投稿時間:2021-04-27 18:39:30 RSSフィード2021-04-27 18:00 分まとめ(51件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… トリニティ、「iPhone 12」シリーズ向け「カタリスト 完全防水ケース」を明日から発売へ https://taisy0.com/2021/04/27/139757.html iphone 2021-04-27 08:22:34
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、「Apple Watch」のチャレンジ企画「国際ダンスデーチャレンジ」を4月29日に開催へ https://taisy0.com/2021/04/27/139754.html apple 2021-04-27 08:10:37
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] チャールズ・ゲシキとジョン・ワーノックが拓いたデスクトップとデジタル、2つのパブリッシング革命を振り返る https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2104/27/news138.html adobe 2021-04-27 17:20:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 小惑星衝突に備えた演習が実施される! ESAがリアルタイムでツイート https://techable.jp/archives/153749 lanetarydefenseconference 2021-04-27 08:00:43
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python:日付情報の扱い方について https://qiita.com/Woodin093/items/cdae6246bcbc81be57fd Python日付情報の扱い方についてはじめにPythonで日付のデータを扱う方法についてまとめました。 2021-04-27 17:15:49
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita React-Leafletでマップを表示 https://qiita.com/honda28/items/e4c73c916e4d9b2ec279 これを参考にコードを追記したところ、マーカーを表示できた。 2021-04-27 17:57:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita classやタグで取得したデータにgetElementsが使えない件 https://qiita.com/prog_jincho/items/afd4fb2306219ecc36fc classやタグで取得したデータにgetElementsが使えない件はじめに今回の問題はletelementdocumentgetElementsByClassNameprofilecontentこのようにクラス属性で取得したデータの中から、spanタグの箇所のみを入手しようとしてletelementdocumentgetElementsByClassNameprofilecontentさっきのコードletprofilespanelementgetElementsByTagNamespanと書いたところ、下のelementgetElementsByTagNameがnotafunction関数じゃないと怒られたことです。 2021-04-27 17:48:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画像の真ん中を中心に回転させる方法 行列計算 https://teratail.com/questions/335434?rss=all 画像の真ん中を中心に回転させる方法行列計算提示コードのコメント内部のコードですが原点を中心ではなく画像の中心を中心に回転させたいのですがなぜ画像自体が動いてしまうのでしょか本来であれば画面の左上に描画されるはずのですがこれはなぜなのでしょうかこのコードで原点を真ん中にずらしたものを変数mに入れてその行列をvecRotate分回転させて値がrorate変数格納という処理なのでがこの処理で図形の場所がずれる原因がわかりません。 2021-04-27 17:56:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pytorch,numpyについてです。特定の条件に真であるとき、その要素を別のTensorやarrayに移したいです https://teratail.com/questions/335433?rss=all pytorchnumpy について です 。 2021-04-27 17:51:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ネストされたapp.configの書き込み方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335432?rss=all ネストされたappconfigの書き込み方法前提・実現したいことネストされたappconfigのシリアライズ方法が分かりません。 2021-04-27 17:47:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [laravel]MySQLから複数データを取得できない https://teratail.com/questions/335431?rss=all laravelMySQLから複数データを取得できないやりたいことtablefruitsidfruitspriceりんごみかんりんごぶどうりんごみかんぶどうばなな上記のようなテーブルがあると仮定して、複数データが存在するフルーツを多い順に並び替え、価格も紐付けてデータを取得したい場合の方法を知りたく質問させていただきました。 2021-04-27 17:43:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) setSecondsメソッドにより得られる値のデータ型 https://teratail.com/questions/335430?rss=all setSecondsメソッドにより得られる値のデータ型前提・実現したいことjavascript初学者です。 2021-04-27 17:38:40
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vue.jsのobserver配列をnedbに保存できない。 https://teratail.com/questions/335428?rss=all vuejsのobserver連想配列をnedbに保存できないのですが、変換する方法はあるのでしょうか。 2021-04-27 17:28:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) htmlのimgタグに関して、画像がないときの枠線を表示しないようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/335427?rss=all xheightpxbordergtlthtmlgt 2021-04-27 17:15:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravelのコマンドが使えない https://teratail.com/questions/335426?rss=all Laravelのコマンドが使えない前提・実現したいこと「PHPフレームワークLaravel入門第二版」という書籍で勉強をしています。 2021-04-27 17:08:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PostgreSQLのCOPY時のエラーについて https://teratail.com/questions/335425?rss=all PostgreSQLのCOPY時のエラーについてUbuntuを使っているものです。 2021-04-27 17:05:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unity Asset「AfterEffectImporter」のエラー解消方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335424?rss=all UnityAsset「AfterEffectImporter」のエラー解消方法前提・実現したいことUnitynbspAsset「AfterEffectImporter」をインポートした際に表示されたerrorの解決方法を教えてください。 2021-04-27 17:02:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) uRailsアプリをEC2環境でdockerを用いて構築しようとしたが、ブラウザから「接続が拒否されました」とエラーが出てしまう。 https://teratail.com/questions/335423?rss=all dockerを用いてRailsアプリをEC環境にデプロイするのが目標です。 2021-04-27 17:01:03
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RSpec 基本構文の理解 https://qiita.com/uejima_haruki/items/a03b521166e0e664a381 itに到達するまでに、describeやcontextを何個もネストすることができる。 2021-04-27 17:59:27
