Engadget Japanese |
米アップルの一部従業員グループ、9月からの週3日出社に反対。柔軟な対応望む |
週日 |
2021-06-05 20:50:54 |
Engadget Japanese |
2019年6月6日、Alexaに対応した新「Fire 7」が発売されました:今日は何の日? |
alexa |
2021-06-05 20:30:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
processingを使用して多くの正方形を描画 |
processingを使用して多くの正方形を描画processingを使用して多くの正方形を画像内に描画したいですこれまで画像内に多くの円を描写するプログラミングを使用してきました。 |
2021-06-06 05:37:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
slickスライドの複数枚同時移動 |
slickスライドの複数枚同時移動枚の同じ角度で撮った画像をslickを使って回転している風に設定したいのですが、prev、nextボタンをクリックした際枚づつの移動ではなく、クリックで枚進むという動きを行いたいのですがオプションを一通り確認しましても該当するものが見当たらず、それだけでは実装難しいのでしょうか得意な方、同じような実装をした方、ご存知の方いましたら教えていただけますと大変助かります。 |
2021-06-06 05:22:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
下記のコードを配列化する方法 |
以下、制作しているプログラムの一部を簡略化したものなのですが、これらを配列でまとめるにはどうしたらいいか教えて下さい。 |
2021-06-06 05:14:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
一択の時のcheckboxのvalueをPHPに渡す。 |
一択の時のcheckboxのvalueをPHPに渡す。 |
2021-06-06 05:07:09 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでDjango+Vue+NginxのSPAを作る |
webサーバー側のNginxも立ち上がるのでhttplocalhostにアクセスで「インデックスページのコンテンツを表示中」のテキストが表示されていればDjangoとNginxの疎通はOKdockercomposerunfrontvuecreateappPleasepickapresetDefaultVueVuebabeleslintPickthepackagemanagertousewheninstallingdependenciesNPM続いて上記コマンドで新規Vueプロジェクトは初期設定の対話コマンドがあるので「Vue」と「npm」を選択してインストールします。 |
2021-06-06 05:28:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a Laravel & Any Front-end Development Stack🐱🏍 |
Create a Laravel amp Any Front end Development Stack Table Of ContentsIntroductionRequirementsPreparing Laravel Backend ApiFolder StructureChoosing Your Favorite Front end env As a BlueprintPreparing Docker Imagesphp php fpm confignginx ConfigConnecting EverythingCreate The init ScriptCreate a CLICreate The RepoImprovementsTL DR Introduction The purpose of this guide is to make your application as easy as possible to self deploy on the developers side without them bothering with installing mysql nginx and a ton of stuff just to start doing what they do best Requirements Before we start we re gonna need a few dependencies to get this project underwayDockerDocker ComposeNPMTo install Docker amp Docker Compose simply use the following commands Install Docker curl fsSL o get docker sh sudo sh get docker sh sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod aG docker USER newgrp docker sudo rm f get docker sh Install Docker Compose sudo curl L uname s uname m o usr local bin docker compose sudo chmod x usr local bin docker composeOr look them up yourself on the official Docker Documentation Install DockerFor npm go with nvm for ease of use curl o bash export NVM DIR z XDG CONFIG HOME amp amp printf s HOME nvm printf s XDG CONFIG HOME nvm s NVM DIR nvm sh amp amp NVM DIR nvm sh This loads nvm nvm install node Preparing Laravel Backend Api Rather than go through all the hassle of installing php composer and running the composer command to generate the laravel project you can simply use the following command to create the laravel projectcurl s bashNotice Change folder name in the command with any folder name you d likeLets delete the package json file in the root directory since we are not gonna be using it Folder Structure add the missing folders from the following structure and leave them empty for now ├ーtools│ ├ーdockerfiles│ │ ├ーci│ │ ├ーdev images│ │ └ーprod images│ └ーscripts│ │ ├ーci│ │ ├ーlocal├ーapp├ーbootstrap├ーconfig├ーdatabase├ーpublic├ーresources├ーroutes├ーserver│ └ーconfig├ーstorage├ーtests├ーclient└ーvendor Choosing Your Favorite Front end Or as people say Pick your poison Any of the big will do fine herelets go with vue js inside the root folder run the following command npm install g vue cli vue create client You can use vue ui as an alternative to the cli to generate an interface and guide you through the stepsnow you re gonna be greeted with a lot of options to choose from those are entirely up to you choose with the space bar and I recommend having vuex routernotice At the current time of writing avoid choosing a unit ee node sass preprocessor with typescript as it can have some build problems errors simply install those after you finish compiling the project with npm like npm install jestin case the project is created with a repo simply do asudo rm rf client gitAlternatively you can follow the official guide yourself on vue js or go with React or Angular urgh Preparing Docker ImagesOkay now for the fun part lets start creating the images the application will useBackend imagein tools dockerfiles dev images create backend dockerfile ImageFROM php fpm alpine Set Working DirectoryWORKDIR var www html Install Mysql ExtensionsRUN docker php ext install pdo pdo mysql Install and enable PHP Redis extension Redis extension is not provided with the PHP Source pecl install will download and compile redis docker php ext enable will enable it finally apk del to maintain a small image sizeRUN apk add no cache virtual build deps PHPIZE DEPS amp amp pecl install redis amp amp docker php ext enable redis amp amp apk del build deps Install amp Configure gdRUN apk add