js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JSの勉強でタイマーカウントライブラリを作成してみた! |
JSの勉強でタイマーカウントライブラリを作成してみたJSの勉強でタイマーカウントライブラリを作成してみた概要今まで何となくで書いていたJS。 |
2021-05-09 13:33:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
display: flexが適用されてしまう |
displayflexが適用されてしまう解決したいことページネーションを中央に当てたいtextalignnbspcenterを書いたが適用されずでした。 |
2021-05-09 13:43:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
疑似要素のactiveがうまく動かないです。 |
疑似要素のactiveがうまく動かないです。 |
2021-05-09 13:37:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of null |
UncaughtTypeErrorCannotreadpropertyxclassNamexofnull前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-05-09 13:32:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カラーミーAPI / PHPで在庫数の更新ができません |
決済機能は外部のためカード情報は保持しません現在、カラーミーユーザー数万人のECサイトのASPと自分のECサイトの在庫連携機能をカラーミーAPIを利用して作っているのですが、在庫数の更新方法がまったくわかりません。 |
2021-05-09 13:29:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GAS フォルダ内のそれぞれのファイルに,スプレッドシートのリストを使って,それぞれ別の編集権限をつけたい |
GASフォルダ内のそれぞれのファイルにスプレッドシートのリストを使ってそれぞれ別の編集権限をつけたい前提・実現したいこと・GoogleWorkspaceを使用・Googleドライブフォルダ内のファイル名A列とリンクB列はスプレッドシートに取得済み・例えばC列・D列に編集権限を付与したいユーザーのアカウントを入れてGASを動かすことで権限を付与したい・GASはなんとなく読めるけど書けないレベルです。 |
2021-05-09 13:29:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
敵キャラが、起動した初回だけ落下してしまう問題 |
敵キャラが、起動した初回だけ落下してしまう問題はじめまして、現在、UnityでDスクロールのゲームを製作しています。 |
2021-05-09 13:27:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
iPhoneだけsetcookieでcookieを登録できない |
実装したいことログインフォームの中に、「ログインしたままにする」というcheckboxを用意して、checkboxがcheckedだった場合は、cookieとDBの「autologin」というテーブルに情報を保存するようにしています。 |
2021-05-09 13:23:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Exception while executing as ec2-user@ Authentication failed for user ec2-user@18.179. |
ExceptionwhileexecutingasecuserAuthenticationfailedforuserecuser実現したいこと前提dockercomposeexecwebbundleexeccapproductiondeploy実行時のエラーを解決したい。 |
2021-05-09 13:21:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python beautifulsoup |
pythonbeautifulsoup前提・実現したいことhの中のnbsp「タイトルです」のみをとりたいです。 |
2021-05-09 13:19:13 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
オリジナルアプリ開発【DB設計】 |
ER図のEはエンティティEntityの略で、RはリレーションシップRelationshipの略です。 |
2021-05-09 13:40:58 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Xubuntu21.04にJuliaをインストールしてHelloWorldを出力する + Virtual Box で Julia が 動作しなかった話 |
XubuntuにJuliaをインストールしてHelloWorldを出力するVirtualBoxでJuliaが動作しなかった話初めに「低スペックノートPCにXubuntuをminimalinstallしてfishを入れたお話」で作成したLinux環境に、Juliaをインストールし、HelloWorldを出力するまでの手順を書いた記事です。 |
2021-05-09 13:03:34 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
オリジナルアプリ開発【DB設計】 |
ER図のEはエンティティEntityの略で、RはリレーションシップRelationshipの略です。 |
2021-05-09 13:40:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Supercharge Your Website Using PWA: Background Sync |
Supercharge Your Website Using PWA Background SyncThis is a continuation of the previous blogs on adding background synchronization you are highly encouraged to check out the previous blogs before continuing Getting StartedWe would be required to make a request for some external resource from the web like data fetch or post as without that any website by default works offline Let s create a form whose input is submitted to a mock server NOTE This is a continuation from the previous blog where the manifest amp service worker have already been added lt form id email form gt lt input type email id email input gt lt br gt lt br gt lt button type submit gt Submit lt button gt lt form gt Converting IndexedDBThe default behavior of IndexedDB uses a lot of callbacks I personally prefer using Promise Let s add a Promised based wrapper for ease of use const DB NAME background sync db const DB VERSION const STORE NAME unsent requests store const IDB initialize return new Promise resolve reject gt Create a new DB const request indexedDB open DB NAME DB VERSION request onupgradeneeded function request result createObjectStore STORE NAME resolve request onerror function reject request error getByKey key return new Promise resolve reject gt const oRequest indexedDB open DB NAME DB VERSION oRequest onsuccess function const db oRequest result const tx db transaction STORE NAME readonly const st tx objectStore STORE NAME const gRequest st get key gRequest onsuccess function resolve gRequest result gRequest onerror function reject gRequest error oRequest onerror function reject oRequest error setByKey value key return new Promise resolve reject gt const oRequest indexedDB open DB NAME DB VERSION oRequest onsuccess function const db oRequest result const tx db transaction STORE NAME readwrite const st tx objectStore STORE NAME const sRequest st put value key sRequest onsuccess function resolve sRequest onerror function reject sRequest error oRequest onerror function reject oRequest error deletebyKey key return new Promise resolve reject gt const oRequest indexedDB open DB NAME DB VERSION oRequest onsuccess function const db oRequest result const tx db transaction STORE NAME readwrite const st tx objectStore STORE NAME const rRequest st delete key rRequest onsuccess function resolve rRequest onerror function reject rRequest error oRequest onerror function reject oRequest error getAllKeys return new Promise resolve reject