IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Beatsの新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「Beats Studio Buds」、米国では6月25日に発表か |
beats |
2021-06-14 13:22:45 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、2022年に「Apple Watch」のエクストリームスポーツモデルや「Apple Watch SE 2」を投入か |
apple |
2021-06-14 13:03:54 |
Engadget Japanese |
24日のシャオミ発表はMi 11 Lite 5G日本版。FeliCaロゴも確認 |
felica |
2021-06-14 13:45:41 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Getting started with serverless for developers part 5: Sandbox developer account |
Getting started with serverless for developers part Sandbox developer accountThis is part of the Getting started with serverless series In part you learn how the developer workflow for building serverless applications differs to a traditional developer workflow You see how to test business logic locally before deploying to an AWS account In this post you learn how to secure and manage access … |
2021-06-14 13:03:05 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
Meet Milo, this year's Doodle for Google winner! |
Meet Milo this year x s Doodle for Google winner A few weeks ago we announced our five national Doodle for Google finalists They all beautifully showed us their answers to this year s contest prompt “I am strong because… One young artist stood out to us with his words symbolism and art We re excited to announce our winner is th grader Milo Golding from Lexington Kentucky Milo s Doodle titled “Finding Hope spoke to the resilience and hope that lives in all of us Let s get to know this year s Doodle for Google winner Has art always been a part of your life Ever since I can remember I ve been drawing and creating ーto the point where my parents had to apologize to my relatives because I used to draw on their walls when we would visit their homes From that point on they always carried sketchbooks and pencils for me What message do you want people to take away from your Doodle Regardless of life s hardships and uncertainties hope is always there It s our job to find that hope in order to move forward Tell us a little bit about your family and your community Both of my parents are immigrants My father immigrated to the U S from Jamaica and my mother from China I grew up in a rural community in eastern Kentucky and after my dad passed away my purpose in life really shifted It s important to me to help other children in need in my community who might have gone through something similar I started a charity a few years ago called Sanguine Path We serve children and under who have lost loved ones or been affected by challenging experiences by providing them with Christmas and birthday gifts care packages and back to school kits Family members school staff grief counselors or parents and guardians can refer children to the program What has it felt like being this year s Doodle for Google winner been like It s been a really fun experience so far The other day my mom was telling me how happy and proud she was She told me I m becoming the person my dad would have definitely wanted me to become I often use art to advocate for things I find important and this competition showed me that I can keep using art to spread the message of hope and love I m so happy my message of hope came through in my art that s what s most important to me I m also very grateful for this opportunity It really allowed me to not only reflect upon my life but also reaffirm what I want to do which is help people And I truly appreciate that Congratulations to Milo We are thrilled to have you as our winner We can t wait to see all of the amazing things you do |
2021-06-14 13:30:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python set型 |
discard指定した要素がsetに含まれている場合、それを取り除く。 |
2021-06-14 22:15:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Quillで表を挿入する |
本来はここにアイコンクリック時の挙動をいれるのですが、別のところで処理しているのでここでは空のアロー関数としています要するにtoolbarcontainertbopthandlersTableInputgtでなくtoolbartboptは警告が出る独学日曜プログラマのため、してはいけないことをしているかもしれませんし、もっといい書き方あるかもしれませんが、その時はコメントで優しく教えていただければ幸いです。 |
2021-06-14 22:02:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript forの条件式を変数で定義したい |
2021-06-14 22:59:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
search.phpで検索キーワードの前後の文章を表示させたい |
searchphpで検索キーワードの前後の文章を表示させたい前提・実現したいことsearchphpで検索キーワードの前後の文章を表示させたい検索結果ページの検索キーワードが見やすいようにハイライトを入れることはできたのですが、wordpressの記事本文部分に検索キーワードの前後を表示させたいここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-06-14 22:58:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CapsuleCollider2Dのサイズをスクリプトで変更する |
CapsuleColliderDのサイズをスクリプトで変更するDのアクション対戦ゲームを作っていています。 |
2021-06-14 22:53:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
lineAPIのエラー |