no cache freetype libpng libjpeg turbo freetype dev libpng dev libjpeg turbo dev amp amp docker php ext configure gd with freetype with jpeg NPROC grep c processor proc cpuinfo gt dev null amp amp docker php ext install j nproc gd amp amp apk del no cache freetype dev libpng dev libjpeg turbo dev Install git required by Composer RUN apk add git Install ComposerRUN php r readfile php install dir usr bin filename composerClient imagein tools dockerfiles dev images create client dockerfile ImageFROM node alpine Set Working DirectoryWORKDIR var www client Install PM to serve the appRUN npm install pm g Serve the application on startCMD command pm serve dist spa watch amp amp pm logthose are the images we ll need for now php amp php fpm configwhether or not you want to change something in php ini or www conf you should at least have them exposed in case you wanna edit them laterwe ll do that by creating them and linking them inside the containersin server config create php ini amp www conf files and paste the following gist content accordinglyphp iniwww conf nginx ConfigWe are going to need a self signed certificate inside the project s root directory run the following command sudo openssl req x nodes days newkey rsa keyout server key pem out server cert pemnotice skip all the prompts with enteronce generated lets open up key pem permissions so that we can add it to the reposudo chmod server key pemfor nginx config create a default conf file inside the server folder and paste the following contentserver Listen To HTTPS port listen ssl http listen ssl http Define Domain Name server name localhost server tokens off Security Headers add header X Frame Options SAMEORIGIN add header X XSS Protection mode block add header X Content Type Options nosniff add header Referrer Policy no referrer when downgrade always add header Content Security Policy default src self http https data blob unsafe inline unsafe eval connect src https wss always add header Strict Transport Security max age includeSubDomains always Index Fallback index index html index htm index php Default Charset charset utf Redirect Everything to Front end location proxy pass http client proxy redirect off proxy set header Host host proxy set header X Real IP remote addr proxy set header X Forwarded For proxy add x forwarded for proxy set header X Forwarded Host server name Redirect everything after api to Backend location api try files uri uri public index php query string Handle PHP Files location php fastcgi pass backend fastcgi index index php fastcgi buffers k fastcgi buffer size k fastcgi param SCRIPT FILENAME realpath root fastcgi script name fastcgi hide header X Powered By include fastcgi params Content Deny Access to Files location well known deny all robots txt location robots txt log not found off access log off Compression Add global gzip compression to all other files gzip on gzip comp level gzip min length gzip proxied any gzip vary on gzip types application atom xml application javascript application json application ld json application manifest json application rss xml application vnd geo json application vnd ms fontobject application x font ttf application x web app manifest json application xhtml xml application xml font opentype image bmp image svg xml image x icon text cache manifest text css text plain text vcard text vnd rim location xloc text vtt text x component text x cross domain policy application octet stream SSL SSL Certificates ssl certificate conf d cert pem ssl certificate key conf d key pem SSL Config ssl session timeout d ssl session cache shared SSL m ssl session tickets off Mozilla Intermediate configuration ssl protocols TLSv TLSv ssl ciphers ECDHE ECDSA AES GCM SHA ECDHE RSA AES GCM SHA ECDHE ECDSA AES GCM SHA ECDHE RSA AES GCM SHA ECDHE ECDSA CHACHA POLY ECDHE RSA CHACHA POLY DHE RSA AES GCM SHA DHE RSA AES GCM SHA Redirect HTTP to HTTPsserver listen listen server name localhost location return https localhost request uri env As a Blueprint Before we proceed any further we must adapt the mentality of having our env file as the true source of configurations or at least the ones we want to mess withThis will be reflected in the next steps and emphasized upon Connecting Everythingfirst of all we need to stop our front end dev server from intercepting anything after api and redirecting the traffic to nginxwe can do that by modifying the vue config js file or the file that houses your webpack config if the file doesn t exist simply create it yourselfconst BundleAnalyzerPlugin require webpack bundle analyzer BundleAnalyzerPlugin const plugins plugins push new BundleAnalyzerPlugin analyzerMode disabled module exports devServer proxy api target https webserver ws true secure false port configureWebpack plugins next we are going to need to add some variables to our env example file to use in our docker compose file and other stuff Define Application Specific KeysAPP NAME LaravelAPP ENV localAPP KEY APP DEBUG trueAPP URL http localhost Log Channel VariablesLOG CHANNEL stackLOG LEVEL