IT |
気になる、記になる… |
【セール】Microsoft Storeや家電量販店で「Surface Laptop Go」が最大11,000円オフに |
microsoft |
2021-07-16 06:38:59 |
Engadget Japanese |
サムスンが車載向けイメージセンサーを発表 大小ピクセルで視認性向上 |
isocell |
2021-07-16 06:30:45 |
Engadget Japanese |
Mi Smart Band 6、血中酸素濃度測定と純正バンドのカラバリが嬉しい。女性へのプレゼントにしては?|買い物レビュー日記 |
xiaomimismartband |
2021-07-16 06:15:06 |
Engadget Japanese |
アップルVRヘッドセットがWWDC2022で発表、「新型iPod」と連携のウワサ |
連携 |
2021-07-16 06:00:29 |
ロボスタ |
「ラジオが広告効果が検証可能なメディアになった」エフエム東京が音声広告の効果検証プラットフォームを開発 測定のしくみ公開 |
tokyo |
2021-07-16 06:17:49 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] HYDEのソロ活動20周年を記念したスマホゲーム『HYDE RUN』がリリース 狙いは? |
appstore |
2021-07-16 15:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] PayPayピックアップキャンペーン延期 緊急事態で「複数店舗が休業」のため |
itmedianewspaypay |
2021-07-16 15:32:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] メルカリ、五輪ボランティアのユニフォームなど出品禁止に |
itmedia |
2021-07-16 15:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] サードウェーブ、第11世代Core i5/i7搭載の15.6型ゲーミングノート4製品 |
coreii |
2021-07-16 15:16:00 |
IT |
Kopia - マルチベンダー対応のバックアップソフトウェア |
Kopiaマルチベンダー対応のバックアップソフトウェアバックアップはとっていますか。 |
2021-07-16 17:00:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon RDS for MySQL バージョン 5.6 サポート延長のお知らせ |
以前AmazonRDSforMySQLバージョンのサポート終了のお知らせの中で年月日から自動アップグレードを行い、年月日に残りの全てのインスタンスのアップグレードを行うとお知らせ致しましたが、サポートの延長を行うことを決定致しました。 |
2021-07-16 06:23:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ADX2スクリプトで原音再生 |
ADXスクリプトで原音再生内容pyaudioを利用するとオーディオの解析とかできそうなのでとりあえず選択したウェーブフォームの元波形を再生するものを作ってみた環境CRIAtomCraftpyaudioのインストールwindowsでpythonを使っているのですが、pyaudioがインストールできなくて、これを参考にインストールした。 |
2021-07-16 15:06:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Attribute 'private' can only be used in a non-local scopeというエラー |
2021-07-16 16:00:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
チェスの盤面の設置プログラムで、設置禁止エリアを作りたいです。 |
チェスの盤面の設置プログラムで、設置禁止エリアを作りたいです。 |
2021-07-16 15:58:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
メールを送る際のファイアウォール設定 |
メールを送る際のファイアウォール設定PC→ファイアウォール以下、FW→インターネット→会社メールnbspの経由でメールを送信する際のFW設定について、以下の考え方は合っていますでしょうか。 |
2021-07-16 15:57:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語/GTKをgccでコンパイルをしようとしたが"No such file or directory"エラーが起こり困っている |
C言語GTKをgccでコンパイルをしようとしたがquotNosuchfileordirectoryquotエラーが起こり困っている前提・実現したいことC言語GTKを公式サイトのサンプルコードquotgtktestcquotで保存したをコンパイル・実行ができるようにしたい。 |
2021-07-16 15:53:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
React.forwardRefのジェネリクス型指定について |
ReactforwardRefのジェネリクス型指定について知りたいことReactforwardRefを利用した以下のようなコードがあります。 |
2021-07-16 15:53:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
マルチドメインで管理できるもの |
マルチドメインで管理できるもの初めてサーバーを借りてマルチドメインでサイトを公開しました。 |
2021-07-16 15:45:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
オブジェクトにテクスチャーを張り付けたい |
2021-07-16 15:23:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Content-Disposition: attachment;を設定してもファイル名に日本語を含む場合にダウンロードできずに、ブラウザでファイルが開かれる原因がわからない。またその場合どうすればダウ |
ContentDispositionattachmentを設定してもファイル名に日本語を含む場合にダウンロードできずに、ブラウザでファイルが開かれる原因がわからない。 |
2021-07-16 15:22:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
al勾配降下法のプログラムについて Python |
al勾配降下法のプログラムについてPython質問勾配降下法のプログラムについて質問です。 |
2021-07-16 15:20:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Hyper-V 上の Vyos でのブリッジ |
HyperV上のVyosでのブリッジ実現したいことHyperVnbsp上のnbspVyosnbspでブリッジしようとしましたが、片方としか通信できません。 |
2021-07-16 15:16:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SUBMIT時のフォーカス位置を保持し、SUBMIT後に同じ位置にフォーカスしたい |
SUBMIT時のフォーカス位置を保持し、SUBMIT後に同じ位置にフォーカスしたい行目の名前入力インプットにフォーカスされているときにエンターキーを押してSUBMITします。 |
2021-07-16 15:14:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
while文を使った処理 Javascript |
while文を使った処理Javascript前提・実現したいことある一つの数字の桁を逆から並べ、反転させる。 |
2021-07-16 15:12:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画面のボタンを押した際に指定のメソッドに処理が飛ばない |
画面のボタンを押した際に指定のメソッドに処理が飛ばないwebページである機能を作成しようとしているのですが、html、javascript、コントローラでのやりとりがうまくいきません。 |
2021-07-16 15:11:17 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
正規表現の一合目 |
は「直前の文字が個、または無し」を表すは「任意の文字」を表すは「直前の文字が個以上」を表すは「直前の文字が個以上」を表すはマッチする部分をキャプチャ捕捉するキャプチャした部分は置換するときにやで参照できるwは「英単語を構成する文字半角英数字とアンダースコア」を表すABは「AでもなくBでもない任意の文字」を表す正規表現中の特別な文字はでエスケープするはキャプチャだけでなく、グループ化にも使われるABCは「文字列ABCがあり、または無し」を表すはキャプチャ無しでグループ化する場合に使うとは「貪欲」で最長マッチを返すため、使い方を誤ると思いがけない結果が返るやにすると、最短マッチを返す空白を自在に扱おうこちらの記事で学べる内容、、s、t、nの意味を使ったOR検索環境によって異なる改行コードと正規表現の関係使われる場所によって異なるの意味こちらの章は、主に空白文字と「位置」を表すメタ文字であるアンカーを中心に扱っている。 |
2021-07-16 15:21:01 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsで架空のCafeのHPを作ってみよう!【6日目】『複数形がないコントローラ』編 |
今回の場合newsという単語でコントローラを実装したいがこの単語には複数形が存在しない。 |
2021-07-16 15:22:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails] Basic認証の導入法 |
ここでgitでpushしないでくださいこれでローカル環境で見てみるとBasic認証が導入されているはずです。 |
2021-07-16 15:13:17 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
コンピュータービジョンツールのご紹介 |
forenglishclickhere |
2021-07-16 06:22:08 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Computer Vision Tools in Alteryx |
edtothealteryxplatformas |
2021-07-16 06:21:54 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon SNSのrawメッセージ配信設定の違いをCloudFormationで手軽に勉強する |
