投稿時間:2021-03-31 08:44:18 RSSフィード2021-03-31 08:00 分まとめ(47件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… Googleの新型ワイヤレスイヤホンの名称は「Pixel Buds A」に?? − カラーは2色展開か https://taisy0.com/2021/03/31/138406.html google 2021-03-30 22:05:34
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エグゼクティブ] 10秒アクションをレベルアップしていく方法 https://mag.executive.itmedia.co.jp/executive/articles/2103/31/news010.html itmedia 2021-03-31 07:05:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 個人間カーシェア「Anyca」、スマホで施錠・解錠できる「AnycaKEY」の提供開始 https://techable.jp/archives/151485 anyca 2021-03-30 22:00:14
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Simplify Snowflake data loading and processing with AWS Glue DataBrew https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-snowflake-data-loading-and-processing-with-aws-glue-databrew/ Simplify Snowflake data loading and processing with AWS Glue DataBrewHistorically inserting and retrieving data from a given database platform has been easier compared to a multi platform architecture for the same operations To simplify bringing data in from a multi database platform AWS Glue DataBrew supports bringing your data in from multiple data sources via the AWS Glue Data Catalog However this requires you to have … 2021-03-30 22:20:50
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Doing data preparation using on-premises PostgreSQL databases with AWS Glue DataBrew https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/doing-data-preparation-using-on-premises-postgresql-databases-with-aws-glue-databrew/ Doing data preparation using on premises PostgreSQL databases with AWS Glue DataBrewToday with AWS Glue DataBrew data analysts and data scientists can easily access and visually explore any amount of data across their organization directly from their Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S data lake Amazon Redshift data warehouse and Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS databases Customers can choose from over … 2021-03-30 22:19:52
AWS AWS How to build a predictive maintenance solution using Amazon SageMaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weURTTDc8dM How to build a predictive maintenance solution using Amazon SageMakerAmazon SageMaker helps data scientists and developers to prepare build train and deploy high quality machine learning ML models quickly by bringing together a broad set of capabilities purpose built for ML In this demo video you ll learn how you can use Amazon SageMaker for vehicle fleet fault classification To onboard quickly to SageMaker Studio visit Learn more about Amazon SageMaker Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos AWS MachineLearning 2021-03-30 22:04:31
AWS AWS How to predict customer churn using Amazon SageMaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSrH_37jmvQ How to predict customer churn using Amazon SageMakerAmazon SageMaker helps data scientists and developers to prepare build train and deploy high quality machine learning ML models quickly by bringing together a broad set of capabilities purpose built for ML In this demo video you ll learn how you can predict customer churn using Amazon SageMaker To onboard quickly to SageMaker Studio visit Learn more about Amazon Sagemaker Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos AWS MachineLearning 2021-03-30 22:04:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 桃鉄ガチャをつくってみた(Heroku + Flask + LINEbot) https://qiita.com/mo256man/items/dc4ddd12952ee97df8be それを明記している解説を見つけることはできなかった。 2021-03-31 07:32:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita manimの作法 その51 https://qiita.com/ohisama@github/items/df001466b26ca6f6add5 manimの作法その概要manimの作法、調べてみた。 2021-03-31 07:20:36
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita picoCTF 2021 Some Assembly Required 1 Writeup https://qiita.com/housu_jp/items/24cad10106270a7101c9 静的解析はまだ私には無理だ。 2021-03-31 07:43:09
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【新人プログラマ応援】学習用のプログラムと仕事で書くプログラムは何が違うか https://qiita.com/jnchito/items/c9ca22efa270ff1b7f3d 自分一人ではなく、チームで開発する学習用のプログラムを読み書きするのは自分一人ですが、仕事では複数のメンバーでひとつのシステムを開発していきます。 2021-03-31 07:32:15
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita S3の特定のフォルダのみを許可するIAMポリシー https://qiita.com/suzuki-navi/items/c4a89d0cbd1f0e075fce ConditionStringLikesprefixPREFIXポイントsListBucketだけ分けて書くResourceはバケット全体を指定Conditionにsprefixを指定sObjectはResourceにプレフィックスを含める毎回身近なところから似たIAMポリシーを探したり、ググったりしてるので、できる限りシンプルなパターンとして、記事にまとめておいたものです参考Actionの一覧とそれぞれの指定できるリソースの種類は、次の公式ドキュメントに載っています。 2021-03-31 07:38:49
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MacでcentOSにssh接続できない時の解決法 https://qiita.com/shunnami/items/fe517083965fd378b1bc MacでcentOSにssh接続できない時の解決法前提私は以下の記事を参考にcentOSをインストールしました。 2021-03-31 07:51:07
海外TECH Ars Technica Android sends 20x more data to Google than iOS sends to Apple, study says https://arstechnica.com/?p=1753357 contests 2021-03-30 22:18:06
海外科学 NYT > Science The Glow of Vegas Lures Insects, Too https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/30/science/vegas-light-pollution-ecology-grasshoppers.html ecologists 2021-03-30 23:00:10
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 FX Daily(3月29日)~ドル円は109円台後半まで再び上昇 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449570/?rss fxdaily 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 国内銀行の資産・負債等(銀行勘定)(2021年2月末) http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449572/?rss 日本銀行 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 水害が企業財務に与える影響に関する定量分析 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449573/?rss 定量分析 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 Procyclical Leverage and Crisis Probability in a Macroeconomic Model of Bank Runs http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449574/?rss erage 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【講演】黒田総裁「より効果的で持続的な金融緩和」(きさらぎ会) 日本銀行総裁 黒田東彦 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449575/?rss 日本銀行 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 金融市場が消化不良を起こしかねないバイデン政権下での大きな政府の流れ:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449576/?rss lobaleconomypolicyinsight 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 豪サステナブル金融の行程表~ESG情報開示の実効性向上に向けた取り組み:みずほインサイト アジア http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449582/?rss 取り組み 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 為替相場の現状と展望~ここ数年のトレンドに反し、振れの大きい動きを示す可能性も:内外経済・金融動向 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449599/?rss 中小企業 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 2021年度の考査の実施方針等 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449614/?rss 実施方針 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 2021年度の市場展望~高圧経済だからこそ生じうる金利上昇圧力と資産価格底上げ:高田レポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449618/?rss 岡三証券 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ウチダエスコ(株)~PC・ネットの保守サービス会社。