IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] OPPO「Reno5 A」の対抗馬に Xiaomi「Mi 11 Lite 5G」の実力と狙いを検証する |
itmediamobileoppo |
2021-06-26 15:32:00 |
IT |
TermPair - ターミナルをWebブラウザで閲覧、操作 |
画面共有でも良いですが、視聴者にもっとちゃんと見てもらいたい時にはリアルタイムで共有できるURLがあると便利です。 |
2021-06-26 17:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AzureのAutoMLに化合物の活性予測の勝負を挑んでみた話 |
目的変数を統合するのは、Azureで学習させる際につのファイルにまとまっていた方が都合がよさそうだったためである。 |
2021-06-26 15:25:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
シングルタスク学習モデルからマルチタスク学習モデルへの移行 |
そのため、コードはかなり変更する必要がある。 |
2021-06-26 15:21:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Colaboratoryでmatplotlibの練習(2回目) |
GoogleColaboratoryでmatplotlibの練習回目とは別のデータでいろいろ練習したので。 |
2021-06-26 15:18:52 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambda で別アカウントの S3 のフォルダーを日付比較してコピーする |
あとコピー元とコピー先の両方に権限が必要なので注意してください片方だけ変えてもおかしいなー状態になりますコピーする関数ファイルつをコピーする関数は以下の行です。 |
2021-06-26 15:11:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
頂点で描画する円を回転させると形が歪む原因が知りたい。 |
頂点で描画する円を回転させると形が歪む原因が知りたい。 |
2021-06-26 15:50:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ファイル操作を行うには |
ファイル操作を行うにはjavascriptでファイルを生成してそのファイルに文字を書き込むことができません。 |
2021-06-26 15:48:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
thymeleaf 三項演算子で値によってclassを付与したい |
thymeleaf三項演算子で値によってclassを付与したい前提・実現したいことタイトルの通りです。 |
2021-06-26 15:41:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
クラス定義したリストの個別の引き出し方がよくわかりません。 |
クラス定義したリストの個別の引き出し方がよくわかりません。 |
2021-06-26 15:38:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Unity]CustomEditorを用いているクラスを付けたGameObjectをPrefabに登録しているとき、enumの値を増やすと、増やした値が反映されない |
UnityCustomEditorを用いているクラスを付けたGameObjectをPrefabに登録しているとき、enumの値を増やすと、増やした値が反映されない見よう見まねで作っているのでおかしなところがあったら指摘して頂きたいのですが、以下のようなつのクラスを作成し、デバッグ用途でチェックボックスをクリックして値をONOFFする機能を作っています。 |
2021-06-26 15:33:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Perl(cgi)掲示板のコメント欄にNGをワードを書かれたら、「NGワードがあります」という表示を出したい |
Perlcgi掲示板のコメント欄にNGをワードを書かれたら、「NGワードがあります」という表示を出したいPerlcgi掲示板のコメント欄にNGをワードを書かれた場合、「NGワードがあります」という表示を出したいと思っていますが、そのやり方が分かりません。 |
2021-06-26 15:18:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【wordpress】コメント投稿後のリダイレクト先を固定ページごとに設定したい |
【wordpress】コメント投稿後のリダイレクト先を固定ページごとに設定したい現在、Wordpressでページを作成しており、コメントできる固定ページが複数あります。 |
2021-06-26 15:13:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Bootstrapを使用してのNav bar一列で表示させる方法について |
Bootstrapを使用してのNavbar一列で表示させる方法についてBootstrapを使っているのですが、以下のことで悩んでおります。 |
2021-06-26 15:12:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Article' not found 解決方法 |
ClassxAppHttpControllersArticlexnotfound解決方法前提・実現したいこと下記サイトを参考に、ログインユーザーの名前をブラウザで表示できるか確認したい。 |
2021-06-26 15:05:29 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails初学者によるRailsチュートリアル学習記録⑯ 第14章 |
このつのアクションを実装することでフォローボタンが動作するようになります。 |
2021-06-26 15:49:49 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
チャート式ruby-appendix-V(finite state element) |
2021-06-26 15:29:34 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambda で別アカウントの S3 のフォルダーを日付比較してコピーする |
あとコピー元とコピー先の両方に権限が必要なので注意してください片方だけ変えてもおかしいなー状態になりますコピーする関数ファイルつをコピーする関数は以下の行です。 |
2021-06-26 15:11:58 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AzureのAutoMLに化合物の活性予測の勝負を挑んでみた話 |
目的変数を統合するのは、Azureで学習させる際につのファイルにまとまっていた方が都合がよさそうだったためである。 |
2021-06-26 15:25:00 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitの基本 - git cloneからgit pushとブランチの削除まで |
ローカルリポジトリでは自分が開発を行いやすいようにブランチ分けを行ったり、好きなタイミングでコミット・マージを行うことが可能ですSubversionなど集中型バージョン管理システムでは、自分のコミットが即座にリモートリポジトリにも反映されるため、部分的にコミットなどが行いづらくなりますリモートリポジトリサーバに接続していない状態でもコミット可能なため、開発環境の制約を抑えることもできます集中型バージョン管理システムでは、リモートリポジトリのサーバに接続していない限りはコミットが行えないため、開発環境に制約が生まれてしまいますGitでの開発流れここからはGitを使用した開発の流れを説明します。 |
2021-06-26 15:54:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails初学者によるRailsチュートリアル学習記録⑯ 第14章 |
このつのアクションを実装することでフォローボタンが動作するようになります。 |
2021-06-26 15:49:49 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】マイグレーションファイルを削除する手順と方法 |
2021-06-26 15:29:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build your own J.A.R.V.I.S in Python [Full Code + Video] |
Build your own J A R V I S in Python Full Code Video In this article we will learn how to create a Feature Rich Virtual Assistant in Python We will be adding following features to this project Time Reporting Taking Screenshot Performing Google Search Opening a Specific Website Searching on Wikipedia Listen to Jokes Desktop Notifications for COVID Statistics Here is the code for the complete project import speech recognition as srimport pyttsximport datetimeimport webbrowserimport wikipediaimport pyjokesimport pyautoguifrom plyer import notificationfrom bs import BeautifulSoupimport requestsengine pyttsx init voices engine getProperty voices engine setProperty voice voices id def input query recognizer sr Recognizer with sr Microphone as source print recognition is on recognizer pause threshold voice recognizer listen source try query recognizer recognize google voice lower print this is the query that was made query return query except Exception as ex print An exception occurred ex def report time current time datetime datetime now strftime I M p return current timedef speak va transcribed query engine say transcribed query