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AWS AWS Compute Blog Learn how to integrate AWS services with the Serverless Patterns Collection https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/learn-how-to-integrate-aws-services-with-the-serverless-patterns-collection/ Learn how to integrate AWS services with the Serverless Patterns CollectionThe recently launched Serverless Patterns Collection is a repository of serverless examples that demonstrate integrating two or more AWS services Each pattern uses either the AWS Serverless Application Model AWS SAM nbsp or AWS Cloud Development Kit AWS CDK These simplify the creation and configuration of the services referenced The Serverless Patterns Collection is both an educational … 2021-05-10 17:00:37
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Build an anomaly detection model from scratch with Amazon Lookout for Vision https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/build-an-anomaly-detection-model-from-scratch-with-amazon-lookout-for-vision/ Build an anomaly detection model from scratch with Amazon Lookout for VisionA common problem in manufacturing is verifying that products meet quality standards You can use manual inspection on a subset of the products but it s usually not scalable enough to meet demand as production grows In this post I go through the steps of creating an end to end machine vision solution that identifies visual anomalies in … 2021-05-10 17:43:33
AWS AWS Media Blog BookTix takes live performances from on-stage to online with AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/prmbp-booktix-live-performances-on-stage-to-online-aws/ BookTix takes live performances from on stage to online with AWSPutting together a live performance of any scale is a complex process with many moving parts from securing and preparing the venue performers set and dressings to attracting an audience and managing ticket sales Until recently the ticketing process for these events has either been through digital solutions or arduous manual approaches The co founders of … 2021-05-10 17:30:39
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] chart.jsでRailsアプリにグラフを描画する [chart.js] https://qiita.com/kei-kun1960/items/b84a7e421e3ed2620be9 chartjsの導入手順記事投稿数の推移グラフを描いてみるchartjsとはJavaScriptで実装されたグラフをRailsアプリに組込むことができるライブラリです。 2021-05-11 02:35:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python Pandas 2つのpyファイルの作業を一つのpyファイルに書いて続けて実行したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/337624?rss=all PythonPandasつのpyファイルの作業を一つのpyファイルに書いて続けて実行したい。 2021-05-11 02:37:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C言語で逆行列の実装をしたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/337623?rss=all C言語で逆行列の実装をしたいです。 2021-05-11 02:34:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unity スクリプトでアクセスができないとエラーがでるのですが、修正方法がわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/337622?rss=all Unityスクリプトでアクセスができないとエラーがでるのですが、修正方法がわかりません。 2021-05-11 02:09:23
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] chart.jsでRailsアプリにグラフを描画する [chart.js] https://qiita.com/kei-kun1960/items/b84a7e421e3ed2620be9 chartjsの導入手順記事投稿数の推移グラフを描いてみるchartjsとはJavaScriptで実装されたグラフをRailsアプリに組込むことができるライブラリです。 2021-05-11 02:35:07
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] chart.jsでRailsアプリにグラフを描画する [chart.js] https://qiita.com/kei-kun1960/items/b84a7e421e3ed2620be9 chartjsの導入手順記事投稿数の推移グラフを描いてみるchartjsとはJavaScriptで実装されたグラフをRailsアプリに組込むことができるライブラリです。 2021-05-11 02:35:07
技術ブログ Developers.IO Auth0のログインUIのサインアップ/ソーシャルログインを非表示(無効)にする https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/disable-signup-and-social-login-in-auth0-login-ui/ authlibraries 2021-05-10 17:28:35
海外TECH Ars Technica Google foils Roku’s YouTube TV ban, adds service to the main YouTube app https://arstechnica.com/?p=1763745 devices 2021-05-10 17:37:38
海外TECH Ars Technica AstraZeneca’s troubled vaccine not renewed in EU; Pfizer gets big, new deal https://arstechnica.com/?p=1763808 astrazeneca 2021-05-10 17:16:44
海外TECH DEV Community Modular Ducks - A design pattern for scalable redux architecture https://dev.to/code_ashish/modular-ducks-a-design-pattern-for-scalable-redux-architecture-4dna Modular Ducks A design pattern for scalable redux architectureI have worked with many different redux patterns and architectures and I have found that none of them were perfectly ideal The duck s pattern is prone to a circular dependency The traditional folder based approach requires you to separate action reducers selectors etc into multiple files that can be cumbersome while making changes Redux toolkit provides an opinionated wrapper around redux and lets us do more with less code But the issue with the Redux toolkit is that the project structure becomes similar to ducks and is prone to a circular dependency Redux toolkit has already warned us of this issue here In this article I am trying to explain my architecture with the Redux toolkit which is circular dependency safe and also handles refactoring with ease Project StructureSlicesBreak your redux store based on the features of the app With the Redux toolkit we can use the createSlice API to create actions reducers and selectors for an individual slice One thing to keep in mind is no two slices should import from one another There can be a case when we might have to trigger reducers in two slices based on one action In that case instead of importing action from one