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AWS AWS Architecture Blog Field Notes: Integrating Active Directory Federation Service with AWS Single Sign-On https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-integrating-active-directory-federation-service-with-aws-single-sign-on/ Field Notes Integrating Active Directory Federation Service with AWS Single Sign OnEnterprises use Active Directory Federation Services AD FS with single sign on to solve operational and security challenges by allowing the usage of a single set of credentials for multiple applications This improves the user experience and helps manage access to the applications in a centralized way AWS offers a native cloud based single sign on solution called … 2021-05-12 18:44:11
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mysql2::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes https://qiita.com/yu__programming/items/894db24c7bc0f1b85db0 MysqlErrorSpecifiedkeywastoolongmaxkeylengthisbytes概要ユーザ管理機能実装のため、deviseによるテーブルの作成時に発生した下記エラーを解消します。 2021-05-13 03:08:50
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mysql2::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes https://qiita.com/yu__programming/items/894db24c7bc0f1b85db0 MysqlErrorSpecifiedkeywastoolongmaxkeylengthisbytes概要ユーザ管理機能実装のため、deviseによるテーブルの作成時に発生した下記エラーを解消します。 2021-05-13 03:08:50
海外TECH DEV Community Moving From Tailwind To Vanilla-er CSS https://dev.to/mikerogers0/moving-from-tailwind-to-vanilla-er-css-2ghh Moving From Tailwind To Vanilla er CSSI ve been playing around with Tailwind CSS a lot since it s release and so far it s been really impressive to see its growth over the last few years along with some of the neat things people are making with it Overall I ve been pretty happy with it I even purchased a licence for Tailwind UI to help me develop with it more quickly However sometimes I find myself a little frustrated at it so I decided it would be fun to rebuild the frontend on my Ruby Calendar project to see if I can pinpoint my annoyances What I love about Tailwind CSSThe documentation Seriously Adam Wathan done a fantastic job with it Often when I just want to check how to do something in plain CSS I use their documentation as a reference point Responsive utility variants are very cool Being able to apply a CSS class to just big screens by using lg before my class names is super lovely Using apply within my regular CSS It feels like such a concise way to write CSS I m a big fan of it Less context switching between CSS amp HTML files I didn t realise how much cognitive load I had from jumping between different file types all day Being able to just look at a single file for everything I was working on helped me get into that awesome hyper focus zone a lot more easily The examples I can copy amp paste which look the same in my project is a massive time saver It feels like I can very quickly cobble together a frontend MVP for a project without too much effort What I don t lovePreflight I always find it s super aggressive this is probably because I come from a background where I ve used normalize css a lot Having to setup base styling for semantic HTML feels tedious JavaScript Dependencies I had a project on Tailwind V which used React which I upgraded to V Unfortunately I had an out of date library which made upgrading harder then I expected In the end I was deep in JavaScript code trying to figure out why my CSS wasn t working It made me feel super unproductive Other developers use it inconsistently I ve picked up a few projects using Tailwind and it takes a lot time to feel at home in the codebase In one project I felt like the other developer just used every class everywhere which made it very hard to achieve that Happy Developer moment CSS Purging I ve been caught out in the past by setting up the purging then moving a few files around to only discover I quietly broken a few pages in production I think better CI tooling could solve this but I m also feeling I d rather avoid the risk to start with Staying visually consistent I m the worst for using all the sizing amp colour variants available to me I need a limitations to avoid making an inconsistent monster Replacing it with vanilla er CSSMy plan was to remove Tailwind over a weekend using a mix of normalize css CSS Variables amp mixins all combined into a single CSS file using PostCSS I had already started converting my CSS to follow the BEM approach using apply so I was able to take my purged CSS amp break it into smaller files I then went