投稿時間:2021-05-24 22:43:10 RSSフィード2021-05-24 22:00 分まとめ(59件)

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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Raspberry Pi Picoでマクロパッドを作る https://qiita.com/ysk1025/items/e7510c4ebfabdd313eae 諸事情により自動ミュートbotは使ってない元記事当初はProMicroとQMKFirmwareでやろうと思ってたんですが、なんかRaspberryPiPicoでお手軽に出来るっぽかったのでやってみました。 2021-05-24 21:20:55
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python3/Python-dotenv】.envのファイルの中身を上書きする方法 https://qiita.com/wadakatu/items/07e3e218a3da3d9a8c25 envファイルに以下の値が存在していると仮定します。 2021-05-24 21:13:25
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Vue.js] vueインスタンスを作る方法 https://qiita.com/ralugoro/items/2de14c1d96eaa6e814db Vuejsvueインスタンスを作る方法概要Vueインスタンスを作る方法をここに記述します。 2021-05-24 21:35:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PHP SQL INSERTできない https://teratail.com/questions/340143?rss=all PHPSQLINSERTできないPHPによりSQLを実行する際に、INSERT以外のSQLは実行出来たのですがINSERTだけが実行出来ません。 2021-05-24 21:59:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 浮動小数点 正規化について https://teratail.com/questions/340142?rss=all console 2021-05-24 21:58:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JupyterLabで実行できない [*] https://teratail.com/questions/340141?rss=all JupyterLabで実行できないJupyternbsplabを使っているとなどの代わりにと表示されて使えなくなることが頻繁に発生します。 2021-05-24 21:58:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python tkinter でタブの中にコンボボックスの入れ方を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/340140?rss=all pythontkinterでタブの中にコンボボックスの入れ方を教えてください。 2021-05-24 21:57:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 新しくfastaファイルの生成の仕方 https://teratail.com/questions/340139?rss=all 新しくfastaファイルの生成の仕方fastaファイルの読み方はわかるのですが、そのファイルの中身をpython上でデータ調整したもの、部分的に抽出したものだけを、新たに別のfastaファイルとして生成するにはどうしたらよいですかwriteを使うようですが、pythonを初めてか月で、どう処理して良いかわかりません。 2021-05-24 21:39:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) carrierwaveで動画をアップロードしたいが、”Video can't be blank”と表示されてしまい保存ができない https://teratail.com/questions/340138?rss=all carrierwaveで動画をアップロードしたいが、Videocanxtbeblankと表示されてしまい保存ができない前提・実現したいことご覧頂きありがとうございます。 2021-05-24 21:28:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [chakra-ui]スマホサイズの場合のみクリック時にモーダルを出したい https://teratail.com/questions/340137?rss=all chakrauiスマホサイズの場合のみクリック時にモーダルを出したい前提・実現したいことchakrauiを使ってフロントエンドの画面作成をしています。 2021-05-24 21:28:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unityでアセットが勝手に消える https://teratail.com/questions/340136?rss=all Unityでアセットが勝手に消えるUnityでゲームを作っています。 2021-05-24 21:26:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) アプリ内課金の実装の外注について https://teratail.com/questions/340135?rss=all アプリ内課金の実装の外注についてアプリ内課金の実装の外注についてご質問お願いいたします。 2021-05-24 21:23:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 棒グラフの文字を重ならないようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/340134?rss=all adata 2021-05-24 21:22:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 背景画像を縦横比を固定して画面一杯に全体を表示する https://teratail.com/questions/340133?rss=all 背景画像を縦横比を固定して画面一杯に全体を表示するCSSを使ってbackgroundimageに指定した画像の縦横比を固定して余白をつくらず全体を表示したいです。 2021-05-24 21:21:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) tbg6yj6rdj76ezs7j https://teratail.com/questions/340132?rss=all cuygyihvoirhjoptkhoptkj 2021-05-24 21:19:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Java メソッドの呼び出し 基礎的な問題 https://teratail.com/questions/340131?rss=all Javaメソッドの呼び出し基礎的な問題前提・実現したいことJavaでの確率で病気に感染する場合、何人の人が何日で感染するかを計算するプログラムを作っています。 2021-05-24 21:16:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SwiftのUIAlertController中で引数の関数を使用したい https://teratail.com/questions/340130?rss=all 2021-05-24 21:12:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 実行するたびに結果が変わる。 https://teratail.com/questions/340129?rss=all 実行するたびに結果が変わる。 2021-05-24 21:10:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) R言語とExcelの違い https://teratail.com/questions/340128?rss=all excel 2021-05-24 21:04:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) CentOS7 NISクライアントのログインに失敗する。 https://teratail.com/questions/340127?rss=all 既存ユーザーIDのパスワードをyppasswdで変更すると、追加したユーザーIDパスワードでSSHログインが成功するようになります。 2021-05-24 21:04:18
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Indexアクションで一覧表示 https://qiita.com/amimi/items/f0b00643cdd12a46892f Indexアクションで一覧表示indexアクション細かい部分で何度も同じ間違いをするので忘れないようにメモ。 2021-05-24 21:47:08
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails6/MySQL5】既存アプリにDocker環境を構築した方法(Capistrano・Amazon S3にも対応) https://qiita.com/yamaday0u/items/587809996336f6bd993d ゴール既存のRailsアプリにDockerの開発環境を構築Mysqlエラーを起こさずCapistranoによる自動デプロイ開発環境・前提RubyRailsDockerdockercomposemysqlCapistranoアプリのインフラにAmazonECSを使用最初にDocker環境の構築で一番難しかったことぼくが実際にDocker環境を構築するときに一番難しかったことが、MySQLの接続エラーの解決でした。 2021-05-24 21:51:23