slice to another create a common action using createAction and this action will be registered in both the slices withextraReducers Export the constant key from this file to be used in combine reducers to combine the reducers Keeping the constant key in the slice file makes the store structure more predictable Keep all the selectors for keys of a slice file in their respective slice file createGlobalStateSelector is a tiny npm library to generate global state selectors from the local slice selectors This eases the refactoring effort by quite a lot Common ActionsBased on the project structure we can have multiple common action files Common action files should not import from any other file in the project directory Common actions can be used inside slices thunks and our components Common SelectorsJust like common actions we might need selectors from different slices to combine them into one selector e g createSelector from reselect Keeping combined selectors of two different slices outside the slice file in a different slice file removes the circular dependency issue Common selectors file will import from slices file and will be used inside thunks and components ThunksThunk actions or any redux middleware functions should not be kept in a slice file Thunks have access to the global state and it might have to dispatch action for some other slice You can create multiple files for thunk actions it is always better to have multiple files than having one giant file This can also be divided based on the features Thunk action files can import from slice files actions and selectors common action files and common selectors Import diagram Sample Code personalDetailsSlice jsimport createSlice from reduxjs toolkit import createGlobalStateSelector from create global state selector import clearData from commonActions export const sliceKey personalDetails const initialState name Ashish age isEligibleToDrink false const actions reducer createSlice name sliceKey initialState reducers setName state payload state name payload setAge state payload state age payload setDrinkingEligibilityBasedOnAge state state isEligibleToDrink selectLocalAge state gt extraReducers clearData state gt state isEligibleToDrink null state age null state name null function selectLocalName state return state name function selectLocalAge state return state age function selectLocalIsEligibleToDrink state return state isEligibleToDrink export default reducer export const setName setAge setDrinkingEligibilityBasedOnAge actions export const selectName selectAge selectIsEligibleToDrink createGlobalStateSelector selectName selectLocalName selectAge selectLocalAge selectIsEligibleToDrink selectLocalIsEligibleToDrink sliceKey educationalDetailsSlice jsimport createSlice from reduxjs toolkit import createGlobalStateSelector from create global state selector import clearData from commonActions export const sliceKey educationalDetails const initialState qualification engineering const actions reducer createSlice name sliceKey initialState reducers setQualification state payload state qualification payload extraReducers clearData state gt state qualification null function selectLocalQualification state return state qualification export default reducer export const setQualification actions export const selectQualification createGlobalStateSelector selectQualification selectLocalQualification sliceKey commonActions jsimport createAction from reduxjs toolkit export const clearData createAction detail clear commonSelectors jsimport createSelector from reduxjs toolkit import selectAge from personalDetailsSlice import selectQualification from educationalDetailsSlice export const selectIsEligibleToWork createSelector selectAge selectQualification age qualification gt age gt amp amp qualification engineering thunks jsimport fetchQualification from api import selectName from personalDetailsSlice import setQualification from educationalDetailsSlice import clearData from commonActions export const getQualification gt dispatch getState gt const state getState const name selectName state fetchQualification name then qualification gt dispatch setQualification qualification catch gt dispatch clearData store jsimport createStore combineReducers from redux import personalDetailsReducer sliceKey as personalDetailsSliceKey from personalDetailsSlice import educationalDetailsSlice sliceKey as educationalDetailsSliceKey from educationalDetailsSlice const reducer combineReducers const store createStore reducer export default store The above example can scale well for large scale projects If you worried about the import rules check out the Dependency cruiserDo share with us your way of creating a modular and scalable redux structure If you re confused about anything related to this topic or have any questions please comment below or reach out to me on Twitter code ashish Thanks For Reading 2021-05-10 17:30:29
