python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Github Actionsで呼び出すPythonコード上で環境変数(Github Secrets)を使う方法 |
GithubActionsで呼び出すPythonコード上で環境変数GithubSecretsを使う方法やりたいことGithubActionsのワークフローでPythonコードを呼び出すPublicRepositoryなので、アクセストークン等をSecretsに隠したい結論※Secretsへの登録は多くの記事で紹介されていると思うので検索してみてください。 |
2021-05-06 23:44:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
駆け出しpythonエンジニアのまとめ デザインパターンまとめ3(builder) |
段階的な手順での部品作成が必要であり、かつ、部品の作成手順が頻繁に変更される可能性が存在する場合に利用するクラス図とシーケンス図wikipediaより引用実装方針AbstractBuilderクラスではtemplatemethodのようにオブジェクトインスタンス作成手順必須メソッドを規定する。 |
2021-05-06 23:36:19 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
document.get~~~の違い |
このコレクションから要素を取得するにはindexやidなどで取得することが出来ます。 |
2021-05-06 23:13:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityでArgumentException: JSON parse error: Invalid value.とエラー |
UnityでArgumentExceptionJSONparseerrorInvalidvalueとエラーやりたいことUnityでGASを使用してGoogleスプレッドシートから値を取得しようと思いました。 |
2021-05-06 23:26:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Githubのリポジトリの保持期間とリポジトリ情報の取得について |
Githubのリポジトリの保持期間とリポジトリ情報の取得について質問・試したこと・質問。 |
2021-05-06 23:21:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Docker にLaravel8の環境構築。Jetstreamのインストールでエラー |
DockerにLaravelの環境構築。 |
2021-05-06 23:19:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
署名した仮想デバイスドライバがインストールできない |
署名した仮想デバイスドライバがインストールできない前提仮想デバイスドライバを作成し、自作のインストーラーを用いてWindowsPCにインストールしようとしています。 |
2021-05-06 23:10:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【androidstudio】Spinnerで選択した項目でSQLite(Room)の抽出項目を選択したい |
【androidstudio】Spinnerで選択した項目でSQLiteRoomの抽出項目を選択したいSpinnerで選択した項目でSQLiteRoomの抽出項目を選択したいのですが、調べても分からず質問させていただきました。 |
2021-05-06 23:06:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue.js 確認ダイアログ |
2021-05-06 23:05:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WP 本番環境でCSSを反映させたい【WP-SCSS使用】 |
WP本番環境でCSSを反映させたい【WPSCSS使用】前提・実現したいこと・SCSSファイルを正しくコンパイルさせたい・CSSを反映させたい【前提】・WordPressでの実装となります・WPSCSSプラグイン使用・ローカルから本番環境に移行後、エラー発生下記、ファイル階層です。 |
2021-05-06 23:04:05 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS環境をゼロから設計、構築してみた。 |
必要な経路に必要なアクセスポートを設定します。 |
2021-05-06 23:43:56 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS console ログイン 簡単(ルートユーザーではなくIAMユーザーで入る) |
結論IAMユーザーを作る。 |
2021-05-06 23:09:58 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ローカルにdockerでwordpress環境を作成する |
対象なるべく簡単にwordpressの環境を作りたい人ローカルで動くwordpressの環境を作りたいひと既存のwordpress開発環境をdockerで作成し直したい人前提条件dockerfordesktopインストール済みまたはdockerとdockercomposeコマンドが実行できること手順概要ファイルディレクトリ作成dockercomposeymlを記述コンテナの作成wordpressの初期設定ファイルディレクトリ作成適当なディレクトリに以下のファイルとディレクトリを作成してください。 |
2021-05-06 23:08:44 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
手軽にMicrosoft Build of OpenJDKを触る方法 |
手軽にMicrosoftBuildofOpenJDKを触る方法年月日にMicrosoftがOpenJDKをビルドして提供するという発表がありました。 |
2021-05-06 23:57:28 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Exiting because of an unresolved conflict. 解決方法 |
解決手順解決までの手順は以下の通りですgitlogonelinegraphallでブランチの一覧を取得し確認gitstatusで現在の状態確認表示された赤字で指摘されているファイルをadd、commit再度gitstatusで赤字が消えたことを確認コミットしたファイルをpushブランチの一覧取得gitlogonelinegraphallを叩くと、下記のcafb部分でブランチが枝分かれしてしまっているのが確認できます。 |
2021-05-06 23:53:13 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
gitのエラー error: remote origin already existsの解決方法 |
こちらの記事を参考にして、すでに存在しているリポジトリを削除し、再度addを行うと、うまくできました。 |
2021-05-06 23:10:35 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsの` ActionView::Template::Error: Please use symbols for polymorphic route arguments.`が発生する理由と対処 |
railsのActionViewTemplateErrorPleaseusesymbolsforpolymorphicrouteargumentsが発生する理由と対処rails以降でActionViewTemplateErrorPleaseusesymbolsforpolymorphicroutearguments場合の原因と対処について原因脆弱性CVEの対応の影響で既存のソースコードでrailsにバージョンアップすると既存のコードでActionViewTemplateErrorPleaseusesymbolsforpolymorphicrouteargumentsが発生する可能性があります。 |
2021-05-06 23:59:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🎉 The Create Go App project has grown to v2, but is still easier, better, faster & stronger |
The Create Go App project has grown to v but is still easier better faster amp stronger IntroductionHello friends I m excited to share great news with you the Create Go App CLI project that I ve been working on for a long time has finally been updated to major version In case anyone forgot I remind you that with this CLI you can create in just a few seconds a new production ready project with backend Go frontend JavaScript TypeScript and deploy automation Ansible Docker ️You only need to focus on writing code and thinking of business logic The CLI will take care of the rest OK Let s look at the changes together Fasten your seat belts we re starting Table of contentsNew in v and beyondChanges in CLI commandsAnsible rolesWeb proxy serversDatabaseCache key value storageProject Wiki pageYour assistance to the project New in v and beyondThere are actually quite a few changes but I ve highlighted a few of the most important ones that change the way you work with the Create Go App CLI For all other changes please read the release notes in our GitHub repository create go app cli A powerful CLI for the Create Go App project Create a new production ready project with backend frontend and deploy automation by running one CLI command ↑Table of contents Changes in CLI commandsThis release was aimed primarily at speeding up