IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPhone 13」シリーズ用とされるフィルムのサンプルの写真 − ノッチの小型化を示唆 |
duanrui |
2021-04-14 09:41:42 |
Engadget Japanese |
ソニー、Xperia 1 III向けに「抗菌」純正ケース投入 スタンド機能付き |
xperia |
2021-04-14 09:52:54 |
Engadget Japanese |
キヤノン、フルサイズミラーレス EOS R3 開発発表。「高速・高感度・高信頼性」がコンセプト |
quoteosrquot |
2021-04-14 09:40:44 |
ロボスタ |
『LOVOT』と暮らす子どもは自己肯定感が下がらない GROOVE Xが実証実験の結果を公開 教育・ヘルスケア分野への展開を加速 |
groovex |
2021-04-14 09:38:15 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 新卒の就職希望企業ランキング 3位は東京海上日動、2位は伊藤忠、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-04-14 18:55:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] 日本マイクロソフトが「Surface Headphones 2+ for Business」を5月6日に発売 税込みで約3.8万円 |
ITmediaPCUSER日本マイクロソフトが「SurfaceHeadphonesforBusiness」を月日に発売税込みで約万円「SurfaceHeadphones」をベースとしたビジネス向けヘッドセットが日本でも発売される。 |
2021-04-14 18:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] カプコン、不正アクセス被害の調査結果を公表 旧型VPN装置にサイバー攻撃 |
itmedia |
2021-04-14 18:16:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
養豚農家のDXを進めるEco-Pork、2つの技術実証事業を完了 |
ecopork |
2021-04-14 09:00:16 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS Control Tower で AWS リソースのセルフサービスプロビジョニングを有効にする |
データベース管理者は、新しくプロビジョニングされたAWSアカウントで承認済みのAmazonRDSデータベースを起動する必要があります。 |
2021-04-14 09:04:07 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS Service Catalog、DynamoDB、Lambda、および CloudWatch イベントを使用して、一元化されたタグのコンプライアンスを実施する |
AWSServiceCatalog、DynamoDB、Lambda、およびCloudWatchイベントを使用して、一元化されたタグのコンプライアンスを実施するAWSのパートナーソリューションアーキテクト、SagarKhasnis著Brillioのクラウドアーキテクト、ArilleendraTiwari著私たちが協力しているお客様の中には、タグ値を保持する中央データベースを持っており、AWSServiceCatalogのタグ実施機能を使用して、プロビジョニング時にタグを実施したいと考えているお客様もいます。 |
2021-04-14 09:02:03 |
AWS Japan Blog |
セルフマネージド型 Active Directory を AWS Control Tower に拡張 |
アクセス許可のセットには、AWSが管理するポリシーまたはAWSSSOに保存されているインラインポリシーのいずれかが含まれています。 |
2021-04-14 09:01:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】スケールの異なる時系列データの類似度をMAEで比較する |
2021-04-14 18:53:15 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Aidemy Premium PlanでE資格対策講座を受講してみた。【python基礎〜教師なし学習まで】 |
そのためこれらサポートを活用することで、文系の方にもカリキュラムを進めることができると思っています。 |
2021-04-14 18:46:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python で "n 日前" と基準日から日付を得るメモ |
2021-04-14 18:35:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google ColaboratoryをVSCodeでssh接続して使えるようにした件について |
私の場合は以下のように出力されていますSSHcommandsshproottcpngrokiosshコマンドがなかったため、私はaptgetupdateaptgetinstallsshを行いました。 |
2021-04-14 18:18:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Turf.jsを使うよ! ~距離とか面積とかを取得~ |
結果は、バッチリ一緒でしたそりゃそうかそして試しに、ぐーぐるまっぷの「距離を測定」で、ざっくり測ってみたら、ちゃんと大体一致しましたいや、べべべつにTurfjsを信じてなかった訳じゃ無いんですがっそれはさておき、distanceもlengthも結果が合うなら・・・圧倒的にlengthの方が便利ですよね。 |
2021-04-14 18:03:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript |
JavaScriptフォームのチェックボックスでcheckdが入ったデータ属性の値を取得したいのですが、どのようにしたら良いでしょうか一応下記で試しましたが、下記のエラーが出ました。 |
2021-04-14 18:46:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Kotlin] ArrayAdapterについて |
KotlinArrayAdapterについて前提・実現したいことUnresolvednbspreferencesimplespinneritemのエラーを解決したいです。 |
2021-04-14 18:32:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
whereで該当するデータがない場合の条件分岐 |
2021-04-14 18:30:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
feature has been removed |
featurehasbeenremoved前提・実現したいこと参考サイトを基にRustでCRUD操作をしようと思います。 |
2021-04-14 18:28:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressを用いたWEBサイト制作をする際のテーマを1から自作する必要はありますか? |
WordPressを用いたWEBサイト制作をする際のテーマをから自作する必要はありますか前提現在HTML、CSS、JavaScriptと勉強してきて現在WordPressのテーマカスタマイズについて勉強しています。 |
2021-04-14 18:27:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ruby selenium ページ遷移 クリックに関して |
rubyseleniumページ遷移クリックに関して上記サイトの画像部分をから順番にクリックしていきたいです。 |
2021-04-14 18:26:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Dockerコンテナ内でgoコマンドを叩きたい |
Dockerコンテナ内でgoコマンドを叩きたい当方Docker初心者ですGolangnbspnbspDockerのプロジェクトに参加しています。 |
2021-04-14 18:26:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonをatomで実行できません。どなたかお力を貸してください。 |
pythonをatomで実行できません。 |
2021-04-14 18:25:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CIDRとVLSMのネットワーク関連 |
2021-04-14 18:21:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
progressbar(jQuery)の進捗を、ファイルに書き込んだ数値で反映させたいが出来ない |
progressbarjQueryの進捗を、ファイルに書き込んだ数値で反映させたいが出来ない前提・実現したいことプログラム初心者で、JavaScriptとjQueryを独習しているものです。 |
2021-04-14 18:17:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
USBメモリについて |
USBメモリについてCloudnbspreadynbspをASUSの万円台のPCにいれようとしたのですが、BIOSから起動したら、なぜかwindowsのインストール画面になってしまいます。 |
2021-04-14 18:11:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
webアプリケーションの終了タイミングはいつか? |
webアプリケーションの終了タイミングはいつか現在パーフェクトphpを読んで学習していて疑問に思ったことがあります。 |