海外TECH DEV Community Part 3: Get started with the Go Programming Language with Microsoft Learn! (no experience needed) https://dev.to/azure/part-3-get-started-with-the-go-programming-language-with-microsoft-learn-no-experience-needed-2in7 Part Get started with the Go Programming Language with Microsoft Learn no experience needed Hello everyone I m back again with part of this Go Lang series I was always wanting to learn more about it but never dedicated the time Fast forward to today and I m learning it live on my Twitch stream using Microsoft Learn s free online training platform Follow along with the MS Learn Module In this lesson We cover how to Work with simple and compound if statements Learn about switch statements and their features Learn about loop statements and how Go creates them by using the for keyword Learn about essential error handling functions like defer panic and recover Video mins ConclusionFeel free to checkout my Twitch streams as we learn about security and app development or you can watch the condensed version of all of my streams by subscribing to my YouTube Stay connected with me on social platforms for daily software development news Twitter Twitch Instagram YouTube GitHub Website 2021-05-10 17:20:57
海外TECH DEV Community Components are Pure Overhead https://dev.to/this-is-learning/components-are-pure-overhead-hpm Components are Pure OverheadA couple of years ago in the The Real Cost of UI Components I explored the cost of components in JavaScript frameworks I asked whether components were just overhead And the answer was it depends The Virtual DOM library I tested ivi had no issues handling more components But Lit and Svelte were dramatically worse They scaled back to almost React levels of performance as I broke them down to more components All their non VDOM performance benefits basically disappeared The versions scale from having the least number of components through which has a component per row to where each lt td gt is wrapped in a component Luckily for both of those frameworks almost all benchmarks can be written as a single component But when was the last time you wrote an app in a single component In their defense components on a page is a bit much But this still illuminates an inevitable shortcoming we need to overcome years later I still stand by the conclusion So I m going to make a bold statement here for the Non Virtual DOM crowd I think Components should vanish in the same way as Frameworks If the new world is compilers we can do better We can optimize along bundle chunk lines instead of ES modules If Components are throw away think about how much overhead we could reduce by inlining them But I ve come to realize there is much more to this than performance Your Framework is Pure OverheadThis is not an appeal to the Vanilla JavaScript purists that lurk in the comments section on every site Instead this an honest look at JavaScript frameworks from someone that builds them When one says the Virtual DOM is pure overhead they are often referring to unnecessary object creation and diffing And Rich Harris creator of Svelte covers this topic well Of course as shown above there are Virtual DOM libraries faster than Svelte so what gives Consider this example from the article function MoreRealisticComponent props const selected setSelected useState null return lt div gt lt p gt Selected selected selected name nothing lt p gt lt ul gt props items map item gt lt li gt lt button onClick gt setSelected item gt item name lt button gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt The criticism is that on any state update a VDOM is forced to re render everything Only change your selection but you still recreate the whole list again However most performant VDOM libraries can recognize that most of these VDOM nodes never change and cache them rather than recreate them each render But more importantly there is a solution to isolate updates that every React developer knows No it s not useMemo Create a child component For the cost of almost nothing a VDOM library can stop update propagation by wrapping this logic in a different component A simple referential check of properties will tell it when to re render Unsurprisingly the VDOM can be pretty performant Speaking of useMemo some recent attention brought to the fact that it probably shouldn t the be the first thing you reach for However reactive libraries tend to memoize by default In React or any other VDOM library when you want to break out of the update cycle structurally you split out components and lift state To improve initial render performance with a library like Svelte you do the opposite and remove as many intermediate components as possible Why Because each component is a separate reactive scope Often this means more than just creating the reactive scope There is overhead to synchronizing updates between them This is all corroborated by the benchmark at the beginning of the article While we were busy focusing on how VDOM libraries do all this potentially unnecessary work we weren t paying attention to our reactive libraries doing all this unnecessary memoization So yes your Reactive library is pure overhead too Component DX gt PerformanceWhen I look at both approaches I see the same problem The way we structure Components has too much say in how our applications perform This is a problem A component s purpose is more than just performance The way our components are structured directly impacts the maintainability of our code When you have too few components you end up duplicating logic The typical component has state and a view The more complicated the control flow you have and the more nested state is the more you will find the need to duplicate that logic in both When a new requirement arises as simple as say toggling visibility you find yourself creating that same conditional in multiple places export function Chart data enabled headerText const el useRef