投稿時間:2021-06-20 21:33:21 RSSフィード2021-06-20 21:00 分まとめ(36件)

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IT MOONGIFT ClickHouse - オープンソースのOLAP http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/D9R5sJV4DlM/ clickhouse 2021-06-20 21:00:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudWatch Logsで特定の文字列を検知したらLambdaでメール通知する https://qiita.com/httpd443/items/6d41a6e8bd72224a27da CloudWatchLogsで特定の文字列を検知したらLambdaでメール通知する概要CloudWatchLogsに出力しているサーバーとかアプリのログで、特定の文字列を見つけたらLambdaにそのログ行を渡してメール通知させる、というSyslogで例えればswatchみたいなことを実装してみた方式・構成CloudWatchLogsのサブスクリプションフィルター機能を利用して特定の文字列にマッチしたらそのログをLambdaに渡すLambdaは渡されたログデータを加工してAmazonSNSに渡すAmazonSNSは指定されたトピックからメールで管理者に通知する作業の大まかな手順SNSトピックを設定するLambda関数を作成するLambda関数のロールにIAM権限を設定するLambda関数のコードを作成・テストするCloudWatchLogsでサブスクリプションフィルターを設定するCloudWatchLogsにテスト用のログを流して動作を確認する手順SNSトピックを設定する既存のSNSトピックを使用するか、または新規作成する新規作成の大まかな手順トピックを作成するトピックにEmailサブスクリプションを作成するEmailサブスクリプションから届いた確認メールにConfirmする手動でトピックへのメッセージを発行してメールが届くことを確認する手順Lambda関数を作成するLambda関数を作成する。 2021-06-20 20:45:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RaspberryPiでリアルタイム顔検出 https://qiita.com/applepieqiita/items/cef55abe6276cafe61bb RaspberryPiでリアルタイム顔検出今回やることRaspberryPiとWebカメラを使ってリアルタイム顔検出環境RasbianRaspberryPiPythonOpencv処理カスケード分類器のインストールgitcloneコードgitcloneしたのと同じフォルダにコードを作成し、実行する必要があります。 2021-06-20 20:58:01
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pythonでInstagramの投稿を行う https://qiita.com/eg_i_eg/items/97c951881d06bd633335 Windows環境でないと動かないと思います。 2021-06-20 20:45:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonでエラーが出たときに再起動させる https://qiita.com/mo256man/items/16cef60d86a82b2d4799 makeerrorpyに追加argssysargvesysargvifeprintf前回のエラーeelseprint前回は正常に終了しましたnそして実行するのはmakeerrorpyではなく次のsubprocesswatchpyだ。 2021-06-20 20:45:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python画像処理のためのGUI入門(PySimpleGUI解説) https://qiita.com/soymushroom/items/da002d628d7a28cd6e97 要素一覧要素名概要eventvaluesButton押しボタンボタンクリックTextラベル用の固定テキストテキストクリックInput入力可能なテキストボックスキー入力テキスト内容Multiline入力可能なテキストボックス改行ありキー入力テキスト内容Sliderつまみで値を変更できるスライダーつまみ位置変更現在値Spinボタンによって値の増減が可能なテキストボックスボタンorボックス内クリック現在値Combo選択肢から内容を選べるテキストボックス選択肢の選択現在値CheckboxクリックでONOFFを切り替えるチェックボックスクリックチェック有無Radioクリックで複数の選択肢からつを選ぶラジオボタンクリックチェック有無Menuウィンドウ上部のメニューバー項目選択Table行の選択が可能な表列は選べない要素選択選択要素のリストGraph図形の描画や画像の貼り付けができるエリアグラフ範囲内クリック最終クリック座標Column複数の要素をつの要素にまとめる入れ物ButtonsgButtonButtontextkeyBUTTON押すとイベントを発生させるボタンです。 2021-06-20 20:42:51
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [kaggle / python] 回帰問題(house prices)の超初歩(3)~特徴量の追加と削除~ https://qiita.com/siruku6/items/7b693568e6b2535e0c2a そんな経緯もあり、点数が下がったとしてもId列を削除して分析を進めることにしました。 2021-06-20 20:31:40
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Macでpythonを使うときに覚えておいた方がいい備忘録 https://qiita.com/Katie_Code/items/ea08f9d6e94e85d07bf8 2021-06-20 20:24:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 初歩的なC言語の関数・配列についての質問 https://teratail.com/questions/345115?rss=all 初歩的なC言語の関数・配列についての質問C言語の関数・配列について初歩的な質問で申し訳ないのですが、ポインタについて理解できておらず質問させていただきます。 2021-06-20 20:59:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [Swift] pushViewControllerで画面遷移できない https://teratail.com/questions/345114?rss=all SwiftpushViewControllerで画面遷移できないFirtstTableViewControllerからNextViewControllerへ画面遷移したいのですが、遷移できません。 2021-06-20 20:59:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Instagram Graph API にて、メディアIDからユーザー情報を取得する方法はありますか? https://teratail.com/questions/345113?rss=all 表題の通り、InstagramGraphAPIを使って、メディアIDからユーザー情報を取得したいと思っております。 2021-06-20 20:52:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google apps script エラーの対処法 https://teratail.com/questions/345112?rss=all Googleappsscriptエラーの対処法GooglenbspAppsnbspScriptでプログラミングを行なっています。 2021-06-20 20:49:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonでボタンに画像をつけたい https://teratail.com/questions/345111?rss=all pythonでボタンに画像をつけたいTkinterを使ってボタンを作っています。 2021-06-20 20:48:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) BeautifulSoupのインストール https://teratail.com/questions/345110?rss=all BeautifulSoupのインストールpipinstallbeautifulsoupfrombsimportbeautifulsoupと打つとImportErrorTracebackmostrecentcalllastltipythoninputcfabegtinltmodulegtgtfrombsimportbeautifulsoupImportErrorcannotimportnamebeautifulsoupfrombsusrlocallibpythondistpackagesbsinitpyというエラーが出ました。 2021-06-20 20:41:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Android studio:ボタン背景色の設定がxmlプレビューに反映されない。【drawable resourceファイル:xml】 https://teratail.com/questions/345109?rss=all 】Activitymainxml側で作ったファイルを指定すれば変わるはずと思っていたのですが、変わらず困っています。 2021-06-20 20:36:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 複数のファイルの名前を変更しようとすると起きたエラーの理由がわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/345108?rss=all 複数のファイルの名前を変更しようとすると起きたエラーの理由がわかりません。 2021-06-20 20:35:10