「GIGAスクール構想」案件の受注好調。業績予想を増額:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449624/?rss 日本取引所グループ 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 和田興産(株)~神戸市地盤の中堅マンションディベロッパー。分譲マンション販売は概ね底堅く推移:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449625/?rss 分譲マンション 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 イー・ロジット(東証JASDAQ)~インターネット通販業者へフルフィルメントサービスとコンサルティングを提供。新型コロナウイルス禍により促進されたEC化への波に乗る:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449626/?rss jasdaq 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ブロードマインド(東証マザーズ)~一般世帯に包括的に金融サービスを提供するフィナンシャルパートナー。20歳代~40歳代のファミリー層を主対象に展開できる仕組みに注目:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449627/?rss 一般世帯 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ジーネクスト(東証マザーズ)~顧客対応業務を一元管理するデジタルプラットフォームの開発・提供を行う。特に食品業界において多くの実績とノウハウを有する:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449628/?rss 東証マザーズ 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 金融市場NOW:国内長期金利(10年国債金利)動向と見通し~一時約5年ぶりの水準に上昇 その後低下基調入り http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449646/?rss 金融市場 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 日銀の「点検」を点検する~依然としてハードルが高い日銀のマイナス金利深掘り:Kanno Report http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449649/?rss kannoreport 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 政治・経済スケジュール 2021年4月号 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449650/?rss 三菱ufj 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 INVESTMENT STRATEGY MONTHLY<投資戦略マンスリー> 2021年4月号 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449651/?rss investmentstrategymonthly 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 4-6月期の日経平均株価~過去の傾向を探る:市川レポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/449653/?rss 三井住友 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【注目検索キーワード】デジタルヘルス http://search.keizaireport.com/search.php/-/keyword=デジタルヘルス/?rss 検索キーワード 2021-03-31 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【お薦め書籍】ライフピボット 縦横無尽に未来を描く 人生100年時代の転身術 https://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/429501088X/keizaireport-22/ 当たり前 2021-03-31 00:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home George Floyd: Teenage witness 'stays up apologising for not doing more' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56585165 death 2021-03-30 22:41:08
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: Diverse UK 'hailed' and 'keep your cool' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-56585045 front 2021-03-30 22:53:56
北海道 北海道新聞 筒香は2打数無安打 タイガース戦 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527815/ 打数 2021-03-31 07:40:00
北海道 北海道新聞 この看板・標識、非常識? 廃線後も残る「夕張駅」表記 国や市「古いものから更新」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527790/ 非常識 2021-03-31 07:25:39
北海道 北海道新聞 クマ春のお目覚め 天塩署が警戒呼び掛け https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527658/ 遠別 2021-03-31 07:33:06
北海道 北海道新聞 安保理、一致対応取れず 北朝鮮ミサイルで会合 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527814/ 安全保障理事会 2021-03-31 07:32:00
北海道 北海道新聞 都市間バス4月から5往復 はぼろ号・ましけ号、コロナ下の運休減らす https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527659/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-03-31 07:30:07
北海道 北海道新聞 男女平等、日本は120位 G7最下位、政経面で遅れ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/527810/ 世界経済フォーラム 2021-03-31 07:08:00
デザイン UXMilk Webデザインにおけるタイポグラフィの10のヒント https://uxmilk.jp/67865 非常 2021-03-30 22:45:38
GCP Cloud Blog What’s new with Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/inside-google-cloud/whats-new-google-cloud/ What s new with Google CloudWant to know the latest from Google Cloud Find it here in one handy location Check back regularly for our newest updates announcements resources events learning opportunities and more  Week of Mar Apr Enabling data migration with Transfer Appliances in APACーWe re announcing the general availability of Transfer Appliances TA TA in Singapore Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with Transfer Appliances globally in the US EU and APAC Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Windows Authentication is now supported on Cloud SQL for SQL Server in public previewーWe ve launched seamless integration with Google Cloud s Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory AD This capability is a critical requirement to simplify identity management and streamline the migration of existing SQL Server workloads that rely on AD for access control Learn more or get started Using Cloud AI to whip up new treats with Mars MaltesersーMaltesers a popular British candy made by Mars teamed up with our own AI baker and ML engineer extraordinaire Sara Robinson to create a brand new dessert recipe with Google Cloud AI Find out what happened recipe included Simplifying data lake management with Dataproc Metastore now GAーDataproc Metastore a fully managed serverless technical metadata repository based on the Apache Hive metastore is now generally available Enterprises building and migrating open source data lakes to Google Cloud now have a central and persistent metastore for their open source data analytics frameworks Learn more Introducing the Echo subsea cableーWe announced our investment in Echo the first ever cable to directly connect the U S to Singapore with direct fiber pairs over an express route Echo will run from Eureka California to