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsで検索機能を実装する(Gemなし) https://qiita.com/a_hyu/items/530d0a8e62a60f180ee4 Railsで検索機能を実装するGemなし検索機能を実装したので備忘録controllerへ処理を記載appcontrollersusersteamcontrollerrbdefsearchteamsAdminsearchparamssearchteamsは好きなものを入力して、Adminの部分には検索したいテーブル名を入力するend検索欄に入力された内容をモデルに渡すための処理modelへsearchメソッドを定義appmodelsadminrbdefselfsearchsearchifsearchAdminwhereaddressLIKEsearchAdminには検索したいテーブル、addressには検索したいカラム名を入力するelseAdminall検索結果が当てはまらない場合は全て表示させる必要ない場合は削除するendendroutingを設定configroutesrbgetteamssearchtoteamssearch必要であれば設定viewへformtagを記載するappviewsusersteamsindexhtmlerbltformtagteamssearchpathmethodgtgetdogtltlabeltag地域で検索gtlttextfieldtagsearchgtltsubmittagSearchaddressgtnilgtltendgtこの記述を検索機能を付けたいviewへ記述することで検索が可能になるsearch後のviewを作成こちらに関しては検索前の一覧画面とほとんど同じで問題ないかと思う。 2021-04-27 17:01:24
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS認定試験1週間で合格!】デベロッパーアソシエイト(DVA-C01)を自宅でオンライン受験した感想と学び https://qiita.com/ichi_zamurai/items/bb97da55fd0a0294224a 今回は、そのクレームが反映されたのか、試験問題が配布された後に、試験官とのやりとりは、チャットではなく、なんとジェスチャーに変わりました試験官これから試験を配布します自分はい試験官問題のWelcomeページが表示されましたかみられたら手で「‍️」を作ってください。 2021-04-27 17:15:45
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon SageMakerで実現する機械学習モデルの説明可能性可視化とバイアス監視 https://qiita.com/kyosuke_hashimoto/items/b698bf3f17b268657d0e また今回の投稿で、SageMakerClarifyを利用することで、推論期間中における機械学習モデルの各説明変数の重要性の遷移やバイアスの監視が可能であることを確認しました。 2021-04-27 17:13:03
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RSpec 基本構文の理解 https://qiita.com/uejima_haruki/items/a03b521166e0e664a381 itに到達するまでに、describeやcontextを何個もネストすることができる。 2021-04-27 17:59:27
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsで検索機能を実装する(Gemなし) https://qiita.com/a_hyu/items/530d0a8e62a60f180ee4 Railsで検索機能を実装するGemなし検索機能を実装したので備忘録controllerへ処理を記載appcontrollersusersteamcontrollerrbdefsearchteamsAdminsearchparamssearchteamsは好きなものを入力して、Adminの部分には検索したいテーブル名を入力するend検索欄に入力された内容をモデルに渡すための処理modelへsearchメソッドを定義appmodelsadminrbdefselfsearchsearchifsearchAdminwhereaddressLIKEsearchAdminには検索したいテーブル、addressには検索したいカラム名を入力するelseAdminall検索結果が当てはまらない場合は全て表示させる必要ない場合は削除するendendroutingを設定configroutesrbgetteamssearchtoteamssearch必要であれば設定viewへformtagを記載するappviewsusersteamsindexhtmlerbltformtagteamssearchpathmethodgtgetdogtltlabeltag地域で検索gtlttextfieldtagsearchgtltsubmittagSearchaddressgtnilgtltendgtこの記述を検索機能を付けたいviewへ記述することで検索が可能になるsearch後のviewを作成こちらに関しては検索前の一覧画面とほとんど同じで問題ないかと思う。 2021-04-27 17:01:24
技術ブログ Developers.IO 테라폼으로 AWS 서비스 구축하기 3장. 테라폼 더 잘쓰기 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/build-multiple-services-with-terraform-05/ 2021-04-27 08:56:33
技術ブログ Developers.IO [新機能] Amazon Redshift SHOW TABLE及びSHOW VIEWコマンドによるDDL表示をサポートしました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-redshift-show-table-and-view/ amazonredshiftshowtable 2021-04-27 08:55:33
技術ブログ Developers.IO 撮影した動画をリアルタイムにエンコードする方法【GStreamer】 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/realtime-encode-with-gstreamer/ gstreamer 2021-04-27 08:33:17
海外TECH DEV Community TellDontAsk and CQRS - Object Design Guide Summary 2 https://dev.to/migueldevelopez/telldontask-and-cqrs-object-design-guide-summary-2-1ffl TellDontAsk and CQRS Object Design Guide Summary Welcome back to the second part of the Summary of Object design style guide by Matthias Noback where I will try to synthesize the differences between query and command methods CQS TellDontAsk principle and more things from the book And as for the first post I highly recommend you to read the full book to find more examples in detail Let s start There are two kinds of methods in an object these are Retrieve a piece of information getters format calc “select from the DB Perform tasks sending an email “update or “delete from the DB…You may know about the Command Query Responsibility Segregation CQRS principle this principle is to define exactly what I was talking about do not mix with the Command from CQRS with the Command Pattern ºRetrieving information with query methodsTo name these methods just call them what they are going to return or as the action they are going to perform getting the information Examples itemCount discountPercentage calculateNetAmount exchangeRateFor Query methods should have a single return type You may still return null but make sure to look for alternatives like a null object an empty list if your method will return an array or throw an exception instead Here some examples BAD WAY imagine what will