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon ECS の「タスクのスケジューリング」の設定について https://qiita.com/error484/items/04a1209ec6fd43dfb6b4 AmazonECSの「タスクのスケジューリング」の設定についてAmazonECSの「タスクのスケジューリング」の設定についてCron形式で設定する場合NGの設定cron結果→ParameterScheduleExpressionisnotvalid下記URLの「Wildcards」に記載があります。 2021-05-24 21:36:01
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS 認定ソリューションアーキテクト プロフェッショナル に合格しました https://qiita.com/sakai-y/items/c2d353e0340510d8d794 試験ガイドにもあるつの分野に合わせたケース問題と詳細な解説、その後の模擬試験について、回通してやってみて、出来なかったところと理解が怪しいと思ったところを再度やりました。 2021-05-24 21:28:34
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS S3 クイズ ~バケットが空ではない?~ https://qiita.com/quryu/items/89c42d513de5a07ac8b5 この理由は以下のどれでしょうかバグキャッシュが残っているバージョニングを有効化しているSSEKMSにより暗号化したオブジェクトを削除した直後であるSSESにより暗号化したオブジェクトを削除した直後であるバケットが削除されたくないと懇願している※何かの試験みたいですが、パクっていません。 2021-05-24 21:07:21
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails6/MySQL5】既存アプリにDocker環境を構築した方法(Capistrano・Amazon S3にも対応) https://qiita.com/yamaday0u/items/587809996336f6bd993d ゴール既存のRailsアプリにDockerの開発環境を構築Mysqlエラーを起こさずCapistranoによる自動デプロイ開発環境・前提RubyRailsDockerdockercomposemysqlCapistranoアプリのインフラにAmazonECSを使用最初にDocker環境の構築で一番難しかったことぼくが実際にDocker環境を構築するときに一番難しかったことが、MySQLの接続エラーの解決でした。 2021-05-24 21:51:23
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails6/MySQL5】既存アプリにDocker環境を構築した方法(Capistrano・Amazon S3にも対応) https://qiita.com/yamaday0u/items/587809996336f6bd993d ゴール既存のRailsアプリにDockerの開発環境を構築Mysqlエラーを起こさずCapistranoによる自動デプロイ開発環境・前提RubyRailsDockerdockercomposemysqlCapistranoアプリのインフラにAmazonECSを使用最初にDocker環境の構築で一番難しかったことぼくが実際にDocker環境を構築するときに一番難しかったことが、MySQLの接続エラーの解決でした。 2021-05-24 21:51:23
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita no suitable image found. Did find: (LoadError)が出た時の対処方 https://qiita.com/rikutohr/items/20331bbcf6485ffd73af 2021-05-24 21:28:21
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita undefined method `map' for nil:NilClassエラー https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/0a1851f9d2e706745fda undefinedmethodmapxfornilNilClassエラーmapmapメソッドとはmapは、配列の要素の数だけブロック内の処理を繰り返し、結果として作成された配列を返します。 2021-05-24 21:10:35
海外TECH Ars Technica After Virgin Galactic’s success on Saturday, how soon can it fly again? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1767069 success 2021-05-24 12:21:03
海外TECH DEV Community Amazing SignUp Form Using HTML & CSS https://dev.to/nikhil27b/amazing-signup-form-using-html-css-3jog Amazing SignUp Form Using HTML amp CSSToday I created a Amazing SignUp Form with HTML amp CSS for my MEAN Project This is a simple form have with html validation I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil Thank you 2021-05-24 12:44:41
海外TECH DEV Community Day 5/30 : Social Media Icons with Tooltip on Hover using HTML and CSS https://dev.to/somanathgoudar/day-5-30-social-media-icons-with-tooltip-on-hover-using-html-and-css-4d2p Day Social Media Icons with Tooltip on Hover using HTML and CSSWelcome to Day of this Challenge This is what I created today ➜Here is the Demo ➜Video Tutorial ➜Source Code ➜Instagram Post and Reel for Day See Post and ReelHey If You don t know what is happening here Don t Worry I am doing a crazy challenge Read More about it from the post below DaysChallenge Days Extreme HTML amp CSS CHALLENGE Somanath Goudar・May ・ min read html webdev frontend daysofcode Support Me Buy me a Coffee Follow Me on InstagramFollow Future Coders on InstagramSubscribe to My Main ChannelSubscribe to Channel Created for this Challenge 2021-05-24 12:26:15
海外TECH DEV Community Using Kedro In Scripts https://dev.to/waylonwalker/using-kedro-in-scripts-6l2 Using Kedro In ScriptsWith the latest releases of kedro x it is now possible to run kedropipelines from within scripts While I would not start a project with thistechnique it will be an excellent tool to keep in my back pocket when I want tosprinkle in a bit of kedro goodness in existing projects New to KedroWhat is KedroIf you are just learning about kedro check out this post walking through it No More Rabbit Hole of Errorsas of I ve tried to do this in kedro x which turned into a rabbit hole oferrors First kedro needed a conf directory If you tried to fake one in kedrowould then ask for a logging setup These errors just kept coming to the pointit wasn t worth doing and I might as well use