AWS Media Blog |
Choosing the right AWS video solution for your use case |
Choosing the right AWS video solution for your use caseToday more companies are embracing video enabled technology for live streaming video on demand and video meetings The result is a rapid growth in the number and type of use cases including video integrated with AI ML interactivity and content protection To meet the growing and diverse needs of different video use cases AWS offers four video … |
2021-07-13 19:46:13 |
Collect Evidence and Manage Audit Data Using AWS Audit Manager | Amazon Web Services |
Collect Evidence and Manage Audit Data Using AWS Audit Manager Amazon Web ServicesIn this video you will see how to collect evidence and manage audit data using AWS Audit Manager Learn more about AWS Audit Manager Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing AWSDemo |
2021-07-13 19:48:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ShowMessageとは |
ShowMessageとは前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-07-14 04:39:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VisualStudioのプロジェクトのルートディレクトリはどこを基準に決定されるのか |
VisualStudioのプロジェクトのルートディレクトリはどこを基準に決定されるのか前提・実現したいことVisualStudioで追加のincludenbspdirectoryを相対的パスで指定しようとすると期待通りのあるファイルのディレクトリから相対的に指定できるときもあればmsbuildexeから相対的にディレクトリが指定されてしまうときがあります。 |
2021-07-14 04:39:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Gフォームの回答(複数)のソート、新しい回答に関数を反映 |
Gフォームの回答複数のソート、新しい回答に関数を反映前提・実現したいことGoogleフォームを使って回数券のデジタル管理がしたいです。 |
2021-07-14 04:20:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
非同期通信を実装したが、リロードが必要になってしまう |
非同期通信を実装したが、リロードが必要になってしまう前提・実現したいことsここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-07-14 04:17:20 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
If we want to look for life on Europa, we’d better bring a drill |
chemicals |
2021-07-13 19:25:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Car Price Prediction in Python |
Car Price Prediction in PythonLast week we did some Exploratory Data Analysis to a car dataset After working with the dataset and gathering many insights we ll focus on price prediction today The dataset comprises cars for sale in Germany the registration year being between and So we can assume that it is an accurate representation of market price nowadays PrerequisitesFor the code to work you will need python installed Some systems have it pre installed After that install all the necessary libraries by running pip install last weekpip install pandas matplotlib squarify seaborn new libspip install scipy sklearn catboost statsmodels Data CleaningLet s say we want to predict car prices based on attributes For that we will train a model Let s start by replacing registration year with age and removing make and model we won t be using them for the predictions cars age datetime now year cars year cars cars drop year cars cars drop make cars cars drop model We talked about outliers last week and now it s time to remove them We ll do that by removing the items in which the z score for the price horsepower or mileage is higher than In short this means taking out the values that deviate more than three standard deviations from the mean Before that dropna will remove all lines with empty or null values from scipy import stats cars cars dropna cars cars stats zscore cars price lt cars cars stats zscore cars hp lt cars cars stats zscore cars mileage lt Next we will replace the category values offer type and gear with boolean markers In practice this means creating new columns for each category type i e for gear it will be Automatic Manual and Semi automatic There is a function in pandas to do that get dummies offerTypeDummies pd get dummies cars offerType cars cars join offerTypeDummies cars cars drop offerType gearDummies pd get dummies cars gear cars cars join gearDummies cars cars drop gear Checking Correlation VisuallyWe are going to plot variable correlation using seaborn heatmap It will show us graphically which variables are positively or negatively correlated The highest correlation shows for age with mileage sounds fine and price with horsepower no big news either And looking at negative correlation price with age which also seems natural We can ignore the relation between Manual and Automatic since it s evident that you will only have one or the other there are almost no Semi automatics import seaborn as snssns heatmap cars corr annot True cmap coolwarm plt show For a double check we are going to plot horsepower and mileage variables with the price We ll do it with seaborn jointplot It will plot all the entries and a line for the regression For brevity there is only one code snippet The second one would be the same replacing hp with mileage sns set theme style darkgrid sns jointplot x hp y price data cars kind reg color m line kws color red plt show Price PredictionWe are reaching the critical part We will try three different prediction models and see which one performs better We need two variables Y and X containing price and all the remaining columns We will use these new variables for the other models too Then we split the data for training and testing in a distribution Disclaimer we did several tests with all the models and chose the best results for each model Not the same vars