Are you a dog lover Show it You can check my personal statement on my portfolio if you re struggling to get started Show you are passionate about tech developmentI ve spoken to a couple of recruiters and one thing they both said was that COVID has caused a massive influx of junior developers in the market and not all of them care as much about development as you do and it shows Set yourself apart from other candidates by showing your passion and commitment to the developer community Share your wins your losses create content and build build build Build projects without following a tutorialShow your creativity and willingness to strike off on your own by all means replicate something that has been built times before but do it in your own way without copying the code line by line Have a portfolio or at least a GitHub or CodePen to showcase your workOnce you ve built those projects find some way to showcase them don t worry about someone digging around in your code firstly you might learn something and secondly it shows your progress from project to project Get your CV resume in checkMake sure your message is consistent across all of your platforms don t call yourself a Frontend dev on LinkedIn and then a Full Stack developer on your CV For the UK market your CV should be no more than pages including Your nameYour current job title or job title you are hoping to achieveYour contact detailsLinks to your other platforms i e Twitter GitHub Dev toA personal statementSummary of your technical skillsExperience including dates projects content created whilst in that role and a description of the role responsibilitiesEducationAchievements these don t have to be tech or even job related Hobbies and Interests Use your LinkedIn to supplement your CV and actually make an effort with your LICan t fit all your awesomeness on pages Me either add a little note on the bottom of your CV “for my full career history please check my LinkedIn Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date and consistent with your CV Sharing on Twitter Cross post to LI too that way you have the chance of reaching hiring managers or decision makers on either platform DThompsonDev has a great guide on updating your LinkedIn here s one to get you started HOW TO USE LINKEDIN PROFILES TO GET JOBS Stand out where the hiring managers hang out Cover letters are still necessary unfortunatelyYour cover letter should be tailored to each job it doesn t need to be an essay all you need is One paragraph about why they are the best company ever and why you want to work thereOne paragraph about what you could offer them don t big yourself up using statements like “I m the best candidate “I m exceptional with Python just talk about practical skills you have and how they match the role on offer “I really like working with JavaScript and particularly enjoy using different array methods… One final paragraph to summarise “I ve attached my CV and would love the opportunity to talk you through my work and discuss the role you have available… Speculative applications might open up your optionsFound a company that you d really love to work for but they don t have any open position Apply anyway Send a cover letter or cover note on LinkedIn and ask if they have any positions coming up or could they please consider you for any future openings Network network networkIt s estimated that of job roles are filled by networking alone so get out there talk to people and start making friends in your industry Put a post out on social mediaYou never know that follower could have your hiring manager in their contacts what have you got to lose Ok last question what on earth is Developer Relations Developer Relations aka Developer Advocacy is a growing specialism it s a bit of hybrid role that is different from organisation to organisation but generally you split your time between development and building a developer community around your companies product s So Veeqo is an inventory and shipping platform for ecommerce retailers they can do things like stock control picking packing shipping purchasing and financial reporting all in one spot however some retailers want to build their own bespoke app so Veeqo has a public API that can be used in the building of apps My new role will be looking after that API making the API and its documentation as user friendly as possible I will also be the go between for developers using it getting their feedback and supporting them with any issues to make developer experience the very best I will also support the community by creating helpful content and speaking at conferences and other events This article from lynnetye is a really great way to learn more about more about DevRel she chatted to Developer Advocates or Dev Avocados as they lovingly call themselves about what they do day to day My role is being built from the ground up so I m really excited to see where it goes as always I ll keep you updated A little note from meIf you re reading this I assume you re learning and or looking to get into a tech so a massive GOOD LUCK on your journey I love hearing from you so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions Thanks for reading |
2021-01-15 15:27:16 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple App Store, Google Play boot social media app Wimkin over user calls for violence |
Apple App Store Google Play boot social media app Wimkin over user calls for violenceBoth Apple and Google have removed social media app Wimkin from their respective app stores as part of a growing crackdown on platforms that don t do enough to moderate content Credit WimkinBoth tech companies removed Wimkin which bills itself as an uncensored platform for free speech because of content that called for violence ahead of the inauguration of President elect Joe Biden The Wall Street Journal reported Friday According to Wimkin founder Jason Sheppard Apple pulled the platform because of posts related to the organization of a Million Militia March at the inauguration on Jan Read more |
2021-01-15 15:21:03 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Kia teases several of its upcoming electric vehicles |
Kia teases several of its upcoming electric vehiclesKia has offered a sneak peek at its upcoming electric vehicles It teased nine EVs including cars and commercial vehicles but they were all shrouded in shadow The automaker plans to ship seven EVs by and it will provide a proper look at the f |
2021-01-15 15:38:53 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
How to Create Custom Form Request Validations in Laravel Projects |
laravel |
2021-01-15 16:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
PSJ予測統計値 |
統計 |
2021-01-15 16:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株式投資型クラウドファンディングの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株式投資 |
2021-01-15 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症への証券関係機関等・各証券会社の対応について(リンク集) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-01-15 15:22:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「顧客本位の業務運営に関する原則」(改訂案)、「金融商品取引業者等向けの総合的な監督指針」及び「保険会社向けの総合的な監督指針」の一部改正(案)に対するパブリックコメントの結果等について公表しました。 |
保険会社 |
2021-01-15 17:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan eyes punishment for breaking COVID-19 rules |
experts |
2021-01-16 01:19:06 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Tokyo reports 2,001 new coronavirus cases |
record |
2021-01-16 00:35:39 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Hiroshima considers free coronavirus tests for up to 800,000 people |
Hiroshima considers free coronavirus tests for up to peopleThe voluntary polymerase chain reaction PCR testing will target all residents and workers in the heart of the city of Hiroshima where infection numbers are |
2021-01-16 00:01:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Early signs of lockdown restrictions working |
lockdown |
2021-01-15 15:38:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tighter rules to be introduced for shops in Wales |
covid |
2021-01-15 15:29:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Halam stabbing: Surgeon Graeme Perks 'fighting for his life' |
parks |
2021-01-15 15:43:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Brazil virus already in UK ‘not variant of concern’, scientist says |
brazil |
2021-01-15 15:43:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Student nurses 'at risk' without insurance on placement |
students |
2021-01-15 15:14:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Judges reject Lockerbie bomber's appeal against conviction |
megrahi |
2021-01-15 15:33:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Dutch Rutte government resigns over child welfare fraud scandal |
financial |
2021-01-15 15:32:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rooney retires as player after Derby appointment |
england |
2021-01-15 15:21:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Which shops are open and what are the rules about click-and-collect? |
rules |
2021-01-15 15:48:44 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
オランダ内閣が総辞職 育児手当の不当返還で引責 |
首相 |
2021-01-16 00:33:00 |