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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ELM327とRaspberryPiを使って自作で車のメーターを作ってみた。 https://qiita.com/ojitani3/items/e71a3a9598bc8d292ecc 実装方法pythonのバージョンアップRaspberryPiでは、デフォルトでインストールされているpythonがとの種類があり、デフォルトでは、になっている。 2021-05-08 22:26:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DjangoでviewsからHTML(templates)への値の渡し方 https://qiita.com/hiro-551010/items/e6dc5871c50158962ef0 adminpyで保存したのはidHelloWorldidGoodbyeWorldのつです。 2021-05-08 22:21:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ReaperとTouchDesignerでアルゴリズム作曲がしたい https://qiita.com/shoichi316/items/c4ccf7c28df62e15e7fb これらもReascriptで自動化することはできますが今回はMIDIノートの生成だけのプログラムを書きます。 2021-05-08 22:17:40
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita map()とfilter()の比較(備忘録) https://qiita.com/shio-max/items/8a3f653c96bfe3df1261 mapとfilterの比較備忘録TodoAppの作成時に、mapメソッドとfilterメソッドの違いがいまいちピンとこなかったので、改めて調べなおした備忘録です。 2021-05-08 22:47:54
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita map, filter を object にも使う方法【fp-ts の紹介】 https://qiita.com/fizumi6/items/4e1588343df0ff46d145 datafilterisEvenmapdoubleメソッドチェーンpipedatafilterisEvenmapdoubleパイプラインresultdatagtfilterisEvengtmapdoublePipelineoperatorfptsに関する補足mapは配列等の各要素を引数に取る関数しか扱いませんが、「indexobjectならkey各要素」を引数に取る関数を扱えるmapWithIndexも用意されていますmapと同様に、reduceも用意されていますArrayやObjectRecord以外にも、MapやSet、Tupleタプルfptsでは「要素がつの配列」をTupleとしていますなど、様々なデータ型を扱う関数or高階関数が用意されていますArrayやObjectMapSet等の既存の“構造だけでなく、OptionやEitherといった関数型プログラミング言語特有の“構造、及びそれらを扱う関数も用意されていますGistflow関数も頻繁に使いますが、本稿では割愛します。 2021-05-08 22:22:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) c言語 分散の計算結果が合わないので見ていただきたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/337255?rss=all c言語分散の計算結果が合わないので見ていただきたいです。 2021-05-08 22:55:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) (Bootstrap)ボタンの枠線を消したい https://teratail.com/questions/337254?rss=all Bootstrapボタンの枠線を消したいやりたいことBootstrapのボタンの枠線を消したいです試したことCSSにてoutlinenbspnonenbspimportantを入力すれば、フレームワークのCSSを上書きできると調べ、試しましたが特に変化がありません。 2021-05-08 22:52:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Sccannerを使用し整数を2つ入力させ、それぞれの整数型変数num1とnum2に代入 代入された2つの整数の大小によって処理を分岐させなさい https://teratail.com/questions/337253?rss=all Sccannerを使用し整数をつ入力させ、それぞれの整数型変数numとnumに代入代入されたつの整数の大小によって処理を分岐させなさい前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-05-08 22:50:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) MongoDB Realmを簡単にテストしたい https://teratail.com/questions/337252?rss=all MongoDBRealmを簡単にテストしたいMongoDBnbspRealmをスマホアプリで使用したいのですが、解決できないエラーが出てしまい、日間考えましたが解決しそうにありませんので、こちらで質問させていただきます。 2021-05-08 22:43:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GitHubにapi,frontフォルダをpushしたが中身が入ってない https://teratail.com/questions/337251?rss=all GitHubにapifrontフォルダをpushしたが中身が入ってないローカルリポジトリからGithubへpushしましたら、GitHub上のフォルダが空になっていました。 2021-05-08 22:40:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) flycheck使用中にミニバッファにメッセージが表示され続ける https://teratail.com/questions/337250?rss=all flycheck使用中にミニバッファにメッセージが表示され続けるwindowsでEmacsを使用しています。 2021-05-08 22:35:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) z変換による周波数解析 https://teratail.com/questions/337249?rss=all 2021-05-08 22:34:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VScode DartJS Sass エラー https://teratail.com/questions/337248?rss=all VScodeDartJSSassエラーVScodeでSassを記述するのにDartJSnbspSassをインストールして記述し、modulesフォルダの中にmainscssを作りそのファイルをstylescssにuseで読み込んだ際にTypeErrornbspERRINVALIDARGTYPEnbspThenbspquotpathquotnbspargumentnbspmustnbspbenbspofnbsptypenbspstringnbspReceivednbspundefinedというエラーが表示され、stylecssにはコンパイルされているのですが、ローカルの画面にcssが反映されません。 2021-05-08 22:33:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) java 乱数 平均 https://teratail.com/questions/337247?rss=all java乱数平均問題が、乱数で人の点数を出し、平均以上か平均未満か表示しなさい。 2021-05-08 22:29:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python mysql-connector利用時の 複数sqlの実行が上手くいきません https://teratail.com/questions/337246?rss=all pythonmysqlconnector利用時の複数sqlの実行が上手くいきませんpythonnbspmysqlconnectorを利用し、sqlを実行する時に、一つずつexecuteすると上手くいくのですが、複数のsqlを実行する時に失敗します。 2021-05-08 22:19:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) linuxでpythonのimportがうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/337245?rss=all linuxでpythonのimportがうまくいかない前提・実現したいことlinuxのserviceファイルを使用してpythonの処理を実行しようとしています。 2021-05-08 22:18:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) alpine で ログインスクリプトを実行することはできますか https://teratail.com/questions/337244?rss=all alpineでログインスクリプトを実行することはできますかやりたいこと普段使っているログインスクリプトbashrcをalpinenbspのコンテナでも利用したいです。 2021-05-08 22:14:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 「flutter」データの渡し方について。 https://teratail.com/questions/337243?rss=all 「flutter」データの渡し方について。 2021-05-08 22:14:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者】Amazon ElastiCache for Redis を使ってみる https://qiita.com/mksamba/items/104698a73cdab1d514e0 ElastiCacheを使ったことがなかったため、AWS公式のハンズオンを実施することで少し理解を深める。 2021-05-08 22:39:04