apply and some magic numbers will appear We adjusted those mainly through trial and error from sklearn model selection import train test splitX cars drop price Y cars priceX train X test y train y test train test split X Y train size test size random state linear model from sklearnTo train the first LinearRegression model we will pass the train data to the fit method and then the test data to predict To check the results we ll be using R squared for all of them In this case the result is from sklearn import linear modelfrom sklearn metrics import r scorelm linear model LinearRegression lm fit X train y train y pred lm predict X test print r score y true y test y pred y pred Regressor from CatBoostNext we ll use Regressor from CatBoost The model s created with some numbers that we adjusted by testing Similar to the previous one fit the model with the train data and check the score resulting in There is a big difference since this method is much slower more than seconds It might be a closer match but not a good option if it must run instantly from catboost import CatBoostRegressormodel CatBoostRegressor iterations learning rate model fit X train y train eval set X test y test print model score X Y OLS from statsmodelsFor statsmodels we will change X s value and take only mileage hp and age The difference is almost better than with the previous values R squared is and it runs in under two seconds counting the data load import statsmodels api as smX cars mileage hp age model sm OLS Y X fit predictions model predict X print model rsquared Extra Ball Best PredictionWhat happens if we do not drop make and model Two of the models would perform worse but not CatBoost It will take much longer and use more space We would have more than feature columns But it is worth it if you are after accuracy For brevity we will not reproduce all the manipulations we did previously Instead of dropping make and model create dummies for them and then continue as before makeDummies pd get dummies cars make cars cars join makeDummies cars cars drop make modelDummies pd get dummies cars model cars cars join modelDummies cars cars drop model the rest of the features just as before split train and test datamodel CatBoostRegressor iterations learning rate model fit X train y train eval set X test y test print model score X Y This model exposes a method to obtain feature importance We can use that data with a bar chart to check which features affect the prediction the most We will limit them to but as you ll see two of them excluding price itself carry all the weight Age not being significant might look suspicious at first glance But it makes sense As we saw in the correlation graph age and mileage go hand in hand So there is no need for the two of them to carry all the weight sorted feature importance model get feature importance argsort plt barh cars columns sorted feature importance model feature importances sorted feature importance plt xlabel Feature Importance plt show Estimate Car PriceLet s say that you want to buy or sell your car You collect the features we provide mileage year etcetera How to use the prediction model for that We ll choose CatBoost again and use their predict method for that We would need to go all the way again by transforming all the data with dummies so we ll summarize This process would be extracted and performed equally for training test or actual data in a real world app We will also need to add all the empty features i e all the other makes that the model supports Here we present an example with three cars for sale We manually entered all the initial features price included so we can compare the output As you ll see the predictions are not far from the actual price realData pd DataFrame from records mileage make Volkswagen model Gold fuel Gasoline gear Manual offerType Used price hp year mileage make Opel model Zafira Tourer fuel CNG gear Manual offerType Used price hp year mileage make Mazda model hp gear Manual offerType Employee s car fuel Gasoline price year realData realData drop price realData age datetime now year realData year realData realData drop year all the other transformations and dummies go herefitModel pd DataFrame columns cars columns fitModel fitModel append realData ignore index True fitModel fitModel fillna preds model predict fitModel print preds ConclusionAs a quick note on the three models sklearn performs a bit worse And the other two are pretty similar in results if excluding makes and models but not on time spent training So it might be a crucial aspect to consider when choosing between them If you are after high accuracy train the CatBoost model with all the available data It might take up to a minute but it can be stored in a file and instantly loaded when needed As you ve seen loading a ZenRows generated dataset into pandas is quite simple Then there are some steps to perform describe explore manually look at the values check for empty or nulls These are everyday tasks when first testing a dataset From there standard practices such as generating dummies or removing outliers And then the juicy part In this case price prediction using linear regression but it could be anything |
