IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Deff、「AirTag」用シリコーン製ストラップ「STRAP for AirTag」を発売 |
airtag |
2021-04-23 08:22:36 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
任天堂、「Nintendo Switch Online」の7日間無料体験チケットを配布中(5月10日まで) |
nintendoswitchonline |
2021-04-23 08:12:24 |
ロボスタ |
水中のデータを取得して”釣りの秘密”を解き明すIoTルアー「smartLure Model Zero」 4/26からKickstarterで予約販売 |
kickstarter |
2021-04-23 08:37:37 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナ禍で残業時間が最も大きく減少した職種は? 職種別の残業時間ランキング |
itmedia |
2021-04-23 17:33:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ジブリ映画「アーヤと魔女」公開延期 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で |
itmedia |
2021-04-23 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] LINE社員の“サクラ”投稿は「事実」 オープンチャットの一部を会社主導で運営 方針見直しへ |
itmedianewsline |
2021-04-23 17:21:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ローカルルータ間でIPsecできるのでしょうか。 |
ローカルルータ間でIPsecできるのでしょうか。 |
2021-04-23 18:00:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
多重リストでの選択肢を列挙したい |
python |
2021-04-23 17:56:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
phpのtraitの優先度と制限に関して |
phpのtraitの優先度と制限に関してtraittraitApublicfunctiontestthisgtdumpTestprivatefunctiondumpTestdumptraitAdumpclassMainClassusetraitAprivatefunctiondumpTestdumpMainClassdumpmainClassnewMainClassmainClassgttest上記のコードなのですが、trait先のMainClassに同じメソッドがあるとMainClassのメソッドdumpTestが利用されます。 |
2021-04-23 17:50:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
monaca(Cordova 10)でwordpressのRESTAPI(json)を使用し、iOS実機にも取得内容を一覧表示したい。 |
monacaCordovaでwordpressのRESTAPIjsonを使用し、iOS実機にも取得内容を一覧表示したい。 |
2021-04-23 17:48:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptで文字列と数字の含まれている値を降順にしたい |
javascriptで文字列と数字の含まれている値を降順にしたいjavascriptで文字列と数字の含まれている値を降順にしたいです。 |
2021-04-23 17:47:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
typeofでundefinedか判定しようとするとundefinedでエラーになる。 |
typeofでundefinedか判定しようとするとundefinedでエラーになる。 |
2021-04-23 17:25:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Googlemapの現在地の色変更がしたいです。 |
Googlemapの現在地の色変更がしたいです。 |
2021-04-23 17:20:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【pandas】【Excel】列のデータをリスト化してデータの取り出し条件にして新規シートに書き込みたい |
【pandas】【Excel】列のデータをリスト化してデータの取り出し条件にして新規シートに書き込みたい前提・実現したいこと以下のexcelファイルの表から、名前の同じ人の行を取り出し、既存のブックに新規のシートで追加したいです。 |
2021-04-23 17:18:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
tkinterでボタンとキー両方どちらを押しても処理が行われるようにする方法を教えて下さい |
tkinterでボタンとキー両方どちらを押しても処理が行われるようにする方法を教えて下さい前提・実現したいことpythonのtkinterを使用してボタンを作成しました。 |
2021-04-23 17:17:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IGESにおける円弧の座標の計算の仕方 |
IGESにおける円弧の座標の計算の仕方お世話になります。 |
2021-04-23 17:09:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSS float 横並びにならない |
CSSfloat横並びにならないflatnbspleftと記述しても、contentsitemのところが横並びにならず原因がわからず困っています。 |
2021-04-23 17:07:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VScode内で「border」と入力すると赤字になってしまいます。エラー解消、もしくは色の変更をしたいです。 |
エラー解消、もしくは色の変更をしたいです。 |
2021-04-23 17:07:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
zabbixサーバーの起動を「はい」にしたい |
zabbixサーバーの起動を「はい」にしたい前提・実現したいことZabbixのUIが今までのものと大きく異なったように感じたため検証のために一つのVMにZabbixserver、Zabbixagentを入れ、自分を監視することをまず試すつもりでした。 |
2021-04-23 17:04:04 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
binding.pryを使えるようにする方法 |
bindingpryを使えるようにする方法概要テストコードでerrorfullmessagesを確認したり、インスタンス変数の中身を確認するのに便利なbindingpry。 |
2021-04-23 17:53:10 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails] 分岐によるリンクの非表示だけでは不十分では!? |
投稿一覧画像に表示されているように、現行のコードだとログイン中のユーザーIDと投稿者のIDが一致している場合にのみ、「Edit」「Destroy」が表示されるようになっています。 |
2021-04-23 17:34:58 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
UbuntuのDockerコンテナ内からcrontabを実行&メール送信させてみた。 |
UbuntuのDockerコンテナ内からcrontabを実行ampメール送信させてみた。 |
2021-04-23 17:56:05 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker-compose build api でエラー |
dockercomposebuildapiでエラーterminaldockercomposebuildapigtCACHEDWORKDIRappsgtCACHEDCOPYpackagejsonsgtERRORRUNyarninstallsgtRUNyarninstallbinshyarnnotfoundexecutorfailedrunningbinshcyarninstallexitcodeERRORServiceapifailedtobuildyarninstallするけどbinsh配下にyarnが見つかりませんと。 |
2021-04-23 17:21:11 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Git】Stashコマンドのまとめと使い方 〜変更差分の一時退避〜 |
Stashコマンドまとめ①退避する系コマンド効果・効能gitstashシンプルに退避する既定gitstashuシンプルに退避するuntrackedファイルも含むgitstashaシンプルに退避するさらにignoredファイルも含むgitstashsaveメッセージメッセージ付きで退避する既定gitstashsaveuメッセージメッセージ付きで退避するuntrackedファイルも含むgitstashsaveaメッセージメッセージ付きで退避するさらにignoredファイルも含む②退避を反映させる系コマンド効果・効能gitstashlist退避の一覧を見る反映前の準備としてgitstashpop最新の退避を現在のブランチに反映させる退避リストからは削除gitstashapply最新の退避を現在のブランチに反映させる退避リストに残すgitstashapplylist番号指定した退避を現在のブランチに反映させる③退避の差分を調べる系コマンド効果・効能gitstashshow最新の退避の差分の要約を見るgitstashshowlist番号指定した退避の差分の要約を見るgitstashshowp最新の退避の差分を詳しく見るgitstashshowplist番号指定した退避の差分を詳しく見る④退避を削除する系コマンド効果・効能gitstashdrop最新の退避を削除するgitstashdroplist番号指定した退避を削除するgitstashclear全ての退避を削除するStashコマンドたちの詳しい使い方では上記の一覧のコマンドの使い方を、順番に詳しくみていきます。 |
2021-04-23 17:05:17 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
binding.pryを使えるようにする方法 |
bindingpryを使えるようにする方法概要テストコードでerrorfullmessagesを確認したり、インスタンス変数の中身を確認するのに便利なbindingpry。 |
