投稿時間:2021-04-18 14:14:58 RSSフィード2021-04-18 14:00 分まとめ(16件)

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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SenseHAT でお絵かきアプリ https://qiita.com/atorii/items/c6bc50976b85ed28d227 ななめの描き方のアルゴリズムがあるみたいですね。 2021-04-18 13:20:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【React】npm run buildについて https://teratail.com/questions/333850?rss=all 【React】npmrunbuildについてnpmnbsprunnbspserveで見た時とnpmnbsprunnbspbuildでデプロイした時の見え方が違います。 2021-04-18 13:59:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonの基本的なモジュールがインポートできません https://teratail.com/questions/333849?rss=all Pythonの基本的なモジュールがインポートできません前提・実現したいことダウンロードしてきたPythonのプログラムを実行しようとしています。 2021-04-18 13:24:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Flask flask db migrateできない https://teratail.com/questions/333848?rss=all Flaskflaskdbmigrateできないflaskdbmigrateがうまく実行できません。 2021-04-18 13:02:16
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails初学者によるRailsチュートリアル学習記録③ 第1章 https://qiita.com/UtimoriNI/items/61fe12188d118dd621d9 第章の概要AWSCloudを使った開発環境の準備必要なgemプログラムのインストール最初のアプリケーションの作成Railsアプリケーションの仕組みについてコントローラとアクションについてルーティングについてHerokuへのデプロイHerokuへのデプロイの準備、デプロイ開発環境の変更を本番環境に反映させる方法学習内容AWSCloudを使った開発環境の準備AWSのアカウントの作成ワークスペースの作成までの説明は省略します。 2021-04-18 13:15:43
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails初学者によるRailsチュートリアル学習記録③ 第1章 https://qiita.com/UtimoriNI/items/61fe12188d118dd621d9 第章の概要AWSCloudを使った開発環境の準備必要なgemプログラムのインストール最初のアプリケーションの作成Railsアプリケーションの仕組みについてコントローラとアクションについてルーティングについてHerokuへのデプロイHerokuへのデプロイの準備、デプロイ開発環境の変更を本番環境に反映させる方法学習内容AWSCloudを使った開発環境の準備AWSのアカウントの作成ワークスペースの作成までの説明は省略します。 2021-04-18 13:15:43
海外TECH DEV Community Pixxia - Compress your Images in Optimal Quality for FREE https://dev.to/dhhruv/pixxia-compress-your-images-in-optimal-quality-for-free-8mi Pixxia Compress your Images in Optimal Quality for FREE Introduction The above script uses lossy compression methods to reduce the document size of your JPG PNG files This is achieved by rounding up the R G B values from each pixel of it s unit digit in your image therefore lesser number of bytes are required to store the information Sometimes there are major changes in the bytes stored well as sometimes there are minor changes so it depends entirely on the pixels of the image dhhruv Pixxia Pixxia uses lossy compression methods to reduce the document size of your JPG PNG files Image Comparison Image Image For Images gt MB you may see a great compression ratio as compared to the images which are smaller than that Download Pixxia exe for Windows Setup Windows Install PythonClone this repositorygit clone Install create and activate virtual environment For instance we create a virtual environment named venv pip install virtualenvpython m virtualenv venvvenv Scripts activate batInstall dependenciespip install r requirements txt Download Pixxia exe for Windows How To Use Click SELECT INPUT FOLDER Button to select the INPUT FOLDER which contains all the Images to be Compressed Optimized Click SELECT OUTPUT FOLDER Button to select the OUTPUT FOLDER which will contain all the the Compressed Optimized Images Hit the COMPRESS Button and the INPUT FOLDER containing Supported Image Formats will be Compressed and saved in the OUTPUT FOLDER Click CLEAR Button to reset the input fields and status bar If needed NOTE Recommended to keep INPUT and OUTPUT Folder different for your ease to differentiate between Optimized and Unoptimized Images Important Note This Script goes through each pixel of every supported image in the INPUT folder so it ll take more time than usual to process the Image This Script is just a Prototype so results may be unexpected The Authors will not be responsible for any kind of loss of data so it is essential to have a Backup of Original Data placed in the Input Folder Read the LICENSE for more information So stay tuned for further updates on GitHub dhhruv Pixxia Pixxia uses lossy compression methods to reduce the document size of your JPG PNG files Download Pixxia exe for Windows Image Credits Unsplash 2021-04-18 04:45:06
海外TECH DEV Community How To Build Tabs only with HTML and CSS https://dev.to/pawanbhayde/how-to-build-tabs-only-with-html-and-css-3lfk How To Build Tabs only with HTML and CSSThere are several ways to provide navigation on a web site Tabbed navigation is one of them menu sidebar etc The key of implementing tabs without Javascript is to use radio buttons We connect radio buttons with labels When label is clicked only one radio button is checked as selected Only matching contents of selected radio button is visible Read Blog Post And Download Source Code Html Code DownloadCss Code Download 2021-04-18 04:35:42