Singapore with a stop over in Guam and plans to also land in Indonesia Additional landings are possible in the future Learn more Week of Mar Mar new videos bring Google Cloud to lifeーThe Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel s latest video series explains cloud tools for technical practitioners in about minutes each Learn more BigQuery named a Leader in the Forrester Wave Cloud Data Warehouse Q reportーForrester gave BigQuery a score of out of across different criteria Learn more in our blog post or download the report Charting the future of custom compute at GoogleーTo meet users performance needs at low power we re doubling down on custom chips that use System on a Chip SoC designs Learn more Introducing Network Connectivity CenterーWe announced Network Connectivity Center which provides a single management experience to easily create connect and manage heterogeneous on prem and cloud networks leveraging Google s global infrastructure Network Connectivity Center serves as a vantage point to seamlessly connect VPNs partner and dedicated interconnects as well as third party routers and Software Defined WANs helping you optimize connectivity reduce operational burden and lower costsーwherever your applications or users may be Learn more Making it easier to get Compute Engine resources for batch processingーWe announced a new method of obtaining Compute Engine instances for batch processing that accounts for availability of resources in zones of a region Now available in preview for regional managed instance groups you can do this simply by specifying the ANY value in the API Learn more Next gen virtual automotive showrooms are here thanks to Google Cloud Unreal Engine and NVIDIAーWe teamed up with Unreal Engine the open and advanced real time D creation game engine and NVIDIA inventor of the GPU to launch new virtual showroom experiences for automakers Taking advantage of the NVIDIA RTX platform on Google Cloud these showrooms provide interactive D experiences photorealistic materials and environments and up to K cloud streaming on mobile and connected devices Today in collaboration with MHP the Porsche IT consulting firm and MONKEYWAY a real time D streaming solution provider you can see our first virtual showroom the Pagani Immersive Experience Platform Learn more Troubleshoot network connectivity with Dynamic Verification public preview ーYou can now check packet loss rate and one way network latency between two VMs on GCP This capability is an addition to existing Network Intelligence Center Connectivity Tests which verify reachability by analyzing network configuration in your VPCs See more in our documentation Helping U S states get the COVID vaccine to more peopleーIn February we announced our Intelligent Vaccine Impact solution IVIs to help communities rise to the challenge of getting vaccines to more people quickly and effectively Many states have deployed IVIs and have found it able to meet demand and easily integrate with their existing technology infrastructures Google Cloud is proud to partner with a number of states across the U S including Arizona the Commonwealth of Massachusetts North Carolina Oregon and the Commonwealth of Virginia to support vaccination efforts at scale Learn more Week of Mar Mar A VMs now GA The largest GPU cloud instances with NVIDIA A GPUsーWe re announcing the general availability of A VMs based on the NVIDIA Ampere A Tensor Core GPUs in Compute Engine This means customers around the world can now run their NVIDIA CUDA enabled machine learning ML and high performance computing HPC scale out and scale up workloads more efficiently and at a lower cost  Learn more Earn the new Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge for freeーWe ve added a new skill badge this month Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine GKE which you can earn for free when you sign up for the Kubernetes track of the skills challenge The skills challenge provides days free access to Google Cloud labs and gives you the opportunity to earn skill badges to showcase different cloud competencies to employers Learn more Now available carbon free energy percentages for our Google Cloud regionsーGoogle first achieved carbon neutrality in and since we ve purchased enough solar and wind energy to match of our global electricity consumption Now we re building on that progress to target a new sustainability goal running our business on carbon free energy everywhere by Beginning this week we re sharing data about how we are performing against that objective so our customers can select Google Cloud regions based on the carbon free energy supplying them Learn more Increasing bandwidth to C and N VMsーWe announced the public preview of and Gbps high bandwidth network configurations for General Purpose N and Compute Optimized C Compute Engine VM families as part of continuous efforts to optimize our Andromeda host networking stack This means we can now offer higher bandwidth options on existing VM families when using the Google Virtual NIC gVNIC These VMs were previously limited to Gbps Learn more New research on how COVID changed the nature of ITーTo learn more about the impact of COVID and the resulting implications to IT Google commissioned a study by IDG to better understand how organizations are shifting their priorities in the wake of the pandemic  Learn more and download the report New in API securityーGoogle Cloud Apigee API management platform s latest release  Apigee X works with Cloud Armor to protect your APIs with advanced security technology including DDoS protection geo fencing OAuth and API keys Learn more about our integrated security enhancements here Troubleshoot errors more quickly with Cloud LoggingーThe Logs Explorer now automatically breaks down your log results by severity making it easy to spot spikes in errors at specific times Learn more about our new histogram functionality here The Logs Explorer histogramWeek of Mar Mar Introducing AskGoogleCloud on Twitter and YouTubeーOur first segment on March th features Developer Advocates Stephanie