IT |
Vandal - Web Archiveを使って過去のサイトへアクセス |
そんな時に過去のWebサイトを見られるサービスが便利です。 |
2021-06-12 21:00:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
受信したメールをLINEに送信する |
受信したメールをLINEに送信する作るもの前提条件背景やりたいこと課題解決方法この仕組みのメリット実装LINEAmazonRouteドメイン取得ドメイン名の選択登録者の連絡先入力と購入AmazonSESリージョンの選択DomainIdentity作成メール受信設定とS連携受信メールアドレス登録Sへの保存設定動作確認AmazonSライフサイクルルール作成AWSLambdaモジュールレイヤーの作成LINEMessagingAPISDKfornodejsMAILPARSER結果確認Lambda関数作成ソースコードデプロイ環境変数設定トリガー追加テスト作るもの構成図は以下の通りです。 |
2021-06-12 20:01:03 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
stack machineを愛でる。 |
概要stackmachineが、好きだ。 |
2021-06-12 20:42:38 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
プログラミングは英語圏の人が圧倒的に有利、もはや卑怯なレベル |
例えばnodejsでよく使われる、エラーと返ってきたデータとを引数とするコールバックがあって、それについて調べたとき、日本語ではほとんど出てこないんだけど、英語では色々な人が解説していて、圧倒的に情報量が違う。 |
2021-06-12 20:31:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
400エラーを改善して、一度に大量のデータをスクレイピングしたい |
2021-06-12 20:56:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSの適用スコープについて |
2021-06-12 20:55:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
indexOfがうまいこと作動しません。 |
indexOfがうまいこと作動しません。 |
2021-06-12 20:52:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
githubにおけるリモートリポジトリの名前はoriginでなければならないのか |
githubにおけるリモートリポジトリの名前はoriginでなければならないのか初めてgitを使ったときにgitnbsppushnbsporiginnbspmasterの構文的意味が分からず非常に困りました。 |
2021-06-12 20:37:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pandas、numpyをインポートしたpythonファイルが正しく実行できない現象 |
pandas、numpyをインポートしたpythonファイルが正しく実行できない現象前提・実現したいことタイトルにある通り、インポートに「pandas」「numpy」を含んだファイルを実行できない状態です。 |
2021-06-12 20:35:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#formでメモリを解放しているのにメモリ不足に陥ってしまう |
Cformでメモリを解放しているのにメモリ不足に陥ってしまうWindowsnbspFormで二枚の適当な画像を表示するものを作っていますが、すぐメモリ不足に陥ってしまいます。 |
2021-06-12 20:35:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
記事の詳細がエラーで見ることが出来ない |
記事の詳細がエラーで見ることが出来ない前提・実現したいことrailsnbspRedis詳細画面がエラーで見れないrailsnbspでRedisを用いてpv数のランキングを作っていて、ランキングを反映させることは出来たのですが、投稿した記事を削除した後、他の投稿の詳細画面を見ようとするとエラーが起こります。 |
2021-06-12 20:35:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
function.phpで複数のCSS・JavaScriptを読み込みたい |
functionphpで複数のCSS・JavaScriptを読み込みたいHTMLで作成したサイトをWordpressにSiriにあたり、functionphpにCSSとJavaScriptを読み込みたいのですが、エラーが発生してしまいます。 |
2021-06-12 20:26:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
scikit-learnの乳がんデータセットのvalueが[:.4f]になるのを解決したい |
現在、anaconda環境上のpythonでscikitlearnの乳がんデータセットの解析を行おうとしているのですが、読み込んだデータを表示するとvalueが全てfと表示されます。 |
2021-06-12 20:10:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MathematicaのNDSolveをPythonで実現したい |
MathematicaのNDSolveをPythonで実現したい前提・実現したいことMathematicaで解いた微分方程式のプログラムを、Pythonコードに書き換えることを目標としています。 |
2021-06-12 20:09:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
YouTubeの動画がアップロードされたら通知するAPI |
discord |
2021-06-12 20:02:45 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】enumで対応ステータスを更新する |
【Rails】enumで対応ステータスを更新する自作アプリを作成しているときに、管理者機能として、フォームからのお問い合わせの対応ステータスを更新する機能があったらいいなと思い、調べながら実装してみたので、メモしておきます実装画面はこんな感じです前提構成モデル等は生成済の前提で進めますMODELFormInquirytintegeruseridttextcontenttintegerresponsestatusdefaulttdatetimecreatedattdatetimeupdatedatCONTROLLERforminquiries問い合わせ一覧indexaction問い合わせ詳細showaction対応ステータス更新updateactionVIEWS問い合わせ一覧indexhtml問い合わせ詳細showhtmlライブラリenumhelpenumをIn化するgemdeviseユーザー管理者認証その他会員エンドユーザーをUser、管理者をAdminとしてそれぞれテーブルを作成しています。 |
2021-06-12 20:37:29 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Oracle実験室 / Oracle Grid Infrastructure インストール |
仮想HDD作成VirtualBoxでディスクを追加する。 |
2021-06-12 20:56:24 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
cent os 7.6 に postgreSQL 13.3 をインストールする |
yuminstallrootcentdyuminstallypostgresqlserver《中略》Packageアーキテクチャーバージョンリポジトリー容量インストール中postgresqlserverxPGDGrhelpgdgM依存性関連でのインストールをしますpostgresqlxPGDGrhelpgdgMpostgresqllibsxPGDGrhelpgdgkトランザクションの要約インストールパッケージ個の依存関係のパッケージ総ダウンロード容量Mインストール容量M《中略》インストールpostgresqlserverxPGDGrhel依存性関連をインストールしましたpostgresqlxPGDGrhelpostgresqllibsxPGDGrhel完了しましたrootcentdなお、以下のようにpostgresql関連全てをインストールしようとするとエラーが出力されて完了できません。 |
2021-06-12 20:46:15 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
cent os 7.6 に postgreSQL 9.2 をインストールする |
DBサーバCentOSpostgreSQL※selinuxfirewalldは停止管理サーバWindowsServerpgAdminvpostgreSQLのインストールcentOSのデフォルトパッケージはpostgreSQL系なので、インストールメディアからダウンロードします。 |
2021-06-12 20:32:45 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】enumで対応ステータスを更新する |
【Rails】enumで対応ステータスを更新する自作アプリを作成しているときに、管理者機能として、フォームからのお問い合わせの対応ステータスを更新する機能があったらいいなと思い、調べながら実装してみたので、メモしておきます実装画面はこんな感じです前提構成モデル等は生成済の前提で進めますMODELFormInquirytintegeruseridttextcontenttintegerresponsestatusdefaulttdatetimecreatedattdatetimeupdatedatCONTROLLERforminquiries問い合わせ一覧indexaction問い合わせ詳細showaction対応ステータス更新updateactionVIEWS問い合わせ一覧indexhtml問い合わせ詳細showhtmlライブラリenumhelpenumをIn化するgemdeviseユーザー管理者認証その他会員エンドユーザーをUser、管理者をAdminとしてそれぞれテーブルを作成しています。 |
2021-06-12 20:37:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Awesome fully responsive modern product listing only CSS. |
