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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] TVerで「逃げ恥」全話無料配信 1月放送の新春スペシャルも https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2105/25/news162.html 無料配信 2021-05-25 20:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] SIMロックは原則禁止、eSIM普及を促進 総務省、有識者会議の報告書案を公表 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2105/25/news164.html itmedianewssim 2021-05-25 20:42:00
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IT MOONGIFT Spotlight.js - モダンなイメージギャラリー http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/OCDc_FHKAhA/ spotlight 2021-05-25 21:00:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pdfファイルをcsvファイルに加工し、いらない行を削る https://qiita.com/XCoIoYbMRUOsI9f/items/a2e74acd7bd94e6bc2a3 私はwordもAdobeAcrobatReaderも持っていないので困りましたが、検索で出てきたやり方を組み合わせることで変換ができたので、自分向けに記録したものを公開します。 2021-05-25 20:03:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 検索結果にもターゲットに振った番号を反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/340330?rss=all 検索結果にもターゲットに振った番号を反映させたい前提・実現したいことリアルタイム検索で、ターゲットエリアの文章にcssnbspcounterで文頭に番号を振っています。 2021-05-25 20:50:49
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) M1チップMacでXcodeプロジェクトをビルドした際のエラー https://teratail.com/questions/340328?rss=all MチップMacでXcodeプロジェクトをビルドした際のエラー前提・実現したいこと以前に作成していたXcodeのプロジェクトをgithubから落としてきて、新しいMチップのMacでビルドしようとしたところ、初めて見るエラーが発生しました。 2021-05-25 20:38:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 改行文字の読み込みで改行されない https://teratail.com/questions/340327?rss=all 改行文字の読み込みで改行されないファイルatxtの中身は、hellonbspworldnkonnichiwangoodと書いてあります。 2021-05-25 20:37:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) position: absolute;を使っての中央ぞろえと高さの確保 https://teratail.com/questions/340326?rss=all positionabsoluteを使っての中央ぞろえと高さの確保HTMLnbspにてCSS勉強を行っているのですが、positionnbspabsoluteで以下の点に困っています。 2021-05-25 20:36:32
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JSで2つの配列を比較して、同じidの場合に新しい配列を生成したいです https://teratail.com/questions/340320?rss=all JSでつの配列を比較して、同じidの場合に新しい配列を生成したいです内容以下のつの配列からオブジェクトの同じidがある場合、profileというオブジェクトを追加して新たな配列を生成したいです。 2021-05-25 20:14:29
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PythonでAvermedia4を開くことは可能ですか? https://teratail.com/questions/340318?rss=all PythonでAvermediaを開くことは可能ですか前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-05-25 20:10:25
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita お気に入り機能にてlikes#destroyがうまくいかない https://qiita.com/kanounba77/items/1e0a0d3041306855bf01 今回ならtweet、ここが原因なのですが最初はあっていると思っていました。 2021-05-25 20:19:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSブログサービスを構築する(1) https://qiita.com/sanajima/items/ab0b8a2ce44319c44121 用意するものWindowsのPC・TeratermVPC①作成サブネット②作成したVPCに、PublicとPrivateをそれぞれ作成EC③作成して置いておく⑩RDSを作成したらWPをインストールするECにインストールする。 2021-05-25 20:54:36
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCPサーバレスサービスの比較 https://qiita.com/ozora/items/d5a8e4bccf000f239262 よって自分がよくする各サーバレスサービスの使い分けとしては、Functionsの要件内で事足りる比較的軽めの処理、もしくはリアルタイムイベント駆動を実装する必要がある場合にはCloudFunctionsを用います。 2021-05-25 20:52:50
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS SAM】Amazon API Gateway HTTP API と Swagger (OAS3) で最新API開発 https://qiita.com/tishihara/items/f95b0aec8854de288d15 Lambda統合の設定はxamazonapigatewayintegrationを使う特にURIの設定がポイント。 2021-05-25 20:18:31
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GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCPサーバレスサービスの比較 https://qiita.com/ozora/items/d5a8e4bccf000f239262 よって自分がよくする各サーバレスサービスの使い分けとしては、Functionsの要件内で事足りる比較的軽めの処理、もしくはリアルタイムイベント駆動を実装する必要がある場合にはCloudFunctionsを用います。 2021-05-25 20:52:50
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCPサーバレスサービスの比較 https://qiita.com/ozora/items/d5a8e4bccf000f239262 よって自分がよくする各サーバレスサービスの使い分けとしては、Functionsの要件内で事足りる比較的軽めの処理、もしくはリアルタイムイベント駆動を実装する必要がある場合にはCloudFunctionsを用います。 2021-05-25 20:52:50
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby on Railsのサーバーが立ち上がらない件 https://qiita.com/satoshi91n/items/38da918ff0abe5714744 なんか、最初にRailsをインストールしたときのバージョンは古くてその後バージョンアップしたような気がしないでもないです。 2021-05-25 20:30:40
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita お気に入り機能にてlikes#destroyがうまくいかない https://qiita.com/kanounba77/items/1e0a0d3041306855bf01 今回ならtweet、ここが原因なのですが最初はあっていると思っていました。 2021-05-25 20:19:49
海外TECH DEV Community How I Recreated YouTube in Figma: Practical Guide https://dev.to/shawnmux/how-i-recreated-youtube-in-figma-practical-guide-5fjh How I Recreated YouTube in Figma Practical GuideContent is king in we learn through content we entertain ourselves with content we even procrastinate ourselves with content A large number of this content is the video and when it comes to video content YouTube has been the undisputed king since its inception back in Apart from the great video content we found on YouTube a huge player behind YouTube s popularity is its buttery smooth user experience As an aspiring UX designer I thought it would be a great learning experience to recreate YouTube from scratch I split the journey into sections thus you can understand my approach of recreating YouTube in a precise way Take the snapshotAnalyze amp create a component libraryCreate the style sheetFollow fronted framework Vue JS Take the SnapshotThe first step is to take a snapshot of the interface Different screen resolutions are starting from the px to px but which one should you pick The best option is to take the snapshot at px which is the standard breakpoints of a desktop After that create a desktop frame in Figma which is X px by resolution Drag the image file from your directory to the selected Figma frame After placing the image successfully align it to the top and left to the frame