engine runAndWait def make request url response requests get url return response textdef activate va user query input query print user query user query if time in user query current time report time print f the current time is current time speak va f the current time is current time elif open website in user query speak va Please type the name of the website that you want to open specify the full url n website name input print website name webbrowser get C Program Files x Google Chrome Application chrome exe s open website name speak va f website name opened elif wikipedia in user query speak va Searching on Wikipedia user query user query replace wikipedia result wikipedia summary user query sentences print result speak va result elif joke in user query random joke pyjokes get joke print random joke speak va random joke elif screenshot in user query image pyautogui screenshot image save screenshot png speak va Screenshot taken elif search in user query speak va What do you want me to search for please type search term input search url f search term webbrowser get C Program Files x Google Chrome Application chrome exe s open search url speak va f here are the results for the search term search term elif covid stats in user query html data make request print html data soup BeautifulSoup html data html parser total global row soup find all tr class total row total cases total global row find all td get text new cases total global row find all td get text total recovered total global row find all td get text print total cases total cases print new cases new cases print total recovered total recovered notification message f Total cases total cases n New cases new cases n Total Recovered total recovered n notification notify title COVID Statistics message notification message timeout speak va here are the stats for COVID while True activate va Watch on YouTubeIf you want to follow along with me check the video here Follow me on Twitter Instagram YouTube |
2021-06-26 06:39:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a social media website with Next JS, TailwindCss and Firebase in 8 days |
Build a social media website with Next JS TailwindCss and Firebase in daysHello Everyone So around one month ago i created a simple social media site because i was bored and after publishing i got a good response by many peoples and users registered on website So i thought why don t update and make a proper website Also it s a good project for my resume so days ago i started creating this project called Noob and today I m gonna make that project public so check it out and write your review Website is still in development Working on Comment System Follow System Notification sWebsite Link noob studyGithub Link Github com NV noob NV noob Simple Social Media website build with Next Js Tailwind css and Firebase How to get started You can refer to the following articles on basics of Git and Github and also contact the Project Mentors in case you are stuck Forking a RepoCloning a RepoHow to create a Pull RequestGetting started with Git and GitHubRunning locally in development modeTo get started just clone the repository and run npm install amp amp npm run dev git clone npm installnpm run devNote If you are running on Windows run install noptional flag i e npm install no optional which will skip installing fsevents View on GitHubShare Your Thoughts Feel free to contribute Star the Repo If you like |
2021-06-26 06:34:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🤔How to avoid stress during coding? |
How to avoid stress during coding Do you want to know how to dealing with stress while coding Here s some tips to do when you re feeling stressful and make mood relax Do Some Light StretchingStretching can be an effective strategy for preventing and alleviating stress One way that it does so is by lengthening the muscles to relieve tension Most of us experience a good deal of stress in our daily lives especially us software developers during coding time There never seems to be enough time in the day And that stress builds up without our realizing it creating physical and mental stiffness Step Outside And Explore NatureBeing in nature or even viewing scenes of nature reduces anger fear and stress and increases pleasant feelings Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally it contributes to your physical wellbeing reducing blood pressure heart rate muscle tension and the production of stress hormones It may even reduce mortality according to scientists such as public health researchers Play Your Favourite Video GamesVideo games are engaging and enjoyable which reduces stress Gaming results in dopamine secretion which makes you feel good Video games present a challenge and reward you for overcoming it which leads to feelings of competence Gaming can create a flow state which is similar to meditation Video games give you instant rewards which help to reduce the stress of achieving long term goals Call A Family Members Or FriendsWhen you re feeling stressed take a break to call a friend or your family member and talk about your problems Good relationships with friends and loved ones are important to any