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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT @IT Smart & Socialフォーラム 最新記事一覧 Microsoft、機械学習の初学心者向けにカリキュラムを無償公開 https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/2107/06/news095.html github 2021-07-06 17:30:00
IT 気になる、記になる… Anker、「iPhone 12」シリーズ対応のマグネット式のワイヤレス充電器「Anker PowerWave Magnetic Pad Lite」を発売 https://taisy0.com/2021/07/06/142736.html anker 2021-07-06 08:10:23
TECH Engadget Japanese 完売続きのレコーダー新 nasne が受注再開。Amazonバッファロー公式限定 https://japanese.engadget.com/nasne-amazon-restock-084033497.html 売り切れ 2021-07-06 08:40:33
TECH Engadget Japanese あつまれ どうぶつの森と横浜八景島シーパラダイスが水族館コラボ https://japanese.engadget.com/animal-crossing-aquarium-sea-paradise-083023473.html nintendo 2021-07-06 08:30:23
TECH Engadget Japanese サンワサプライ、タッチ対応16.1型モバイルモニター。Type-CとHDMIに両対応 https://japanese.engadget.com/sanwa-400-lcd-003-080040292.html typec 2021-07-06 08:00:40
IT @IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 Microsoft、機械学習の初学心者向けにカリキュラムを無償公開 https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/2107/06/news095.html github 2021-07-06 17:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] “つまむアンテナ”や海外向けローカル5Gも ドコモがMWC Barcelonaの出展内容を披露 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2107/06/news118.html itmediamobile 2021-07-06 17:09:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 自己拡張によるウェルビーイング実現を目指す「Aug Lab」、第2期の成果発表 https://techable.jp/archives/157700 auglab 2021-07-06 08:30:40
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 中小企業向けクラウドERP「GRANDIT miraimil」、3カ月の短期導入をうたう | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/21728 中小企業向けクラウドERP「GRANDITmiraimil」、カ月の短期導入をうたうITLeadersSIベンダー各社のコンソーシアム方式で国産ERP「GRANDIT」を展開するGRANDITは年月日、中小企業向けのクラウドERP「GRANDITmiraimilグランディットミライミル」を発表した。 2021-07-06 17:39:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita multipart/form-dataで個々のデータに対してContent-Typeを指定する。 https://qiita.com/green_apple_tea_1048/items/0067b650316b4667faaf やりたいことmultipartformdataでファイルを送信する際は、FormDataオブジェクトを作ってそれをそのまま送信する。 2021-07-06 17:45:06
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptで漢数字や全角数字を半角数字に変換する https://qiita.com/Sho1981/items/a16aa5c4f5fc043999d7 JavaScriptで漢数字や全角数字を半角数字に変換する概要書き手が違うテキストを複数読み込むとき、全部半角数字にしてくれればいいのに、漢数字や全角数字が混在して困った経験はありませんか私は大いに困りました・・・Web上に落ちてないかなって軽く探しましたが、長大なコードばかりで複雑だなぁと思ったので、練習がてらに自分で作ってみました。 2021-07-06 17:23:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 全ての描画で頂点を共有するコードを作る方法が知りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/347988?rss=all 全ての描画で頂点を共有するコードを作る方法が知りたい。 2021-07-06 17:53:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) cakephp4系 Form->postLinkの確認ダイアログの文言変更(OK → 削除) https://teratail.com/questions/347987?rss=all cakephp系FormgtpostLinkの確認ダイアログの文言変更OK→削除確認ダイアログの文言を変えたいです以下画像の文言をOK→削除に変更したいです。 2021-07-06 17:53:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SwiftUIでProgress Viewのあるスプラッシュ画面を作成したい https://teratail.com/questions/347986?rss=all SwiftUIでProgressViewのあるスプラッシュ画面を作成したい前提・実現したいことSwiftUIでプログレスバーのあるスプラッシュスクリーンを実装しようとしています。 2021-07-06 17:47:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 微分方程式を解きたいです. https://teratail.com/questions/347985?rss=all 2021-07-06 17:43:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Rails】ページ内遷移を実装したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/347984?rss=all 【Rails】ページ内遷移を実装したい。 2021-07-06 17:36:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Chrome検証画面の表示について(JavaScript) https://teratail.com/questions/347983?rss=all Chrome検証画面の表示についてJavaScriptJavaScript内で配列を扱っています。 2021-07-06 17:29:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Rで複数の行列を配列に格納したい、 https://teratail.com/questions/347982?rss=all Rで複数の行列を配列に格納したい、今のところcsvデータを取得していて、それが次元配列です。 2021-07-06 17:26:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ボックスを横並び(2つか3つ)にしたいのですが、うまく行きません。 https://teratail.com/questions/347981?rss=all ボックスを横並びつかつにしたいのですが、うまく行きません。 2021-07-06 17:19:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) kivyを使って起動時に関数を実行したい https://teratail.com/questions/347980?rss=all kivyを使って起動時に関数を実行したいapiを使って東京の天気情報を取得し、その結果を表示するアプリを自作しています。 2021-07-06 17:15:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) UNet(Keras ver.)の試運転 変換エラーがでる https://teratail.com/questions/347979?rss=all UNetKerasverの試運転変換エラーがでるKerasで書かれたUNetプログラムでエラー文がでる。 2021-07-06 17:09:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jQuery-Validation-Engineで複数のフォームにエラーメッセージを表示 https://teratail.com/questions/347978?rss=all jQueryValidationEngineで複数のフォームにエラーメッセージを表示jQueryValidationEngineを使用してエラーメッセージのリアルタイムチェックを行いたいのですが、モーダルウィンドウタイプのフォーム箇所に適用するとltformgtが同一ページ内に複数あることになり、一つ目のltformgtしかエラーメッセージが出てきません。 2021-07-06 17:07:55
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]いろんなランキング表示(いいね、コメント、投稿数) https://qiita.com/nakachan1994/items/ace3508d5192c58efdf1 viewsranksrankhtmlerblt配列のつ目から順に位、位と表示されるgtltpostrankseachwithindexdopostigt第ltigt位lt表示したいカラムをご自由にgtltendgtこうするだけで、順位が表示されるようになります。 2021-07-06 17:25:56