2021-07-13 19:36:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Write a Command-Line Tool with Kotlin Multiplatform |
How to Write a Command Line Tool with Kotlin MultiplatformBeing able to write your own command line tools is a great skill to have automate all the things Unfortunately writing CLI tools is still most often done with Bash My strong opinion weakly held is that there are only two good kinds of Bash scripts the ones that are five lines long or lessthe ones that are written and maintained by othersFortunately retiring Bash is pretty simple you just have to use your favorite programming language instead I ve played around with Kotlin Multiplatform and not only built a cool CLI tool with it but I ve packaged it as a template project that you can leverage to get started faster jmfayard kotlin cli starter Life is too short for Bash programming A starter project to build command line tools in Kotlin MultiplatformContains a re implementation of a real world CLI tool git standupInstallationYou can install using one of the options listed belowSourceCommandNodenpm install g kotlin cli starterInstallercurl L sudo shTests gradlew allTestsKotlin All PlatformsRun gradlew allRunKotlin JVMRun gradlew runKotlin NativeRun gradlew install then git standupKotlin Node JSRun gradlew jsNodeRunWhy Being able to write your own command line tools is a great skill to have Automate all the things You can write the CLI tools in Kotlin and reap the benefits of usinga modern programming languagemodern IDE supportmodern practices such as unit testing and continuous integrationleverage Kotlin multiplatform librariesrun your code on the JVM and benefit from a wealth of Java librariesor build a native executable which starts very fast and… View on GitHub git standup Kotlin Multiplatform editiongit standup is a smart little tool for people like me who often panic before the stand up What the hell did I do yesterday That command refreshes my mind by browsing all git repositories and printing the commits that I made yesterday Try it out it may well become part of your workflow Clone the repo git clone cd kolin cli starter gradlew installgit standup gradlew install will install the tool as a native executable There are two more options available gradlew run will run it on the JVM gradlew jsNodeRun will run it on Node jsSame common code multiple platforms Modern Programming PracticesA traditional Bash script containsa syntax where you can t remember how to do an if else of a for loopunreadable code due to Code golf ztf P c D ano dependency management apart from an error message ztf not found one file that does everythingno build systemno IDE support vim should be enough for everybody no unit testsno CI CDBy choosing a modern programming language like Kotlin instead we get to havea modern syntaxreadable codeseparation of concerns in multiple functions files class and packagesa modern build system like Gradledependency management here with gradle refreshVersions a modern IDE like JetBrains IntelliJunit tests Here they are run on all platforms with gradlew allRunCI CD Here the unit tests are run on GitHub Actions See workflowThat may sound obvious yet people still write their CLI tools in Bash so it s worth repeating Why support multiple platforms The three platforms have different characteristics and by making your code available on all platforms you can decide which one works better for you The JVM has a plethora of available libraries superb tooling support it lacks a package manager and is slow to startA native stand alone executable starts very fast it can be distributed by Homebrew for example I make a Homebrew recipeThere are also a plethora of libraries on Node js and packaging it is easy with npm publish My version of git standup is available at and I find it fascinating that I could do so without writing a line of JavaScript But mostly it s a good opportunity to learn Kotlin Multiplatform a fascinating technology but one that can also be complex By writing a CLI tool with Kotlin Multiplatform you start with something simple What is it like to write Kotlin Multiplatform code It feels like regular Kotlin once you have the abstractions you need in place and all you need is to modify commonMain It gets interesting when you have to connect to platform specific APIs with the expect actual mechanism For example I needed to check if a file exists commonMainexpect fun fileIsReadable filePath String BooleanImplementing this on the JVM is straightforward jvmMainactual fun fileIsReadable filePath String Boolean File filePath canRead But how to implement this with Kotlin Native Since Kotlin Native gives us access to the underlying C APIs the question is how would they do that in C Let s google how to check a file is readable C The first answer is about the access system call We read the friendly manual with man access Which leads us directly to this implementation nativeMainactual fun fileIsReadable filePath String Boolean access filePath R OK Interesting strange feeling that we are writing C in Kotlin It works but wait there is a better solution Use an existing Kotlin Multiplatform libraryI discovered later that okio has already implemented the multiplatform primitives I needed to work with files I was glad I could delete my platform specific code