amazonsns |
2021-07-16 06:11:10 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【登壇資料】「Asanaの基本的な使い方」について登壇しました |
asana |
2021-07-16 06:03:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What gives Flutter the edge over its other alternatives? |
What gives Flutter the edge over its other alternatives Hey there In the previous post we have walked through the Introduction of Flutter incase you haven t read that you can read it here Now let s see what makes Flutter the projected next big thing in Mobile App Development There are as of mid over Flutter apps on Google Playstore Over half a million developers use Flutter every month and how much they love it is evident in forums of GitHub and StackOverflow Clearly Flutter is emerging a winner in the cross platform app development space and proving a worthy competitor to React Native In fact the popularity of Flutter has soared significantly despite its being such a young framework How unique is Flutter Now as I said in the previous post Flutter simply compile that Dart code to native code for these different platforms and that happens with the help of the Flutter SDK and as a result you get real apps spit out with highly optimized high performance code that s based on your code but that s not your code itself instead it s the compiled version of that code and therefore you really ship code that runs on the different platforms and that s optimized and high performant because performance is actually a huge advantage of Flutter apps Flutter out of the box gives you high performance applications The Flutter advantageIt s important to understand that Flutter does not use platform primitives Now what do I mean with that We re having our Flutter app and we re targeting iOS and Android Now if we want to add a button then in Flutter with this UI as Code approach we do so by adding a RaisedButton Now this is just an instruction in your Flutter code which tells Flutter to render a button in that part of your widget tree Now you could think that what happens when the code gets compiled to that native code is that this RaisedButton is translated to hey iOS please give me your default button which would be a UI button element in the iOS development world and for Android a widget button that we get these native buttons which are of course part of the native development environments and that s NOT what happens Instead Flutter has its own implementations and that s really important to understand and to keep in mind directly controls every pixel on the screen So Flutter does not compile your code to some native equivalence or native alternatives instead Flutter ships with its own engine which controls the entire screen everything the user sees and renders every pixel on its own and that gives Flutter a lot of control and a lot of flexibility sounds great right ConclusionNow you don t have to care too much about that because Flutter does it for you but it s important to be aware of that because that gives Flutter more control and less limitations and therefore you implicitly indirectly benefit from that You have a good performance you have a lot of power a lot of things you can configure you have full control over how you want to build your user interface Thanks for giving this a read have a great day Praveen Varma |
2021-07-16 06:54:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
3 Ways to Give Better Feedback |
Ways to Give Better FeedbackGiving feedback to your peers can be extremely difficult if you do not plan it right Thankfully there are a set of tools that can drastically improve those skills Use the proper format Your pull requests are really annoying to review is not feedback that is easy to accept or easy to act on It is very confronting and blaming and thereby switches the focus away from solving the problem Instead feedback should follow an observing formula Observation of behaviour impact of the behaviour question or request actionable and specific feedback The formula turns the feedback from something blaming into Over the last three weeks I ve noticed that you have created large pull requests without any descriptions or instructions This more than doubles the review time needed and has led to five production bugs Can you help me understand why you prefer these large pull requests Negative feedback should be given with a growth mindsetTo ensure that people can use negative feedback you must give it with a growth mindset If the negative feedback does not have the goal of helping your colleague grow in that particular area then it is not valuable feedback Do not deliver it as a scriptIt might seem like a good idea to write down the feedback and read it to your colleague but it will often come off as ungenuine Feedback is about being present and listening not delivering a presentation With these three steps you can easily take your feedback skills to the next level ReferencesHuston Therese Let s Talk Make Effective Feedback Your SuperpowerHogan Lara Resilient Management |