Awesome fully responsive modern product listing only CSS Hello glad you are here I am kunaal and today we will see how to make an awesome fully responsive modern looking product listing page You can see demo below DemoFor desktop view see this demo in x scale Video Tutorial For better explanation You can watch video tutorial If you like the video tutorial Please consider subscribing my youtube channel Let s codeInside HTML file under lt body gt tag write lt div class product gt lt div class product img gt lt img src img bag png alt gt lt span class tag gt new lt span gt lt div gt lt div class product listing gt lt div class content gt lt h class name gt leather bag lt h gt lt p class info gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Doloremque laborum optio natus quibusdam ea nam odit vitae id unde officia lt p gt lt p class price gt lt p gt lt div class btn and rating box gt lt div class rating gt lt img src img star png alt gt lt img src img star png alt gt lt img src img star png alt gt lt img src img star png alt gt lt img src img star stroke png alt gt lt div gt lt button class btn gt buy now lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt And CSS import url wght amp family Roboto wght amp display swap margin padding box sizing border box body width min height vh position relative display flex justify content center align items center background ef font family roboto sans serif body before content position absolute left transform translateX skewX deg width px height background ef border left px solid eaed border right px solid eaed opacity animation slide in s s forwards keyframes slide in opacity left product position relative width px min width px min height px height auto display flex justify content center align items center product img width height px background fff position relative opacity transform translateY px animation fade in s forwards product img img width height object fit contain user select none tag position absolute top px left px transform origin left opacity transform rotate deg text transform capitalize color eaed padding px px width px font size px text align center background user select none animation tag s s forwards keyframes tag opacity transform rotate deg product listing width min height px height auto background padding px display flex justify content center color eaed opacity transform translateY px animation fade in s forwards keyframes fade in opacity transform translateY name font family dosis font size px text transform capitalize info font size px line height px margin px price font size px font weight margin bottom px btn and rating box width display flex justify content space between rating width fit content display flex justify content center align items center rating img width px height px margin px btn background eaed color border none text transform capitalize font size px padding px px cursor pointer btn hover background color eedbaf media max width px body before transform translateX skewX deg product flex direction column width margin vh product img width height px product listing width min height auto name price font size px info font size px I hope you understood everything If you have any doubt or you find any mistake that I made or you have any suggestion feel free to ask me in comment If you are interested in programming and want to know how I a yr old teen do coding make these design You can follow me on my Instagram I am also planning to post my game development stuff on Instagram Source Code My youtube Channel Instagram |
2021-06-12 11:49:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Adding Fault Tolerance to your Quarkus Microservice with SmallRye |
Adding Fault Tolerance to your Quarkus Microservice with SmallRye Introduction Initial problem As we re gravitating more and more towards microservice architectures we notice that they tend to be inherently unreliable and depending on the use case even small outages could potentially make users impatient or determine them to seek better service somewhere else Although microservices bring their advantages to the game they tend to rely a lot on each other and have interdependencies so the issue of one of them potentially plummeting needs to be addressed and handled and solutionIt is becoming increasingly important that we build fault tolerant microservices but we would also like tools that can make dealing with unreliability a little easier all while allowing us to focus on the business logic rather than ending up with stressful intricate if then else statements This is where SmallRye Fault Tolerance comes into play by providing a standardized set of common failure handling patterns via annotations that can make code readable and maintainable SmallRye Fault Tolerance is an implementation of Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance It was originally based on Hystrix the Netflix library for latency and fault tolerance in distributed systems which heavily promoted the concepts of fault tolerance and isolation for microservices Hystrix has long been a very popular library in the industry but the community activity has been declining and recently it