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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pkg_resources.VersionConflictエラー対処法 https://qiita.com/Uking/items/259bdeab982d5c542340 pkgresourcesVersionConflictエラー対処法pipenvでパッケージをインストールしたときにResolvingdependenciesが終わらず、✘LockingFailedとでて、最終的にpkgresourcesVersionConflictのエラーが出る場合の対処法今回は、pipenvinstallpyyamlを実行しておこった。 2021-04-25 18:33:40
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【internal_csr編】AtCoder Library 解読 〜Pythonでの実装まで〜 https://qiita.com/R_olldIce/items/31faea745b5dd4fb9edc データを保持する方法リストのリストLIL隣接行列の方法では辺が存在しない場合にもデータを保持していることが問題で、これは特に疎行列の場合に顕著になります。 2021-04-25 18:29:39
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python boot camp by Dr.Angela day9 https://qiita.com/Shellyhackinglab/items/b805027e0135eb5b1b34 元のコードに追記する以外にdictionaryにkey新規作成既存keyのvalueを編集dictpyの続きに以下を記述dictpydictionarysampleAddothervalueprintdictionarydictionaryAappleprintdictionary出力結果AanimalBbirdsampleAddothervalueのsample追記AappleBbirdsampleAddothervalueのA編集空のdictionaryを作成既存のdictionaryを削除空dictを上書きして削除dictpyemptylist空のリスト作成と同様にemptydict空の辞書も作成可能dictionaryAanimalBbirdZzoomprintdictionarydictionaryprintdictionary出力結果AanimalBbirdZzoom回目のprintでは空dictionaryが上書きされて既存の中身が消えたdictionaryのLoop処理dictpyforthingindictionaryprintthingkeyだけ出力出力結果ABZforthingindictionaryprintdictionarykeyvalueだけ出力出力結果animalbirdzoomMissiongtgt元データに一切手を加えずに、各データのvalueを変更したい一覧データの元データに編集が許されていない場合は往々にしてある。 2021-04-25 18:07:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JavaScript】Array.lengthの不可解な挙動 https://qiita.com/cryptobox/items/20ff21741ea80dee854f arraybooksantaiconsolelogarrayagesantaiこの時点で配列は連想配列に変化すると思っていたのですが、どうやら配列のままのようです。 2021-04-25 18:41:56
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 仮想通貨の時価総額とQiitaの関連記事数の相関を調べてみた! https://qiita.com/YujiMachida/items/6a33d3d3474d3c6d116f 本記事では、技術的注目度を「各仮想通貨名がタグつけされQiitaに投稿された記事数」、時価総額をCoinMarketCap時価総額上位を参考に相関を見ていきたいと思います。 2021-04-25 18:27:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) コードの著作権に関して。 https://teratail.com/questions/335108?rss=all fontfamily 2021-04-25 18:55:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ワードプレスについて https://teratail.com/questions/335107?rss=all 自分 2021-04-25 18:50:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPress・新着記事に「NEW」をつける方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335106?rss=all WordPress・新着記事に「NEW」をつける方法ワードプレスにてテーマはLightningを使用してWEBサイトを作成しています。 2021-04-25 18:40:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JQueryの本体のエラー解決法教えてください https://teratail.com/questions/335105?rss=all JQueryの本体のエラー解決法教えてくださいLPで、ヘッダーメニューにページ内リンクを貼っていますが、UncaughtnbspTypeErrornbspSeasingthiseasingnbspisnbspnotnbspanbspfunctionというエラー文が出てうまく動きません。 2021-04-25 18:14:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonisita3の自作キーボードで反映された文字を改行してうてるようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/335104?rss=all Pythonisitaの自作キーボードで反映された文字を改行してうてるようにしたい前提・実現したいことPythonisitaでキーボードをつくって、数字を反映させる所まで行ったんですけどチェックマークを押してキーボードに打たれるようにしたいんですけどどのようにしたらいいか分かりません、教えてほしいです出来ればでいいんですけど、回改行出来るようにしたいですここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-04-25 18:13:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) FreeTDS ODBCドライバ 文字化け https://teratail.com/questions/335103?rss=all FreeTDSODBCドライバ文字化け問題点centosにFreeTDSnbspODBCドライバを経由してSQLAnywhereデータベースサーバーに接続。 2021-04-25 18:01:14
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseを使った複数モデルログイン実現後の他のモデルの扱い https://qiita.com/lyonsan/items/a06e8cf6b32051d4156f モデル作成ここではneedモデルというものを作成します。 2021-04-25 18:45:55
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]kaminariでページネーション機能を作る https://qiita.com/tochisuke221/items/d17b65d868ac82da0bef コメントアウトを外して、変えたい部分を変えてくださいKaminariconfiguredoconfigconfigdefaultperpageページ辺りの項目数configmaxperpagenilページ辺りの最大数configwindowex値がの場合configouterwindowex値がの場合configleftになったときの左側の表示数configrightになったときの右側の表示数configpagemethodnamepageメソッド名configparamnamepageページネーションのパラメーターの名前endあと、個人的に次へボタンを消したいなと思ったのですが、これはビューファイルごと消してやるといいかと思います。 2021-04-25 18:29:52
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS認定ディベロッパーアソシエイト 合格体験記 https://qiita.com/uejima_haruki/items/cf1dd15d94c4736dd960 ・AWS認定デベロッパーアソシエイト模擬試験問題集回分問Udemyの模擬試験は実際の試験では求められないものが多いように感じました。 2021-04-25 18:41:40
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2で静的ページを公開してELB / AutoScaling / CloudWatchで動作検証してみる https://qiita.com/Takashi_Code_20/items/d0219b01b81813aee6b5 CPU高負荷でインスタンスが立ち上がっているかを確認しばらくすると先ほどまではの構成て稼働していましたが、インスタンス追加され最大の構成となっていることを確認できました。 2021-04-25 18:25:37
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Dockerでlaravel環境を構築した際にMysqlに接続拒否された話 https://qiita.com/naokaki0228/items/67ea505f253dd95d8454 Dockerでlaravel環境を構築した際にMysqlに接続拒否された話Dockerは起動済みappコンテナ内でマイグレーションを行おうとすると下記のエラーが出る。 2021-04-25 18:54:09
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure FunctionのJavaでFailed to start Worker Channel. Process fileName: %JAVA_HOME%/bin/javaエラーが出た時の対処法 https://qiita.com/kikutaro/items/dca273dfe5712bb3ecaf workerconfigjsonは以下にありました。 2021-04-25 18:03:47