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita N+1問題の解決法(Ruby on Rails) https://qiita.com/Atsuya77/items/d6384c1475e5f957450f N回の関連デーブルへのSQL発行が発生してしまうこと。 2021-06-20 20:05:16
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ASRock 4X4 BOX-4800U/JP に Ubuntu 21.04 をインストールする https://qiita.com/m-tmatma/items/5d85e413d671e82bff23 Ubuntuのインストール作成したUSBメモリをASRockXBOXUJPに挿して起動します。 2021-06-20 20:32:29
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudWatch Logsで特定の文字列を検知したらLambdaでメール通知する https://qiita.com/httpd443/items/6d41a6e8bd72224a27da CloudWatchLogsで特定の文字列を検知したらLambdaでメール通知する概要CloudWatchLogsに出力しているサーバーとかアプリのログで、特定の文字列を見つけたらLambdaにそのログ行を渡してメール通知させる、というSyslogで例えればswatchみたいなことを実装してみた方式・構成CloudWatchLogsのサブスクリプションフィルター機能を利用して特定の文字列にマッチしたらそのログをLambdaに渡すLambdaは渡されたログデータを加工してAmazonSNSに渡すAmazonSNSは指定されたトピックからメールで管理者に通知する作業の大まかな手順SNSトピックを設定するLambda関数を作成するLambda関数のロールにIAM権限を設定するLambda関数のコードを作成・テストするCloudWatchLogsでサブスクリプションフィルターを設定するCloudWatchLogsにテスト用のログを流して動作を確認する手順SNSトピックを設定する既存のSNSトピックを使用するか、または新規作成する新規作成の大まかな手順トピックを作成するトピックにEmailサブスクリプションを作成するEmailサブスクリプションから届いた確認メールにConfirmする手動でトピックへのメッセージを発行してメールが届くことを確認する手順Lambda関数を作成するLambda関数を作成する。 2021-06-20 20:45:17
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Go入門】A tour of Go 【Basics】 https://qiita.com/blackmax1886/items/0de01398bd04b425a2b6 関数について基本形funcargargreturnvalue処理引数や戻り値を変数宣言する際は、型宣言は変数の後ろfunctionsgopackagemainimportfmtfuncaddxintyintsumintreturnxyfuncmainfmtPrintlnadd同じ型の場合はまとめて宣言可能funcaddxyintsumintreturnxy複数の戻り値も可能multipleresultgofuncswapxystringstringstringreturnyx戻り値に変数名を与えると、returnの後ろに指定しなくても戻り値を暗黙で指定できるnakedreturnstatement短いコードでは有効だが、それ以外では可読性が下がるnakedreturngofuncaddxyintsumintsumxyreturn変数について型宣言するJavascriptと理解するとよいvar変数の宣言const定数の宣言後述ゼロ値変数に初期値を与えずに宣言するとゼロ値が与えられる数値型intfloatなどbool型falsestring型空文字列emptystring初期値の与え方pythonのようにまとめて代入できるvariableswithinitializersgopackagemainimportfmtvarijintfuncmainvarcpythonjavatruefalsenofmtPrintlnijcpythonjava暗黙的な型宣言関数の中ではvarの代わりにを用いて型宣言せずに変数宣言ができるshortvariabledeclarationsgofuncmaincpythonjavatruefalsenofmtPrintlncpythonjava型変換変数vを型Tに変換するTvGoはC言語と異なり、型変換は明示的に変換しないとエラーになるtypeconversiongopackagemainimportfmtfuncmainvarxyintffloatxyfmtPrintlnxyf定数characterstringbooleannumericのみ定数は暗黙的宣言はできない数値の定数は高精度な値であり、型が指定されない場合、状況に応じて必要な型を取るnumericconstantsgopackagemainimportfmtconstCreateahugenumberbyshiftingabitleftplacesInotherwordsthebinarynumberthatisfollowedbyzeroesBigltltShiftitrightagainplacessoweendupwithltltorSmallBiggtgtfuncneedIntxintintreturnxfuncneedFloatxfloatfloatreturnxfuncmainfmtPrintlnneedIntSmallgtfmtPrintlnneedFloatBiggteSmallもBigもintかfloatか決まっていないが、それぞれ関数で要求されているデータ型にマッチするように型を取っている。 2021-06-20 20:34:29
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita N+1問題の解決法(Ruby on Rails) https://qiita.com/Atsuya77/items/d6384c1475e5f957450f N回の関連デーブルへのSQL発行が発生してしまうこと。 2021-06-20 20:05:16
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RailsでLIKE検索をする https://qiita.com/s84a135m/items/6918c0088c99b1229a8f 2021-06-20 20:01:06
技術ブログ Developers.IO React + Typescript プロジェクトに Redux Toolkit を導入したので使い方をざっくりとまとめてみる https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/react-typescript-redux-toolkit/ action 2021-06-20 11:38:06
