IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、より大型の「iPad」を検討中か |
apple |
2021-06-27 14:56:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
京都の衛星画像を機械学習で解析した比較 - 1992年のデータをVisual Basic,Pythonで比較 |
前回の記事では、年のデータをPythonで解析しました。 |
2021-06-27 23:57:45 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pandasでCSVファイルへ項目名を挿入後SORTして出力する |
pandasでCSVファイルへ項目名を挿入後SORTして出力する概要csvcontroloutandsortpy処理をおこなうpythonファイルinfilecsv項目行を持たないCSVファイルoutfilecsvpandasにより項目行を挿入・出力したCSVファイルsortedoutfilecsvpandasにより項目列KeyNumbersでソート後出力したCSVファイルinfileの内容infilecsvKarenWalkerTestCityAnnyWhightTestCityAbelKnollesTestCityTommyMarlandTestCityGregAbbotTestCitypythonソースcsvcontroloutandsortpy同階層にある項目行を持たないCSVファイルをreadimportcsvpandasで項目名指定を行うSORT機能を利用するimportpandasaspd作業用リストを初期化worklistインプットファイルオープンinfileopeninfilecsvrprintgtgtprintgtgtinfilecsvを読み込んでいますinのCSVファイルを一旦全件workに読み込むforrowincsvreaderinfileworklistappendrow項目名を準備columnsKeyNumbersFirstNameFamilyNameBirthDaysexPostNumbersAddresspandasのDataFrameに項目名の指定とともに渡すdfpdDataFramedataworklistcolumnscolumnsdtypeobject読み込んだ直後の状態を表示printgtgtprintgtgt【infilepandas】printdfprintgtgtpandasによる項目行追加済のcsv出力を実行しますdftocsvoutfilecsvindexFalseprintgtgtprintgtgtpandasによるsortを実行しますソート処理dfsortvaluesKeyNumbers読み込んだ直後の状態を表示printgtgt【infilepandassortvalues】printdfsortvaluesKeyNumbersprintgtgtpandasによるsort済のcsv出力を実行しますdfsortvaluesKeyNumberstocsvsortedoutfilecsvindexFalseファイルクローズinfilecloseprintgtgt処理を終了しますprintgtgt処理結果ターミナル実行gtgtgtgtinfilecsvを読み込んでいますgtgtgtgt【infilepandas】KeyNumbersFirstNameFamilyNameBirthDaysexPostNumbersAddressKarenWalkerTestCityAnnyWhightTestCityAbelKnollesTestCityTommyMarlandTestCityGregAbbotTestCitygtgtpandasによる項目行追加済のcsv出力を実行しますgtgtgtgtpandasによるsortを実行しますgtgt【infilepandassortvalues】KeyNumbersFirstNameFamilyNameBirthDaysexPostNumbersAddressTommyMarlandTestCityAbelKnollesTestCityAnnyWhightTestCityGregAbbotTestCityKarenWalkerTestCitygtgtpandasによるsort済のcsv出力を実行しますgtgt処理を終了しますgtgt出力ファイルoutfilecsvKeyNumbersFirstNameFamilyNameBirthDaysexPostNumbersAddressKarenWalkerTestCityAnnyWhightTestCityAbelKnollesTestCityTommyMarlandTestCityGregAbbotTestCity→項目行が設定されています。 |
2021-06-27 23:18:34 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Javascript】テンプレートリテラルでスマートに値を置き換える。 |
letinputDatadocumentgetElementByIdinputTxtinputタグに入力されている値をvalueプロパティを使って取得し、変数inputDataTxtに格納する。 |
2021-06-27 23:15:55 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Passportを使って認証機能を実装する |
環境ソフトウェアバージョンNodejsnpxExpressPassportpassportlocalExpressアプリを作成するexpressgeneratorを使って今回認証機能を実装するためのExpressアプリを作ります。 |
2021-06-27 23:05:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Apache Solr にて、facetを2単語連結一語で処理させたい。 |
ApacheSolrにて、facetを単語連結一語で処理させたい。 |
2021-06-27 23:59:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLで3つのテーブルから情報を取得したい |
SQLでつのテーブルから情報を取得したい以下のつのテーブルからプロジェクトに対する最終更新者と更新日時を取得するにはどう記述すればいいでしょうか。 |
2021-06-27 23:57:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ACCESS2019 フォーム画面で整理番号を入力すると、日付の入力可否を条件にコンボボックスに値を代入したい |
ACCESSフォーム画面で整理番号を入力すると、日付の入力可否を条件にコンボボックスに値を代入したいお世話になります。 |
2021-06-27 23:55:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails new実行時のエラーが解決できない |
railsnew実行時のエラーが解決できないrailsnbspnew実行時のエラーを解決したいrailsnbspnew実行時、以下エラーが発生してしまいます。 |
2021-06-27 23:44:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Springbootアプリをherokuデプロイ後、アプリケーションエラーの発生 |
Springbootアプリをherokuデプロイ後、アプリケーションエラーの発生前提・実現したいことSpringbootでWEBアプリを作成し、herokuにデプロイし起動するとアプリケーションエラーが発生するのでそれを解決する。 |
2021-06-27 23:36:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[unity]VRoid Studioで作成したキャラクターのマテリアルをURP対応のマテリアルに変更したい |
VRoidnbspStudioで作成したキャラクターのマテリアルをURP対応のマテリアルに変更して利用したいです。 |
2021-06-27 23:36:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap5をインストールした際の例外が解決できません。またBootstrapで一部の背景色が適用できません。 |
ASPNETMVCBootstrapをインストールした際の例外が解決できません。 |
2021-06-27 23:32:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPで得たファイルパスがJSで文字化けする |
恐らく文字コードの問題だと思うのですが解決方法が分かりません。 |
2021-06-27 23:22:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
オブジェトの影を出しつつ、ライトの影響を一定にしたい。 |
オブジェトの影を出しつつ、ライトの影響を一定にしたい。 |
2021-06-27 23:20:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Numpyのdata[::-1].sort() |
逆順のdataをsortしたら昇順になると思ったのですが、これはどのような処理をしているのでしょうか。 |
2021-06-27 23:19:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IOS Swfit Charts ライブラリについて |
IOSSwfitChartsライブラリについて自分が書いているコードのエラーがわからないということではないのですが、今Chartsライブラリを使って簡単なグラフを作りたいのですがどうやって使い方勉強したらいいのかわかりません、外部のライブラリを使う際どのように使い方を学んでいるのか教えて頂きたいです。 |
2021-06-27 23:09:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Rails] edit→updateアクションが更新できないため解決したいです。 |
Railsedit→updateアクションが更新できないため解決したいです。 |
2021-06-27 23:06:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
プレイヤーがスイッチに接触したら壁が壊れるスクリプトを作りたい |
プレイヤーがスイッチに接触したら壁が壊れるスクリプトを作りたいプレイヤーがスイッチに接触したら壁が壊れるスクリプトを作りたいのですが、コンパイルエラーが起き、AssetsScriptTakeoverScriptDestroycsnbsperrornbspCSnbspArgumentnbspnbspcannotnbspconvertnbspfromnbspaposboolaposnbsptonbspaposUnityEngineGameObjectaposというエラーが出ます。 |