a proper template for realprojects and stick to simple function calls for things that are not a kedroproject Kedro in a scriptTo get kedro running you will need a pipeline catalog andrunner at a minimum If you have used kedro before the pipeline willlook very similar to what you are familiar with but the catalog will not beloaded from yaml and you will need to bring your runner from kedro pipeline import Pipeline nodefrom kedro io import DataCatalogfrom kedro runner sequential runner import SequentialRunner additional datasets you want to usefrom kedro extras datasets pandas csv dataset import CSVDataSetfrom kedro extras datasets pandas parquet dataset import ParquetDataSet the sequential runner is the simplest It runs one node at a time runner SequentialRunner this is a super simple example pipelinepipeline Pipeline node lambda range None range node lambda x i for i in x range range node lambda x i for i in x if i gt range range gt k node lambda x x range gt k range gt k head node lambda x sum x len x range gt k range gt k mean to get up and running you can use an empty catalogcatalog DataCatalog runner run pipeline catalog Above is the minimal setup to get a kedro pipeline running more practicallyMore often your kedro pipelines are going to use a function rather than alambda and pandas DataFrames def clean columns df pd DataFrame df columns col lower strip for col in df columns pipeline Pipeline node clean columns raw data clean columns name create clean columns catalog DataCatalog raw data ParquetDataSet filepath f data raw data parquet clean columns ParquetDataSet filepath f data clean columns parquet One single node pipeline to get you started Semi automatic catalogFor some reason when I tried to use the DataCatalogWithDefault it did not pickup my datasets right I suspect this has something to do with not setting up aproper session so this is what I did in a pinch to get that catalog goodnessfor my DataFrames without setting up each one manually catalog DataCatalog name ParquetDataSet filepath f data name parquet for name in pipeline all outputs If all of your datasets are pandas DataFramesFor the example above that does not use DataFrames I would pickle all of myoutputs to enable re loading them later catalog DataCatalog name PickleDataSet filepath f data name pkl for name in pipeline all outputs for use with non pandas datasets LoggingOnce you explicitly add datasets kedro will start logging when it sloading running or saving each node Things will begin to look abit more familiar to anyone who has used kedro before ww main kedro in scripts v ipython❯ runner run pipeline catalog kedro pipeline node INFO Running node lt lambda gt None gt range kedro io data catalog INFO Saving data to range PickleDataSet kedro runner sequential runner INFO Completed out of tasks kedro io data catalog INFO Loading data from range PickleDataSet kedro pipeline node INFO Running node lt lambda gt range gt range kedro io data catalog INFO Saving data to range PickleDataSet kedro runner sequential runner INFO Completed out of tasks kedro io data catalog INFO Loading data from range PickleDataSet kedro pipeline node INFO Running node lt lambda gt range gt range gt k kedro io data catalog INFO Saving data to range gt k PickleDataSet kedro runner sequential runner INFO Completed out of tasks kedro io data catalog INFO Loading data from range gt k PickleDataSet kedro pipeline node INFO Running node lt lambda gt range gt k gt range gt k mean kedro io data catalog INFO Saving data to range gt k mean PickleDataSet kedro runner sequential runner INFO Completed out of tasks kedro io data catalog INFO Loading data from range gt k PickleDataSet kedro pipeline node INFO Running node lt lambda gt range gt k gt range gt k head kedro io data catalog INFO Saving data to range gt k head PickleDataSet kedro runner sequential runner INFO Completed out of tasks kedro runner sequential runner INFO Pipeline execution completed successfully Kedro VizI was not able to quickly get kedro viz up and running for my use case If youreally wanted to you could start modifying their format pipelines data functioninserver py Or you could render a new template and put your pipeline there for vizpurposes It s possible but might as well stick to the template cliFor something that I would be using this on I will probably not put mucheffort into the cli as it is not likely something that we will have ateam of developers interacting with constantly I would just put