came to a stop by announcing it would stop maintenance SmallRye Fault Tolerance is an easy to use extension that provides us with retry policies timeouts and circuit breakers that dictate whether and when executions should take place It also includes fallbacks which offer an alternative implementation when an execution does not complete successfully Let s have a look at it What I m usingJava Apache Maven IntelliJ IDEAmacOS CatalinaWe ll simulate a little business logic in a delivery logistics company that is dealing with managing and tracking transports This is an overly simplified backend example while also keeping itself realistic The reason I chose a more complex model rather than just a basic entity to pass around is that I would like it to reflect the day to day image of an enterprise project I ve talked about spinning up a Quarkus application here You can add your extensions wherever you decide to create your project be it directly on quarkus io in your IDE or via Maven command like so mvn io quarkus quarkus maven plugin Final create DprojectGroupId org acme DprojectArtifactId microprofile fault tolerance quickstart DclassName org acme microprofile faulttolerance CoffeeResource Dpath coffee Dextensions resteasy smallrye fault tolerance resteasy jackson If you already have your Quarkus project you can just add the extension by running the following in your base directory mvnw quarkus add extension Dextensions smallrye fault tolerance The full project can be found here in the initial folder there will be a clean setup that needs to be enhanced and in the final folder we ll see the end version with the desired improvements Let s have a quick look at the classes For readability reasons I decided to make these sections collapsible so that they can be extended as needed Let s run the development server and see if it works mvnw compile quarkus dev Model import lombok Getter import lombok Setter import java time LocalDate import java util HashSet import java util Set Setter Getterpublic class Transport private Long id private String trackingId private Set lt Container gt containers private LocalDate departureDate private LocalDate arrivalDate public Transport final Long id final String trackingId final LocalDate departureDate final LocalDate arrivalDate this containers new HashSet lt gt this id id this trackingId trackingId this departureDate departureDate this arrivalDate arrivalDate public void addContainer final Container container containers add container import lombok Getter import lombok Setter import java util ArrayList import java util List Setter Getterpublic class Container private Long id private Transport transport private List lt ContainerLoad gt containerLoad new ArrayList lt gt private ContainerType type private String serialNumber public Container Long id ContainerType type String serialNumber this id id this type type this serialNumber serialNumber public void addContainerLoad final ContainerLoad containerLoad if ContainerType PARTIAL LOAD equals this getType this containerLoad isEmpty this containerLoad add containerLoad import lombok Getter import lombok Setter Setter Getterpublic class ContainerLoad private Long id private Container container private Double weight private Double height private Double width public ContainerLoad Long id Double weight Double height Double width this id id this weight weight this height height this width width public enum ContainerType FULL LOAD PARTIAL LOAD Service import org jboss logging Logger import org tinyg dao TransportRepo import org tinyg exception KnownProcessingException import org tinyg model Transport import javax enterprise context ApplicationScoped import javax xml ws http HTTPException import java time LocalDate import java util ArrayList import java util List import java util Random import java util concurrent atomic AtomicLong import java util stream Collectors ApplicationScopedpublic class TransportService private static final Logger LOGGER Logger getLogger TransportService class private TransportRepo transports private AtomicLong counter new AtomicLong public TransportService transports new TransportRepo public List lt Transport gt getAllTransports extraValidationOrProcessing LOGGER info Information fetched successfully return new ArrayList lt gt transports values public List lt String gt getValidTrackingIds possibleFail return transports values stream filter transport gt LocalDate now compareTo transport getArrivalDate lt map Transport getTrackingId collect Collectors toList private void possibleFail final Long invocationNumber counter getAndIncrement if invocationNumber gt alternate successful and failing invocations throw new RuntimeException Service failed private void extraValidationOrProcessing let s pretend there s a call to a different user service to check status association with transports companies etc if new Random nextInt LOGGER error The required information could not be retrieved right now Try again throw new HTTPException request timeout if lt new Random nextInt LOGGER