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita React + Docker + Typescript + ESlint + Prettier (初学者向け) https://qiita.com/nakayama_ryotaro/items/1cf607fefedfc97be359 COPYfrontfront作業ディレクトリの移動WORKDIRfrontパッケージインストールRUNyarninstallコンテナのポートを指定EXPOSEコンテナスタート時に実行ENTRYPOINTyarnstartdockercomposeymlを編集dockercomposeymlversionservicesfrontbuildcontextdockerfileDockerfilevolumesホストのfrontの中をコンテナのfrontの中で共有frontfrontworkingdirfrontportsホストのポートをコンテナのポートに繋ぐcreatereactappの実行frontディレクトリの中に入り下記を実行npxcreatereactappプロジェクト名templatetypescriptfrontの中にファイルが作られるので次のコマンドを実行yarnstartそしてブラウザでlocalhostを入力すればよく見る画面が現れる。 2021-05-08 22:57:20
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Dockerのimage作成ファイル(dockerfile)の書き方メモ https://qiita.com/souhei-etou/items/59873be52630c7e5beff CMDltコマンドgtltコマンドgtCMDaptgetupdateWORKDIRRUNCMDなどに記載されたコマンドを実行する際に、どのディレクトリで実行するかを指定します。 2021-05-08 22:51:45
海外TECH DEV Community Writing mathematical formulas in HTML https://dev.to/clementgaudiniere/writing-mathematical-formulas-in-html-m59 Writing mathematical formulas in HTMLHello today we are going to learn how to write mathematical formulas in HTML for example to insert them on a website How to use letters in a calculation The first and most important thing to learn when doing calculations with letters is to write them in such a way that they can be distinguished from the text Thanks to HTML you can directly write letters as variables with the lt var gt tag We notice that the letters are slightly italicized and slightly bolded The exhibitorsFor exhibitors HTML allows you to directly exhibitors an element without necessarily using a cascading style sheet To do this we will use the variable lt sup gt To repeat the previous example The rootsAfter having seen the exponents we will learn the roots which are not necessarily easy to write To achieve it you must necessarily go through the CSS You can for example copy the code below The problem with this code is that the horizontal bar of the square root is realized with the border property So in some cases if the display window is too small the formula may be distorted This is why many sites prefer images to handle square roots The fractionsFirst we will look at fractions which can be problematic to create in HTML There is no ready made tag to create fractions so we have to use CSS The code is available below The vectorsVectors are particularly useful in physical sciences you will see later that the code is not very complicated For this example I took the fraction seen before and I applied arrows on the letters The vectors for capital letters are designated by the class oncapital and the vectors for small letters by the class onsmall The sumTo make a sum in HTML and CSS The integralsTo make an integral in HTML and CSS I hope you enjoyed this tuto feel free to suggest other tips in comments 2021-05-08 13:33:30
海外TECH DEV Community HOW TO MAKE A COUNTER APPLICATION WITH REACT USESTATE HOOK https://dev.to/ksound22/how-to-make-a-counter-application-with-react-usestate-hook-fo7 HOW TO MAKE A COUNTER APPLICATION WITH REACT USESTATE HOOKIn recent times React js has become very popular to the extent that almost every frontend developer wants to learn how to use it Unless they are fanatically or perhaps passionately attracted to any other frontend library or framework actually In React version release hooks were added and since then working with React has become easier and fun compared to when class based components were the de facto method to build a robust web app with the library In this article I will guide you through the basics of React useState hook by making a simple counter application To get up and running with React we have to set up our development environment by installing React and will be using the CLI Command Line Interface tool create react app which is very popular in the React ecosystem You install create react app by runningnpm create react app myapp In our case myapp is the name of our app After installation change the directory to the myapp folder by running cd myapp I m using myapp here but you can call your app anything you want Run npm start to start the development server which is always available at port i e http localhost When the server starts running on port you see a spinner as shown in the image belowDo some cleanups by removing the test files and everything in the App js file To start bringing the counter app to life import the useState hook from React by typing “import React useState from react and the app css file by typing “import app css Declare a function called App and return a div with Counter App in an h tag as shown in the snippet below import React useState from react import App css const App gt return lt div gt lt h gt Counter App lt h gt lt div gt export default App You can also use a fragment instead of div as I did belowimport React useState from react import App css const App gt return lt gt lt h gt Counter App lt h gt lt gt export default App We must export our App component using ES modules that s why you can see export default App in the last