python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
交差検証で精度が出たからといって安心してはいけない |
MoleculeNetによるとこのデータの最高精度はRで程度となっている。 |
2021-05-23 22:40:53 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
プリザンターの一覧画面で選択したレコードを送信する |
送信先のプログラムでPDF帳票を作成して返す、のような使用を想定しています。 |
2021-05-23 22:40:28 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[phina.js] Shapeを拡大・縮小させる |
phinajsShapeを拡大・縮小させるその他のTipsはこちらShapeの拡大縮小Shapeの拡大縮小には複数の方法があります。 |
2021-05-23 22:49:29 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
コロナ太りの俺必見!自分にあったペースで数を読み上げてくれるパーソナルトレーナーアプリを作ったよ。 |
Siriに頼んでみたんですけど運動アプリが起動するだけで数を数えてくれませんでしたノДなのでこんな感じのを作ります。 |
2021-05-23 22:48:58 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[phina.js] Shapeを回転させる |
phinajsShapeを回転させるその他のTipsはこちらShapeの回転Shapeの回転角度指定には複数の方法があります。 |
2021-05-23 22:44:05 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
プリザンターの一覧画面で選択したレコードを送信する |
送信先のプログラムでPDF帳票を作成して返す、のような使用を想定しています。 |
2021-05-23 22:40:28 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
正直よくわかっていなくても短時間でそれっぽい地図アプリケーションが作れる |
正直よくわかっていなくても短時間でそれっぽい地図アプリケーションが作れる開発できた地図を操作するWEBアプリケーション将来開発したいサービスがあり、その実現性を確かめるべくスピード重視でプロト開発してみました。 |
2021-05-23 22:35:11 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Vue.js】奥さんに喜んでもらうためにオリジナル「レシピ検索アプリ」のプロトタイプ1号を作った【Boostrap】 |
カード形式のオブジェクトはCodePenのテンプレートを参考にしました。 |
2021-05-23 22:24:31 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ロンダルキアへの洞窟 |
2021-05-23 22:16:42 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
超初心者が、英語学習を始めたわが子に「英単語カード」をプロトタイプしてみた結果(改善点まとめ) |
単語の見える化は、リストへの入力ではなく、チェックボックスにしたいフラッシュカードのように次々とランダムで問題が出題されるようなゲーム要素を入れたいアニメーションで単語カードを反転させ、クイズができるようにしたい以下、クイズ形式の試作品を作ってみました。 |
2021-05-23 22:13:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コードのどこが間違っているのかわかりません(python) |
2021-05-23 22:52:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Slackついて(ボット?通知など) |
Slackついてボット通知などSlackを使用して以下のようなことをしたいのですが、可能なのでしょうか。 |
2021-05-23 22:39:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityで実機テストが出来ない |
Unityで実機テストが出来ないUnityで実機テストが出来ません。 |
2021-05-23 22:32:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
(IPアドレス)からの応答時間が長すぎます centOS7 |
IPアドレスからの応答時間が長すぎますcentOS参考リンク上記を参考にして、さくらのVPSで借りたVPSにCentOSを入れて、LAMP環境を構築しようとしています。 |
2021-05-23 22:29:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ぼかしのアニメーションをかけたい |
filterblur |
2021-05-23 22:23:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jupyter notebookで表(複数)の出力時にスクロール抑止するには? |
jupyternotebookで表複数の出力時にスクロール抑止するにはjupyternbspnotebookで、pandasnbspDataFrameの表複数をdisplayで出力しています。 |
2021-05-23 22:14:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
raspberryPiにて再起動後に/home直下に作成したファイルが消失する |
raspberrypi |
2021-05-23 22:14:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
docker使うときと使わない時でHostを変えたい |
docker使うときと使わない時でHostを変えたい前提・実現したいことdocker使うときと使わない時でHostを変えたいです。 |
2021-05-23 22:07:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DBからデータを取得するコードに改善の余地があるか知りたい |
2021-05-23 22:04:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python スクレイピング関数エラー |
pythonスクレイピング関数エラースクレイピングをするために書いたコードではレース分のみなら取り出せたのですが、for文を用いて数レースまとめてスクレイピングしようとするとエラーが出てしまいできません。 |
2021-05-23 22:00:45 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Jets で詰まったこと |
RubyonJets が サポート し て いる ruby の バージョン はと らしい です 。 |
2021-05-23 22:32:27 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Jets で詰まったこと |
RubyonJets が サポート し て いる ruby の バージョン はと らしい です 。 |
2021-05-23 22:32:27 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】AMIとは |
AMIとECインスタンスECインスタンスはAMIから起動している。 |
2021-05-23 22:03:38 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker X Laravel GitHub Actions でCIを回してDockerとLaravelの自動テストを実行する |
onltpushpullrequestgtpathsで指定したパスに一致するファイルが変更された場合にワークフローが実行されるように設定してます。 |
2021-05-23 22:12:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Jets で詰まったこと |
RubyonJets が サポート し て いる ruby の バージョン はと らしい です 。 |
2021-05-23 22:32:27 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
When is a Porsche 911 not a Porsche 911? When it’s a Ruf |
nordschleife |
2021-05-23 13:00:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A better `typeof` |