2021-07-16 06:24:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The 10 most in-demand roles in the Information Security domain |
The most in demand roles in the Information Security domainWe thought it would be interesting to go deeper into the analytics part of running our InfoSec job board in the most privacy focused way for our users of course So here we are now starting to expose some of our aggregated internal job data in a systematic fashion through a simple REST API with a list of generalized job titles that are posted on infosec jobs com The cool thing with this is that we are able to see what s popular in terms of the roles employers are hiring for most often in the Cyber Security space Our “methodology here is quite simple we re primarily counting the occurence of job titles over the last months cleaned and adjusted for certain specialties that some companies like to do e g inventing their own stuff that s not being used by anyone else or adding crazy super specific details to a vacancy title and so on We also left out many titles with indicators regarding seniority or other requirements as we already have dedicated attributes for these More on that probably in a future post So here it is our current as of June top list of the ten roles in Information Security with the highest demand from employers on our site Security EngineerApplication Security EngineerDevSecOps EngineerCloud Security ArchitectCloud Security EngineerInformation Security EngineerCyber Security AnalystProduct Security EngineerInformation Security ManagerSecurity AnalystIf your interested in the raw JSON data you can find the endpoint here The results there are updated every hours although it won t really change that much anytime soon And if it does we ll maybe write about it We also use all the job titles from that list for our brand new salaries survey to have a “standardized selection of positions to choose from and attach salaries to You can check out the survey and the resulting dataset being released in the public domain here This post appeared first on |
2021-07-16 06:16:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn PYTHON in ONE Week! |
Learn PYTHON in ONE Week Want to learn one of the most powerful and trending programming language within one week Yes you read it right you can learn Python within a week if you have dedication you can Just follow the below path Here is the path to learn Python in just week So let s start with day by day DAY Basic Concepts hours Variables Display Output Print command Take user input input command Conditionals statements DAY Basic Concepts hours List index append remove for loop while loop functionyou can learn basics from here Python Basics DAY Simple coding problems hours Convert miles into Kilometers Calculate Simple Interest Find largest number in the list Check a number is prime or not Sum of all digits in a number Reverse String check palindrome Calculate age Build a simple Calculator DAY Data Structures hours Stack and Queue Dictionary Tuplesyou can learn DS from here Learn Data Structures DAY OOP hours Object Class Method and Constructor OOP Inheritancefor this you can watch YouTube videos DAY Algorithm hours Binary Search Bubble Sort Selection Sortone of the best Algorithm course I came across Learn Algorithm DAY Projects hours Build a web Crawler or a news aggregator or a simple game using pygameVoila You made it you are now Junior Python developer So that s it for now hope you find it useful Now its all depends on you Best of luck |
2021-07-16 06:16:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to utilise JSDoc comment tags so that Visual Studio Code intellisense works great |
How to utilise JSDoc comment tags so that Visual Studio Code intellisense works great Types in JavaScriptJavaScript is a loosely typed and dynamic language Variables in JavaScript are not directly associated with any particular value type and any variable can be assigned and re assigned values of all types let foo foo is now a numberfoo bar foo is now a stringfoo true foo is now a boolean Intellisense in VS CodeVisual Studio Code s intellisense will only work if it understands the type of of your code In above example after you write first line let foo it will show you methods of a number But what if you assign a JSON which is going to hold many properties like id createdOn etc It s also working fine But it s unlikely that your variable is going to hold values with initialization So now if you check for blank JSON intellisense will stop working because now VS code doesn t know the types Without proper intellisense we often make typos call the method which doesn t exist or even try to access the properties of an objects by a random guess To handle such and more complex scenarios and make sure intellisense works right for those we will use JSDoc s param type and typedef block tags JSDoc to the rescueJSDoc comes with lots of tags you can checkout them all on it s website But for this article