Wong Martin Omander and James Ward to answer questions on the best workloads for serverless the differences between “serverless and “cloud native how to accurately estimate costs for using Cloud Run and much more Learn more Learn about the value of no code hackathonsーGoogle Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet helps to facilitate hackathons for “non technical employees with no coding necessary to compete Learn about Globe Telecom s no code hackathon as well as their winning AppSheet app here Introducing Cloud Code Secret Manager IntegrationーSecret Manager provides a central place and single source of truth to manage access and audit secrets across Google Cloud Integrating Cloud Code with Secret Manager brings the powerful capabilities of both these tools together so you can create and manage your secrets right from within your preferred IDE whether that be VS Code IntelliJ or Cloud Shell Editor Learn more Flexible instance configurations in Cloud SQLーCloud SQL for MySQL now supports flexible instance configurations which offer you the extra freedom to configure your instance with the specific number of vCPUs and GB of RAM that fits your workload To set up a new instance with a flexible instance configuration see our documentation here The Cloud Healthcare Consent Management API is now generally availableーThe Healthcare Consent Management API is now GA giving customers the ability to greatly scale the management of consents to meet increasing need particularly amidst the emerging task of managing health data for new care and research scenarios Learn more Week of Mar Mar Cloud Run is now available in all Google Cloud regions  Learn more Introducing Apache Spark Structured Streaming connector for Pub Sub LiteーWe re announcing the release of an open source connector to read streams of messages from Pub Sub Lite into Apache Spark The connector works in all Apache Spark X distributions including Dataproc Databricks or manual Spark installations Learn more Google Cloud Next is October ーJoin us and learn how the most successful companies have transformed their businesses with Google Cloud Sign up at g co cloudnext for updates Learn more Hierarchical firewall policies now GAーHierarchical firewalls provide a means to enforce firewall rules at the organization and folder levels in the GCP Resource Hierarchy This allows security administrators at different levels in the hierarchy to define and deploy consistent firewall rules across a number of projects so they re applied to all VMs in currently existing and yet to be created projects Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud Born Digital SummitーOver this half day event we ll highlight proven best practice approaches to data architecture diversity amp inclusion and growth with Google Cloud solutions Learn more and register for free Google Cloud products in words or less edition ーOur popular “ words or less Google Cloud developer s cheat sheet is back and updated for Learn more Gartner names Google a leader in its Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services reportーWe believe this recognition is based on Gartner s evaluation of Google Cloud s language vision conversational and structured data services and solutions for developers Learn more Announcing the Risk Protection ProgramーThe Risk Protection Program offers customers peace of mind through the technology to secure their data the tools to monitor the security of that data and an industry first cyber policy offered by leading insurers Learn more Building the future of workーWe re introducing new innovations in Google Workspace to help people collaborate and find more time and focus wherever and however they work Learn more Assured Controls and expanded Data RegionsーWe ve added new information governance features in Google Workspace to help customers control their data based on their business goals Learn more Week of Feb Feb Google Cloud tools explained in minutesーNeed a quick overview of Google Cloud core technologies Quickly learn these Google Cloud productsーeach explained in under two minutes Learn more BigQuery materialized views now GAーMaterialized views MV s are precomputed views that periodically cache results of a query to provide customers increased performance and efficiency Learn more New in BigQuery BI EngineーWe re extending BigQuery BI Engine to work with any BI or custom dashboarding applications that require sub second query response times In this preview BI Engine will work seamlessly with Looker and other popular BI tools such as Tableau and Power BI without requiring any change to the BI tools Learn more Dataproc now supports Shielded VMsーAll Dataproc clusters created using Debian or Ubuntu operating systems now use Shielded VMs by default and customers can provide their own configurations for secure boot vTPM and Integrity Monitoring This feature is just one of the many ways customers that have migrated their Hadoop and Spark clusters to GCP experience continued improvements to their security postures without any additional cost New Cloud Security Podcast by GoogleーOur new podcast brings you stories and insights on security in the cloud delivering security from the cloud and of course on what we re doing at Google Cloud to help keep customer data safe and workloads secure Learn more New in Conversational AI and Apigee technologyーAustralian retailer Woolworths provides seamless customer experiences with their virtual agent Olive Apigee API Management and Dialogflow technology allows customers to talk to Olive through voice and chat Learn more Introducing GKE AutopilotーGKE already offers an industry leading level of automation that makes setting up and operating a Kubernetes cluster easier and more cost effective than do it yourself and other managed offerings Autopilot represents a significant leap forward In addition to the fully managed control plane that GKE has always provided using the Autopilot mode of operation automatically applies industry best practices and can eliminate all node management operations maximizing your cluster