AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
AI-Driven Analytics on AWS Using Tableau and Amazon SageMaker |
AI Driven Analytics on AWS Using Tableau and Amazon SageMakerOrganizations that have foresight into their business have a competitive advantage Advanced analytics that enable foresight have historically required scarce resources to develop predictive models using techniques like machine learning Traditionally this is a difficult endeavor but recent progress in ML automation has made democratization of ML a possibility Learn about the value of augmenting analytics with ML through the Amazon SageMaker for Tableau Quick Start |
2021-04-27 18:06:52 |
AWS Big Data Blog |
How Goldman Sachs migrated from their on-premises Apache Kafka cluster to Amazon MSK |
How Goldman Sachs migrated from their on premises Apache Kafka cluster to Amazon MSKThis is a guest post by Zachary Whitford Associate Richa Prajapati Vice President and Aldo Piddiu Vice President in the Global Investment Research engineering team at Goldman Sachs The Global Investment Research GIR division at Goldman Sachs delivers client focused research in the equity fixed income currency and commodities markets GIR analysts help the firm s investor … |
2021-04-27 18:08:21 |
AWS Developer Blog |
Announcing the end of support for Node.js <10.x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) |
Announcing the end of support for Node js lt x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript v Starting November the AWS SDK For JavaScript v will no longer support the following end of life EOL Node js runtime versions Node js EOL on nbsp Node js EOL on Node js x EOL on Node js x EOL on Node js x EOL on We encourage you … |
2021-04-27 18:28:53 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
AWS DeepRacer is now open source and ready to hit the road with ROS 2 |
AWS DeepRacer is now open source and ready to hit the road with ROS Reinforcement learning RL has become one of the most popular machine learning techniques for training robots in simulation RL enables models to learn complex behaviors without labeled training data and allows the models to make short term decisions while optimizing for longer term goals AWS DeepRacer offers an autonomous th scale race car driven by a reinforcement … |
2021-04-27 18:01:09 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git resetでミスを取り消す |
gitresetでミスを取り消す下記を参考にさせていただきました。 |
2021-04-28 03:26:52 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git mvで大文字を含むディレクトリ名を変更できない |
gitmvCapitallowercase同様に実行すると・・・fatalrenamingCapitalfailedInvalidargumentエラーが・・・解決策一時的な空ディレクトリを作る。 |
2021-04-28 03:26:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Dicas para criar componentes mais legíveis |
Dicas para criar componentes mais legíveis O problemaUma das minhas maiores dores no desenvolvimento de aplicações front end équando abro um componente desenvolvido por um colega ou por mim mesmo e vejo que este possui mil linhas em um único arquivo Para mim isso éruim pois demoro para conseguir entender o que de fato todas aquelas linhas fazem isso quando eu entendo Então torna se necessário desprender de uma quantidade x de tempo para ir lendo tudo atéfazer de fato o eu precisava inicialmente Para resolver ou pelo menos amenizar esse problema existem algumas técnicas que podem ser utilizadas e ésobre isso que venho tratar aqui O velho e o novo testamentoComo jácitei anteriormente às vezes no nosso dia a dia de desenvolvimento acabamos deixando um componente tão grande que caberiam bíblias dentro dele Para citar alguns dos problemas do arquivo desse tamanho seria Dificuldade na legibilidade da páginaCom arquivos muito grandes o processo de leitura acaba demorando mais e por consequência o entendimento também Demora se mais tempo para conseguir entender o que cada método função ou trecho de código executa e quando executa Baixa manutenibilidadeÉcomum ver que nesses tipos arquivos háuma grande dependência de pedaços diferentes do código Desta forma se vocêprecisa alterar um trecho X ele pode afetar algum outro trecho indesejado Alta possibilidade de código duplicadoTambém se torna comum ver que em arquivos desse tipo háuma grande quantidade de códigos exatamente iguais ou pelo menos muito parecido onde uma ou outra coisa que édiferente Coleguinha pistolaNinguém gosta da sensação que se tem ao abrir um arquivo e pensar eu não faço ideia do que tem aqui O seu coleguinha não gosta e vocêprovavelmente também não Virando o jogoPara virar o jogo e começar a