2021-04-23 17:53:10 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クレジットカード決済用JavaScript準備⑥ |
クレジットカード決済用JavaScript準備⑥cardjsconstrenderDomdocumentgetElementByIdchargeformconsttokenObjltinputvaluetokennametokentypehiddengtrenderDominsertAdjacentHTMLbeforeendtokenObjdocumentgetElementByIdordernumberremoveAttributenamedocumentgetElementByIdordercvcremoveAttributenamedocumentgetElementByIdorderexpmonthremoveAttributenamedocumentgetElementByIdorderexpyearremoveAttributenametypehiddenHTMLのは、ユーザーには見えない隠しフィールドを設置するために使います。 |
2021-04-23 17:51:54 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsナレッジ |
2021-04-23 17:44:29 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クレジットカード決済用JavaScript準備⑤JavaScriptでinsertAdjacentHTMLメソッドを使ってHTML要素を追加する |
第引数挿入位置beforebeginElementのタグの上に挿入します。 |
2021-04-23 17:36:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails] 分岐によるリンクの非表示だけでは不十分では!? |
投稿一覧画像に表示されているように、現行のコードだとログイン中のユーザーIDと投稿者のIDが一致している場合にのみ、「Edit」「Destroy」が表示されるようになっています。 |
2021-04-23 17:34:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クレジットカード決済用JavaScript準備④カード決済会社からのセキュリティートークンget |
宣言した関数は、後から直接「関数名」を記述することで実行されます。 |
2021-04-23 17:03:35 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amplify with Angularに入門してみた |
amplify |
2021-04-23 08:13:24 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[New features] Advanced Query Accelerator (AQUA) for Amazon Redshift is now generally available! |
New features Advanced Query Accelerator AQUA for Amazon Redshift is now generally available The original Japanese article is available here Amazon Redshift using RA instances called Advanced Query |
2021-04-23 08:00:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Iconic developers | part 4 🤷♀️🐙🤑 |
Iconic developers part ️ Almost weekend But first another iconic developers Special thanks theowlsden and technoglot Feel free to join and show your creativity Let s make the next one a monkey edition ️The WOMM developerWorks On My Machine is their go to answer While this is true most of the times they usually forgot to commit the changes is their package json or something else that breaks the code outside their own machine HabitatTheir own machine The rest of the machines are not good enough for them Best to ask forWhat dependencies you re missing when his code doesn t work again Needs work onOwn up to their mistakes keep calm when installing something new and do it the proper way The unfortunate full stackThey know the whole stack of a company Not because they want to work as a full stack but because they have a small team HabitatYou find them mostly in start ups and scaleups But you can also find them in specific departments of a mid size company Best to ask forAdvice on how you can implement a piece of logic They most probably did something similar once upon a time Oh and about the frontend ask them the basics Needs works onDelegating tasks If they have a small team they need to share the responsibilities not take everything on themselves The Client s ButlerThat person in the team sometimes a team lead who s motto is The client is KING They tend to be very client centric and say NO to whatever brings no value to the client All else be damned including the developer experience HabitatThis kind of developer is mostly found lurking around stakeholders and clients to obtain their wishes Best to ask forWhat the client wants they now every single wish by heart Needs work onAccepting developer experience is king in getting the client what they wish for in time and with joy Soooo that s three again Looking forward to your input name Habitat Best to ask for Needs works onPhoto by Girl with red hat on Unsplash |
2021-04-23 08:08:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Solution: Count Binary Substrings |
Solution Count Binary SubstringsThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Easy Count Binary Substrings Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C Given a string s count the number of non empty contiguous substrings that have the same number of s and s and all the s and all the s in these substrings are grouped consecutively Substrings that occur multiple times are counted the number of times they occur Examples Example Input Output Explanation There are substrings that have equal number of consecutive s and s and Notice that some of these substrings repeat and are counted the number of times they occur Also is not a valid substring because all the s and s are not grouped together Example Input Output Explanation There are substrings that have equal number of consecutive s and s Constraints s length will be between and s will only consist of or characters Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C Since the s and s have to be grouped consecutively we only have to be concerned with the most recent two groups curr prev at any time as we iterate through the input string s Since each addition to our answer ans must therefore be centered on the edge between the two groups we should be able to count multiple increases