lineAPIのエラー前提・実現したいことpython初学者である動画を見ながらlineの衛宮切嗣チャットボットの作成をしていたのですが、APIのエラーが出てしまい困っています。 |
2021-06-14 22:50:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
よくわからない関数があった際にどうしているのか |
みなさまこういう時はどうしているのでしょうか。 |
2021-06-14 22:43:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonスクレイピングについて タグの設定(soup.find_all) |
Pythonスクレイピングについてタグの設定soupfindallPythonについてご質問。 |
2021-06-14 22:38:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
実行環境や言語に用意されているメール送信用APIとは何か? |
実行環境や言語に用意されているメール送信用APIとは何かIPAnbsp独立行政法人nbsp情報処理推進機構で公開されている「安全なWebサイトの作り方nbsp第版」を読んでいます。 |
2021-06-14 22:32:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
NLTK含むプログラムをpy2exeでexe化したい。 |
NLTK含むプログラムをpyexeでexe化したい。 |
2021-06-14 22:28:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
awkテキスト処理について |
print |
2021-06-14 22:27:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vertical Layout Groupの中でのCanvasのサイズ取得について |
VerticalLayoutGroupの中でのCanvasのサイズ取得についてUnityを使ってレイアウトの調整作業を行なっています。 |
2021-06-14 22:25:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
word2vecの「size」につてい |
wordvecの「size」につていwordvecの実装を試みています。 |
2021-06-14 22:24:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
配列から取り出した要素ごとに枠線をつけたい |
配列から取り出した要素ごとに枠線をつけたいプログラミングをはじめてか月弱の者です。 |
2021-06-14 22:16:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
NVIDIAドライバ更新時のエラー解決方法について |
NVIDIAドライバ更新時のエラー解決方法についてLinux機のNVIDIAドライバを更新しようと思い、runファイルをダウンロードしてみたのですが、Xnbspserverに関するエラーにより、更新をすることが出来ずにいます。 |
2021-06-14 22:04:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Processing ブロック崩し |
Processingブロック崩しProcessingで簡単なブロック崩しを作っています。 |
2021-06-14 22:00:53 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
じゃんけんの結果 |
じゃんけんの結果コーディングテストにて、じゃんけんを扱う問題に出会ったので、その内容と学びをまとめる。 |
2021-06-14 22:57:03 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS CLIの振り返り ~SQS編~ |
AWSCLIの振り返りSQS編本記事の目的JAWSUGCLIオンラインハンズオンの復習として、ハンズオンで使用したコマンドを箇条書きでまとめる。 |
2021-06-14 22:37:25 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WinSCP AWS S3と接続する |
今回はTLSバージョンの設定をしました。 |
2021-06-14 22:15:27 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
NGINX Ingress ControllerによるIPアクセス制御 |
AKSの公式手順ではnodeSelectorを指定していますが、Nodeの種類が複数あるわけではないので省き、レプリカもに減らしています。 |
2021-06-14 22:23:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Vue.js,Railsで画像プレビュー機能を作成 |
VuejsRailsで画像プレビュー機能を作成完成図参考やりたい事ユーザーのプロフィール編集機能を作成するにあたって・プロフィール画像を画像を選択したらそれを即時に反映させる・デフォルトのラジオボタンはデザインがダサいのでカスタマイズする・アクセスした時点ではでは既に設定されているアイコンを表示する全体コードedithtmlerb一部ltdivclassfieldgtltflabelimageプロフィール画像gtltbrgtltdividimgfieldchangeonFileChangeeventgtltimgsrcimageDatavifimageDataclasseditpreviewimagegtltimgsrcltcurrentuserimagegtvelseclasseditpreviewimagegtltlabelforfileinputclassinputfilebuttongtファイルを選択ltlabelgtltffilefieldimageidfileinputacceptimagegtltdivgtltdivgtimageuploadvuejsimportVuefromvuedistvueesmimportAppfromappvuedocumentaddEventListenerDOMContentLoadedgtconstappnewVueelimgfielddataimageDatamethodsonFileChangeeconstfilesetargetfilesiffileslengthgtconstfilefilesconstreadernewFileReaderreaderonloadegtthisimageDataetargetresultreaderreadAsDataURLfilecomponentsAppデフォルトのラジオボタンをカスタマイズするedithtmlerbltlabelforfileinputclassinputfilebuttongtファイルを選択ltlabelgtltffilefieldimageidfileinputacceptimagegtapplicationscssimgfieldgtinputdisplaynoneinputfilebuttoncursorpointerbackgroundcolorwhitepaddingpxpxborderradiuspxwidthtextaligncenterデフォルトのラジオボタンはidを付与してdisplaynoneで非表示にし、それに対応するlabelタグにcssを当てる事でオリジナルのボタンを作成できるvifを使って画像プレビュー機能を作成edithtmlerbltdividimgfieldchangeonFileChangeeventgtltimgsrcimageDatavifimageDataclasseditpreviewimagegtltimgsrcltcurrentuserimagegtvelseclasseditpreviewimagegt・・・applicationscsseditpreviewimagewidthpxheightpxborderradiusborderpxsolideee縦横比を変えないままトリミングobjectfitcoverdisplayblockmarginpxautoimageDataに値が挿入されていれば上のimgタグ新しく選択した画像が表示され画像を選択していない場合はしたのimgタグ現在設定しているアイコンが表示される思っていたよりもrails︎vueの記事が無かったので苦戦しましたSPA作る系のやつならたくさんあったのですがでもVuejsの学習の一環としてこの機能はVueで実装してみたかったので粘った甲斐があったと思います。 |
2021-06-14 22:59:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn React and Lifecycle Methods By Building Netflix |
Learn React and Lifecycle Methods By Building NetflixI m Hiep I work as a full time software engineer Most of my open source projects are focused on one thing to help people learn Before moving on with this part you should follow the first part in this series The first part Learn React By Building Netflix Github Dev to The repository helps you learn lifecycle methods by buiding Netflix It means that you are learning life cycle methods by building a real life project I will explain concepts in detail This post is the seventh part in my series and it is suitable for beginners If you feel the repository is useful please help me share the post and give me a It will make me feel motivation to work even harder I