AWS Open Source Blog |
How being open led to greater customer value with the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C |
How being open led to greater customer value with the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded CThe AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C C SDK is composed of a set of MIT licensed libraries that demonstrate simplified lightweight and secure connectivity to AWS IoT Core and device side operations to AWS IoT services The AWS IoT C SDK can work on a variety of operating systems such as Linux macOS and Windows or a … |
2021-06-30 14:53:59 |
S1 E8 | Autonomous & AI-Powered: A Look at Frameworks & Training with Amazon ML Solutions Lab |
S E Autonomous amp AI Powered A Look at Frameworks amp Training with Amazon ML Solutions LabHow does machine learning ML help solve some of the automotive industry s biggest challenges In this episode our industry expert hosts Dean and Stefano are joined by Suchitra Sathyanarayana from the ML Solutions Lab a team of cross functional specialists that deploys and scales ML concepts and models to get them ready for production Hear about aspects of autonomous driving that ML is helping improve such as D object detection semantic segmentation multi sensor fusion through the lens of frameworks and training Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2021-06-30 14:00:30 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
チョットワカルmiddy |
チョットワカルmiddy※元記事は私の個人ブログmiddyっていう知らんやつがいたので、ちょっと調べてみるまあほぼ以下の公式ドキュメントを日本語訳して、わかりにくいところを言い換えた感じAWSLambdaをNodejsで書く時にコードを簡略化できるミドルウェアエンジン一般的なJS系のWebフレームワークでは、ハンドラ作成時に本来ビジネスロジックに書きたくない、入力の解析と検証、出力のシリアル化、エラー処理などをミドルウェアパターンとして提供しているが、AWSLambdaのハンドラに対して同様のアプローチが見つからなかったため、middyを作ったらしい利用例公式ドキュメントに載っていた、支払い処理のAPIの例handlerjsimportcoreimportmiddyfrommiddycoreesmNodevconstmiddyrequiremiddycorecommonjsNodevimportsomemiddlewaresimportjsonBodyParserfrommiddyhttpjsonbodyparserimporthttpErrorHandlerfrommiddyhttperrorhandlerimportvalidatorfrommiddyvalidatorThisisyourcommonhandlerinnowaydifferentthanwhatyouareusedtodoingeverydayinAWSLambdaconstbaseHandlerasynceventcontextcallbackgtwedontneedtodeserializethebodyourselfasamiddlewarewillbeusedtodothatconstcreditCardNumberexpiryMonthexpiryYearcvcnameOnCardamounteventbodydostuffwiththisdatareturnresultsuccessmessagepaymentprocessedcorrectlyNoticethatinthehandleryouonlyaddedbasebusinesslogicnodeserializationvalidationorerrorhandlerwewilladdtherestwithmiddlewaresconstinputSchematypeobjectpropertiesbodytypeobjectpropertiescreditCardNumbertypestringminLengthmaxLengthpatterndexpiryMonthtypeintegerminimummaximumexpiryYeartypeintegerminimummaximumcvctypestringminLengthmaxLengthpatterndnameOnCardtypestringamounttypenumberrequiredcreditCardNumberInserthereallrequiredeventpropertiesLetsmiddyfyourhandlerthenwewillbeabletoattachmiddlewarestoitconsthandlermiddybaseHandlerusejsonBodyParserparsestherequestbodywhenitsaJSONandconvertsittoanobjectusevalidatorinputSchemavalidatestheinputusehttpErrorHandlerhandlescommonhttperrorsandreturnsproperresponsesmoduleexportshandler実装方法importmiddyfrommiddycoreimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareconstbaseHandlereventcontextgtyourbusinesslogicconsthandlermiddybaseHandlerhandlerusemiddlewareusemiddlewareusemiddlewaremoduleexportshandlerLambdaハンドラの中にビジネスロジックを記載middyとその他利用するミドルウェアをimportmiddy関数でハンドラをラップして、利用するミドルウェアをuseで呼び出す上記のように、つのミドルウェアが呼び出されていると、ビジネスロジックをラップしたハンドラを含めて、以下のような実行順になる。 |
2021-06-30 23:08:50 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DjangoのMultiple Databasesのときのselect_for_updateでエラーが出た |
そして、defaultではない他のDBに保存されているモデルに対してselectforupdateを使用したため、トランザクション外でのselectforupdateとなりエラーが起きてしまいました。 |
2021-06-30 23:50:08 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
チョットワカルmiddy |
チョットワカルmiddy※元記事は私の個人ブログmiddyっていう知らんやつがいたので、ちょっと調べてみるまあほぼ以下の公式ドキュメントを日本語訳して、わかりにくいところを言い換えた感じAWSLambdaをNodejsで書く時にコードを簡略化できるミドルウェアエンジン一般的なJS系のWebフレームワークでは、ハンドラ作成時に本来ビジネスロジックに書きたくない、入力の解析と検証、出力のシリアル化、エラー処理などをミドルウェアパターンとして提供しているが、AWSLambdaのハンドラに対して同様のアプローチが見つからなかったため、middyを作ったらしい利用例公式ドキュメントに載っていた、支払い処理のAPIの例handlerjsimportcoreimportmiddyfrommiddycoreesmNodevconstmiddyrequiremiddycorecommonjsNodevimportsomemiddlewaresimportjsonBodyParserfrommiddyhttpjsonbodyparserimporthttpErrorHandlerfrommiddyhttperrorhandlerimportvalidatorfrommiddyvalidatorThisisyourcommonhandlerinnowaydifferentthanwhatyouareusedtodoingeverydayinAWSLambdaconstbaseHandlerasynceventcontextcallbackgtwedontneedtodeserializethebodyourselfasamiddlewarewillbeusedtodothatconstcreditCardNumberexpiryMonthexpiryYearcvcnameOnCardamounteventbodydostuffwiththisdatareturnresultsuccessmessagepaymentprocessedcorrectlyNoticethatinthehandleryouonlyaddedbasebusinesslogicnodeserializationvalidationorerrorhandlerwewilladdtherestwithmiddlewaresconstinputSchematypeobjectpropertiesbodytypeobjectpropertiescreditCardNumbertypestringminLengthmaxLengthpatterndexpiryMonthtypeintegerminimummaximumexpiryYeartypeintegerminimummaximumcvctypestringminLengthmaxLengthpatterndnameOnCardtypestringamounttypenumberrequiredcreditCardNumberInserthereallrequiredeventpropertiesLetsmiddyfyourhandlerthenwewillbeabletoattachmiddlewarestoitconsthandlermiddybaseHandlerusejsonBodyParserparsestherequestbodywhenitsaJSONandconvertsittoanobjectusevalidatorinputSchemavalidatestheinputusehttpErrorHandlerhandlescommonhttperrorsandreturnsproperresponsesmoduleexportshandler実装方法importmiddyfrommiddycoreimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareimportmiddlewarefromsamplemiddlewareconstbaseHandlereventcontextgtyourbusinesslogicconsthandlermiddybaseHandlerhandlerusemiddlewareusemiddlewareusemiddlewaremoduleexportshandlerLambdaハンドラの中にビジネスロジックを記載middyとその他利用するミドルウェアをimportmiddy関数でハンドラをラップして、利用するミドルウェアをuseで呼び出す上記のように、つのミドルウェアが呼び出されていると、ビジネスロジックをラップしたハンドラを含めて、以下のような実行順になる。 |
2021-06-30 23:08:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TilemapColliderが無理ならCompositeColloder2DにRaycast2Dを… |
TilemapColliderが無理ならCompositeColloderDにRaycastDを…UnityDにてアクションゲームを制作中です何度も見てくださっている人がいるかも…。 |
2021-06-30 23:36:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
.Netでクラサバ開発について学びたいが書籍や参考サイトや参考ソースはないでしょうか? |
ASPNETは使われておらず、dllをIISに配置したような形でしょうか。 |
2021-06-30 23:33:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Macのtelnetで日本語メールを送信する方法 |
2021-06-30 23:29:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
git push が終わらない |
gitpushが終わらない前提・実現したいことリモートリポジトリをローカルにcloneしてpushする際にパスワードを聞かれることもなくpushも終わりません。 |
2021-06-30 23:03:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
2021/07/01より勉強開始! |
progate |
2021-06-30 23:07:07 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS CodeGuru リポジトリ分析で推奨事項・プルリクエストの指摘をしてもらう |
AWSCodeGuruリポジトリ分析で推奨事項・プルリクエストの指摘をしてもらう手順リポジトリを関連付ける以下のように「リポジトリの関連付け」を選択します。 |
2021-06-30 23:14:26 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VSCodeでJersey開発環境を爆速で作る(Windows10) |
mvnpackagewarファイル配備コマンドが完了すると、targetフォルダ配下にwarファイルができているので、右クリックし、「DebugonTomcatServer」を選択する。 |
2021-06-30 23:42:51 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker+nginx+railsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話 |
dockernginxrailsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話dockerで起動しているrailsアプリケーションで、クライアントのIPアドレスを取得しようとしたらdocker内のIPアドレスしか取得できずに困った。 |
2021-06-30 23:40:54 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker初心者が陥るエラーとその対応 |
コンテナをバックグラウンドで起動させたい場合はddetachをオプションでつける。 |
2021-06-30 23:32:40 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Go】GORMのUpdatesで0の値で更新する方法 |
taftertypetempstructidint |
2021-06-30 23:06:14 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker+nginx+railsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話 |
dockernginxrailsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話dockerで起動しているrailsアプリケーションで、クライアントのIPアドレスを取得しようとしたらdocker内のIPアドレスしか取得できずに困った。 |
2021-06-30 23:40:54 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
error: the following files have local modifications: |
gitrmwillnotremoveafilefromjustyourworkingdirectory和訳gitrmは、作業ディレクトリからファイルを削除しません。 |
2021-06-30 23:15:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker+nginx+railsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話 |
dockernginxrailsでアプリケーション側でクライアントのIPアドレスが取得できずに困った話dockerで起動しているrailsアプリケーションで、クライアントのIPアドレスを取得しようとしたらdocker内のIPアドレスしか取得できずに困った。 |
2021-06-30 23:40:54 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
憧れていたクラスメソッドに転職して小規模少人数なプロジェクトを捌きまくっていたら1年が経ちました |
転職 |
2021-06-30 14:57:55 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
外部サービスへの接続を行うモジュールをJestでモックする際の注意点 |
delightfuljavascripttesti |
2021-06-30 14:44:32 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] IAM Access Analyzer のポリシーチェック項目が増えました (ABAC 関連が多めだよ) |
addsnewpolicycheck |
2021-06-30 14:08:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Animate on scroll using IntersectionObserver |