2021-04-14 18:00:29 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
テスト |
テスト |
2021-04-14 18:53:35 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyで特殊フォルダのパスを取得する方法 |
Rubyで特殊フォルダのパスを取得する方法前書きWindowsには特殊フォルダとして知られる「既知のフォルダ」がいくつかありそのパスは環境によってはデフォルトとは別であることもあります。 |
2021-04-14 18:44:56 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RubyでJson形式の結果を返すWebAPIを使ってみよう(ハンズオン) |
ブラウザでこのコードにアクセスするとAPIにアクセスした結果が表示されます。 |
2021-04-14 18:09:00 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ECS Application sourcebundle validation error: We expected a VALUE token but got: START_OBJECT |
ECSApplicationsourcebundlevalidationerrorWeexpectedaVALUEtokenbutgotSTARTOBJECTAmazonLinuxより前のAmazonLinuxAMIプラットフォームで、ElasticBeanstalkのマルチDocker環境をECSを使って構築する。 |
2021-04-14 18:14:42 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS SAM CLI と Swagger を利用した API 開発環境の作成 (Docker) |
目次環境構成・前提条件・開発環境で作成するファイル・AWS上に作成されるリソース開発環境作成手順・フォルダ構成・AWSSAMCLI用のPythonベースのdockerfile作成・dockercomposeymlの作成・swaggerymlの作成・dockercomposeの起動・AWSSAMCLIを使ったLambda関数の作成・コンテナへのアタッチ・AWSSAMCLIの実行と初期プロジェクトの作成・templateyamlの実装・ソースコードの実装・Sバケットの作成・swaggerymlをSへアップロード本番デプロイ準備・samconfigtomlの作成・ビルド本番デプロイ・作成されたリソースの確認いざコード開発の開始削除コマンド最後に環境構成作成するファイルや実際にAWS上に作成されるリソースです。 |
2021-04-14 18:51:54 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ECS Application sourcebundle validation error: We expected a VALUE token but got: START_OBJECT |
ECSApplicationsourcebundlevalidationerrorWeexpectedaVALUEtokenbutgotSTARTOBJECTAmazonLinuxより前のAmazonLinuxAMIプラットフォームで、ElasticBeanstalkのマルチDocker環境をECSを使って構築する。 |
2021-04-14 18:14:42 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】i18nとは?使い方まとめ。ビュー(View),コントローラー(Controller), コンソールでの呼び出し方とlocaleの使い方 |
目次inとはinの使い方configapplicationrbに以下を追記する言語ファイルの作成呼び出しコントローラで表示する方法ビューで表示する方法railsコンソールで表示する方法日付と時刻を呼び出す方法変数を渡す方法htmlとして呼び出す方法ファイルを分割する方法localeファイルのディレクトリパスを変更する方法inとはAPIの一つで、Internationalizationの略。 |
2021-04-14 18:48:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python vs Java in 2021: Which One You Should Choose? |
Python vs Java in Which One You Should Choose Python and Java are both stellar technologies with state of the art capabilities Both play a crucial role in web and mobile application development No doubt both technologies are incredible and have efficiency versatility and automation capabilities Today we will compare two remarkable programming languages and assess the performance of both based on several factors A few comparison parameters that we will be using include syntaxes popularity performance ratio etc We will also see whether these technologies are good for Data Analysis Machine Learning etc So without further ado let us know which programming language would be an excellent prospect Java and Python OverviewJava is similar to C and is also an object oriented language It is used to build powerful responsive and highly interactive applications The technology is entirely object oriented and also supports several open source libraries which makes Java application development easy Python is a high level programming language widely employed to build critical functionalities of the applications It simplifies complicated tasks by utilizing a few code lines and makes it easy for the Django development company It also supports GUI Graphical User Interface Key Features of JavaOne of the greatest strengths of Java is that the framework comes complimentary for the developers It has an object oriented approach which means that the programmers can reuse the codes and develop new programs It has a vast array of open source development that gives developers increased options to develop It opens up several possibilities for the developers to access any API for their purpose Key features of PythonPython is used by most programmers today Python offers a vast and incomparable range of testing frameworks Python has extensive libraries that are object oriented and makes the language more productive It offers a great integration feature for Django development PopularityAs far as the programming language s popularity is considered both Java and Python are prevalent languages Before JavaScript was introduced Java ranked as one of the most popular programming languages The developers of JavaScript made a smart move by choosing a naming convention similar to Java because of which it gained incredible popularity initially PerformanceThe performance of two programming languages cannot be easily measured It is not like differentiating two cars in terms of speed The difference in the version of Java and Python can be affirmed in the benchmarks games where both the languages