海外TECH DEV Community The trouble with blog post views and vanity metrics https://dev.to/helenanders26/the-trouble-with-blog-post-views-and-vanity-metrics-2al5 The trouble with blog post views and vanity metricsEven if you ve never heard the term before you know what they are They re the thumbs up the hearts and the likes you see across pretty much every social media and blogging platform They re the page views counter you see going up and up as people land on your site They re easy to get and as they generally go up over time we can get trapped into thinking these are a measure of success The problem is we can get so caught up in chasing the numbers that we forget why we are writing in the first place What are vanity metrics Vanity metrics are misleadingVanity metrics are just the beginningVanity metrics and mental healthWhere to from here Further reading What are vanity metrics Vanity metrics have come under scrutiny as these numbers alone don t lead to any action At best they leave us thinking that s great but so what At worst they create a situation where we focus on writing for the numbers and not for the reader These are some of most common vanity metrics that are easily generated from analytics platforms Users the total number of unique visitors to your pagePageviews the total number of times a page on your site has been viewedOpen rates of an email newsletter the total number of subscribers who opened an email campaignHumans are hardwired to judge success on a number the bigger the better We love to visit the busy restaurant follow the popular social media accounts and watch the numbers go up It s not surprising that these metrics are used to report success but it s also important to understand how they can be misleading Vanity metrics are misleadingThe number of views your post receives is the lowest common denominator when it comes to the success of a blog post or page of a website These are easy to misinterpret and easy to game No impact on the bottom lineOn an ecommerce site a page view doesn t mean much without a sale If you run a blog a view doesn t mean much unless you are using it to improve your content or achieve another goal They set unrealistic expectationsIf one post results in thousands of views and your next one doesn t you may be disappointed and disheartened Views don t mean the post has been readSomeone who has clicked on a link to your post may not read it they may bounce right off the page or they may skim the post and decide it isn t useful at all This isn t a measure of success for your post Spam and botsNot all traffic is created equal and a spike in page views isn t always good news Visits from spam accounts and bots can skew numbers significantly Acquisition gt All traffic gt Referrals report showing bot traffic that skewed my post views recently Vanity metrics are just the beginningBefore you write off the use of these metrics altogether let s talk about how to use them in conjunction with other metrics and tools Find out what s being sharedAs a content creator or blogger the best compliment you can get is having your post shared If you are seeing a big jump in page views this may be the reason By knowing more about who is sharing your writing and where you can have genuine conversations with the people who enjoyed your work Use a backlink checker like ahrefs to find out which newsletters pages and even GitHub repos your post has been shared on Use Tweetdeck to keep an eye on who and when your post is being shared on Twitter Find out more about the demographics of the people visiting your page using demographics reports Find out how the page is performingUsing page views in conjunction with other metrics on your analytics platform can give you a better idea of how your post is performing This can help you tweak content and find issues with your site Use the bounce rate to find out if people are bouncing off the page or staying to explore more Use the new returning visitors report to find out if people are coming back to your site The site speed report can help find which pages are loading slowly and why Vanity metrics and mental healthIn recent years we ve seen both businesses and content creators lean into vanity metrics so much they start to focus on nothing else Waiting for the follower count to jump or page views to increase is not why we write It can be a great feeling to know your message is getting out there but it shouldn t be your only focus Metrics like page views aren t there to make you feel bad about yourself They also aren t there for you to obsess over gaining internet