Animate on scroll using IntersectionObserverUsing animation in your portfolio site would be a great way to capture the users attention and make them stay longer on your site In this post I will show you how to add a special type of animation on your site that will be activated when you scroll down up This will be coded using a feature called intersection observer Here is a quick preview of what the end animation looks like There is also a Youtube video on this Step First lets layout our HTML markup and Styling for a basic card UI lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Document lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet type text css href style css gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image gt lt div gt lt h gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p gt Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt and the style css looks like wrapper min height vh display flex align items center justify content space around background color dafb color white font family Verdana Geneva Tahoma sans serif card height vh border radius px box shadow px px px rgba padding rem width vh background color ccce Style a div with gradient as Background image image width vh height vh background image linear gradient deg RoyalBlue DarkTurquoise background size cover background position center center box shadow px px px px b border radius px In this example I have set the background image to a gradient background image linear gradient deg RoyalBlue DarkTurquoise you can set a real image here for your project so this is what it looks like Step Now lets add some basic animation in CSS with keyframe animationFirst we are going to add basic css animation with keyframe animations Lets start by targeting the heading h tag and content text p tag card h Animate Heading fades in from left to right animation animTitle s infinite card p Animate Paragraph fades in from right to left animation animContent s infinite keyframes animTitle from Add starting values for animation transform translateX px opacity to Add Ending values for animation transform translateX opacity keyframes animContent from Add starting values for animation transform translateX px opacity to Add Ending values for animation transform translateX opacity As you can see from above we have two keyframe animation functions namely keyframes animTitle and keyframes animContent these are called in the css selector rules card h animation animContent s infinite and card p animation animContent s infinite As you can see they both run for seconds and loop infinitely we are also going to add a special elastic stretch animation for the image The CSS rule and the animation keyframe function for this will be card image Animate image animation animImage s infinite keyframes animImage webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled webkit transform scaled transform scaled I created this animation using an online animation generator called Animista You can also go there and experiment with other animations as well The site will generate keyframe code which you can attach to a container you want to animate Like I have done above I also renamed the keyframe function What we have so farSo far we have all animation controlled by CSS for us to animate on scroll we will have to dabble with Javascript We also need to reorganise change some css rules and HTML elements Thats what we will do next Step Make changes to HTML markup before we add intersectionObserverOne of the key problems we have in activating animation via Javascript is accessing the animation keyframe function name and the rule that needs to be applied In our demo we have the following css rules that achieve this card h Amimate Heading fades in from left to right animation animTitle s infinite card p Animate Paragraph fades in from right to left animation animContent s infinite card image Animate image animation animImage s infinite To apply this dynamically in javascript we will need to abandon these css rules and use htmls data attribute to store the animation values shown above We are also going to attach a class called animate to the three elements that we are going to animte So the HTML markup for the card will look like lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt lt h class animate data animate animTitle s gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p class animate data animate animContent s gt Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt So the import thing here is the data attribute for example the image containers data attribute is data animate animImage s here we are creating a data item called animate this is the postfix after the dash and setting the value to its animation setting that we previously defined in the css style sheet If this is a bit strange you can read more about using data attributes hereWe also need to add more content so that we can scroll to activate our animation so I will duplicate three more card wrappers lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt lt h class animate data animate animTitle s gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p class animate data animate animContent s gt Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt lt h class animate data animate animTitle s gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p class animate data animate animContent s gt Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt lt h class animate data animate animTitle s gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p class animate data animate animContent s gt Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class card gt lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt lt h class animate data animate animTitle s gt Profile picture lt h gt lt p class animate data animate animContent s gt Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here Some text goes here lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt Step Add Javascript s intersection observer functionalityIntersection observer basically observes elements that you tell it to It will observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element Our ancestor element is going to be the browser viewport and the target elements that we observe for intersection are the three elements of the card namely image p tag and h tag You can read more about Intersection Observer API here Please note in the API documentation they have examples where you define a root element for our case I have left it out beacuse want it to default to browser viewport So our basic code structure for our use case will look like lt script gt const callback entries gt Callback code goes here Create a new intersectionObserver object which will accept a callback function as a parameter let observer new IntersectionObserver callback Select all elements that have animate class In our case we have three elements image lt p gt and h lt gt const animationItems document querySelectorAll animate Loop through selected elements and add to the observer watch list animationItems forEach item gt observer observe item lt script gt Will will add this code inline in the markup at the very end of the body tag So to simplify you have steps Create a IntersectionObserver object Query and select items that you want observed Add the selected items to the watch list of the IntersectionObserver object Provide a callback function that will do something when ever an intersection event occurs In our case we want it to attach a keyframe animation In the above code I did not write the code for the callback function So thats our next task Step IntersectionObserver callback function const callback entries gt The entries variable will contain the list of elements that you are observing When ever intersection occurs you need to do forEach loop to find which one intersected For this we check a flag on the element called isIntersecting entries forEach entry gt if entry isIntersecting console log The element is intersecting gt If intersecting then attach keyframe animation We do this by assigning the data attribute we coded in the markup to the style animation of the element entry target style animation entry target dataset animate else We take of the animation if not in view entry target style animation none The callback will be called whenever a inetrsection occurs The callback will have access to all the elements that we in the observer list In the call back we have to loop through to find which one intersected We do this by checking a flag on the element called isIntersecting If you inspect the IF statement you will see this if entry isIntersecting If it is intersecting then we attach the keyframe animation to the element thats what the following line does entry target style animation entry target dataset animateHere we set the elements style animation to the fetched data attribute called data animate which was setup in step For example for the image we would get the string part off the data attribute on the elements markup lt div class image animate data animate animImage s gt lt div gt in this case its animImage s The ELSE part of the code removes the animation because it is not intersecting entry target style animation none So if you scroll back and forth the animation will run again The end productHope you enjoyed this tutorial and you can see the final code on codepen |
2021-06-30 14:39:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Comprendre les différentes syntax pour écrire des fonctions en javascript |