useEffect gt let chart if enabled chart new Chart el current data return gt chart release enabled return lt gt lt h gt headerText lt h gt enabled amp amp lt div ref el gt lt gt How many different places are we doing additional checks due to props enabled Can you find all This isn t React specific Equivalent code in Svelte touches locations Conversely breaking things up into too many components leads to heavy coupling Too many props to pass This is often referred to as prop drilling The indirection can make changing the shape of that state surprisingly complicated There is potential to continue to pass down props no longer used to pass down too few that get swallowed by default props and for tracing to be further obscured by renaming function Toggle const on setOn useState false const toggle gt setOn o gt o return lt Switch on on onToggle toggle gt function Switch on onToggle return lt div gt lt SwitchMessage on on gt lt SwitchButton onToggle onToggle gt lt div gt function SwitchMessage on return lt div gt The button is on on off lt div gt function SwitchButton onToggle return lt button onClick onToggle gt Toggle lt button gt Vanishing ComponentsThe future is in primitives Primitives that are smaller than Components Things like you find today in reactive systems Things that might look like what you see in React Hooks and Svelte With one exception They are not tied to the component that creates them The power of fine grained reactivity and the reason for Solid s unmatched performance are not fine grained updates Too expensive at creation time The real potential is that our updates are not tied to our components And that goes beyond one implementation of the idea Between reactive models and these hooks we have converged a language for change State gt Memo gt Effector if you prefer Signal gt Derivation gt Reaction We don t need components anymore to describe our updates This is the mismatch React developers intuitively feel with Hooks Why do we need to keep track of both our components re rendering and the closures over our Hooks And typical Single File Components SFCs are just the opposite extreme where we are still imposing unnecessary boundaries by technology Ever wonder why there is friction between JavaScript frameworks and Web Components Too much conflated on a single concept Every time we write a component there is this mental overhead on how we should structure our code The choice doesn t feel our own But it doesn t have to be that way The Future is Component lessNot that we won t write re usable components or templates Just components will vanish removing their impact on the output That doesn t require a compiler to start We can move to make components no heavier than a simple function call That is essentially Solid but that is only one way to attack this We don t need separation to accomplish this either It is unnecessary to hoist all our state into a state management tool playing puppeteer to our renderer I m proposing aggressive co location Modern frameworks have that right Whether JSX or SFC we ve been pulling it together and should continue to Ultimately if a compiler could look beyond the current file it was processing to use language to understand your whole app think of the doors that would open Our logic and control flows could solely define the boundaries That s not just unlocking levels of performance but freeing ourselves of the mental burden of ever worrying about this again Wouldn t it be amazing to recapture the pure declarative nature of something like HTML in authoring our sites and applications The unadulterated cut and paste bliss I m not certain where this goes but it starts here 2021-05-10 17:13:15
海外TECH DEV Community 365 Days of Blogging Challenge (or I transfer $1000 to your bank account) https://dev.to/pjeziorowski/365-days-of-blogging-challenge-or-i-transfer-1000-to-your-bank-account-5dj9 Days of Blogging Challenge or I transfer to your bank account Everyone sometimes struggles with consistency Do you want to develop a good habit but often fail after a few days Well you are not alone To help myself with that and possibly you I come up with the idea of making a public commitment and finding accountability partners Public commitmentThis post is my public commitment to writing and publishing articles daily for the next days It s well over any magic number you hear that is necessary to form a habit For my liking it s fair enough Accountability partnersTo hold myself accountable and to make you more interested in helping me stay consistent I declare that I ll pay to one of my accountability partners by whom I mean anyone who comments on this post on dev to if I miss a day in publishing articles in the next year The rulesOne article a day published no excuses No article published a script chooses a random person from the comments section to transfer money to their bank account The way of choosing a random person may change with time I want to make it automated and public to provide transparency and fairness and to prove I m taking it seriously Feel free to propose your ideas on how to approach this problem Join me in the challengeI encourage all of you who want to develop a good habit of putting yourself out there to join the challenge Of course your numbers may be different Maybe your goal is to publish just one article a week Maybe is too much or too little to make you feel uncomfortable Choose your perfect numbers and join me in the challenge If you struggle with this DM me on Twitter and I ll do my best to help you come up with numbers that will work for you And please let me know what you think about this idea Feedback highly appreciated 2021-05-10 17:02:55
