js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2021-04-15 00:30:01 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript基礎】文字列を検索するメソッド |
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2021-04-15 00:09:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Django model saveメソッドのオーバーライドについて |
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2021-04-15 01:00:18 |
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[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pappeteerを利用した文字列検索でタグの子要素の最初と最後を検索対象に指定する方法 |
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2021-04-15 00:56:05 |
Program |
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Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
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2021-04-15 00:31:43 |
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2021-04-15 00:18:56 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2021-04-15 00:49:10 |
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2021-04-15 00:14:24 |
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Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Bootstrap] table の 列 を非表示にする(レスポンシブ対応) |
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2021-04-15 00:57:50 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsでruby組み込みライブラリを拡張する |
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2021-04-15 00:49:10 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[ WIP ]【Rails & Flutter】管理者アプリ(Web) + ユーザーアプリ(Web) + ユーザーアプリ(スマホ) な開発 |
それが嫌な人は参考記事のようにディレクトリを作り、そのディレクトリ内でbundleinitしてからrailsをインストールする手順を参考にしてほしい。 |
2021-04-15 00:13:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton - Building Custom Tasks |
Cloud Native CI CD with Tekton Building Custom TasksIn this article we will pick up where we left off in the previous article in which we deployed our Tekton Pipelines environment and we will explore in detail how to find build and customize Tekton Tasks to create all the necessary building blocks for our pipelines On top of that we will also look at how to maintain and test our newly built Tasks while using all the best practices for creating reusable testable well structured and simple tasks If you haven t do so yet then go checkout the previous article to get your Tekton development environment up and running so you can follow along with the examples in this one Note All the the code and resources used in this article are available in tekton kickstarter repository What Are Tasks Tekton Tasks are the basic building blocks of Pipelines Task is a sequence of steps that performs some particular well task Each of the steps in a Task is a container inside Task s Pod Isolating this kind of sequence for related steps into single reusable Task provides Tekton with a lot of versatility and flexibility They can be as simple as running single echo command or as complex as Docker build followed push to registry finished by image digest output Apart from Tasks ClusterTasks are also available They re not much different from basic Tasks as they re just a cluster scoped Tasks These are useful for general purpose Tasks that perform basic operations such as cloning repository or running kubectl commands Using ClusterTasks helps avoid duplication of code and helps with reusability Be mindful of modifications to ClusterTasks though as any changes to them might impact many other pipelines in all the other namespaces in your cluster When we want to execute a Task or ClusterTask we create TaskRun In programming terms you could also think of a Task as a class and TaskRun as it s instance If the above explanation isn t clear enough then little example might help Here s the simplest possible Task we can create echo yamlapiVersion tekton dev vbetakind Taskmetadata name echospec steps name hello image ubuntu script echo Hello world This simple Task called echo really does just that it runs a ubuntu container and inject script into it that executes echo Hello world Now that we have a task we can also run it or in other words create TaskRun We can create a YAML file for that and apply it or we can also use tkn CLI tkn task start filename echo yaml TaskRun started echo run jqnlIn order to track the TaskRun progress run tkn taskrun logs echo run jqnl f n default tkn taskrun logs echo run jqnl f n default hello echo Hello world hello Hello world And it s simple as that We ve run our first Task so let s now move onto something a bit more useful and explore what Tasks are already out there Don t Reinvent a WheelThis article is about creating and customizing Tekton Tasks but let s not try to reinvent a wheel here Instead let s use what Tekton community already created The main source for existing Tasks that are ready to be used is Tekton Catalog It s a repository of reliable curated Tasks reviewed by Tekton maintainers In addition to Tekton Catalog repository you can also use Tekton Hub which lists all the same Tasks as the catalog but in a bit easier to navigate view It also lists rating of each Task which might be a helpful indicator of quality In this catalog you should be able to find all the basic stuff like Tasks for fetching repository git clone building and pushing Docker images kaniko or buildah or sending Slack notifications send to webhook slack So before you decide to build custom Tasks try checking the catalog for existing solutions to common problems If you browsed through the Tekton catalog or Tekton hub you probably noticed that installation of each Task is just a single kubectl apply f That s easy enough but if you rely on many of these Tasks and want to track them in version control without