together theminimum necessary to run my application how I need it if name main import sys if skip raw in sys argv runner run pipeline from inputs range catalog else runner run pipeline catalog Keeping it simple If I want to go down the route of having a full cli built out I am probablygoing to use the full kedro template or something very similar It s a bit RoughWhile I might use this in production somewhere it will be inside someother not kedro application I will still be using something quite similar totheir template for my pipelining projects It misses some excellentthings that bring me to kedro like hooks plugins credentials catalog logging config cli and viz Check Out These Related Posts 2021-05-24 12:23:57
海外TECH DEV Community Ace your LeetCode preparations https://dev.to/tusharsadhwani/ace-your-leetcode-preparations-40l Ace your LeetCode preparationsI ve been practicing my Data Structures and Algorithms on LeetCode for a few months now and it s an awesome platform The quality of the questions is generally great there s very nice explanations for most of the solutions and there s a very motivated and active community around all of it Overall LeetCode is a great platform BUT I had two slight problems with it I personally never understood the idea of writing your code and testing it on a web editor I mean I have my own programming environment tailored to exactly how I like to write and test my code And yes granted that I ll have to use a google doc or something for my interviews but I still prefer to have control over how I practice I d like to keep and test my solutions locally in a version controlled manner so that I can come back to them later search through them easily make changes over time and to just make sure I never lose my code So for this I created my own LeetCode workflow and local testing library python leetcode runnerAnd it has made me many times more productive in solving leetcode problems An example workflowI start with opening my github repo where I store all of my leetcode problems Then I head over to any leetcode problem page example Plus One I copy the problem title and format it to be used as my file name I specifically created the snekify cli tool for that and then copy over the Solution code snippet This creates the filename I want I also use static type checking but feel free to remove that Then I copy over the given example test cases into a variable called tests Then it s time to write a solution and test it using the pyleet command given by my testing library Uh oh Looks like I missed an edge case Let s fix the code And now all tests pass Now you can copy your code file yes with the tests and all straight into leetcode s editor and submit it No more silly Wrong Answers Advanced use casesAnother example Linked List cycleNow this has an issue We need to transform the given input into the linked list data structure before running our solution In other questions for example you don t just have to match expected output with function output Like sometimes it might ask you to modify a list in place or some might have answers where the order of the output doesn t matter etc For that case you can provide your own custom validator function A validator is a function that receives arguments method your leetcode solution functioninputs your test inputs tupleexpected your expected test output value Validator solution exampleHead to the question Copy the problem title format it and paste the sample code and examples Now to be able to run the tests locally we need to write our own code to convert the array into a linked list Now we can solve the question Running the tests And sure enough we passed all the test cases Now simply copy the entire code over to leetcode and You can find the complete solution here Extra tipsI use mypy to run static type checking on my code which ensures stuff like no runtime Null Pointer Exceptions I ve created a bunch of code snippets that auto fill the test cases the validator function and the assert statements These snippets can be used in VSCode as of now More info on the github page My solutions to all of the problems are stored in this github repository FootnotesCurrently this package only works with Python solutions But if required it can be extended to use any language at all If you re interested in working on other language support do let me know Thanks for reading I hope this helps you be more productive 2021-05-24 12:14:56