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseを使った複数モデルログイン実現後の他のモデルの扱い https://qiita.com/lyonsan/items/a06e8cf6b32051d4156f モデル作成ここではneedモデルというものを作成します。 2021-04-25 18:45:55
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Hotwire(Turbo)を試す その1: 導入、作成・更新フォーム https://qiita.com/kazutosato/items/10a5bc04443d6b7e5bf8 bundleinstall次のコマンドを実行すると、RailsアプリケーションにTurboとStimulusが入ります。 2021-04-25 18:40:18
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]kaminariでページネーション機能を作る https://qiita.com/tochisuke221/items/d17b65d868ac82da0bef コメントアウトを外して、変えたい部分を変えてくださいKaminariconfiguredoconfigconfigdefaultperpageページ辺りの項目数configmaxperpagenilページ辺りの最大数configwindowex値がの場合configouterwindowex値がの場合configleftになったときの左側の表示数configrightになったときの右側の表示数configpagemethodnamepageメソッド名configparamnamepageページネーションのパラメーターの名前endあと、個人的に次へボタンを消したいなと思ったのですが、これはビューファイルごと消してやるといいかと思います。 2021-04-25 18:29:52
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PAY.JPを利用した際のtokenとSECRET_KEYとPUBLIC_KEYについて https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/07267c71377c398f667f PAYJPを利用した際のtokenとSECRETKEYとPUBLICKEYについてTokenPAYJP側で発行しています。 2021-04-25 18:25:48
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Formオブジェクト作成手順(備忘録) https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/9542aec091afaf8220df 2021-04-25 18:23:22
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita binding.pryの使い方 https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/9f5430ab847eacad60d3 bindingpryの使い方bindingpry自分の知らない新しい使い方defsavegtbindingprypurchasePurchasecreateuseriduseriditemiditemidAddresscreatepostalcodepostalcodeprefectureidprefectureidtowntownaddressaddressbuildingbuildingphonenumberphonenumberpurchaseidpurchaseidendbindingpryで止まったところでその先の行を丸ごと入れます行目prygtpurchasePurchasecreateuseriduseriditemiditemidterminalmsBEGIN↳pryinsaveUserLoadmsSELECTusersFROMusersWHEREusersidLIMIT↳pryinsavemsROLLBACKROLLBACKでその行が差し戻されているのでうまくいかないということが行ごとで明らかになります。 2021-04-25 18:17:29
技術ブログ Developers.IO [React + Typescript] emotion の Theming 機能を使って複数のTheme切り替えを実装してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/react-typescript-emotion-theming/ codesandbox 2021-04-25 09:55:01
技術ブログ Developers.IO secretlint を使って機密情報を git commit できない環境を作る https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/dont-allow-commiting-secrets-by-secretlint/ gitcommit 2021-04-25 09:53:24
海外TECH DEV Community JS interview in 2 minutes / value vs reference https://dev.to/kozlovzxc/js-interview-in-2-minutes-value-vs-reference-5a8k JS interview in minutes value vs referenceQuestion Explain passed by value and passed by reference Quick answer In JavaScript all primitive values are passed by value but all non primitive types are passed by reference This means you can change params and this change will be isolated with no side effects Longer answer So the primitive types in JavaScript are undefined Boolean String and others Structural types non primitive are Object and Function Needed to mention that arrays and other structures have an Object type too This means when you pass some value to the function its behavior will depend on its type Real life example In real life apps you need to be extra careful when changing any of provided function params because debugging issues like this can be super tricky and time consuming This is how you can fix this issue Other things to read JS interview in minutes vs Also I will post more fun stuff here and on Twitter let s be friends 2021-04-25 09:39:26
海外TECH DEV Community 6 Amazing Javascript Animation Libraries https://dev.to/pawanbhayde/6-amazing-javascript-animation-libraries-27g8 Amazing Javascript Animation Libraries Amazing Javascript Animation Libraries ScrollrevealjsScrollReveal is a JavaScript library for easily animating elements as they enter leave the viewport It was designed to be robust and flexible but hopefully you ll be surprised below at how easy it is to pick up LottiejsThis repo is the home of the unified Lottie docs hosted at This repo is NOT the place to contribute to or report issues on any of the players or the After Effects plugin AnijsA Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding The most easy and quick way to Raise your web Popmotion PurePopmotion is a low level functional JavaScript motion library It allows developers to animate in any JavaScript environment browser Node to any render target CSS SVG Three js canvas etc Mojsmo ·js is a javascript motion graphics library that is a fast retina ready modular and open source In comparison to other libraries it has a different syntax and code animation structure approach The declarative API provides you a complete control over the animation making it customizable with ease VivusDemo available on Play with it on Vivus InstantVivus is a lightweight JavaScript class with no dependencies that allows you to animate SVGs giving them the appearance of being drawn There are a variety of different animations available as well as the option to create a custom script to draw your SVG in whatever way you like Did You Find it Helpful let me know your thoughts in the comments below Note visit my youtube channel for frontend tutorialssubscribe to my youtube channel Resent post Awesome Page Not Found Page Designs Pawan Bhayde・Apr ・ min read codepen javascript webdev html 2021-04-25 09:31:19