be the code that receives this response return string bool public function isValid string emailAddress if return Invalid email address return true There are many better ways to deal with it but all of them have considerations Return a type or null public function findOneBy string type Page page this gt findOneBy type if page instanceof Page page is a Page object and can be used as such else page is null and we have to decide what to do with it Throw an exception and capture it in the client public function getById id User user User find id if user instanceof User throw UserNotFound gt withId id return user Now the author talks about the good practice of not showing the internal functionality to the client which reminds me of the principle Tell Don t Ask this principle encourages us to move behavior inside of an object here an example BAD WAYfinal class Product public function shouldDiscountPercentageBeApplied bool public function discountPercentage Percentage public function discountAmount Percentage percentage Money Apply the logic and calculations in the client is not the best practice main php or Client php or whatever product new Product if product gt shouldDiscountPercentageBeApplied percentage product gt discountPercentage money product gt discountAmount percentage else money product gt discountAmount money gt BETTER WAYfinal class Product public function calculateFinalAmount Money use here the logic of the private methods instead use them in the client Let query methods expose as little of an object s internals as possible private function shouldDiscountPercentageBeApplied bool private function discountPercentage Percentage private function discountAmount Percentage percentage Money main php or Client php or whatever product new Product money product gt calculateFinalAmount money gt In the bad way the client has to use all the public methods to calculate the final amount of the product so the client needs to know how to use the public methods and that s not the best solution With the better way the client just has to call the calculateFinalAmount and it will execute all the logic making this easier decoupled and centralized These recommendations should not become a rule that you can t deviate from In fact no programming rule should ever be like that Query methods shouldn t use command methods inside them to avoid having side effects There are some exceptions for example in a method of a controller imagine a method that creates a user and returns it to the front or some specific methods for example a method named nextId if two clients called this method at the same time it will return the same ID so this method should make a side effect to avoid this potential error There are more tips related to the inversion dependencies and how to test with fakes or stubs but I would like to deal with it in another different and specific post related to tests and the advantages of this practice Basically when a query method needs to cross the system s boundary using DB API call use an abstraction with an interface to be able to change and test it easily in the future ºPerforming tasks with command methodsTo name this kind of method the author recommends in the imperative form for example sendReminderEmail saveRecord…and the command methods are easy to recognize because they always should return null But what happens if a command has to do more than one thing Something like public function changeUserPassword UserId userId string plainTextPassword void user this gt repository gt getById userId hashedPassword this gt passwordHasher gt hash plainTextPassword user gt changePassword hashedPassword this gt repository gt save user this gt mailer gt sendPasswordChangedEmail userId First of all as you can see there is no problem using a query method in a command method and on the other hand the changeUserPassword hides the fact that this method sends an email when a user changes the password how can we deal with it properly The best solution would be to dispatch an event which allows us to have an object more decoupled handle some effects in the background…but we have to take care and dispatch it explicitly to not lose track of where it is dispatched this gt eventDispatcher gt dispatch new UserPasswordChanged userId As we do in the query methods throwing an exception if something goes wrong is the best approach You may be tempted to return a string