Select the image from the layout hierarchy and reduce the opacity to and lock it to the frame thus you can design other components over it Analyze amp create a component libraryWhenever you are going to design a large scale application you need to build a component library because the same components will be reused in other sections of the interface In my case I ve analyzed major components with their base components and design the whole interface For perfection I switch to Firefox and take div screenshots and paste it to Figma Additionally I inspect the computed layout of the div section to measure margins and padding between the objects of the component to make the design identical Video Card From a UX perspective you need to have the skill to identify the component that draws the user s attention first In my case it is the video card component that draws maximum attention from me when I visited YouTube every time There are a couple of base components like Channel Avatar Video Thumbnails Video Title and Channel Details Related Chips Tags On top of the video cards there are related video chips that are generated by your watching history and suggest related tags as per your interest As a UI designer you need to design small components first so that you can build complex components to make the layout complete App Bar The next component that I build is the app bar component In these components there are a couple of base components like search user avatar and upload video icons I combine all together to create an App Bar This is the simplest component that I design from all of the components Navigation Drawer Finally I build the navigation drawer which is one of the important components for the users that will redirect the users to different pages of YouTube In this component there are also multiple base components but they are similar in type That is why I create a variant for them to use it smartly all over the interface One variant shows only the options to navigate and another variant shows subscription channels with new video status As a UI designer you ve to give focus on those small details that will help you in your design thinking ability Creating the Style sheetA style sheet is combined of design assets such as color typography icons illustrations spacing elevation etc As a UI designer you ve to collaborate with developers and they need design assets from the style sheets If you create a separate Figma page for design assets and name them as per your team s coding convention that will reduce the time of your developer s friend For example If you have a color palette with multiple Grey Shades then name like Grey Grey Grey etc For typography I use Roboto as this is the default typeface of Google s product that follows material design I use the material tool for generating the type scale as per material guidelines This will help you to create a robust and responsive type system for your design For colors I use the material kit resource of Figma and there I get every shade of grey and other states colors such as error success warning etc In the color frame you can see that I ve taken multiple shades of the primary and secondary colors so that I can choose among the variants for designing dark mode and make the design accessible Additionally I need icons that will have multiple states like outlined or filled In material icons I found states of icons that are the same icons used by YouTube product design as they are bound to follow the material design as their design system Finally there are elevation levels that I need to use for designing multiple interaction states like hover enabled focused dragged etc Follow Frontend Framework Library Vuetify JSAfter you ve successfully designed the interface it is time to hand off your design to your developer s colleagues I need to document my design system as per the guidance of Vuetify JS which is a component library of the Vue JS frontend framework This will help my developer friend to quickly identify the components and build the interface quickly For example for the video my developers are going to use the card component and configure it as per my design and declare it component class and reuse it on other pages of the application In my case I have used Vue but it depends on your developer s team as they are credible to choose the framework In your case it could be React JS Bootstrap Angular etc Final Result Learning OutcomesAs many Figma designers struggled to design complex components with Auto Layout I am not an exception I design every base and master component with the help of Auto Layout thus it helps me design responsive interfaces in multiple breakpoints If you want a separate tutorial of auto layout then let me know in the comment section As I ve said previously building a large scale application is a complex process and if you follow the process of building a component library then it will save a lot of time for your team and project As a UX designer I always wanted to design interfaces that completely follow the material guidelines Following their approach is an industry standard approach for designing applications I ve to go through the material design guidelines during the design time and it helps me to get deeper knowledge about their design patterns Closing ThoughtsI ve recreated YouTube thus designers like us follow an industry standard approach as many designers feel the pain of designing complex applications By following the steps that I ve discussed above you can recreate any of the complex applications and add them to your portfolio that makes more sense Look around the design approach if you think it s suitable for your use case use these steps as a template If you think something can be improved let me know or heck you can just contribute directly That s the beauty of UX design isn t it Good Bye Thank you 2021-05-25 11:36:43
