IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] WebAssemblyアプリ開発で最も使われている言語はRust C++、AssemblyScript、Blazor、Goが続く |
ITmediaNewsWebAssemblyアプリ開発で最も使われている言語はRustC、AssemblyScript、Blazor、Goが続くメールマガジン「WebAssemblyWeekly」を発行しているScottLogicは、WebAssemblyの利用状況などに関する調査報告を公開。 |
2021-07-02 20:02:00 |
IT |
Win10_BrightnessSlider - タスクバーに常駐する輝度調整ユーティリティ |
WinBrightnessSliderタスクバーに常駐する輝度調整ユーティリティモニターの輝度は作業によって変えたくなります。 |
2021-07-02 21:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonのローカルインストール |
各モジュールをダウンロードpythonmpipdownloaddwheelを保存するフォルダモジュール名各モジュールのインストールSCPでwheelフォルダをサーバーにアップロードし、各モジュールに対し、以下を実行する。 |
2021-07-02 20:33:39 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
IBM Quantum Challenge 2020 にチャレンジしてみた ~量子プログラミング入門~ |
ノイズクラスタの座標を縦横bitずつで表現して、重ね合わせで複数個を表すナイーブにノイズクラスタを持つとビットのところをビットに削減するレーザがノイズクラスタに当たる判定はもう一段グローバーをかませることで原理的には実現できるしかし「解けない盤面」を見つけるのには微妙に向いていなくて、実装はしてみたものの撃沈「回のレーザーで消えない場所」を少ないビット数で表現する残りのマスは×か×の長方形になるこれはどうやって実装したらいいかよくわからなかったのでボツ「解けない盤面」を直接表すために、vsのすべての組み合わせのマス目を含むようなノイズクラスタの配置を探すこれも具体的な表現の仕方がわからずボツ…解説を読んで知りましたが、実はこのアイデアは非常によくかすっていたのでした…あまりヒントにならないように上はあえてわかりにくい日本語で書いていますという感じで、考えつつ手を動かしつつ、むなしく時は流れ…結局ギブアップし、一緒に取り組んでいた友人と一緒に解説を読みました。 |
2021-07-02 20:30:15 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
感情を持ったAIを作ってみたい(0) |
何を使ってやろうとしているの・個人的な意見になってしまいますが、教師あり学習で感情をデータ化したものを学習させるのが、簡単なのではないかと最初は考えました。 |
2021-07-02 20:14:06 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
サマーインターンに向けてTypeScriptを触ってみた |
2021-07-02 20:37:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
sequelizeのモデルのデータベース操作について |
sequelizeのモデルのデータベース操作についてsequelizeのモデルのデータベース操作について、現在Nodejsで開発を行なっています。 |
2021-07-02 20:57:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
50KB以上の画像がwordpressで画像がアップロードできない「画像の後処理に失敗しました。」 |
KB以上の画像がwordpressで画像がアップロードできない「画像の後処理に失敗しました。 |
2021-07-02 20:45:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
java+CSV ダブルクォーテーションで囲われた文字列の操作について |
javaCSVダブルクォーテーションで囲われた文字列の操作について前提・実現したいことダブルクォーテーションで囲われた文字列中にある改行コードをnbsp別の文字に置換したい。 |
2021-07-02 20:41:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptの返り値、引き数で不明な点があります |
javascriptの返り値、引き数で不明な点がありますaaaclassListaddquotredquotaaaclassListaddquotbluequot例えばこの行は頭の部分は同じなので省略したいのですが、できるのでしょうかfunctionnbspbbbxaaaclassListaddquotxquotreturnnbspxbbbred上の文は滅茶苦茶ですが、このような感じに置き換えられるのでしょうか返り値と引き数の理解が浅いのでご教授お願いします。 |
2021-07-02 20:39:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Xcodeで画像を角丸にするアプリを作りたいが画像が表示されない |
2021-07-02 20:35:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
助けてください! kotlin 四則計算 intent |
助けてくださいkotlin四則計算intent四則計算アプリつのEditに数値を入力し、のいずれかのボタンを押すと、遷移先に数値の合計が表示される。 |
2021-07-02 20:35:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTTP Error 401: UnauthorizedエラーがLINE DevelopersとDjangoとngrokを用いておうむ返しをするLine botの作成時に出ます |
HTTPErrorUnauthorizedエラーがLINEDevelopersとDjangoとngrokを用いておうむ返しをするLinebotの作成時に出ますLINEnbspMessagenbspAPILINEnbspDevelopersとDjangoとngrokを用いておうむ返しをするLinenbspbotを作ろう足しています。 |
2021-07-02 20:26:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails6,Bootstrap5,JavaScript】フォームの値をAjaxでPOSTした後にモーダルを閉じたい |
【RailsBootstrapJavaScript】フォームの値をAjaxでPOSTした後にモーダルを閉じたい前提・実現したいことRailsでAjaxを用いたTODOアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-07-02 20:15:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コードの実行結果が、なぜそうなるのかわかりません |
コードの実行結果が、なぜそうなるのかわかりません前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-07-02 20:07:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C-CUBE に2つの決済プラグインを搭載したい |
amazonnbsppaynbspv |
2021-07-02 20:06:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
別の開発環境でクローンした際に、最初から差分が出るファイルの解決方法 |
別の開発環境でクローンした際に、最初から差分が出るファイルの解決方法GitあるいはGitLFSに関して教えていただきたく。 |
2021-07-02 20:03:24 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2にアクセスできなかったのでRoute AnalyzerとVPC Reachability Analyzerを使ってトラブルシュートしてみた |
結論は、SecurityGroupの問題でした今回の構成トランジットゲートウェイを利用しているSSHを利用して接続を試みる状況InstanceAからInstanceBへSSH接続を試みたが、結果は接続ができない状態となりますSecurityGroupはこの時点で確認しているが設定を見逃しているここでAWSのいろいろなサービスが出てたなぁっと思い以下のサービスを試してようと思いましたRouteAnalyzerVPCReachabilityAnalyzer実施事項VPCReachabilityAnalyzerの利用VPCReachabilityAnalyzerを利用して通信の分析を行いました。 |
2021-07-02 20:26:13 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerのnetwork数上限はCIDRブロック指定で回避できる |
環境DockerversionceAmazonLinuxCIDRブロックを指定するdockerのnetworkのCIDRブロックは何も指定しなければ、のどちらかで作られます。 |
2021-07-02 20:16:41 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】COLLATE=utf8mb4_binなテーブルを作成するマイグレーションファイルの書き方 |
【Rails】COLLATEutfmbbinなテーブルを作成するマイグレーションファイルの書き方MySQLには寿司ビール問題があります。 |
2021-07-02 20:58:20 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
30 under $25: A collection of good hidden gem games from Steam’s Summer Sale |
saleif |
2021-07-02 11:30:05 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Rocket Report: Super Heavy rolls to launch site, Funk will get to fly |
launch |
2021-07-02 11:00:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 star rating system - ACTUALLY accessible, no JS, no WAI-ARIA! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
star rating system ACTUALLY accessible no JS no WAI ARIA In this article I will explain how I built a star rating system that is ACTUALLY accessible easy to style for your own needs and easy to integrate into any framework as it uses semantic HTML If you are busy just skip straight to the first example IntroductionI have seen several star rating systems shared recently which are completely inaccessible to people using a screen reader a device that allows websites to be read out loud to people or converted to braille or people who rely on a keyboard people with movement disorders accuracy issues such as Parkinson s Disease Cerebral Palsy etc I get frustrated by this lack of thought from authors as they release code into the world that contributes to a lack of accessibility Then people just copy and paste example code with no thought or they may be new to development and not know about accessibility yet and accessibility issues perpetuate forever hence why we still have people using lt a href for buttons an overhang from years ago when we couldn t style lt button gt s that is how long it takes to kill a bad practice Anyway this isn t one of my angry rants so here it is my first contribution to trying to fix this problem a truly accessible star rating system An accessible star rating systemWhy is this better than the other examples you have seen before It uses semantically correct elements radio inputs as this is a choice between states By using semantically correct elements it has no need for WAI ARIA which doesn t actually have as much support as people think It can be made to work all the way back to IE with a couple of minor adjustments which is important as there are still a lot of screen reader users using IE and No JavaScript so it will be lightning fast even on cheap hardware Works on any framework you can simply just hook into the radio group value as if it was a standard radio group because essentially it is You can style it pretty much however you want by simply changing the SVGs for checked unchecked and hover states and the display size I would encourage you to create some nicer SVGs as these are rough and ready for demo purposes It will support as many stars as you want albeit you have to adjust a couple of things and add a couple of rules to the CSS You can safely copy paste the CSS and HTML and know that it is accessible Accessible