criar componentes que sejam mais manuteníveis fáceis de ler aproveitar da reutilização e não menos importante deixar os coleguinhas mais felizes éinteressante considerar algumas boas práticas enquanto estiver escrevendo seus componentes Na internet encontramos diversos posts artigos com diversas dicas do que pode ser feito para ter componentes mais manuteníveis e simples Aqui não irei tratar uma especificamente mas sim de um pedaço de cada coisa que vi e que fazem sentido para mim Caso vocêtenha interesse em se aprofundar mais no assunto recomendo muito que busque por Atomic Design OBS Nos exemplos que cito abaixo estarei usando Reactjs mas nada impede que vocêaplique os conceitos em outras bibliotecas frameworks Componentes genéricos reutilizáveisFicar atento toda vez que começar a notar que hácoisas demais se repetindo no código Se estárepetindo exatamente igual ou muito próximo disso provavelmente esse trecho de código pode virar um componente isolado Para deixar mais sobre as coisas que se repetem podemos tomar de exemplo coisas como modais botões headers footers títulos sidebars cards caixas de alerta e muitas outras coisas O sistema que vocêestádesenvolvendo pode ter esses exemplos que citei como podem ter outros totalmente diferentes Vai ir da sua percepção saber se aquilo que estásendo desenvolvido pode ser reutilizado por outras páginas do sistema Se a resposta for sim então componentize Componentes específicos não reutilizáveisHásituações onde trechos de códigos estão se repetindo porém não éalgo que poderáser reutilizado em outras partes do sistema Éalgo tão específico que somente aquela página teráaquela funcionalidade Mesmo em casos assim se a página estáficando muito grande éinteressante fazer a componentização deste trecho porém com uma diferença No lugar de colocar esse componente na pasta src Components vocêo colocarána pasta Components dentro da pasta da sua Página Por exemplo imagine que vocêtenha uma página de listagem de produtos no diretório src Pages ProductList index tsx e nela háum componente que não éreutilizável por outras páginas do sistema mas que pelo tamanho que ele estáficando vocêdeseja criar um arquivo exclusivamente para esse componente Algo que poderia ser feito seria criar esse componente dentro de uma pasta Components com o caminho desse componente ficando assim src Pages ProductList Components MyExampleComponent tsx Desta forma todos os componentes exclusivos da página ProductList estaria dentro desta pasta facilitando a identificação do que estáalídentro éalgo que não éreutilizável mas que foi componetizado para simplificar a complexidade da página ProductList Componentes de componentesOutra situação em que épossível fazer componentes équando temos dois ou mais componentes e que juntos se tornam outro componente Tipo aquele botão e input que juntos viram uma barra de busca sacou Observe a imagem acima As caixas em roxo são os componentes Micro ou seja componentes pequenos que possuem uma ação bem específica Jáas caixas vermelhas temos os Macros ou componentes de componentes Um componente Macro éum componente maior que junta vários outros componentes menores dentro de si Assim também facilita a reutilização pois toda vez que precisarmos daquele conjunto de componentes juntos podemos utilizar esse componente maior no lugar de ficar chamando cada componente pequeno um por um As aplicações para esse tipo de componentização são diversas Vocêpode por exemplo querer criar um componente de uma biblioteca que vocêusa para que a chamada dele fique mais simples Esse éo exemplo que darei a seguir Nas imagens abaixos veja que hádois exemplos de componentes o primeiro éo DefaultModal e o segundo éCustomModal Observe que o CustomModal estábem mais simples sem precisar colocar tanta coisa no meio do componente e esses dois componentes fazem a mesma coisa A diferença éque no CustomModal foi criado um componente que encapsula o código da primeira imagem expondo apenas algumas propriedades com os dados que de fato alteram e também permite que seja passado um filho no corpo da modal para que vocêpossa adicionar elementos mais customizáveis Desta forma o título os botões de ações as funções que checa se modal estáaberta ou fechada ficam tudo escondidas para quem estáusando a versão CustomModal Reutilização sem componentesNem todo código repetido nos componentes podem sem quebrados em outros componentes menores Também temos códigos repetidos que são lógicas para tratar algum problema coisas como formatação de datas buscar um endereço com