copy pasting all of their YAMLs then you can use convenient script in tekton kickstarter repository which will take list of remote YAML URLs such as catalog yamlgit clone send to webhook slack skopeo copy buildid And with invocation of make catalog apply them to your cluster LayoutBefore we start making custom tasks it s a good idea to decide on layout which would make them easy to navigate test and deploy We can take a bit of an inspiration from Tekton Catalog repository and use the following directory structure ├ーtasks Custom or remotely retrieved Tasks and ClusterTasks│ ├ーcatalog yaml List of Tasks retrieved from remote registries e g Tekton catalog │ └ーtask name Some custom Task ├ーtask name yaml File containing Task or ClusterTask └ーtests Directory with files for testing ├ーresources yaml Resources required for testing e g PVC Deployment └ーrun yaml TaskRun s that performs the testWe store all the tasks in single directory called tasks In there we create one directory for each Task which will contain one YAML file containing the Task itself and one more directory tests with resources required for testing Those would be TaskRun s in run yaml and any additional resources needed to perform the test inside resources yaml Those could be for example PVC for Task performing DB backup or Deployment for task that performs application scaling One more file shown in the structure above which we mentioned already in previous section is the catalog yaml which holds list of task that are to be installed from remote sources For convenience if using tekton kickstarter all of these can be installed with one command which is make deploy tasks which traverses tasks directory and applies all the Tasks to your cluster while omitting all the testing resources Building Custom OnesIf you can t find appropriate Task for the the job in the catalog then it s time to write your own In the beginning of the article I showed very simple Hello world example but Tekton Tasks can get much more complex so let s go over all the configuration options and features that we can leverage Let s start simple and introduce the basics that we will need in pretty much any Task that we build Those are Task parameters and scripts for Task steps apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind ClusterTaskmetadata name deployspec params name name description Deployment name name namespace default default steps name rollout image bitnami kubectl script usr bin env bash set xe kubectl rollout restart deployment params name n params namespace With the above deploy Task we can perform simple rollout of Kubernetes Deployment by supplying it with name of the Deployment in name parameter and optionally namespace in which it resides These parameters that we pass to the Task are then used in script section where they re expanded before the script is executed To tell Tekton to expand the parameter we use the params name notation This can be also used in other parts of spec not just in the script Now let s take a closer look at the script section we begin it with shebang to make sure that we will be using bash However that doesn t mean that you always have to use bash same way you could use for example Python with usr bin env python it all depend on your preference and on what s available in the image being used After shebang we also use set xe which tells the script to echo each command being executed you don t have to do this but it can be very helpful during debugging Alternatively if you don t need whole script but just a single command then you can replace script section with command This is how it would like like for simple Task that performs application health check using kubectl wait note omitting obvious non relevant parts of Task body for remaining examples steps name wait image bitnami kubectl command kubectl wait for condition available timeout s deployment params name n params namespace This works the same way as with command directive in pods and so it can get verbose and hard to read if you have many arguments as in the example above For this reason I prefer to use script for almost everything as it s more readable and easier to update change Another common thing that you might need in your Tasks is some kind of a storage where you can write data that can be used by subsequent steps in the Task or by other Tasks in the pipeline The most common use case for this would be a place to fetch git repo This kind of a storage is called workspace in Tekton and the following example shows a Tasks that mounts and clears the storage using rmdir spec params name path description Path to directory being deleted default workspaces name source mountPath workspace steps image ubuntu name rmdir script usr bin env bash set xe rm rf workspaces source path params path Above clean Task includes workspace section that defines name of the workspace and path where it should be mounted To make it easier to update the mountPath Tekton provides variable in a format workspaces ws name path which can be used in scripts to reference the path So defining the workspace is pretty simple but the disk backing the workspace won t appear out of thin air Therefore when we execute Task that asks for a workspace we also need to create PVC for it The TaskRun with creation of needed PVC for the above Task would look like so apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind TaskRunmetadata name clean namespace defaultspec params name path value somedir taskRef name clean Reference to the task kind ClusterTask In case of ClusterTask we need to explicitly specify kind workspaces name source volumeClaimTemplate