star rating system ExampleTry it with a keyboard mouse screen reader if you know how to use one etc It should work flawlessly IE IE and IE compatibilityThere are only two things that won t work in IE IE and IE The first is using CSS variables so simply swap those out for the actual values The second is focus within to put the focus around the box Instead for IE we just put focus indicators around the lt span gt that contains the stars The beauty of this second example is it lets you see how everything works if you use a keyboard to focus the item Accessible star rating system IE An explanation of the logic lt fieldset gt is a semantically correct way of grouping controls As the radio buttons all relate to the same item your star rating this lets screen reader users know what they are answering We use lt input type radio gt as that is the most logical HTML form element You should use radio buttons whenever there are multiple choices but only one can be selected at a time To ensure the inputs have a label that is correctly associated I use for on the label to point to the relevant input with that ID This is important as screen reader users need a correctly associated label so they know what an input is for Otherwise they just hear input which is not very useful Just for reference you can do the same correctly associate a label with an input using lt label gt lt input type radio gt lt label gt But apparently Dragon Naturally Speaking struggles with implicit labels so I went for maximum compatibility What is with the lt span gt s inside the label though The lt span gt is for screen reader users I hide the text visually using a class called visually hidden text This text is invisible on the screen but is still readable by screen reader users This way when they focus the star rating system and select an option they will hear Your rating Your rating etc or similar Without this they would have the same issue of just hearing input as although I provided a label there would be no text within it You will notice I apply the same styles to the lt input gt as well to make it invisible visually but still accessible for screen readers This is the biggest problem most star rating systems have they hide the lt input gt with display none This means you cannot focus it anymore with Tab and so it is completely unusable for people who only use a keyboard Colour is important tooSuper quick one here colour contrast is important A lot of star rating systems use yellow stars with no border This provides terrible contrast with the background and can be an issue for people with low contrast perception As such I have a dark grey border around my stars so they stand out even for people with contrast perception impairments or people trying to use the site in direct sunlight I am sure you know how annoying that can be on low contrast sites I also went an extra step of making the border on the stars different sizes depending on their current state This allows for a visual difference that doesn t rely on colour at all If you create your own SVGs I would encourage you to do something similar to provide visual distinction that doesn t rely on colour alone Simple to adapt to your own needsIf you want to use a different icon that is super simple You need three versions of your star as SVGs a filled version an unfilled version and a hovered version Ideally they should be square to avoid having to alter the CSS Then just copy the SVG text into this converter press convert and then copy the result Paste the resulting CSS after background image into the variables unchecked image for no star checked image for star selected and hovered image for hover state You can also have a ten star system if you want in this example I have changed the max stars CSS variable to You can have between and stars by simply adding the right number of radio buttons and then changing the max stars CSS variable to match And as a final note I have designed the CSS so it will not leak into your document unless you happen to use the same CSS variable names so you should be able to just copy paste and go without any Cascade issues Summing upI think the above is about as simple as you can get for a rating system that is accessible and has very high browser coverage Now as I am preaching about accessibility if anyone does notice a mistake please do call me an idiot and point it out Hopefully I haven t made a mistake somewhere With that being said I am quite confident the above is truly accessible and I would be confident in saying that you can use it in your own projects Share this and spread the word please If enough people read this article that is one component on the web that hopefully will be accessible to everybody To make it easy you can just click the share button below |
2021-07-02 11:49:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating adaptive layouts with Flutter |
Creating adaptive layouts with FlutterIn this tutorial you ll learn how to easily make a UI layout for your flutter app that adapts to different screen sizes with the adaptive layout package The next few sections show how to build a simple UI that displays a list of movie posters and titles and allows the user to see more details of the movie when they tap an item in the list Small screen UIOn small phone sized screens when the user taps an item they will navigate to a different screen with the details Large screen UIOn large screens when the user taps a list item the details are displayed on the right side of the list and there is no navigation Live demoEven better than an image see a live demo of what we ll be building Let s go We ll take care of the behavior expected for small screens first then adapt our implementation for larger screens These are the steps Create a new app Provide the data set Create the model Create the movie list page Create the movie detail page Navigate to the detail screen when an item is tapped Convert movie list page into home page Make the home page adaptive with the adaptive layout package Display the detail view when an item is tapped on large screensBONUS Make it look a little better on large screensBONUS Tests Create a new appGo ahead and create a new flutter app flutter create adaptive layout example Provide the data setWe ll be using a hard coded data set so we can focus our efforts on the UI layout Under the lib folder create a folder called data with a file named data dart Copy the contents of this file into your file See the changes Create the modelCreate a Movie class with a static function that parses the data into a list of Movies and returns the list Under the lib folder create a folder called model with a file movie dart Paste the following content into the file import data data dart class Movie final int id final String title final String overview final String posterPath Movie required this id required this title required this overview required this posterPath static List lt Movie gt getList gt data map element gt Movie id element id title element title overview element overview posterPath element poster path toList const String LARGE POSTER BASE URL const String SMALL POSTER BASE URL See the changes Create the movie list pageNow let s create a page that will display the list of movies Create a new folder under lib called pages Within the pages folder create a file named movie list page dart In