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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python boot camp by Dr.Angela day 21 https://qiita.com/Shellyhackinglab/items/7dd040eecfcce2fc24e2 PythonbootcampbyDrAngeladayInheritance継承inheritanceexamplepyclassWorlddefinitselfselfcontinentnumselfoceansnumdefglobeselfprintfThisistheworldprintfContinentselfcontinentnumclassAsiaWorlddefinitselfsuperinitClassWorldのinitを呼び出しているprintWhereistheworldSuperClassの既存のinitに追加編集defseaselfsuperglobeClassWorldのglobeを呼び出しているprintfOceansselfoceansnumgtasiaAsiaasiasea実質asiaが直接呼び出しているのはseaメソッドだけ。 2021-05-30 22:49:46
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 🍜Kaggle Notebookを触ってみたらすごく快適だった件🍜 https://qiita.com/Kimii/items/42fc304aa19633200f35 KaggleNotebookを触ってみたらすごく快適だった件はじめにKaggle触り始めたのですが、データサイズが大きすぎてローカルで処理するのは絶対無理だ…と絶望していたところ、Kaggle上で実行できるNotebookでデータの追加が簡単にできることを知り試してみました。 2021-05-30 22:34:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pythonプロジェクトの構造 https://qiita.com/flcn-x/items/c866eec8824a3cd70fa8 そのため、記事として本構造が適切であると推奨しているわけではない。 2021-05-30 22:33:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者向け】CSS JavaScript で虫眼鏡を実装する方法 https://qiita.com/mark_posts_stocker/items/345776f14131439a304c samplejsを以下に書き換えると、単純に座標だけを出力するデモが作れますsamplejsDom元画像letbaseImgdocumentquerySelectorbaseimg元画像の上をマウスポインタが通った場合、座標を表示baseImgaddEventListenermousemovefunctioneventbaseImginnerTextX座標eventoffsetXY座標eventoffsetYfalse実装画面「」ホバーしたときに、拡大画像虫眼鏡の透明度をからに、そして元画像の座標を、拡大画像虫眼鏡の座標にも反映させます、eventoffsetYoffsetXをそれぞれしてますsamplejs拡大画像Box虫眼鏡元画像の座標から引いた値を設定lensImgBoxstyleopacitylensImgBoxstyletopeventoffsetYpxlensImgBoxstylelefteventoffsetXpx「eventoffsetY」「eventoffsetX」としている理由は以下。 2021-05-30 22:12:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 教科書記載の、Q学習の一番基本的なコードの内容を理解したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/341255?rss=all 2021-05-30 22:59:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravel8 モデルとテーブルが紐付かない https://teratail.com/questions/341254?rss=all Laravelモデルとテーブルが紐付かない現在Laravelの学習の為掲示板の作成しており、ブックマーク機能の実装をしております。 2021-05-30 22:58:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SQL:無いレコードの連結 https://teratail.com/questions/341253?rss=all SQL無いレコードの連結TABLEAnbspに名前NAME、TABLEBに点数POINTが書いてあってUIDがの人がPOINT出してなくてレコードがなかった場合。 2021-05-30 22:55:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JAVAの選択可能なテキストの文字表示について https://teratail.com/questions/341252?rss=all JAVAの選択可能なテキストの文字表示についてボタンのように動作するテキストをスクロールパネルに貼り付け、そのテキストの表示する文字を改行して使いたいのですが、方法はありますか上記の写真のようにスペースや文章を表示できるようなコンポーネントを実現したいです。 2021-05-30 22:52:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SSL化に伴いhtaccessの編集 WWWがうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/341251?rss=all 2021-05-30 22:51:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Excelのセル内の文章をPowerPointに挿入するマクロを組む方法 https://teratail.com/questions/341250?rss=all Excelのセル内の文章をPowerPointに挿入するマクロを組む方法特定のExcelファイルのセル内の文章をコピーしてそれを特定のパワーポイントファイルに貼りつけるプログラムマクロを組みたいです。 2021-05-30 22:39:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【JSONのパースがうまくいかない】APIを使ったゴルフ場検索アプリを作りたい https://teratail.com/questions/341249?rss=all 【JSONのパースがうまくいかない】APIを使ったゴルフ場検索アプリを作りたい前提・実現したいこと・Swiftを使用。 2021-05-30 22:38:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) html bootstrap slack風画面の作り方 https://teratail.com/questions/341248?rss=all htmlbootstrapslack風画面の作り方実現したいことdjangoを使って、slack風のアプリを作ろうと思っていますが、うまくデザインができていません。 2021-05-30 22:20:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【python】mediapipeがinstallできない https://teratail.com/questions/341247?rss=all 【python】mediapipeがinstallできない前提・実現したいことmnbspmacを購入しpytonの環境構築をしていますがmediapipeがinstallできません。 2021-05-30 22:19:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Class変更後のクリック動作 https://teratail.com/questions/341246?rss=all Class変更後のクリック動作重力四目並べのプログラムをJSで作成しています。 2021-05-30 22:02:27
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Active Supportを使うと Range#=== が遅くなる https://qiita.com/ochaochaocha3/items/1669b8be1cfa058f0de2 ActiveSupportを使うとRangeが遅くなるブログ版IRCログを記録するRailsアプリの開発中、IRCメッセージの解析において、文字が制御文字か判断する必要があった。 2021-05-30 22:42:49
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Ruby】inject と each_with_object の違い https://qiita.com/hide8888/items/fde4ad10cc0f31fa5312 先程の例、eachwithobjectnumaryaryltltnumで見てみると、まず、numにの最初の値が、aryに配列オブジェクトが入り、ブロック内のaryltltnumを実行。 2021-05-30 22:26:15
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 複数Modelが絡んだCSV出力 https://qiita.com/Kumihimoya_Ryu/items/6c2ae7a9ad902821dd30 シンプルな親子関係のModelclassOfficehasmanyusersclassUserbelongstooffice上記のような関係のModelから取り出すときは比較的簡単にかけると思います。 2021-05-30 22:20:43