海外TECH DEV Community A Whole Project Team Exploratory Testing Sessions https://dev.to/bornfightcompany/a-whole-project-team-exploratory-testing-sessions-2kmj A Whole Project Team Exploratory Testing SessionsI love working on challenging projects ーthey make me think more and I always end up learning a lot of new things Our current project is one of those It has a web platform iOS and Android applications a public webstream and a dozen different user roles All of those platforms are interconnected and depend on each other especially with time events where one platform has to pass the information to another in an exact given time frame We use the BDD approach on this project ーthe software tester is included in every aspect of the project the team is writing user stories some of the stories are automated and every user story feature is manually tested by a software tester This approach worked well when testing the applications and the features separately one by one However when we tried to use the platform all the applications together we saw that lots of bugs caused by miscommunication or misalignment between the applications could be found The only way to overcome this testing obstacle was to include more people in the testing process because it could not be done by just one or two software testers So we decided to start exploratory testing sessions with the whole project team Everyone was included in testing ーsoftware developers project managers designers even the CEO The software tester made the test cases in TestRail and handed out them to the team to give feedback after the testing session Then the tester would review the feedback and open the bug tasks for fixing What else did we gain from this We managed to get to the state where more people are using the platform and get their feedbackIn a smaller group we managed to simulate a real user testThe project team got a chance to learn more about the platform s functionality and its features ーthe fronted web platform developer got a chance to use mobile applications and vice versa designers got a chance to see how their design is behaving in the app and the project managers got a chance to see the real state of the projectThe developers got a chance to reproduce the reported bugs together with software testers and to understand them betterThese sessions were both fun and useful for our project team Feel free to share your thoughts if you have had a similar situation 2021-05-24 12:14:53
海外TECH DEV Community Getting started with IRC and Weechat https://dev.to/skorotkiewicz/getting-started-with-irc-and-weechat-5f66 Getting started with IRC and WeechatHi first of all I would like to tell you what IRC is I will explain it in simple words so that even non technical people can start playing with IRC In very simple terms IRC is a server with rooms where each user can create their own room and chat with others Each room can have its own rules where you can set for example if unregistered users can access the room if everyone can change the room title etc Today I will describe how to start chat with IRC with my favorite IRC Weechat client it s a terminal client but don t worry it s very easy to configure and use on a daily basis and if you have your own server you can even set it up in screen S weechat Shall we get started Here we go Install WeechatFirst we need to install our new IRC client there are many ways to install it depending on which system you use On Archlinux you just need pacman S weechat and on macOS brew install weechat Today I will focus on compiling Weechat so everyone can run it on any system No worries as you saw the word compile weechat is very easy to compile You can skip the compilation step and download the finished weechat from weechat org But what fun is that For those who didn t skip the compilation step here s a small and quick tutorial mkdir build cd build cmake DCMAKE INSTALL PREFIX path to directory make make installIf you are root you can remove DCMAKE INSTALL PREFIX path to directory ConfigurationThat s it We now have Weechat you can run it with a command guess what Of course pigchat just kidding we use the weechat command to launch our new IRC client There s nothing interesting at the beginning so it s a good idea to add an IRC server so you can connect and enter the room To do this type server add lt any name gt lt server address gt into weechat server add libera irc libera chatRemember to save your settings after each command otherwise you will have to set weechat again