PVC created this way will be cleaned up after TaskRun PipelineRun completes spec accessModes ReadWriteOnce resources requests storage GiWorkspaces are very generic and therefore can be also used not just to store some ephemeral data during Task Pipeline run but also as a long term storage like in the following example apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind ClusterTaskmetadata name pg dumpspec params name HOST type string name DATABASE type string name DEST type string workspaces name backup mountPath backup steps name pg dump image postgres alpine env name USERNAME valueFrom secretKeyRef name postgres config key POSTGRES USER name PASSWORD valueFrom secretKeyRef name postgres config key POSTGRES PASSWORD script usr bin env sh set xe PGPASSWORD PASSWORD pg dump h params HOST Fc U USERNAME params DATABASE gt workspaces backup path params DEST This Task can perform a PostgreSQL database backup using pg dump utility In this example the script grabs the database data from host and DB specified in parameters and streams it into workspaces which is backed by PVC Another feature that I sneaked into this example that you will encounter quite often is ability to inject environment variables from ConfigMaps or Secrets This is done in env section This works exactly the same way as with Pods so you can refer to that part of an API for this Back to the main topic of this example PVC for database backup considering that we want this data to be persistent we cannot use PVC created using volumeClaimTemplate as shown previously as that would get cleaned up after Task finishes so instead we need to create the PVC separately and pass it to Task this way apiVersion vkind PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata name postgres backupspec resources requests storage Gi volumeMode Filesystem accessModes ReadWriteOnce apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind TaskRunmetadata name pg dumpspec taskRef name pg dump kind ClusterTask params name HOST value postgres default svc cluster local name DATABASE value postgres name DEST value test bak workspaces name backup persistentVolumeClaim claimName postgres backupHere we use persistentVolumeClaim instead of volumeClaimTemplate and we specify name of existing PVC which is also defined in the above snippet This example also assumes that there s a PostgreSQL database running at specified host for full code including PostgreSQL deployment checkout files here Similarly to injection of environment variables we can also use workspaces to inject whole ConfigMaps or Secrets or some keys in them as a file This can be useful for example when you want whole pem certificate from Secret in the Task or as a config file that maps GitHub repository to application name as in following example apiVersion vkind ConfigMapmetadata name repo app mappingdata repo app mapping yaml git github com kelseyhightower nocode git nocode git github com MartinHeinz blog frontend git blog backend git github com MartinHeinz game server operator git game server operator git github com MartinHeinz python project blueprint git sample python app apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind ClusterTaskmetadata name get application namespec params name repository url type string name mapping file type string steps name get application name image mikefarah yq script usr bin env sh set xe yq e params repository url config params mapping file tr d gt tekton results application name results name application name Can be accessed by other Tasks with tasks get application name results application name workspaces name config mountPath configThis Task takes repository URL and uses it to look up matching application name in the file which is part of the above shown ConfigMap This is done using yq utility followed by output to a file in special directory called tekton results This directory stores results of Tasks which is a feature and YAML section we haven t mentioned yet Task results are small pieces of data that Task can output which then can be used by subsequent Tasks To use these one has to specify the name of the result variable in results section and then write something to tekton results result var name Also as you surely noticed in the above script we strip newline from the result using tr before writing it into the file that s because the result should be simple output ideally just single word and not a big chunk of text If you decide to write something longer with multiple lines to the result you might end up losing part of the value or seeing only empty string if you don t strip the newline character To then use Task such as this one that uses workspace from ConfigMap we have to specify the config map in workspaces section in the following way Full example at workspaces name config configmap name repo app mappingFinal thing I want to show here is the usage of sidecar containers These are not so common but can be useful when you need to run some service which your Task depends on for the duration of Task execution One such service can be Docker daemon sidecar with exposed socket To demonstrate this we can create a Task that performs Docker image efficiency analysis using tool called Dive apiVersion tekton dev vbetakind ClusterTaskmetadata name divespec params name IMAGE description Name reference of the image to analyze steps image wagoodman dive latest name dive env name CI value true command dive params IMAGE volumeMounts mountPath var run name dind socket sidecars image docker dind name server securityContext privileged true volumeMounts mountPath var lib docker name dind storage mountPath var