2021-06-27 23:02:05 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
草野球の出欠確認Webアプリを作ろう! part.13 |
ヘッダーの作成まずヘッダーのレイアウトを作成する。 |
2021-06-27 23:44:23 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
URL短縮サービスを作る |
URL短縮サービスを作る概要PolrとDockerを使用して、URL短縮サービスを作ります。 |
2021-06-27 23:37:51 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
csvファイルをデータベースに取り込む方法_試行錯誤3(未解決)_WinSCPを使ってcsvファイルをVagrantにアップ_『OSS-DB標準教科書』5 |
FTPはその名の通り、ファイルを転送するための通信プロトコルですが、インターネット創世記から利用されている古いもので、ユーザ名やパスワードなど認証情報を含むすべての通信内容を暗号化せず転送するなど、多くのセキュリティ上の脆弱性が指摘されています。 |
2021-06-27 23:16:20 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gofakeitでダミーデータを生成する |
Gofakeitでダミーデータを生成するはじめにRubyにはFakerというダミーデータを生成するツールがありますが、同じようなことをGoで実現したい場合に便利そうなツールがあったので利用例を備忘録として書いておこうと思います。 |
2021-06-27 23:05:45 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SSH&Proxyでgithubのpush先アカウントを切り替える方法 |
yesnoみたいなものが出てきたら、接続していいか聞かれているのでyesと入力してEnterでOKです。 |
2021-06-27 23:18:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
草野球の出欠確認Webアプリを作ろう! part.13 |
ヘッダーの作成まずヘッダーのレイアウトを作成する。 |
2021-06-27 23:44:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
You are coding the wrong way in Python if you aren't using these two libraries |
You are coding the wrong way in Python if you aren x t using these two librariesHello amazing developersTable of ContentsMotivationIntroductionTypingVariablesListsDictionaryFunctionsClassesConclusionResources MotivationWhat makes people love sometimes hate TypeScript more than JavaScript It s the typing the type safety They know that there will be a safety net beneath them that catches many bugs and shouts at us if we do mistakes It s not just that it s the auto suggestion that matters too it would feel amazing right when you get the best auto completes and the methods for the variable Now what if I say we can you could kinda get it in python It feels great right Now since we know python is an interpreted language and it doesn t have complier for itself so we can t entirely replicate typescript but at least try to use types wherever possible TL DR on how typescript works it takes the entire entire script code complies it into a JavaScript file the complier does all the type checking Python is a dynamically typed language IntroductionFrom python we have this amazing library which is build inside python it s the typing library We can t cover entire library but applying Pareto principle rule I will try to cover a few important parts of the library We use it along with a power type checking library mypy We will be sliding over the following topics in briefBasic VariablesListsDictionaryFunctionsClassesLet s start IDE SetupPlease install the following extensions for VSCodeMyPyError Lens Optional Typing VariablesIntegerFloatStringint typed int float typed float string typed str hello Let us see what happens if we try to assign them a different value ListsTo know more about Lists you have to know about Sequence SequenceIn Python sequence is the generic term for an ordered set There are several types of sequences in Python the following three are the most important ListsLists are the most versatile sequence type The elements of a list can be any object and lists are mutable they can be changed Elements can be reassigned or removed and new elements can be inserted from typing import Listint typed list List int Shouts for type errorsBut but but but in TypeScript we have any keyword if we want dynamic arrayYes the golden Any even exists here toofrom typing import Any Listint typed int float typed float string typed str hello int typed list List int int typed list append int typed any typed list List Any any typed list append int typed any typed list append string typed any typed list append float typed any typed list append int typed list No shouting DictionaryFor this section Picture speaks louder than wordsfrom typing import Dictx Dict str int followers x abc x keys x values It reads the keys if we define in code and help us in auto completeNow we know that keys returns a list of strNow we know that values returns a list of int FunctionsMy all time favourite definition of function is depicted in the picture below def get avg num int num int gt float return num num get avg Function shouts ClassesWe may need a solution when we require custom classes to hold and use our data Then we could similar to thisimport math as mclass Vector def init self x float y float gt None self x x self y y def calculate magnitude self gt float return m sqrt m pow self x m pow self y v Vector You get the beautiful autocomplete again with details ConclusionAs said in the picture with great power comes great responsibility Python dynamic types gives us very easy to get started with learning python but at the same time increases the chances to create bugs unintentionally The typing gets even better in Python and I hope it gets better and better as we progress Small changes can great a huge impact in the code so please start using types MyPy and feel safe I kept it brief but please do let me know if diving deeper helps feedback is really appreciated ResourcesMyPYTypingP S My Twitter DMs are always open if you want to discuss collaboration opportunities or request on writing for a topic ThanksRohith Gilla |