base num cep tratamento de dados e coisas do tipo Mesmo nesses casos ainda sim podemos recorrer àreutilização pode se pegar esse trecho de lógica repetida criar uma função que fica responsável pela aquela atividade e colocá la dentro de uma pasta src utils na raiz do projeto Desta forma toda vez que vocêprecisar por exemplo buscar um endereço com base no CEP vocêpode importar a função getAddressByCep do seu utils sem precisar copiar e colar o mesmo trecho de código para uma nova página FinalizandoTentei neste artigo mostrar algumas dicas para escrever um código que seja pelo menos um pouco mais manutenível Tentei passar um pouco da minha experiência do assunto então pode ser que tenha algo que não caiba na realidade do projeto que vocêestátrabalhando Caso tenha curtido o tema sugiro novamente que pesquise por Atomic Design pois o que mostrei aqui sobre ele foi apenas a ponta do iceberg E se tiver algo para acrescentar ficaria agradecido se compartilhasse comigo também assim podemos sempre ir evoluindo ReferênciasComponentização no front end IComponentização no front end IVEstruturando camadas de uma arquitetura no ReactAtomic design |
2021-04-27 18:48:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle |
SOLID Liskov Substitution PrincipleThis is a continuation of the SOLID principles series The Liskov substitution principle is the most technical principle of all However it is the one that most helps to develop decoupled applications which is the foundation of designing reusable components Barbara Liskov defined this principle as follows Let Φ x be a property provable about objects x of type T Then Φ y should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T The definition given by Liskov is based on the Design by Contract DbC defined by Bertrand Meyer A contract that is identified by preconditions invariants and postconditions A routine can expect a certain condition to be guaranteed on entry by any client module that calls it the routine s precondition This is an obligation for the client and benefit for the supplier as it frees it from having to handle cases outside of the precondition A routine can guarantee a certain property on exit the routine s postcondition an obligation for the supplier and a benefit for the client Maintain a certain property assumed on entry and guaranteed on exit the class invariant The concept of contract and implementation is the foundation for inheritance and polymorphism in object oriented programming In Robert C Martin redefined the concept given by Liskov as follows Function that use pointers of references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it The redefinition given by Bob Martin helped to simplify the concept implemented by Liskov years before and its adoption by developers Violation of the Liskov Substitution PrincipleAs a developer for a banking entity you are requested to implement a system for managing bank accounts Your boss asks you to implement in the first sprint of the project a system for managing basic and premium bank accounts The difference between them is that the latter accumulates preference points on any deposit You implement the following abstract class as the foundation of your system public abstract class BankAccount In charge of depositing a specific amount into the account param amount Dollar ammount public abstract void deposit double amount In charge of withdrawing a specific amount from the account param amount Dollar amount return Boolean result public abstract boolean withdraw double amount This abstract class defines an obligation for any derived class to override any abstract method defined in the BankAccount class This means that the basic and premium accounts must override the deposit and withdrawal method public class BasicAccount extends BankAccount private double balance Override public void deposit double amount this balance amount Override public boolean withdraw double amount if this balance lt amount return false else this balance amount return true public class PremiumAccount extends BankAccount private double balance private int preferencePoints Override public void deposit double amount this balance amount accumulatePreferencePoints Override public boolean withdraw double amount if this balance lt amount return false else this balance amount accumulatePreferencePoints return true private void accumulatePreferencePoints this preferencePoints Please take into account that any of these classes have the minimum validations for a production environment All basic