to ans at the same time For example if we find a group that is then we know that we ve found multiple answer counts centered on the Each additional extra character on both sides will be an extra answer which means that and are also answers In other words the number that we should add to ans is equal to min zeros ones or in this example So we can now iterate through s keeping track of the curr and prev groups and when we find the end of a group we can calculate our addition to ans and then swap the two variables while resetting curr to Since we re going to be comparing s i to s i to see if the character has changed we ll need to start our iteration with i which means we should define a starting value for curr of Also since the end of s is technically the end of a group we should add another min curr prev onto ans before we return ans as it won t be accounted for in the iteration through s Time Complexity O N where N is the length of sSpace Complexity O Implementation There are only minor differences in the code for all four languages Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea var countBinarySubstrings function s let curr prev ans for let i i lt s length i if s i s i curr else ans Math min curr prev prev curr curr return ans Math min curr prev Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution def countBinarySubstrings self s str gt int curr prev ans for i in range len s if s i s i curr else ans min curr prev prev curr curr return ans min curr prev Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int countBinarySubstrings String s int curr prev ans for int i i lt s length i if s charAt i s charAt i curr else ans Math min curr prev prev curr curr return ans Math min curr prev C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int countBinarySubstrings string s int curr prev ans for int i i lt s length i if s i s i curr else ans min curr prev prev curr curr return ans min curr prev |
2021-04-23 08:06:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
TypeORM - Multiple DB Calls vs Single DB Call |
TypeORM Multiple DB Calls vs Single DB Call IntroductionThe last article demonstrates how you should build complex SQL queries I hope this helps your work and study Today s topic is still cases with TypeORM but the angle is slightly different from the last one Which is Better Some senior developers mention that you should reduce database calls as much as possible The potential reasons are The network connection is always a bottleneck It will help if you reduce the number of DB calls The code side should not construct order and filter dataset The DB is basically faster than the code s data manipulation if optimized by indexes or proper configuration In this case the subqueries with TypeORM might be a good option On the other hand some experienced developers say that you should execute SQLs separately and build appropriate datasets in the code The reasons are The returned dataset should not be large in size Transferring big data size between DBs and applications might be a bottleneck Inside subqueries might execute without the index s or DB optimization s benefits You should minimize the records themselves in the subqueries if you want Sample Code with TypeORMLet s review the query on the last article Target SQL converted to TypeScript with TypeORMSELECT cs course id as course id DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d AS submitted date IFNULL count cs courseId as correct submission number IFNULL total exam number as total number FROM assessment as asses INNER JOIN submission as sub ON asses submission id sub id INNER JOIN subject exam as se ON se exam id sub exam id INNER JOIN course subject as cs ON cs subject id se subject id LEFT OUTER JOIN SELECT cs course id as course id IFNULL COUNT cs course id as number FROM course subject as cs LEFT OUTER JOIN subject exam as se ON cs subject id se subject id WHERE cs dept id abcdefg GROUP BY cs course id as total exam ON total exam course id cs course id WHERE asses result pass AND asses status submitted AND cs dept id abcdefg GROUP BY cs course id DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d ORDER BY DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d asc cs course id asc TypeScript with TypeORMimport getManager from typeorm in class GetDailyStats Build a subquery to get the total number of examsconst totalExamNumbers any getManager createQueryBuilder select cs courseId course id addSelect IFNULL COUNT number from CourseSubject cs leftJoin SubjectExam se cs subject id se subject id andWhere cs dept id deptId deptId deptId groupBy cs course id Build a main query with the subquery for statsconst dailyStatsQuery any getManager createQueryBuilder select cs courseId courseId addSelect DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d submitted date addSelect IFNULL COUNT cs courseId correct submission number addSelect IFNULL total exam number total number from Assessment asses innerJoin Submission sub asses submission id sub id innerJoin SubjectExam se se exam id sub exam