2021-06-27 14:48:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Is there a right way to learn to code? |
Is there a right way to learn to code A huge reason that we are so passionate about the developer community is there isn t a singular path that developers have taken to get where they are now One might expect that a career as technical as software engineering requires the right CS degree and the right technical experience but this couldn t be further from the truth According to Stack Overflow s Developer Survey only about of college educated developers actually got their degree in Computer Science However over of developers still think that some kind of formal education is at least somewhat important in your success as a software engineer At the same time the internet is filled to the brim with informal development education including youtube tutorials forums and personal portfolios It is therefore worth taking a deeper look at the different ways developers learn as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each AcademiaAs stated before despite all the different resources the majority of professional developers still hold some kind of computer science degree The Stack Overflow survey does in fact put to numbers what most developers know to be true That academic classes can only teach you so much Only about of developers said that formal education was critical to their job Among many developers formal classes are generally regarded as a pretty strong way to learn theoretical CS concepts but not necessarily the best method of learning to apply these concepts For example one can ideally expect a developer who comes from academia to have a very strong grasp of topics like algorithms data structures and time complexity In addition when it comes to constantly evolving subfields like Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity many CS students have the opportunity to conduct academic research While academic experiences are obviously going to differ from institution to institution there is generally a lack of real world application of these concepts A developer who exclusively learns through academia may therefore not be incredibly strong at building real software Online Courses and TutorialsThose for whom academia is too costly or time prohibitive often turn to online tutorials and courses for the equivalent theoretical education Sites like Youtube Udemy and Coursera offer thousands of different courses on the same sort of theoretical topics that one would study at a university Though it may not have the same prestige to many hiring managers these courses are almost always free or only cost the price of a nice dinner In addition to these theoretical topics online resources can teach programmers about new and specific languages technologies and frameworks that usually aren t covered in a college curriculum Online courses and tutorials are therefore essential to keeping up to date with the latest trends in software engineering As with Academia there is a risk with online courses and tutorials of only being able to regurgitate what you learned and not actually apply it to real projects One should therefore not expect to be ready to code professionally with a technology after watching a two hour course on it BootcampsA nice midpoint between the credibility of a degree and the accessibility of online resources is Coding Bootcamps These programs are typically only a couple of months long and are a fraction of the price In addition they tend to focus more on teaching marketable tech stacks rather than theoretical concepts Bootcamps are especially great for people looking to make a career switch without the full investment of an additional degree The major drawback is that while it might help you land your first development job by giving you a working proficiency in the most popular web framework or database technology a Bootcamp alone won t necessarily help you keep that job Being able to succeed in a development role often requires fundamentals that aren t hidden beneath the latest technology For example knowing how to use ReactJS without a strong foundation in HTML and CSS can only get you so far While that certainly doesn t diminish the educational quality of a Bootcamp you should just have realistic expectations of what you are going to get