through and moved all the things like spacing fonts amp colours I was using into CSS Variables Why vanilla er CSS I wanted to be as close to simple vanilla CSS as possible the reason is I worked on a project which hadn t had the styling touched in about years and then when I edited the styles css file it just changed what I expected it to It was a really interesting Oh Would you look at that type experience Obviously I do like a few low touch tools to help reduce duplication But I do want to aim for a codebase where in years time it ll be easy to pickup I think the best way to do that is by keeping things as simple as possible Naming CSS VariablesNaming was pretty hard For my fonts amp spacing I ended up copying the approach of using numbered a scale which is often used in Tailwind variables fonts css root fonts serif ui sans serif system ui apple system BlinkMacSystemFont Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue Arial Noto Sans sans serif Apple Color Emoji Segoe UI Emoji Segoe UI Symbol Noto Color Emoji font size rem font size rem font size rem font size rem font size rem font size rem font size rem variables spacing css root spacing rem spacing rem spacing rem spacing rem spacing rem spacing rem Naming ColoursNaming the colours was a tad harder I ve never been a fan of calling a variable blue then making it the colour blue The reason is often in the future that blue may end up not being blue which makes things messy Instead I copied the approach of Bootstrap of having Primary Secondary amp Tertiary colours however I explicitly named the variables to hint that the colour is intended to be used as a background or text variables colours css root background primary caaa background secondary d background secondary lightest fab background secondary light c background secondary dark fc background tertiary dddc background tertiary light ffffff text primary ffafb text primary darker aaab link primary cdff border primary I did also add light amp dark variations of these colours For use within hovers amp whatnot though I do want to come back and improve the suffixes I chose Ideally I want to achieve variable names which make other developers say out loud This is so obvious I know exactly what this is for If anyone has any ideas please let me know Media QueriesI wanted a way to pre define the common screen sizes I d use when building out my responsive designs To solve this I used postcss preset env which allowed me to define a custom media with the name viewport lg and the value min width px As postcss preset env also supported nested CSS this allowed for some pretty readable CSS components footer css footer padding var spacing padding bottom var spacing text align center media viewport lg text align left grid template columns repeat minmax fr MixinsPretty soon I did feel like I was duplicating CSS amp mixing utility classes with my semantically named classes within my HTML However I found the solution was to use mixins via postcss mixins mixins list inline css define mixin list inline list style none margin left calc var spacing margin right calc var spacing padding gt li display inline block padding var spacing components navbar css markup lt ul class navbar links gt lt li gt lt a href groups gt All Groups lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a href add event gt Add Event lt a gt lt li gt lt ul gt navbar links mixin list inline margin top margin bottom display none media viewport md display block margin left auto This allowed me to have semantic looking class names which included common CSS snippets while being able to override things as required It also gave me the potential to programmatically generate a styleguide from the comments within my CSS file which I m wildly excited about Easier ImportingAs my project grew I found I could glob import files via postcss import ext glob which made my index css file much more maintainable index css import glob variables css External Libraries imported from node modules import glob normalize css import glob base css import glob components css import glob utilities css Final ThoughtsOverall I m very happy with this CSS amp HTML approach I can look at a snippet of HTML see the CSS classes being used amp know exactly which files I need to edit to change them I feel very in control of the CSS I m writing as a result of that While reviewing my new HTML amp CSS I really like that I m not staring at a wall of CSS class names any more Plus if I wanted to make any changes to the colours spacing or fonts I feel