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple releases third developer beta for macOS 11.4 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/10/apple-issues-third-developer-beta-for-macos-114?utm_medium=rss Apple releases third developer beta for macOS Apple is now on its third beta round for macOS with developers now able to download and try out the latest build of the operating system update The newest builds can be downloaded via the Apple Developer Center for those enrolled in the test program or via an over the air update on devices running the beta software Public betas typically arrive within a few days of the developer versions via the Apple Beta Software Program website This is the third developer beta for macOS so far The second beta arrived on May while the first landed on April followed by the first public beta on April Read more 2021-05-10 17:31:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple issues third developer betas of iOS 14.6, iPadOS 14.6, tvOS 14.6, watchOS 7.5 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/10/apple-issues-third-developer-betas-of-ios-146-ipados-146-tvos-146-watchos-75?utm_medium=rss Apple issues third developer betas of iOS iPadOS tvOS watchOS Apple is now on its third round of betas providing developers new builds of iOS iPadOS tvOS and watchOS for testing The latest betas and configuration profiles can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Center with subsequent changes available as over the air updates on enrolled devices Public betas are usually made available a short time later via the Apple Beta Software Program website The third round follows after Apple issued the second round on April while the first round was provided to developers on April Read more 2021-05-10 17:27:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple adds Siri support to Apple TV in more countries https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/10/apple-adds-siri-support-to-apple-tv-in-more-countries?utm_medium=rss Apple adds Siri support to Apple TV in more countriesUsers of Apple TV K and Apple TV HD can now search for movies and shows using Siri in several more countries The new Siri RemoteApple has updated its Apple TV set top boxes to include full Siri functionality in Austria Ireland and New Zealand It comes ahead of the shipping of the newly revised Apple TV K which will be available in each of these countries from May Read more 2021-05-10 17:11:49
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple hires Facebook ads manager, 'Chaos Monkeys' author Antonio Garcia Martinez https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/10/apple-hires-facebook-ads-manager-chaos-monkeys-author-antonio-garcia-martinez?utm_medium=rss Apple hires Facebook ads manager x Chaos Monkeys x author Antonio Garcia MartinezApple has hired former Facebook ads product manager Antonio Garcia Martinez a sign that the Cupertino tech giant is expanding its own advertising ambitions Credit Helena Price RecodeGarcia Martinez who is also known for authoring the autobiography Chaos Monkeys joined Apple in April as part of the company s ad platforms product engineering team He will be based in Cupertino according to Business Insider Read more 2021-05-10 17:01:15
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Redesigned colored MacBook Air shown off in new renders https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/10/redesigned-colored-macbook-air-shown-off-in-new-renders?utm_medium=rss Redesigned colored MacBook Air shown off in new rendersRendered images of a new and redesigned MacBook Air with new colors said to be based on leaked photos of the product have been showcased in a video by a known leaker Apple could bring iMac like colors to the MacBook Air lineupThe first run of Macs with custom Apple Silicon retained their old design paradigm and colors to simplify the release process Apple is expected to redesign future models to bring them in line with the inch iMac with new color choices and off white bezels around the displays Read more 2021-05-10 17:35:23
海外TECH Engadget NASA and Axiom Space's first private ISS mission could happen as soon as January https://www.engadget.com/nasa-international-space-station-private-astronaut-mission-2022-axiom-space-172956093.html dragon 2021-05-10 17:29:56
海外TECH Engadget The best games for PlayStation 5 https://www.engadget.com/best-games-for-ps5-playstation-5-171511880.html playstation 2021-05-10 17:15:11
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles GFX Forever: The Complete Guide to GFX for IoT https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5302085/GFX-Forever-The-Complete-Guide-to-GFX-for-IoT drawing 2021-05-10 17:28:00
海外科学 NYT > Science ‘I Need to Know I Tried’ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/10/health/elderly-hospitals-palliative-care.html tried 2021-05-10 17:34:47