points There s a reason Dev to don t show follower counts on your profile Use them as a guide for your content not as a measure of your self worth Where to from here Vanity metrics often involve big numbers and out of context can imply success As a standalone measure of success these can be misleading and sometimes harmful These metrics can confuse the purpose of blog posts and why we are writing in the first place I d love to hear your thoughts on page views in the blogging world Should we make these metrics more visible or do away with them altogether Further readingWhy Microsoft doesn t share Xbox sales numbersVanity versus actionable metricsStop measuring these vanity metrics Read more Measuring Successful Documentation Amara Graham・Mar ・ min read developerrelations developerexperience devrel documentation Eliminating Vanity Metrics From Your Developer Program Benjamin Cabé・Aug ・ min read devrel community metrics A Primer on SEO Laurie・Jun ・ min read webdev productivity beginners seo 2021-06-20 11:48:01
海外TECH DEV Community Horizontal centering in CSS https://dev.to/crinklesio/horizontal-centering-in-css-jgk Horizontal centering in CSSIn a previous article I wrote about modern CSS layout solutions As horizontal centering is a common layout pattern the grid based solution was a prime candidate to convert into a generic class when creating Feo CSS But I encountered an issue When combining this solution with other CSS layout patterns e g the flow pattern my layout would break Both patterns are targeting the display property but with different values To allow both patterns to work together I had to find a different solution The center layout patternThe center layout pattern allows you to horizontally center elements on the screen But more importantly it allows child elements to have a different width as the parent These can be images that span the entire width of the screen in articles regardless of the screen size Or when we want selected elements to break away from the paddings on the side On small screens we want small padding around the text and images span the entire width CSS grid based solutionThis solution creates a three column grid The outer columns act as the padding and overflow of the layout By giving them a minimum width via minmax rem fr you ensure small padding exists on small screens The center column takes the space required for the content but is capped at the maximum width You can achieve this with minmax auto ch This gives the combined implementation as displayed below The used examples make use of CSS custom properties This allows for adjustable layouts based on utility classes Examples can be found in Feo CSS center gap rem mw rem display grid grid template columns minmax var gap fr minmax auto var mw minmax var gap fr Center all children center gt grid column By overwriting the default grid column to grid column you can achieve the effect described in the previous section This effectively makes the element the same width as the entire grid not only the center column center gt exception grid column width But this has a downside does not allow to set a different display value on the parent element This makes center less useful for non article based elements Back to the old school solutionIn finding a solution for my problem I looked at the solution that was used years before CSS grid became a thing On Stack Overflow you will still find enough answers pointing to this solution Of course I am talking about the margin auto solution Let s modernize it a bit though center gap rem mw rem width max width var mw margin left auto margin right auto padding left var gap padding right var gap This is always a solid solution for horizontally centering solutions But it has one issue though and the reason why I did not use it in the first place It does not easily allow child elements to overflow and has an increased width So my search for a better solution continued Out with the old in with newBy slightly adjusting the old school solution we can create a class that allows for the same behavior as the shown grid based solution Instead of setting the properties on the parent you should set