海外TECH DEV Community useContext for better state management! https://dev.to/ms_yogii/usecontext-for-better-state-management-51hi useContext for better state management Hi folks Managing data in an app is little tricky when many components are sharing and updating it useState useReducer useMemo etc are some state management hooks in React which are very efficient and have their own ways to work in different scenarios Though all these hooks are effective there are still some situations where managing state becomes difficult If you already know why we need context hook you can directly jump to its implementation hereConsider an app which works on user s data On loading the app fetches this data from a backend and stores it in an app component Later this data is shared between many other children components If child components are just using that data then it s fine But problems will arise if one of them will update the data As we know the app component fetches the data we need to use prop drilling to share it with all the children In this case we create a prop userData and pass it to all the children of this app component making it look something like this This approach works when the children are just consuming the data and not updating it But if you see in the diagram the children four is performing an update operation on our user data After this update the new version of data should be made available to all the other components If you notice this transaction of data becomes fairly difficult when the app is complex and there are multiple states to handle across multiple components These are the scenarios where state management libraries like Redux are introduced in the app But with React context in hand we can do the state management efficiently and natively P S Redux is a very good and very vast state management system It is the best choice for complex applications But if the app has only a few shared states I prefer working with context over Redux What is Context React context is nothing but a global state to the app It is a way to make a particular data available to all the components no matter how they are nested Context helps you broadcast the data and changes happening to that data to all the components That s why it is a very useful state management hook when it comes to use cases like we discussed above You can read more on React context in the official documentation of react How to use it Now that we understand the what and why behind a context Let s understand how we can use it To create a context in any React app you need to follow simple steps Create a context Create a provider Add provider to the app UseContextThese terms can become super confusing in the start The best way to understand context is consider it as a simple state a state which we create using useState The only thing context will do is to share this state and its changes throughout the app Hence when we say we are creating a context we are creating a state When we say we are creating a provider as its name says we are creating a wrapper component to provide that state to all the components It is that simple Now let s dive into code and create a context In the below code we will be covering step and UserDetailsProvider jsimport createContext useState from react create a context with createContext apiexport const userDetailsContext createContext const UserDetailsProvider props gt this state will be shared with all components const userDetails setUserDetails useState return this is the provider providing state lt userDetailsContext Provider value userDetails setUserDetails gt props children lt userDetailsContext Provider gt export default UserDetailsProvider In the code above we have used createContext api to create our userDetailsContext Now the context got created so we will need to create a provider In the function UserDetailsProvider we created a provider for userDetailsContext lt contextname Provider gt is a common syntax for creating it Please note a value prop here The value prop will be used always to pass the shared state down In this case we are passing both state and setState functions down This is because even though any component updates the state the global state can get updated which will be available for all the components Now that our context and provider are created Let s add the provider to the app This is the most important step as it will make the provider available to all components Hence let s wrap our app component inside this provider Our app component will look something like this App Componentimport BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom import RouteWithSubRoutes from utils shared import UserDetailsProvider from context UserDetailsProvider import routes from Routes function App return lt BrowserRouter gt lt Switch gt As login do not require the userDetails state keeping it outside lt Route path component Login exact gt All other routes are inside provider lt UserDetailsProvider gt routes map route gt lt RouteWithSubRoutes key route key route gt lt UserDetailsProvider gt lt Switch gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default App In this code the data will not be fetched by the app component Note here we are adding only those components inside UserDetailsProvider which actually needs this state So here we come to the last part using this context in any component