are benchmarked based on the speed factor However only the performance of a programming language doesn t make the execution of a language faster The application developed is also responsible for creating a programming language that performs better The third party libraries also make the performance of a language better Top Websites Built Using These FrameworksThe top websites built using the Java framework by Java Development company include Stack OverflowJava WorldGoogleYouTubeAmazonSun Developer NetworkFamous websites developed using Python include SpotifyNetflixDropboxInstagramInstacart Strengths and Weakness of JavaStrengthsJava embraces object oriented programming a coding concept in which the set of functions applied to the code are also defined It is a high level programming language that uses primary and simple syntax and has a short learning curve The framework is platform independent which means you will have to write the code once and then run it anywhere The Java community is unmatched It has a vast ecosystem of well tested libraries and frameworks WeaknessOracle has announced that Java will now be a paid framework and to obtain the benefits of all updates and bug fixes users will have to either pay per processor or by the number of users At times the code is verbose which means too many words are used making the codes less scannable and readable Strengths and Weakness of PythonStrengthsPython is a highly productive language and extremely simple It is an interpreted language which means that the code is itself executed line by line Python is under OSI approved open source license which makes the language free to use and distribute It is a portable language which means you can write the code only once and then run it anywhere WeaknessPython is a programming language that uses a large amount of memory because it provides efficiency to the developers When it comes to databases Python lacks Its database is underdeveloped compared to the other popular frameworks and therefore big enterprises do not use Python Python is weak in mobile computing and is generally used for the programming server side Best Suited ProgramsBoth Python and Java frameworks are suited best for numerous programs Python is suited for Graphic Designing and Image Processing Games Operating Systems Machine Learning Apps Prototyping When it comes to Java java application development for several programs are developed that include Mobile Applications Middleware Products Desktop GUI Apps Embedded Systems and Enterprise Solutions ConclusionAfter considering both the programming languages performance based on numerous parameters it is still difficult to say which language is superior to the other Even if Java is a popular choice Python is more widely used for its productivity Moreover it is also used for several organizational purposes In the same way although Java is faster Python is a better choice for lengthy coding programs The choice of the most suitable framework also depends on the application that a developer is looking to create You can consider the above parameters and see which language ticks most of your requirements boxes you can safely go ahead with it If you are starting your journey into development you can choose any one amongst the two based on your interest |
2021-04-14 09:41:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel Octane |
Laravel Octane Laravel Octane What How and WhyTaylor Otwell already showed a glimpse of Laravel s latest open source package Octane during his Laracon Online talk but today the new package is available on GitHub for everyone to beta test In this blog post I m going to explore Laravel Octane and tell you what it is how you can install and use it and why you might need it Disclaimer Laravel Octane is still a beta software and should not yet be used in production What is Laravel Octane Laravel Octane is an open source package that will boost your Laravel application performance Laravel Octane requires PHP so if you re still on x you need to upgrade your PHP version Under the hood Octane makes use of Swoole and RoadRunner two application servers that take care of serving and booting up your Laravel application Why is it faster you might ask Let me explain With a traditional PHP application that gets served via a webserver like nginx every incoming request is going to spawn an PHP FPM worker This means that each request starts up one individual PHP process that will run through all the necessary tasks in order to serve that one request In the case of Laravel this means that the Framework needs to be booted all service providers register