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】S3のオブジェクト構成とデータ構造 https://qiita.com/mzmz__02/items/16064bc6a2cc5b6e38c3 データの名前がkeyでデータそのものがvalueバージョン管理されていると、バージョンIDが振られていく。 2021-05-30 22:46:20
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita dependabot を使って Dockerfile の定義を最新化しよう https://qiita.com/mziyut/items/13389b6f5fc37eb47213 dependabotを使ってDockerfileの定義を最新化しようこれはなにDockerHubなどで公開されているDockerImageをベースに用途に応じて、パッケージや設定の変更、定義の追加を行っているがBaseimageの更新を忘れることが多いので設定を行った際のメモ。 2021-05-30 22:36:06
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Active Supportを使うと Range#=== が遅くなる https://qiita.com/ochaochaocha3/items/1669b8be1cfa058f0de2 ActiveSupportを使うとRangeが遅くなるブログ版IRCログを記録するRailsアプリの開発中、IRCメッセージの解析において、文字が制御文字か判断する必要があった。 2021-05-30 22:42:49
技術ブログ Developers.IO 新型コロナウイルスのワクチン接種スケジュールにやきもきしたならSmartNewsのワクチンアラームを頼ってみよう https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/alarm-for-covid-19-vaccine/ devio 2021-05-30 13:46:13
技術ブログ Developers.IO [アップデート] EC2 インスタンスの状態をいい感じにマップ表示!CloudWatch Resource Health が追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/announcing-amazon-cloudwatch-resource-health/ cloudwatch 2021-05-30 13:07:27
海外TECH DEV Community Amazing Button Hover Using HTML & CSS https://dev.to/nikhil27b/amazing-button-hover-using-html-css-4a7f Amazing Button Hover Using HTML amp CSSHello Guys Today I created a Amazing Button Hover Effect Using HTML amp CSS this hover effect is simple but it looks amazing I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil Thank you 2021-05-30 13:46:44
海外TECH DEV Community Create an electron-app using svelte build script included https://dev.to/abdallahmoh/create-an-electron-app-using-svelte-build-script-included-3kbg Create an electron app using svelte build script included First generate the svelte appinstall degit if not installednpm install g degitSetup svelte app using degit sveltejs template app namecd app name and run npm installnow your svelte app is ready Add electronnpm install D electroncreate an index js file in the project rootpaste code belowconst app BrowserWindow require electron const path require path function createWindow const win new BrowserWindow width height win loadFile path join dirname public index html app on ready createWindow now add main index js in your package jsonthen replace scripts in package json with scripts build rollup c amp amp electron builder dev rollup c w start electron validate svelte check now open terminal and run npm run dev a window will popup like this to fix this go to public index html file and replace it with this lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt App Name lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet href global css gt lt link rel stylesheet href build bundle css gt lt script defer src build bundle js gt lt script gt lt head gt lt body gt lt body gt lt html gt run npm run dev again and you will get Now for building install electron buildernpm i D electron builder now run npm run buildwait till command ends and you should get a dist folder 2021-05-30 13:32:11
海外TECH DEV Community Lazy-loading React components—no rocket science https://dev.to/aman_singh/lazy-loading-react-components-no-rocket-science-ejn Lazy loading React componentsーno rocket scienceImagine you ve been to a caféand order a cup of coffee Once the bill arrives it isn t only for the coffee you ordered but all the menu items available in the café How would you feel Shocking right It would be unfair to pay for all the items you haven t even ordered Without arguing you paid the bill and never returned to this café Well that was just an analogy Let s relate it with our web platform build with an enormous JavaScript bundle Here our user is the customer and we developers are the caféowners If our user has only requested the registration signup form would you also send down the rest of the JavaScript bundle the bill responsible for the rest of the pages carrying huge map or date libraries How would your user feel Most likely upset or might not come to your website again right The obvious reason is that their first page load experience would be slow and the page might take more time to be interactive TTI amp FID The browser will keep itself busy parsing the JavaScript while our users stare at a blank screen with a sad face ️ And the sad thing is that our poor user has no clue that it was us the developers