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 自分に何かあった時の準備 https://qiita.com/lifeup-iwanaga/items/105673b6327b127f3d03 自分に何かあった時の準備自分に何かあった時の手順と情報を残すことを真面目に考えてみる前提家族か誰か信用できる人がいる可能な限りアカウント自体の共有ではなく、権限を共有するいざという時にはパスワード管理ソフトに入れた手順書に従ってアカウントや権限を外部の業者等に共有してもらうここでは業務委託等の費用の話や契約の話は横に置いておく利用サービス等パスワード管理ソフトプライベートな家族用、管理画面とかサーバ系以外の情報GitHubソースコード等GitHubのSecretsデプロイ系の情報GCPのKMSで暗号化デプロイ系の情報の暗号化パスワード管理ソフト共有可能である程度高機能なやつ使って信頼できる人に共有しとく緊急時の手順書とかもここに入れておく各サービスのアカウント等でサービスごとの権限管理で共有できるものはここで自分のアカウントは共有せずサービスごとに適切に権限を共有しておく。 2021-07-06 17:44:26
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]いろんなランキング表示(いいね、コメント、投稿数) https://qiita.com/nakachan1994/items/ace3508d5192c58efdf1 viewsranksrankhtmlerblt配列のつ目から順に位、位と表示されるgtltpostrankseachwithindexdopostigt第ltigt位lt表示したいカラムをご自由にgtltendgtこうするだけで、順位が表示されるようになります。 2021-07-06 17:25:56
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS CLI の出力フォーマットが text の場合に query オプションで先頭の配列要素のみ絞り込みしたが複数要素が返ってしまったときの対処方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-how-to-deal-with-multielement-outpu-text-in-aws-cl/ awscli 2021-07-06 08:11:54
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build a CRM: Key Features and Development Guide https://dev.to/ascendixtech/how-to-build-a-crm-key-features-and-development-guide-2gh2 How to Build a CRM Key Features and Development GuideOriginally published on Ascendix Tech s Blog Today we want to cover the topic of custom CRM development as this software type is gaining more and more momentum day by day Specifically we will discuss the following issues Custom CRM software benefits Must have features of a custom built CRM How to create your own CRM software step by step development guide Let s get down to business Benefits of Custom CRM SoftwareHigh PerformancePackaged CRM solutions provide performance limitations that are expressed in the ready made functionality built For example if you have an urgent need to have a specific feature right now or in the future you can only ask a provider and wait for a feedback However nobody knows how much time is needed to get a provider s update and here comes the limitation you get from out of the box CRM software In turn custom CRM solutions allow you to embed the required level of performance while building a CRM at the beginning You choose the preferred technology stack which allows you to create the needed scalability and performance so that you will easily add a new feature or modify the existing functionality Cost efficiencyThe initial pricing of custom CRM solutions and packaged software are obviously different to the benefit of the ready made platforms but fully customizable CRM solutions will save you a lot of money in the long run First you avoid paying for extra functionality that you will never use by building a CRM tailored to your business needs and goals with exact features your business demands Second packaged CRM products can update their pricing any time they want which means that you cannot make a difference and impact the situation In turn custom CRM software is about upgrading your platform when your financial capabilities and needs correlate with the necessity of adding new features Third off the shelf CRM providers like Salesforce and Dynamics charge extra fees for every new user Opposed to packaged software custom CRM solutions allow you to avoid extra fees and you can embed the required level of scalability in terms of the number of users beforehand FlexibilityOff the shelf CRM providers offer limited flexibility for enterprises and SMBs as many companies are fine with the ready made opportunities provided Creating a CRM from scratch enables you to build a flexible ecosystem for any needs you may have in the future Namely you don t have any limitations to improve change remove or even restructure your custom CRM solution by adding new functionality integrations and so on Robust SecurityVerizon s Data Breach Investigations Report states that almost of companies experienced hacking attacks including of malware and of phishing attacks These numbers clearly show the risks you may encounter choosing packaged CRM software There are several reasons No one is immune to the errors and mistakes potentially made by off the shelf CRM providers when building new features and releasing the updates Ready made software you choose have all chances to get hacked that means your sensitive personal and corporate data is also vulnerable to possible cyberattacks All these risks can be eliminated when building a CRM from scratch as you can use the latest encryption protocols and other security trends like ransomware impact remote work advanced multi factor authentication AI algorithms and so on Must Have Features for Your Custom CRM SoftwareCustomer Lifecycle amp SegmentationCustomer lifecycle management gives you an opportunity to drive users through diverse sales funnels in order to have a vivid picture real time This functionality allows you to evaluate marketing and sales efforts streamline the opportunity management process and get data driven insights into customers behavior Apart from customer lifecycle we recommend implementing a segmentation feature which enables you to allocate leads and opportunities into specific groups with shared characteristics like traffic sources marketing activities and so on Insightful Analytics amp DashboardsGartner s Data and Analytics Report