their services within the container all providers get booted themselves the request goes through a list of middleware classes hits your controller a view gets rendered etc until we eventually get a response from our server With Swoole or RoadRunner in place we still have a worker for each incoming HTTP request but they all share the same booted framework This means that only the first incoming request is going to bootstrap the framework including all service providers etc while every other request can then make use of a ready to go framework And this is what makes Octane so insanely fast Getting started with Laravel OctaneAs Laravel Octane is a package you need to install it as a dependency of your specific application You can do this via composer composer require laravel octane After you installed Octane in your application make sure to run php artisan octane install This is going to publish the Octane configuration file as well as add rr the RoadRunner binary to the gitignore file As I said Octane is going to publish its configuration file which looks like this return Octane Server This value determines the default server that will be used by Octane when starting restarting or stopping your server via the CLI You are free to change this to the supported server of your choosing server gt env OCTANE SERVER roadrunner Force HTTPS When this configuration value is set to true Octane will inform the framework that all absolute links must be generated using the HTTPS protocol Otherwise your links may be generated using plain HTTP https gt env OCTANE HTTPS false Octane Listeners All of the event listeners for Octane s events are defined below These listeners are responsible for resetting your application s state for the next request You may even add your own listeners to the list listeners gt WorkerStarting class gt EnsureUploadedFilesAreValid class RequestReceived class gt Octane prepareApplicationForNextOperation Octane prepareApplicationForNextRequest RequestHandled class gt RequestTerminated class gt TaskReceived class gt Octane prepareApplicationForNextOperation TickReceived class gt Octane prepareApplicationForNextOperation OperationTerminated class gt FlushTemporaryContainerInstances class DisconnectFromDatabases class CollectGarbage class WorkerErrorOccurred class gt ReportException class StopWorkerIfNecessary class WorkerStopping class gt Warm Flush Bindings The bindings listed below will either be pre warmed when a worker boots or they will be flushed before every new request Flushing a binding will force the container to resolve that binding again when asked warm gt Octane defaultServicesToWarm flush gt Garbage Collection Threshold When executing long lived PHP scripts such as Octane memory can build up before being cleared by PHP You can force Octane to run garbage collection if your application consumes this amount of megabytes garbage gt Maximum Execution Time info means no maximum limit max execution time gt Octane Cache Table While using Swoole you may leverage the Octane cache which is powered by a Swoole table You may set the maximum number of rows as well as the number of bytes per row using the configuration options below cache gt rows gt bytes gt Octane Swoole Tables While using Swoole you may define additional tables as required by the application These tables can be used to store data that needs to be quickly accessed by other workers on the particular Swoole server tables gt example gt name gt string votes gt int Next up you need to decide for yourself wether you want to use RoadRunner or Swoole You can then configure the application server that you want to use by customizing the server key in the configuration file This can either be swoole or roadrunner RoadRunnerRoadRunner is an application server that is written in Go that does not have any other dependencies within PHP itself Choose RoadRunner if you do not want to install additional PHP extensions You can install RoadRunner through composer like this composer require spiral roadrunner SwooleSwoole comes with a couple of nice benefits that RoadRunner can not provide As Swoole is an extension on top of PHP PHP itself gains some cool new features such as ticks and coroutines which I m going to cover in a bit These features are not available with RoadRunner so if you want to make use of them you should go with Swoole You can install the Swoole extension using pecl install swooleDuring the installation you will be asked if you want to have support for HTTP curl JSON and open ssl within Swoole You can safely stick to the default values here which are off as those settings only affect