who could have been more responsible while sending the full JavaScript bundle down to them in one go Welcome to the world of code splitting where you can lazy load dynamically your JavaScript bundle dynamically only when the user requested it The bill you hand over to your user is exactly what they have eaten Route based splittingAll modern JavaScript bundlers like Webpack Rollup and parcel supports code splitting feature out of the box These bundlers can create multiple bundles that can be dynamically loaded at run time thus improving the web performance for your users Splitting your JavaScript bundle based on the routes pages in your app is called route based code splitting For example if you have login and a home page you would more likely be splitting the bundle based on these routes And only send login page JavaScript when the page loads NextJS provides this route based splitting feature out of the box And if you re using React Router React lazy is your best bet Component based splittingWith route based splitting we ve made our users happy It s time we take an extra step and implement component based splitting Let s understand this with an example followed by a coding exercise to strengthen our concepts Before you realize it it will become a piece of cake for you Imagine you re building a page to show a rental property There s a button on this page that opens up a full page map to show its address This map component carries a complex functionality and has contributed to a large amount of JavaScript bundle import JSHeavyMapComponent from js heavy map component Property page component export default function Property const showMap setShowMap useState false return lt gt lt h gt Rental Property lt h gt lt article gt lt h gt Property description lt h gt showMap amp amp lt JSHeavyMapComponent gt lt button onClick gt setShowMap true gt Show map lt button gt lt article gt lt gt Would you make this map component part of your initial property page route based bundle What if the user never clicks the button and only views the property metadata Wouldn t that be a waste of resources to parse all that extra JavaScript causing the slow page load time Yes it would be unnecessary to send along all this heavy JavaScript bundle in this case It might cause a heavy toll on mobile users where resources are limited compared to Desktop users This is where the component based loading comes into the picture and mitigates these issues With this approach you can lazy load the map component and dynamically serve it when the user actually asks for it click the button This will make your property page lean improving the overall page load performance You can put more effort and download the component when the user is about to hover the button saving you an extra microsecond there With the theory aside we ll see how could you easily implement it in code using the dynamic import feature We ll see two examples starting with React lazy approach and then approach to do the same in NextJS projects using dynamic import feature So let s get started Lazy loading via React lazyWe need to use React lazy along with Suspense to lazy load our Map component dynamically Change the old import to use React lazyconst JSHeavyMapComponent React lazy gt import js heavy map component Property page componentexport default function Property const showMap setShowMap useState false return lt gt lt h gt Rental Property lt h gt lt article gt lt h gt Property description lt h gt Wrap you dynamic component with Suspense showMap amp amp lt React Suspense fallback lt p gt Loading lt p gt gt lt JSHeavyMapComponent gt lt React Suspense gt lt button onClick gt setShowMap true gt Show map lt button gt lt article gt lt gt So with this change when your property page loads the browser will not load extra JavaScript for the map component The loading will only happen when the user hits the Show map buttonーgreat saving with just a couple of lines Didn t I say that it would your piece of cake Here s the codesandbox demo Download and run the app locally on your computer Keep an eye on your network tab when you hit the Show map button Here s your lazy loading in action Lazy loading in NextJSWith NextJS implementing the dynamic loading is as easy as ABC Similar to React lazy API NextJS has an equivalent dynamic module which also let you pass additional options for loading component import dynamic from next dynamic Change the old import to use NextJS dynamic importconst JSHeavyMapComponent