each time which is not convenient So run it save ConnectingWe have our server it would be nice to connect to it to do this you can type connect libera simple but do you want to type the command every time to connect No That s why it makes sense to do an autoconnect Weechat wants to help us to use IRC quickly and comfortably so we set it to set irc server libera autoconnect onAnd don t forget to save From now on it will automatically connect to the IRC server You can enter rooms anonymously and talk To enter a room type join lt room name gt join liberaRemember to always connect via SSL if your server allows it our libera chat server supports SSL so set it up set irc server libera addresses irc libera chat set irc server libera ssl on save NicknameBut you will probably want to have your own permanent nickname on an IRC server and NickServ can help you with that not every server has it but most do Let s start with a simple configuration of your data Set up your username and your real name in Weechat optional step set irc server libera username My user name set irc server libera realname My real name saveTo register your nickname with NickServ enter nick lt your nickname gt msg NickServ REGISTER YourPassword youremail example comBe sure to enter your real e mail address as a confirmation code will be sent to your mailbox Check your mailbox you should receive an e mail with such a message msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER lt your nickname gt vHxBXrgTEType this message into weechat and you are now properly registered and verified Login to your account msg nickserv identify xxxxxxxTo avoid having to manually log into your account all the time add your login details to the configuration set irc server libera sasl mechanism plain set irc server libera sasl username mynick set irc server libera sasl password xxxxxxx saveExit weechat quit and run weechat again to see if you automatically connect to the server and are automatically logged in if you did everything right you are properly logged in You are now ready to begin ChatBut Now I ll give you a quick explanation on how to use the weechat interface first enter multiple channels join libera join linux join hswawYou can navigate between them by pressing ALT up arrow down arrowIf you want it to automatically enter your favorite rooms when you start weechat type it set irc server freenode autojoin libera hswaw saveTo leave the room channel closeTo write a private message to someone query lt user gt messageAnd go to the buffer with ALT arrows BonusQuite useful information You have probably noticed that all the time the IRC server is spamming you with messages that someone has joined or left for this you can set a smart filter where it will only show you information about someone leaving if they have recently texted something Very useful set irc look smart filter on filter add irc smart irc smart filter save ConclusionYou know how to install compile weechat connect to the server enter the room register and log in automate the connection and login process send messages navigate through the You are ready For more detailed information about Weechat please visit official Weechat documentation I highly recommend Weechat intergration with ZNC or custom interface ChanServIf you want to register your own channel and set up ChanServ Guard I recommend my older blog post 2021-05-24 12:11:32
海外TECH DEV Community Glassmorphism login form UI Design using HTML and CSS https://dev.to/code_mystery/glassmorphism-login-form-ui-design-using-html-and-css-4hch Glassmorphism login form UI Design using HTML and CSSIn this article I am going to show you how to create glassmorphism login form using HTML and CSS programming code Earlier I showed you how to create a login form of neumorphism design This login form is somewhat like the transfer login form In this case the background can be seen opaquely In other words if you use a color image in the background it can be seen in an opaque way This seems a lot more interesting than the normal login form I made this design using HTML and CSS programming code You can watch the live demo if you want and also download the required source code However if you are a beginner you can follow the tutorial below to know the complete step by step Step Create basic structure and titleThe following HTML programming code I have used to create the basic structure and title lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt link rel stylesheet