confident that I won t need to change lots of files to see the desired visual change Instead I can open the variables folder then the appropriately named file amp edit just a few lines of CSS I also found the final size of the generated CSS was about the same as before so I m very happy with that I did come to appreciate how much time Tailwind had saved me while I was prototyping my design and how it made me think more in a component mindset but I think it s also a very sharp tool which requires a lot of discipline to use effectively on projects Finally I think I d still be happy to work on a Tailwind based project However I totally feel a bit more confident in saying We could just use CSS Variables amp Mixins instead if we wanted 2021-05-12 18:24:48
海外TECH DEV Community Publicando Aplicações Estáticas com Static Web Apps & Azure DevOps! https://dev.to/glaucia86/publicando-aplicacoes-estaticas-com-static-web-apps-azure-devops-4c1o Publicando Aplicações Estáticas com Static Web Apps amp Azure DevOps Fala Coders Hoje vamos falar do lançamento de um serviço do Azure que estava em Preview e enfim seráum General Available do Serviço Azure Static Web Apps agora no dia Se vocês desejarem saber um pouco mais sobre o lançamento oficial do Azure Static Web Apps que estáacontecendo hoje háum blog oficial explicando o que vem de diferente da versão Preview para General Available AQUIE vamos ter inúmeras mudanças significativas nesse serviço que estava na sua versão Preview Mas vamos tentar relembrar a todos as vocês sobre esse serviço O que veremos nesse Artigo O que éAzure Static Web Apps O que vamos fazer Demo Time Conta Azure for Students ️ Usando o Azure DevOps Passo Criando um projeto no Azure DevOps Passo Importando o projeto no GitHub para o Azure DevOps Passo Criando a Aplicação Estática no Azure Passo Criando os Pipelines Task no Azure DevOps para a nossa Aplicação Estática Passo Retornando ao Portal Azure Recursos amp Links Importantes Palavras Finais generated with Summaryze Forem O que éAzure Static Web Apps O Azure Static Web Apps éum serviço que cria e implanta automaticamente aplicações Web completa no Azure desde um repositório de códigos que nesse caso éusado o GitHub Actions Com esse serviço te permite realizar deploy automático de maneira rápida fácil e totalmente gratuita usando quaisquer bibliotecas ou frameworks mais conhecidos do mercado tais como Angular React Svelte Vue ou atémesmo usando o Blazor Jáno lado do Back End vocêpode integrar a sua aplicação estática usando o Azure Functions que te permitirácriar uma API de uma maneira muito mais rápida dinâmica resiliente e escalonável Se vocês desejarem temos inúmeros treinamentos de Azure Static Web Apps totalmente gratuitos na plataforma Microsoft Learn Para listar alguns aqui Cursos Grátis Azure Static Web AppsPublicando uma Aplicação JavaScript em Angular React Svelte ou Vue com o Azure Static Web AppsPublicando uma Aplicação WebAssembly Blazor e uma API do NET com Azure Static Web AppsCriando e Publicando uma Aplicação Web Estática com o Gatsby com Azure Static Web AppsPublicando uma API no Azure Static Web AppsAgora que vocês jásabem o que éo Azure Static Web Apps agora éo momento de focarmos no tema principal desse post Como podemos publicar um site estático usando o Azure Static Web Apps integrando com a poderosa ferramenta do Azure DevOps Vamos começar a fazer um hands on com um tutorial Aqui vamos nós O que vamos fazer Bom nesse tutorial vamos aprender a fazer uma plublicação de um site estático em Vue Js usando o Azure Static Web e integrando com o Azure DevOps Na versão preview isso não era possível de uma certa forma não mas tem gente que conseguiu Mas agora com GA do Serviço isso agora ésuper possível e éjustamente o que estarei ensinando àtodas as pessoas aqui Demo Time Para essa demo vamos precisar dos seguintes recursos Visual Studio CodeVueConta AzureConta no GitHub Conta Azure for Students ️Caso vocêseja um a estudante de alguma Instituição de Ensino de Faculdade ou Universidade poderácriar sua conta no Azure for Students Essa conta te daráo benefício em possuir crédito de USD para usar os serviços de maneira gratuita sem necessidade de possuir um cartão de crédito Para ativar essa conta bastam acessar o link ao lado AQUIPara fins de demo estaremos fazendo uso do recurso do GitHub GitHub Templates Se deseja saber mais como criar um template e entender o que ébastam acessar AQUI Cliquem nesse link e logo em seguida crie um nome para esse repositório conforme segue a imagem abaixo vocês