dynamic gt import js heavy map component Property page componentexport default function Property const showMap setShowMap useState false return lt gt lt h gt Rental Property lt h gt lt article gt lt h gt Property description lt h gt showMap amp amp lt JSHeavyMapComponent gt lt button onClick gt setShowMap true gt Show map lt button gt lt article gt lt gt And here s the codesandbox demo for it if you want to play along ConclusionMy main goal through this article was not only to tell you how to implement the code splitting the official docs are great resources for this but to help you think about why do we need it in the first place Remember that your beautiful app is of no good use if it takes minutes to load User is the focus and we should be mindful of what we send across the wire to the clients Don t make your users pay the cost for the additional JavaScript And with such a great set of tooling at our disposal there s no excuse to not do code splitting Your uses will thank you for this Think inclusive think accessible 2021-05-30 13:24:20
海外TECH DEV Community The 5 Community Mantras : Benefits joining a community. https://dev.to/loveneeshdhir/the-5-community-mantras-things-we-can-learn-from-communities-jf3 The Community Mantras Benefits joining a community Before getting reasons to join a community let s talk about what a community is For me community is a group of like minded people who share a common vision goal Like a group of developers working on a similar language OS platform Each and everyone of us is surrounded by many communities They provide us lots of opportunities but it totally depends on us to how to get the most out of them In this blog we will be discussing things Mantras that you can learn from communities to get the most out of them Mantra Pushing Limits The most important thing we can learn while being a part of a community is pushing our limits When we work alone it s often too easy to give up when things get hard or we get stuck at some problem Being a part of a community we surround ourselves with other people who are also working toward a similar goal or objective we get motivation support and friendly competition to push ourselves a bit further than we would have done on our own Mantra Collective Intelligence I truly believe that when we work in a community of like minded people then the collective wisdom of all the community members is way more greater than one person working alone As we all have heard the bundle of sticks story from our ancestors which teaches us that we can easily break a single stick into pieces but we can t break the bundle So if we work together as a community our divergent views and lenses mean that we all can approach the exact same problem in a different way and can figure out the best solution for it Mantra Borrow Motivation There are some days when our belief in ourselves is dwindling at that point of time even small things can sound huge It is the time when we need to lean on our community the most we can look around and borrow some motivation from the folks and be inspired I literally had times when my community members believed in me probably more than myself Mantra Be Accountable ‍ ️I think that there are things we would never do if we didn t have people holding us accountable for Going to the gym getting some work done and even getting a bus at time is easier when there s someone waiting for us Having a community to be accountable for some task is a great thing Mantra Make Connections Last but not the least being a part of community we have an opportunity to meet and interact with a lot of people make new friends and get to know mentors who can help guide us with the things that no one taught us in our colleges The above picture that I attached is from Devfest where I met a lot of people made some really good friends and found some amazing mentors huge shoutout to Arpan Bhaiya if you are reading this who guided me a lot regarding my careers with their experience in the dev ecosystem This was all from my end Would love to hear you learnings while being a part of some community in the comments If you liked this article you can support it by Liking ️and Sharing 2021-05-30 13:20:15