things like coroutines You will still be able to use curl JSON and everything else Starting OctaneOnce you have installed RoadRunner or Swoole and defined it in your octane php configuration file you can start Octane and let it serve your Laravel application The Octane server can be started with php artisan octane startBy default Octane will start the server on port so you may access your application in a browser via http localhost So go ahead visit that route and watch your Laravel application fly If you make multiple requests to the app you can see that the first one is a little bit slower that s where the framework gets booted while the other ones are noticeably faster as they can use the booted framework from memory GET ms GET ms GET ms Making code changesIf you now go and make a code change for example add a new test route and try to hit that URL you will receive a And that s because the request is still using the framework and all of its routes code that was booted once you started the Octane server So in order to see that code change you need to restart your Octane server Because this is super cumbersome to do during development Octane comes with a nice way to automatically watch your codebase for changes and restart the Octane server automatically In order to make this work make sure to install Chokidar a NodeJS based file watching library npm install save dev chokidarYou can then start the Octane server in watch mode like this php artisan octane start watchNow the next time you make a change in your codebase this will be detected and Octane will restart the workers for the requests and you can immediately see your changes Customizing WorkersSpeaking of Workers by default Octane is going to start one worker for each CPU core that you have But you can also change this by passing a workers option to the octane start command php artisan octane start workers Swoole specific featuresAs I mentioned Octane comes with a couple of Swoole specific features so lets take a look at those as I think they are very interesting Concurrent TasksOctane allows you to perform multiple tasks concurrently This means that they will be performed at the same time and will be returned as soon as all tasks finished Here s an example taken from the Octane documentation on GitHub use App User use App Server use Laravel Octane Facades Octane users servers Octane concurrently fn gt User all fn gt Server all So in this example we are getting all users and all servers at the same time To make this clearer here s another example Octane concurrently function sleep return function sleep return We are executing two tasks concurrently and PHP will continue evaluating the code as soon as both of the tasks are finished One task waits for seconds the other one waits for second As they are being evaluated concurrently in two individual tasks PHP will wait exactly second not until both results are available This feature is a great way to perform multiple smaller tasks simultaneously Just like the workers option you can also customize the amount of task workers that Octane should make available Ticks IntervalsOctane in combination with Swoole allows you to register ticks which are operations that will automatically be executed at a given interval Similar to the setInterval method in JavaScript Unfortunately there s no way to stop those ticks at the moment but you can register them within your application like this Octane tick simple ticker fn gt ray Ticking gt seconds The Octane CacheAnother new feature within Octane and Swoole is a new cache driver This cache driver according to the official documentation provides read and write speeds of up to million operations per second Behind the scenes Swoole is caching the data in a shared memory using Swoole Tables which can be accessed across all workers When the server restarts the cached data will be flushed though as the cache is only persisted in memory To make use of this cache you can access it through the octane cache store on the Cache facade like this Cache store octane gt put framework Laravel Another cool new addition that is Swoole and Octane specific is the ability of a cache interval This allows you to store information in the Octane cache and refresh the data in a given interval use Illuminate Support Str Cache store octane gt interval random function return Str random seconds Octane TablesBuilt upon the feature of Swoole Tables you can create your own tables that you want to access within your Octane applications These tables have the same performance benefit as a Cache would have by allowing you to save data in a structured way