the CLI and reducing the functionality of commands that were too overloaded ↑Table of contents init commandAfter some analysis of the CLI command feedback we concluded that the command to create a configuration file is very rarely used The same comment from the focus group of our users followed about the configuration file itself The most popular comment we got was something like this ー nobody likes setting up yet another config for yet another CLI So it was decided to remove init command and file based config cgapp yml completely even without the possibility of backward compatibility which we successfully did in v ↑Table of contents create commandThe central CLI command has been redesigned and its execution time has been reduced to seconds This was achieved by switching to generating the frontend part of the project using ready made templates from the awesome next generation frontend tooling called Vite js Now you can choose between this frontend frameworks libraries NameVersionJavaScript templateTypeScript templatePure vanilla vanillavanilla tsReactv reactreact tsPreactv preactpreact tsVue jsv vuevue tsSveltev sveltesvelte tsLitv lit elementlit element ts️Please note Creating a new project is done only through the console interface or CUI for short Support for creation from the custom templates is currently under complete redesign We plan to bring this functionality back in the Create Go App CLI v x The structure of the created project will be as follows ├ー editorconfig├ー gitattributes├ー gitignore├ーhosts ini lt file with Ansible inventory variables├ーplaybook yml lt file with Ansible playbook├ーMakefile├ーbackend lt folder with Go backend│└ー ├ーfrontend lt folder with JS TS frontend if you choose │└ー └ーroles lt folder with Ansible roles ├ーbackend │└ー ├ーdocker │└ー ├ーpostgres │└ー ├ーredis │└ー └ーtraefik or nginx if you choose └ー Watch a short video presentation Direct link ↑Table of contents deploy commandAlso we have seriously reworked the principle of deploying the project on a remote server The only option left for the deploy command is the default password call for the sudo user OptionDescriptionTypeDefaultRequired KPrompt you to provide the remote user sudo password a standard Ansible ask become pass option booleanfalseNoNow everything is built on pre configured Ansible roles that work perfectly out of the box with our official backend templates for Fiber and net http Watch a short video presentation Direct link ↑Table of contents Ansible rolesStarting with version v we will actively add new Ansible roles to make the process of deploying your project to remote servers as comfortable and fast as possible So now all the configuration for deployment will be in the Ansible inventory hosts ini in the root of the created project For example this is what the inventory looks like for deploying a project with the Nginx web server hosts ini Ansible inventory for deploy the Create Go App project Author Vic Shóstak lt vic shostak dev gt For more information please visit cgapp project CHANGE THIS TO YOUR REMOTE SERVER IP cgapp project vars Ansible default variables to start playbook Set remote sudo usernameansible user root Ask become password for remote sudo useransible become yes Set connection type to remote server usually ssh ansible connection ssh Set Python default pathansible python interpreter usr bin python Remote server configuration Set directory on your remote server for store project filesserver dir var www cgapp Set user owner of files folders nameserver user root Set group nameserver group docker Project configuration Set your project domainproject domain example com Docker configuration Set Docker network namedocker network cgapp network Backend configuration Set backend port number MUST BE MATCH to the port that is listed in your backend env file backend port PostgreSQL configuration backend DB Set PostgreSQL version for example postgres version latest Set PostgreSQL port number MUST BE MATCH to the port that is listed in your backend env file postgres port Set PostgreSQL user name MUST BE MATCH to the user name that is listed in your backend env file postgres user postgres Set PostgreSQL password MUST BE MATCH to the password that is listed in your backend env file postgres password password Set PostgreSQL DB name MUST BE MATCH to the DB name that is listed in your backend env file postgres db postgres Set PostgreSQL SSL mode state enabled or disabled MUST BE MATCH to the SSL mode state that is listed in your backend env file postgres ssl mode disable Go Migrate configuration Set migration number if you WANT to migrate all of your migrations just leave it blank for only initial migration set it to migrate number Redis configuration backend cache Set Redis version for example redis version latest Set Redis port number MUST BE MATCH to the port that is listed in your backend env file redis port Nginx configuration Set Nginx version for example alpine nginx version alpine Set redirect from HTTP to HTTPS for default servernginx use only https yes Set redirect from WWW to non WWW domain for default servernginx redirect to non www yes↑Table of contents Web proxy serversWe re recommending to use Traefik Proxy as default proxy server for your projects The main reason this proxy