海外TECH DEV Community Chatbot para twitch com Javascript https://dev.to/acaverna/chatbot-para-twitch-com-javascript-1oi9 Chatbot para twitch com JavascriptOlánesse tutorial vamos criar um chatbot para a twitch tv utilizando javascript com a biblioteca tmi js Utilizar um chatbot no seu canal éuma das formas de vocêengajar os seus viewers pois vocêpode criar jogos e outras brincadeiras para divertir o seu público durante as lives Um dos exemplos écriar um comando de duelo para que o seu chat fique duelando no chat Outra coisa que vocêpode fazer écriar funcionalidade para que o seu bot ajude na moderação da sua live FerramentasPara criar esse projeto iremos utilizar as seguintes tecnologias node js Que éum runtime javascript Vocêpode baixar ele aqui nodemon Que éuma ferramenta que monitora o sistema de arquivos da sua aplicação e reinicia automaticamente após uma modificação npm Que éum gerenciador de pacote javascript Por padrão ele jávem instalado junto com o node js mas caso vocêqueira também pode utilizar o yarn tmi js Biblioteca para se conectar no chat da twitch utilizando o protocolo IRC Editor de texto Vocêpode utilizar um editor de texto da sua preferência no meu caso irei utilizar o Vscode Iniciando ProjetoApos a instalação do node iremos iniciar o nosso projeto utilizando o seguinte comando npm init ySe vocêolhar na pasta do seu projeto épara ter criado um arquivo chamado package json énele que fica as configurações do nosso projeto Caso vocêqueira saber mais sobre o npm init vocêpode descobrir mais aqui Instalação de depedênciasAgora vamos instalar as bibliotecas necessárias para o nosso projeto npm install tmi jsnpm install save dev nodemonApós rodar esses comandos se vocêolhar no seu projeto vocêdeve ter a pasta node modules e o arquivo package lock json no seu projeto Agora iremos criar scripts para facilitar na hora de rodar o nosso bot Dentro do arquivo package json iremos modificar a propriedade scripts e adicionar o seguinte código scripts start node index js dev nodemon index js O start serve para rodar o nosso quando finalizado Jáo dev serve para rodar o nosso bot enquanto estivermos trabalhando nele pois ele vai executar usando o nodemon e facilitaránosso trabalho enquanto estivermos modificando ele reiniciando automaticamente o nosso bot Criando arquivo de configuraçãoAgora precisando criar um arquivo chamado env nele ficara guardado as variáveis de configurações nosso bot Logo abaixo podemos ver como vocêdevera deixar o arquivo depois de criado Vocêdevera substituir kastrinhobot pelo nome do seu nome kastrwalker pelo nome do seu canal e TOKEN pelo token que vocêdeve gerar aqui NOME BOT kastrinhobotNOME CANAL kastrwalkerTOKEN BOT TOKEN Criando nosso primeiro comandoAgora estána hora de colocar a mão na massa e fazer o nosso primeiro comando no bot A primeira coisa que precisamos fazer éimportar as bibliotecas necessárias para o nosso projeto funcionar const tmi require tmi js const dotenv require dotenv config Agora iremos salvar em variáveis as configurações que adicionamos no nosso arquivo env const NOME BOT process env NOME BOT const NOME CANAL process env NOME CANAL const TOKEN BOT process env TOKEN BOT Devemos também criar um objeto para adicionar as informações do nosso bot const opts identity username NOME BOT password TOKEN BOT channels NOME CANAL Devemos instanciar um novo objeto do tipo tmi client passando como parâmetro o objeto que contem as configurações do nosso bot const client new tmi client opts Devemos criar uma função para ser executada toda vez que o bot detectar que uma mensagem foi enviada no chat No nosso caso definimos essa função como recivedMessage nela recebemos quatro parâmetros target Esse parâmetro recebe o nome do canal no qual o bot recebeu a mensagem context Esse éum objeto na qual fica armazenado algumas informações do usuário que mandou mensagem no chat Podemos achar nele o nome do usuário se ésub ou mod de um canal dentre outras informações Vocêpode conseguir mais informações colocando um console log context dentro da função msg Esse éuma string contendo a mensagem que foi enviada no chat bot Esse éum booleano que retorna verdadeiro caso a mensagem recebida seja do nosso próprio bot O nosso primeiro comando que vamo criar épara o bot mandar uma mensagem de OláMundo caso alguém digite ola no chat Para isso verificamos se a mensagem recebida éigual a ola caso seja nós chamamos o método say do nosso client Esse método éresponsável por fazer com que o bot mande uma mensagem no chat Ele recebe dois parâmetros o primeiro éo nome do canal na