movie list page dart create two StatelessWidgets one called MovieListPage and another called MovieListView with this content class MovieListPage extends StatelessWidget const MovieListPage Key key super key key override Widget build BuildContext context final movies Movie getList return Scaffold appBar AppBar title Text Movies body MovieListView movies movies onTapItem Movie movie TODO Navigate to detail screen class MovieListView extends StatelessWidget final List lt Movie gt movies final Function Movie onTapItem const MovieListView Key key required this movies required this onTapItem super key key override Widget build BuildContext context return ListView builder itemCount movies length itemBuilder context index final movie movies index return ListTile key Key list item index leading Image network SMALL POSTER BASE URL movie posterPath title Text movie title contentPadding EdgeInsets all onTap onTapItem call movie Observe that MovieListPage is a container widget for the presentational MovieListView widget Now remove the framework generated MyHomePage and MyHomePageState classes from lib main dart and use MovieListPage as the home widget for the MaterialApp The lib main dart file should now look like this void main runApp MyApp class MyApp extends StatelessWidget override Widget build BuildContext context return MaterialApp title Adaptive Layout Tutorial theme ThemeData primarySwatch Colors blue Use MovieListPage as the home widget home MovieListPage The list page should now be displayed when the app starts See the changes Create the movie detail pageNow let s create a page that will display more details of a given movie Within the pages folder create a file named movie detail page dart Similarly in movie detail page dart create two StatelessWidgets a container widget called MovieDetailPage and a presentational MovieDetailView widget with this content class MovieDetailPage extends StatelessWidget final Movie movie const MovieDetailPage this movie Key key super key key override Widget build BuildContext context return Scaffold appBar AppBar body MovieDetailView movie class MovieDetailView extends StatelessWidget final Movie movie const MovieDetailView this movie Key key super key key override Widget build BuildContext context return SingleChildScrollView padding EdgeInsets all child Column crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment center children ClipRRect borderRadius BorderRadius circular child Image network LARGE POSTER BASE URL movie posterPath SizedBox height Text movie title style Theme of context textTheme headline textAlign TextAlign center SizedBox height Text movie overview style Theme of context textTheme subtitle textAlign TextAlign center For simplicity we are just displaying the poster image title and overview of the movie in the detail view See the changes Navigate to the detail screen when an item is tappedUpdate the onTapItem callback of the MovieListView in the MovieListPage widget so we can navigate to the detail screen and back Within the MovieListPage widgetonTapItem Movie movie Navigator push context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt MovieDetailPage movie With that our small screen UI is done You should now be able to navigate to the detail screen and back See the changes Convert movie list page into home pageAs a first step to making our layout adaptive to different screen sizes Convert MovieListPage to a StatefulWidget In VS Code place the cursor on StatelessWidget press CTRL CMD and select Convert to StatefulWidget For semantic s sake rename it to HomePage and the file to home page dart On small screens the HomePage widget will contain only the MovieListView On large screens the HomePage widget will contain the MovieListView and the MovieDetailView side by side You ll understand why we converted the widget to a StatefulWidget in just a bit See the changes Make the home page adaptive with the adaptive layout packageTo help us implement us display different layouts on different screen sizes we ll use the adaptive layout package Install it with flutter pub add adaptive layoutThis will add a line like this to your package s pubspec yaml and run an implicit dart pub get dependencies adaptive layout Now in home page dart import the package import package adaptive layout adaptive layout dart Update the body of the Scaffold of HomePage to be an AdaptiveLayout with a smallLayout and a largeLayout like so class HomePage extends StatefulWidget const HomePage Key key super key key override HomePageState createState gt HomePageState class HomePageState extends State lt HomePage gt override Widget build BuildContext context final movies Movie getList return Scaffold appBar AppBar title Text Movies Now using an AdaptiveLayout as the body body AdaptiveLayout Provide MovieListView as the smallLayout smallLayout MovieListView movies movies onTapItem Movie movie Navigator push context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt MovieDetailPage movie Provide a Row as the largeLayout largeLayout Row children Expanded child MovieListView movies movies onTapItem Movie movie TODO Update detail view to the right Expanded child Container child Center child Text Select a movie from the list on the left to see the details here The smallLayout is just our MovieListView and the largeLayout is a column Row with the MovieListView in the first Expanded column At this point on small screens the app should have the same behavior as before of navigating to the detail page when a list item is tapped On large screens we should now see the list on the left hand side of the screen and the message Select a movie from the list on the left to see the details here in the center of the right hand side of the screen However nothing happens when we tap a list item on large screens Let s tackle that next Display the detail view when an item is tapped on large screensWith a few new lines of code in the home page dart file we can display the detail view on the right hand side when an item is tapped on large screens Create a private property of the HomePageState of type Movie named selectedMovie class HomePageState extends State lt HomePage gt Movie selectedMovie Update the onTapItem callback of the MovieListView in the largeLayout of the AdaptiveLayout widget to update the selectedMovie property with setState This is why we converted the widget to a StatefulWidget a few steps ago Within the largeLayout onTapItem Movie movie setState selectedMovie movie Update the second Expandable of the Row to display the message if selectedMovie is null and the MovieDetailView otherwise Expanded child Container child selectedMovie null Center child Text Select a movie from the list on the left to see the details here MovieDetailView selectedMovie And we re done On small phone sized screens when the user taps an item they will navigate to a different screen with the details and on larger screens the details are displayed on the right side of the list and there is no navigation See the changes BONUS Make it look a little better on large screensTo make our app look a little better let s leave the selected list item highlighted and put a divider line between the list view and the detail view with a few new lines of code in the home page dart file Add a new attribute selectedId attribute to MovieListView so it knows which item a selected class