Keep in mind that all data that you store within such a table will be lost when the server restarts though To configure a table you can create an entry in the tables section of your octane php config file tables gt example gt name gt string votes gt int In this example we are defining a table called example which can hold a maximum of entries rows The structure of this table is a name which is a string with a maximum length of and votes which is an integer To write data to this table we can make use of the Octane table method use Laravel Octane Facades Octane Octane table example gt set a unique identifier name gt Marcel Pociot votes gt And to pull out the data we can use a get method on the table like this return Octane table example gt get a unique identifier Caveats with OctaneThere are a couple of things that you need to watch out for when you want to either make an existing application ready for Octane or start building a new application from scratch Since Octane holds the framework in memory across all workers things like all of your applications service providers will only be registered and booted once While Octane takes care of resetting the state of first party packages which includes Inertia it s not possible for Octane to reset global state that you might have in your own application code The official documentation which currently can be found on GitHub holds some of the most common scenarios that you should watch out for ListenersOne feature of Octane that hasn t been documented yet is the ability to register custom listeners whenever something happens in the application server within Octane You can hook into the following events WorkerStartingRequestReceivedRequestHandledRequestTerminatedTaskReceivedTickReceivedOperationTerminatedWorkerErrorOccurredWorkerStoppingTo attach listeners to these events you can add them to your octane php config file Service Warming and FlushingWhen a new Octane worker gets booted you can specify a list of container bindings services that you want to warm up during the boot process This means that upon the booting of the worker the service container will already make the specified services available so that following requests can immediately access them Octane already has a list of internal services that it keeps warm during each worker boot process but you can add your own services to the warm section of the octane php config file Similar to this you can also define a list of services that you want to flush before a new request comes in This can be useful for services that get manipulated over the course of a request that you want to reset to its original unloaded state when a fresh request comes in Octane RoutesIf Octane does not already grant you enough speed boost you can even squeeze a little more out of it by making use of routing built right into Octane You can define a custom Octane route through the Octane facade like this Octane route GET fast function These routes are very fast because they entirely skip Laravels routing system so these routes do not provide any kind of middleware which can be helpful for endpoints that only need to provide data really fast Since the HTTP Kernel in Laravel is not being used for these requests you need to return a Symfony Response object yourself like this use Symfony Component HttpFoundation Response Octane route GET faster function return new Response Hello from Octane All service providers are of course booted and available so that you can still make use of these services perform Eloquent queries etc Alright so why Octane Laravel Octane is definitely going to give your Laravel application a big performance boost and we all love performance boosts don t we Do we actually need this performance boost Well maybe I think it depends on the application that you are running But what s more important to me is the fact that Laravel is once again pushing the current state of PHP Not only is Octane a package that requires at least PHP but it also pushes exciting new features in the PHP world such as coroutines ticks and in general the mindset of serving your own application using an artisan command I m excited for the future of Octane |
2021-04-14 09:30:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Should I run tests during the docker build? |
Should I run tests during the docker build Please help |
2021-04-14 09:04:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Final Fantasy XIV' PS5 open beta upgrades both graphics and sound |
x Final Fantasy XIV x PS open beta upgrades both graphics and soundFinal Fantasy XIV is now available on the PS as an open beta and Square Enix s Matt Hilton has detailed the enhancements for the new console on the PlayStation Blog |