debug Database VariablesDB CONNECTION mysqlDB HOST databaseDB PORT DB DATABASE laravelDB USERNAME someuserDB PASSWORD lapassord DB ROOT PASSWORD password Nginx VariablesHTTP PORT HTTPS PORT BroadCast Queue Session VariablesBROADCAST DRIVER logFILESYSTEM DRIVER localQUEUE CONNECTION syncSESSION DRIVER fileSESSION LIFETIME Cache VariablesCACHE DRIVER redisREDIS HOST cacheREDIS PASSWORD nullREDIS PORT Mail VariablesMAIL MAILER smtpMAIL HOST mailhogMAIL PORT MAIL USERNAME nullMAIL PASSWORD nullMAIL ENCRYPTION nullMAIL FROM ADDRESS nullMAIL FROM NAME APP NAME Pusher Server VariablesPUSHER APP ID PUSHER APP KEY PUSHER APP SECRET PUSHER APP CLUSTER mtMIX PUSHER APP KEY PUSHER APP KEY MIX PUSHER APP CLUSTER PUSHER APP CLUSTER create the docker compose yml file in the root directory and paste in the following content Docker Compose Specificationversion Define Project Networknetworks StackName App Stackservices Bring up Nginx After Backend and Link Volumes webserver image nginx alpine container name webserver restart unless stopped ports HTTP PORT HTTPS PORT volumes server etc nginx conf d networks StackName Bring up Mysql and configure the Database database image mysql container name database restart unless stopped tty true expose environment MYSQL DATABASE DB DATABASE MYSQL USER DB USERNAME MYSQL PASSWORD DB PASSWORD MYSQL ROOT PASSWORD DB ROOT PASSWORD SERVICE TAG dev SERVICE NAME database volumes storage database var lib mysql networks StackName Build Bring up Backend Container backend build context dockerfile tools dockerfiles dev images backend dockerfile container name backend volumes var www html server config php ini usr local etc php php ini server config www conf usr local etc php fpm d www conf expose depends on database cache networks StackName Bring Up Client UI client build context dockerfile tools dockerfiles dev images client dockerfile container name client volumes client var www client expose networks StackName Bring Up Caching Layer cache image redis container name cache expose networks StackName Helper Container for Serving the Front end npm image node container name npm volumes client var www client working dir var www client entrypoint npm networks StackNameChange all instances of StackName with your application name Create a The init ScriptFinally we get to the whole point of this guide having the user start everything by running a single script which is what we are gonna do herecreate init sh file in the root directory of the project run the following command from the terminal to give it execute permissions chmod x init shpaste in the following content bin bash Output Helper Methods trap exit INTfunction blue text box echo local s tput setaf echo s s tput setaf s tput setaf s s tput sgr echo function red text box echo local s tput setaf echo s s tput setaf s tput setaf s s tput sgr echo function green text box echo local s tput setaf echo s s tput setaf s tput setaf s s tput sgr echo Script Start Add env filecp env example env bring down any service instance if it existsred text box Removing Old Stack if It Exists docker compose down Change Permissions for Artisanchmod x artisan Remove everything in the storage database amp bootstrap cache directorysudo rm rf storage database sudo rm rf bootstrap cache php TODO Start amp Build Container Stackblue text box Rebuilding the docker images amp Starting them docker compose up d build Install Laravel Dependenciesgreen text box Installing Laravel Dependencies docker exec i backend composer install Install Front end Dependencies amp Buildgreen text box Installing Dependencies amp Build for User UI docker exec i client npm idocker exec i client npm run build Generate Key amp Caching Optimizing Configred text box Generating Laravel docker exec i backend php artisan key generate Migrate and Generate Passport Encryption Keyred text box Migrating amp Seeding sleep docker exec i backend composer dump autoloaddocker exec i backend php artisan migrate fresh seeddocker exec i backend chmod o w storage R Create The CLILets make interacting the stack easy for developers by creating a simple psuedo cliin our tools scripts local lets create a cli sh file and run chmod x cli shpaste in the following content or modify the naming scheme to fit your needs by modifying stack helper instances and or changing the container names bin bash Output Helper Methods little helpers for terminal print control and key inputselect option ESC printf b cursor blink on printf s ESC h cursor blink off printf s ESC l cursor to printf s ESC H print option printf s print selected printf s ESC m ESC m get cursor row IFS read sdR p E n ROW COL printf s ROW key input read s n key gt dev null gt amp if key ESC A then echo up fi if key ESC B then echo down fi if key then echo enter fi initially print empty new lines scroll down if at bottom of screen for opt do printf n done determine current screen position for overwriting the options local lastrow get cursor row local startrow lastrow ensure cursor and input echoing back on upon a ctrl c during read