will try to make many open sources and share to the community I also created some series that help you improve your practical skills Master Design Patterns by Building Real Projects Javascript Github Blog PrefaceThis course will help you to learn lifecycle methods by building Netflix It means that you are learning by doing a real life project You will understand about different phases such as mounting updating and unmounting If you are using function components you do not need to care about lifecyle methods Because from React v we have supporting from React Hooks I will have another post to explain about React Hooks by Building Netflix Table of ContentsNo TopicsHow to Run the Project Live Demo Introduction about the Creator Greenwich University Hitachi Vantara Vietnam Prequisites Softwares Technical Skills Materials Purposes of the Course Final Project Job React Lifecycle Methods What Why When How ScenariosSummary Useful Resources to Learn React References Table of Images No TopicsFigure Detail Page Netflix Figure The Final Result How to Run the Project Step Clone the project by using git clone or download the zip file Step Open terminal cmd gitbash and change directory to netflix clone and run npm install to install dependencies Step Run npm run start to run the fron end project Live Demo Introduction about the Creator Greenwich University Valedictorian GPA Machine Learning paper Recommendation System IEEE ICACT Co Founder Mentor IT club Hitachi Vantara Vietnam Employee of the year Second prize innovation contest Techlead HN branch One of CoE Leaders Center of Excellence Prequisites Softwares Install NodeJS An IDE or a text editor VSCode Intellij Webstorm etc Technical Skills Basic programming skill Basic HTML CSS JS skills Materials Html css js source code was prepared because I want to focus on React and share knowledge about React Building html and css from scratch would take a lot of time README md the md file will contain everything about the course Netflix data will be used to import to Firebase In this course we use Firebase as our back end service Purposes of the Course Final Project The course would help you have understanding about React You could build the final project with end to end solution front end solution using React and back end solution using Firebase Job After finishing the course you could get a job with fresher junior position React Lifecycle Methods What We have two ways in order to define React s components class component or function component If we are using class components we need to understand about different phases in component s lifecycle For this reason we can know the purpose of each lifecycle s method and write code in the correct places and avoid unexpected behaviour WhyWe need to find the correc place to write code and avoid issues For example we should not write code to fetch apis inside the render function We should write it in the componentDidMount and so on WhenIf you are using class component in your applications you should have understanding about lifecyle methods HowDefine your components as class components Write lifecycle methods for different phases of your components Scenarios Figure Detail Page Netflix In the previous posts we defined Detail component as a function component However as mentioned above we can write lifeycle methods if our components are class components For this reason we should refactor our Detail component to class component in order to learn about lifecyle methods in React Step Update Home js with the following code Detail lt Detail movie selectedMovie onDetailClosed closeDetail gt End Detail st NOTE In the previous post we use conditonal rendering in React to show hide the Detail component based on selectedMovie state However in this post we will let the Detail component be available from the beginning to learn about lifecycle methods We will write the logic to show hide the UI inside the Detail component Step Convert Detail component to class component import React from react create Detail component param props which are passed to Detail component class Detail extends React Component constructor props super props console log constructor was called this state static getDerivedStateFromProps props state console log getDerivedStateFromProps was called return state shouldComponentUpdate console log shouldComponentUpdate was called return true render console log render was called const movie onDetailClosed this props if movie return null return detail elements return lt div className detail gt Detail Banner Image lt div className detail image style backgroundImage url movie backdrop path gt lt span className detail title gt movie original name lt span gt lt div gt End Detail Banner