in command but remember that command must return null What should we do if a command needs to cross a system boundary commands that reach out to some remote service database etc It s the same as I mentioned in the queries abstracting with interfaces This will allow us to test command methods easily using a mock or a spy to test calls to these methods avoiding sending emails or using the DB when the test runs You can use a mocking tool for this or write your own spies ºDividing responsibilitiesIn this chapter the book talked about CQRS the benefits and why we should apply it Personally I think the CQRS will be overkill if your application won t need to be maintained in a very long term period scalability matters if the size is small or medium simple user interface e g CRUD style simple business logic…In summary CQRS allows you to separate the load from writes and reads allowing you to scale independently for example we ll split a class like this final class PurchaseOrder private int purchaseOrderId private bool wasReceived private int productId private int orderedQuantity public function purchaseOrderId int return this gt purchaseOrderId public function markAsReceived void this gt wasReceived true In a class for reading methods and another class for saving methods The class with command methods final class PurchaseOrder private int purchaseOrderId private bool wasReceived private int productId private int orderedQuantity public function markAsReceived void this gt wasReceived true And to extract the query methods there are several ways to do that for example Specific to a use case Directly from their data source Domain events Some advantages are Avoid exposing more behavior to a client than it needs Allow the read and write workloads to scale independently and may result in fewer lock contentions The read side can use a schema that is optimized for queries while the write side uses a schema that is optimized for updates ºChanging the behavior of servicesSome suggestions and recommendations about how to refactor a service Some of these suggestions were covered before like for example use event listener for additional behavior compose with abstractions interfaces to achieve more complex and easy to configure behavior because you will be able to replace instead of modifying the current one introduce constructor arguments to make behavior configurable…And something that I wanted to talk about in the first part…composition over inheritance The main reason for it is because with the inheritance you lose the flexibility and reconfigurability that brings to you the composition with interfaces If you try to change the behavior of an existing object comes with many downsides Subclass and parent class become tied together making your code more coupled maybe with methods that you won t use at all Example the typical BaseController Subclasses can override protected but also public methods so a lot of the internals of the object are now exposed A better approach according to the author to reusing code is a trait A trait is plain code reuse of a compiler level copy paste of code interface RecordsEvents public function releaseEvents array public function clearEvents void trait EventRecordingCapabilities private array events private function recordThat object event void this gt events event public function releaseEvents array return this gt events public function clearEvents void this gt events final class Product implements RecordsEvents use EventRecordingCapabilities Don t forget to close all your classes down for inheritance Mark them as final and make all propertiesMethods private unless they are part of the public interface of the classAnd that s all I hope you enjoy it and the last part of this series will be published soon Sources and more infoThe bookBlog of the book author CQRSTesting with doublesComposition over inheritanceNull objectCommand PatternTellDontAsk 2021-04-27 08:47:31