海外TECH DEV Community 5 days 5 blogposts - the summary of the Arkademy.dev blogging challenge https://dev.to/andrzejkrzywda/5-days-5-blogposts-the-summary-of-the-arkademy-dev-blogging-challenge-2nh5 days blogposts the summary of the Arkademy dev blogging challenge days blogposts was an idea for a challenge that appeared in my head some time ago I never remember where ideas come from was it my idea someone told me about it I don t really care I m fascinated by ideas regardless of the author Anyway I disgress here Which is a common problem in blogging btw You sit down and want to write about something and then BAM new connections appears and you want to blog about all of them in one blogpost I believe in blogging as making the world a better place I see blogging as a way of documenting what you know sharing what your learnt Sometimes just sentences can click in someone s mind I don t buy the counter argument there are too many blogposts already Nope people are unique The way I think and blog about something is unique too There are certain people with whom my writing resonates I don t blog to make millions of people happy I blog to those people who get inspired educated from my writing The days blogposts challenge was this idea that we can encourage each other to unblock in blogging The sense of community and the bond is important here too That s why it all became easier to organise once Arkademy has started Arkademy is this community of programmers both very very senior and also very very junior It includes many Ruby programmers but is not limited to any special technology We are a welcoming community and the goal is to create a university like environment of learning supporting each other One part of Arkademy is courses including blogging courses The other part is communication also via Discord When Arkademy started it was possible to start the blogging challenge The community is already big enough that targeting people was a realisting goal At the same time it s still not too crowdy and it s easy to recognize people by their nicknames The first thing was a blogging conference This consisted of talks and was like a preludium to the actual challenge The Arkency bloggers Mira English expert shared their tips during online talks It s worth wathing this talk if you re worried about your English After the conference we have started the challenge During the first day I was a bit worried what if no one joins It was a great relief to see the first submissions We ve used one Blogging Discord channel My goal was to review and motivate in the first days of the challenge Somehow it happened that I joined the actual challenge too It was nice to see also that Pawełfrom Arkency has joined the challenge too You can see all most blogposts grouped here Most of the people who joined the challenge are people who either never blogged or tried but got stuck and didn t blog for a long time It was so nice to see how they unblock in writing It was also very motivating how they overcome all the possible problems I hate my writingnoone is going to read thisI m tired I blogged already yesterdayI have nothing to write aboutBut somehom most of us stayed till the end As you can see the format of the blogposts was varying a lot Some of my lessons here It s hard to write a tutorial like high quality blogpost every day Perfectionism is a hard opponentShowing code makes blogging much easierSharing opinons may be controversial but is easy to write as you stay true to yourselfMaintaing the persona of who you write for helpsKeeping a backlog of blogging ideas helps peopleTrying to use my strengths somehow simulated by for example Gallup talents is a good idea as it helps me with focusPeople like reading my opinionsA little clickbait in the title can helpWhat helped me the most though was the team effort I m an indivudual but I love being part of the team where we can support each other That s why the success of the Arkency blog listed as top ruby blogs in the world we help each other we trust each other we embrace our differences During the challenge at first I wasn t sure if the team effect could help that much We didn t really know each other that well In the end it s the group that helped me finish the challenge In the moments where I wanted to give up it was motivating to see Discord notifications that Mikołaj Anna Piotr Manuel and others have posted their blogposts My Gallup s Maximizer the talent to see a true potential in other people is very happy I ve seen people transitioning from not bloggging at all to be almost addicted to blogging after only days This is the kind of challenge I dreamt of Thank you to all the people who started the Arkademy Blogging Challenge You re great I m already motivated to prepare and organize other such challenges at Arkademy Some ideas work on a fresh Rails app for daysimplementing typical ecommerce challenge as a programming katadesigning a good architecture for existing systems architectural kataReact component a dayImproving test coverage via mutation testingBut that s a topic for another blogpost Thanks for reading 2021-04-25 09:09:46