run name dind socket volumes name dind storage emptyDir name dind socket emptyDir As you can see here the sidecars section is pretty much the same as definition of any container in Pod spec In addition to the usual stuff we ve seen in previous examples here we also specify volumes which are shared between sidecar and container in Tasks steps in this case one of them being Docker storage in dind socket which Dive container attaches to This covers most of the features of Tekton Tasks but one thing I didn t mention so far and you will surely run into when reading Tekton docs is PipelineResource object which can be used as Tasks input or output for example GitHub sources as input or Docker image as output So why haven t I mentioned it yet Well PipelineResource is part of Tekton that I prefer to not use for a couple of reasons It s still in alpha unlike all the other resource types we used so farThere are very few PipelineResources It s mostly just Git Pull request and Image resources It s hard to troubleshoot them If you need more reason not to use them for now then take a look at docs section here In all these examples that we went over we ve seen a lot of YAML sections options and features which shows how flexible Tekton is this however makes it s API spec naturally very complex kubectl explain unfortunately doesn t help with exploring API but API spec is available in docs but is lacking at best So in case you have trouble finding what can you put in which part of YAML then your best bet is to rely on fields listed at the beginning of Tasks doc or on examples here but make sure you re on right branch for your version of Tekton otherwise you might spend long hours debugging why your seemingly correct Task cannot be validated by Tekton controller Running and TestingSo far we mostly just talked about Tasks and not much was said about TaskRuns That s because in my opinion individual TaskRuns are best suited for testing and not really for running the Tasks regularly For that you should use pipelines which will a topic of next article Speaking of testing when we re done implementing the Task then it s time to run some tests For straightforward and easy testing I recommend using the layout mentioned earlier in the article Using it should help you encapsulate the Task in a way that allows you to test it independently of any resources outside of it s directory To then perform the actual test it s enough to apply resources dependencies in tests resources yaml if any and then apply the actual test s inside tests run yaml The tests really are just set of TaskRuns that use your custom Task so for this basic testing approach there s no need for any setup teardown or additional scripts just kubectl apply f resources yaml and kubectl apply f run yaml Examples of simple tests can be found each Task s directory in tekton kickstarter or in Tekton Catalog repository In general though for any particular Task in repositories of both of these projects you can run the following commands to perform the test kubectl apply f tests resources yaml Deploy dependencieskubectl apply f tests run yaml Start testskubectl get tr List the TaskRuns tests NAME SUCCEEDED REASON STARTTIME COMPLETIONTIMEsome taskrun True Succeeded s stkn tr logs some taskrun View logs from TaskRun For me personally when it comes to testing Tasks it s sufficient to use the above basic testing approach for validation and ad hoc testing If you however end up creating large number of custom Tasks and want to go all out then you can adopt the approach in Tekton catalog and leverage testing scripts in it s repository If you decide to go that route and strictly follow the layout and testing you might also want to try contributing the Tasks to the Tekton Catalog so that whole community can benefit from more high quality Tasks As for the scripts that you ll need for this you ll need to include test directory as well as Go dependencies vendor directory from Tekton Catalog in your code and then follow EE testing guide in docs here Regardless of whether you choose basic or all out approach for your testing though try to make sure that you test more than just happy paths in the Tasks and Pipelines otherwise you might end up seeing a lot of bugs when they get deployed in the wild Best PracticesAfter you have implemented and tested your custom Tasks it s a good idea to go back and make sure your Tasks are following the best development practices which will make them more reusable and maintainable in a long run The simplest thing that you can do that will also give the most benefit is to use yamllint a linter for YAML files This tip doesn t apply only to Tekton Tasks but rather to all YAML files as they can get tricky to get right with all the indentation but it s especially important with Task definitions can get very long and complex with many levels of indentation so keeping them readable and validated can save you some unnecessary debugging as well as help you in keeping them more maintainable You can find a custom yamlint config in my repository which I like to use but you should customize it to suit your code style and formatting Just make sure you run yamllint from time to time ideally in CI CD to keep things linted and validated As for the actual Tekton best practices I could give you a huge list but it would be mostly just things recommended by Tekton maintainers so instead of copy pasting it here I will just point you to the relevant resources Task Authoring RecommendationsTekton Design PrinciplesTekton Contributing Guidelines Closing ThoughtsIn this article we saw how flexible and versatile Tekton is and with