error String format Something went wrong here at s LOGGER getName throw new KnownProcessingException Rest import org jboss logging Logger import org tinyg exception KnownProcessingException import org tinyg model Transport import org tinyg service TransportService import javax inject Inject import javax ws rs GET import javax ws rs Path import javax ws rs Produces import javax ws rs core MediaType import java util Collections import java util List Path transports public class TransportRest private static final Logger LOGGER Logger getLogger TransportRest class Inject TransportService transportService GET Produces MediaType APPLICATION JSON public List lt Transport gt transports try return transportService getAllTransports catch KnownProcessingException exception we ll catch it like a bunch of responsible devs LOGGER error exception getMessage return Collections emptyList GET Path valid Produces MediaType TEXT PLAIN public List lt String gt getValidTransports return transportService getValidTrackingIds The model consists of entities Transport which contains a set of Containers which in turn depending on their types can contain one or more ContainerLoads The simple CDI bean will contain a data repository object In real life this would be handling queries to a database but since that is not the main objective of this post we ll do it like this for now Finally the TransportRest class is where we ll expose our endpoints which we can call via Postman or CURL command or a browser to get information about the transports One of the REST methods is meant to be faulty causing issues when trying to retrieve the list of available transports RetriesSometimes one of our microservices may not behave as expected and has the potential to impact others if it becomes faulty But not all situations are showstoppers and failures can be easily avoided just by calling the same service one more time To prevent disturbing the upstream or the downstream we can use the Retry mechanism which will recover an operation from failure by invoking it again until it reaches its stopping criteria To use this feature we just add the Retry annotation to the faulty method and by default we re introduced to some of the configuration parameters maxRetries retryOn abortOn delay Let s explore these a little bit In the initial setup an exception would be thrown some of the times when we try to retrieve a list of transports We can annotate that method with Retry and based on what needs to be addressed we can also configure it Retry retryOn HTTPException class maxRetries abortOn KnownProcessingException class delay What we re saying here is that we want to retry calling this method in case an HTTPException occurs This one is pretty generic but one can choose a more specific exception depending on their use case The maximum times to retry this call will be the delay between calls is milliseconds and under no circumstance should it be done again when an KnownProcessingException arises The last exception is a custom one just for demonstrating the functionality but it highlights that there are ways of dealing with known intentional failures as well such as maintenance for example So now things will be different upon trying to retrieve our list of transports the console will look different and although communication with another service is not perfectly smooth the user will not be aware of it And if something happens that our functionality cannot continue then that exception will be handled accordingly and the return value will be an empty list TimeoutsLet s imagine we have a functionality in the application that could display how much CO a means of transport is producing from point A to point B based on the current load of containers and some other regional environmental factors This is definitely not a crucial feature it s mainly there for the users information and also to show a commitment that future improvements are coming So when the transport is being tracked an updated panel of emissions will also be displayed In case the system is overloaded and the logic behind obtaining this data is too costly in terms of time we can just go ahead without it and render the UI components We enhance our application with a new endpoint and a service class that will take care of that EmissionsCalculatorRest package org tinyg rest import org eclipse microprofile faulttolerance Timeout import org jboss logging Logger import org jboss resteasy annotations jaxrs PathParam import org tinyg service EmissionsCalculatorService import javax inject Inject import javax ws rs GET import javax ws rs Path import java util Random import java util concurrent atomic AtomicLong Path emissions public class EmissionsCalculatorRest Inject EmissionsCalculatorService emissionsCalculatorService private static final Logger LOGGER Logger getLogger EmissionsCalculatorRest class AtomicLong attempts new AtomicLong GET Path trackingId Timeout public String calculateEmissions PathParam String trackingId long started System currentTimeMillis