out of it Personal ProjectsThere are few professions where project based learning is as accessible as it is for software engineering One of the best ways to learn how to do something is to just do it The issue is that if you want to be a doctor or a mechanical engineer accountability and financial constraints are often going to prevent you from getting real world experience In contrast all you need is a working computer and an internet connection to get real world experience building software Working on pet projects is an amazing way to work through the actual kinds of problems that you would encounter on a job While its value may sometimes be harder to convey to a hiring manager than a GPA that real world experience is going to be instrumental to the value you can bring to a company And hey you never know your next pet project might become the next billion dollar company like Github or Facebook The one thing that people should be hesitant about when relying on personal projects is only programming in a way that gets the job done and not necessarily in a way that gets the job done well It s great that you made a cool Web App that works but if all your code is inefficient horribly documented and riddled with security vulnerabilities it might be worth learning some more fundamentals This kind of coding style might be fine for your pet project but it is probably going to make you a nightmare to work with Community ParticipationA huge way that programmers learn that often gets taken for granted is participation in developer communities This can come in a number of forms Asking and Answering questions on Stack OverflowParticipating in Open Source projectsWriting and Reading developer blogs on platforms like Medium and Dev toKeeping up to date with the newest technologies and trends on Reddit Twitter and Hacker NewsEven if you already landed your dream job participating in the community is an important part of being a developer and an important part of sharpening your coding skills As the Greek historian Plutarch once said Education is the kindling of a flame not the filling of a vessel Learning is a lifelong process so staying active in the community through methods like these can make sure that you are always learning ConclusionSo is there a singular right way to learn to code Probably not but there is certainly a wrong way Relying on either exclusively theoretical education Academia Tutorials Bootcamps or exclusively application Projects Community Participation is going to limit your success as a developer A strong developer is someone who has both a good grasp of theoretical concepts and has the ability to apply these concepts to real world software Thanks for reading What do you think Is there a right way to learn to code Is there a wrong way How d you learn To learn about how Codesphere is revolutionizing cloud services you can check out Codesphere com Happy Coding |
2021-06-27 14:48:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
150+ users registered in 24 hours on website created for fun |
users registered in hours on website created for funHello everyone for some days i was working on a simple social media website created using NextJS TailwindCSS and firebase for learning and fun and yesterday created a Dev post about making that project website public to internet Dev post Link PostWebsite Link noob studyI was not expecting much attention from that post so after writing i did go to sleep after waking up i was checking my phone as normal and open that website to check how it is going and find out there was around new posts which is amazing after that i rush to my Dev post and Firebase console and find out peoples registered on website and stars in my GitHub repo which was too amazing for me got very good response In the end of day i got users registered and also some bugs to fixnow main challenge for me is to fix all bugs as fast as possible and optimize Firebase integration because i got around read request which is not good for me if website grow like that maybe i will have to close that project because i can t afford to pay for this project right now It is a great experience for me Love Dev community Build a social media website with Next JS TailwindCss and Firebase in days Naman vyas・Jun ・ min read showdev nextjs tailwindcss firebase |
2021-06-27 14:43:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I made a mini filter app with Vanilla JavaScript |