commonMainexpect val fileSystem FileSystemfun fileIsReadable filePath String Boolean fileSystem exists filePath toPath fun readAllText filePath String String fileSystem read filePath toPath readUtf fun writeAllText filePath String text String Unit fileSystem write filePath toPath writeUtf text See commit Which multiplatform libraries should I be aware of The most common use cases are covered with Kotlin Multiplatform libraries parsing arguments JSON databases IO DI coroutines and testing Bookmark those libraries ajalt clikt Multiplatform command line interface parsing for KotlinKotlin kotlinx serialization Kotlin multiplatform multi format serializationcashapp sqldelight SQLDelight Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQLKodein Framework Kodein DB Multiplatform NoSQL databasesquare okio A modern I O library for Android Kotlin and Java Kodein Framework Kodein DI Painless Kotlin Dependency InjectionInsertKoinIO koin Koin a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for KotlinKotlin kotlinx coroutines Library support for Kotlin coroutinesKotlin kotlinx datetime KotlinX multiplatform date time libraryKtor client multiplatform asynchronous HTTP clientkotest kotest Powerful elegant and flexible test framework for Kotlin with additional assertions property testing and data driven testingI especially liked CliKt for arguments parsing It has this killer feature that it can generate automatically not only the help message but also shell completions for Bash Zsh and Fish The drawback it takes time to set everything upBuilding this project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot but it also took lots of time Setting up Gradle and a hierarchy of srcsets not trivial at allSetting up testingSetting up GitHub ActionsDefining primitives like fun executeCommandAndCaptureOutput Stumbling on issues like runBlocking does not exist in Kotlin Multiplatform and more What should I do next time if I don t have so much time available Go back to Bash kotlin cli starter starter project to build CLI toolsI really didn t want to go back to Bash This is when I decided to go another route and transform my experiment in a starter project that I and everyone could re use Click Use this template and you get a head start for writing your own CLI tool I have put comments starting with CUSTOMIZE ME in all places you need to customizeFind them with Edit gt File gt Find in Files ConclusionAutomate your workflow by using command line tools But think twice before using Bash like in the previous century Kotlin and other modern programming language could well be a far superior solution Using Kotlin Multiplatform gives you the strength of each platform like a wealth of libraries for the JVM a fast startup for native executables and a package manager npm for Node js It is not strictly necessary but if you want to learn Kotlin Multiplatform this is a great point to start It could take a while to set up from scratch though This is why I transformed my project to a starter project GitHub template that you can reuse jmfayard kotlin cli starter Life is too short for Bash programming A starter project to build command line tools in Kotlin MultiplatformContains a re implementation of a real world CLI tool git standupInstallationYou can install using one of the options listed belowSourceCommandNodenpm install g kotlin cli starterInstallercurl L sudo shTests gradlew allTestsKotlin All PlatformsRun gradlew allRunKotlin JVMRun gradlew runKotlin NativeRun gradlew install then git standupKotlin Node JSRun gradlew jsNodeRunWhy Being able to write your own command line tools is a great skill to have Automate all the things You can write the CLI tools in Kotlin and reap the benefits of usinga modern programming languagemodern IDE supportmodern practices such as unit testing and continuous integrationleverage Kotlin multiplatform librariesrun your code on the JVM and benefit from a wealth of Java librariesor build a native executable which starts very fast and… View on GitHubIf you build something with the kotlin cli starter I would be glad if you let me know |
2021-07-13 19:36:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting Started with |
Getting Started with Socket ioSocket io is a Javascript library for web apps that allows real time communication between clients and servers It has two parts a client side library that runs in the browser and a server side library for node js Both components have a nearly identical API Like node js it is event driven Chat apps or social media feeds in which a user s page client receives messages or posts from other users are the most frequent use cases for Websockets and socket io Socket IO primarily uses the websocket protocol with polling as a fallback option while providing the same interface Although it can be used as simply a wrapper for webSocket it provides many more features including broadcasting to multiple sockets storing data associated with each client and asynchronous I O In this article we ll create a basic chat application that allows users to talk to each other in real time Our application will consist of two separate components a server and a client each one with different responsibilities Server responsibilities for our chat appServe the