海外TECH DEV Community Best Bitcoin mixers in 2021 https://dev.to/igor4btc/best-bitcoin-mixers-in-2021-55d0 Best Bitcoin mixers in Anonymity of BitcoinIf you think Bitcoin is an anonymous cryptocurrency…you are totally wrong Despite the high level of anonymity of Bitcoin you should understand that thanks to the blockchain technology the use of crypto currency is also fairly transparent Knowing where you expect the payment or from which address you make it outsiders can easily track the movement of your funds Many e currency exchange points and crypto exchange exchanges often require the verification of your identity which will ultimately make your personal data public in varying degrees Some people using Bitcoin are looking to get a real privacy and this is where bitcoin mixing service websites are useful What is Bitcoin Mixing Bitcoin tumbling also referred to as Bitcoin mixing or Bitcoin laundering is the process of using a third party service to break the connection between a Bitcoin sending address and the receiving address es In other words coin mixing services take your cash and give you new cash to your secret identity so that it remains secret ConclusionsIt s important that they be trusted There s no authority or government you can complain to if they run off with your coins So if you like privacy and also want to protect your cryptocurrency from government tracking or tracing Bitcoin mixer services are a good option Let s look at the best services of Bitcoin mixing BlenderBitMixerUltraMixerFoxMixer BlenderGood platforms especially for beginners or those who don t have enough technical knowledge in Bitcoin mixing Aside from the fact that the website and platform itself is very user friendly it also allows users to determine the amount of service fee they are willing to pay However the only problem with the platform is that it doesn t have a native support system and requires users to send them an email when a problem with their transactions arise Minimum Transaction BTCFees and BTC per output addressLog Policy No logs are collected Time Delay Yes User Controlled Letter of Guarantee YesTor mirror BitMixerOne of the oldest and most reliable services BitMixer offers a unique service with a high degree of confidentiality which will ensure the anonymity of your payments This service is designed to be as intuitive as possible The whole process of bitcoin anonymization should not take more than a few minutes They also have a welcoming minimum deposit limit making it easy for those who want to experiment with the service to start mixing Minimum Transaction BTCFees and BTC per output addressLog Policy No logs are collected Time Delay Yes User Controlled Letter of Guarantee YesTor mirror UltraMixerUltraMixer offers a unique service with a high degree of confidentiality which will ensure the anonymity of your payments by using the mixing of multiple Bitcoin addresses Our system works quickly reliably and with a small commission only after the transfer and receipt of funds to the final address Of course all of the data about your transaction will be irretrievably deleted Minimum Transaction BTCFees and BTC per output addressLog Policy No logs are collected Time Delay Yes User Controlled Letter of Guarantee YesTor mirror No FoxMixerOut of all the cryptocurrency mixing platforms out their FoxMixer is one of the best there is Aside from the fact that it performs the usual function of a Bitcoin mixer it has other features that improve the Anonymity of their users in the Blockchain network They even have the option to anonymized the IP address of the transaction originator and they also monitor the blockchain to prevent a transaction from gaining unnecessary attention The only problem with FoxMixer is that it charges a fixed rate of which is relatively higher than the flexible fees offered by other platforms Minimum Transaction BTCFees and BTC per output addressLog Policy No logs are collected Time Delay Yes User Controlled Letter of Guarantee NoTor mirror 2021-04-27 08:29:59
海外TECH DEV Community Grep cheatsheet https://dev.to/vishnuchilamakuru/grep-cheatsheet-16n8 Grep cheatsheetThe grep utility searches any given input files selecting lines that match one or more patterns By default a pattern matches an input line if the regular expression RE in the pattern matches the input line without its trailing new line An empty expression matches every line Each input line that matches at least one of the patterns are written to the standard output grep is used for simple patterns and basic regular expressions BREs Below are the frequent use cases which will be handy for developers in their day to day activity IndexCase insensitive SearchGet ContextInvert MatchShow FilenamesRecursive SearchPrint Matching PartRegular ExpressionsSearch Binaries Case insensitive Searchgrep i Output of both commands below will be