line of the snippet Now you should have Counter App shown in an h tag in the browser To start building the counter app we have to declare a state with our useState hook This is normally done by declaring two variables the state and another to update the state setState This is done by using array destructuring and initializing the state to import React useState from react import App css const App gt Declare state and initialize it to const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt div className title gt lt h gt Counter App lt h gt lt div gt lt div gt export default App Seems I just cheated by placing my Counter App h in a div with the class name of title Don t worry you ll see why later In React there are always multiple ways of doing things so you can also declare a variable above the App component initialize it to and pass it into the useState hook With respect to the counter app I have declared a count and setCount variable import React useState from react import App css const initialState const App gt Declare state and initialize it to const count setCount useState initialState return lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Increase lt button gt lt span gt count lt span gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Decrease lt button gt lt div gt export default App In the div or fragment if you choose to we returned we have to add two buttons one for increasing the counter and the other for decreasing it then wrap our count variable inside a span tag You can use the p tag if you want but I don t want to get an extra line so I m going with span which does not create an extra line because it is an inline element import React useState from react import App css const App gt Declare state and initialize it to const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt div className title gt lt h gt Counter App lt h gt lt div gt lt button gt Decrease lt button gt lt span gt count lt span gt lt button gt Increase lt button gt lt div gt export default App To start increasing and decreasing the counter we need to set up the functions to do that This is done by passing an onClick function into the two buttons We can execute the functions inline as shown below import React useState from react import App css const initialState const App gt Declare state and initialize it to const count setCount useState initialState return lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Decrease lt button gt lt span gt count lt span gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Increase lt button gt lt div gt export default App Right before the return statement React allows us to write pure JavaScript so we can pass the identifier into the onClicks then write the functions before the return statement I called the two functions handleIncrease and handleDecrease This is cleaner and easier to read than executing the functions inline And like I said earlier there are always multiple ways of doing things in React I want to show you the ways so you can choose which works for you best import React useState from react import App css const App gt Declare state and initialize it to const count setCount useState const handleIncrease gt setCount count const handleDecrease gt setCount count return lt div gt lt div className title gt lt h gt Counter App lt h gt lt div gt lt button onClick handleDecrease gt Decrease lt button gt lt span gt count lt span gt lt button onClick handleIncrease gt Increase lt button gt lt div gt export default App Now things should be working correctly so head over to the browser and start increasing and decreasing Yaay To make our little app a little more beautiful let s add the styles in the snippet below margin padding box sizing border box body display flex align items center justify content center height vh button padding px border px solid db border radius px background color ecc color fff cursor pointer font size px transition s ease button hover border px solid ecc background color db span padding px font size px title margin bottom px h color ecc After everything this is what I have in my browser Thank you so much for reading If you find any errors please let me know in the comment section If you want to see an article on React useEffect hook from me comment below If you would like any other article on React too let me know and I would start working on it right away Connect with me via my portfolio or Twitter where I spend most of my time engaging in web development related issues 2021-05-08 13:21:01
