IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 5G電波が悪いときは設定変えて4Gで――ドコモが呼び掛け |
itmedianewsg |
2021-06-09 20:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Fastlyの大規模障害、原因はソフトウェアのバグ 提供会社が説明 |
cdncontentdeliverynetwork |
2021-06-09 20:25:00 |
IT |
F2 - ターミナルで使えるリネーマ |
数個のファイルであればいいですが、やものファイル名を変更するのは面倒です。 |
2021-06-09 21:00:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaについて |
AWSLambdaとはクラウド上に配置できる関数。 |
2021-06-09 20:49:28 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
サーバーレスでWebアプリを作成するために使えるAWSのサービスまとめ |
サーバーレスでWebアプリを作成するために使えるAWSのサービスまとめはじめにサーバーレスでWebアプリを作成したいときに使えるAWSのサービスについて、簡単にまとめていきます。 |
2021-06-09 20:46:31 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python Win32プログラミング その2 |
実際にテキストを保持しているのは子ウインドウなので、EnumChildWindowsで探していますこれは、C言語とPythonの間でプロセス間通信ができるということです。 |
2021-06-09 20:13:46 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScript 四則演算 |
consolelog |
2021-06-09 20:14:43 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Node.jsでGitHubのオーガナイゼーションとチームにユーザーを追加する |
GitHubのチーム追加のAPIをまずはCURLで試すAddorupdateteammembershipforauserを見てみます。 |
2021-06-09 20:07:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SwiftUIのPickerで、選択されている時に表示される色を変更する方法はありますか? |
2021-06-09 20:57:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[flutter]providerでのエラーのついて |
flutterproviderでのエラーのついて問題点以下のようなプログラムをflutternbspfirebasenbspprovderを使って作っています。 |
2021-06-09 20:51:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
FactoryBotのfactriesで定義しているデータを、RSpec内で呼び出し時オーバーライドしたい |
FactoryBotのfactriesで定義しているデータを、RSpec内で呼び出し時オーバーライドしたい前提・実現したいこと下記のテストデータを定義しています。 |
2021-06-09 20:43:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 realloc関数をうまく使えない |
C言語realloc関数をうまく使えない以下のことを実行したいのですがわかりませんでした。 |
2021-06-09 20:37:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CloudFormationで既存IAMUserにポリシーを付与する方法 |
CloudFormationで既存IAMUserにポリシーを付与する方法前提・実現したいことタイトルの通りで、CloudFormationにて既存のIAMUserにポリシーを付与する方法を教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-06-09 20:29:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue RouterでのdefineAsyncComponentとimport()の使い方 |
VueRouterでのdefineAsyncComponentとimportの使い方constRequestsReceiveddefineAsyncComponentgtimportpagesrequestsRequestsReceivedvueorconstRequestsReceivedgtimportpagesrequestsRequestsReceivedvueをRouterで遅延読み込みさせるpathregistercomponentCoachRegistrationmetarequiresAuthtrueVueの公式によるとdefineAsyncComponentnbspに関して下記の内容が推奨されています。 |
2021-06-09 20:28:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
レスポンシブデザインについて |
レスポンシブデザインについてPVファーストで作成したHPですが、レスポンシブデザインで、スマホ用にもデザインしました。 |
2021-06-09 20:20:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
メール配信の仕組みについて |
2021-06-09 20:12:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
下層ページでTOPへ戻るボタンが表示されない |
下層ページでTOPへ戻るボタンが表示されない前提・実現したいこと初めての質問で、説明がわかりづらい様でしたらすみません・・・HTMLCSSJavaScriptでページをスクロールするとトップへ戻るボタンが表示される様にしたいのですがトップページでは表示されるのですが、下層ページでいっさい表示されない。 |
2021-06-09 20:09:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GitHub のプルリクエスト後の操作 |
GitHubのプルリクエスト後の操作nbsp目的nbspやりたいことGitHubnbspで公開されているオープンソースのプロジェクトに参加したいと思っています。 |
2021-06-09 20:08:48 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ぼっち演算子とtryメソッドの違い |
ぼっち演算子とtryメソッドの違い共通点レシーバがnilの場合は、nilを返すfoonilfootrybargtnilfooampbargtnil相違点レシーバがnilで無く、レシーバが呼び出せないメソッドを呼び出してしまった場合ぼっち演算子NoMethodErrorを返すtryメソッドnilを返すレシーバが呼び出すこの出来ないbarメソッドを呼び出した場合fooampbargtNoMethodErrorfootrybargtnilまとめ必ずしも、似てはいるけど同じでは無いってことですね。 |
2021-06-09 20:34:45 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS S3 について |
いわゆる ファイル サーバー 。 |
2021-06-09 20:55:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS DynamoDBについて |
機能まとめデータの単位はテーブルとエンティティテーブルの中にエンティティがあるUserテーブルと、その中のHogeさんのデータ、みたいなエンティティはキー値が必須それ以外はあってもなくてもいい同じテーブル内のエンティティ間で違っても良いスキーマレスキー値パーティションキ必須ーとソートキー任意からなるパーティションキーメインのキー属性ソートキーを指定しない場合は一意である必要があるソートキーを指定するなら被っても良いパーティションキーの値によって値の保存先が変わる同じパーティションキーにデータが偏るとパフォーマンスが低下するソートキーソートキーを指定する場合はパーティションキーは一意じゃなくて良いソートキーと組み合わせて一意になる必要があるソートキーには検索条件が指定できるSQLのwhere的なやつ逆にパーティションキーには条件を指定できないパーティションを跨ぐ検索はできないしたければ一旦スキャン全件取得するしかないローカルセカンダリインデックス追加のキー属性同じパーティションキーについて、ソートキーを新しく追加できる略してLSIグローバルセカンダリインデックス追加のキー属性新しくパーティションキーから指定できる略してGSIキャパシティユニットの指定で性能が変わるリードキャパシティユニットRCUKBまでの強整合なデータが秒に回読めるKBまでの結果整合なデータが秒に回読めるライトキャパシティユニットWCUKBまでのデータが秒に回書けるテーブルに対してRCUとWCUを指定する料金は大体キャパシティユニットとデータサイズと転送量で決まるデータ例ユーザーテーブル定義ユーザーテーブルユーザーIDパーティションキー名前解説ユーザー毎のデータを保存。 |
