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IT MOONGIFT Lokl - コマンド一つで開発用WordPressを立ち上げ http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/acY-I9iFi2E/ WordPressサイトを作成します。 2021-04-24 21:00:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita picoCTF Practice Writeup 6 https://qiita.com/housu_jp/items/ce6fefbb7cfd4bcb4393 keyalphabetはtableではどうなっているかplayfairpyを改造していくsolverplayfairpy改造したとこだけalphabetopenkeyreadrstripalphabetmeiktpyhwxruavjnofbdcglzsqmgeneratesquarealphabetprintm実行結果gtpythonsolplayfairpymeiktpyhwxruavjnofbdcglzsqmeiktpyhwxruavjnofbdcglzsq平文がwadfとするwは同じ行にあるのでwxにaqは同じ列にあるのでにdfはそれ以外なのでoに下図参照平文がwadを暗号化するとwxoになる。 2021-04-24 19:21:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonでデータの挙動を見やすくする可視化ツールを作成してみた(回帰・相関分析編) https://qiita.com/c60evaporator/items/c930c822b527f62796ee fromsklearnlinearmodelimportLinearRegressionfromsklearnmetricsimportrscoremeanabsoluteerrorlrLinearRegression線形回帰用クラスlrfitXy線形回帰学習ypredlrpredictX学習モデルから回帰して予測値を算出printfRrscoreyypredRScoreを表示printfMAEmeanabsoluteerroryypredMAEを表示gtRgtMAE上司「平均気温は予測できそうかい」私「標高と緯度を利用すれば予測できそうです」上司「できそうじゃ定性的だなあ定量的な裏付けはないのかい」私「回帰性能を表すRScoreは、誤差を表すMAEは℃と良好です」上司「数値だけじゃ分かりにくいなあグラフで見やすくしてくれ」私「説明変数が次元なので、目的変数と合わせて次元で散布図が描けません」上司「本当にグラフ描けないのなにか手段はあるでしょ」私「ぴえん」このように、説明変数が次元であれば、目的変数と一緒に散布図プロットして相関や回帰の可否を論ずることもできますが、次元以上では散布図により可視化できません。 2021-04-24 19:07:41
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 非同期処理について改めて理解する https://qiita.com/komaitaira/items/54b5c9f3d54695974704 これらは非同期処理のため、add関数が完了した後に処理されるコールスタックが空になった後、タスクキューからコールスタックに積まれて処理されるので、結果的に「ある関数の処理が完了したら、次の関数を処理する」というフローが実現できる。 2021-04-24 19:25:14
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vuetifyやーる #Vue #Vuetify https://qiita.com/SatoshiGachiFujimoto/items/9e7d39893f630c00d8e4 2021-04-24 19:17:49
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ある変数の初期値を設定する手法について https://teratail.com/questions/334974?rss=all ある変数の初期値を設定する手法について趣味で、GolangnbspnbspEchoでWebサイトのAPIを作ろうとしているのですが、表題の通り、引数として受け取る初期値の設定について調べています。 2021-04-24 19:54:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) aws ec2にssh接続した時に表示されるアスキーアートって何を表してるんですか? https://teratail.com/questions/334973?rss=all amazon 2021-04-24 19:39:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Mac版R関数readを見つけることができませんでした。 https://teratail.com/questions/334972?rss=all Mac版R関数readを見つけることができませんでした。 2021-04-24 19:11:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ejsでJavaScriptの文法を使えるようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/334971?rss=all ejsでJavaScriptの文法を使えるようにしたい前提・実現したいことNodejsでejsファイルの中にhtmlを記述しているのですが、JavaScriptを書くためのタグltgt内に書いた文法が適用されず、エラーとなってしまいます。 2021-04-24 19:10:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 子テーマの編集方法について https://teratail.com/questions/334970?rss=all cssstylecss 2021-04-24 19:08:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonの文字列の中にスペースがあるかどうかを判定したい https://teratail.com/questions/334969?rss=all 2021-04-24 19:06:27
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Ruby】for文の使い方 https://qiita.com/peachbranch/items/346cf59219ceeaf5b345 【Ruby】for文の使い方こんにちは。 2021-04-24 19:51:10
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CSSだけで画像をフェードインさせる方法 https://qiita.com/ralugoro/items/13b6ae82391413369702 「アニメーションだからJavaScriptかな・・・」と思いましたが調べてみるとCSSだけで可能でしたのでここに記述します。 2021-04-24 19:10:11
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS認定セキュリティー専門知識ー(SCS-C01)合格の記録(2021年04月合格) https://qiita.com/gomasa/items/52ab3791c1498dacaf2b 最初に記載したつの理由もあり、専門知識分野の中では最優先で受験してよい認定試験だと思います。 2021-04-24 19:04:41
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Raspberry Pi OSをx86_64 上のdockerで動かしたい https://qiita.com/shun_xx/items/32692d1777afed031ce5 スクリプトは以下にあります。 2021-04-24 19:49:29
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vuetifyやーる #Vue #Vuetify https://qiita.com/SatoshiGachiFujimoto/items/9e7d39893f630c00d8e4 2021-04-24 19:17:49
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【超入門】初心者のためのGitとGitHubの使い方(第一回) https://qiita.com/ootom20002000/items/4737545ee5d171f97a45 ファイルのバージョンを管理するとは例えば発表資料のファイルを編集しているとき何回も編集していると、以下のようにどれが最新のファイルかわからなくなるときがあります。 2021-04-24 19:13:51
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 主従関係とマイグレーション順番を合わせないといけない https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/17923ba3ec39cb2c5e20 主従関係とマイグレーション順番を合わせないといけない以下のdownのファイルをマイグレートしてテーブルを作ろうと思います。 2021-04-24 19:18:52