海外TECH DEV Community Binding CSS and JavaScript with HTML data-attributes https://dev.to/crinkle/binding-css-and-javascript-with-html-data-attributes-1pl0 Binding CSS and JavaScript with HTML data attributesMy CSS architecture is based on CUBE CSS One of the layers of CUBE CSS describes exceptions Although I see exceptions as an integral part of the block layer they are important nonetheless Exceptions are often captured by targeting semantic HTML attributes or data attributes in your CSS selectors But what do these attributes enable you to do in CSS Introducing HTML data attributesHTML was designed with extensibility in mind On the data level this is achieved with data attributes They allow you to define your attributes on HTML elements By using the data prefix you cannot define non existing attributes or override attributes with non valid values If you did you would invalidate your HTML But with the data attributes you are free to add whatever your heart desires Let s take a closer look at how this looks in HTML lt button data type primary gt Click me lt button gt In this example we added the data type attribute to a button with the value primary All UIs have multiple types of buttons Most CSS implementations choose to create a base btn class On top of this class we define the modifier from the BEM notation In this case btn primary Should be enough right Now assume the case where you use an existing UI library for your buttons Most of these come with a predefined set of button types But now you want to create another type Though luck The library does not allow for defining button types and their styles yourself You are not able to extend the stylesheet with a style definition for your newtype button extending the ui btn class of the library ui btn data type newtype background color red This definition has a higher specificity compared to the ui btn It will override any styles defined in the default ui btn class Linking JavaScript and CSSAlthough defined in HTML data attributes play a very important part in linking JavaScript with CSS Many front end developers tend to use JavaScript to define what CSS classes should be applied to an element Modern JavaScript frameworks like React make this very easy Although nothing is wrong with this approach your code can become unmaintainable quickly You often go to string manipulations to determine the modifier class it needs to apply function MyComponent type primary const classes ui btn ui btn type return lt button className classes gt Click Me lt button gt If you forget to define the default value of a property you apply ui btn ui btn undefined to your element What happens when there is more than one type of modifier that can be applied to your element Your code became a lot less maintainable By utilizing data attributes you can avoid this It allows you to minimize the amount of JavaScript required to determine which styles need to be applied On the other hand it powers up your CSS The data attributes allow you the apply pattern matching as well Contains starts with or part of list are just some pattern matching examples You can even apply matching using a case insensitive query using data type primary i in your CSS But when would you match patterns Is this not a too complex feature for CSS Using data for real life scenariosLet s take a look at an example to show why it can be of value Everybody loves creating tables in Excel You add some bold font to the header cells as they indicate what information is present in the columns And the same goes for the first column as those cells indicate what is in the rows Maybe you go exotic and apply even more styling next to some bold fonts Something similar can be created using data Look at the partial code snippet below lt div class data grid gt lt div class cell data type first row first column gt lt div class cell data type first column gt lt div gt In the code below we can target both cells with the displayed CSS selector As both cells have a different data type we cannot apply one on one pattern matching But with the operator we can search if the value is present in a space separated list So with the CSS selector below we can target both cells with one definition targets all cells in the first column cell data type first column background color red State machinesBut one of the biggest advantages of data has not yet been discussed state machines State machines are upcoming in front end development but are an old concept As outlined in this article on CSS tricks state machines allow you to simplify your code by mitigating side effects e g in fetch requests It is a powerful method to define complex logic If an element requires different styling based on the state data are here to help you