the same properties on the children by using the child combinator parent gt child Similar to the grid based solution we can create a exception class When children are given this class they are allowed to have a different width They can flow outside of the parent s boundaries center gt center gt exception max width none a solution with a different max width center gt exception max width min rem padding left padding right Setting the max width to none allows a child element to have no restrictions on its width It can become while all the other elements are capped at a maximum of rem Similar to the grid based solution you can now create more dynamic layouts The use of CSS custom properties even allows you to define utility classes that gave you more control over the layout center g sm gt gap rem Wrapping upThe grid based solution works well for articles But when converting the class to a generic layout pattern I encountered some issues The main issue was that the display property on the parent was taken By altering the solution used many years before CSS grids became a thing I was able to come with a new solution This creates the same layout with the same responsiveness advantages but gives me more flexibility I am sure I will encounter another case where my new solution just does not work well But for now I settled for it 2021-06-20 11:17:42
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Nude photo texts and iPhones switched for fruit in the Apple Crime Blotter https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/20/nude-photo-texts-and-iphones-switched-for-fruit-in-the-apple-crime-blotter?utm_medium=rss Nude photo texts and iPhones switched for fruit in the Apple Crime BlotteriPhone evidence catches a mail fraud conspiracy a police department recommends AirTags in cars and Apple device orders replaced with fruit The latest in an occasional AppleInsider series looking at the world of Apple related crime Ex trooper pleads guilty texting himself woman s nude photos Read more 2021-06-20 11:27:48
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles How to Start a Robust C# Project in the New Nullable Context with Generics? https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5305799/How-to-Start-a-Robust-Csharp-Project-in-the-New-Nu concepts 2021-06-20 11:49:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Retrieve Unsaved/Lost SQL Script Files due to SSMS Crash or Accidental SSMS Termination https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/746990/Retrieve-Unsaved-Lost-SQL-Script-Files-due-to-SSMS crash 2021-06-20 11:44:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles 86% in Japan fear COVID-19 rebound if Tokyo Olympics held: poll https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/06/20/national/olympic-poll-coronavirus/ in Japan fear COVID rebound if Tokyo Olympics held pollThe two day nationwide survey conducted from Saturday found that believe the Summer Games should be held without spectators and think they should be 2021-06-20 20:12:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Former Speaker and Conservative MP John Bercow joins Labour https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57541836 government 2021-06-20 11:11:07
ニュース BBC News - Home Iran election: Israel PM warns world of Ebrahim Raisi https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57541346 cabinet 2021-06-20 11:10:48
北海道 北海道新聞 コロナ感染者情報 発表方法変更 道 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/557728/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-20 20:01:13
北海道 北海道新聞 20日の人出、8割で増加 宣言最終日、抑制効果薄れ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/557732/ 最終日 2021-06-20 20:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 空知50日ぶり感染ゼロ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/557724/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-20 20:04:30
北海道 北海道新聞 上川管内、4日連続で感染者ゼロ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/557671/ 上川管内 2021-06-20 20:03:56
北海道 北海道新聞 松島から遊覧船で聖火運ぶ、宮城 語り部の大学生走る https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/557731/ 東松島市 2021-06-20 20:01:00



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