gt const oRequest indexedDB open DB NAME DB VERSION oRequest onsuccess function const db oRequest result const tx db transaction STORE NAME readonly const st tx objectStore STORE NAME const kRequest st getAllKeys kRequest onsuccess function resolve kRequest result kRequest onerror function reject kRequest error oRequest onerror function reject oRequest error We will only be requiring parts of the above snippet so you may use only the required part in the corresponding file or make a separate script and add it to the service worker using importScripts and the HTML body Registering Background Sync taskWe need to store the data in the IndexedDB before registering the background sync task so that the data can be accessed after the internet connection is re established in case the user is not connected to the web If the browser being used doesn t support background sync there is no point storing it in the IndexedDB as it cannot be synced later we directly send the request in this case script jsconst emailForm document querySelector email form const emailInput document querySelector email input IDB initialize emailForm addEventListener submit async e gt e preventDefault const data email emailInput value emailInput value if serviceWorker in navigator amp amp SyncManager in window amp amp indexedDB in window storing the data in indexedDB await IDB setByKey Date now data using current timestamp as key not a recommended practice registering background sync task const registration await navigator serviceWorker ready await registration sync register sync emails console log DB data stored console log FORM sync registered else sending the request directly in case background sync is not supported const response await fetch method POST body JSON stringify data headers Content type application json charset UTF const jsonData await response json console log FORM submitted sync not supported console log RESPONSE jsonData Handling the background sync in service workerSince we stored the data in IndexedDB we will be fetching data from the DB and sending the requests If the request fails sync triggered by registering the sync task you should throw an error to ensure its automatically registered for sync when the connection is re established sync handlerconst syncEmails async gt const keys await IDB getAllKeys for const key of keys sending data to the server const data await IDB getByKey key const response await fetch method POST body JSON stringify data headers Content type application json charset UTF const jsonData await response json console log RESPONSE jsonData removing the data from the indexedDB if data was sent successfully await IDB deletebyKey key console log DB removed key adding sync listenerself addEventListener sync function event console log SYNC sync event triggered event waitUntil syncEmails then gt console log SYNC Success catch err gt console log SYNC Error throw err If you have multiple sync registrations eg sync emails sync data etc you can use switch event tag to handle each type of sync event CaveatsSome things to keep in mind To go offline you have to physically cut your connection to the internet eg turn off wifi and not use offline mode from dev tools Access to background sync is still limited around of the devices The sync executes only when the service worker detects connection has been re established ReferenceIntroducing Background SyncReach of SyncManager API Project with basic PWA featuresSmartsappWeb app ruppysuppy SmartsApp An End to End Encrypted Cross Platform messenger app Smartsapp A fully cross platform messenger app with End to End Encryption EEE Demo NOTE The features shown in the demo is not exhaustive Only the core features are showcased in the demo Platforms SupportedDesktop Windows Linux MacOSMobile Android iOSWebsite Any device with a browserBack end SetupThe back end of the app is handled by Firebase Basic SetupGo to firebase console and create a new project with the name SmartsappEnable Google AnalyliticsApp SetupCreate an App for the project from the overview pageCopy and paste the configurations in the required location given in the readme of the respective apps Auth SetupGo to the project Authentication sectionSelect Sign in method tabEnable Email Password and Google sign inFirestore SetupGo to the project Firestore sectionCreate firestore provisions for the project choose the server nearest to your location Go to the Rules… View on GitHub Thanks for readingReach out to me on GitHub LinkedIn Portfolio For freelance projects reach out through the contact form |
2021-05-09 04:40:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn these Programming Languages in 2021 |