海外TECH DEV Community CSS tweaks for more accessible text https://dev.to/nw/css-tweaks-for-more-accessible-text-ipl CSS tweaks for more accessible textOne of the magical things about the web is that there are numerous ways people will access the sites we build Whether it s on a phone in a reader mode with images disabled using a screen reader or without a mouse we can and should write code that ensures our sites work beautifully for all these different configurations With text particularly there are a number of browser options that people might use to make content more accessible to them This ranges from increasing font sizes for more legible text swapping to a different font completely or even swapping the text content itself via a translation tool Code that worsens support for these features is unfortunately common across the web but goes unnoticed when testing against common accessibility tools such as screen readers or automated auditors Fortunately some small changes to how we write CSS can easily bring support for various text related settings and once you set things up it ll quickly become second nature on all your projects So let s dive in and have a look at some guidelines for writing accessible CSS Tip Use relative font size for nice font scalingFont size is one of the most prominent accessibility settings in most browsers and a good number of users set it something other than the default Stats gathered by the Internet Archive in showed that just over of their website visitors were using a non default font size setting which is a pretty decent number of people What might be more surprising is that setting your CSS font sizes using pixels i e with the px unit causes that setting to do absolutely nothing The problem with pixel units is that they tell the browser exactly how big something should be without allowing for any other factors like a user having very large fonts selected in their browser settings to come into play This is where relative font size units really shine Rather than telling the browser make my text exactly this big they instead describe how big the text should be relative to some other element on the page In the case of the em unit it s relative to the parent element s font size and for the rem unit it s relative to the font size of page s top most or root element almost always the lt html gt element By default that root element s font size comes directly from the browser s font size setting A browser with its fonts set to very large might give pages a root font size of px by default while one with very small might result in a default of px A lot of pages will override that default by setting a pixel based font size on the HTML element for example Don t do this html font size px This is often framed as providing a sensible default but it prevents the rest of the page from knowing the user s preferred font size If you re approaching your sites from an accessible perspective the user preference is almost always the most sensible default In short avoid setting a pixel based font size on the HTML or root element Setting font sizesNow that we ve got our root element respecting the browser font size we need to extend that to all the other other elements on our site Fortunately with a little bit of math or an SCSS mixin we can do this fairly effortlessly in a way that will be invisible to most users The key thing to know is that the default root font size is px in most browsers That means text with its font size set to rem will display as px times the root font size rem will be px rem will be px and so on for users who haven t changed the font size setting With a little bit of maths you can convert all your existing pixel sizes to an rem equivalent sizeInRems sizeInPixels Which should let you update any existing font size declarations to be root relative font size px font size rem font size px font size rem and so on If you re using SCSS read on for a mixin that will do some of this for you By not overriding the root font size and switching to relative sizes your text will now scale to match each user s preference if they ve left the setting untouched everything will look exactly as it did before But if they ve chosen to change the setting to something larger or something smaller your website s text will now scale to reflect that preference A note on line heightIt s important to also switch your line height values to proportional units otherwise the values won t scale to match any changes to the calculated font size For people who increase the root font size this can cause overlapping lines of text that are pretty difficult to decipher In fact this is something you should do even if your font size values are still using pixel units In addition to settings that change the root font size most browsers have an option to force a minimum font size usually found under an advanced font options menu or similar This will override any font size values that are too small but won t affect any fixed unit line heights resulting in the same overlapping shown above The best way to fix this is to switch to unitless line height values Line heights are one of the few CSS properties where it s valid to leave off the units completely so no px no em no with unitless values being interpreted as the unitless number multiplied by the element s own font size A mixin to helpIf you re like me pixel values are how you and the people you work with communicate design tools usually give values in