podem escolher o nome que desejarem Não necessariamente igual o meu Logo em seguida clique no botão Create Repository from Template Após isso estarájácriada uma aplicação modelo em Vue js para que possamos testar a nossa aplicação Usando o Azure DevOps Vamos agora começar a fazer a integração da aplicação recém criada no GitHub e usar o Azure DevOps Para isso entre no link abaixo para começar a usar o Azure DevOps de maneira gratuita Criando um Projeto Azure DevOpsEscolha as opções gratuitas No meu caso estou escolhendo a opção Plano Básico Free Depois de vocêincluir as suas informações de dados apareceráa seguinte imagem abaixo Vamos no passo a passo a partir de agora Passo Criando um projeto no Azure DevOpsCrie o projeto e coloque de acordo com a imagem abaixo Depois que vocêpreencher todas as informações do seu Projeto clique no botão Create a Project Depois de clicar nesse botão a tela teráa seguinte formato Passo Importando o projeto no GitHub para o Azure DevOpsVamos agora implementar o código template padrão da aplicação Vue js criada recentemente láno GitHub e integrar no Azure DevOps Vão em ReposFilesImport a RepositoryImportAíabriráuma nova janela ali colocaremos justo o GitClone da nossa aplicação git e depois clicar no botão ImportSe não entenderem como proceder mais abaixo teráum vídeo desse tutorial que gravei ensinando passo a passo justo para ajudar todos vocês E também uma imagem que também auxiliarávocês nesse passo a passo No final o seu Azure DevOps estaráda seguinte forma Se estiver dessa forma éporque vocêintegrou com sucesso a sua aplicação Vue js no Azure DevOps Agora vamos dar continuidade Passo Criando a Aplicação Estática no AzureNesse passo precisaremos de uma Conta Azure que inclusive vocês podem estar criando de maneira gratuita Sóprecisa incluir os dados do seu cartão de crédito para fazer uso dos meses gratuitos dos inúmeros serviços gratuitos disponíveis Aqui nesse post jámencionei sobre uma conta Azure for Students que dão a vocês estudantes vários benefícios de fazerem uso da Conta Azure de graça sem necessidade de incluir dados de cartão de crédito Depois que criar uma conta no Azure vocêdeveráacessar o Portal AzureSigam os seguintes passos Clicar em Create a Resource Depois na parte da busca digitem Static Web Apps E em seguida cliquem no botão Create Preencha todos os dados necessários nessa tela que são Resource GroupsStatic Web Apps Details gt Name aqui o nome deveráser único e nunca igual Region CENTRAL US vocês podem escolher outras regiões também Deployments Details Others escolha essa opção Pois estaremos usando o Azure DevOps e não o GitHub Actions E por último clicar no botão Review Create gt CreateSe tudo der certo apareceráa seguinte imagem abaixo Caso sim bastam clicar em Go to resourceAgora vamos fazer algumas modificações importantes Váaté OverviewManage Deployment tokenApareceráuma nova janela com um token gigantesco Copie e cole esse token em algum notepad de sua preferência Pois vamos precisar dele posteriormente Passo Criando os Pipelines Task no Azure DevOps para a nossa Aplicação Estática Agora vamos usar o poder que o serviço do Azure DevOps nos proporciona integrado com o SWA Retorne ao seu Projeto hospedado no Azure DevOps e váatéo botão Set up BuildDepois disso apareceráuma nova janela Escolha a opção Starter PipelineCopiem e colem o YAML abaixo e coloquem no pipeline de vocês trigger mainpool vmImage ubuntu lateststeps checkout self submodules true task AzureStaticWebApp inputs app location api location api output location dist env azure static web apps api token deployment token Na parte de output location precisaremos alterar Pois em Vue js a pasta de artefato que éa pasta que gera os arquivos estáticos éa pasta dist Para diferentes frameworks são nomes de pastas diferentes Caso queira saber do framework que vocêesteja usando temos uma lista dessas pastas AQUIAgora vamos incluir aquele token criado láno Portal Azure Para isso vamos usar um recurso bastante interessante no Azure DevOps Variables Váaté Variables New Variable Name deployment token Value o valor do token Clicar no botão Ok gt SaveAgora que jásalvamos o nosso deployment token vem o momento mais esperado executar essa trigger e ver a coisa funcionar Cliquem no botão Save and RunFeito isso veremos o Pipeline da nossa aplicação estática sendo executado job Se o job ou Build da aplicação der os checks todos verdes éporque o build foi executado com sucesso Passo Retornando ao Portal AzureAgora que o build foi executado com sucesso no Azure DevOps