2021-04-14 09:23:11 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Egypt seizes ship that blocked Suez Canal over $900m compensation claim |
egypt |
2021-04-14 09:25:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Daunte Wright shooting: Police resignations fail to ease unrest over death |
black |
2021-04-14 09:37:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
James Dyson says Brexit has given him 'freedom' |
british |
2021-04-14 09:50:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Jake Paul: YouTuber denies assaulting TikTok star Justine Paradise |
tiktok |
2021-04-14 09:02:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Mick Jagger on lockdown and working with Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl |
story |
2021-04-14 09:42:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Illuminated River: Final bridges light up for Thames artwork |
lambeth |
2021-04-14 09:39:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fight Talk; Joshua, Fury, Benn, Khan, Shields, Holyfield, Courtney |
shields |
2021-04-14 09:12:16 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ラクト・ジャパン、2021年5月の株主優待の優待品を 発表! 100株を3年以上保有でもらえるカタログギフ トが一部変更され、ケーキやバターがもらえることに - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース |
2021-04-14 18:25:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
立ちのぼる香りでリラックス。五感で楽しむお香立て「凛」 |
高級感 |
2021-04-14 19:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Cloud Bigtable のパフォーマンスと費用の最適化に関するベスト プラクティス ガイド |
クラスタを最適なサイズにするデータベースのパフォーマンスを最適化するデータストレージの使用状況を評価するアーキテクチャの代替案を検討する方法クラスタのサイズを最適なクラスタノード数に設定するアプリケーションやデータを支えているアーキテクチャへの変更を検討する前に、現在のワークロード用クラスタにプロビジョニングされるノードの数を最適化していることを確認してください。 |
2021-04-14 10:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
室蘭PCB処理計画 市長、環境省に安全確保要請 |
安全確保 |
2021-04-14 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
流しびな2年ぶり開催、鳥取 感染防止で地元住民のみ |
地元住民 |
2021-04-14 18:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
鳥インフル 大型連休明け警戒徹底 道 |
鳥インフル |
2021-04-14 18:12:13 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京円、109円近辺 |
東京外国為替市場 |
2021-04-14 18:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旅行会社の経験を地域観光に 首都圏から4人採用 紋別市・滝上町 |
旅行会社 |
2021-04-14 18:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ピーチ、7月に女満別―関西就航 |
格安航空会社 |
2021-04-14 18:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
ファーウェイ、制裁下で「増収増益」達成の凄み 2020年の売上高は約15兆円、純利益は約1兆円 | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン |
biztech |
2021-04-14 18:30:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
イスラエル政治が大混乱...その陰で「争点ですらなくなった」パレスチナ問題 |
イスラエル政治が大混乱その陰で「争点ですらなくなった」パレスチナ問題イスラエルでは年間で回目となる総選挙が月日に実施されたが、政治的な麻痺状態が解消されるのではないかという期待は裏切られた。 |
2021-04-14 18:17:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
バリュエーションは高すぎ??Coinbase上場の日に市場で何が起こるか? bitFlyer金光さんに聞く(後編) |
bitflyer |
2021-04-14 18:57:46 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[DIAMOND SIGNAL] メルカリが暗号資産に後発で参入したワケ-メルペイ青柳CEOが語った「伏線回収」の真意 |
diamond |
2021-04-14 18:30:10 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「Surface Laptop 4」発表、予約受付開始 |
surfacelaptop |
2021-04-14 18:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
書店でNFT活用の「デジタル付録」展開へ、集英社やKADOKAWAなど4社が検討中 |
kadokawa |
2021-04-14 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
3DアクションADV『黄昏ニ眠ル街』Steam/GOGにて本日より配信開始 |
pcsteamgog |
2021-04-14 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ゲームアプリ『五等分の花嫁』にて新イベント「五つ子ちゃんのパジャマパーティ ~深夜の女子会からの脱出~」が4月16日より開催! |
enish |
2021-04-14 18:05:00 |
Cloud Blog |
The new Google Cloud region in Warsaw is open |
The new Google Cloud region in Warsaw is openSince Google opened its first office in Poland over years ago we have been supporting the country s growing digital economy providing our partners and customers with cutting edge technology knowledge and global insights With our announcement of a strategic partnership with Poland s Domestic Cloud Provider in September we further committed to bring the power of Google Cloud to support the rapid growth entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovation of Polish businesses Now as Poland looks towards economic recovery enterprises and public organizations of all sizes are taking advantage of new cloud technologies and we are delivering on our commitment To support customers in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe CEE we re excited to announce that our new Google Cloud region in Warsaw is now open Designed to help Polish and CEE companies build highly available applications for their customers the Warsaw region is our first