healthy lifestyle They re especially important when you re under a lot of stress A reassuring voice even for a minute can put everything in perspective Read A Book That Inspires YouResearch has shown that reading fiction is more effective at reducing stress than listening to music sipping tea and taking a walk In fact stress levels were shown to be reduced by percent after reading While your brain is engaged in the story your heart rate slows down and muscles relax Because there is so much work for your brain to do reading is a very effective way to focus your energy and improve your concentration Meet Up With Your Best FriendDuring stressful times being around a best friend decreases levels of the stress hormones Having good friends and a strong social support network can relieve stress One study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that people who discussed difficult times in their lives had a lower pulse and blood pressure when they had a friend by their side Eat Your Favourite SnacksMost of time developers continuously write codes and feel stressful so this time take a break and eat a favourite snacks or stress relief food While there are many ways to cope with stress one strategy is to eat stress fighting foods Like Chocolate nuts yogurt fatty fish banana carrots etc I hope you like this tips please drop your comments about your thoughts and suggest more tips if you know For more content follow me on Instagram chetan fullstackThank you |
2021-06-26 06:27:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create Promises with Timeout Error in Typescript |
Create Promises with Timeout Error in TypescriptCover Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash The Problem Sometimes we create promises that take too long to finish and we don t want to wait For example if we want to make a request and the response takes seconds to finish and for any reason we may want to throw an error in the first seconds and proceed to the next code block In this article we will see how to implement a promise which throws an error after a specific time span It supports typings with the power of Typescript and accepts a custom error to be thrown when the time comes Implementation First of all we create a new promise that rejects an error after a time span in milliseconds The return type of the timeout promise is never which represents the type of values that never occur For instance never is the return type for a function expression or an arrow function expression that always throws an exception or one that never returns create a promise that rejects in millisecondsconst timeout new Promise lt never gt reject gt setTimeout gt reject timeout ms The next step is to use Promise race which returns a Promise that fulfills or rejects as soon as one of the promises in an iterable fulfills or rejects with the value or reason from that promise Here you can see that we have used lt T gt generic type that it will be defined in our final function Promise race lt T gt anyPromise anyOtherPromise Great we saw all code blocks let s see the full implementation below function promiseWithTimeout lt T gt promise Promise lt T gt ms number timeoutError new Error Promise timed out Promise lt T gt create a promise that rejects in milliseconds const timeout new Promise lt never gt reject gt setTimeout gt reject timeout ms returns a race between timeout and the passed promise return Promise race lt T gt promise timeout As you can see we have created a function that accepts the following arguments promise our actual promisems the maximum time in milliseconds which we want to waittimeoutError optional we may pass a custom error to throw after timeoutYou can find the final source code in stackblitz Conclusion Hooray we made it to the end I hope you enjoyed this post and do not wait for time consuming promises any more Please support this article with your ️to help it spread to a wider audience Also don t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions leaving here your comments or Twitter DMs nikosanif |
2021-06-26 06:23:21 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Defending champion Tampa Bay Lightning oust Isles, to face Canadiens in final |
Defending champion Tampa Bay Lightning oust Isles to face Canadiens in finalYanni Gourde scored a shorthanded goal and Andrei Vasilevskiy recorded his fourth shutout of the postseason as the Lightning booked their spot in the Stanley |
2021-06-26 15:18:22 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Shohei Ohtani blasts monster 24th homer; Yusei Kikuchi earns 5th win |
meters |
2021-06-26 15:11:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid vaccine: Novavax trial volunteer's French holiday in jeopardy |
novavax |
2021-06-26 06:04:53 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
「認められたい欲」がSNSで間違った方向に向く人の特徴 |
世界各地 |
2021-06-26 16:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ロッテ会長の解任議案を否決 新社長に玉塚元一氏就任 |
定時株主総会 |
2021-06-26 15:12:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
針が怖くて献血を嫌がる日本の学生にワクチン接種は広がるか |
たが全体として見ると献血推進活動の現場には献血不足の深刻さを訴え、献血協力を他者に求めながら、自らは針が怖いから献血しないというなんとも自己矛盾を抱えている若者でごった返しているのだ。 |
2021-06-26 15:15:00 |