pixels the browser inspector shows computed sizes in pixels and they re a unit anyone who stares at a screen for eight hours a day probably has baked into their mind Thinking in terms of rems can feel less instinctive and having to pull out a calculator to convert units is no fun Fortunately you can write a nice little SCSS mixin or equivalent in your favourite CSS pre processor to do all the hard work for you The one I use looks something like mixin font size font size line height null font size rem font size px Assuming px as the standard root font size if line height line height line height font size Gives a unitless value and then you can write font sizes using pixels specifically the pixel size you want to be used when the browser is set to its default font sizes and the outputted CSS will use the appropriate relative units Input paragraph include font size px px Output paragraph font size rem line height Tip Avoid hardcoded element dimensions give text space to growIf you browse the web with increased font sizes it s common to encounter situations where text is too big for its container In fact this isn t just an issue when increasing the font size Anything that changes the amount of text or dimensions of the letters can make this happen which includes things like translating a page using a different typeface whether intentionally or due to a webfont not loading or changing the letter spacing The source of issues like this is hardcoding the dimensions of elements that contain text Button font size rem height px width px html lt button class Button gt Learn more about the rubber plant lt button gt In this case our button is going to look bad if the text ever becomes taller than px or wider than We re essentially telling the element to not shrink or grow so anything that doesn t fit will simply overflow out of the element as shown in the earlier screenshot Often hardcoded dimensions like this can be removed completely or if you need to prevent the element becoming too small replaced with min width min height alternatives If the dimensions play a part in vertically centering the text content padding is often a suitable alternative Button font size rem min width px padding px px After applying this approach to the button and card in the earlier screenshot we end up with something much nicer Tip Specify web font weights and stylesJust as the font sizes you specify might be overridden the font families named in your CSS may not end up being displayed on the page There are a number of situations where this will happen A webfont fails to load causing a fallback to be used Webfonts get blocked completely for speed security to save data etc A user finds a particular typeface easier to read so uses an extension to force it to be used everywhere The page is automatically translated into a language that uses characters not available in the webfont The first step to handling these situations gracefully is something most people already do specifying fallback fonts or a font stack font family Fira Arial sans serif This tells the browser to use Fira if it s available otherwise use Arial and if that s not available use the browser s default sans serif font family The fallback fonts should be similar to the preferred font so the page will still look reasonable regardless of which one ends up being used If you re using webfonts there s one more thing you should do to really make your text great regardless of the font family that ends up being used Attributes such as font weight and italics often carry additionally and intentional meaning or help differentiate between pieces of text on the page That makes it important to preserve them no matter which font family gets used To do this we need to look at our font face declarations These might look something like font face font family Fira src url fira woff format woff url fira ttf format truetype Different font weights bold light etc and styles e g italics have to be loaded from separate font files and therefore require separate font face declarations It s common to see these each given unique names like font face font family Fira src url fira woff format woff url fira ttf format truetype font face font family FiraBold src url fira bold woff format woff url fira bold ttf format truetype Which might be used something like bold font family FiraBold Arial sans serif The issue with this approach is that the browser doesn t really know that our FiraBold font is bold if it fails to load or is swapped out for a different font the fallback font will display in a regular weight no different to the text around it To fix this we need to be explicit about the weights and styles when declaring and when using our fonts Rather than giving each variation a unique font family value we should use the same font family value across all the variations and explicitly specify the weight and style of each For the above example this would look like font face font family Fira font weight font style normal src url