Google Cloud region in Poland and seventh to open in Europe What customers and partners are sayingNavigating this past year has been a challenge for companies as they grapple with changing customers demands and greater economic uncertainty And we ve been fortunate to partner with and serve people companies and government institutions around the world to help them adapt The Google Cloud region in Warsaw will help our customers in CEE adapt to new requirements new opportunities and new ways of working We want to build the bank of the future and to do that we need the most innovative technology By choosing Google Cloud we believe we will have access to the tools we need now and in the years to come ーAdam Marciniak CIO PKO Bank Polski Google Cloud really helped us to make better use of their products and save money As a result we were able to dramatically increase our CPU and memory usage while keeping costs flat We delivered a stable service to more customers without having to pass the cost on to them ーLenka Gondová Chief Information Security Officer Exponea“We have ambitious plans for the next few years so we have decided to engage with Google Cloud as an experienced partner who provides us with both the know how and the infrastructure and tools we need to build and maintain our ecommerce sites ーArkadiusz Ruciński Omnichannel Director LPP“We double in size every year and our previous infrastructure providers couldn t keep up It became really hard to maintain hundreds of dedicated servers As our stack grew we decided to deploy our service to Google Cloud as the most effective and efficient way to support our business model ーPawełSobkowiak CTO Booksy“We are seeing even more benefits from Anthos as our use evolves The biggest advantage so far has been increased engagement among our staff Teams are working passionately to achieve as much as possible because they can now focus on their core responsibilities rather than infrastructure management That s a testament to the power of Anthos and the value of the Accenture partnership ーMonika Nowak Toporowicz Chief Technology and Innovation Officer UPC PolskaA global network of regionsWarsaw joins the existing Google Cloud regions connected via our high performance network helping customers better serve their users and customers throughout the globe Learn more about Google Cloud locations With this new region Google Cloud customers operating in Poland and the wider CEE will benefit from low latency and high performance of their cloud based workloads and data Designed for high availability the region opens with three availability zones to protect against service disruptions and offers a portfolio of key products including Compute Engine App Engine Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud Bigtable Cloud Spanner and BigQuery Helping customers build their transformation cloudsGoogle Cloud is here to support Polish businesses helping them get smarter with data deploy faster connect more easily with people and customers throughout the globe and protect everything that matters to their businesses The cloud region in Warsaw offers new technology and tools that can be a catalyst for this change Google Cloud will also support our customers with people and education programs We have already trained thousands of IT specialists in Poland helping both large enterprises and medium sized companies get access to experts in cloud technologies And since last year as part of our local Grow with Google programme we offer all SMBs in Poland free support in starting their cloud journey Our ongoing commitment to Poland goes beyond our newest Cloud region Google Cloud s engineering center in Warsaw is a leading cloud technology hub in Europe and continues to grow each year employing highly skilled specialists that work on our global cloud computing solutions We are also expanding our office in Wrocław hiring experts to help companies migrate to cloud In Poland and across Central and Eastern Europe we re proud to support businesses in every industry from retail and banking to manufacturing and public sector helping them recover grow and thrive And we are very excited to see how our partners and customers will use the power of the new Google Cloud region in Warsaw to accelerate their digital transformation |
2021-04-14 09:30:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Cloud Bigtable のパフォーマンスと費用の最適化に関するベスト プラクティス ガイド |
クラスタを最適なサイズにするデータベースのパフォーマンスを最適化するデータストレージの使用状況を評価するアーキテクチャの代替案を検討する方法クラスタのサイズを最適なクラスタノード数に設定するアプリケーションやデータを支えているアーキテクチャへの変更を検討する前に、現在のワークロード用クラスタにプロビジョニングされるノードの数を最適化していることを確認してください。 |
2021-04-14 10:00:00 |