2021-06-09 20:53:44 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS API Gatewayについて |
AWSAPIGatewayとはAPIを作成するときに利用する。 |
2021-06-09 20:50:53 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaについて |
AWSLambdaとはクラウド上に配置できる関数。 |
2021-06-09 20:49:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
サーバーレスでWebアプリを作成するために使えるAWSのサービスまとめ |
サーバーレスでWebアプリを作成するために使えるAWSのサービスまとめはじめにサーバーレスでWebアプリを作成したいときに使えるAWSのサービスについて、簡単にまとめていきます。 |
2021-06-09 20:46:31 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ぼっち演算子とtryメソッドの違い |
ぼっち演算子とtryメソッドの違い共通点レシーバがnilの場合は、nilを返すfoonilfootrybargtnilfooampbargtnil相違点レシーバがnilで無く、レシーバが呼び出せないメソッドを呼び出してしまった場合ぼっち演算子NoMethodErrorを返すtryメソッドnilを返すレシーバが呼び出すこの出来ないbarメソッドを呼び出した場合fooampbargtNoMethodErrorfootrybargtnilまとめ必ずしも、似てはいるけど同じでは無いってことですね。 |
2021-06-09 20:34:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWSアカウント間のS3, DynamoDBデータ移行計画の記録 (背景と転送方法の検討) |
sdynamodb |
2021-06-09 11:00:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🔥🔥How to make this amazing text animation. |
How to make this amazing text animation Hello glad you are here I am kunaal and today we will see how to make an awesome text animation which you have never seen before You can see demo below Demo Video Tutorial For better explanation You can watch video tutorial If you like the video tutorial Please consider subscribing my youtube channel Let s codeInside HTML file under lt body gt tag write lt h class text gt lt h gt lt script src gt lt script gt CSS import url wght amp display swap margin padding box sizing border box body width height vh display flex justify content center align items center font family dosis sans serif background rgb text text transform capitalize font size px webkit text stroke px fff color transparent text shadow px px fff text align center And Jsconst text document querySelector text const writer GlitchedWriter create text let phrases hello welcome to my channel techy programmers today we will make this effect with glitch writer JS library so without wating time let s get started writer queueWrite phrases false I hope you understood everything If you have any doubt or you find any mistake that I made or you have any suggestion feel free to ask me in comment If you are interested in programming and want to know how I a yr old teen do coding make these design You can follow me on my Instagram I am also planning to post my game development stuff on Instagram Source Code My youtube Channel Instagram |
2021-06-09 11:46:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Rails CD with Docker, Github Actions and VPS |
Rails CD with Docker Github Actions and VPSI want to show you how to deploy your app to production with minimal cost and make the deployment process fully automated If you have never done it before this post will show you how to achieve it step by step Maybe you have already deployed some apps then you know that there are always some problems especially when the server is used by multiple applications This approach isn t something innovative there are many blog posts where you can learn how to dockerize apps how to use GitHub Actions and how to deploy code to VPS but this tutorial brings it all together DockerThe whole idea is based on Docker s image So the first thing to do is Docker installation You can skip that part if you have already installed it Install DockerFor more details check the official site Update the apt package index and install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS sudo apt get update amp amp apt get install apt transport https ca certificates curl gnupg agent software properties common Add Docker s official GPG key curl fsSL sudo apt key add Update the apt package index and install the latest version of Docker Engine and Containerd sudo apt get update amp amp apt get install docker ce docker ce cli containerd io Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly by running the hello world image sudo docker run hello world Manage Docker as a non root userFor more details check official site Create the docker group sudo groupadd docker Add your user to the docker group sudo usermod aG docker USER Activate the changes to groups only Linux newgrp docker Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo docker run hello world DockerfileDocker is creating images using Dockerfile it s a file with all commands that are executed during the build I will show you the simplest version that will work Later I will improve it and shorten the build time Create a file Dockerfile in the main app directory This is the official Ruby image a complete Linux system with Ruby installedFROM ruby Install applications needed for building Rails appRUN apt get update amp amp apt get install y build essential libpq dev nodejs zlibg dev liblzma dev The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN CMD ENTRYPOINT COPY and ADD If a directory doesn t exist it will be createdWORKDIR app Copy files from current location to image WORKDIRCOPY Install gems in the imageRUN bundle install Command that will be executed when you run the imageCMD bundle exec rails s p b Now let s test it and create an image with the name rails app docker build t rails app Sending build context to Docker daemon MBStep FROM ruby Pulling from library rubydafbe Pull complete part ommitedStatus Downloaded newer image for ruby gt cbaefeStep RUN apt get update amp amp apt get install y build essential libpq dev nodejs zlibg dev liblzma dev gt Running in fabcebbGet buster InRelease kB part ommitedRemoving intermediate container bbdef gt daaccedStep WORKDIR app gt Running in deaacbRemoving intermediate container deaacb gt eddbStep COPY gt baaStep RUN bundle install gt Running in aecaFetching gem metadata from Fetching rake Installing rake part ommitedRemoving intermediate container aeca gt dcbStep CMD bundle exec rails s p b gt Running in feRemoving intermediate container fe gt cacSuccessfully built cacSuccessfully tagged rails app latestThe image is successfully built to check available images you can use this command docker imagesNow it s time to run the container with the application and check if it works p parm allows to map ports with scheme EXPOSED PORT IMAGE INTERNAL PORT docker run p rails appOpen the browser and go to http localhost there is a little success Rails application is working partially This is an error from Rails so Rails is working Still there is a problem with the database There must be another container with the Postgres application and connection between these containers To achieve it I will use Docker Compose Docker ComposeThis is a tool that allows to run multiple containers and create a network between them The configuration file is stored as YAML Install Docker ComposeFor more details check official site Download the current stable release of Docker Compose To install a different version of Compose substitute with the version of Compose you want to use sudo curl L uname s uname m o usr local bin docker compose Apply executable permissions to the binary sudo chmod x usr local bin docker compose Test the installation docker compose version Compose config fileCreate a file docker compose yaml in the main app directory version services database Official postgres image available in image postgres There are many types of volumes this is a named volume which will store database in docker directory Named volumes must be listed under the top level volumes key as shown at bottom of the file volumes db data var lib postgresql data environment POSTGRES PASSWORD password web image rails app Command will replace CMD from Dockerfile command bash c rm f tmp pids server pid amp amp bundle exec rails s p b Path on the host relative to the Compose file app is a WORKDIR name from Dockerfile This volume will allow you to run the Rails app with Docker Compose and made live changes without rebuilding the image volumes app ports database is Postgres service name from the top of the file it will allow communication between containers depends on database environment POSTGRES PASSWORD password POSTGRES USERNAME postgres POSTGRES HOST database it s Postgres service name from the top of the filevolumes db data Now it s time to run Rails application and Postgres database with Docker Compose but before you must update Rails database config file create a database and run migrations config database yamldefault amp default adapter postgresql encoding unicode pool lt ENV fetch RAILS MAX THREADS gt username lt ENV POSTGRES USERNAME gt password lt ENV POSTGRES PASSWORD gt host lt ENV POSTGRES HOST gt