s trap cursor blink on stty echo printf n exit cursor blink off local selected while true do print options by overwriting the last lines local idx for opt do cursor to startrow idx if idx selected then print selected opt else print option opt fi idx done user key control case key input in enter break up selected if selected lt then selected fi down selected if selected gt then selected fi esac done cursor position back to normal cursor to lastrow printf n cursor blink on return selected Script Start Print Instructionsprintf n gt s n n tput setaf Please Choose your Shell tput sgr Optionsoptions Bash Zsh IDK select option options choice index choicevalue options choice case value in Bash User selected Bash shellrc bashrc Zsh User Selected zsh shellrc zshrc IDK User doesn t know shellrc bashrc esac Remove Prexisting CLI Scriptsed n i StackHelper CLI START p StackHelper CLI END p HOME shellrcsed i StackHelper CLI START d HOME shellrcsed i StackHelper CLI END d HOME shellrc Echo the CLI in the user s shellrcecho StackHelper CLI START This function serves to integrate the dependency less CLI for Interactive Events Platformshelper if build then command docker exec i client npm run build elif serve then command docker compose run rm p npm run serve elif install client i client then command docker exec i client npm install elif install api i api then command docker exec i backend composer install amp amp command docker exec i backend composer dump autoload amp amp command docker exec i backend php artisan key generate amp amp command docker exec i backend php artisan migrate fresh elif api migrate then command docker exec i backend php artisan migrate elif api seed then command docker exec i backend php artisan db seed elif api ms then command docker exec i backend php artisan migrate fresh seed elif api refresh then command docker exec i backend composer dump autoload amp amp command docker exec i backend php artisan migrate fresh seed elif stack refresh stack r then command docker compose down amp amp command docker compose up d elif h help then echo tput setaf Stack Helper CLI tput sgr tput setaf Usage tput sgr shelper options arguments tput setaf Options tput sgr h help Displays this help page tput setaf Arguments tput sgr tput setaf build tput sgr Builds the Front end tput setaf serve tput sgr Serves the front end through port tput setaf tput sgr tput setaf install client tput sgr Installs the npm Dependencies Shorthand gt tput setaf i ui tput sgr tput setaf install api tput sgr Installs Laravel Dependencies Generate Keys amp Migrate DB Shorthand gt tput setaf i api tput sgr tput setaf api migrate tput sgr Pushes Laravel Migrations to DB tput setaf api seed tput sgr Seed the Database tput setaf api ms tput sgr Migrate amp Seed tput setaf api refresh tput sgr Composer dump autoload Migrate amp Seed tput setaf stack refresh tput sgr Refresh the docker stack down up Shorthand gt tput setaf stack r tput sgr else echo tput setaf Please Input a Valid Argument tput sgr OR Check the Proper Syntax with tput setaf shelper h tput sgr fi For Tab Completion Basic Rudimentary shelper completions COMPREPLY build COMPREPLY serve COMPREPLY install COMPREPLY api COMPREPLY stack complete F shelper completions shelper StackHelper CLI END gt gt HOME shellrcNow lets add our cli script execution to the init sh script by adding the following lines to the script file Install CLIred text box Installing CLI tools scripts local cli shnote after installing the pseudo cli you ll need to refresh your shell instance with something like bash zsh Create The RepoAt this point we re technically done lets create the repo and push it to your favorite repo hosting service hub lab bucket whatever run the following command in the project s root directory git init git add git commit m First commit or whatever commit message you want git remote add origin lt REMOTE URL gt git push origin lt main master whatever gt now anyone clones the project simply runs initand he s up and running Future Plans With your request I can add a couple of follow up guides that cover the followingCreating a CI CD Pipeline for the ProjectBuilding Production ImagesDeploying Production Buildsso let me know if you d like that TL DR We ve successfully create an easy to use development stack that starts up by simply cloning and running init sh a small pseudo helper cli that helps developers interact with the with the containersIf you understand everything and would just like a repo that has all this instead of going through all this as a learning experienceyou can find it hereif you find any typos or any problems in the process or having some comments about something that you don t like please let me know so that I can fix it or improve upon it whichever the case may be |
2021-06-05 20:33:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is BFS? (Breadth-first Search) |