id innerJoin CourseSubject cs cs subject id se subject id leftJoin totalExamNumbers getQuery total exam total exam course id cs course id where asses result result result AssessmentResult PASS andWhere asses status status status AssessmentStatus SUBMITTED andWhere cs dept id deptId deptId deptId groupBy cs course id addGroupBy DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d orderBy DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d ASC addOrderBy cs course id ASC setParameters totalExamNumbers getParameters Execute the generated queryconst dailyStatsRaws await dailyStatsQuery getRawMany Convert raws to our appropriate objects const dailyStats dailyStatsRaws map s any gt const item DailyStatsItem courseId s courseId submittedDate s submittedDate correctSubmissions s correctSubmissions totalSubmissions s totalSubmissions return item return dailyStats IMPORTANT What is setParameters When you set some parameters on a subquery setting values is not ready to execute with the main query You explicitly need to set them on your main query before calling getRawMany Do we need to call setParameters for parameters on the main query No you do not need it It is just for separated queries HINT What is IFNULL in MySQL The IFNULL function returns a specified value if the expression is NULL HINT Grouping by DATETIME If you want to change the grouping rules by DATETIME columns please change the DATE FORMAT parts Hourly base DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d H Daily base DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d Monthly base DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m Yearly base DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y Link Two ObjectsLet s think about the way of constructing the dataset in the code In the above case dailyStatsQuery needs to link to totalExamNumbers in the code When you link them linking two arrays will consume time even though the records are already filtered by deptId We might think to create a key and value object Hashmap in Java and Dictionary in C because the field courseId is a unique ID import getManager from typeorm in class GetDailyStats Calculate the total number of examsconst totalExamNumbers any getManager createQueryBuilder select cs courseId course id addSelect IFNULL COUNT number from CourseSubject cs leftJoin SubjectExam se cs subject id se subject id andWhere cs dept id deptId deptId deptId groupBy cs course id getRawMany st way Convert from an array to an associative object arrayconst totalExamNumberHashMap totalExamNumbers reduce c e gt c x course id e nd way Convert from an array to an associative object arrayconst totalExamNumberHashMap Object assign totalExamNumbers map e gt e course id e Build a main query with the subquery for statsconst dailyStatsQuery any getManager createQueryBuilder select cs courseId courseId addSelect DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d submitted date addSelect IFNULL COUNT cs courseId correct submission number from Assessment asses innerJoin Submission sub asses submission id sub id innerJoin SubjectExam se se exam id sub exam id innerJoin CourseSubject cs cs subject id se subject id where asses result result result AssessmentResult PASS andWhere asses status status status AssessmentStatus SUBMITTED andWhere cs dept id deptId deptId deptId groupBy cs course id addGroupBy DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d orderBy DATE FORMAT asses created datetime Y m d ASC addOrderBy cs course id ASC Execute the generated queryconst dailyStatsRaws await dailyStatsQuery getRawMany Convert raws to our appropriate objects const dailyStats dailyStatsRaws map s any gt const item DailyStatsItem courseId s courseId submittedDate s submittedDate correctSubmissions s correctSubmissions totalSubmissions totalExamNumberHashMap s courseId totalExamNumberHashMap s courseId number return item return dailyStats IMPORTANT I showed you the two ways of key amp value object conversion by reduce and Object assign However I have not considered the performance If you give me better solutions I appreciate Potential CasesWhich cases should we select either a single DB call or multiple DB calls Select Multiple DB CallsCloud Database Many enterprises utilize cloud based DBs which provide scalability availability etc instead of DBs managed by ourselves However for instance if your application accesses them via a public IP OR even though this is located on the same local network but it is physically far from your apps you might consider the data size Multiple DB calls with small data might be faster than a single DB call Not Perform with DB Benefits As I mentioned some cases such as subqueries might not receive the index s or DB optimization s benefits Select Single DB CallSimply Avoid Multiple Calls This is not just for the communication between your applications and databases Of course your applications should not communicate any services as much as possible because this via the network is a bottleneck Complex Dataset In the above case linking