and premium accounts are discounted by annually for administrative expenses To implement this policy you defined the following class public class WithdrawalService public static final double ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CHARGE public void cargarDebitarCuentas BankAccount basiAcct new BasicAccount basiAcct deposit BankAccount premiumAcct new PremiumAccount premiumAcct deposit List lt BankAccount gt accounts new ArrayList accounts add basiAcct accounts add premiumAcct debitAdministrativeExpenses accounts private void debitAdministrativeExpenses List lt BankAccount gt accounts accounts stream forEach account gt account withdraw WithdrawalService ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CHARGE On the second sprint of your project your boss asks you to implement long term accounts into your bank account managing system The differences between long term accounts and basic premium accounts are the following Long term accounts are exempt from administrative expenses Long term accounts don t allow withdrawals If the client wants to withdraw any amount of his her account must be done through a different process As a developer in charge of the accounts system you decide to extend the BankAccount class for the Long term accounts public class LongTermAccount extends BankAccount private double balance Override public void deposit double amount this balance amount Override public boolean withdraw double amount throw new UnsupportedOperationException Not supported yet This part is where the violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle is obvious You cannot extend the BankAccount class in the LongTermAccount without overriding the withdrawal method However the long term accounts don t allow withdrawals according to your project s requirements You have the following two options to solve this issue You can override the withdrawal method as an empty method or you can throw an UnsupportedOperationException However the BankAccount objects wouldn t be completely interchangeable with LongTermAccount objects because if we try to execute the withdrawal method we would get an exception As a solution for this issue we can condition the debitAdministrativeExpenses method so we can skip the LongTermAccount objects but this would violate the Open Closed Principle For instance private void debitAdministrativeExpenses List lt BankAccount gt accounts for BankAccount account accounts if account instanceof LongTermAccount continue else account withdraw ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CHARGE You can make your code Liskov Substitution Principle compliant Implementing Liskov Substitution PrincipleThe main issue with the bank account structure is that the long term account is not a regular bank account at least is not the type defined in the BankAccount abstract class There is a simple test on the abductive reasoning area that can be used to check if a class is a subtype from “X type The duck test states “If it looks like a duck swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck The long term account looks like a regular bank account but it does not behave like a regular one To solve this issue we have to change the current class structure To make our code LSP compliant we ll make the following changes All types of bank accounts will allow the deposit action Only the basic and premium bank accounts will allow the withdrawal action We ll define an abstract bank account for all types of accounts This abstract class will define only one method the deposit method We ll extend the BankAccount with WithdrawableAccount abstract class which will define the debit method The basic and premium accounts will extend the WithdrawableAccount abstract class while the long term account will extend the BankAccount abstract class The abstract BankAccount class will define the deposit method public abstract class BankAccount In charge of depositing a specific amount into the account param amount Dollar ammount public abstract void deposit double amount The abstract WithdrawableAccount class will define the withdrawal method public abstract class WithdrawableAccount extends BankAccount In charge of withdrawing a specific amount from the account param amount Dollar amount return Boolean result public abstract boolean withdraw double amount The basic and premium account classes will extend the WithdrawableAccount class which extends the BankAccount class This nested inheritance allows the basic premium accounts to have both methods deposit