Image Detail Fade Bottom Animation lt div className banner fadeBottom detail fade image gt lt div gt End Detail Fade Bottom Animation Detail Actions lt div className detail actions gt lt button className detail btn mgr gt Play lt button gt lt button className detail btn onClick onDetailClosed gt Back lt button gt lt div gt lt div className detail description gt lt div className detail description title gt Description lt div gt lt p className detail description content gt movie overview lt p gt lt div gt End Detail Actions lt div gt componentDidMount console log componentDidMount was called getSnapshotBeforeUpdate prevProps prevState console log getSnapshotBeforeUpdate was called return prevState componentDidUpdate console log componentDidUpdate was called componentWillUnmount console log componentWillUnmount was called export default Detail nd NOTE It is time to talk about some new methods in the Detail component In fact we have three phases in the lifecycle mounting updating unmounting rd NOTE In the mounting phase we have constructor getDerivedStateFromProps render and componentDidUpdate If you run the code and check the console for the first time We will see the following result constructor was calledgetDerivedStateFromProps was calledrender was calledcomponentDidMount was calledThey will be executed in order constructor is used to initial state in our application If you pass props as parameter and pass to super you can access props in your component by writing this props propName getDerivedStateFromProps Invoked right before calling render and is invoked on every render This exists for rare use cases where you need derived state render is used to render React elements componentDidMount Executed after first rendering and where all AJAX requests DOM or state updates and set up event listeners should occur th NOTE After the component was rendered we can check the methods of the updating phase by selecting a movie The updating phase will contain getDerivedStateFromProps shouldComponentUpdate render getSnapshowBeforeUpdate componentDidUpdate If you check the console you will see the following result getDerivedStateFromProps was calledshouldComponentUpdate was calledrender was calledgetSnapshotBeforeUpdate was calledcomponentDidUpdate was calledgetDerivedStateFromProps and render will take part in both phases mounting and unmounting shouldComponentUpdate Determines if the component will be updated or not By default it returns true If you are sure that the component doesn t need to render after state or props are updated you can return false value It is a great place to improve performance as it allows you to prevent a re render if component receives new prop getSnapshotBeforeUpdate Executed right before rendered output is committed to the DOM Any value returned by this will be passed into componentDidUpdate This is useful to capture information from the DOM i e scroll position componentDidUpdate Mostly it is used to update the DOM in response to prop or state changes This will not fire if shouldComponentUpdate returns false th NOTE If you destroy the component we can see the unmounting phase componentWillUnmount will be executed componentWillUnmount It will be used to cancel any outgoing network requests or remove all event listeners associated with the component You will see the result componentWillUnmount was called SummaryWe have three phases in the lifecycle mounting updating and unmounting In the mounting phase we have constructor getDerivedStateFromProps render and componentDidUpdate The updating phase will contain getDerivedStateFromProps shouldComponentUpdate render getSnapshowBeforeUpdate componentDidUpdate The unmounting phase will contain componentWillUnmount Thank you so much for taking the course I hope that you could understand about React lifecycle methods and you can build many real life projects by using React as front end and Firebase as back end in order to solve many problems and make our life become better Useful Resources to Learn React References |
2021-06-14 13:16:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a lo-fi cafe for your Discord Server in 5 minutes |