totalExamNumbers to others should not be big trouble because it has a unique ID However if it needs to link to objects without specific unique IDs completing the data operations by DBs would be better You might need proper indexes stored procedures or views which support complex data manipulations Send Raw Data or Flat Tables Your backends APIs are utilized for multiple services such as web applications or data analysis tools etc For some BI or data analysis tools flat tables as star schema are utilized For example with the above case BI tools receivers who request the dataset expect the dataset is a static data source s table but it actually comes from the SQL select results which is dynamically generated and is stored somewhere such as memory data stores Quick Performance CheckIf you want to check the performance of your queries without the additional work console time Function and console timeEnd Function might help you st way Convert from an array to an associative object arrayconsole time totalExamNumberHashMap const totalExamNumberHashMap totalExamNumbers reduce c e gt c x course id e console timeEnd totalExamNumberHashMap nd way Convert from an array to an associative object arrayconsole time totalExamNumberHashMap const totalExamNumberHashMap Object assign totalExamNumbers map e gt e course id e console timeEnd totalExamNumberHashMap ConclusionTypeORM is a powerful tool to implement the Code First approach On the other hand we have to deeply think about how it should be utilized effectively depends on your environment and situation BioWhen I was years old I went to Australia for changing my career on a Working Holiday visa I graduated from University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology During the period I also worked as a Fraud Prevention Analyst at Amex in Sydney Australia yes it was super busy I went to my uni during the day and worked at night After graduation I worked as a C Net developer for an Australian small business for years Now I came back to Japan and work as a TypeScript Go React developer for a Japanese security start up company I love learning new fields which is a big challenge I am happy if you support me to accelerate the improvement of my skill knowledge Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in my unique career Thanks |
2021-04-23 08:06:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Enhancing Terraform with Terragrunt |
Enhancing Terraform with TerragruntOver the last few months I ve become very familiar with using Terraform to deploy infrastructure across multiple cloud vendors I m a big fan of it but some of its idiosyncrasies can be frustrating particularly as the size of your project begins to increase Fortunately there s a tool that helps to mitigate many of these issues Terragrunt Below is a short post on some of the features of Terragrunt that I ve found useful in my projects I ve also created an example that can hopefully better illustrate the benefits I m writing about Provided you have the following you should be able to spin up the example resources yourself An Azure accountThe Azure CLITerraformTerragrunt What is Terragrunt Terragrunt is a thin wrapper that overlays Terraform that allows you to avoid having large amounts of repetition in your infrastructure as code as well as helping with Terraform modules and remote state DRY ProvidersYou can use the generate block in your root terragrunt hcl file to inject common configuration files One of the most common uses for it is to use it to generate your provider configuration By adding the generate block in your root you can delete the provider tf files in your other directories Whenever any Terragrunt command is called the providers will be copied to the appropriate directories The change in my tutorial repo can be found here Executing on multiple modulesWhen you use Terraform you can t run commands against all of your modules at the same time With Terragrunt you can If you add a terragrunt hcl file to each module you can run commands using run all from root to run every module Terragrunt recursively looks through each of your directories for the presence of that file and if it finds it will run the command you ve included with run all For example if you wanted to apply all of the modules in this solution you can run the following commands from the root of your repo terragrunt run all initterragrunt run all applyIf you subsequently wanted to tear down everything you had you can run terragrunt run all destroy ParallelismAnother nice feature of Terragrunt is when you run commands such as run all it will run as many of the modules that have terragrunt hcl files as possible in parallel Terragrunt doesn t put a constraint on this which is a blessing and a curse Your infrastructure deployment times will be faster but if you re not careful you can get rate limited by your provider so use it with caution If you do start to experience rate limits you can specify the terragrunt parallelism flag terragrunt run all apply terragrunt parallelism