this flexibility also comes complexity of building or testing Tasks Therefore it s very much preferable to use existing Tasks created by community rather then try to reinvent a wheel yourself If there s however no suitable Task available and you have to build your own make sure you write tests for your Tasks and follow best practices mentioned above to keep your Tasks maintainable and reliable After this article we should have enough experience as well as bunch of individual custom Tasks which we can use to start composing our pipelines And that s exactly what we re going to do in the next article in these series where we will explore how to build fully featured pipelines to build deploy test your applications and much more Also if you haven t done so yet make sure you checkout tekton kickstarter repository where you can find all the Tasks and examples from this article as well as the pipelines you will see in the next one |
2021-04-14 15:48:37 |
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Reclaim time and talent with AppSheet Automation |
Reclaim time and talent with AppSheet AutomationDigital transformation has been an enterprise priority for years butrecent Google Cloud research reinforces that the mandate is more pressing today than ever with most companies increasing their technology investments over the last year While there are many dependencies shaping the future of work the challenge is to leverage technology to support shifting work cultures Automation is the rallying point for this goal According to research firm Forrester “Automation has been a major force reshaping work since long before the pandemic now it s taking on a new urgency in the context of business risk and resiliency… As we emerge from the crisis firms will look to automation as a way to mitigate the risks that future crises pose to the supply and productivity of human workers Last fall we announced early access for AppSheet Automation a significant addition to AppSheet our no code development platform that leverages Google AI to make it easier to automate business processes Today as part of our mission to further support the future of work we are making AppSheet Automation generally available GA AppSheet Automation empowers even those without coding skills to reshape their own work with powerful new features including smarter extraction of structured data from documents and compatibility with a wider range of data sources like Google Sheets and Drive AppSheet Automation eliminates busyworkBy making it easier to automate business processes AppSheet Automation helps enterprises reduce IT backlogs and save money while addressing possibly the most pervasive talent headache of all busywork associated with manual tasks A recent survey of AppSheet Automation early adopters found that of those leveraging AppSheet Automation were able to focus on high impact work rather than manual tasks By harnessing the power of automation talent can reclaim lost time while providing more space for high impact work Manually entering receipt data or tracking down paper copies is time consuming for example But with AppSheet Automation s Intelligent Document Processing feature these tasks no longer need to be inefficient Unstructured data such as invoices receipts and W s can be automatically extracted from documents all thanks to Google Cloud s Document AI Process automations such as these help organizations to reclaim time and talent spent on repetitive tasks empowering a company s talent to spend more time on strategic and impactful work Extract unstructured data with Intelligent Document ProcessingGrowing adoption of AppSheet Automation Enterprise customers from around the world in a variety of industries are already using Google Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet to empower their employees to build powerful business applications Globe Telecom a leading full service telecommunications company in the Philippines has built more than business apps within weeks with AppSheet for example We ve always been on the lookout for grassroots innovations among our employees at Globe It is something that we re very keen on cultivating for our people AppSheet gave us this flexibility the perfect tool to mine these innovative minds It allows us to quickly execute and transform how business is done and improve how we serve our customers said Carlo Malana Chief Information Officer at Globe Similarly EBSCO one of the largest privately held family owned companies in the United States has been working to discover how the union of no code app development and smarter automation capabilities can increase workforce efficiency They have been using AppSheet Automation for tasks ranging from auto ingesting Ws during employee onboarding to eliminating process gaps “AppSheet Automation lays the groundwork for many automation projects to come which will increase the speed of deployment as well as provide better insight into automation processes as the build process forces you to visually lay it out said Matthew Brown IT Architect at EBSCO Improving workforce collaboration with AppSheet AutomationWith this GA announcement we are extending AppSheet Automation s data source eventing support beyond Salesforce to also include Google Sheets and Drive which will make collaboration even easier while keeping IT governance and security top of mind Looking ahead we re also building the ability to embed rich AppSheet views in Gmail to perform approvals on the go This will allow users to perform process approvals without having to leave their current interface and helps save time A look towards the