A better typeof The typeof operator is a really useful one but it has a few pitfalls typeof an array objecttypeof regex g objecttypeof null objecttypeof NaN numbertypeof Number I am not a number numberOk that s a lot of pitfalls But there is a way to get more detailed types using Object prototype toString call on a value This statement basically means Call the toString method of the object prototype on whatever value you like Object prototype toString call object true the infamous object Object Object prototype toString call an array object Array Object prototype toString call a string object String Object prototype toString call n object Bigint Object prototype toString call new Date object Date reallyObject prototype toString call new Error an error object Error Object prototype toString call function object Function Object prototype toString call function object GeneratorFunction Object prototype toString call regex gi object RegExp Object prototype toString call Symbol object Symbol Object prototype toString call NaN it s not perfect object Number Of course this could be made a function with a few finishing touches from here function type obj showFullClass Whether to return the whole type if showFullClass amp amp typeof obj object return Object prototype toString call obj if obj null return obj toLowerCase implicit toString conversion if isNaN obj return nan var deepType Object prototype toString call obj slice toLowerCase if deepType generatorfunction return function Prevent overspecificity for example object HTMLDivElement etc Account for functionish Regexp Android lt functionish lt object gt element Chrome lt Firefox lt etc String prototype match is universally supported return deepType match array bigint date error function generator regexp symbol deepType typeof obj object typeof obj function object typeof obj |
2021-05-23 13:49:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
#30DaysOfAppwrite : Appwrite Cloud Functions |
DaysOfAppwrite Appwrite Cloud Functions Intro DaysOfAppwrite is a month long event focused at giving developers a walk through of all of Appwrite s features starting from the basics to more advanced features like Cloud Functions Alongside we will also be building a fully featured Medium Clone to demonstrate how these concepts can be applied when building a real world app We also have some exciting prizes for developers who follow along with us Appwrite Cloud FunctionsWelcome to Day If you re familiar with the world of serverless you probably already know what Cloud Functions are For those of you who don t think of cloud functions as a piece of code that is stateless and can execute independently without the need for you to manage servers If you ve used AWS Lambdas or similar offerings you will feel right at home with Appwrite Cloud Functions Appwrite supports over different runtimes for languages like python deno dotnet with many more coming up Today we will walk you through the Functions Dashboard in the Appwrite Console and learn how to create and deploy functions Cloud Functions in Appwrite can be triggered in waysREST API You can use any HTTP client or our SDKs to create and trigger cloud functions Events Appwrite emits events when certain actions occur at in the server like creation of a user creation of a document and many more You can configure a function to listen to these events You can learn more about all the system events in our documentation CRON Schedule You can also configure your functions to trigger based on a CRON Schedule In the following example we will cover the REST API trigger Deploying a function using the ConsoleWe will make use of a python hello world function for the purposes of this demo We will first use the Appwrite Console to create and execute the function and then perform the same steps using our CLI We hope you have Appwrite setup already If not we have an easy getting started guide explaining how Create your functionOnce you have Appwrite up and running head over to the Functions section and click Add Function In the following dialog give your function a name and choose the Python runtime Let s now explore the function runtime that was just created for us ️SettingsThis is where you can configure all aspects of your function FieldDescriptionNameYour function NameExecute AccessManage who can execute this function using permissionsTimeout seconds Limit the execution time of your function to prevent abuseEventsThe Events which trigger this functionSchedule CRON Syntax Set a CRON Schedule to execute this functionVariablesSecurely store secrets and other values using the environment variables MonitorsHere you ll be able to find some useful information about your functions executions and some usage metrics like CPU time executions errors etc LogsThis is where you can check all your execution logs You can also inspect your function s outputs to stdout and stderr Now that we re familiar with the dashboard let s go ahead and create a tag for the function we just created ️Create a tagOnce the function is created it s time to upload a new tag Think of a tag a a version of your function For this we will use one of our demo functions git clone cd python hello world cat function pyprint Hello World I m an Appwrite cloud function written in Python This is a simple python function that simply prints a string to stdout As you might have noticed we don t have any dependencies in this example so you can skip to the next section But if you do you will need one more step before packaging your function In order