Learn these Programming Languages in We have more programming languages than ever before With the rise in technology the world has created a new programming language for every task There are so many programming languages in the market and it can become a little too overwhelming ️for you to decide the right one for you I have put together for youthe top programming language in by collecting the data from GitHub and Stack overflow developer survey These are the programming languages which has the most influence on today s technology So without any further due let s get started I am not ranking any programming language here because each programming language has its own special quality and It won t be fair enough to compare them PythonYes you read it right Python is the king of the jungle With its ever growing demand and easy to learn features Python has been on the mind of every single techie out in this world With time python is replacing every other programming language in its field from web development to data science In simple words everything is possible with python whatever you want to build python got you covered Python is a high level language and it is very easy to learn It has a library for anything you wish to do makes it the most popular language codeless works more It is user friendlyand has uses everywhere JavaScriptIf python is the king then Java Script has to be the Queen of the jungle This internet is working on javascript from web sites to basic web applications it s the only javascript Java Script was built for the sole purpose of web development and so its major application lies in web development only From Facebook to Google each one of them uses some or the other form of javascript for their websites Some special qualities Js has a huge marketand opens door to freelance opportunities It is the most used programming language in the world Client side JavaScript is very fast It runs immediately within the web browser as there is no compilation requirementPlenty of resources and mammoth community support C C C C is like the breadand butter of programming Almost all low level systems such as operating systems file systems etc are written in C C If you wish to be a system level programmer C C is the language you should learn Mostly every programmer s journey starts with C C and for a reason in C C everything needs to be done with the help of code you have libraries for the basic task but not for everything Due to this to make something You have to code from the basic which helps you understand the core concept of computer programming Programs are more efficient and easy to understand C C One of the most powerful programming language Wide variety of application domains such as games GUI applications and real time mathematical simulations C Faster than Js and python GOGO programming language is the newest in this stack GO also known as Golang is a programming language built by Google Go provides excellent support for multithreading and so it is being used by a lot of companies that rely heavily on distributed systems Companies using Go as their programming language include Google Uber Twitch Dropbox among many others Go is also gaining in popularity among data scientists because of its agility and performance Backed by GoogleBeing a statically typed language makes it more secureCleaner syntax makes it easier to learnVery fast as it is compiled to machine code JavaJava is a class based and object oriented programming language Java is one of the most demanding programming languages of all time JAVA is more popular because easy to learn secured data code robust applets give flexibility portability in a network object oriented platform independent Java has multiple application too it is used for application development android app development and also in web development One can build a successful career with JAVA as Back end Developer Big Data Developer Android Developer Embedded Devises Developer etceasy to learn similar to C secured data portability in a network platform independentThanks for scrolling |
2021-05-09 04:31:14 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Text Template Transformation Engine / Code Generation Tool in C# |
generation |
2021-05-09 04:44:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
China's Rocket Debris Landed Near Maldives: Here's What to Know |
China x s Rocket Debris Landed Near Maldives Here x s What to KnowMost of the debris burned up on re entry Sunday morning China said It was not clear whether any of what remained had landed on any of the Maldives s many islands |
2021-05-09 04:48:06 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
日本生命、「母の日」に関するアンケート調査の結果を発表 |
日本生命、「母の日」に関するアンケート調査の結果を発表約人に人が「母の日にプレゼントを贈る」日本生命保険相互会社以下、日本生命は年月日、「母の日」に関するアンケート調査の結果を発表した。 |
2021-05-09 14:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Election results 2021: PM calls Covid recovery summit after SNP victory |
nations |
2021-05-09 04:16:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
China rocket debris 'disintegrates over Indian Ocean' - Chinese media |
maldives |
2021-05-09 04:25:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Michael of Kent accused of selling Kremlin access |
investigation |
2021-05-09 04:17:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: Labour's 'civil war', and PM wants UK to 'unite' |
front |
2021-05-09 04:38:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Superb Alvarez stops Saunders to unify super-middleweight titles |
titles |
2021-05-09 04:48:11 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌で感染者320人超 過去最多更新、300人以上は初 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-09 13:06:15 |