same as i option does the case insensitive search grep i hello file txtgrep i HELLO file txt Get ContextTo get the context of your search use the below commands grep A grep A hello file txtThis will show lines of context after your match i e hello word in this case grep B grep B hello file txtThis will show lines of context before your match i e hello word in this case grep C grep C hello file txtThis will show lines of context before and after your match i e hello word in this case Invert Matchgrep v Find all lines that don t match the given pattern grep v hello file txt Show Filenamesgrep l Show only the filenames of the files that matchedgrep l hello txtAbove command lists all txt files which has hello word in the current directory Recursive Searchgrep r Search all the files in a directorygrep r hello txtAbove command lists all txt files inside nested directory which has hello word in it Print Matching Partgrep o hello file txtAbove command prints only matching part of the line not the complete line Regular Expressionsgrep E This option is used for matching Regular Expressions grep E hel file txtAbove command searches for all the lines which have words starting with hel grep E hel wo file txtAbove command searches for all the lines which have words starting with hel OR wo Search Binariesgrep a Treat binary data like its text instead of ignoring it Treat all files as ASCII text Normally grep will simply print Binary file matches if files contain binary characters Use of this option forces grep to output lines matching the specified pattern grep a lt pattern gt lt binary file gt Thank you for reading If you like what you read and want to see more about system design microservices and other technology related stuff You can follow me on Twitter here 2021-04-27 08:21:55
海外TECH DEV Community Solution: Power of Three https://dev.to/seanpgallivan/solution-power-of-three-1g6g Solution Power of ThreeThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Easy Power of Three Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C Given an integer n return true if it is a power of three Otherwise return false An integer n is a power of three if there exists an integer x such that n x Follow up Could you solve it without loops recursion Examples Example Input n Output trueExample Input n Output falseExample Input n Output trueExample Input n Output false Constraints lt n lt Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C The naive approach here would be to simply iterate through dividing n by to see if we ultimately get to But if we want to accomplish this solution without iteration or recursion we ll have to get creative Approach Logarithms We can take advantage of the natural mathematical properties of logarithms to find our solution If n is a power of then x n This can be rewritten as log n x where x will be an integer if n is a power of Since most programming languages can t natively do log calculations we can take advantage of another property of logarithms log n can be rewritten as log n log This will produce a slight amount of floating point error but any value that is within a close margin e while n is constrained to an int will be a correct Approach Modulo Since is a prime number any power of will only be divisible by any power of that is equal or smaller We can use this to our advantage by taking the largest possible power of within our constraints and performing a modulo n operation on it If the result is a then n is a power of Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea w Logarithms var isPowerOfThree function n let a Math log n Math log return Math abs a Math round a lt e w Modulo var isPowerOfThree function n return n gt amp amp n Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea w Logarithms class Solution def isPowerOfThree self n int gt bool if n lt return False ans log n return abs ans round ans lt e w Modulo class Solution def isPowerOfThree self n int gt bool return n gt and n Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea w Logarithms class Solution public boolean isPowerOfThree int n double a Math log n Math log return Math abs a Math round a lt e w Modulo class Solution public boolean isPowerOfThree int n return n gt amp amp n C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea w Logarithms class Solution public bool isPowerOfThree int n double a log n log return abs a round a lt e w Modulo class Solution public bool isPowerOfThree int n return n gt amp amp n 2021-04-27 08:11:18