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CSSだけで画像をフェードインさせる方法 https://qiita.com/ralugoro/items/13b6ae82391413369702 「アニメーションだからJavaScriptかな・・・」と思いましたが調べてみるとCSSだけで可能でしたのでここに記述します。 2021-04-24 19:10:11
海外TECH DEV Community Learing Coding https://dev.to/ajajuzzz/learing-coding-1n4e codingi 2021-04-24 10:39:58
海外TECH DEV Community Basics of Kotlin - Part 3 https://dev.to/csj5483/basics-of-kotlin-part-3-1nia Basics of Kotlin Part In the last article we learnt about some basic concepts of Kotlin like type casting operators how to take input and comments Before reading this article make sure you had read the last article Basics of Kotlin Part Let s learn more about Kotlin if expression In Kotlin if is an expression which returns a value It is used to control the flow of the program structure For example var a if a print even number In the above code snippet the reminder of a with is not equal to so it will not execute the code of if block and will not give any output if else In if else if the condition of if expression is true then it will execute the code of the if block otherwise it will execute the code of else block var a if a print even number else print odd number Output odd numberIn the above code snippet the reminder of a with is not equal to so it will not execute the code of if block and will execute the code of else block if else ladder In this we will check multiple conditions var num if num gt print positive number else if num lt print negative number else print zero Output positive numberNested if In this we have conditions inside the block of a condition val num val num val num if num gt num if num gt num print num is largest else print num is largest else if num gt num print num is largest else print num is largest Output num is largestThe above code snippet will print the largest number of numbers when expression when expression in Kotlin is similar to switch statement in Java C It is basically a conditional operator in which multiple conditions can be applied on a particular variable when operator matches the variable value against the branch conditions If it is satisfying the branch condition then it will execute the statement inside that scope val num when num gt println One gt println Two gt println Three gt println Four gt println Five else gt println invalid number Output ThreeWe can have multiple statements enclosed within a block of condition val num when num gt println first println day else gt print not first Output firstdayWe can use multiple branches of condition separated with a comma It is used when we need to run the same logic for multiple choices var num when num gt println even gt println odd else gt println number greater than Output evenThe when expression also checks the ranges of input provided in when condition A range is created using  double dot operator The in operator is used to check if a value belongs to a range var num when num in gt print num is from to in gt print num is from to else gt print num is greater than Output num is from to for loop for loop is used to iterate through any kind of data structure It iterates through arrays ranges collections or anything which is provided for iteration This is equivalent to the foreach loop in languages like Java C var array arrayOf for item in array println item Output The above code snippet will print each item of the array To iterate over a range of numbers we can use a range expression for i in println i Output We can modify the for loop according to our requirements For example if we want to print the first five even number then we can use the following code for i in step println i Output Here step is the increment in the counter variable while loop while loop will continuously execute the body code while their condition is satisfied var num while num gt println num num Output do while loop do while loop will continuously execute the body code while their condition is satisfied var num do println num num while num gt Output The difference between while and do while is while checks the condition and if it s satisfied executes the body and then returns to the condition check do while executes the body and then checks the condition If it s satisfied the loop repeats So the body of do while executes at least once regardless of the condition Return and Jump Kotlin has three jump expressions return by default returns from the nearest enclosing function or anonymous function break terminates the