development lt lt default database rails app developmenttest lt lt default database rails app testproduction lt lt default database rails app productionAfter updating the database file Docker image needs to be rebuild docker build t rails app The first steps are cached but changes in the application directory cause gems installation I will show you later how to avoid it and use cache Now start containers and in another terminal window run a command to create a database Run command and leave it running docker compose up From another terminal window docker compose run web rake db create db migrateOpen the browser and go to http localhost and You just run the Rails app with Docker VPSThe next piece of the puzzle is VPS a place where you deploy application You can find many companies that provide cloud services and it s your decision which one you choose I wanna show you an example based on a server with Ubuntu Like on your localhost firstly you install Docker and Docker Compose on VPS Use steps from the beginning of this post You will need two additional non root users nginx proxy and rails app sudo adduser nginx proxy sudo adduser rails app HTTP serverFor HTTP server I will use NGINX with this awesome application nginx proxy and acme companion for automatic SSL certificate generation Connect to the server as nginx proxy user and create two files docker compose yaml and nginx custom conf cd amp amp touch docker compose yaml nginx custom confI will show you the basic configuration of these two applications For more details check the app s documentation from the links above docker compose yamlversion services nginx proxy restart always image nginxproxy nginx proxy container name nginx proxy ports volumes conf etc nginx conf d vhost etc nginx vhost d html usr share nginx html dhparam etc nginx dhparam certs etc nginx certs ro var run docker sock tmp docker sock ro nginx custom conf etc nginx conf d nginx custom conf networks nginx proxy network letsencrypt restart always image nginxproxy acme companion container name nginx proxy acme volumes from nginx proxy volumes certs etc nginx certs rw acme etc acme sh var run docker sock var run docker sock ro networks nginx proxy network volumes conf vhost html dhparam certs acme networks nginx proxy network name nginx proxy network nginx custom conf here you can customize NGINXserver tokens off client max body size m When these two files are created and filled with content let s run the NGINX server with deamon d param docker compose up dAnd that s all you need to do with the HTML server this app will handle all new Rails applications on your server with few ENV variables that you will add to the Rails app docker compose files Rails app Production Docker Compose fileLet s connect to the server as rails app user You must create two files docker compose yaml and env on the server and copy the below content to these files cd amp amp touch docker compose yaml envIn the production version you must pass more ENV variables so let s create a file to store these variables separately Also you must remember that every file created in the Docker image during the app life cycle will be deleted with the new app version release So e g files from ActiveStorage or logs need to be stored outside of the image version services database restart docker container when there will be a crash restart always image postgres volumes db data var lib postgresql data instead of environment let s use the env file env file env web restart always image rails app command bash c rm f tmp pids server pid amp amp bundle exec rails s p b env file env volumes storage app storage store ActiveStorage files in storage directory log app log store logs in log directory ports depends on databasevolumes db data Example env file VIRTUAL HOST variable will allow nginx proxy to redirect HTTP request to your Rails app LETSENCRYPT variables are used by acme companion and it will create SSL certificate for those paramsVIRTUAL HOST your dns for rails app comLETSENCRYPT HOST your dns for rails app comLETSENCRYPT EMAIL some user your dns for rails app comPOSTGRES PASSWORD passwordPOSTGRES USERNAME postgresPOSTGRES HOST databaseRAILS ENV productionSECRET KEY BASE some secret keyRAILS LOG TO STDOUT trueRAILS SERVE STATIC FILES true Rails app Production