Build a lo fi cafe for your Discord Server in minutesThis blog was originally published at my personal website I decided to have a chill voice channel where we all could sit together virtually and co work while listening to a lo fi audio stream and maybe have some occasional talks too We will be learning how to create a bot that automatically joins a voice channel whenever someone joins starts broadcasting music amp leaves after minutes of inactivity Do you need something cool like this in your own server TL DRhere s the github code with one click deploy button for heroku ready Less gooo SetupPrerequisitesNodeJS LTS and VScode or IDE of your choice PenPineappleApplepenJust kidding let s setup the project now git initnpm init y npm i s discord js dotenv ytdl core discord lodashGo to Discord Developer Portal and create an application Go to Bot in menuIn the Build A Bot section here Add copy the token and store it in a file call it env in env fileDISCORD BOT TOKEN Your Bot Token here Now let s invite the bot to our serverGo to OAuth PageScroll down to OAuth url generator andselect the bot permissionScroll more and select these bot permission It allows the bot to connect speak viewchannels and use voice activity After selecting the appropriate permissions click the copy button above the permissions That will copy a URL which can be used to add the bot to a server Paste the URL into your browser choose a server to invite the bot to and click “Authorize To add the bot your account needs ManageServer permissions Now that you ve created the bot user we ll start writing the NodeJS code for the bot CodeHere s the file and folder structure → ー client js ー index js ー env ー gitignoreWe don t want to push Petabytes of node modules to GitHub so we ll create a gitignore file Whatever we add inside here will be ignored by git and that s what we want in gitignorenode modules envInside env file you should have the bot token If you don t see the setup section once again You skippin lines bro Copy your github server id and save it in your env file Also create a voice channel in your discord server add the exact channel name in env file avoid using in discord channel name in envDISCORD BOT TOKEN Your Bot Token here DISCORD GUILD ID Your discord server id here DISCORD CHANNEL NAME lofi channel VOICE URLS add more than two urls seperated by comma Create a file called client js and add these lines there line number one implies that we are requiring dependency clientconst Discord require discord js require dotenv config const client new Discord Client client login process env DISCORD BOT TOKEN module exports client line number means that we want to setup all variables inside env file to the environment variables line number and wants the bot to login and then export it so we can use it inside any file now Now that we have our client ready Let s code the Bot Create a file index js and require client js indexconst client require client const ytdl require ytdl core discord const require lodash This line means whenever the bot is ready after login announce it in console indexclient on ready async gt console log Bot client Logged in as client user tag Now after the bot is ready we will react on all the events that discord sends whenever there s a voice activity using the line below voiceStateUpdate indexclient on voiceStateUpdate lofiCafe lofiCafe is a function that will handle this event let s declare the function above the voiceStateUpdate event handler const lofiCafe async oldMember newMember gt const guild id process env DISCORD GUILD ID const channel name process env DISCORD CHANNEL NAME const VOICE URLS process env VOICE URLS split find the voice channel const voiceChannel await guild channels cache find ch gt ch name channel name let newUserChannel newMember channelID let oldUserChannel oldMember channelID a function to play audio in loop const play async connection gt connection play await ytdl sample VOICE URLS type opus highWaterMark volume When the song is finished play it again on finish play const Guild await client guilds fetch guild id const botUserId await client user id const discordBotUser await Guild members cache get botUserId if newUserChannel voiceChannel id if a user joins lo fi music channel if bot not in voice channel and users connected to the channel if discordBotUser voice channel amp amp voiceChannel members size gt play music voiceChannel join then await play catch console error else if oldMember amp amp oldMember channel amp amp oldMember channel members amp amp oldMember channel members size amp amp oldUserChannel voiceChannel id amp amp discordBotUser voice channel if there is only one member in the channel bot itself leave the server after five minutes setTimeout gt wait five minutes if oldMember channel members size if there s still member oldMember channel leave leave in minute After writing these files your client js and index js files should look exactly like this repo DeployInstall Heroku CLILogin to your heroku account in cliheroku loginCreate a new appheroku createPush your local git repository to herokugit push heroku mainGo into your heroku app settings and add the config vars like you added in env Just because env file won t be pushed to GitHub Enjoy Have your friends sit and co work in your new lo fi cafe Acknowledgementsicon Cafe by Andrejs Kirma from the Noun Projectbackground Jack Berry on Unsplash |