nearest enclosing loop continue proceeds to the next step of the nearest enclosing loop return It is a keyword that returns some value to the calling function from the called function fun main var x println square x fun square x Int Int return x x Output In the above code the square function will return the square value of the variable break break is used to terminate the controller flow In the below example for loop will terminate its loop when if condition executes break expression for i in if i break println i Output As we can see in the above code when i become true loop gets terminated and we don t get any output after that continue continue is used to skip the current iteration of the loop and jumps the control to the end of the loop for the next iteration It is generally used with if else to skip the current iteration of the loop for a specific condition for i in println i before continue if i continue println i after continue Output before continue after continue before continue after continue before continue after continue before continue before continue after continueAs we can see for i after continue statement doesn t get printed because continue had escaped the remaining code and the control goes to the end of the loop for the next iteration That s it for this article We will continue in the next article Happy Learning 2021-04-24 10:36:38
海外TECH DEV Community Complete Roadmap for C++🔥🔥 https://dev.to/expoashish/complete-roadmap-for-c-3bef Complete Roadmap for C In this tutorial you will see roadmap for C programming from basic to advance Visit My Blogs gt Step IntroducationIntroduction to C History of C Installation and Setup of C Application and Features of C C vs C C vs JavaC vs C C vs PythonBasic Structure of C First Program of C Compilers vs InterpretersComments and New Line in C cin and cout in C Visit My Blogs gt Step Basic ConceptData Types in C Built in Data TypeUser defined Data TypeDerived Data TypeTokens and its typeKeywords Identifiers Constants String Special CharactersStorage Classes in C AutomaticExternalStaticRegisterMutable Visit My Blogs gt Step Operators in C Arithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsBitwise OperatorsAssignment OperatorsMisc OperatorsScope Resolution OperatorMemory Management Operators Visit My Blogs gt Step Derived ConceptReference and Dereference in C Type ConversionImplicitExplicitType CastingArray in C Pointer in C Pointers vs References in C Namespaces in C Wild Pointers in C Strings in C Structure in C Union in C Enumeration in C Visit My Blogs gt Step Control StructureSequence structure straight line paths Selection structure one or many branches IfIf ElseSwitch StatementsLoop structure repetition of a set of activities For loopWhile loopDo while loopContinue StatementBreak StatementGoto Statement Visit My Blogs gt Step Function in C Types of Function Built in FunctionUser defined FunctionThe Main FunctionCall by valueCall by referenceRecursionInline FunctionFormal and Actual Parameters Visit My Blogs gt Step OOPs Concept in C Classes and ObjectsAccess Specifiers PublicProtectedPrivateConstructors in C Default ConstructorsParameterized ConstructorsCopy ConstructorsDestructors in C Inheritance in C Single InheritanceMultiple InheritanceMultilevel InheritanceHierarchical InheritanceHybrid InheritancePolymorphism in C Function Overloading in C Operator Overloading in C Unary and Binary Operator OverloadingFunction overriding in C Friend Function in C Virtual Function in C Pure Virtual Function in C Pointers to Derived ClassesAbstraction in C Abstract ClassInterfaces Visit My Blogs gt Step File HandlingFiles and Streams in C Formatted and Unformatted I O OperationDynamic Memory Allocation in C malloc vs new in C Opening and Closing a FileTemplates in C Class TemplatesFunction Templates Visit My Blogs gt Step Exception Handling amp MultithreadingException Handling in C Signal Handling in C Try catchThrowing MechanismCatching MechanismStack UnwindingMultithreading in C POSIX Threads Visit My Blogs gt Step Advance Concept in C C STLContainers in C Vectors in C ListStackQueueMapMultimapBitsetAlgorithmC Iterators Visit My Blogs gt Step Top Header Filesinclude lt iostream h gt include lt conio h gt include lt string h gt include lt math h gt include lt stdio h gt include lt iomanip h gt include lt signal h gt include lt errno h gt include lt fstream h gt include lt time h gt Visit My Blogs gt Step C Projects for Beginners Student Management System in C Contact Management System in C Bank Management System in C Bookshop Management System in C Bus Reservation System in C Payroll Management System in C AND Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel bestcodecreator AND Support Our Blogging site myblogs Conclusion Thank you for reading this blog I wish you the best in your journey in learning and mastering in C Programming 2021-04-24 10:28:34