éaquele momento de sabermos se a nossa aplicação foi devidamente publicada no Azure Retorne ao recurso criado da aplicação no Azure e clique no link conforme a imagem abaixo E como podem ver o deploy foi realizado e integrado com sucesso com Azure DevOps Se vocês desejarem estou disponibilizando o link da aplicação disponível na web Aplicação Todo List em Vue AQUI Recursos amp Links ImportantesSempre ao final dos meus tutoriais deixo recursos e links importantes caso desejam saber mais sobre o assunto Documentação Oficial do Azure Static Web AppsCurso Grátis Azure DevOpsCurso Grátis Publique uma Aplicação Estática no Angular React Vue ou Javascript amp APICurso Grátis Crie e Publique um site estático com GatsbyImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no GatsbyImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no HugoImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no VuePressImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no Next jsImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no Nuxt jsImplementando Azure Static Web Apps no Jekyll Palavras FinaisEspero que esse tutorial de SWA Azure DevOps seja de grande ajuda àtodas as pessoas Abaixo segue o vídeo explicativo desse tutorial para àquelas pessoas que preferem seguir tutorial em formato de vídeo Ah Jáia esquecer de falar aqui Não deixem de se inscrever no meu Canal do Youtube Estou criando inúmeras séries incríveis para esse ano de Sócomo spoiler teremos a partir de Junho Microsoft Learn Live SessionsOpen Mic com a Comunidade durante as Lives Tutoriais semanais de Node js TypeScript amp JavaScriptE muitos Live CodingsSe são conteúdos que vocêcurte então não deixa de se inscrever e ative o sininho para ficar sabendo quando teremos vídeo novo E para ficarem por dentro de várias outras novidades não deixem de me seguir láno twitter Nos vemos Atéa próxima pessoal 2021-05-12 18:10:42
海外TECH DEV Community How to calculate the distance between the objects in the image with Python https://dev.to/stokry/how-to-calculate-the-distance-between-the-objects-in-the-image-with-python-gbn How to calculate the distance between the objects in the image with PythonToday I want to show you how to calculate the distance between the objects in the image We will write an awesome algorithm that you can modify and extend to your needs This is our test image Let s jump to the code First we need to import the necessary packages from scipy spatial import distance as distfrom imutils import perspectivefrom imutils import contoursimport numpy as npimport argparseimport imutilsimport cvThen we construct the argument parse and parse the argumentsdef midpoint ptA ptB return ptA ptB ptA ptB after that we load the image convert it to grayscale image cv imread images test jpg gray cv cvtColor image cv COLOR BGRGRAY gray cv GaussianBlur gray then we perform edge detection and close gaps in between object edges edged cv Canny gray edged cv dilate edged None iterations edged cv erode edged None iterations find contours in the edge mapcnts cv findContours edged copy cv RETR EXTERNAL cv CHAIN APPROX SIMPLE cnts imutils grab contours cnts then initialize the distance colors and reference object cnts contours sort contours cnts colors refObj Nonethen we loop over the contours individually for c in cnts if cv contourArea c lt continue box cv minAreaRect c box cv cv BoxPoints box if imutils is cv else cv boxPoints box box np array box dtype int box perspective order points box cX np average box cY np average box if refObj is None tl tr br bl box tlblX tlblY midpoint tl bl trbrX trbrY midpoint tr br D dist euclidean tlblX tlblY trbrX trbrY refObj box cX cY D continue orig image copy cv drawContours orig box astype int cv drawContours orig refObj astype int refCoords np vstack refObj refObj objCoords np vstack box cX cY then we loop over the original points for xA yA xB yB color in zip refCoords objCoords colors cv circle orig int xA int yA color cv circle orig int xB int yB color cv line orig int xA int yA int xB int yB color D dist euclidean xA yA xB yB refObj mX mY midpoint xA yA xB yB cv putText orig f in format D int mX int mY cv FONT HERSHEY SIMPLEX color cv imshow Image orig cv waitKey cv destroyAllWindows This is our final result Thank you all 2021-05-12 18:09:57