statest that over of enterprise analysts and business professionals state that data analysis is the best way to reach digital transformation initiatives These numbers vividly demonstrate that analytics plays a huge role in successful business operations especially for custom CRM solutions So custom built CRM analytics tools allow you to generate data driven insights into such key criteria like lead to deal deal win loss ratios open service requests and others In turn dashboards allow to digitalize and visualize raw data and get a comprehensive overview of your lead generation and deal closing processes Ultimately advanced analytics is about generating valuable data on pre and post sales engagement activities such as Prospecting New opportunities Product demos Special event invitations Meetings and calls Project management Cross sells and upsells Here you can see an analytics dashboard functionality designed by Salesforce for its Enterprise users Advanced Search with FiltersCustomer relationship management means handling enormous volumes of data you get at every stage of customer lifecycle In case you don t have easy to use and high performing tools to process them you will spend dozens and hundreds of hours to find process the required information and transform it into specific results For these reasons powerful search functionality with filters are a must have feature to hold up well Advanced search experience allows your employees to search for records in a quick and intuitive way Once found the needed materials we recommend implementing the functionality which saves found records automatically so that you can return to them later Powerful filters offer multiple search criteria needed value addition or default option selection from a drop down list This functionality can be designed specifically to help you narrow down the search and save much time while searching for specific data daily Below is the search and filters functionality our CRM solution developers have developed for our own Ascendix Search product Powerful Document ManagementAccording to Go Nitro Transformation Report time spent on finding handling copying and filling documents transforms into approximately additional K per employee per year for companies around the world This number vividly demonstrates that high automation of document management is beneficial for your CRM business as you can save much time and funds Specifically here are the core benefits of automated CRM document management No data duplication High automation of business operations Robust security of sensitive data Significant time savings Enhanced interactions with customer The benefits of document management tools become vivid instantly as you search for and process hundreds or even thousands of documentation files daily Automating this process you can focus on major tasks like lead to deal conversion and client meetings For all these reasons we strongly recommend implementing powerful document management for your CRM solution foremost How to Build Your Own CRM Software Development ProcessNow let s discuss the step by step development process you should undertake to succeed when building a CRM that meets your needs And before we start it s worth mentioning that there are ways of CRM software development Creating a CRM from scratchCRM customization up to your needs CRM CustomizationBriefly this option is much cheaper than creating a fully customizable CRM platform and allows you to take the default Salesforce Dynamics functionality and build customizations on top of it What do customizations mean Simply put these are specific features and improvements your business needs to solve exact tasks So CRM customization benefits are as follows Reduced time to market period Low initial custom CRM development costs No need to support and maintain your custom CRM software on a regular basis held by providers Cloud hosting nature which allows you to reduce hardware maintenance expenses Considering the platforms we recommend choosing either Salesforce or Dynamics They provide lots of customization opportunities and everything you need is to purchase a subscription and prolong it monthly Below is the comparison matrix of Salesforce vs Dynamics so that you can pick the right platform yourself Creating a CRM from scratchThis option means you build an entire customer relationship management system from a ground up developing the architecture infrastructure and other related aspects of a CRM For sure it will take much more time and funds compared to CRM customization but you get the following benefits High Performance Cost efficiency in the long run Flexibility Robust Security Absence of licensing costs In the long run you can save much funds as you are not obliged to pay subscription fees monthly and increase payments for each new user added to the platform So creating a CRM from scratch is definitely a perfect option if you have lots of employees and partners outside your company which creates a need to build business specific platform embedding the required level of scalability flexibility and functionality As we discussed the options you can choose from let