and withdrawal public class BasicAccount extends WithdrawableAccount private double balance Override public void deposit double amount this balance amount Override public boolean withdraw double monto if this balance lt monto return false else this balance monto return true public class PremiumAccount extends WithdrawableAccount private double balance private int preferencePoints Override public void deposit double monto this balance monto accumulatePreferencePoints Override public boolean withdraw double monto if this balance lt monto return false else this balance monto accumulatePreferencePoints return true private void accumulatePreferencePoints this preferencePoints The WithdrawalService class is implemented using only WithdrawableAccount types or subtypes public class WithdrawableService public static final double ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CHARGE public void cargarDebitarCuentas WithdrawableAccount basicAcct new BasicAccount basicAcct deposit WithdrawableAccount premiumAcct new PremiumAccount premiumAcct deposit List lt WithdrawableAccount gt accounts new ArrayList accounts add basicAcct accounts add premiumAcct debitarGastosAdmon accounts private void debitarGastosAdmon List lt WithdrawableAccount gt accounts accounts stream forEach account gt account withdraw WithdrawableService ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES CHARGE The changes done on the class structure assures that our code is LSP compliant Now we are not required to implement the withdrawal method on the LongTermAccount class Also we interchange the WithdrawableAccount objects with any subtype of this abstract class The class structure is also OCP compliant because if we added another bank account type that does not allow withdrawal we wouldn t need to modify the current code just to extend the BankAccount type Importance of the Liskov Substitution PrincipleThe LSP allows us to identify incorrect generalization areas done during the design phase and correct them The Liskov Substitution Principle is fundamental in the development of the dependency injection concept which is widely used in Java Enterprise Edition and Spring Framework You can use the following tips if you want to easily detect violations of the Liskov Substitution Principle There is an LSP violation if you introduce a condition using the type of your object as shown above in the instanceof example There is an LSP violation if you extend an abstract class and you set one of the abstract methods as an empty method or you throw a not defined exception If you like to read more about LSP you can have a look at Uncle Bob s Blog In the next post we will talk about the Interface Segregation Principle You can follow me on Twitter or Linkedin |
2021-04-27 18:44:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A new documentation website for Bricks |
A new documentation website for BricksBricks my open source WordPress starter theme featuring Bootstrap and Gulp has a new documentation website Built with Vuepress and hosted on Netlify this site was an interesting project on its own giving me the opportunity to use new technologies Just like the theme itself even the documentation is open source and its source code hosted on GitHub Contributions are warmly welcome on both projects stefanobartoletti bricks A modular WordPress starter theme powered by Bootstrap and Gulp stefanobartoletti bricks docs Documentation for Bricks a modular WordPress starter theme powered by Bootstrap and Gulp |
2021-04-27 18:30:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Send your leadership an anonymous message in Slack 👀 |
Send your leadership an anonymous message in Slack I built a Slack app earlier this year so my coworkers and I could ask anonymous questions to our CEO during our town halls It worked so well that I launched it to the public and have gained some awesome early traction Slack has labeled my app New amp Noteworthy and a Brilliant bot The headline of the app is Give your team a safe spaceAnonymous messages amp polls for things liketown hall questionsideation sessionsleadership feedbackThe goal is to help ️Encourage open and honest feedbackEmpower your team by valuing their inputSpotlight common issues quicklyEnable the voices of passive employees️Level the playing field for all team membersReward the most helpful users anonymouslyThere is a free tier and a paid tier that you can try for weeks for free without a credit card I m very open to your questions and feedback as I m still in the early days of iteration and growth Thanks |