How I made a mini filter app with Vanilla JavaScriptI have been doing the JavaScript from Wes Bos and one of the challenges is to change CSS Variables using JS I found the challenge so interesting that I decided to try myself and create a mini filter image app by using the same concept that he used on the challenge Also I decided to go further and made functionality to display an uploaded image and then change it with the filters available I will show you step by step what I did You can check the Demo and full code here github First of all I sketched what I wanted to look like in the end to help me trace a path Having the sketch done I created an HTML file with elements I wanted As you can see I write a div container with divs inside header container for the title and uploading icon img container for the displayed image controls for the filters controls How To Display Uploaded Image In Html Using JavascriptLet s focus first on how to display an uploaded image So let s take a look at the two first containers Inside header container I created a div called upload img that contains label and input elements The input has some attributes type file because we want to add a fileaccept image that takes as a value all the type of files permitted to upload global If we wanted only permit jpg files we would have to write accept image jpg style display none because I wanted to show only the icon on the label instead of the input On the div img container I added an img HTML tag without a source attribute but an id named output that will retrieve the image source from javaScript It s time to do JavaScript code to display the image in HTML element img The first thing I did was to get the element input from the DOM and stored it in a variable named fileUpload Further I added an event listener with event change and a function called loadFile Inside the loadFile function I get the element img from DOM and store it in a variable called img you could call it an image or something else I decided to call the same name as the tag After that I created a source URL for that variable img that by using URL createObjectURL a static method that creates a string containing URL representing the specific file inside the parameters that in this case is the selected file or files of the input e target is the input type file files represents the file or the files that were selectedThis part is Done How to change CSS Variables in JavaScriptInside the third container controls let s just focus on the construction of the input element As you can see in the image there are a couple of Attributes important that I added let s talk about each one id the id of the element example id sepia type range it is the type of the input in this case I wanted a slider controlname it is the name of the specific filter which is the same as the id example name sepia min max value min and max are the minima and maximum values the input range has and the value is the default value we want to point to at the beginning To set the values for the min max and value attributes for each filter control I researched here filters characteristics data sizing it is a custom attribute that has as value an because all filters that I will use in CSS end with percentage Let s take a look at CSS file Here I created CSS variables in the root pseudo class and added those named variables in the img element Now its time to code in JavaScript First of all I stored in a variable all the inputs plural Then I wanted to make an event listener for each input individual with change and input event So I did a forEach loop at the inputs variable to get each input and add the event listener Why did I want to use two events and not just the first one change Because the change event only updates the result when the movement ended and I wanted also to show changes in the image while I move the input range In the updateStyle function first I made a variable called suffix that stores the value of data sizing or if there are none stores an empty string After that I set a new property value for the root element that takes the value of the input That is it |
2021-06-27 14:03:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Mophie Snap+ Juice Pack Mini review: Apple's MagSafe, but not |
Mophie Snap Juice Pack Mini review Apple x s MagSafe but notMophie s new Snap Juice Pack Mini is a well priced and well designed compact portable battery that plays nicely with MagSafe but there are some caveats that potential buyers should be aware of before purchasing Mophie s Snap Juice Pack Mini acts like a MagSafe wireless charging pack but crucially it s not It would be easy to conclude that the new Snap Juice Pack Mini is MagSafe certified After all the company s own marketing repeatedly references Apple s MagSafe noting that the battery pack is compatible with MagSafe for iPhone models Read more |
2021-06-27 14:33:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
US heatwave: Pacific Northwest sees record temperatures |
idaho |
2021-06-27 14:20:36 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
中国料理 鶏舎(池尻大橋)/【夏季限定】冷やし葱そば+スープ |
中国料理 |
2021-06-27 15:13:58 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京・荒川で少年死亡 友人ら数人と飲食か |
東京都葛飾区堀切 |
2021-06-27 23:10:00 |