HTML CSS and JavaScript client files to the usersStart the Socket io connectionReceive events from clients like a new chat message and broadcast them to other clients Client responsibilities for our chat appLoad socket io client library Establish connection with the Socket io running in our serverEmit and receive events to from Socket io running in our serverAdd our own messages to the chat via JavaScriptNow that we know what do we need to build let s get started Check NodeJs installedChecking whether nodejs is installed on your pc by printing its version using the following command in Command Prompt gt node vv If you are not getting any version printed out on your terminal it means that you don t have NodeJs installed on your pc Download the installer from NodeJS WebSite Creating A Folder For Our Chat ApplicationNow let s create a new folder for our project mkdir chat appcd chat appmkdir makes a new directory cd changes the current working directory Now that we are in the correct directory We can start by initializing npm to get our new project setup Initialize npmOnce you have navigated to the correct folder you can initialize npm on that folder npm init yWith node technically we could code our own basic web server from scratch However in the real world people don t do that In the real world there s a super famous package called express Express is the industry standard for creating Servers in node Installation of Express npm i express The above statement means that install express at the specify version number In the chat app folder create a new file called index js Configure our serverInside index js add the following code const express require express const app express app get req res gt res send Express is up and running const port process env PORT app listen port gt console log Server is listening on port port Explanation of the above code Line The require function is used to import the library express which is being stored in a variable called express The express library exposes just a single function So express is actually a function as opposed to something like an object We call it to create a new express application Line Is used to configure our server by using various methods provided on the application itself Line Is the port you want the app to listen on Line Is used to start the server and makes it listen on a specific port You can start the server by calling node with the script in your command prompt node index jsServer is listening on port In the chat app folder create a sub directory called public Inside the public folder create a new file called index html Inside index html add the following code inside lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt Socket IO chat lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt Socket io Chat App lt h gt lt body gt lt html gt Inside index js replace const express require express const app express app get req res gt res send Express is up and running const port process env PORT app listen port gt console log Server is listening on port port with this const path require path const express require express const app express const port process env PORT const publicDirectoryPath path join dirname public app use express static publicDirectoryPath app listen port gt console log Server is listening on port port Now that we are done with the changes we can start the server by calling node with the script in your command prompt node index jsServer is listening on port Getting Started with Socket io Install socket ioSocket io is not a native package to Node so it must be installed Because you want to ensure it s included in your node modules make sure to install it locally and then require it in your server Now install socket io in the chat app directory by running the command npm install socket io in command prompt npm install socket io The dependencies section of your package json will now appear at the end of the package json file and will include socket io name chat app version description main index js scripts test echo Error no test specified amp amp exit keywords author license ISC dependencies express socket io Basic Setup with Express Express app can be passed to http server which will be attached to socket io Now let s edit index js to add it const path require path const http require http const express require express const socketio require socket io const app express const server http createServer app const io socketio server const port process env PORT const publicDirectoryPath path join dirname public app use express static publicDirectoryPath io on connection client gt console log New websocket connection server listen port gt console log Server is up on port port Notice that I initialize a new instance of socket io by passing the server the HTTP server object Then I listen on the connection event for incoming sockets and log it to the console Now in index html add the following snippet before the lt body gt end body tag lt script src socket io socket io js gt lt script gt lt script gt var socket io lt script gt That s all it takes to load the socket io client which exposes an io global and then connect Running node index js again if it s already running restart the process by pressing control c