final long invocation attempts getAndIncrement try randomDelay LOGGER infof EmissionsCalculatorService invocation d returning successfully invocation return emissionsCalculatorService calculate trackingId catch InterruptedException e LOGGER errorf EmissionsCalculatorService invocation d timed out after d ms invocation System currentTimeMillis started return null private void randomDelay throws InterruptedException Thread sleep new Random nextInt EmissionsCalculatorService package org tinyg service import javax enterprise context ApplicationScoped ApplicationScopedpublic class EmissionsCalculatorService public String calculate final String trackingId Fetch transport based on trackingId Figure out the load Try to locate it based on last checkpoint Retrieve weather conditions etc Actual calculations return CO report has been computed An artificial delay has been set to occur somewhere between and seconds normally we would not want to have such long waiting times this is just easier to perceive as a human and the timeout has been configured to seconds Upon requesting this information a few times we can see in the logs that some of them will time out with an org eclipse microprofile faulttolerance exceptions TimeoutException The successful ones will fetch us the information CO report has been computed FallbacksNow is the best time to bring in a fix for the previous org eclipse microprofile faulttolerance exceptions TimeoutException Let s annotate the method with a Fallback annotation and provide another method that could take over in case of failure In our case it can provide a simpler and faster calculation of emissions or it could return a generic number that generally falls somewhere in the average values GET Path trackingId Timeout Fallback fallbackMethod genericInformationAboutCO public String calculateEmissions PathParam final String trackingId Keep in mind that the fallback method needs to match the original one in terms of parameters it would look something like private String genericInformationAboutCO final String trackingId return An average consumption of kg km corresponds to kg x g kg g of CO km By requesting this emissions data a few more times we can see how well the fallback is handling it Circuit BreakersIf a part of our system becomes temporarily unstable we might want to cut access to it for a while in order to limit the number of failures The job of a circuit breaker is to record successful and failed invocations of a method and when the number of fails reaches a specified threshold In the TransportService class we will have CircuitBreaker requestVolumeThreshold failureRatio delay public List lt String gt getValidTrackingIds possibleFail return transports values stream filter transport gt LocalDate now compareTo transport getArrivalDate lt map Transport getTrackingId collect Collectors toList private void possibleFail final Long invocationNumber counter getAndIncrement if invocationNumber gt alternate successful and failing invocations throw new RuntimeException Service failed By checking out the configuration parameters we will see that requestVolumeThreshold is meaning that the last invocations will be checked The failureRatio is default value which indicates that a circuit breaker will open when consecutive calls of the last invocations fail We set the delay to seconds which is how long the circuit breaker will stay open Ten seconds was the value chosen so it can be easily perceived We can see in the logs that in this second interval the circuit breaker is open and blocking any execution from happening When services are collaborating synchronously there is a possibility that the called service may exhibit unavailability or high latency to the point that it becomes unusable This can lead to precious resources such as threads and time being consumed for no reason sometimes even going as far as exhaustion A failing service in the application could potentially cascade into the failure of other services throughout the system that s why it is important to be aware of possible downfalls and be prepared ConclusionsAnd there you have it we have seen some of the most useful and easy to use ways of keeping our applications afloat even when it keeps running into trouble |
2021-06-12 11:12:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Will your Mac run macOS Monterey? |
macos |
2021-06-12 11:15:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
G7: PM calls for compromise over Northern Ireland trade |
brexit |
2021-06-12 11:18:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
England v New Zealand: Ross Taylor caught behind by James Bracey for 80 off Olly Stone |
England v New Zealand Ross Taylor caught behind by James Bracey for off Olly StoneOlly Stone and James Bracey combine to make a crucial breakthrough for England removing Ross Taylor for on the third day of the second Test against New Zealand |
2021-06-12 11:30:58 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
白鵬が綱打ち、名古屋場所に抱負 進退意向「やることをやる」 |
名古屋場所 |
2021-06-12 20:13:00 |