MovieListView extends StatelessWidget final List lt Movie gt movies final Function Movie onTapItem final int selectedId const MovieListView Key key required this movies required this onTapItem this selectedId super key key Update the itemBuilder of the ListView builder to wrap the ListTile in a Container and give the Container color if the ListTile s movie is the selected one itemBuilder context index final movie movies index final color movie id selectedId Theme of context primaryColor withOpacity Colors transparent return Container color color child ListTile key Key list item index leading Image network SMALL POSTER BASE URL movie posterPath title Text movie title contentPadding EdgeInsets all onTap onTapItem call movie Update the first Expandable of the Row in the largeLayout of the AdaptiveLayout to provide the selected movie s id to the MovieListView Expanded child MovieListView movies movies onTapItem Movie movie setState selectedMovie movie selectedId selectedMovie id Lastly let s add a border to the left hand side of the detail view s Container with some BoxDecoration Expanded child Container decoration BoxDecoration border Border left BorderSide color Colors grey width child selectedMovie null Center child Text Select a movie from the list on the left to see the details here MovieDetailView selectedMovie Of course the sky s the limit with the design but I think our app is minimally presentable now See the changes BONUS TestsI chose not to TDD this so we could focus on the layout but you can find the tests here in the source code Note in the tests that I use WidgetTester to specify a small screen size in a setUp function like this setUp binding window physicalSizeTestValue Size AdaptiveLayout getBreakpoints mediumScreenMinWidth binding window devicePixelRatioTestValue and to specify a large screen size like this setUp binding window physicalSizeTestValue Size AdaptiveLayout getBreakpoints largeScreenMinWidth binding window devicePixelRatioTestValue Head over the the Github repo to see the complete source code with a separate commit for each step Congrats on making it to the end and thanks for following along ️ |
2021-07-02 11:39:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[Cybersecurity] Most common web security vulnerabilities! |
Cybersecurity Most common web security vulnerabilities OWASP or Open Web Security Project is a non profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software and web applications The organization publishes a list of top web security vulnerabilities based on the data from various security organizations The web security vulnerabilities are prioritized depending on exploitability detectability and impact on software Exploitability What is needed to exploit the security vulnerability Highest exploitability when the attack needs only web browser and lowest being advanced programming and tools Detectability How easy is it to detect the threat Highest being the information displayed on URL Form or Error message and lowest being source code Impact or Damage How much damage will be done if the security vulnerability is exposed or attacked Highest being complete system crash and lowest being nothing at all The main aim of OWASP Top is to educate the developers designers managers architects and organizations about the most important security vulnerabilities The Top security vulnerabilities as per OWASP Top are SQL InjectionCross Site ScriptingBroken Authentication and Session ManagementInsecure Direct Object ReferencesCross Site Request ForgerySecurity MisconfigurationInsecure Cryptographic StorageFailure to restrict URL AccessInsufficient Transport Layer ProtectionUnvalidated Redirects and Forwards SQL Injection DescriptionInjection is a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to alter backend SQL statements by manipulating the user supplied data Injection occurs when the user input is sent to an interpreter as part of command or query and trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands and gives access to unauthorized data The SQL command which when executed by web application can also expose the back end database ImplicationAn attacker can inject malicious content into the vulnerable fields Sensitive data like User Names Passwords etc can be read from the database Database data can be modified Insert Update Delete Administration Operations can be executed on the database Vulnerable ObjectsInput FieldsURLs interacting with the database Examples SQL injection on the Login PageLogging into an application without having valid credentials Valid userName is available and password is not available User Name sjonesPassword or passSQL query created and sent to Interpreter as belowSELECT FROM Users WHERE User Name sjones AND Password or pass RecommendationsWhite listing the input fieldsAvoid displaying detailed error messages that are useful to an attacker Cross Site Scripting DescriptionCross Site Scripting is also shortly known as XSS XSS vulnerabilities target scripts embedded in a page that are executed on the client side i e user browser rather then at the server side These flaws can occur when the application takes untrusted data and send it to the web browser without proper validation Attackers can use XSS to execute malicious scripts on the users in this case victim browsers Since the browser cannot know if the script is trusty or not the script will be executed and the attacker can hijack session cookies deface websites or redirect the user to an unwanted and malicious websites XSS is an attack which allows the attacker to execute the scripts on the victim s browser Implication Making the use of this security vulnerability an attacker can inject scripts into the application can steal session cookies deface websites and can run malware on the victim s machines Vulnerable ObjectsInput FieldsURLs Examples lt script gt alert xss lt script gt The above script when run on a browser a message box will be displayed if the site is vulnerable to XSS The more serious attack can be done if the attacker wants to display or store session cookie lt iframe gt lt src http google com width height gt lt iframe gt The above script when run the browser will load an invisible frame pointing to The attack can be made serious by running a malicious script on the browser RecommendationsWhite Listing input fieldsInput Output encoding Broken Authentication and Session Management DescriptionThe websites usually create a session cookie and session ID for each valid session and these cookies contain sensitive data like username password etc When the session is ended either by logout or browser closed abruptly these cookies should be invalidated i e for each session there should be a new cookie If the cookies are not invalidated the sensitive data will exist in the system For example a user using a public computer Cyber Cafe the cookies of the vulnerable site sits on the system and exposed to an attacker An attacker uses the same public computer after some time the sensitive data is compromised In the same manner a user using a public computer instead of logging off he closes the browser abruptly An attacker uses the same system when browses the same vulnerable site the previous session of the victim will be opened The attacker can do whatever he wants to do from stealing profile information credit card information etc A