What is BFS Breadth first Search IntroductionIn computer science a search algorithm is a series of steps that can be used to find the desired state or a path to a particular state In most scenarios there will be additional constraints that will need to be fulfilled such as the time taken to reach the desired state memory availability maximum number of moves A classic example in the AI literature of pathfinding problems are the sliding tiles puzzles such as the × puzzle the × puzzle and the × puzzle The puzzle consists of a × grid with eight numbered square tiles and one blank The blank is used to slide other tiles that are horizontally or vertically adjacent into that position in an attempt to reach the goal state The objective is to rearrange the tiles from some random configuration to a specified goal configuration The number of possible solvable states for the puzzle is so can be solved by means of brute force search However for the puzzle with ≈× and puzzle with ≈× a more sophisticated informed search is required Uninformed SearchUninformed or brute force search is a general problem solving technique that consists of systematically enumerating all the possible states for a given solution and checking to see whether that given state satisfies the problem s statement All that is required to execute a brute force search is some legal operators an initial state and an acknowledged goal state Uninformed search generates the search tree without using any domain specific knowledge Completeness and optimalityOften in search the input may be an implicit representation of an infinite graph Given these conditions a search algorithm is characterised as being complete if it is guaranteed to find a goal state provided one exists Breadth first search is complete and when applied to infinite graphs it will eventually find the solution Depth first search is not complete and may get lost in parts of the graph that do not contain a goal state Breadth First SearchBreadth first search is one of the simplest algorithms for searching a graph it expands the nodes in a tree in the order of their given distance from the root so it expands all the neighbouring nodes before going to the next level of the tree The algorithm doesn t trawl to the deeper levels of the tree without first expanding the lower levels thus ensures the finding of the shortest path The space requirement of breadth first search is its largest deficiency The tile has a search space of states with a maximum number of moves to solve In terms of practicality with larger problem states such as the tile puzzle a breadth first search will exhaust the available memory rather quickly with its solvable states and a maximum number of moves The below image taken from the blog BFS vs DFS is great way of visualising how the different algorithms expand a tree ImplementationTo demonstrate breadth first search I ve implemented the sliding tile puzzle all the source code for the project can be found here Which also scales The algorithmThe algorithm is really simple each state is just an array so the goal state is To begin with each state gets added to a queue and a seen array For a given state from the queue we add its neighbours to the queue which ll eventually get evaluated too The seen array is just to ensure we don t add stuff to the queue that we ve already seen There s multiple ways to get to the same state Each state is compared with the goal state and if it s the same then we return solve puzzle goal let seen puzzle let queue puzzle while queue length gt let current queue shift if this isEqual current goal return current for let neighbour of Puzzle getNeighbours current if this isInSeen seen neighbour seen push neighbour queue push neighbour Testing our algorithm TILELet s start with the tile and create a problem state that is moves away from the goal state BFS solved the problem in s with the optimal number of moves Only having to expand states Next I m going to up the number of random moves from the goal state to Notice how this time it only took moves even though I randomly walked moves from the goal state implying it found a better solution than the path the random walker took The number of states expanded rose sharply to You can see how this could get out of hand very quickly TILELet s try the same experiments on the tile problem With the algorithm being ran in the browser my assumption is that we ll exceed the memory limit and likely crash the browser worth a shot anyway random moves from the goal expanded states not too bad random moves from the goalJust as I had expected it crashed the browser and also crashed my website so I lost part of my blog Informed searchAs mentioned previously in order to solve the tile and even difficult configurations of tile we d need to utilise an informed search algorithm Uninformed search often expands states that pursue a direction alternative to the goal path which can lead to searches taking an extensive amount of time and or space Informed search attempts to minimise this by producing intelligent choices for each selected state This implies the use of a heuristic function which evaluates the likelihood that a given node is on the solution path