The change in my tutorial repo can be found here DRY CLI FlagsIt s quite likely that when you run Terraform you re running commands with extra arguments For example you may have some common variables that you pass for each module or you may want to restrict parallelism to avoid rate limiting With Terragrunt you can specify an extra arguments block that makes sure that commands that you repeat each time are always included terraform Ensures paralellism never exceed two modules at any time extra arguments reduced parallelism commands get terraform commands that need parallelism arguments parallelism extra arguments common tfvars commands get terraform commands that need vars required var files get parent terragrunt dir tfvars common tfvars The change in my tutorial repo can be found here Before and After HooksTerragrunt gives you the ability to run commands before and after the execution of a Terraform command For example you may run a script to bootstrap your environment or clean up after an apply has been run You may want to copy files to certain locations or even just add extra information that can be outputted as part of the terragrunt commands before hook before hook commands apply execute echo Applying my terraform after hook after hook commands apply execute echo Finished applying Terraform successfully run on error false Commit here Auto initSomething that people will have had to do countless times when running Terraform is running terraform init before running any other Terraform command Running this command initialises your working directory by installing provider plugins and initialising your backend configuration A feature of Terragrunt is that you don t need to explicitly call init it will do this automatically before any other commands being run Generally auto init works fine but I have found occasions where it hasn t worked as expected If you want to be totally sure that your modules are initialised before you apply destroy plan you can add in your own before hook to cover off the scenario terraform before hook auto init commands validate plan apply destroy workspace output import execute terraform init The change in my tutorial repo can be found here CLI optionsOutside of the commands we ve been using with Terragrunt much of which mirrors the commands you would see with Terraform there are a few particularly useful CLI options to use with Terragrunt as well This list isn t exhaustive you can find that here it s just a list of commands I have found useful in the past terragrunt run all apply terragrunt non interactiveThis will stop interactive prompts from being displayed and will prompt all answers with a yes Particularly useful when running in CI CD environments terragrunt run all apply terragrunt working dir registryYou can pass directories to Terragrunt to indicate where the Terraform command should run Note that for any all commands it will start from that directory but run any subsequent sub folders with a terragrunt hcl file terragrunt run all apply terragrunt exclude dir registryterragrunt run all apply terragrunt include dir registryThe commands allow you to explicitly exclude and include certain modules and their dependencies terragrunt run all apply terragrunt parallelism When passed in limit the number of modules that are run concurrently to this number during all commands Note that this parallelism is markedly different from the one you specify using Terraform directly With Terraform parallelism indicates running resource creation concurrently With Terragrunt it indicates running entire modules concurrently terragrunt run all apply terragrunt log level traceIf you want some more detail in your output you can modify the log levels to do so SummaryTerragrunt is a fantastic foil for Terraform taking you the extra yards to make your experience of using Terraform that much better I ve worked on a few projects using Terraform and my advice would be to leave Terragrunt to the side at least initially It s important to understand the problems you re trying to solve and when they start to manifest for you that s the time to pull the trigger I ve found that the value of Terragrunt increases exponentially with the size of your project Smaller ones can generally be managed easily with raw Terraform whereas larger multi module projects start to really benefit from Terragrunts features ResourcesGetting started with TerraformGetting started with TerragruntAll of Terragrunts features CreditGoran Ivos for the photo |
2021-04-23 08:04:59 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Online Apple Store down ahead of AirTag, purple iPhone 12 preorders |
Online Apple Store down ahead of AirTag purple iPhone preordersApple late Thursday took its online storefront down as it prepares for an expected onslaught of preorders for new hardware including purple iPhone models and the much anticipated AirTag As is tradition the online Apple Store was pulled from service at around p m Pacific roughly six hours shy of a scheduled purple iPhone and AirTag release In line with Apple s typical preorder timeline the new devices will be made available on Friday at a m Pacific a m Eastern Orders are expected to land in customers hands and in brick and mortar Apple Stores on April Read more |