check should be done to find the strength of the authentication and session management Keys session tokens cookies should be implemented properly without compromising passwords Vulnerable ObjectsSession IDs exposed on URL can lead to session fixation attack Session IDs same before and after logout and login Session Timeouts are not implemented correctly Application is assigning same session ID for each new session Authenticated parts of the application are protected using SSL and passwords are stored in hashed or encrypted format The session can be reused by a low privileged user ImplicationMaking use of this vulnerability an attacker can hijack a session gain unauthorized access to the system which allows disclosure and modification of unauthorized information The sessions can be high jacked using stolen cookies or sessions using XSS ExamplesAirline reservation application supports URL rewriting putting session IDs in the URL jsessionid POCoJMDPXSNQPLMESERTBG dest Maldives Sale of tickets to Maldives An authenticated user of the site wants to let his friends know about the sale and sends an email across The friends receive the session ID and can be used to do unauthorized modifications or misuse the saved credit card details An application is vulnerable to XSS by which an attacker can access the session ID and can be used to hijack the session Applications timeouts are not set properly The user uses a public computer and closes the browser instead of logging off and walks away The attacker uses the same browser some time later and the session is authenticated RecommendationsAll the authentication and session management requirements should be defined as per OWASP Application Security Verification Standard Never expose any credentials in URLs or Logs Strong efforts should be also made to avoid XSS flaws which can be used to steal session IDs Insecure Direct Object References DescriptionIt occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object such as a file directory or database key as in URL or as a FORM parameter The attacker can use this information to access other objects and can create a future attack to access the unauthorized data ImplicationUsing this vulnerability an attacker can gain access to unauthorized internal objects can modify data or compromise the application Vulnerable ObjectsIn the URL Examples Changing userid in the following URL can make an attacker to view other user s information modified toAn attacker can view others information by changing user id value Recommendations Implement access control checks Avoid exposing object references in URLs Verify authorization to all reference objects Cross Site Request Forgery DescriptionCross Site Request Forgery is a forged request came from the cross site CSRF attack is an attack that occurs when a malicious website email or program causes a user s browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated A CSRF attack forces a logged on victim s browser to send a forged HTTP request including the victim s session cookie and any other automatically included authentication information to a vulnerable web application A link will be sent by the attacker to the victim when the user clicks on the URL when logged into the original website the data will be stolen from the website ImplicationUsing this vulnerability as an attacker can change user profile information change status create a new user on admin behalf etc Vulnerable ObjectsUser Profile pageUser account formsBusiness transaction page ExamplesThe victim is logged into a bank website using valid credentials He receives mail from an attacker saying Please click here to donate to cause When the victim clicks on it a valid request will be created to donate to a particular account amount The attacker captures this request and creates below request and embeds in a button saying I Support Cause amount Since the session is authenticated and the request is coming through the bank website the server would transfer dollars to the attacker RecommendationMandate user s presence while performing sensitive actions Implement mechanisms like CAPTCHA Re Authentication and Unique Request Tokens Security Misconfiguration DescriptionSecurity Configuration must be defined and deployed for the application frameworks application server web server database server and platform If these are properly configured an attacker can have unauthorized access to sensitive data or functionality Sometimes such flaws result in complete system compromise Keeping the software up to date is also good security ImplicationMaking use of this vulnerability the attacker can enumerate the underlying technology and application server version information database information and gain information about the application to mount few more attacks Vulnerable objectsURLForm FieldsInput fields ExamplesThe application server admin console is automatically installed and not removed Default accounts are not changed The attacker can log in with default passwords and can gain unauthorized access Directory Listing is not disabled on your server Attacker discovers and can simply list directories to find any file Insecure Cryptographic Storage DescriptionInsecure Cryptographic storage is a common vulnerability which exists when the sensitive data is not stored securely The user credentials profile information health details credit card information etc come under sensitive data information on a website This data will be stored on the application database When this data are stored improperly by not using encryption or hashing it will be vulnerable to the attackers Hashing is transformation of the string characters into shorter strings of fixed length or a key To decrypt the string the algorithm used to form the key should be available ImplicationBy using this vulnerability an attacker can steal modify such weakly protected data to conduct identity theft credit card fraud or other crimes Vulnerable objectsApplication database ExamplesIn one of the banking application password database uses unsalted hashes to store everyone s passwords An SQL injection flaw allows the attacker to retrieve the password file All the unsalted hashes can be brute forced in no time whereas the salted passwords would take thousands of years Unsalted Hashes Salt is a random data appended to the original data Salt is appended to the password before hashing RecommendationsEnsure appropriate strong standard algorithms Do not create own cryptographic algorithms Use only approved public algorithms such as AES RSA public key cryptography and SHA etc Ensure offsite backups are encrypted but the keys are managed and backed up separately Failure to restrict URL Access DescriptionWeb applications check URL access rights before rendering protected links and buttons Applications need to perform similar access control checks each time these pages are accessed In most of the applications the privileged pages locations and resources are not presented to the privileged users By an intelligent guess an attacker can access privilege pages An attacker can access sensitive pages invoke functions and view confidential information ImplicationMaking use of this vulnerability attacker can gain access to the unauthorized URLs without logging into the application and exploit the vulnerability An attacker can access sensitive pages invoke