to ensure faster function execution times we don t pull any dependencies at runtime The dependencies need to be packaged along with the function You need to ensure that all your dependencies are listed in your requirements txt file You then need to run this simple command to fetch all the dependencies and save all of them in a local appwrite directory PIP TARGET appwrite pip install r requirements txt upgrade ignore installedWe have similar installation instructions for other runtimes which you can checkout in our documentation Packaging the cloud functionOne your dependencies if any are installed its now time to package your function Create a tar file of your function using cd tar zcvf code tar gz hello worlda hello worlda hello world function pyNow head back to your function in the Dashboard and click Deploy Tag In the subsequent dialog select the Manual Tab You will need to provide an entry point command which essentially is the command that executes your function In our case this is python function py Next upload the tar file that we just created Double check your selection and select Create Activate and ExecuteOnce you create the function you need to Activate the tag Great the tag is now activated and you can now execute the function Click on Execute Now In the dialog that pops up you will be asked to enter any custom data that you would like to pass to your function You can leave this empty and proceed with the execution You can now head over to the Logs tab and examine the output of our function Deploying a function using the CLIIn this section we will learn how you can deploy the hello world function using the Appwrite CLI If you haven t installed the CLI yet you can take a look at our guide to quickly get started Make sure you have run appwrite init and your API key has the following scopes before we proceed functions readfunctions writeexecution readexecution write Create your functionYou can create a function using the create command of the functions service appwrite functions create name test execute env python id aebeb This is your functionId permissions name testdateCreated dateUpdated status disabledenv python tag vars events schedule scheduleNext schedulePrevious timeout This command takes parameters name A name for your function execute A string that manages access to execute this function In our case we use the wildcard permission allowing anyone to execute this function You can read more about all the available permission strings in our documentation env Your function runtime ️Create a tagThe next step is for us to create a new tag Think of a tag as a new version revision of your function We will make use of the createTag command from the functions service appwrite functions createTag code functionId aebeb command python function py id aafefb this is your tag idfunctionId aaefff functionIddateCreated command python function pysize This command takes in parameterscode The path to your cloud function Assuming you re still in the demos for functions python hello world you can use to represent the current directory Note that references to parent paths like directory are not allowed due to restrictions imposed by docker volume mounts functionId The id of your function In our case the id attribute from the previous response command Your entry point command Activate the tagA function can have multiple tags so in this step we need to activate the tag that you just created You can do this using the updateTag command from the functions service appwrite functions updateTag functionId aaefff tag aafefb id aaefff permissions name testdateCreated dateUpdated status disabledenv python tag aafefbvars events schedule scheduleNext schedulePrevious timeout This command takes in parametersfunctionId The id of your function In our case the id attribute from the previous response tag The id of the tag you just created Run your functionYou can now run your function by creating an execution using the createExecution command of the functions service This command takes in just one parameter which is your functionId which you are already familiar with appwrite functions createExecution functionId aaefff id aaaaaa executionIdfunctionId aaefffdateCreated trigger httpstatus waitingexitCode stdout stderr time Get the outputIn order to get the result of the execution you can use the getExecution command from the functions service appwrite functions getExecution functionId aaefff executionId aaaaaa id aaaaaafunctionId aaefffdateCreated trigger httpstatus completedexitCode stdout Hello World I m an Appwrite cloud function written in Python stderr time This command takes in parameters functionId The id of your function executionId The execution id from the previous command Perfect You have just created and executed your first cloud function You can explore our demos for functions repository for more cool examples and use cases of Cloud Functions CreditsWe hope you liked this write up You can follow DaysOfAppwrite on Social Media to keep up with all of our posts The complete event timeline can be found hereDiscord ServerAppwrite HomepageAppwrite s GithubFeel free to reach out to us on Discord if you would like to learn more about Appwrite Aliens or Unicorns Stay tuned for tomorrow s article Until then |