海外TECH DEV Community Django: The Request-Response Cycle https://dev.to/_rohitshakya/django-the-request-response-cycle-2n6m Django The Request Response CycleHave you ever wondered things under the hood seems to be more fascinating than the one showcased in front of us It s kind of a Butterfly Effect taking place So let s pull the shades off and unveil the true story of what s happening behind the scene In this bit of a journey we are going to take a shallow dive in the Django Request Response Cycle Defining Technical TermsSeems to be a tedious task for a newbie I must say Huh Unfortunately these are conventional terms and you just can t skip them over twice Trying to explain in the easy way possible But if you don t understand in the beginning it s okay The plot of every story doesn t make much sense in the beginning ClientThe one who initiates request for services WSGI File Web Server Gateway InterfaceThis is used to run python applications Django Request Response modelIt contains various elements and files listed below Settings py fileThis file contains all the configurations of your Django Project MiddlewareMiddleware is used to perform a function in the application The functions can be a security session csrf protection authentication etc Views py fileDjango views determine what content is displayed on the given page Urls py fileURLconfs determine where that content is going Models py fileThe model contains the content from the database TemplatesIt provides styling for the data and other stuff to be displayed If it seems overwhelming right now trust me it s okay They were just to leave traces of what s coming next Now let s set the sail of our boat and start off on our little voyage Django Request Response CycleThe request from the client reaches the Django Server hosted at localhost in case of hosting locally It passes through WSGI and reaches the settings The very first thing which loads up is settings py file and in that too Middleware Then the request tunnels through the listed middleware for various checks like security authentication etc If the request deems to be okay It then reaches urls py file where the requested url is matched with the various urls listed Once the url is matched the request goes to the corresponding view in views py file If the request requires some information to be rendered from the database then views talks to the database via models Information from database is collected Now the template will be rendered for styling to the views py file and if the template does not exist it raises an exception page not found The HTTP response object is rendered into a string as object leaves the Django app Finally your web browser render it into a beautiful web page This eleven pointer explaination concludes the request response journey and now it s time to set down the sail and attempt docking ConclusionIn a nutshell that s what happening under Django s Hood Diving deeper is not possible because you and I are in a boat remember But if you are interested in more technical and detailed stuff You can refer to Mozilla it has a huge developer community To know about the journey between client and web server check How does the web works If you find my work interesting and worth giving your time You can nudge me on Twitter and LinkedIn You can also share your feedback in the comment section below p s what next 2021-04-27 08:11:10
海外TECH DEV Community 8 Top VS Code Extensions for Web Developers https://dev.to/innocentcoder/8-top-vs-code-extensions-for-web-developers-3hk7 information 2021-04-27 08:01:36
海外TECH Engadget Ford's premium Mustang Mach-E GT EV starts at $59,900 https://www.engadget.com/ford-reveals-pricing-for-its-hot-rod-mach-e-gt-and-performance-edition-e-vs-084203759.html Ford x s premium Mustang Mach E GT EV starts at Ford has revealed more information about the features and performance of its Mustang Mach E GT and GT Performance Edition along with the all important pricing 2021-04-27 08:42:03
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles ESP32 WEB server with Asynchronous technologie and internal File system. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5300719/ESP32-WEB-server-with-Asynchronous-technologie-and asynchronous 2021-04-27 08:14:00
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