provides automatic SSL certificates from Let s Encrypt with renew out of the box Also Traefik was built on the Docker ecosystem and has a really useful Web UI List of roles traefik ーconfigured Traefik container with a simple ACME challenge via CA server traefik acme dns ーconfigured Traefik container with a complex ACME challenge via DNS provider nginx ーpure Nginx container with the best practice configuration ↑Table of contents DatabaseList of roles postgres ーconfigured PostgreSQL container with apply migrations by golang migrate migrate tool for backend ↑Table of contents Cache key value storageList of roles redis ーconfigured Redis container to store the backend cache ↑Table of contents Project Wiki pageSoon we plan to move completely to the GitHub Wiki and do away with the separate documentation on our website for the project ーEverything should be in one place ーas focus group users correctly noted This is a table of contents for the Create Go App Wiki CLI commandscgapp createcgapp deployErrors in the processHow the CLI worksFrequently asked questionsLogo↑Table of contents Your assistance to the projectIf you want to say thank you or and support active development of project Add a GitHub Star to the project Twit about project on your Twitter Write interesting articles about project on Dev to Medium or personal blog Join DigitalOcean at our referral link your profit is and we get Together we can make this project better every day ↑Table of contents Photos and videos byVic Shóstak P S If you want more →write a comment below amp follow me Thanks |
2021-05-06 14:55:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Errores https mas comunes |
Errores https mas comunesEn nuestra vida de web developer debemos saber los errores que cometemos para mejorarlos y ser mejores cada día por eso es que debemos saber sobre estos errores http porque son los errores de la web cada vez que desarrolles un sitio puedes encontrar algunos de los siguientes errores ERROR BAD REQUESTSucede cuando el cliente envía una petición que el servidor no puede comprender generalmente cuando los datos enviados por el navegador no cumplen con las normas del protocolo HTTP AUTHORIZATION REQUIEREDSi el cliente ha solicitado una página web que se encuentra protegida por una contraseña el servidor devuelve el error En este caso no se devuelve el error de manera típica sino que aparece una ventana emergente en la cuál se solicita al usuario que ingrese una contraseña para acceder al sitio web ERROR O NOT FOUNDUno de los mas conocidos este error es el mas comun en una web no lo vas a ver mucho cuando desarrolles una web si no cuando este subida y un usuario busque algun subdomio no creado en tu sitio o que una persona haya escrito mal un link pero con el dominio de tu web ERROR O INTERNAL SERVER ERRORInternal Server Error significa Error interno del servidor Este código generalmente se muestra cuando el servidor no puede d ar muchos detalles del error o que ningún otro error se pudo mostrar ERROR O BAD GATEWAYBad Gateway o en español puerta de enlace no valida indica un error de comunicación entre dos servidores Sucede cuando el cliente se conecta a un servidor que actúa como un proxy que necesita acceder a un servidor ascendente En estos casos usualmente el otro servidor se localiza en un nivel superior en la jerarquía de servidores ConclusionHay muchos muchos mas pero estos son los que mas vas a ver los demás errores ni te los vas a topar la verdad es que la mayoría de los errores http no los he visto en una web ya que son muchos no se si te deberías memorizar TODOS pero si saberte algunos importantes si crees que alguna información esta mal o quieres que agregue algún error coméntalo acáabajo |
2021-05-06 14:27:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
FILE HANDALINGA file is the name of memory location where we can store data permanently under computer s hard disk Java language supports a set of classes in java io package to create and maintain files The following are some of the classes we can use to create and maintain files FileInputStreamFileOutputStreamFileWriter etc FileOutputStream class This class represent data as a stream of bytes The objects of this class can be used to open and access a file in write mode The object for this class can be created as below FileOutputStream fis new FileOutputStream “file name boolean value Here if the boolean value is true the file can be opened in append mode If it is false the data is overwritten from the beginning of the file every time when we execute the program The following program demonstrates the use of this class Program to store data into a file using FileOutputStream class import java io class FileWrite public static void main String args throws Exception InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader System in BufferedReader br new BufferedReader isr System out println “Enter some text “ String data br readLine FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream “file txt true Because data is in the form of String object convert it into byte array byte b data getBytes fos write b writes byte array into file txt fos close FileInputStream class This clas represents data as a stream of bytes The objects of this class can be