qual o bot vai mandar a mensagem O segundo parâmetro éuma string contendo a mensagem na qual o bot vai enviar function recivedMessage target context msg bot Verifica se a mensagem recebido édo nosso bot if bot return if msg ola client say target OláMundo Agora precisamos fazer com que o nosso bot se conecte no chat e comece a escutar as mensagens que são enviadas nele Para isso utilizamos as seguintes funções client on message recivedMessage Essa função vai fazer com que o bot fique escutando o nosso chat e execute a função recivedMessage toda vez que uma mensagem érecebida client on connected gt Essa função vai fazer com que o nosso bot mande O bot táon no nosso chat ao se conectar client connet Essa função vai fazer com que o nosso bot se conecte com o chat do nosso canal client on message recivedMessage client on connected gt client say NOME CANAL O bot táon client connect Após isso salve o seu arquivo e execute no seu terminal o seguinte comando npm startPront agora o bot deve estáconectado no seu canal e jásendo possível interagir com ele digitando ola Agora que vocêentendeu a base de como criar o seu primeiro bot Vocêpode utilizar a sua imaginação e desenvolver várias funcionalidades legais para o seu bot Se vocêquiser se inspirar com ideias para o seu bot esse são alguns bots na qual jácontribui no desenvolvimento pandadomalbotacavernadeninhobotpixelrbotkastrinhobotPara esse tutorial utilizei como base esse repositório Obrigado por ler meu artigo e boa sorte com as suas criações 2021-04-18 04:25:06
海外TECH DEV Community Why you might not be learning as effectively https://dev.to/lyqht/why-you-might-not-be-learning-as-effectively-18o9 Why you might not be learning as effectivelyAs a CodeNewbie a common means of learning here is to read articles to improve your knowledge and later write your own to internalize your learning However I want to point it out explicitly that Your learning style could be a reason why you feel that you are not learning as much as you intend to despite doing the actions above How you learn affects heavily how much you are enjoying the stuff you learn and the pace that you are learning them Therefore it will be beneficial for you if you can identify what kind of learner you are and what you can do to learn better Learner ArchetypesThere are common learner archetypes according to the VARK model Visual Auditory Reading Writing Kinesthetic Image retrieved from mysimpleshowBelow is my subjective view on how the types of learners would learn and how content creators can cater their content for the various kinds of learners Visual ️For visual learners pictures are especially louder than words for them Including images such as charts screenshots memes use with precaution consider your target audience in articles will help these learners learn better Break down into bullet points instead of giving text walls Auditory Most people think in words rather than pictures For auditory learners they take this same process to the external world to learn They would be the main supporters of podcasts audiobooks and narrated tech videos Reading Writing The nature of programming languages meant that there is no running away from text articles and documentation for learning the syntax and concepts of programming Every CodeNewbie has a side of a Reading Writing Learner However with how static text can be it will be great if every writer puts in more thought in how and why they are writing articles for their target audience Given that the speed of reading is faster than listening that there are learning platforms popping up which emphasize on this fact such as educative io codeacademy Kinesthetic The hands on learners By hands on it may differ from person to person on whether they learn effectively by following a tutorial guide in hands on or they experiment for themselves Aside from the VARK model of learner archetypes there s also another renowned categorization of learners illustrated as an infographic by Funders amp Founders You can see there s some overlap of learner types and these archetypes again are not absolute You could be a mix of the archetypes You may prefer having a mix of different mediums to spice up your learning These archetypes just make it easier for you to identify your learning style Learning RoutineSometimes aside from your learning style your routine also matters e g I have a developer friend who likes to head to the gym physically after work before he heads onto the mental gym and learn For me I m pretty lazy when it comes to physical exercise nowadays with COVID But if I still feel like being productive after work I will