Comprendre les différentes syntax pour écrire des fonctions en javascriptSi vous désirez plus de contenu francophone comme celui ci cliquer Follow ou suivez moi sur TwitterFonctionsUne fonction est un morceau de code que nous pouvons réutiliser àplusieurs reprisent dans notre code function displayHello console log Hello World La fonction peut être invoquée exécutée displayHello Hello World Des données peuvent être transmises àla fonctionfunction display greeting console log greeting Invocation d une fonction avec donnée passée en paramètredisplay Hello World Hello World Une fonction peut retourner une valeurfunction sumNumber number number return number number console log sumNumber Function declaration vs function expression Function declaration peut être appelée avant la déclaration function displayGreeting greeting return Hello greeting Function expression peut être utilisédans le code àla place de l expression const displayGreeting function greeting return Hello greeting Arrow Function Fonction abrégée Supprimer le mot cléfunction Supprimer les accolades Supprimer le mot cléReturn Ajouter gt entre les paramètres et le corps de la fonction Avec plusieurs paramètresconst addNumber number number gt number number Avec aucun paramètreconst displayGreeting gt Hello World Arrow Function multi lignes Utiliser les accolades et le mot cléReturnconst displayGreeting greeting gt console log Hello World console log Hello Mike return true |
2021-06-30 14:31:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Useful CSS units |
Useful CSS unitsGenerally there is a lot of confusion in the selection or usage of units in CSS But they are things that affect the styling So they are the ones which should be handled with utmost care When writing CSS there are a lot of options for the units you can use Here are some main ones you need to be aware of and when to use them PXPixels are the most popular and well known CSS unit They are static and don t scale therefore are best for any value and won t change with screen sizes like borders and fixed size elements button border radius px border px solid Percentage Percentage units are also popular and are a good choice for responsive design However units don t always work as expected when setting heights So it s recommended to use them for widths only wrapper width padding We can use a combination of and px also article max width padding px VH and VWViewport height and viewport width units are great for areas that need to take up a specific portion of the screen full screen width vh height vh image width vw EM and REMEm and Rem units are calculated based on the font size It s usually best to stick with Rem units because they are based on the root font size and are more predictable Generally the base font size is px Therefore rem px heading font size rem px line height subheading font size rem px line height CHCharacter units are brilliant for setting widths on text blocks You can limit how many characters wide you want an element to be and that will be different based on the font size of the text article text max width ch headline width ch white space nowrap overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis OthersCentimetres cm Millimetres mm Inches in Points pt Picas pc These are some other units that are technically acceptable in CSS but they aren t web units so it s better to avoid them However they can be useful for print specific styles There is no best unit Don t pick one unit and try to use only that throughout the project it won t work well Instead evaluate each thing you are trying to style and pick the best unit for the job This will create a much more versatile and professional design that works across devices That s a wrap Hope you enjoyed this Connect with me on Twitter where I post some useful content |
2021-06-30 14:14:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple will announce third quarter earnings on July 27 |
Apple will announce third quarter earnings on July Apple has announced that it will report and discuss earnings results for the company s third fiscal quarter of on Tuesday July Credit AppleInsiderIn addition to reporting its fiscal results for the quarter Apple will also hold a call with analysts The call is slated to take place at p m Pacific p m Eastern on Tuesday according to the company s investor relations webpage Read more |
2021-06-30 14:58:39 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple adds four LG smartphones to its trade-in program |
Apple adds four LG smartphones to its trade in programLG announced it is exiting the smartphone business in July and Apple is incentivizing customers to switch to iPhone with new additions to its trade in program Trade in an LG smartphone for credit towards a new iPhoneApple quietly updated its trade in page to include four models of LG s smartphone lineup With LG leaving the smartphone industry Apple hopes to pick up customers switching from the brand with these offers Read more |
2021-06-30 14:16:45 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Slack is getting a Discord-like audio feature called 'Huddles' |