efficiency and helping to provide a stronger security posture Learn more Partnering with Intel to accelerate cloud native GーAs we continue to grow cloud native services for the telecommunications industry we re excited to announce a collaboration with Intel to develop reference architectures and integrated solutions for communications service providers to accelerate their deployment of G and edge network solutions Learn more Veeam Backup for Google Cloud now availableーVeeam Backup for Google Cloud automates Google native snapshots to securely protect VMs across projects and regions with ultra low RPOs and RTOs and store backups in Google Object Storage to enhance data protection while ensuring lower costs for long term retention Migrate for Anthos GAーWithMigrate for Anthos customers and partners can automatically migrate and modernize traditional application workloads running in VMs into containers running on Anthos or GKE Included in this new release  In place modernization for Anthos on AWS Public Preview to help customers accelerate on boarding to Anthos AWS while leveraging their existing investment in AWS data sources projects VPCs and IAM controls Additional Docker registries and artifacts repositories support GA including AWS ECR basic auth docker registries and AWS S storage to provide further flexibility for customers using Anthos Anywhere on prem AWS etc  HTTPS Proxy support GA to enable MA functionality access to external image repos and other services where a proxy is used to control external access Week of Feb Feb Introducing Cloud Domains in previewーCloud Domains simplify domain registration and management within Google Cloud improve the custom domain experience for developers increase security and support stronger integrations around DNS and SSL Learn more Announcing Databricks on Google CloudーOur partnership with Databricks enables customers to accelerate Databricks implementations by simplifying their data access by jointly giving them powerful ways to analyze their data and by leveraging our combined AI and ML capabilities to impact business outcomes Learn more Service Directory is GAーAs the number and diversity of services grows it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain an inventory of all of the services across an organization Last year we launched Service Directory to help simplify the problem of service management Today it s generally available Learn more Week of Feb Feb Introducing Bare Metal Solution for SAP workloadsーWe ve expanded our Bare Metal Solutionーdedicated single tenant systems designed specifically to run workloads that are too large or otherwise unsuitable for standard virtualized environmentsーto include SAP certified hardware options giving SAP customers great options for modernizing their biggest and most challenging workloads Learn more TB SSDs bring ultimate IOPS to Compute Engine VMsーYou can now attach TB and TB Local SSD to second generation general purpose N Compute Engine VMs for great IOPS per dollar Learn more Supporting the Python ecosystemーAs part of our longstanding support for the Python ecosystem we are happy to increase our support for the Python Software Foundation the non profit behind the Python programming language ecosystem and community Learn more  Migrate to regional backend services for Network Load BalancingーWe now support backend services with Network Load Balancingーa significant enhancement over the prior approach target pools providing a common unified data model for all our load balancing family members and accelerating the delivery of exciting features on Network Load Balancing Learn more Week of Feb Feb Apigee launches Apigee XーApigee celebrates its year anniversary with Apigee X a new release of the Apigee API management platform Apigee X harnesses the best of Google technologies to accelerate and globalize your API powered digital initiatives Learn more about Apigee X and digital excellence here Celebrating the success of Black founders with Google Cloud during Black History MonthーFebruary is Black History Month a time for us to come together to celebrate and remember the important people and history of the African heritage Over the next four weeks we will highlight four Black led startups and how they use Google Cloud to grow their businesses Our first featurehighlights TQIntelligence and its founder Yared Week of Jan Jan BeyondCorp Enterprise now generally availableーBeyondCorp Enterprise is a zero trust solution built on Google s global network which provides customers with simple and secure access to applications and cloud resources and offers integrated threat and data protection To learn more read the blog post visit our product homepage and register for our upcoming webinar Week of Jan Jan Cloud Operations Sandbox now availableーCloud Operations Sandbox is an open source tool that helps you learn SRE practices from Google and apply them on cloud services using Google Cloud s operations suite formerly Stackdriver with everything you need to get started in one click You can read our blog post or get started by visiting cloud ops sandbox dev exploring the project repo and following along in the user guide  New data security strategy whitepaperーOur new whitepaper shares our best practices for how to deploy a modern and effective data security program in the cloud Read the blog post or download the paper    WebSockets HTTP and gRPC bidirectional streams come to Cloud RunーWith these capabilities you can deploy new kinds of applications to Cloud Run that were not previously supported while taking advantage of serverless infrastructure These features are now available in public preview for all Cloud Run locations Read the blog post or check out the WebSockets demo app or the sample hc server app New tutorial Build a no code workout app in stepsーLooking to crush your new year s resolutions Using AppSheet Google Cloud s no code app development platform you can build a custom fitness app that can do things like record your sets reps and weights log your workouts and show you how you re progressing Learn