2021-05-23 13:34:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React Clean Architecture |
React Clean ArchitectureHello Developers Many of us use various design patterns with React Development to make React Apps more clean clearly understandable and more structured But still we are facing issues with coding standards we changed at one place and it breaks at another place Is there any resolution for this Yes Try React Clean Architecture Quick Highlights React Clean Architecture which makes your code more structured clean and anyone can easily take over your code and start working with you So Let s continue next Which include everything API State Management Redux Redux Saga Storybook Utilities Component Container and you can add more relevant features in defined structure hierarchy React Clean Architecture Covered react clean architecture├ーandroid├ーios├ーsrc│├ーapplication││├ーcommon││├ーfilters││├ーlogger││├ーmodels││├ーpersist││├ーplugins││├ーstore│├ーinfrastructure││├ーapi services ││├ーcomponents common components │├ーpresentation││├ーcontainer││├ーcomponent├ーindex js├ーpackage json└ーREADME md Application Application directory contains the State Management and Common utilities functions and constants For State Management I have used Redux Rematch you can use Redux Redux Saga MobX State Management For Common I have used Fonts Colours Global Constants and Common Functions Let s check some parts of Rematch and Understand what it does and what it means Store Store index js import init from rematch core import logger from redux logger import as models from models import loadingPlugin from plugins import persistPlugin from persist export default init models plugins loadingPlugin persistPlugin redux middlewares logger Here I am initialize Redux Store to initialize Redux Store we require models plugins middleware optional PlugIns PlugIns itself means to add some value to Redux Store Here we are using Loading PlugIns means it will show loading indicator while API is fetching data So we can show Loader to user once data is fetched Loading plugin update loading State and based on that we can hide loaders in components import createLoadingPlugin from rematch loading export const loadingPlugin createLoadingPlugin whitelist ToDo fetchTasks Persists Persist itself means to Persist something Here it will persist Rematch Store To create persist store it will take few argument key whitelist model save in persist store blacklist model not saved in persist store version help while upgrading application storage AsyncStorage store persist store in AsyncStorage transform contains filters which applied while persist store import AsyncStorage from react native community async storage import createRematchPersist from rematch persist import AllFilters from filters export const persistPlugin createRematchPersist key root whitelist ToDo version storage AsyncStorage transforms AllFilters Models Models will contain State Reducer Effect Actions import List from infrastructure api api export const ToDo state arrTasks arrAPITasks totalTasks reducers setTasks state payload return state arrTasks payload setAPITasks state payload return state arrAPITasks payload clear return arrBeneficiary effects dispatch gt async fetchTasks try dispatch ToDo setTasks taskID taskName Task catch error async fetchTasksFromServer try const response await List getListData toPromise dispatch ToDo setAPITasks response catch error Filters import createBlacklistFilter from redux persist transform filter const toDoFilter createBlacklistFilter ToDo totalTasks export const AllFilters toDoFilter Common Here You can define your Global Constant Common Files Fonts FontSize Device Specification Colors many more as per custom solution exports globalVars userSalt TOHVeOQRAXmbeBilgtJeCkugsrgvZ currentCountryCode export const BaseURL export const TaskList todos export const apiVersion events export const Authsecret export const timeoutDuration Error Messagesexport const errorEncountered Error was encountered processing this request export const timeoutMessage We are unable to fetch data at this time kindly check your internet connection and we ll reconnect you Read Best JavaScript Coding Practices Infrastructure Infrastructure contains API Services Files API Handlers Common Components like Loader Common TextField Buttons etc Here I have used AXIOS you can use JavaScript Fetch and create your