and then run node index js again Now point your browser to http localhost You should see the console print something out New websocket connection Each socket also fires a special disconnect event io on connection client gt console log New websocket connection client on disconnect gt console log New websocket disconnected The most used functions when working with Socket io are socket emit eventName data and socket on eventName data to emit and capture events in both the server and the clients The socket emit is used to send data and socket on is used to receive data As a rule of thumb just remember to have an socket on function for each event you send with socket emit NB The eventName can be any custom name you want to call it Example Basic Chat AppIn index js edit the file const path require path const http require http const express require express const socketio require socket io const app express const server http createServer app const io socketio server const port process env PORT const publicDirectoryPath path join dirname public app use express static publicDirectoryPath io on connection client gt console log New websocket connection client on messageFromClient msg gt io emit messageFromServer msg client on disconnect gt console log New websocket disconnected server listen port gt console log Server is up on port port Inside index html edit the file lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt Socket IO chat lt title gt lt style gt body margin padding bottom rem font family Helvetica Arial sans serif form background rgba padding rem position fixed bottom left right display flex height rem box sizing border box backdrop filter blur px input border none padding rem flex grow border radius rem margin rem input focus outline none form gt button background border none padding rem margin rem border radius px outline none color fff messages list style type none margin padding messages gt li padding rem rem messages gt li nth child odd background efefef lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt ul id messages gt lt ul gt lt form id form action gt lt input id input placeholder Say Something autocomplete off gt lt button gt Send lt button gt lt form gt lt script src socket io socket io js gt lt script gt lt script gt var socket io var messages document getElementById messages var form document getElementById form var input document getElementById input form addEventListener submit function e e preventDefault if input value socket emit messageFromClient input value input value socket on messageFromServer function msg var item document createElement li item textContent msg messages appendChild item window scrollTo document body scrollHeight lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt In the above code two things happened server emit gt client receive messageFromServer client emit gt server receive messageFromClientIf you ve reached this point thank you very much I hope that this tutorial has been helpful for you and I ll see you all in the next If you like my work please considerso that I can bring more projects more articles for youIf you want to learn more about Web Development don t forget to to follow me on Youtube |
2021-07-13 19:11:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What's your go to state management library these days? |
What x s your go to state management library these days We use Preact at Forem the software that powers dev to but we do not use a state management library just good old component state The last state management library I used was Redux back in Fall of If you require a state management library for your project I m curious which one do you use Zustand Redux Recoil etc or is it something more like React Query these days Also what do you like dislike about the state management library you use Go Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash |
2021-07-13 19:08:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's MagSafe Battery Pack is official, here are some alternatives |
Apple x s MagSafe Battery Pack is official here are some alternativesAfter much speculation Apple s MagSafe Battery Pack for the iPhone line is official Here s what you need to know about it alongside some worthwhile alternatives To quickly recap Apple s MagSafe Battery Pack is a mAh battery pack that supports up to W of wireless charging on the iPhone mini iPhone iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro Max It features the same soft touch silicone exterior as Apple s silicone cases and has a Lightning input for charging When the battery pack is connected to your iPhone you can plug a W or higher Lightning cable into the battery pack and it will charge both devices You can also connect power to your iPhone and it will charge the MagSafe Battery too This is useful if using something like wired CarPlay Read more |
2021-07-13 19:30:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
This may be why Apple's Weather app doesn't show 69-degree temperatures |