future with app views accessible within GmailAs automation extends the power of no code organizations around the globe will find new and creative ways to engage with their workforce Technologies such as AppSheet empower the people working within today s highly distracted business landscape helping them to spend more time on the work that matters and to do things they couldn t do before We believe this human centric approach which balances the needs of line of business workers with required IT governance and security is important to supporting enterprises to become both more empathetic and efficient and we re thrilled to see how you use AppSheet s new automation features Ready to join the conversation Start building for free and join our AppSheet Creator Community to engage with Creators from around the world Forrester Research The COVID Crisis Will Accelerate Enterprise Automation Plans May |
2021-04-14 16:00:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Never forget there's a human behind every financial services product |
Never forget there x s a human behind every financial services productWith brand experience increasingly online and digital native players entering the market financial services institutions FSIs will need to adopt a human centric design philosophy to remain relevant and build stronger ties with their customers Financial services providers must keep the customer in mind as they design their product offerings This is especially critical in Asia Pacific where more consumers are coming online and online sectors are seeing robust growth In Southeast Asia alone at least million people connected to the internet for the first time in and one in three digital services are consumed by new users according to the eConomy SEA report released by Temasek Holdings Google and Bain amp Company The region s online population has hit million and seven internet economy sectors including digital financial services and e commerce will clock more than billion in gross merchandise volume Fuelled in part by the COVID outbreak the growth momentum is expected to continue with of new online consumers indicating plans to continue using such services post pandemic In Southeast Asia digital payments are expected to surpass US trillion in gross transaction value by according to the e Conomy SEA report Adoption of online remittance services also climbed two fold since safe distancing measures kicked into place with online value predicted to account for up to of the total value of these payment services by What customers expect from their financial services providersWith customers heading toward online platforms traditional FSIs in the region that fail to transform quickly to ride the wave will be left behind and risk losing their foothold against their digital savvy neobank competitors As it is of Singapore consumers experience at least one pain point with their bank today And amongst those with three or more pain points express an interest in opening a digital bank account according to aPwC survey Consumers want personalized real time engagements and FSIs need to understand their customers requirements to differentiate their brand experience and build loyalty This can be particularly challenging in Asia where customer segments are widely diverse Online users speak multiple languages live in developed or developing nations and reside in communities that are either largely unbanked or highly tapped financially FSIs will have to identify their targeted customer segments and figure out solutions they should offer to address these consumers different requirements such as those living in rural areas versus those living in urbanized cities It means they will require tools powered by artificial intelligence AI and data analysis to understand their customers needs and improve service experience accordingly At the same time they will need to drive down operational costs Chatting up to better customer satisfactionThese shifts in consumer needs prompted insurance companyFWD Group to develop an AI chatbot with the aim to enhance customer service delivery reduce operational spend and drive its Asian expansion It was critical that the chatbot dubbed Enzo had the ability to establish a more sophisticated understanding of human intentーthe customers main objective when they key in a question or request To achieve this FWD tapped Google s AI powered contact center solutionDialogflow as well as machine learning text analysis toolNatural Language to create Enzo Dialogflow in particular proved essential as it could interpret human intent in several languages including slang This was important since FWD had plans to expand its presence across Southeast Asia and the versatile language support would enable the company to do so more rapidly Within two months of Enzo s introduction in the Philippines the chatbot had handled queries from more than customers bumping up FWD s previous response capacity by Enzo also registered a customer rating of stars out of which was equivalent to the company s live chat service rating In addition the insurance company is using Google s Cloud Vision AI andAutoML to power its KYC Know Your Customer identity verification enabling it to quickly determine the validity of a customer s ID The AI tools have improved FWD s operational efficiencies by and reduced identity verification costs by half Forward looking FSIs such as FWD have achieved strong business results primarily because they realize customers should be at the center of everything they do For FWD the ability to dynamically translate and analyze their customer interactions as well as