make sure to take a nice shower physically walk out of my house ‍ ️and grab a good dinner before staring at my computer again Both of these routines are intentional to force a cognitive switch from work mode to learning mode Sometimes you could even have a parenting mode or a play mode it is important to relax and be conscious about your mental state be aware whether you are ready for learning ConclusionKnowing what helps you to learn better is beneficial for you in choosing the resources you pursue in the limited time that you have set aside for productivity and also how you might want to structure your routine to learn So what archetype are you Is there any learning routine you are taking on now that you would like to share with the community And what else do you want to see CodeNewbie to help you improve your learning experience Let s discuss 2021-04-18 04:21:59
海外TECH DEV Community 002 - Forced Myself to Launch My Site For A /uses Page (CCwF 2021) https://dev.to/cerbito/002-forced-myself-to-launch-my-site-for-a-uses-page-ccwf-2021-4l2o Forced Myself to Launch My Site For A uses Page CCwF Hello again And welcome back to the Coding Challenges with Friends series If you re interested in the said series you may want to check out the first two posts Part Part Enjoy There are no code snippets in this post so if you just want to look at the output you may simply scroll past the following wall of text and click the links below The second challenge was inspired by Wes Bos uses tech which in a sense is an extension of his uses page Compared to the last challenge this one is objectively easier since it s technically just a page with a bunch of lists But for a lazy ass person like me the most difficult part of doing a uses page is that part that comes before the I could ve easily just created a blank webapp with a uses page get a random domain name from vercel and call it a day But I wanted to finish the challenge properly And in keeping with the CCwF tradition I had to do something I ve never done before so here s a list things that I ve done for the first time Use Next js React is my comfort place and for these challenges I really wanted to stay away from it to force myself to learn new things But the combination of SSR fantastic routing and history management and no hassle deployment to Vercel was hard to say no to And since I haven t used Next js before I decided to give myself a free React pass this time around Use Framer Motion I ve been seeing this library for quite a while now but never had the chance to use it until now Thanks to its AnimatedSharedLayout I was able to make page to page layout transitions without re rendering and therefore resetting my animated background Launch my personal site That s right In my years as a professional Web Developer amp Designer I ve never not once launched a personal site It s the usual cycle of starting the said project based on a general idea then trying to implement the best tech approach available then procrastinating and then going back to the project after a few months only to realize that the codebase already looks dated But not today For someone my age and in an agency role that s more managerial than creative I can easily not care about these things anymore and expect to have a relatively stable life But I m glad that I have friends who challenge me to do new things and to never stop growing And speaking of these friends they also finished the challenge So if you re interested in our sites or the things that we use on a daily basis try visiting the links below Mine cerbito comEllice s acayan xyzJoimee s cajandab vercel appYou may also want to check out other people s setups over at uses tech And while you re at it why not join the challenge and make yours as well Cheers 2021-04-18 04:10:40
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: 'The loneliest goodbye' as Queen bids 'farewell' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-56790040 papers 2021-04-18 04:44:35
北海道 北海道新聞 ダルビッシュ今季初黒星 大谷は試合延期、筒香出場せず https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/534558/ 大リーグ 2021-04-18 13:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 笹生6位、NZのコが16勝目 米女子ゴルフ・ロッテ選手権 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/534556/ 女子ゴルフ 2021-04-18 13:07:51
北海道 北海道新聞 「中日関係は改善の勢い失った」 中国共産党系メディア https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/534555/ 人民日報 2021-04-18 13:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ワクチン全員分、9月までに調達 首相、米製薬会社と実質合意 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/534545/ 製薬会社 2021-04-18 13:04:19



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