fira woff format woff url fira ttf format truetype font face font family Fira font weight font style normal src url fira bold woff format woff url fira bold ttf format truetype The final step is to update any CSS where you re using the font variations so that font weight and font style CSS properties are used to select variations of the same font family bold font family FiraBold Arial sans serif font family Fira Arial sans serif font weight Now if the fonts on your page are overridden fail to load or are unable to display some text the weight and style of the text will be preserved Bonus tip Don t use icon fontsIcons fonts are easy to set up and use but they have a number of issues including breaking completely for users who override fonts or any other situation where webfonts aren t loaded That s not to say you shouldn t use icons though far from it well used icons are great for accessibility and usability but approaches that don t involve fonts are the best way to go People much smarter than me have written various articles on the topic so I m going to delegate to them for this one Seriously Don t Use Icon Fonts by Tyler Sticka an older article but still entirely relevant Accessible SVG Icons with Inline Sprites by Marco Hengstenberg Accessible SVG Icons by Chris Coyier And we re done Supporting numerous different browser configurations can seem like a daunting task but hopefully these tips have shown that some small changes to how you write CSS can have a big impact If you re starting a fresh project try to make these patterns the default You ll quickly see that they re no extra effort and visitors to your site will love you for it Further readingThese are some pages I bookmarked while writing this post you might find the useful too Accessible Font Sizing Explained Andrés GalantePeople don t change the default px font size in their browser You wish Nicolas HoizeyResponsive Type and Zoom Adrian RoselliWriting CSS with Accessibility in Mind Manuel MatuzovicHow To Set Weights And Styles With The font face Declaration Laura FranzDeath to icon fonts talk by Seren Davies at EpicFEL Can Fonts Really Help Those With Dyslexia Madeleine Morley 2021-05-08 13:04:58
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Detroit's First National Building to house Apple Developer Academy https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/08/detroits-first-national-building-to-house-apple-developer-academy?utm_medium=rss Detroit x s First National Building to house Apple Developer AcademyApple s Detroit Developer Academy will be located in the First National Building a report claims with the project set to take up around square feet across two floors The First National Building in Detroit via Mike Russell Wikipedia Apple announced in January as part of its Racial Equity and Justice initiative projects that it will be opening an Apple Developer Academy in Detroit in partnership with the Michigan State University A city permit application filed in early April indicates the project is making headway and is on course to open within as Apple stated Read more 2021-05-08 13:09:03
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 感染対策徹底の店、自治体が認証 広がる「山梨モデル」 https://t.co/NqT88fGflO https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1391018258568912899 感染対策 2021-05-08 13:12:51
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 北極圏の雷に倍増予測 森林火災や気候変動を加速か https://t.co/ypr9xCWC4n https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1391016271597039617 気候変動 2021-05-08 13:04:57
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 「成功体験より、たくさん失敗を積み重ねる教育」「高校を併設しない理由は……」。楽天を離れて18年かかり、幼小中混在の「軽井沢風越学園」を開校した本城慎之介さんの歩みです。 https://t.co/dTdPYw7wDr https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1391016115233492992 「成功体験より、たくさん失敗を積み重ねる教育」「高校を併設しない理由は……」。 2021-05-08 13:04:20
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Job offers for 2022 university graduates improve as COVID-19 fears subside https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/08/business/university-jobs-japan-coronavirus/ Job offers for university graduates improve as COVID fears subsideSuch offers dropped to an estimated compared to the tumble in when firms grew cautious about hiring new graduates due to 2021-05-08 22:23:24
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles A humbling NBA moment brings cheers from Japan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/08/basketball/nba/yuta-watanabe-nba-fans/ basketball 2021-05-08 22:32:32
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Former Chiba Lotte manager Bobby Valentine running for mayor of hometown https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/08/baseball/japanese-baseball/bobby-valentine-election-stamford/ league 2021-05-08 22:05:18
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北海道 北海道新聞 突風、竜巻、ひょうに注意 9日の道内 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/541605/ 気圧の谷 2021-05-08 22:14:00
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