2021-04-23 08:07:42 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Watch SpaceX's first ISS astronaut launch with a reused Falcon rocket |
Watch SpaceX x s first ISS astronaut launch with a reused Falcon rocketSpaceX set for its second operational Crew Dragon mission Crew to launch four astronauts to the International Space Station ISS at AM ET today |
2021-04-23 08:45:38 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 23 April 2021 |
The Apache News Round up week ending April Welcome Friday let s review the Apache community s activities over the past week ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting May Board calendar and minutes ApacheCon nbsp the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since nbsp Registration for both ApacheCons is open ApacheCon Asia August and ApacheCon Home September nbsp nbsp CFP DEADLINE approaching for both events get your proposals in by May nbsp Sponsorships available for both events nbsp ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world nbsp Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers changed lines of code over commits nbsp Top contributors in order are Andrea Cosentino Mark Thomas Sebastian Rühl Otavio Rodolfo Piske and Martin Hesse nbsp nbsp nbsp Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category Big Data nbsp Apache Kafka nbsp and released https kafka apache org Build Management nbsp Apache Ant released https ant apache org Database nbsp Apache Geode released http geode apache org Libraries nbsp Apache Flagon UserALE js Incubating released https flagon incubator apache org Mail nbsp Apache SpamAssassin released http spamassassin apache org Programming Languages nbsp Apache Groovy alpha released https groovy apache org Servers nbsp Apache Traffic Server released Did You Know Did you know that the Apache Cassandra community will be holding the Cassandra World Party online on April nbsp nbsp Did you know that you can help Apache Sedona incubating formerly GeoSpark improve their software by submitting your feedback on your experience with the project nbsp nbsp nbsp Did you know that the Apache SkyWalking community will be holding SkyWalkingDay conference in Shenzhen on June nbsp Apache Community Notices The Apache Month in Review March nbsp nbsp and video highlights nbsp The nbsp ApacheSoftware Foundation Celebrates Years of Open Source Leadership world s nbsp largest Open Source foundation advances community led innovation quot The nbsp Apache nbsp Way quot nbsp The nbsp Apache nbsp Software Foundation Operations Summary Q FY November January nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp Apache in By The Digits nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp ASF Security Report nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp ASF FY Annual Report nbsp quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot documentary on the ASF full feature nbsp nbsp quot Apache Everywhere quot nbsp nbsp quot Why Apache quot nbsp nbsp nbsp “Apache Innovation nbsp nbsp nbsp The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp nbsp All presentations from ApacheCon Home are available at nbsp nbsp nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Inside Infra the new interview series with members of the ASF infrastructure team meet nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Thistlethwaite nbsp nbsp nbsp Drew Foulks nbsp nbsp nbsp Greg Stein Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Part II nbsp nbsp and Part III nbsp nbsp nbsp Daniel Gruno Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Gavin McDonald Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Andrew Wetmore Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Lambertus Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp ASF Targeted Sponsor Manning Publications is offering special deals on the latest books on Apache Airflow Pulsar Spark and Thrift among other titles and eBooks nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media TheASF on Twitter and on LinkedIn at nbsp nbsp Follow the Apache Community on Facebook nbsp nbsp and Twitter nbsp nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos nbsp poweredby For real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers |
2021-04-23 08:30:22 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Live Updates: SpaceX Nears Launch of 4 Astronauts for NASA |
international |
2021-04-23 08:55:44 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Is Russia leaving the International Space Station? |
international |
2021-04-23 08:03:08 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ECB政策理事会-政策の変更なし、景気の見方も変わらず |