This may be why Apple x s Weather app doesn x t show degree temperaturesReports indicate that Apple s Weather app may avoid the number in its user interface but while some have suggested that it s censorship it s more likely a conversion issue Apple s Weather app could be avoiding a socially significant numberApple is renovating its Weather app for iOS and it seems some versions of the app purposely avoid displaying degrees Fahrenheit temperatures But while it may seem like Apple is censoring the oft joked about number its absence may actually be a result of converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit Read more |
2021-07-13 19:14:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple, Goldman Sachs working on Apple Pay 'buy now, pay later' service |
Apple Goldman Sachs working on Apple Pay x buy now pay later x serviceApple is allegedly working with Goldman Sachs to provide enhanced installment payment plans to its customers without using Apple Card in a service internally known as Apple Pay Later Apple currently provides customers with various ways to pay for goods in installments including through Apple Card However the iPhone maker is apparently planning to offer a similar installment plan service for normal Apple Pay transactions Thought to be called Apple Pay Later Bloomberg reports the service will employ Goldman Sachs as a lender but without requiring the customer to have an Apple Card Instead it will offer installment payment plans for typical Apple Pay transactions Read more |
2021-07-13 19:01:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Gogo in-flight internet has been renamed Intelsat |
Gogo in flight internet has been renamed IntelsatThe next time you re on a plane searching for a Wi Fi connection while soaring thousands of feet above the ground don t look for the Gogo name The longstanding standard of in flight internet Gogo Commercial Aviation has been rebranded to Intelsat Intelsat an international satellite communications provider purchased Gogo Commercial Aviation in December It was a cash deal valued at million Gogo still exists and focuses on business aviation services Gogo has been a staple of in flight entertainment for the past decade partnering with major airlines The service is as impressive as it is frustrating though it s improved with time In Gogo announced plans to roll out G in flight services this year and it began testing those antennas in June As Intelsat G is still the goal “This name change is happening while Intelsat is leveraging its unparalleled global orbital and spectrum rights scale and partnerships to build the world s first global G satellite based software defined network of networks Intelsat CEO Stephen Spengler said in a press release |
2021-07-13 19:30:59 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
How Cisco Cloud Application Centric Infrastructure (Cloud ACI) powers Application Service Chaining |
How Cisco Cloud Application Centric Infrastructure Cloud ACI powers Application Service ChainingManual service chaining can be cumbersome and error prone Cloud ACI helps automate service chaining for your workloads in the cloud with ease all the way from routing to security policies |
2021-07-13 19:55:59 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Real Toll From Prison Covid Cases May Be Higher Than Reported |
The Real Toll From Prison Covid Cases May Be Higher Than ReportedSome deaths were not counted as part of prison virus tallies because hospitalized inmates were officially released from custody before they died |
2021-07-13 19:29:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Marcus Rashford: Hundreds gather at mural for anti-racism demo |
demonstration |
2021-07-13 19:37:38 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
トヨタ「EVに消極的」の大誤解、電池獲得へ密かに執念燃やす裏事情 - 決算書100本ノック! 2021夏 |
浮き彫り |
2021-07-14 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
金融機関や大企業のDXが「失敗しやすい」本質的な理由【LayerX福島良典・動画】 - DX完全成功マニュアル |
金融機関や大企業のDXが「失敗しやすい」本質的な理由【LayerX福島良典・動画】DX完全成功マニュアル企業・金融機関のDXデジタルトランスフォーメーションが難しい本質的理由とはDXを達成した先にある、デジタルネイティブな企業の理想的な在り方とは気鋭の起業家、LayerXの福島良典CEO最高経営責任者が、DXを成功させるための正しい「考え方」と「進め方」を解説。 |
2021-07-14 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
グーグルの「最大の急所」が“キャッシュマシーン”広告ビジネスにある理由 - クイズと事例で頭に入る!決算書の読みどころ |
google |
2021-07-14 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
北朝鮮が再度の「食糧危機」を対外発信する本当の事情 - 政策・マーケットラボ |
食糧危機 |
2021-07-14 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
LINE、ユニクロ、楽天が直面する「チャイナリスク」の変質を見極める - チャイナリスク! ~変質する中国、ここが危ない~ |
日本企業 |
2021-07-14 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三菱電機、「不正のオンパレード」に陥った名門企業の根本的な問題 - DOL特別レポート |
2021-07-14 04:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
物価が上がっても米国の長期金利が上昇しない6つの理由 - 経済分析の哲人が斬る!市場トピックの深層 |
物価上昇 |
2021-07-14 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国で「隠れ債務」が深刻化!膨張促した“暗黙の政府保証”の存在 - きんざいOnline |
中国で「隠れ債務」が深刻化膨張促した“暗黙の政府保証の存在きんざいOnline過剰生産に続く中国経済のリスクは「過剰債務問題」である。 |
2021-07-14 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
名門「オンキヨー」上場廃止の裏側、東京商工リサーチが解説 - 倒産のニューノーマル |
上場廃止 |
2021-07-14 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日中高齢者の「食」に見る考え方の違い、中国の介護施設入居者が“ぽっちゃり”なワケ - DOL特別レポート |
介護施設 |
2021-07-14 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
東京オリンピックは昨年の「紅白歌合戦」を手本とせよ、実は似ている2大行事 - 山崎元のマルチスコープ |
大みそか |
2021-07-14 04:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
欧州鉄道「ワクチン接種後」の国境越え現地ルポ 4カ国通過、証明書はチェックなし…大丈夫? | 海外 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-07-14 04:30:00 |