functions and view confidential information Vulnerable objects URLs ExamplesAttacker notices the URL indicates the role as user getaccounts He modifies as admin getaccounts An attacker can append role to the URL can be modified as RecommendationsImplement strong access control checks Authentication and authorization policies should be role based Restrict access to unwanted URLs Insufficient Transport Layer Protection DescriptionDeals with information exchange between the user client and the server application Applications frequently transmit sensitive information like authentication details credit card information and session tokens over a network By using weak algorithms or using expired or invalid certificates or not using SSL can allow the communication to be exposed to untrusted users which may compromise a web application and or steal sensitive information ImplicationMaking use of this web security vulnerability an attacker can sniff legitimate user s credentials and gaining access to the application Can steal credit card information Vulnerable objectsData sent over the network RecommendationsEnable secure HTTP and enforce credential transfer over HTTPS only Ensure your certificate is valid and not expired Examples An application not using SSL an attacker will simply monitor network traffic and observes an authenticated victim session cookie An attacker can steal that cookie and perform Man in the Middle attack Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards DescriptionThe web application uses few methods to redirect and forward users to other pages for an intended purpose If there is no proper validation while redirecting to other pages attackers can make use of this and can redirect victims to phishing or malware sites or use forwards to access unauthorized pages ImplicationAn attacker can send a URL to the user that contains a genuine URL appended with encoded malicious URL A user by just seeing the genuine part of the attacker sent URL can browse it and may become a victim Examples Modified to RecommendationsSimply avoid using redirects and forwards in the application If used do not involve using user parameters in calculating the destination If the destination parameters can t be avoided ensure that the supplied value is valid and authorized for the user Question What other common web vulnerabilities do you know How do we use them Write a comment below Credits Yuma Tsushima Yuma Tsushima Readme file Welcome to Yuma Tsushima s Github page Visitor count About Myself Hello my name is Yuma Tsushima frequently shortened to Yuma I am an ambitious coder and I enjoy coding in JavaScript mainly I also love making websites using HTML CSS and of course JS I started programming self taught at the age of Originally I came from the creative field I draw sing animate make music Talents and HobbiesI love drawing I have been drawing all of my life I play strategy games I code and I do CTFs I am also good at animation making AMVs and image editing My favourite game is Mindustry followed by Flow Free and Sudoku I love watching anime I love Code Geass I relate to Lelouch a lot and I aspire to create my own anime Check out my work ❯Soundcloud cavhck ❯Discord CyberArtByte ❯Artwork AcceleratorArts Recent Medium… View on GitHub Follow me Github Medium SoundCloud Discord Servers Bounty Hunters An amazing bug hunting community full of developers and exploiters Link CyberArtByte My server full of bling and joy Link New Soundcloud Track |
2021-07-02 11:34:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Set Up ESLint & Prettier In VS Code |
How To Set Up ESLint amp Prettier In VS Code INTRODUCTIONESLint and prettier are the most popular tools which are used almost everywhere so today we will be talking about what eslint and prettier are and we will see how easy it is to set it up in vs code without getting any errors What is ESLintESLint is a tool used for identifying bugs and errors in your typescript javascript code to make code more consistent and easy to read It is also known as linters ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems Many problems ESLint finds can be automatically fixed And the best part is you can customize ESLint to work exactly the way you need it for your project What is PrettierPrettier is a tool that helps you to format your code It supports many languages It saves you time and energy since you don t have to format code on your own Difference between Prettier amp ESLintMany people think eslint amp prettier work same but there is a huge difference Prettier is a code formatter In the below case you can see that the code before prettier is pretty messy and very hard to read as compared to after prettier Before Prettier lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt link rel icon type image svg xml href favicon svg gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Vite App lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id app gt lt div gt lt script type module src main js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt After Prettier lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt link rel icon type image svg xml href favicon svg gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Vite App lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id app gt lt div gt lt script type module src main js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt And eslint is a linter As in the case below you can see eslint is giving us an error that hello is declared but its value is never read import style css const hello WASSUP GUYS hello is declared but its value is never readAs you can see it will make our project free of unused variables or functions which we create but don t use it and forget to remove them Setup ESLint amp Prettier with ViteWe are going to use to vite to create our project if you don t know what vite is then read my previous blog To create a vite project open your terminal and navigate to your specific directory and paste the following command npm init vitejs appGive the name of your project and choose vanilla js as it is a tutorial project And then change your directory to that folder and install all the modules cd your project name npm installnpm run devNow copy the below code and paste it into your terminal Make sure you are in your project folder npm install D eslint prettier eslint config prettierAfter downloading it you can see in the package json file all your dependencies Install eslint and prettier extensions from vs code version scripts dev vite build vite build serve vite preview devDependencies eslint eslint config prettier prettier vite After that run npx eslint init on the terminal And follow the following steps How would you like to use ESLint ·To check syntax and find problems √What type of modules does your project use ·JavaScript modules import export √Which framework does your project use ·none√Does your project use TypeScript ·No√Where does your code run ·browser√What format do you want your config file to be in ·JavaScriptThen you will notice that a eslintrc js file has been created in your project directory Open it and add prettier in the extends property eslint disable next line no undefmodule exports env browser true es true extends eslint recommended prettier parserOptions ecmaVersion sourceType module rules After that create a prettierrc file in your project directory and for testing we will add these two rules semi false singleQuote true There are lots of rules that you can add in your prettier file as well as in eslint check out the documentation for it After that when you try to add a double quote in your javascript file it will automatically change to a single quote import style css const hello WASSUP GUYS CONCLUSIONSo we talked about how to set up eslint and prettier in vs code without getting any errors If you have any problem please write in the comment section If you think I missed something then feel free to comment If I made a mistake comment and I will fix it as soon as possible |