海外TECH DEV Community CDK8S Example https://dev.to/vumdao/cdk8s-example-2glk CDKS ExampleCDKs is a software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using familiar programming languages and rich object oriented APIs CDKs generates pure Kubernetes YAML you can use CDKs to define applications for any Kubernetes cluster running anywhere This post provides you some examples of cdks python code to create ks deployments services readiness and livness probes statefulset persitent volume and cronjob What s In This DocumentGetting Started With cdksCreate cluster IP deployment and target port serviceCreate deployment app with readiness and liveness probesCreate statefulset with persisten volumeCreate secret attach to deploymentCreate cronjob with persistent volume claimConclusion Getting Started With cdksGetting StartedPrerequisitesPython gt pipenv version or above New Project mkdir hello cd hello cdks init python appInitializing a project from the python app template Create cluster IP deployment and target port servicefrom constructs import Constructfrom imports import ksclass ClusterIp Construct def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id app name wappip label app app name ks KubeDeployment self ClusterIpDeployment metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name spec ks DeploymentSpec replicas selector ks LabelSelector match labels label template ks PodTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta labels label name app name spec ks PodSpec containers ks Container name app name image katacoda docker http server latest ports ks ContainerPort container port ks KubeService self ClusterIpService metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name spec ks ServiceSpec type NodePort ports ks ServicePort port node port name selector label ks KubeService self ClusterIpTargetPortService metadata ks ObjectMeta name f app name targetport spec ks ServiceSpec ports ks ServicePort port target port ks IntOrString from number name selector label usr bin env pythonfrom constructs import Constructfrom cdks import App Chartfrom clusterip import ClusterIpclass MyChart Chart def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id ClusterIp self clusterip app App MyChart app clusterip app synth Run cdks synthdist clusterip ks yaml cat dist clusterip ks yaml apiVersion apps vkind Deploymentmetadata name wappipspec replicas selector matchLabels app wappip template metadata labels app wappip name wappip spec containers image katacoda docker http server latest name wappip ports containerPort apiVersion vkind Servicemetadata name wappipspec ports name nodePort port selector app wappip type NodePort apiVersion vkind Servicemetadata name wappip targetportspec ports name port targetPort selector app wappip Create deployment app with readiness and liveness probesfrom constructs import Constructfrom imports import ksimport reclass ReadinessLivenesProbes Construct def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id for name in frontend bad frontend if re search bad name image tag unhealthy toleration ks Toleration affinity ks Affinity else image tag health toleration ks Toleration effect NoSchedule key fe operator Equal value healthy affinity ks Affinity node affinity ks NodeAffinity required during scheduling ignored during execution ks NodeSelector node selector terms ks NodeSelectorTerm match expressions ks NodeSelectorRequirement key kubernetes io hostname operator In values kube label app name ks KubeDeployment self f FrontendHealthy name metadata ks ObjectMeta labels label name name spec ks DeploymentSpec replicas selector ks LabelSelector match labels label template ks PodTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta labels label spec ks PodSpec containers ks Container name name image f katacoda docker http server image tag ports ks ContainerPort container port resources ks ResourceRequirements limits