A heuristic is a function that ranks possible moves at each branching step to decide which branch to follow The goal of a heuristic is to produce a fast estimation of the cost from the current state to the desired state the closer the estimation is to the actual cost the more accurate the heuristic function In the context of the sliding tile puzzle to find best move from a set configuration the heuristic function is executed on each of the child states the child state with the smallest heuristic value is chosen My next blog will be solving the sliding tile puzzle using informed search particularly the A algorithm Check out my previous blog What Is Simulated Annealing that was a really fun one I hope you ve enjoyed this blog if you do by some miracle enjoy my blabbering then head over to my blogging site at codeheir com where I write weekly blogs about whatever in the world of programming has my attention |
2021-06-05 20:05:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hello World ! |
Hello World Pythonprint Hello World PHP lt php echo Hello World gt JavaScriptdocument write Hello World TypeScriptconsole log Hello World Cusing System class Program public static void Main string args Console WriteLine Hello World C include int main void puts Hello World C include int main std cout lt lt Hello World return Javaclass HelloWorldApp public static void main String args System out println Hello World Prints the string to the console Bashecho Hello World MatLabdisp Hello World Rcat Hello World Rubyputs Hello World Swiftprintln Hello World Assembly global main extern printf section text main push message call printf add esp retmessage db Hello World Gopackage mainimport fmt func main fmt Println Hello World Objective C import lt Foundation Foundation h gt int main autoreleasepool NSLog Hello World That s all for my First Post Hope you enjoyed experiencing Greetings from the World of programming I love the way YOU Smile |
2021-06-05 20:02:59 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Twitter blocked in Nigeria over presidential tweet removal |
Twitter blocked in Nigeria over presidential tweet removalTwitter has been suspended in Nigeria after the microblogging service removed a tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari about regional successionists in the country Announced on Friday Nigeria s government declared it would be suspending indefinitely the operations of Twitter in Nigeria According to the Minister of Information and Culture Alhaji Lai Mohammed the ban was due to the persistent use of the platform for activities that are capable of undermining Nigeria s corporate existence While it was unclear how the suspension would take place at the time of the announcement Reuters reports it has taken the form of a spotty suspension On Saturday the Twitter website wasn t accessible for some mobile carriers with partial outages for the iOS app depending on the Internet connection Read more |
2021-06-05 20:23:34 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to set up and use Launchpad on macOS |
How to set up and use Launchpad on macOSLaunchpad is an essential part of the macOS desktop and is a quick and easy way to access applications installed on your Mac Here s how to get the most out of the feature Launchpad has been part of the macOS desktop for a few years serving the simple purpose of helping users open the app they need as quickly as possible Likened to the Windows Start Menu it simply offers a long list of apps that the user can see and quickly open with minimal effort required It is a straightforward tool and it certainly isn t the only way to do the same job Anyone wanting to open an application has a variety of different ways to accomplish the task Read more |
2021-06-05 20:04:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coventry celebrates start of UK City of Culture year |
coventry |
2021-06-05 20:03:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ceuta and Melilla: Spain's enclaves in North Africa |
melilla |
2021-06-05 20:19:41 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三菱商事・垣内社長がDOL初登場!業界首位奪還の「秘策」を直撃 - 商社 非常事態宣言 |
三井物産 |
2021-06-06 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
奄美大島や縄文遺跡が新しく登録へ、世界遺産から学ぶSDGs経営のヒント - ビジネスを強くする教養 |
世界遺産 |
2021-06-06 05:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
楽天・三木谷氏の懐刀を直撃、社運を懸けた携帯事業「黒字化」の秘策は - 楽天 底なしの赤字 |
三木谷浩史 |
2021-06-06 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三越伊勢丹・高島屋より丸井の方がコロナ耐性が高い理由、本業は「脱・百貨店」 - ダイヤモンド 決算報 |
2021-06-06 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
57歳、資産3700万円の男性に60歳でのフルリタイヤをおすすめできないワケ - お金持ちになれる人、貧乏になる人の家計簿 深野康彦 |
深野康彦 |
2021-06-06 05:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
森ひかる、女子個人で日本勢初V トランポリンのW杯 |
東京五輪 |
2021-06-06 05:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
安保法違憲訴訟 判断を避けてはならぬ |
安全保障 |
2021-06-06 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「高級化粧品一式」と決別した私の肌が若返った訳 近所で入手できる「ごま油」1本で全身が潤う | 買わない生活 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-06-06 05:30:00 |