DockerfileThe main difference is a need to precompile assets to run the production environment To do it with Rails and Webpacker then also Yarn is needed Let s update Dockerfile to handle it and fix gems caching FROM ruby add yarn to apt listRUN curl sS apt key add amp amp echo deb stable main tee etc apt sources list d yarn list add yarn to installed appsRUN apt get update amp amp apt get install y build essential libpq dev nodejs zlibg dev liblzma dev yarnWORKDIR app copy Gemfile and Gemfile lock and install gems before copying rest of the application so the steps will be cached until there won t be any changes in GemfileCOPY Gemfile RUN bundle installCOPY precompile assets with temporary secret key baseRUN SECRET KEY BASE assets compile RAILS ENV production bundle exec rake assets precompileCMD bundle exec rails s p b GitHub ActionsWhen the production Rails app on Docker image is fully working and VPS is ready it s time to create an image with GitHub Actions and store it in GitHub Container Registry Before I show you the config file there are few things to do in GitHub GitHub Container Registry GHCR is in an experimental state so you must enable that feature with this tutorial Second thing needed is token which allow to login to GHCR tutorial select two scopes write packages and delete packages Create repository secrets Go to your repository gt Settings gt Secrets and add New repository secret and create two secrets CR PAT with GHCR token and VPS PASSWORD its password for user rails app Then log in to your server with rails app user and edit bashrc file Add a line at the end of the file export CR PAT lt your GHCR token gt In your project create a file in that path github workflows deploy ymlname Deployon push branches Run deploy job on every push to the master branch masterjobs deploy runs on ubuntu latest steps name Checkout uses actions checkout v name Login to GitHub Container Registry run echo secrets CR PAT docker login ghcr io u lt YOUR GITHUB LOGIN gt password stdin name Pull image to use as a cache run docker pull ghcr io n it n website latest exit name Build Docker image run docker build cache from ghcr io lt YOUR GITHUB LOGIN gt rails app latest tag ghcr io lt YOUR GITHUB LOGIN gt rails app latest name Push the image to GitHub Container Registry run docker push ghcr io lt YOUR GITHUB LOGIN gt rails app latest name VPS pull image and run app containters uses appleboy ssh action master with host lt your server ip gt username rails app password secrets VPS PASSWORD script echo CR PAT docker login ghcr io u marekls password stdin docker compose pull app docker compose up d no depsAfter first successful deploy login to your server as rails app and create database with command docker compose run web rake db create db migrate The last improvementThe final touch to make deployment fully automated is the migration script Create a file docker entrypoint sh in your project main directory and paste the below content bin shset eif f tmp pids server pid then rm tmp pids server pidfibundle exec rails db migrate gt dev nullexec bundle exec And then few changes are needed in Dockerfile FROM ruby RUN curl sS apt key add amp amp echo deb stable main tee etc apt sources list d yarn listRUN apt get update amp amp apt get install y build essential libpq dev nodejs zlibg dev liblzma dev yarnWORKDIR appCOPY Gemfile RUN bundle installCOPY RUN SECRET KEY BASE assets compile RAILS ENV production bundle exec rake assets precompile Add entrypoint script to handle migrationsENTRYPOINT docker entrypoint sh EXPOSE CMD rails server b You just created a fully working continuous deployment You don t have to worry about errors on your local machine or some problems with the internet connection anymore Just write your code and simply push commit and the rest is magic Below some useful commands that may help you view logs from Postgres docker compose logs database f view logs from Rails docker compose logs app f run Rails console inside Docker container docker compose run app rails c list available images docker images list running containers docker ps stop containers docker compose down remove old images containers docker system prune |
2021-06-09 11:46:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