understand the context of what they actually need regardless of language has proven especially valuable in this region This type of customer understanding will go a long way towards creating stronger brand awareness and loyalty particularly as digital transactions mean less human contact and FSI customers increasingly use multiple service providers for their daily banking needs Adopting human centric design thinking ensures products and services will actually be relevant and beneficial to the customers they are designed to serve It also empowers banks to differentiate the human experience in every interaction they facilitate When an individual applies for a home loan they do not simply want a loan their ultimate objective here is to own a home So rather than focus on providing a home loan banks instead need to think about how to build their loan offerings around the customer s desire to buy a house And technology offerings are already emerging to make this easy for financial institutions such as Google Cloud s Lending DocAI By tapping data and infusing machine learning to understand context as well as adopting more agile practices FSIs not only ensure they remain competitive against their digital native counterparts and amid changing consumer expectations but create more genuine and enduring bonds with customers Learn more about Google Cloud for financial services Related ArticleNew white paper Strengthening operational resilience in financial services by migrating to Google CloudLearn how migrating to Google Cloud can play a critical role in strengthening operational resilience in the financial services sector Read Article |
2021-04-14 16:00:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Admin Essentials: Understanding Policy Precedence for Chrome browser |
Admin Essentials Understanding Policy Precedence for Chrome browserMany IT teams today have to balance keeping their organization secure and ensuring their employees can be productive Chrome browser has hundreds of enterprise policies to choose from to support these two priorities These policies are available across on prem and cloud options and can be configured at different levels for maximum flexibility for IT teams The methods you use to apply these policies determines their level of precedence So in the case of a conflicting policy it is good to know which one will win If there is not a conflicting policy regardless of level the policy will still apply as expected To help ensure policies are behaving the way admins intend let s break down the what how and when these levels of precedence get set and how they affect each other Here they are in the order of precedence from highest to lowest Machine policyーThis level of precedence and is usually set via Group Policy on Windows or via managed preferences on a Mac They can also be set for Linux Policy that is set at this level will override any other policy if there is a conflict Cloud Machine PolicyーThese policies are set within Chrome Browser Cloud Management This means that as you roll out Chrome Browser Cloud Management it will work side by side with your existing policies but local machine policy will win if conflicts occur Note there is a GPO policy that can be used to override this order of precedence in case you want Cloud Policy to win over any policy set including local machine policy OS User policyーThis applies when a user signs in to their account on a corporate managed Windows or Mac computer Cloud User PolicyーThese are also known as Chrome profile policies If you are a Google Workspace customer this policy is set within the Google Admin Console and applies when your users sign into Google and have a policy applied Chrome Default Users SettingsーThese are either the default settings that come standard with Chrome or settings that are manually set by the user These policies hold the least precedence and in many cases administrators may choose to limit a user s ability to make setting changes in their corporate environments If you want to review the different levels and sources of the policies that are being applied to your devices go to chrome policies to see the policies that are currently in effect Here is a link to more information on how to view policies and their sources via this method Another important consideration is that some settings also can be applied in different ways for example recommended or mandatory Policies that are mandatory force the setting and do not allow the user to change them Recommended settings allow the user to change the settings after they have been set by the administrator You can set this by creating a primary preferences file on your users machines The method of doing this is detailed in Use primary preferences for Chrome Browser Note that these settings are the lowest order of precedence level in the list above and could be overridden by any other policy above it The number of configuration options available are ultimately meant to help IT teams customize Chrome to meet the unique needs of your environment and users Hopefully this provides more clarity on the different methods and behaviors of Chrome Browser policies so you can make sure that the right policies get applied on your user s machines Understanding policy precedence is a great way to ensure that Chrome is behaving the way IT teams intend for your workforce Related ArticleAdmin Essentials Ready set ChromeーImprovements and polices to make Chrome more performantLearn how Chrome is optimizing browser performance and get a closer look at tools we provide to admins to fine tune resource usage in env Read Article |
2021-04-14 16:00:00 |