You must have guessed this step needs the hook useContext as we will be using a context here No claps on guessing This is done in the same way as we declare a state using useState Something like this Profile jsimport useEffect useState useContext from react import getUser from utils api import userDetailsContext from context UserDetailsProvider const Profile email gt This is how we useContext Similar to useState const userDetails setUserDetails useContext userDetailsContext const loading setLoading useState false const handleGetUser async gt try setLoading true let response await getUser email setUserDetails response data catch error console log error TODO better error handling setLoading false useEffect gt if userDetails handleGetUser return lt div className bg gray gray h full gt do something lt div gt export default Profile If you have noticed the useContext looks similar to useState And later we will be using it same as useState Hence whenever the setUserDetails function is called the state change will be effective throughout the app saving too much prop drilling So that s all about useContext hook I have also seen many examples of context api being used in toggling and setting themes for an app Do share your use cases for using this context api Thank you so much for reading this article and please let me know your comments feedback suggestions Keep learning 2021-05-25 11:01:38
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple researching ways to make iPhone display glass thinner and stronger https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/25/apple-researching-ways-to-make-iphone-display-glass-thinner-and-stronger?utm_medium=rss Apple researching ways to make iPhone display glass thinner and strongerApple could make the glass on the front of an iPhone or iPad even stronger and thinner by using a special support structure around the edge that s also made of glass Smartphones like the iPhone and other mobile devices use glass panels in front of the display It has a primary job of protecting the delicate screen from impacts and scratches while also informing part of the external design of the device itself With the continuing evolution of device design relying more on curved glass for the front panel this introduces design challenges that cannot be easily conquered with existing techniques Read more 2021-05-25 11:34:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Exclusive interview: Austin Mann on photography with the M1 iPad Pro https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/25/exclusive-austin-mann-interview-about-the-m1-ipad-pro-for-photographers-on-apple-insider-podcast?utm_medium=rss Exclusive interview Austin Mann on photography with the M iPad ProRenowned travel photographer Austin Mann joins AppleInsider to review the new M iPad Pro from a photography and mobile creator perspective Austin Mann reviews the M iPad ProEvery year Austin Mann takes the latest iPhone to exotic locations and performs a thorough review of its cameras Mann typically reviews and edits his work on a inch MacBook Pro with Pro Display XDR but the iPad Pro has become an integral part of his process Now with a Liquid Retina XDR display and M CPU the new inch iPad Pro brings unique benefits to mobile photographers Mann compares the new iPad Pro to his Pro Display XDR and describes the noticeable speed increase when previewing RAW photos Read more 2021-05-25 11:33:58
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 2021 Apple TV 4K Review: Seeking a blockbuster, given a Band-Aid https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/25/2021-apple-tv-4k-review-seeking-a-blockbuster-given-a-band-aid?utm_medium=rss Apple TV K Review Seeking a blockbuster given a Band AidToo expensive to compete with streaming sticks and not powerful enough to take on the likes of full fledged game consoles the revision of the Apple TV K is a competent product that continues to serve a niche market within the Apple ecosystem but won t win over any converts Apple s Apple TV K with new Siri RemoteAside from the revamped Siri Remote which we will cover more extensively in a separate review dedicated to that product the main addition to the Apple TV K set top box is an updated processor jumping from the AX to the A Bionic This sounds on paper like it could be a big deal it does have Bionic in the name after all but the reality is far less exciting ーthe A Bionic debuted in and in at least some past hardware configurations the graphics performance in the A is actually worse than the A Read more 2021-05-25 11:06:02
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ラズパイ Raspberry Pi Hide a huge arcade machine in plain sight with Raspberry Pi https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/hide-a-huge-arcade-machine-in-plain-sight-with-raspberry-pi/ Hide a huge arcade machine in plain sight with Raspberry PiProblem I really want an arcade machine at home but I don t have the space for it Solution Build Alexandre Chappel s giant two player machine which is sleek and hidden in plain sight on your wall Alexandre s goal was to build something that looks like an ordinary piece of furniture and that you d have no idea The post Hide a huge arcade machine in plain sight with Raspberry Pi appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2021-05-25 11:28:12
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ニュース BBC News - Home PM's burka comments gave impression of insensitivity - report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57239483 islamophobia 2021-05-25 11:40:15
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