2021-06-14 13:03:36 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Season 2 of 'The Morning Show' debuts on Sept. 17 |
Season of x The Morning Show x debuts on Sept The award winning newsroom drama The Morning Show gears up for a return to Apple TV with a new two minute long teaser video On September Apple s Emmy winning newsroom drama will make a return to the small screen for its second season The teaser trailer which was uploaded to Twitter and YouTube gives fans a taste of what s to come later this year Read more |
2021-06-14 13:48:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon's $599 M1 Mac mini deal is still going strong, save $100 |
Amazon x s M Mac mini deal is still going strong save Amazon s cheapest M Mac mini deal is still going strong as we embark on the second half of June with the discount on the standard model matching the record low price of Summer s M Mac mini dealNow off thanks to a instant rebate stacked with a in cart discount Amazon s hidden Mac mini deal delivers the lowest price available on the M GB GB model Read more |
2021-06-14 13:40:56 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Niantic's 'Transformers: Heavy Metal' will bring AR autobots to the iPhone |
Niantic x s x Transformers Heavy Metal x will bring AR autobots to the iPhoneNiantic is working with Hasbro and Tomy to produce Transformers Heavy Metal a game that will use AR to bring the Autobots to a real world setting using the iPhone The title image for Transformers Heavy MetalThe next game on Niantic s roster Transformers Heavy Metal will have players teaming up with Autobot characters including Bumblebee to complete tasks As well as Hasbro and Tomy Niantic is also working with the Seattle based Very Very Spaceship as the development studio Read more |
2021-06-14 13:28:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Nashville celebrates Black Music Month with virtual Today at Apple sessions |
Apple Nashville celebrates Black Music Month with virtual Today at Apple sessionsCountry stars Valerie June and Willie Jones are each running new Today at Apple songwriting workshops hosted by Apple s Nashville Tennessee store and screened online Willie Jones and Valerie JuneMarking Black Music Month Apple has announced that its newest US store is collaborating with the National Museum of African American Music NMAAM on new Today at Apple sessions Alongside songwriting lessons the sessions with country artists will explore the history of music and culture Read more |
2021-06-14 13:43:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Camera app development for iPhone: Halide Team on the AppleInsider podcast |
Camera app development for iPhone Halide Team on the AppleInsider podcastLux Optics the maker of Halide for iPhone and iPad joins us on a special episode of the AppleInsider Podcast to discuss developing for the App Store offering a subscription pricing model and problem solving as a team Sebastiaan de With Ben Sandofsky and Rebecca Slatkin is the team at Lux Optics that builds Halide a popular camera app for iPhone We discuss the founding of their company and what inspired them to build an advanced camera app for iPhone and iPad Read more |
2021-06-14 13:03:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Beats Studio Buds appear early on Best Buy's website |
Beats Studio Buds appear early on Best Buy x s websiteApple s worst kept secret the Beats Studio Buds have surfaced yet again with major retailer Best Buy advertising the personal audio accessories on its website On Monday the Best Buy website s top banner is devoted to Beats showing a close up of one of the earbuds along with the tagline Made for music The banner also states the Beats Studio Beats has True wireless noise cancelling along with another image of the earbuds in a red case While the banner also invites customers to Shop Now for the earbuds clicking the banner takes users to a page that cannot be found Given the Beats Studio Buds have yet to be formally announced it seems that the banner was deployed considerably earlier than Apple or Best Buy probably intended Read more |
2021-06-14 13:28:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
US Apple Stores dropping customer mask requirement on June 15 |