s now dive into the key steps you should take when building a CRM that rocks Set your business goalsCustom CRM development is always about meeting your specific goals and automating business operations peculiar to your exact workflow For this reason you should clearly visualize your targets before creating a CRM from scratch or making customizations We recommend answering the following questions What business challenges should my custom built CRM solve Who will be the key platform users within your company marketing sales customer service etc What business operations and processes do I want to automate Once finished you will have a better understanding of system requirements to provide to a future development team so that they realize how to build a custom CRM specific to your needs Analyze the workflowThe next step is to define your workflow so that you can prepare an exact list of features you need to automate most daily routine tasks Besides we recommend defining the roles and permission of your custom built CRM at this stage so that you can embed proper architecture from scratch For example sales reps need to have the fullest range of permissions including Viewing adding modifying and removing contacts Importing exporting data in all ways possible Mass emailing following unfollowing and editing leads Generating new reports and customizing built in templates Also you may want to select specific user groups that will have access to deep analytics Choose the Right CRM TypeOnce you have identified the business target and your specific workflow you can proceed to choosing the right CRM platform type There are three options Operational CRMOperational customer relationship management platforms are focused on automating internal processes of sales support and marketing departments The functionality it provides is designed specifically to accelerate and simplify such aspects as lead contacting follow upping using different communication channels to increase interactions with clients and boost customer loyalty Collaborative CRMCollaborative custom built CRMs are a perfect choice for large companies who have lots of departments that are in need of smooth and instant cooperation in terms of internal communication and interactions with customers This platform type enables your company to collaborate even with external partners in a single easy to use and high performing ecosystem Analytical CRMAnalytics customer relationship management systems are a great option to generate quick data driven decisions through leveraging deep analytics There are three cornerstones of analytics here Customers behavior Leads preferences Contact information To sum up custom CRM development is about blending the required types of custom built CRM types your company needs Select the development optionNow it s high time to answer the question how to build a CRM software There are several options and we don t want to pinpoint but the choice depends on your requirements budget and time allocated Find a CTO Technical Partner Hire Freelance Custom CRM Developers Outsource to a CRM software development company Build custom CRM solutions yourself ConclusionWe hope guide into custom CRM development would be of great help for you when building a CRM that meets your tailored needs and goals As we stated above begin with choosing either creating a CRM from scratch or CRM customization as this choice fully influences the future custom CRM development cost and other aspects If this custom CRM development topic resonates with you feel free to read the full blog post Custom CRM Development Key Features amp Step by Step Guide on our website 2021-07-06 08:14:49
海外TECH DEV Community Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self! https://dev.to/apoclyps/chickity-check-yo-self-before-you-wreck-yo-self-44ib Chickity check yo self before you wreck yo self Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you pushed a commit to a branch for review only to discover you made a spelling mistake used outdated syntax or forgot to lint your code again after making that one last change I ve wasted countless hours in the past doing exactly this It is slow and time consuming to identify an issue after the fact and it also slows down other folks in your team performing the code review There must be a better way Pre commit solves this problem by providing pre commit hooks that run after every commit which solves all of these common repeatable problems that machines are good at solving However finding an awesome new tool to enhance your workflow is only half the challenge convincing one or more teams to adopt it another Using a tool without imposing it upon a teamUsing pre commit requires a pre commit config yaml to be placed in a repository however to avoid updating the gitignore file for every new repository you wish to interactive with the best solution i found was to add the following to a global gitignore gt vim gitignore pre commit config yaml codespellrcThis allows for the file to be ignored from all repositories I interact with without the risk of potentially committing it or needing to update the repository to use it This