INSTANTLY PARSE JSONHow To Parse JSON Instantly Get your JSONCopy all of thatNow Go to Secret PlacePaste the copied JSON to the black box lt see left From Right side choose your language see right gt It will generate the file according to the selected language Click on Copy code and do whatever you want just don t hack NASAYoutube tutorial |
2021-06-09 11:33:38 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Key 'iPhone 13' camera component orders exceed entire Android manufacturer demand |
Key x iPhone x camera component orders exceed entire Android manufacturer demandAs it ramps up to deliver the iPhone in the fall Apple s key camera component orders are expanding and are expected to eclipse the entire Android smartphone market s consumption The next iPhone is again expected to feature improved camerasAs Apple prepares its next iPhone almost certainly for a September launch component manufacturers are reporting increased orders Companies in Taiwan are reportedly preparing to increase their production capacities to meet Apple s orders Read more |
2021-06-09 11:32:07 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
WWDC 2021 keynote: everything you need to know, and what we thought |
WWDC keynote everything you need to know and what we thoughtNow that WWDC is well underway here s a look back at what Apple announced during its keynote presentation Monday and what our staff is most looking forward to On June Apple kicked off its yearly Worldwide Developers Conference Like last year s this year s WWDC was held entirely online to combat the unnecessary spread of the coronavirus The two hour long event focused on upcoming features across Apple products primarily aimed at informing developers what they can anticipate with the release of Apple s new operating systems in the fall Here s a quick recap of everything that Apple announced WWDC Read more |
2021-06-09 11:06:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New MacBook Pro models predicted for Q3 2021, held up by mini LED shortage |
New MacBook Pro models predicted for Q held up by mini LED shortageSources within the supply chain say that Apple expects to ship new MacBook Pro models beginning in the third fiscal quarter of Apple s MacBook ProAfter being rumored for but not appearing at the WWDC keynote presentation a revamped inch MacBook Pro has recently been predicted for Q and a inch MacBook Pro for Q Now however a new report from the supply chain claims that production will begin earlier in Q meaning between July and September Read more |
2021-06-09 11:07:16 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Ford made a small hybrid truck that sells for $21,495 |
network |
2021-06-09 11:15:27 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Vivaldi adds mail, calendar, RSS and translation tools to its privacy-focused browser |
Vivaldi adds mail calendar RSS and translation tools to its privacy focused browserVivaldi has updated its web browser to add built in translation more layouts and beta versions of mail calendar and an RSS reader |
2021-06-09 11:03:21 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Where to Watch the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse at Sunrise |
partial |
2021-06-09 11:15:13 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
非常勤職員(専門調査員)を募集しています。 |
専門調査員 |
2021-06-09 11:46:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
G7 summit: Don't imperil NI peace, Biden to warn UK and EU |
agreement |
2021-06-09 11:01:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Government acted unlawfully over firm's £560,000 Covid contract |
friends |
2021-06-09 11:25:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
An ignorant minority who need educating - Ferdinand on those that boo 'taking a knee' |
An ignorant minority who need educating Ferdinand on those that boo x taking a knee x The people booing England players taking a knee are an ignorant minority who need educating says former England captain Rio Ferdinand |
2021-06-09 11:10:42 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
KAKURENBO@せんげん台(チーズキーマカレーwith卵黄) |
kakurenbo |
2021-06-09 12:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コンサドーレ ソニー仙台に5―3 天皇杯2回戦 |
全日本選手権 |
2021-06-09 20:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
趙紫陽氏の旧宅、遺族が退去開始 中国、民主派交流の場が消滅 |
天安門事件 |
2021-06-09 20:06:00 |