Slack is getting a Discord like audio feature called x Huddles x Slack just became the latest company to embrace real time audio The messaging app is launching a new Discord like chat feature called Huddles The feature along with new collaboration tools for sharing pre recorded audio and video are according to the company meant to provide an alternative to the “endless stream of meetings that have dominated many office workers calendars during the pandemic Huddles allows Slack users to create impromptu meetups either in direct messages or an existing channel When a participant starts a Huddle other members can quickly join and chat in real time much like you would in Discord Though it s meant to be “camera free Huddles does support screen sharing for an extra layer of collaboration Slack says the feature is a good alternative to voice or video calls because it s a more low pressure way for workers to quickly chat without the need to schedule a meeting Tamar Yehoshua the company s chief product officer compared Huddles to the kinds of impromptu conversations that happen in offices but don t often occur with remote work “It s as if you see people congregating in a conference room and you just stick your head in and then leave when you re ready she said during a briefing with reporters SlackWhile Slack is the latest in a long list of companies embracing the audio trend kickstarted by Clubhouse the company says it s responding to the way that work has changed during the pandemic After more than a year working from home Zoom fatigue is real At the same time many workers may never go back to the office ーat least not full time So it s not surprising Slack would respond to these shifts Similarly the company is also addressing the need to collaborate when everyone isn t online at the same time The “schedule send feature it recently previewed will now be rolling out And the app is introducing new tools to share videos voice and screen recordings within Slack While the app already allows users to swap video files within chats the new tools go a step further Users can record and share natively within a channel and other team members can respond with a video or voice recording of their own They also include live captioning and both the recording and the accompanying transcription are searchable after the fact Finally Slack also showed off a new directory tool for its business users called Slack Atlas The feature adds more information to Slack s existing profiles such as org charts and employee start dates It can also integrate with existing tools like Workday to automatically pull in relevant details to workers Slack profiles |
2021-06-30 14:30:14 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Renault plans to electrify two thirds of its cars by 2025 |
Renault plans to electrify two thirds of its cars by Renault has been sending signals that it wants to accelerate its EV plans and it s now clear just how aggressive the firm will be The French automaker now expects percent of its lineup to be electrified by ーpotentially the quot greenest quot car mix in Europe according to the company and much better than an earlier percent target Its plans revolve around a lineup with new electric cars including the reborn the ever a modern Renault and a Mégane EV Up to percent of cars in Renault s brand stable which includes Alpine and Dacia should be electric by The strategy hinges in part on making EVs more accessible Renault is prepping a new platform CMF BEV that should reduce costs by a third compared to the Zoe through an interchangeable battery a quot right sized quot kW powertrain and borrowed components from conventional cars Renault is also focusing on more capable and affordable components including more efficient nickel manganese cobalt batteries with percent more range versus alternatives and an all in one powertrain that s roughly half as large as before while costing percent less Renault is also hoping to cut the cost of recycling EV batteries to a third of its current levels by and have its Mobilize brand reuse batteries as stationary energy storage You ll have to wait a while for some of these cars The Mégane arrives in and Alpine s quot dream garage quot will have to wait until Still It s evident Renault wants to earn an eco friendly reputation much sooner than originally expected Whether or not Renault will lead the pack is another matter Volkswagen for instance hopes to be the worldwide leader in electric vehicles by quot at the latest quot and wants an all electric European lineup by There s no guarantee rivals will meet their own goals but Renault may have to tweak its plans again if it s going to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market |
2021-06-30 14:28:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
YouTube will stream the UEFA Women’s Champions League for free |