is especially useful when I need to add confirmation files for some of the additional pre commit hooks that I m using such as codespell Finally within your repository you can create and use use pre commit pre commit config yaml pre commit clean pre commit install pre commit install hooks precommit hooks installation pre commit autoupdate pre commit run black continuous integration pre commit run all files repos repo rev v hooks id trailing whitespace id end of file fixer id debug statements id check merge conflict id sort simple yaml id fix encoding pragma args remove id forbid new submodules id mixed line ending args fix lf description Forces to replace line ending by the UNIX lf character id check added large files args maxkb id no commit to branch args branch master id check yaml id check json files tests app id pretty format json args no sort keys autofix files tests app repo meta hooks id check hooks apply id check useless excludes repo rev b hooks id black language version python repo rev hooks id bandit description Security oriented static analyser for python code exclude tests scripts args s B repo rev v hooks id codespell name codespell description Checks for common misspellings in text files entry codespell language python types text repo rev v hooks id pyupgradeIf you also want to use codespell you will need to add a codespellrc file to the root of your repository codespell quiet level count check hidden check filenames enable colors builtin clear rare informal code namesignore words list pullrequestNow that pre commit is configured you can install and run it pre commit installpre commit run allTrim Trailing Whitespace PassedFix End of Files PassedDebug Statements Python PassedCheck for merge conflicts PassedSort simple YAML files no files to check SkippedFix python encoding pragma PassedForbid new submodules PassedMixed line ending PassedCheck for added large files PassedDon t commit to branch PassedCheck Yaml PassedCheck JSON no files to check SkippedPretty format JSON no files to check SkippedCheck hooks apply to the repository no files to check SkippedCheck for useless excludes no files to check Skippedblack Passedbandit Passedcodespell Passedpyupgrade PassedLastly if pre commit is ever blocking your workflow and for any reason you don t want to run it you can append a no verify flag onto your commit to skip it git commit m do the thing no verifyNow all your future commits are protected from common gotcha s and save time in code review 2021-07-06 08:08:35
海外TECH DEV Community A CSS carousel with snapping points and a scroll-linked navigation https://dev.to/fcalderan/a-css-carousel-with-snapping-points-and-a-scroll-linked-navigation-5h6j A CSS carousel with snapping points and a scroll linked navigationChrome Canary introduced scroll timeline a «CSS property that allows animations to be driven by a container s scroll position» There are a lot of excellent articles and demos already covering this topic and explaining how we could use this amazing feature but trying to be creative I started to think about something that could have been improved maybe something that usually works only with JavaScript and it is heavily scroll related So after a few attempts I was able to code a carousel with a full working dot navigation in pure CSS How does it look like Exactly like an old JS fashioned carousel Just remember test all the following examples in the latest version of Chrome Canary with the enable experimental web platform features flag enabled always try the code on codepen and not in the widget I embedded only for clarity purpose I noticed a different behaviour on Chrome Android Why a carousel Well I m aware that carousels are probably the most hated widget by every developer in this planet and if you re asking this question you are in that of web developers who hate them and they should be avoided but improving in some way this component without the need to load some extra JavaScript libraries so as to make it a bit more accessible it might make them a little less obnoxious just a little of course and a little more interesting from a technical perspective Step the slidesA simple list is enough to create the basic structure with all the slides as in the codepen below as you can see you can interact with it by scrolling the slides left and right The markup is just a basic unordered list of images but some explanation about the CSS can help block size and inline size are logical properties they can interchargeably refer to height or width depending on the writing mode If you never ever heard about them don t worry all you need to know is that in this context inline size represents the width and block size represents the height the lt div gt element is a container with a fixed aspect ratio suitable for the images I ve chosen but there is nothing special with the current value so feel free to adjust it to your need or to remove it the inner flex list has flex wrap set to nowrap and each list item has a flex basis These properties will align the slides side by side and will make the list scrollable in order to hide that scrollbar the list is some pixel px tallerthan the parent