2021-07-02 11:15:53 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Robinhood files for IPO despite ongoing lawsuits and fines |
Robinhood files for IPO despite ongoing lawsuits and finesThe popular stock trading app Robinhood filed for an IPO on Thursday while still under fire for halting trade of meme stocks in January Robinhood files for IPORobinhood became popular due to its ease of use and gamified stock trading features The company has agreed to pay million in fines and restitution after the meme stock trading shutdown in January Read more |
2021-07-02 11:49:27 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
2022 iPad Pro expected to get TSMC 3nm chips, 'iPhone 14' will adopt 4nm |
iPad Pro expected to get TSMC nm chips x iPhone x will adopt nmTSMC s new nm chip manufacture process may end up in Apple products as soon as a iPad Pro refresh but will not be included in the iPhone in the same year supply chain sources suggest A report on Friday morning is reiterating not just that the nm process is coming but the nm will be adopted in Apple s iPhone line up Both Apple and Intel are testing designs with TSMC s nm chip manufacturing process Commercial output of the nm is expected to begin in the second half of Read more |
2021-07-02 11:06:50 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple, Amazon hit with antitrust investigation in Spain over hardware sales deal |
Apple Amazon hit with antitrust investigation in Spain over hardware sales dealApple and Amazon are being investigated in tandem in Spain for arrangements the pair have allegedly made to squeeze out third party sellers of iPhones iPads and Macs in the country Spain s Comision Nacional De Los Mercados Y La Competencia CNMC announced on Friday morning that it was investigating if Apple and Amazon have unfairly colluded to reduce competition in the Internet retail market for electronic products Specifically the group is looking for proof of any deals that the pair have made limiting sale of Apple products to Amazon itself Spain s CNMC goes beyond just sales of hardware The inquiry also is investigating if the effort is strengthening Amazon s position in marketing services to third party resellers Read more |
2021-07-02 11:09:35 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Parallels working to bring Windows 11 to Mac |
Parallels working to bring Windows to MacVirtualization specialist Parallels on Thursday confirmed plans to bring the recently released Windows to Mac though it is unclear when compatibility with the new Microsoft operating system will land Parallels failed to provide an estimated launch timeframe in a statement to iMore saying only that it will surely do everything that s possible to make it happen Since Windows has just been announced recently the Parallels Engineering team is waiting for the official Windows Insider Preview build to start studying changes introduced in the new OS to deliver full compatibility in future Parallels Desktop updates said Nick Dobrovolskiy Parallels SVP of engineering and support Read more |
2021-07-02 11:10:21 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon will stream the final Evangelion 'Rebuild' movie globally on August 13th |
Amazon will stream the final Evangelion x Rebuild x movie globally on August thAmazon has opened a new front in its streaming battle with Netflix The company is bringing the anime hit Evangelion Thrice Upon A Time to Prime Video globally barring Japan on August th according to Deadline Together with a revised version released last month the fourth and final chapter in the movie saga has raked in more than million at Japanese theaters making it the biggest earner of the year For those who missed the previous entries the good news is they re also coming to Prime Video including Evangelion You Are Not Alone Evangelion You Can Not Advance and Evangelion You Can Not Redo Blending mech action with intimate teenage drama the Evangelion franchise became a pop culture behemoth in Japan and a revered cult classic overseas Netflix ran the original series back in along with two films ーEvangelion Death True² and The End of Evangelion ーas part of its push into Japanese animation Though it probably helped to expand the show s reach some legacy fans were upset that Netflix chose to go with a new voice cast for its English dub instead of the original players More recently the streamer announced that it s launching around anime shows and movies in a bid to capture subscribers in Asia Amazon on the other hand has dabbled in anime in the past most notably through its Blade of the Immortal nbsp adaptation in Evangelion is a big get for the company and success could prompt it to wade further into the genre |
2021-07-02 11:55:25 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Is Instagram no longer a photo-sharing app? |
The Morning After Is Instagram no longer a photo sharing app Vinyl has been on a resurgence and it seems like the pandemic has accelerated that When Amazon launches a record of the month club to capitalize on it you know it s reached a tipping point All this means many of us are looking to upgrade from a cheap turntable and build our first HiFi system While there are many parts to that perhaps most important are the speakers If your speakers don t sound good what s the point Terrence O Brien EngadgetIn a bid to help we ve assessed some of the best passive speakers under These will need an amplifier yes but offer greater flexibility to your HiFi setup And if you ve been living with built in speakers or all in one setups we explain exactly what you might need I promise you ーit s a beginner friendly guide for recent vinyl addicts ーMat SmithInstagram boss says the app is no longer a photo sharing app Instead it s a platform where people go to be entertained Instagram doesn t see itself as a platform where people go to share photos anymore That s the main takeaway from a series of comments made by the head of the company Adam Mosseri quot Let s be honest there s some really serious competition right now quot Mosseri said quot TikTok is huge YouTube is even bigger and there are a lot of other upstarts as well quot To stay competitive Mosseri said Instagram has to embrace that aspect of itself and that will mean changes One way the app will change is with Instagram handing out more recommendations He also said Instagram plans to embrace video more broadly focusing on full screen and immersive content Continue reading Android adds support for virtual COVID vaccine cardsIts API update will make it easier for organizations to create digital vaccine cards GoogleGoogle has updated its Pay app s Passes API to simplify storing and displaying a digital card on Android