how Week of Jan Jan State of API Economy Report now availableーGoogle Cloud details the changing role of APIs in amidst the COVID pandemic informed by a comprehensive study of Apigee API usage behavior across industry geography enterprise size and more Discover these trends along with a projection of what to expect from APIs in Read our blog post here or download and read the report here New in the state of no codeーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet looks back at the key no code application development themes of AppSheet contends the rising number of citizen developer app creators will ultimately change the state of no code in Read more here Week of Jan Jan Last year s most popular API postsーIn an arduous year thoughtful API design and strategy is critical to empowering developers and companies to use technology for global good Google Cloud looks back at the must read API posts in Read it here Week of Dec Dec A look back at the year across Google CloudーLooking for some holiday reading We ve published recaps of our year across databases serverless data analytics and no code development Or take a look at our most popular posts of Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis enables TLS encryption support Preview ーWith this release you can now use Memorystore for applications requiring sensitive data to be encrypted between the client and the Memorystore instance Read more here Monitoring Query Language MQL for Cloud Monitoring is now generally availableーMonitoring Query language provides developers and operators on IT and development teams powerful metric querying analysis charting and alerting capabilities This functionality is needed for Monitoring use cases that include troubleshooting outages root cause analysis custom SLI SLO creation reporting and analytics complex alert logic and more Learn more Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis now supports Redis AUTHーWith this release you can now use OSS Redis AUTH feature with Memorystore for Redis instances Read more here New in serverless computingーGoogle Cloud API Gateway and its service first approach to developing serverless APIs helps organizations accelerate innovation by eliminating scalability and security bottlenecks for their APIs Discover more benefits here Environmental Dynamics Inc makes a big move to no codeーThe environmental consulting company EDI built and deployed business apps with no coding skills necessary with Google Cloud s AppSheet This no code effort not only empowered field workers but also saved employees over hours a year Get the full story here Introducing Google Workspace for GovernmentーGoogle Workspace for Government is an offering that brings the best of Google Cloud s collaboration and communication tools to the government with pricing that meets the needs of the public sector Whether it s powering social care visits employment support or virtual courts Google Workspace helps governments meet the unique challenges they face as they work to provide better services in an increasingly virtual world Learn more Week of Nov Dec Google enters agreement to acquire ActifioーActifio a leader in backup and disaster recovery DR offers customers the opportunity to protect virtual copies of data in their native format manage these copies throughout their entire lifecycle and use these copies for scenarios like development and test This planned acquisition further demonstrates Google Cloud s commitment to helping enterprises protect workloads on premises and in the cloud Learn more Traffic Director can now send traffic to services and gateways hosted outside of Google CloudーTraffic Director support for Hybrid Connectivity Network Endpoint Groups NEGs now generally available enables services in your VPC network to interoperate more seamlessly with services in other environments It also enables you to build advanced solutions based on Google Cloud s portfolio of networking products such as Cloud Armor protection for your private on prem services Learn more Google Cloud launches the Healthcare Interoperability Readiness ProgramーThis program powered by APIs and Google Cloud s Apigee helps patients doctors researchers and healthcare technologists alike by making patient data and healthcare data more accessible and secure Learn more here Container Threat Detection in Security Command CenterーWe announced the general availability of Container Threat Detection a built in service in Security Command Center This release includes multiple detection capabilities to help you monitor and secure your container deployments in Google Cloud Read more here Anthos on bare metal now GAーAnthos on bare metal opens up new possibilities for how you run your workloads and where You can run Anthos on your existing virtualized infrastructure or eliminate the dependency on a hypervisor layer to modernize applications while reducing costs Learn more Week of Nov Tuning control support in Cloud SQL for MySQLーWe ve made all flags that were previously in preview now generally available GA empowering you with the controls you need to optimize your databases See the full list here New in BigQuery MLーWe announced the general availability of boosted trees using XGBoost deep neural networks DNNs using TensorFlow and model export for online prediction Learn more New AI ML in retail reportーWe recently commissioned a survey of global retail executives to better understand which AI ML use cases across the retail value chain drive the highest value and returns in retail and what retailers need to keep in mind when going after these opportunities Learn more  or read the report Week of Nov New whitepaper on how AI helps the patent industryーOur new paper outlines a methodology to train a BERT bidirectional encoder representation from transformers model on over million patent publications from the U S and other countries using open source tooling Learn more or read the whitepaper Google Cloud support for NET ーLearn more about our support of NET as well as how to deploy it to Cloud Run NET Core now on Cloud FunctionsーWith this