海外TECH DEV Community Efficiency as a Developer - Big O Notation https://dev.to/danytulumidis/efficiency-as-a-developer-big-o-notation-4ffb Efficiency as a Developer Big O Notation IntroductionAs developers we write new algorithms or work on existing ones And whenever we code something we should ask ourselves multiple questions One of these questions is How efficient is my code One key element when writing algorithms are data structures and each data structure has its own pros and cons In this blog article my goal is to give you an introduction to Big O Notation why it s very important even when it s not that crucial for your daily job What is Big O Notation Big O Notation in a nutshell How the algorithm is performing and how well it scales You can divide this into forms Time How much time is needed until my algorithm is finished Space How much space it needs in the RAM This really matters when you want to scale your application Imagine the massive data Google has to process every day If you are a Google Engineer Big O should sound very familiar The NotationThe notation is the way we can define a algorithm O O n O n There are much more but just to give you some examples These simple terms define the efficiency of an algorithm O for examples means that the code always needs the same time Its constant O n is different n is a variable and defines the input Imagine you have a for loop and iterate n times where n is for example a user input The user can always change his her input Its not constant Here is a nice cheat sheet for Big O Notation Take it easyLet s be honest Many of you don t know or don t care about Big O Notation that much And most of you don t have to Even i don t give it that much value when writing code most of the time First of all we have to focus to find a solution to a certain problem before we work on efficiency But there are use cases where this is a huge factor More Data More ProblemsAs mentioned above if you or your company have to deal with massive amounts of data Big O Notation is crucial The exact same problem can be solved in ways of these ways is efficient in terms of Big O and needs seconds The others need longer sometimes x more And the difference between seconds and seconds is a game changer How to learn Big OIf you don t work with a lot of data you don t have to worry about efficiency that much I really enjoy thinking about different ways to solve one problem and always try to be as efficient as possible And with that mindset you can work on your Big O skills without being forced to do it Who knows maybe one day you will need it and then you are happy you can do it Also the best benefit is that you can improve as a developer as you learn more algorithms and data structures and how to use them in your day job I also wrote about these things like Linked Lists and Merge Sort You can check it out on my blog posts if you are interested Also you can work on your Big O and problem solving skills at the same time at these platforms Codewars Hackerrank ConclusionI really hope that i explained it in an easy way and that you learned something new Stay connected to me and my content on Twitter I love to improve myself every single day even if it s just a tiny bit Stay safe and healthy guys And as always develop yourself 2021-05-30 13:03:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News MagSafe used to fish out iPhone 12 Pro dropped in canal https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/30/magsafe-helped-rescue-of-iphone-12-pro-dropped-in-canal?utm_medium=rss MagSafe used to fish out iPhone Pro dropped in canalA man rescued an iPhone Pro from a canal in Berlin but instead of diving in he took advantage of MagSafe and fished for the smartphone Magnet fishing an iPhone from a canal via frederikriedel Twitter On Saturday a friend of app developer Frederik Riedel dropped his iPhone Pro into a canal in Berlin At the time it was thought the device was lost as it sank into the mud at the bottom of the water Read more 2021-05-30 13:42:30
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ニュース BBC News - Home Poots: European Union treating NI as a political plaything https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-57299360 peace 2021-05-30 13:07:22
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LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 全くのゼロから新しい習慣を作る方法 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/form-habits-cue-routine-reward-system.html cueroutinereward 2021-05-30 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 多喜二Tシャツ復刻 小樽のジーンズショップが4年ぶり 「蟹工船」を引用 作品読むきっかけに https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/549709/ 小林多喜二 2021-05-30 22:02:46



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