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ secures 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' starring Frances McDormand & Denzel Washington https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/12/apple-tv-secures-the-tragedy-of-macbeth-starring-frances-mcdormand-denzel-washington?utm_medium=rss Apple TV secures x The Tragedy of Macbeth x starring Frances McDormand amp Denzel WashingtonDenzel Washington and Frances McDormand star in writer director Joel Coen s retelling of Macbeth now coming to Apple TV after a theatrical release The Tragedy of Macbeth is shot in black and white Source World of Reel Apple TV will screen the forthcoming The Tragedy of Macbeth the first film written and directed by Joel Coen without his brother and longtime filmmaking partner Ethan Coen The film will first receive a worldwide release in theaters during the fourth quarter of before then being screened globally on Apple TV Read more 2021-05-12 18:41:52
海外TECH Engadget 'Fall Guys' cross-play features arrive tomorrow https://www.engadget.com/fall-guys-cross-play-new-rounds-mid-season-update-185253999.html custom 2021-05-12 18:52:53
海外TECH Engadget Sonos Arc update adds Dolby Atmos height channel volume adjustment https://www.engadget.com/sonos-arc-dolby-atmos-height-channel-update-184557971.html adjustment 2021-05-12 18:45:57
海外TECH Engadget Facebook is under new scrutiny for its moderation practices in Europe https://www.engadget.com/facebook-ireland-content-moderators-183059300.html Facebook is under new scrutiny for its moderation practices in EuropeFacebook is again facing questions about content moderators after a moderator told an Irish parliamentary committee the company isn t protecting reviewers 2021-05-12 18:30:59
海外TECH Engadget ASUS' Zenfone 8 series includes a compact flagship and a flip camera https://www.engadget.com/asus-zenfone-8-compact-flagship-flip-camera-price-availability-182205867.html ASUS x Zenfone series includes a compact flagship and a flip cameraASUS is keeping its flip camera on the new Zenfone Flip but it s also trying a new compact flagship smartphone strategy with the smaller Zenfone 2021-05-12 18:22:05
海外TECH Engadget Dax Shepard's 'Armchair Expert' becomes a Spotify exclusive on July 1st https://www.engadget.com/armchair-expert-podcast-spotify-exclusive-dax-shepard-180052195.html exclusive 2021-05-12 18:00:52
Cisco Cisco Blog Simplified Security with Purpose-Built Networking for Advanced Threat Detection https://blogs.cisco.com/security/simplified-security-with-purpose-built-networking-for-advanced-threat-detection Simplified Security with Purpose Built Networking for Advanced Threat Detection Bolting on protection leads to complexity and performance networking issues that can hurt the user s experience Who better than Cisco fo this challenge 2021-05-12 18:53:01
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Jenkins Jobs and Deployments for MLOps on GKE https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5302276/Jenkins-Jobs-and-Deployments-for-MLOps-on-GKE deployments 2021-05-12 18:32:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Pfizer vaccine effective on COVID-19 variants in Japan, study says https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/12/national/coronavirus-japan-vaccines-variants/ Pfizer vaccine effective on COVID variants in Japan study saysThe study by a research team at Yokohama City University checked for immunity against seven different strains of the novel coronavirus 2021-05-13 03:37:28
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Arrivals to Japan worry that flawed tech shows them as violating quarantine https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/12/national/tech-flaws-quarantine-violation/ Arrivals to Japan worry that flawed tech shows them as violating quarantineSome have experienced problems with reporting their location or health condition during their self isolation and foreign violators can even have their residence status revoked 2021-05-13 03:27:35
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Travel restrictions hurt India thrower’s Olympic preparation https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/12/more-sports/track-field/neeraj-chopra-javelin-india/ Travel restrictions hurt India thrower s Olympic preparationNeeraj Chopra has been training hard for this year s Olympic Games but India s top javelin thrower fears that not being able to compete internationally might 2021-05-13 04:23:45
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「新生児糖尿病」発生メカニズムの日本人による発見が画期的な理由(1) - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270738 「新生児糖尿病」発生メカニズムの日本人による発見が画期的な理由NewsampampAnalysis生後カ月未満に発症する新生児糖尿病。 2021-05-13 03:20:00
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