integration you can write cloud functions using your favorite NET Core runtime with our Functions Framework for NET for an idiomatic developer experience Learn more Filestore Backups in previewーWe announced the availability of the Filestore Backups preview in all regions making it easier to migrate your business continuity disaster recovery and backup strategy for your file systems in Google Cloud Learn more Introducing Voucher a service to help secure the container supply chainーDeveloped by the Software Supply Chain Security team at Shopify to work with Google Cloud tools Voucher evaluates container images created by CI CD pipelines and signs those images if they meet certain predefined security criteria Binary Authorization then validates these signatures at deploy time ensuring that only explicitly authorized code that meets your organizational policy and compliance requirements can be deployed to production Learn more most watched from Google Cloud Next OnAirーTake a stroll through the sessions that were most popular from Next OnAir covering everything from data analytics to cloud migration to no code development  Read the blog Artifact Registry is now GAーWith support for container images Maven npm packages and additional formats coming soon Artifact Registry helps your organization benefit from scale security and standardization across your software supply chain  Read the blog Week of Nov Introducing the Anthos Developer SandboxーThe Anthos Developer Sandbox gives you an easy way to learn to develop on Anthos at no cost available to anyone with a Google account Read the blog Database Migration Service now available in previewーDatabase Migration Service DMS makes migrations to Cloud SQL simple and reliable DMS supports migrations of self hosted MySQL databasesーeither on premises or in the cloud as well as managed databases from other cloudsーto Cloud SQL for MySQL Support for PostgreSQL is currently available for limited customers in preview with SQL Server coming soon Learn more Troubleshoot deployments or production issues more quickly with new logs tailingーWe ve added support for a new API to tail logs with low latency Using gcloud it allows you the convenience of tail f with the powerful query language and centralized logging solution of Cloud Logging Learn more about this preview feature Regionalized log storage now available in new regions in previewーYou can now select where your logs are stored from one of five regions in addition to globalーasia east europe west us central us east and us west When you create a logs bucket you can set the region in which you want to store your logs data Get started with this guide Week of Nov Cloud SQL adds support for PostgreSQL ーShortly after its community GA Cloud SQL has added support for PostgreSQL You get access to the latest features of PostgreSQL while Cloud SQL handles the heavy operational lifting so your team can focus on accelerating application delivery Read more here Apigee creates value for businesses running on SAPーGoogle Cloud s API Management platform Apigee is optimized for data insights and data monetization helping businesses running on SAP innovate faster without fear of SAP specific challenges to modernization Read more here Document AI platform is liveーThe new Document AI DocAI platform a unified console for document processing is now available in preview You can quickly access all parsers tools and solutions e g Lending DocAI Procurement DocAI with a unified API enabling an end to end document solution from evaluation to deployment Read the full story here or check it out in your Google Cloudconsole Accelerating data migration with Transfer Appliances TA and TAーWe re announcing the general availability of new Transfer Appliances Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with next generation Transfer Appliances Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Week of Oct B H Inc accelerates digital transformationーThe Utah based contracting and construction company BHI eliminated IT backlog when non technical employees were empowered to build equipment inspection productivity and other custom apps by choosing Google Workspace and the no code app development platform AppSheet Read the full story here Globe Telecom embraces no code developmentーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet empowers Globe Telecom employees to do more innovating with less code The global communications company kickstarted their no code journey by combining the power of AppSheet with a unique adoption strategy As a result AppSheet helped Globe Telecom employees build business apps in just weeks Get the full story Cloud Logging now allows you to control access to logs via Log ViewsーBuilding on the control offered via Log Buckets  blog post you can now configure who has access to logs based on the source project resource type or log name all using standard IAM controls Logs views currently in Preview can help you build a system using the principle of least privilege limiting sensitive logs to only users who need this information  Learn more about Log Views Document AI is HIPAA compliantーDocument AI now enables HIPAA compliance Now Healthcare and Life Science customers such as health care providers health plans and life science organizations can unlock insights by quickly extracting structured data from medical documents while safeguarding individuals protected health information PHI Learn more about Google Cloud s nearly products that support HIPAA compliance Week of Oct Improved security and governance in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQLーCloud SQL for PostgreSQL now integrates with Cloud IAM preview to provide simplified and consistent authentication and authorization Cloud SQL has also enabled PostgreSQL Audit Extension preview for more granular audit logging Read the blog Announcing the AI in Financial Crime Compliance webinarーOur executive digital forum will feature industry executives academics and former regulators who will discuss how AI is transforming financial crime compliance on November