金融 金融庁ホームページ 国際決済銀行(BIS)金融安定研究所(FSI)主催 日本の銀行危機に関するオンラインセミナーにおける氷見野長官の講演について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/danwa/index_kouen.html 国際決済銀行 2021-05-10 17:47:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融庁・日本取引所グループ主催セミナー「TCFD開示とトランジションファイナンス-2050年カーボンニュートラルに向けて-」について、動画リンクを追加しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r2/sonota/20210406.html 日本取引所グループ 2021-05-10 17:37:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles As opposition to Tokyo Games grows, Suga says he has ‘never put Olympics first’ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/10/national/politics-diplomacy/suga-tokyo-olympics-bach/ As opposition to Tokyo Games grows Suga says he has never put Olympics first Suga s remarks came the same day an opinion poll showed nearly of people in Japan want the Olympics cancelled less than three months before 2021-05-11 03:02:50
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Olympic chief’s May visit to Japan postponed after emergency extension https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/10/national/olympic-chiefs-may-visit-japan-postponed-emergency-extension/ Olympic chief s May visit to Japan postponed after emergency extensionThe trip was now being arranged for June local media reported with a prerequisite for his visit being the lifting of any coronavirus states of 2021-05-11 02:48:38
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Keidanren chief Nakanishi to step down in June due to illness https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/10/business/keidanren-hiroaki-nakanishi-hitachi-cancer/ business 2021-05-11 02:09:14
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer happy to make Man City wait https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/10/soccer/united-make-man-city-wait/ Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer happy to make Man City waitManchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was delighted after a win at Aston Villa mathematically kept his side in the title race and also 2021-05-11 03:50:52
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Protesters call for Tokyo Olympics to be canceled https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/10/olympics/summer-olympics/protesters-call-tokyo-olympics-canceled/ Protesters call for Tokyo Olympics to be canceledSome members of the protest group delivered speeches criticizing the International Olympic Committee Tokyo organizers and the government for pressing ahead with the games 2021-05-11 03:39:26
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit fails drug test https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/10/more-sports/horse-racing/medina-spirit-fails-drug-test/ Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit fails drug testChurchill Downs announced Sunday it has banned Baffert from entering any horses at the racetrack while it awaits the conclusion of an investigation by the 2021-05-11 03:28:48
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Terunofuji returns, joining perfect Summer Basho start for ozeki https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/10/sumo/basho-reports/2021-sumo-basho-day1-terunofuji/ Terunofuji returns joining perfect Summer Basho start for ozekiThe year old who sealed re promotion with his Spring Basho title in March got off to a strong start on Sunday as a new grand tournament 2021-05-11 02:34:13
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan’s undeterred housing market is full of opportunity for foreign residents https://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2021/05/10/issues/japans-undeterred-housing-market-full-opportunity-foreign-residents/ Japan s undeterred housing market is full of opportunity for foreign residentsThe COVID pandemic has caused many foreign residents to think about what they want to do long term in Japan For some buying property is the 2021-05-11 04:00:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: PM urges people to live responsibly with Covid as England's lockdown eases https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57059988 lockdown 2021-05-10 17:34:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid in Scotland: Some quarantine-free foreign travel to be allowed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-57059379 alloweda 2021-05-10 17:22:23
ニュース BBC News - Home River Thames: Stranded baby minke whale to be euthanised https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-57056008 london 2021-05-10 17:07:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Jerusalem violence: Rockets fired from Gaza after major clashes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57053074 palestinians 2021-05-10 17:32:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Actor sues TikTok for using her voice in viral tool https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-57063087 media 2021-05-10 17:15:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Portugal could host Champions League final https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57051804 wembley 2021-05-10 17:19:59
ニュース BBC News - Home James Dean: Missing 'goal machine' footballer found dead https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-57055578 celtic 2021-05-10 17:47:40
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 小さなことにイライラしてしまう理由 - 大丈夫じゃないのに大丈夫なふりをした https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270547 重版 2021-05-11 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 バイデン米政権、外国人起業家向け移民プログラム復活を計画 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270654 起業家 2021-05-11 02:18:00



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