US Apple Stores dropping customer mask requirement on June Apple is preparing to loosen its requirements for wearing masks in Apple Stores as part of its COVID policies in the US a report claims with vaccinated customers potentially able to enter stores without wearing a mask starting Tuesday Throughout the COVID pandemic Apple has enforced policies to minimize the spread of infections including requiring store visitors and employees to wear face masks In a change in the US that could go live as soon as Tuesday Apple may relax its mask policy to allow some customers into stores without the face covering Under the policy change advised by people with knowledge of the alterations to Bloomberg customers will be able to enter the store without a mask The policy is intended to allow those who are vaccinated into stores without the mask but as employees are apparently told they cannot ask for verification of vaccination this could potentially allow anyone into stores regardless of vaccination status Read more |
2021-06-14 13:33:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Trump White House counsel was a subject of Apple subpoenas |
Trump White House counsel was a subject of Apple subpoenasThe White House counsel to former President Donald Trump was one of the targets of Justice Department subpoenas applied against Apple for account data according to a report with the number of high profile people affected by an investigation continuing to grow On Friday it was revealed that the U S Justice Department had subpoenaed Apple for data relating to at least two House Democrats their aides and families On Sunday it seems the investigation also requested data relating to Trump White House counsel Donald F McGahn II Apple reportedly informed McGahn and his wife in May that the Justice Department had subpoenaed information about accounts they controlled in February according to unidentified people familiar with the matter speaking to the New York Times Read more |
2021-06-14 13:33:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple execs say iPadOS 15 helps users to multitask with UI changes |
Apple execs say iPadOS helps users to multitask with UI changesThe multitasking changes to iPadOS made it easier for users to understand they could multitask in the first place a post WWDC interview with Apple VP of worldwide product marketing Bob Borchers and VP of intelligent system experience Sebastien Marineau Mes reveals Following the keynote of WWDC executives at Apple surface in extensive interviews to promote the changes launched at the developer conference In one interview with Borchers and Marineau Mes focusing on iPadOS the executives cover the multitasking alterations and keyboard shortcuts as well as other alterations Speaking to TechCrunch Borchers agrees with the sentiment that there was a much needed change in the way users interacted with multitasking features referred to as spatial gymnastics Read more |
2021-06-14 13:35:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Japan to probe Apple and Google in antitrust discussions |
Japan to probe Apple and Google in antitrust discussionsApple is set to face more scrutiny of its business practices with the Japanese government said to be preparing another antitrust probe into both Apple and Google Apple has been the subject of multiple antitrust probes alongside other tech giants including Google It seems that Japan will be adding its own investigation to the pile in the near future one that will affect both the iPhone maker and the search giant A government panel will apparently launch this month to look into tightening antitrust regulations according to sources of Nikkei in a report seen by the Mercury News The panel will apparently discuss the dealings of Apple and Google with Japanese smartphone producers including whether they handle domestic companies fairly compared to overseas vendors Read more |
2021-06-14 13:35:29 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple channels Disney's 'The Little Mermaid' to sell iPad-based freedom |
Apple channels Disney x s x The Little Mermaid x to sell iPad based freedomA new ad for the iPad Pro has surfaced using a song from Disney s The Little Mermaid to promote the tablet as a better computing platform than desktops in offices Published to Apple s YouTube account but not listed the minute long ad titled iPad Your next computer is not a computer takes a fantastical view of day to day computing The ad does so via a well known song from Disney s The Little Mermaid Read more |
2021-06-14 13:37:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's Federighi and Joswiak talk privacy, Siri, Universal Control and more |