Register now Transforming retail with AI MLーNew research provides insights on high value AI ML use cases for food drug mass merchant and speciality retail that can drive significant value and build resilience for your business Learn what the top use cases are for your sub segment and read real world success stories Download the ebook here and view this companion webinar which also features insights from Zulily New release of Migrate for AnthosーWe re introducing two important new capabilities in the release of Migrate for Anthos Google Cloud s solution to easily migrate and modernize applications currently running on VMs so that they instead run on containers in Google Kubernetes Engine or Anthos The first is GA support for modernizing IIS apps running on Windows Server VMs The second is a new utility that helps you identify which VMs in your existing environment are the best targets for modernization to containers Start migrating or check out the assessment tool documentation Linux Windows New Compute Engine autoscaler controlsーNew scale in controls in Compute Engine let you limit the VM deletion rate by preventing the autoscaler from reducing a MIG s size by more VM instances than your workload can tolerate to lose Read the blog Lending DocAI in previewーLending DocAI is a specialized solution in our Document AI portfolio for the mortgage industry that processes borrowers income and asset documents to speed up loan applications Read the blog or check out the product demo Week of Oct New maintenance controls for Cloud SQLーCloud SQL now offers maintenance deny period controls which allow you to prevent automatic maintenance from occurring during a day time period Read the blog Trends in volumetric DDoS attacksーThis week we published a deep dive into DDoS threats detailing the trends we re seeing and giving you a closer look at how we prepare for multi terabit attacks so your sites stay up and running Read the blog New in BigQueryーWe shared a number of updates this week including new SQL capabilities more granular control over your partitions with time unit partitioning the general availability of Table ACLs and BigQuery System Tables Reports a solution that aims to help you monitor BigQuery flat rate slot and reservation utilization by leveraging BigQuery s underlying INFORMATION SCHEMA views Read the blog Cloud Code makes YAML easy for hundreds of popular Kubernetes CRDsーWe announced authoring support for more than popular Kubernetes CRDs out of the box any existing CRDs in your Kubernetes cluster and any CRDs you add from your local machine or a URL Read the blog Google Cloud s data privacy commitments for the AI eraーWe ve outlined how our AI ML Privacy Commitment reflects our belief that customers should have both the highest level of security and the highest level of control over data stored in the cloud Read the blog New lower pricing for Cloud CDNーWe ve reduced the price of cache fill content fetched from your origin charges across the board by up to along with our recent introduction of a new set of flexible caching capabilities to make it even easier to use Cloud CDN to optimize the performance of your applications Read the blog Expanding the BeyondCorp AllianceーLast year we announced our BeyondCorp Alliance with partners that share our Zero Trust vision Today we re announcing new partners to this alliance Read the blog New data analytics training opportunitiesーThroughout October and November we re offering a number of no cost ways to learn data analytics with trainings for beginners to advanced users Learn more New BigQuery blog seriesーBigQuery Explained provides overviews on storage data ingestion queries joins and more Read the series Week of Oct Introducing the Google Cloud Healthcare Consent Management APIーThis API gives healthcare application developers and clinical researchers a simple way to manage individuals consent of their health data particularly important given the new and emerging virtual care and research scenarios related to COVID Read the blog Announcing Google Cloud buildpacksーBased on the CNCF buildpacks v specification these buildpacks produce container images that follow best practices and are suitable for running on all of our container platforms Cloud Run fully managed Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Read the blog Providing open access to the Genome Aggregation Database gnomAD ーOur collaboration with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard provides free access to one of the world s most comprehensive public genomic datasets Read the blog Introducing HTTP gRPC server streaming for Cloud RunーServer side HTTP streaming for your serverless applications running on Cloud Run fully managed is now available This means your Cloud Run services can serve larger responses or stream partial responses to clients during the span of a single request enabling quicker server response times for your applications Read the blog New security and privacy features in Google WorkspaceーAlongside the announcement of Google Workspace we also shared more information on new security features that help facilitate safe communication and give admins increased visibility and control for their organizations Read the blog Introducing Google WorkspaceーGoogle Workspace includes all of the productivity apps you know and use at home at work or in the classroomーGmail Calendar Drive Docs Sheets Slides Meet Chat and moreーnow more thoughtfully connected Read the blog New in Cloud Functions languages availability portability and moreーWe extended Cloud Functionsーour scalable pay as you go Functions as a Service FaaS platform that runs your code with zero server managementーso you can now use it to build end to end solutions for several key use cases Read the blog Announcing the Google Cloud Public Sector Summit Dec ーOur upcoming two day virtual event will offer thought provoking panels keynotes customer stories and more on the future of digital service in the public sector Register at no cost 2021-03-30 23:00:00



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