container block size calc px whose overflow is hidden Now for the sake of consistency we just need to restore the height on the list items block size calc px finally object fit cover adapts the size of the images to their parent list items Part snapping pointsSo far after the first step all we have is just a plain list of scrollable images What we need to do now is to create a snapped scroll navigation because we want the carousel to always show a full slide and not something like half slides at the same time From the previous codepen we inserted some new properties in particular For the list we set scroll snap type x mandatory for the list items we set scroll snap align start andscroll snap stop always These properties ensure that every swipe event on the carousel will end in a consistent state by always showing a full slide Part dot navigationThe next step is to add a dot navigation at the bottom so we are able to jump from a slide to another one without to manually swipe all those in the middle The markup is going to be a navigation element lt nav gt with nested links pointing to each slide try to click on the dots Since the dots are links to the inner anchors you can even share the page with a specific hash in the URL on page load the body will scroll until it will reach the carousel with the selected slide We are almost done we just need to first solve two main issues How can we make it clear what s the current slide in the bottom navigation Could we have the dot disabled when we click on it and coloured differently At a first sight we can think to use the active focus pseudoclasses but they won t be reliable How can we update the bottom navigation when we navigate the carousel by gestures mouse trackpad They are unrelated elements in the DOM and how a scroll event on the list can affect the state of the bottom navigation Part Scroll linked animation to the rescue It is the program it is the magic ーHalt amp Catch Fire SEThese issues can be solved by setting a scroll linked animation in short when an event changes the scroll position of the carousel a custom animation on the before pseudoelement of the lt nav gt element will be triggered This pseudoelement is styled exactly like a navigation dot but with a higher opacity value and the animation will make it move over the dot corresponding to the current slide working as a visual indicator and covering the underlying link The keyframes and the style of the pseudoelement is the code that requires an in depth focus keyframes dot slide slide slide slide slide These keyframes define the percentages of the scroll of the carousel that determine which slide we are currently looking at The first slide is fully visible when the scroll position is at and the last slide is visible when this value is we want to move the pseudoelement from one dot to the next one when on scrolling we already see half of the next slide Since we have slides in this demo this means that the nd slide will snap when the scroll position of the list is at while the rd slide will snap when this percentage is and so on At those given percentages a CSS variable slide will change with the index of the current slide Now this is the scroll timeline definition scroll timeline slide source selector s orientation inline time range s What I want to emphasize is the horizontal inline orientation and the source property which is tied to the id s of the list About the code of the pseudoelement we can also notice this rule transform translateX calc var gap rem calc var slide The gap variable has been defined for the nav element and it is the space between the dots therefore both the variables are necessary inside this calc expression in order to set the right translateX value to the overlapping pseudoelement Final words amp thoughtsThe final demo contains some extra goodies like a smooth scroll behavior a scroll margin top to make some room above the carousel and the use of supports to detect the browser capability I also made a more complex demo on codepen with another scroll timeline on the body and a reveal unreveal effect I hope you liked this proof of concept it was really fun and challenging to code because I used a lot of advanced CSS The main benefits of this approach are to avoid at all the use of JavaScript to ensure a better accessibility and to keep the control of this component including the responsiveness part entirely with CSS On the contrary this technique could not be easily adopted for carousels in which the number of slides is driven by some backend logic in that case you should provide some presets of all the possible keyframes and add some extra information in the markup Feel free to follow me on Twitter where I usually talk about frontend and trees or Codepen 2021-07-06 08:03:54
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GCP Cloud Blog JA 政府のテクノロジー投資の優先順位付けに関する 5 つのヒント https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/public-sector/five-tips-prioritizing-investments-government-technology/ 技術パートナーを選定する際には、政府の職員がその長期的なビジョンを理解して、パートナーが政府機関の優先事項に適合しているかを見極める必要があります。 2021-07-06 10:00:00
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