memory ks Quantity from string Mi cpu ks Quantity from string m requests memory ks Quantity from string Mi cpu ks Quantity from string m readiness probe ks Probe http get ks HttpGetAction port ks IntOrString from number path initial delay seconds timeout seconds liveness probe ks Probe http get ks HttpGetAction port ks IntOrString from number path initial delay seconds failure threshold timeout seconds tolerations toleration affinity affinity Create statefulset with persisten volumefrom constructs import Construct Nodefrom imports import ksclass StateFulSet Construct def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id msql name msql msql label ss msql name ks KubeStatefulSet self MsqlStatefulSet metadata ks ObjectMeta name msql name spec ks StatefulSetSpec replicas selector ks LabelSelector match labels msql label service name msql name template ks PodTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta labels msql label name msql name spec ks PodSpec containers ks Container name msql name image openshift mysql centos ports ks ContainerPort container port env ks EnvVar name MYSQL ROOT PASSWORD value yourpassword ks EnvVar name MYSQL USER value wp user ks EnvVar name MYSQL PASSWORD value wp pass ks EnvVar name MYSQL DATABASE value wp db volume mounts ks VolumeMount mount path var lib mysql data name mysql persistent storage volume claim templates ks KubePersistentVolumeClaimProps metadata ks ObjectMeta name mysql persistent storage spec ks PersistentVolumeClaimSpec access modes ReadWriteOnce resources ks ResourceRequirements requests storage ks Quantity from string Gi ks KubePersistentVolume self STSPersistentVolume metadata ks ObjectMeta name nfs spec ks PersistentVolumeSpec access modes ReadWriteOnce ReadWriteMany capacity storage ks Quantity from string Gi nfs ks NfsVolumeSource path exports data server persistent volume reclaim policy Retain ks KubePersistentVolume self STSPersistentVolume metadata ks ObjectMeta name nfs spec ks PersistentVolumeSpec access modes ReadWriteOnce ReadWriteMany capacity storage ks Quantity from string Gi nfs ks NfsVolumeSource path exports data server persistent volume reclaim policy Retain Create secret attach to deploymentfrom constructs import Construct Nodefrom imports import ksclass Secrete Construct def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id app name myscecret label app app name ks KubeDeployment self SecreteDeployment metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name spec ks DeploymentSpec replicas selector ks LabelSelector match labels label template ks PodTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta labels label name app name spec ks PodSpec containers ks Container name app name image alpine latest ports ks ContainerPort container port command sleep env ks EnvVar name SECRET USERNAME value from ks EnvVarSource secret key ref ks SecretKeySelector key username name test secret ks EnvVar name SECRET PASSWORD value from ks EnvVarSource secret key ref ks SecretKeySelector key password name test secret ks KubeSecret self Secrete metadata ks ObjectMeta name test secret type Opaque data username YWRtaW password YTYyZmpiZDMOTQyZGNz Create cronjob with persistent volume claimfrom constructs import Construct Nodefrom imports import ksclass DocCronjob Construct def init self scope Construct id str super init scope id app name doc clean label app app name ks KubeCronJobVBeta self DocCronjob metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name labels label spec ks CronJobSpec job template ks JobTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name spec ks JobSpec template ks PodTemplateSpec metadata ks ObjectMeta name app name spec ks PodSpec containers ks Container name app name image busybox volume mounts ks VolumeMount mount path opt Documents name efs args bin sh c find opt Documents Viewer cache type d mtime exec rm r find opt Documents Viewer type f mtime exec rm restart policy OnFailure volumes ks Volume name efs persistent volume claim ks PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource claim name efs pvc schedule SAT Conclusioncdks is just being in beta version you should consider to use it for production until it reaches a certain level of maturity probably the first major version Blog · Github · stackoverflow · Linkedin · Group · Page · Twitter 2021-04-24 10:09:42
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