to show a users COVID test and vaccination details The tech giant has given access to the API to healthcare organizations government agencies and organizations authorized to distribute COVID vaccines That means their developers can easily create digital COVID vaccine and test cards that users can store on their device Continue reading Porsche may soon recall the Taycan EV over a sudden power loss issueThe issue prompted an investigation by the US regulators EngadgetPorsche is planning a worldwide recall of its Taycan EV over a software issue that can cause sudden power loss The action follows an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA which started in May following reports of cars switching to emergency mode There have been no reports of accidents or injuries according to sources familiar with the situation but the NHTSA has also reached out to Volkswagen Porshe s parent company regarding the Audi e tron GT and RS e tron GT both of which use a similar powertrain to the Taycan Continue reading macOS Monterey previewAll about FaceTime and SafariDevindra Hardawar EngadgetWith all of the changes that came to macOS Big Sur last year we didn t expect Apple to deliver much with this year s update It seems like iOS and iPadOS got the bulk of the upgrades this time around But with major changes to Safari FaceTime and new SharePlay features the update is worth your attention Devindra Hardwar gives it a test drive Continue reading Sony buys a studio known for porting games to PCNixxes is Sony s second studio purchase in a week Sony has just bought another studio and no it s not Bluepoint Games On Thursday the company announced the acquisition of Nixxes Software a Dutch developer best known for supporting Crystal Dynamics IO Interactive and Eidos Montreal in porting some of their games over to PC The deal suggests Sony may step up its efforts to bring more of its exclusives to Windows The company released Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone to Steam and the Epic Games Store and Sony president Jim Ryan has said that more of the company s first party games would make their way to the PC Continue reading But wait there s more Ghost of Tsushima Director s Cut comes to PS and PS on August thAviation pioneer Wally Funk will join Blue Origin s first crewed space flightVirgin Galactic plans to send Richard Branson to space on July thFacebook Google TikTok and Twitter pledge to improve women s safety onlineT Mobile AT amp T and Verizon have taken steps to reduce spoofed scam callsSamsung Galaxy Watch Classic leak suggests a more familiar designPrime Gaming members can claim a trio of Lucasfilm Games classics this summerThe first three Final Fantasy pixel remasters arrive on July thEngadget Deals The Product Red Apple Watch Series with LTE is off at Amazon Ratchet amp Clank Rift Apart gets a performance boost on Hz displays |
2021-07-02 11:20:09 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony's $1,300 Xperia 1 III is now available to pre-order in the US |
Sony x s Xperia III is now available to pre order in the USWe had a feeling Sony s tricked out Xperia III smartphone would be expensive Turns out we were right Sony has revealed that the new handset pcitured above which packs a pro grade camera is available to pre order for a cool ahead of its August th release date That means the new flagship is more expensive than its predecessor the Sony Xperia ii and fellow high enders like the Samsung Galaxy S Ultra the Apple iPhone Pro Max and the OnePlus Pro nbsp As you d expect at that price the Xperia III has some killer specs that should appeal to photography buffs The megapixel mm equivalent Exmor RS sensor is accompanied by a megapixel ultra wide camera and a time of flight sensor that gathers depth data Sony says the flagship is the first phone in the world with “true optical zoom which is achieved by actually moving the telephoto lens elements inside the phone While the burst mode captures photos as fast as times per second nbsp Sony also claims that the phone s inch OLED display is the world s first mobile K screen with a Hz refresh rate Inside there s Qualcomm s powerful Snapdragon chipset combined with GB of RAM and GB of internal storage along with a mAh battery that supports wireless charging Sony Xperia IIIIf you find paying upwards of is too steep Sony is also releasing the cheaper Xperia III pictured above a month later in September for £ in the UK ーwe ve reached out for US pricing Here you ll get a inch Full HD OLED screen slightly less RAM at GB and either GB or GB of internal storage Sony also cut back on some of the camera software tricks available on its big brother like real time object tracking and the time of flight sensor Plus you don t get support for wireless charging Otherwise it packs the same chipset pro grade camera setup D Reality audio support and battery making it more of a crowdpleaser compared to its pricey sibling To sweeten the deal both phones will ship with Sony wireless headphones the Xperia III comes with the WF XM earbuds and the Xperia III with the WH HN over ear headphones Purchasing the flagship also gets you Call of Duty Mobile CP Points worth |
2021-07-02 11:05:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prosecutors drop Troubles cases against ex-soldiers |
bloody |
2021-07-02 11:45:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Batley and Spen: Labour is back after by-election win, says Starmer |
batley |
2021-07-02 11:48:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Britons reassured over India-made Covishield jabs and EU travel |
britons |
2021-07-02 11:35:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Bagram: Last US and Nato forces leave key Afghanistan base |
qaeda |
2021-07-02 11:49:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
AstraZeneca: Could you have had a jab from the Covishield batch? |
astrazeneca |
2021-07-02 11:17:04 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
来週(7/5~9)の日経平均株価の予想レンジは、 2万8400~2万9100円! 値動きが少ない展開では 「決算後の押し目買い」や「直近IPOの値幅取り」を狙え - 来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジを発表! |
2021-07-02 20:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
不二家が「ミルキー」を味わう新業態を積極出店する理由 - ニュース3面鏡 |
感染拡大 |
2021-07-02 20:30:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
つらい肩こりや頭痛を解消。「菱形筋」をほぐしてみて |
twitter |
2021-07-02 21:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内1人感染 町村部で21日ぶり |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-02 20:13:35 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
トラック、減速せず電柱に衝突 飲酒影響か、千葉児童5人死傷 |
千葉県八街市 |
2021-07-02 20:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
半年在留と就労が可能に 帰国拒否のミャンマー代表選手 |
代表選手 |
2021-07-02 20:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
五輪開会式、30分延長 選手距離保ち入場行進のため |
東京五輪 |
2021-07-02 20:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大都市優先のワクチン供給を要望 大阪知事、首相らと面談 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-02 20:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日本生命など2回戦進出 社会人野球日本選手権 |
日本生命 |
2021-07-02 20:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ゆうちょ銀、ATMに手数料 来年1月、一部値上げも |
現金自動預払機 |
2021-07-02 20:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
管理局、医師に「大丈夫」と説明 スリランカ人女性死亡の2日前 |
体調不良 |
2021-07-02 20:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
元米兵に懲役2年10月求刑 ゴーン元会長逃亡支援事件 |
日産自動車 |
2021-07-02 20:04:00 |