YouTube will stream the UEFA Women s Champions League for freeSoccer fans around the world will be able to watch the UEFA Women s Champions League for free over the next two seasons YouTube will stream every game from the competition in It struck a deal with UEFA and sports streaming service DAZN which snapped up the broadcast rights to the UWCL for the next four years With the exception of the Middle East North Africa and China and its territories fans everywhere can watch all games not including qualifying rounds live and on demand on DAZN s YouTube channel during the upcoming two seasons In the following two seasons and DAZN will stream every game live on its own platform which is now available in more than countries You ll still be able to catch matches per season on YouTube The broadcasting deal will get into gear amid a new format for the UWCL UEFA is introducing a game group stage this season similar to the format of the men s Champions League Previously it was a two legged knockout competition with a one off final The group stage for the edition starts on October th This is a chance for soccer enthusiasts in most parts of the world to catch some of the best players on the planet in action without having to pay an extra penny as long as they have a decent internet connection and device on which to watch YouTube The deal should give the UWCL more exposure than in the past and it could perhaps inspire more kids to take up the sport Streaming services have been duking it out over soccer rights for years This is a significant deal for DAZN as well as whatever sports ambitions YouTube has CBS and Paramount hold English language broadcast rights to the men s version of the competition in the US Univision s TUDN airs games in Spanish |
2021-06-30 14:12:34 |
海外TECH |
Network World |
Cisco completes purchase of security risk-management firm |
Cisco completes purchase of security risk management firm Cisco continues to bulk up its security portfolio this week closing the deal on risk based management company Kenna Security for an undisclosed amount Kenna s Risk Based Vulnerability Management system collects and analyzes security data to provide security teams with information about threats so they can prioritize remediation and better understand risks Read about edge networking How edge networking and IoT will reshape data centers Edge computing best practices How edge computing can help secure the IoT The technology will become part of Cisco s SecureX service that integrates numerous security components Cisco says the service is an open cloud native system to detect and remediate threats across Cisco and third party products from a single interface The SecureX dashboard shows operational metrics triggers alerts to emerging threats and accelerates threat investigations and incident management by aggregating and correlating global intelligence and local context in one view To read this article in full please click here |
2021-06-30 14:19:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2021-06-30 15:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
高速取引行為者の動向について公表しました。 |
高速 |
2021-06-30 16:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「標準責任準備金制度にかかる告示の一部改正(案)」等に対するパブリックコメントの結果等について公表しました。 |
責任準備金 |
2021-06-30 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「ゼロトラストの現状調査と事例分析に関する調査報告書」について公表しました。 |
調査報告書 |
2021-06-30 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
適格機関投資家等特例業務届出者に対する行政処分(事業報告書を提出していない業者)について公表しました。 |
事業報告書 |
2021-06-30 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Euro 2020: FA in talks over tickets for Italy-based England fans |
english |
2021-06-30 14:50:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Methodist Church allows same-sex marriage in 'momentous' vote |
chapels |
2021-06-30 14:11:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tour de France spectator arrested over sign crash |
crashthe |
2021-06-30 14:42:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Brexit: EU postpones ban on British meat sales in NI |
ireland |
2021-06-30 14:44:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Raye's pain as Polydor holds release of debut album |
label |
2021-06-30 14:11:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Everton appoint ex-Liverpool boss Benitez as Ancelotti's successor |
successor |
2021-06-30 14:48:38 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
天鳳@六本木 「醤油ラーメン(めんばり)、めし、ほか」 |
外苑東通り |
2021-06-30 15:11:16 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
三菱電、空気圧縮機も検査不正 空調は8万台超、調査委設置へ |
三菱電機 |
2021-06-30 23:02:07 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
DMM Bitcoin、8/1まで「新規口座開設完了で、全員にもれなく2,000円プレゼント!」実施 |
dmmbitcoin |
2021-06-30 23:25:01 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
FXcoin、7/1-8/1まで「XRPトリプルプレゼントキャンペーン 第三弾」実施 |
fxcoin |
2021-06-30 23:15:07 |