冒頭説明世界的な需要の回復と大規模な財政政策が世界およびユーロ圏の経済活動を支えているものの、短期的な経済見通しは感染再拡大やワクチン接種といった不確実性に包まれたままである短期的には高い感染率が続いていること、これに関連して封じ込め政策が長期化・厳格化していることが引き続きユーロ圏の経済活動の重しになっている先行きは、ワクチン普及と封じ込め政策が段階的に緩和されると見込まれることが、年の経済活動の堅調な回復期待となっているインフレ率は、主に特殊かつ一時的な要因とエネルギー価格の上昇によって、ここ数か月は上昇している同時に、インフレ基調は深刻な経済停滞と需要の弱さを反映して引き続き低迷しているnbspパンデミック期間中に良好な資金調達環境を維持することは、不確実性の軽減と景況感の改善によって経済活動を支え、中期的な物価安定を守るために引き続き重要であるユーロ圏の資金調達環境は、年初に利回りが上昇した後、おおむね安定的しているものの、資金調達環境へのリスクは残っているnbsp上記のような背景から、十分な金融緩和姿勢を続けることを再確認した金融政策の具体内容は上記第節記載の通り経済分析ユーロ圏の実質GDPは年月期には減少し、経済活動水準はコロナ禍前の年前と比較して低い最新の経済統計、景況感調査、高頻度データは、年月期の実質GDPが再び減少することを示唆しているが、月期には成長が再開しそうであるnbsp企業景況感調査では製造業が世界の堅調な需要に支えられて、引き続き回復しそうである同時に、サービス業は底入れの兆しはあるものの、移動や接触規制が活動制限となっている財政政策は家計と企業を支えているものの、消費者は感染拡大と雇用・所得への影響を危惧している財務状況は悪化しており先行きの経済に対する不透明感があるものの、設備投資は回復力を示しているnbsp今後については、ワクチン接種により封じ込め政策の段階的な緩和がされることが、年の経済活動の堅調な回復期待を支えている中期的には、良好な資金調達環境と拡張的な財政政策に支えられ、ユーロ圏経済は域内と世界需要の回復にけん引されることが期待されるnbsp全体としては、ユーロ圏経済の見通しを取り巻くリスクは、短期的には引き続き下方にあるが、中期的にはより中立にbalancedなっている一方では大規模な財政政策による世界需要の高まりやワクチン接種の進展の好材料があるもう一方では、変異株の流行を含む感染拡大の継続が、経済や資金調達環境に及ぼす影響が引き続き下方リスクとなっているnbspユーロ圏のインフレ率は、エネルギー価格が前年比のベース効果があるなか前月比でも上昇したことから、月に前年比と月のから上昇したこれは、食料品価格上昇率の低下やエネルギーや食料品価格を除くインフレ率の低下を相殺する以上に上昇したヘッドラインインフレ率はここ数か月で上昇する見込みであるが、特殊かつ一時的な要因を反映して年を通じて振れvolatilityが見られるだろうこうした要因は来年初には解消されるだろうインフレ圧力の基調は、賃金上昇圧力の弱さや経済停滞、為替相場の増価ユーロ高を反映して総じて弱さが残るものの、短期的な供給制約と域内需要の回復のためやや上昇する見込みである感染拡大の影響が剥落し、需給の大きな弛みslackが解消すれば、緩和的な金融・財政政策に支えられ、中期的には物価上昇圧力が高まるだろう市場観測のインフレ期待は引き続きやや上昇しているものの、市場観測・サーベイ調査による長期的インフレ期待は低水準にとどまっているnbsp金融分析M伸び率は、月のから月にはとなった通貨の強い拡大は、最も通貨を創造している要因となっているユーロシステムの継続的な資産購入により支えられている金融部門における流動性選好や、流動性高い通貨を保有することの機会費用が小さいために、狭義通貨Mが引き続き広義通貨の伸びをけん引しているnbsp全体として民間部門への貸付の状況は変化していない月の非金融法人向け貸付は、前月比で若干増加したその結果、前年比は月のからと若干高くなった家計向け貸出伸び率は、月はと横ばいで、引き続き底堅いnbsp年月期の最新の銀行貸出調査では、前の四半期に大幅な厳格化が見られた後、緩やかな厳格化を示している前回の調査ほど顕著ではないものの、リスク認識の高さが引き続き厳格化の主要因となっている調査対象行は、主に固定資産投資の資金需要が引き続き低下したために、企業向けの貸出需要が減少していると報告している家計への貸出では、与信基準は貸出競争によりやや緩和される一方で、住宅購入需要が低下していることを示しているnbsp我々の政策手段は、各国政府・欧州機関による政策とともに、引き続きコロナ禍の影響を大きく受けた人たちへの資金調達支援となるだろうnbsp検討結果経済分析・金融分析の結果、経済活動を支援し中期的にに十分近いがやや下回る水準へと確実に収束させるためには、十分な金融緩和策が必要であると確認されたnbsp財政政策・構造政策財政政策に関しては、野心的かつ協調した財政政策が重要であり、拙速な財政支援の縮小は回復の遅延と傷痕効果scarringeffectsを助長するリスクがある各国政府の財政政策は、引き続き、コロナ禍や関連する封じ込め政策による影響を最も受けている企業や家計に、重点的かつ迅速に実施すべきである同時に、コロナ禍対応としての財政政策は、脆弱性に効果的に対応し、ユーロ圏経済の迅速な回復を支援する観点から、可能な限り一時的かつ対象を絞る必要がある欧州理事会の労働者・企業・国家のためのつの安全網は重要な資金調達支援となるnbsp理事会は、「次世代EU」基金の主要な役割を認識しており、遅延なく実行することの重要性を強調する加盟国には、独自財源決定OwnResourcesDecisionの円滑な批准、回復・強靭化計画の迅速な策定、基金を生産性向上の構造政策が伴う生産的な公共支出に使用することを要求するこれにより「次世代EU」は、より迅速な、より強く、より均一な回復に貢献し、加盟国経済の強靭さと潜在成長率を高め、域内の金融政策の実効性を支えるだろうこうした構造政策は特に、長期の構造的・制度的な脆弱性に対処し、グリーンやデジタルへの移行を加速させるために重要であるnbsp質疑応答趣旨クノット氏オランダ中銀総裁とホルツマン氏オーストリア中銀総裁が月期以降のPEPPの購入ペース減速を検討するよう提案していると聞いたが、見通しは十分に回復していると考えているのか、またこれについて理事会で議論されたか一方では、ワクチン接種による改善が見られるが、もう一方では感染は続いているため、特定業種への影響も残っている。 |
2021-04-23 17:46:59 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Biden’s climate summit shows how far U.S. leadership has to go |
Biden s climate summit shows how far U S leadership has to goMany of the heads of state who participated had their own message America needs to do more to convince everyone else that it s both |
2021-04-23 18:22:58 |
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BBC News - Home |
Covid: India on UK travel red list as Covid crisis grows |
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2021-04-23 08:47:10 |
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US joins race to find stricken Indonesia submarine |
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Covid pushes UK borrowing to highest since WW2 |
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East Jerusalem clashes leave over 100 injured |
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2021-04-23 08:44:28 |
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BBC News - Home |
Swindon family reunited with stolen chihuahua after 18 months |
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2021-04-23 08:29:50 |
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BBC News - Home |
Fingerprint from 5,000 years ago found in Orkney |
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2021-04-23 08:48:24 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
株式会社TSIホールディングス:デジタル マーケティングを機械学習でブーストし、顧客体験の再構築に成功 |
「店舗とEC、CRMの購買データ、アプリのデータ、オウンドメディアからのデータなどをどんどん活用してお客さまとのタッチポイントを増やしていく必要があると思っています。 |
2021-04-23 10:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Dunzo: Google Maps Platform で配達体験を一新しサポートへの問い合わせを 90% 削減 |
このような課題に対してすぐに使えるソリューションが必要であることがわかっていたため、GoogleMapsPlatformチームに相談することにしたのです。 |
2021-04-23 10:00:00 |
北海道 |
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福原愛さんの夫が離婚請求 卓球の台湾五輪代表 |
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2021-04-23 17:16:00 |
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今年の梅雨、降水多めか 気象庁の3カ月予報 |
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株式会社TSIホールディングス:デジタル マーケティングを機械学習でブーストし、顧客体験の再構築に成功 |
「店舗とEC、CRMの購買データ、アプリのデータ、オウンドメディアからのデータなどをどんどん活用してお客さまとのタッチポイントを増やしていく必要があると思っています。 |
2021-04-23 10:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Dunzo: Google Maps Platform で配達体験を一新しサポートへの問い合わせを 90% 削減 |
このような課題に対してすぐに使えるソリューションが必要であることがわかっていたため、GoogleMapsPlatformチームに相談することにしたのです。 |
2021-04-23 10:00:00 |