href gt lt style gt CSS Code lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class login gt lt h gt Login lt h gt lt login Information gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt Step Design the backgroundI have used an image in the background and design the background using the code below body font px px Open Sans Tahoma Verdana sans serif color aa background image url jpg background size cover background repeat no repeat height px Step basic Glassmorphism structureI have converted the background of this login form to glassmorphism design using the following programming codes In this case the image in the background has been made slightly opaque You can increase or decrease the amount as you wish login position relative margin px auto width px height px background rgba backdrop filter blur px border top px solid rgba border left px solid rgba box shadow px px px rgba border radius px Step Designed the title in this login formI designed the title in this login form using the CSS programming code below In this case the header line is a little more opaque than the normal login page login h line height px font size px font weight bold font family Open Sans sans serif text transform uppercase color fff text align center background rgba backdrop filter blur px border top px solid rgba border left px solid rgba box shadow px px px rgba margin top px border top left radius px border top right radius px Step Create Email ID and Password holderUsing the following HTML codes I have created a place to input the most important thing in the login form namely password and email ID In that case I used one icon at a time and used the cdn icon link of Front Assam to make that icon work Which you must use in the header tag lt form class form method post action gt lt p class field gt lt input type text name login placeholder Username required gt lt i class fa fa user gt lt i gt lt p gt lt p class field gt lt input type password name password placeholder Password required gt lt i class fa fa lock gt lt i gt lt p gt lt form gt Step Designed the input spacesI have designed the input spaces using the following codes The following programming has helped to design the icons in this login form form width form field position relative margin px webkit input placeholder color ffffff font family Open Sans form input type text input type password font family Open Sans Calibri Arial sans serif font size px font weight padding px px px px position relative width px height px border none background rgba backdrop filter blur px border top px solid rgba border left px solid rgba box shadow px px px rgba color rgb transition color s ease out form input type text margin bottom px continued styling for input form input type checkbox display none Step Decorate the iconsThe following codes have helped to decorate the icons beautifully and add the How Ever color effect form field i font size px left px top px position absolute height px width px color ffeb background rgba backdrop filter blur px border top px solid rgba border left px solid rgba box shadow px px px rgba text align center line height px transition all s ease out pointer events none Step Create Login ButtonThe last element of this login form is the login button which I have used to create following programming codes lt p class submit gt lt input type submit name sent value Login gt lt p gt form input type submit margin top px width px text align center font size px font family Open Sans sans serif font weight bold padding px color fff background rgba backdrop filter blur px border top px solid rgba border left px solid rgba box shadow px px px rgba text transform uppercase border none margin bottom px Hopefully from this design you have learned how to create a login form of simple glassmorphism design Here I have explained to you in full step by step how I made this design If you have any problems you can definitely comment 2021-05-24 12:11:00
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GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ Chrome Insider: 脅威からデータを保護する BeyondCorp Enterprise の機能を Chrome で管理 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/chrome-enterprise/managing-beyondcorp-enterprises-threat-and-data-protection/ BeyondCorpEnterpriseの脅威からの保護機能でChromeユーザーを保護するChromeブラウザクラウド管理でBeyondCorpEnterpriseを有効にすると、Chromeユーザーがファイルのダウンロードやアップロードを行うときにマルウェアやフィッシングなどの脅威から保護できます。 2021-05-24 13:00:00
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