out It is as simple as the snippet below my element data state init background color red A state machine is a machine that can be in one state at any given time The machine can change from one state to another based on transitions A statechart allows for nesting delays automatic transitions and parallel regions in state machines State machines have a lot of value in complex state management In those cases styling is often not impacted Parts of the DOM tree are disregarded based on the current state Although this could also be achieved with CSS display none it is not the main strength of combining CSS and state machines I have listed more practical use cases below Disabling interactive elements e g buttons based on the loading state of fetch requests and provide visual guidance Different visualization of checkboxes checked unchecked semi checked Different combinations of un selected hovering and active CSS animations based on statecharts with timers e g fly out animation By combining semantic HTML HTML attributes and data attributes styling based on states can be made possible It allows you to reduce the amount of JavaScript and use CSS what it is intended for in the first place layout and styling Wrapping upGood use of semantic HTML attributes make it possible to link CSS to JavaScript As we have seen the data attributes allow the creation of generic UI components that are styling less Instead of imposing an opinionated style they allow developers to override every aspect When combined with semantic HTML attributes styling for state machines can be implemented as in line with CUBE CSS 2021-04-25 09:02:53
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Third COVID-19 emergency begins in Tokyo and Osaka area amid virus surge https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/25/national/third-coronavirus-emergency-japan-starts/ Third COVID emergency begins in Tokyo and Osaka area amid virus surgeWhile the emergency does not entail a hard lockdown of the kind some other countries have imposed the measures have more teeth than the previous 2021-04-25 18:18:20
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Your questions for how to socialize safely this Golden Week, answered https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2021/04/25/lifestyle/socialize-safely-golden-week/ Your questions for how to socialize safely this Golden Week answeredNow a year out from the pandemic The Japan Times asked some experts to help us get to grips with the latest health guidance and 2021-04-25 19:00:06
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Seth Sulkin: ‘Having risk-averse banks with risk-averse venture capitalists makes success extremely difficult in Japan’ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2021/04/25/people/seth-sulkin-banking/ Seth Sulkin Having risk averse banks with risk averse venture capitalists makes success extremely difficult in Japan The CEO of commercial real estate development firm Pacifica Capital highlights the importance of switching lanes when external circumstances change 2021-04-25 18:55:15
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ticket to ride: Disabled passengers face added burden from a lack of smart cards https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2021/04/25/lifestyle/disabled-passengers-smart-cards/ Ticket to ride Disabled passengers face added burden from a lack of smart cardsJapan s disabled as well as accompanying caregivers are eligible for discounts on train fares but in the capital area they are forced to queue 2021-04-25 18:50:31
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles ‘Lonely Castle in the Mirror’ helps us face the consequences of bullying https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2021/04/25/books/book-reviews/lonely-castle-in-the-mirror/ Lonely Castle in the Mirror helps us face the consequences of bullyingMizuki Tsujimura s touching novel about teenage bullying in the Tokyo suburbs illuminates the importance of compassion and reaching out 2021-04-25 19:10:36
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ginny Tapley Takemori: ‘Translation is a community’ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2021/04/25/books/ginny-tapley-takemori/ Ginny Tapley Takemori Translation is a community The “Convenience Store Woman and “Earthlings translator works to support writers and translators through a collective she started with colleagues Lucy North and Allison Markin 2021-04-25 19:00:14
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北海道 北海道新聞 エペ、見延や佐藤ら21人選出 フェンシング東京五輪代表 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537234/ 日本代表 2021-04-25 18:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 パナ、トヨタなど8強 ラグビーTLプレーオフ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537233/ ラグビー 2021-04-25 18:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日4―4オ(25日) 日本ハムが土壇場で追い付く https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537231/ 引き分け 2021-04-25 18:07:10



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