2021-04-27 18:10:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple fined $12M in Russia over alleged app market abuse |
Apple fined M in Russia over alleged app market abuseRussia has fined Apple million for breaking monopoly laws over claims the iPhone maker is allegedly abusing its dominant position in the mobile apps marketplace Russia s State DumaIn August the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service FAS ruled that Apple s App Store gives Apple an unfair advantage in the digital app economy In a follow up on Tuesday it was revealed Apple would be fined million by the anti competition regulator Read more |
2021-04-27 18:30:20 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Welcoming the Next Generation of NCS 5500 Systems |
Welcoming the Next Generation of NCS SystemsThe NCS platform has become the go to peering and aggregation deviceーdown to the access layerーdeployed for everything from mobile backhaul to wireline to cable network aggregation New additions to the Cisco Converged SDN Transport architecture will help communication service providers to deliver new connected experiences quickly and at a massive scale |
2021-04-27 18:25:59 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s biggest brokerage Nomura to book ¥313 billion in Archegos losses |
Japan s biggest brokerage Nomura to book billion in Archegos lossesThe firm has vowed to strengthen its risk management after being stung by the collapse of the U S family office capital management firm |
2021-04-28 03:22:43 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
British carrier’s visit to Japan signals closer ties amid China tensions |
British carrier s visit to Japan signals closer ties amid China tensionsWhen HMS Queen Elizabeth steams into the port of Yokosuka Kanagawa Prefecture it will signal an implicit endorsement and boost for Japan s Free and Open |
2021-04-28 03:15:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Labour accuses Boris Johnson of lying over flat renovation costs |
downing |
2021-04-27 18:04:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Vaccine offered to 42-year-olds in England |
covid |
2021-04-27 18:38:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Arsenal owners remain '100% committed' to club and are 'not selling any stake' |
Arsenal owners remain x committed x to club and are x not selling any stake x Arsenal owners Stan Kroenke and Josh Kroenke say they remain committed to the Premier League club and are not selling any stake |
2021-04-27 18:24:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: When will I get the vaccine? |
covid |
2021-04-27 18:19:59 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
東京五輪、ワクチン接種義務なしで安全か - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-04-28 03:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三井銀行の長老が証言、売国行為と非難された「三井ドル買い事件」の真相 - The Legend Interview不朽 |
thelegendinterview |
2021-04-28 03:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ワクチン接種が雇用条件、米企業でじわり広がる - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-04-28 03:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米ハイテク大手の決算、市場は好業績を予想 - WSJ PickUp |
sampp |
2021-04-28 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
発達障害の僕が発見した「食事はラーメンとコンビニでいいや」という人に伝えたいたった一つの事実 - 発達障害サバイバルガイド |
2021-04-28 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【史上最ラク&最速弁当】 1回のレンジ加熱で 2種類の味の違う おかずを作る方法とは? - てんきち母ちゃんのらくべん! |
だけど、仕事がたてこんで時間のない日もあれば、買い物に行けなくて冷蔵庫がカラッポの日も、疲労困憊して気力がゼロの朝もあるそんなピンチの時に役立つのが、史上最ラク最速の弁当本「てんきち母ちゃんのらくべん」。 |
2021-04-28 03:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
欠品と過剰仕入れでは、 どちらが収益にマイナスなのか? - 経営トップの仕事 |
2021-04-28 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アント上場手続きにもメス、馬氏周辺も調査対象に - WSJ発 |
調査対象 |
2021-04-28 03:18:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
今、米国でも増えている プロデューサー型の クリエイティブ大家さんって? - ハーバード式不動産投資術 |
今、米国でも増えているプロデューサー型のクリエイティブ大家さんってハーバード式不動産投資術ユニークな不動産の企画を立て、事業性をクリエイティブに描き、銀行から融資という最強の資金を獲得し、各関係業者を動かし投資物件を創り込む。 |
2021-04-28 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
最強の凸凹コンビが発見した驚きの真実…生命が生き残るために必要な「遺伝子の2つの鍵」とは? - WHAT IS LIFE?(ホワット・イズ・ライフ?)生命とは何か |
2021-04-28 03:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
パートナーに軽く見られていると感じたときに読みたい、200万いいね! を集めたシンプルな言葉 - もっと人生は楽しくなる |
パートナーに軽く見られていると感じたときに読みたい、万いいねを集めたシンプルな言葉もっと人生は楽しくなる「人とうまく距離がとれない……」「気づかいしすぎて疲れてしまう……」「言いたいことがうまく言えない……」そんな人間関係の悩みを抱える人々たちに向けて、シンプルながらも心に深く突き刺さる言葉を日々発信し、万人以上のInstagramフォロワーから支持されているたぐちひさとさんをご存じでしょうか。 |
2021-04-28 03:05:00 |