Apple x s Federighi and Joswiak talk privacy Siri Universal Control and moreThe continued tradition of Apple SVP of software engineering Craig Federighi and VP of product marketing Greg Joswiak sitting down with John Gruber continues in with discussions about what Apple launched during WWDC privacy on device Siri processing and the creation of Universal ControlIn a special edition of Daring Fireball s The Talk Show the conversion takes place remotely with Federighi and Joswiak located at Apple Park While other interviews are quite tightly controlled the lengthy interview with the executives is considerably looser in structure and much longer allowing the pair to enthuse about the announced features and development Uploaded to YouTube on Friday the hour and a half show has the two executives covering many different elements brought up during the keynote and throughout the WWDC week Read more |
2021-06-14 13:40:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Microsoft will end Windows 10 support in October 2025 |
microsoft |
2021-06-14 13:40:43 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple Watch Series 7 could include a new screen and updated ultra-wideband tech |
Apple Watch Series could include a new screen and updated ultra wideband techFuture Apple Watch models could track your body temperature although this year s models might focus on upgrades like the screen and a faster chip |
2021-06-14 13:24:21 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Watch Square Enix's E3 conference in 12 minutes |
colors |
2021-06-14 13:15:53 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Jabra's Elite 85t wireless earbuds drop to $180 at Amazon and Best Buy |
amazon |
2021-06-14 13:13:51 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Shi Zhengli, China’s Bat Virus Scientist, at the Center of a Storm |
Shi Zhengli China s Bat Virus Scientist at the Center of a StormShi Zhengli a top virologist says in a rare interview that speculation about her lab in Wuhan is baseless But China s habitual secrecy makes her claims hard to validate |
2021-06-14 13:44:45 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
本協会次期会長の決定及び定時総会の結果報告について |
定時総会 |
2021-06-14 15:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症への証券関係機関等・各証券会社の対応について(リンク集) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-06-14 14:40:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
iriss |
2021-06-14 14:33:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Lockdown easing in England to be delayed by four weeks |
government |
2021-06-14 13:54:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
No evidence Bashir rehired as cover-up - BBC report |
diana |
2021-06-14 13:54:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Arlene Foster urges NI parties to stick to language deal |
arlene |
2021-06-14 13:50:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nato summit: Nato must face up to China's rise, alliance chief says |
challenge |
2021-06-14 13:27:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The gay men who can donate blood in the UK for the first time |
blood |
2021-06-14 13:26:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Euro 2020: Tomas Vaclik denies Andy Robertson with fingertip save |
Euro Tomas Vaclik denies Andy Robertson with fingertip saveScotland captain Andy Robertson hits a first time strike but Czech Republic keeper Tomas Vaclik is able to push it wide during their Euro tie |
2021-06-14 13:52:16 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
パッドを乗せるだけで操作感をチェンジ! MPE対応MIDIコントローラー「 joue play+」 |
joueplay |
2021-06-14 23:00:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
Amazon Kindle Unlimitedが3ヵ月間99円で読み放題。いますぐ200万冊を好きなだけ読もう |
amazonkindleunlimited |
2021-06-14 22:35:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
インク補充やペン先手入れ不要! パイロットのキャップレス万年筆が画期的だった【今日のライフハックツール】 |
取り外し |
2021-06-14 22:05:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
すべてが 1 か所にまとまった Google Workspace 環境でハイブリッドな働き方に対応 |
コンパニオンモードは会議室にいる人と離れた場所にいる同僚をシームレスにつなげるように設計されており、全員が参加できる高度な機能を提供しながら、室内の音声およびビデオ会議機能を最大限に活用します。 |
2021-06-14 14:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Google Workspace がハイブリッドな作業環境に向けてこれまでになく信頼性の高いコラボレーション機能を提供 |
クライアントサイド暗号化でプライバシーとデータセキュリティを強化Googleは、GoogleWorkspaceのクライアントサイド暗号化をリリースし、お客様が幅広いデータ主権とコンプライアンス要件に対応しながら、データの機密性保持を強化できるように支援しています。 |
2021-06-14 14:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「狸小路はぽんぽこシャンゼリゼ」小林亜星さん作曲 道内からも悼む声 |
小林亜星 |
2021-06-14 22:14:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[CoinDesk Japan] 韓国、暗号資産取引所はハイリスク顧客―規制当局が銀行に指示 |
coindeskjapan |
2021-06-14 22:48:56 |
Cloud Blog JA |
すべてが 1 か所にまとまった Google Workspace 環境でハイブリッドな働き方に対応 |
コンパニオンモードは会議室にいる人と離れた場所にいる同僚をシームレスにつなげるように設計されており、全員が参加できる高度な機能を提供しながら、室内の音声およびビデオ会議機能を最大限に活用します。 |
2021-06-14 14:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google Workspace がハイブリッドな作業環境に向けてこれまでになく信頼性の高いコラボレーション機能を提供 |
クライアントサイド暗号化でプライバシーとデータセキュリティを強化Googleは、GoogleWorkspaceのクライアントサイド暗号化をリリースし、お客様が幅広いデータ主権とコンプライアンス要件に対応しながら、データの機密性保持を強化できるように支援しています。 |
2021-06-14 14:00:00 |