API Wrapper class here Let s check some parts of Insfrastructure and Understand what it does and what it means Read More About Zero Bundle Size React Server Components API Services api api List jsimport APIHandler from APIHandler import as Globals from application common Globals export default getListData gt APIHandler get Globals TaskList api APIHandler jsimport Alert from react native import Observable throwError from from rxjs import mergeMap retryWhen take delay catchError map from rxjs operators import axios AxiosPromise from axios import as Globals from application common Globals async function handleRequest req const ts new Date getTime req headers Accept application json req headers timestamp ts return req export default post url string data any options any gt processApiRequest axios post options amp amp options fullPath url Globals BaseURL url data timeout Globals timeoutDuration options amp amp headers options get url string options any data any gt data data data instanceof Object amp amp Object keys data length null data null const config data headers options data timeout Globals timeoutDuration headers options data timeout Globals timeoutDuration return processApiRequest axios get options amp amp options fullPath url Globals BaseURL url config Components Common Components components Loader index jsimport React Component from react import View ActivityIndicator from react native import Styles from Styles function Loader props const loading props if loading return lt View style Styles loaderWrapper gt lt ActivityIndicator size large gt lt View gt else lt View gt export default Loader Presentation Presentation contains Component Container Component return design of your component While Container contain wrapper of Component HOC Wrapper Of Connect Redux to use Redux Store Props into Components Let s check some parts of Component Container what it does and what it means Container Components component ToDo index jsimport React from react import SafeAreaView from react native import TaskListContainer from container ToDo TaskListContainer import Styles from Styles function ToDoManagement return lt SafeAreaView style Styles container gt lt TaskListContainer gt lt SafeAreaView gt export default ToDoManagement container ToDo TaskListContainer jsimport connect from react redux import TaskListComponent from component ToDo TaskListComponent const mapStateToProps ToDo loading gt arrTasks ToDo arrTasks loading loading effects ToDo fetchTasks const mapDispatchToProps ToDo fetchTasks fetchTasksFromServer gt fetchTasks gt fetchTasks fetchTasksFromServer gt fetchTasksFromServer export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps TaskListComponent component ToDo TaskListComponent jsimport React useEffect from react import SafeAreaView FlatList from react native import TaskItemContainer from container ToDo TaskItemContainer function TaskListComponent props useEffect gt props fetchTasks props fetchTasksFromServer return lt FlatList data props arrTasks renderItem item index gt lt TaskItemContainer item gt gt export default TaskListComponent Download React Clean Architecture Source Code Thanks for reading Article KPITENG DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONwww kpiteng com blogs hello kpiteng com |
2021-05-23 13:34:03 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
So You Want to End the Conversation? |
So You Want to End the Conversation So do most people a recent study found Plus amblypigids a company called Covid and other staff recommendations in the weekend edition of the Science Times newsletter |
2021-05-23 13:44:55 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Heart Problems in a Few Younger Vaccine Recipients Are Under Investigation |
Heart Problems in a Few Younger Vaccine Recipients Are Under InvestigationThe agency is reviewing several dozen reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after vaccination officials said But the agency has not determined whether the vaccine caused the condition |
2021-05-23 13:34:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Italy cable car fall: Nine dead after accident near Lake Maggiore |
italy |
2021-05-23 13:53:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Patel denies No 10 pursued herd immunity policy |
cummings |
2021-05-23 13:47:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Damiano David: Eurovision winner denies taking drugs during event |
cocaine |
2021-05-23 13:44:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ron Hill: Former European and Commonwealth marathon champion dies aged 82 |
olympian |
2021-05-23 13:37:40 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
計画通り進む、完璧すぎない「目標設定」の仕方 |
adventuresofserendipity |
2021-05-23 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
伊、ロープウエー落下8人死亡 子供2人が重体 |
重体 |
2021-05-23 22:03:00 |