used to open and access a file in read mode The object for this class can be created as below FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream “file name The following program demonstrates the use of this class Program to read data from a file using FileInputStream class import java io class FileRead public static void main String args throws Exception FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream “file txt int size fis available available returns no of bytes in file txt byte b new byte size create a byte array of file size fis read b String data new String b convert the byte array to string System out println “The contents of file txt are “ data end of main end of classFileWriter class This class represent data as a stream of characters The objects of this class can be used to open and access a file in write mode The object for this class can be created as below FileWriter fw new FileWriter filename boolean value The following program demonstrates the use of FileWriter class import java io class FileWrite public static void main String args throws Exception FileWriter fw new FileWriter “file txt true BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader System in System out println “Enter some text “ String data br readLine convert data into equalent character arraychar ch data toCharArray fw write ch fw close end main end class |
2021-05-06 14:26:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Music production app djay Pro AI gets major update to AI-powered mixing tools |
Music production app djay Pro AI gets major update to AI powered mixing toolsThanks to a significant overhaul music production app djay Pro AI allows users to make fully AI powered DJ sets on their iPhone or iPad On Thursday Algoriddim released a significant update to djay Pro AI s Automix AI feature allowing users to curate tracklists effortlessly complete with new transition modes The three new automatic transition modes include dissolve which steadily evaporates the outgoing track riser a transition designed to build energy before swapping tracks and echo which creates an echo effect on the outgoing track Read more |
2021-05-06 14:18:38 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
App Store VP Matt Fischer to take witness stand in Epic v. Apple on Thursday |
App Store VP Matt Fischer to take witness stand in Epic v Apple on ThursdayMatt Fischer Apple s vice president of the App Store will take the witness stand on Thursday in the ongoing Epic Games v Apple trial ーthe first Apple employee to do so Credit WikiMedia CommonsAn Apple veteran of years Fischer currently runs the day to day operations of the App Store and reports to Apple fellow Phil Schiller Fischer is likely to be questioned about App Store polices market power on iOS devices and other topics related to the Cupertino tech giant s app marketplace Read more |
2021-05-06 14:03:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Outriders' creators finally begin restoring your lost gear |
outriders |
2021-05-06 14:03:51 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Covid Pandemic Forces Families to Rethink Nursing Home Care |
Covid Pandemic Forces Families to Rethink Nursing Home CareEven with vaccines many older people and their relatives are weighing how to manage at home care for those who can no longer live independently |
2021-05-06 14:44:10 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
PSJ予測統計値 |
統計 |
2021-05-06 16:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Angels’ Shohei Ohtani has solid night on mound before Rays rally against bullpen |
Angels Shohei Ohtani has solid night on mound before Rays rally against bullpenThe year old returned to the mound for his fourth pitching start of the season but was not in the lineup He struck out seven and |
2021-05-07 00:58:42 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Chelsea outclasses Real Madrid to reach Champions League final |
display |
2021-05-06 23:21:42 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Myanmar’s humanitarian crisis threatens to entangle neighbors |
Myanmar s humanitarian crisis threatens to entangle neighborsMyanmar s humanitarian crisis is now at a crossroads The economy has collapsed and the banking system is on life support The state is also ceasing |
2021-05-07 00:01:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
French fishermen leave Jersey after post-Brexit rights protest |
access |
2021-05-06 14:39:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Complaints after England booking site reveals vaccine status |
website |
2021-05-06 14:22:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool cafe finds menu from 1913 during refurb |
liverpool |
2021-05-06 14:04:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'He's a business man and I'm a spartan' - Fury tells Hearn how he expects to beat Joshua |
x He x s a business man and I x m a spartan x Fury tells Hearn how he expects to beat JoshuaTyson Fury sits down with Eddie Hearn for his No Passion No Point podcast and explains how he will beat Anthony Joshua |
2021-05-06 14:36:28 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
アストラ製、20日に承認判断へ ワクチン、モデルナと同時 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-06 23:05:00 |