we are going to focus on below tags param type typedef paramThe param tag provides the name type and description of a function parameter The param tag requires you to specify the name of the parameter you are documenting You can also include the parameter s type enclosed in curly brackets and a description of the parameter SourceLet s look at some examples param string somebody function sayHello somebody alert Hello somebody After above code VS code s intellisense will work great whenever you try to call sayHello You can look at more examples at examples typeThe type tag allows you to provide a type expression identifying the type of value that a symbol may contain or the type of value returned by a function You can also include type expressions with many other JSDoc tags such as the param tag A type expression can include the JSDoc namepath to a symbol for example myNamespace MyClass a built in JavaScript type for example string or a combination of these You can use any Google Closure Compiler type expression as well as several other formats that are specific to JSDoc SourceLet s take a look at example type Array var foo For above code typing foo will load all Array s properties and methods More examples at examples typedefThe typedef tag is useful for documenting custom types particularly if you wish to refer to them repeatedly These types can then be used within other tags expecting a type such as type or param SourceThis tag is really helpful it helps us to shape any complex type Let s take a look at example This example defines a more complex type an object with several properties and sets its namepath so it will be displayed along with the class that uses the type Because the type definition is not actually exposed by the function it is customary to document the type definition as an inner member src toast js typedef Object Toast property string id property boolean closed Indicates whether user has close the toast property Date generatedOn Indicates when the toast was generated property string message toast content property warn info type Indicates type of toast Also useful to show different icons A function for showing toast param Toast toast link toast object containing all components of the toast export function showToast toast Here is the breakdown of above code The first line We first indicated that we want to create a custom type using typedef tagThen we indicated that it s going to be an Object You can also create simpler custom type using primitive date types for example string or number And lastly we named this type as ToastNow as Toast is going to be an Object in rest of the comments we defined what are it s properties going to be using property tag You can learn more about property tag here Now if you try to call showToast VS code will do it s magic But this is not enough In practical scenarios you would be generating Toasts in different files and calling showToast from there You can export and import showToast in other files but what about Toast type definition You can also import type definition the same way you import bindings from another module But as types are created in comments you need import them in comments src home jsimport showToast from toast returns import toast Toast function getToasts const allToasts getToasts allToasts forEach toast gt showToast toast Just to emphasis here s how we imported Toast type definition returns import toast Toast You can read more about typedef at ConclusionWe learned how JSDoc block tags param type and typedef can help us to achieve maximum out of VS Code s intellisense and code faster without getting into un wanted issues That s it Thanks for reading Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks in comments section And yes always believe in yourself Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash |
2021-07-16 06:09:59 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(JASDAQスタンダード):タンゴヤ(株) |
新規上場 |
2021-07-16 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[OSE]特別清算数値(2021年7月第3週限):日経225 |
特別清算 |
2021-07-16 15:15:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
欧州委、炭素国境調整メカニズム(CBAM)の設置規則案を発表 |
調整 |
2021-07-16 06:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
欧州委、排出量取引制度(ETS)改正案を発表、道路輸送や建物も対象に |
排出量取引 |
2021-07-16 06:15:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
BOJ joins global climate change fight with green loan incentives |
BOJ joins global climate change fight with green loan incentivesThe BOJ said it would offer banks interest free funds for climate linked loans or investments and exempt more of their reserves from its negative interest rate |
2021-07-16 15:14:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Germany floods: At least 80 dead and hundreds unaccounted for |
belgium |
2021-07-16 06:00:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid hospital numbers could get scary - Prof Chris Whitty |
january |
2021-07-16 06:35:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Whitty says case levels may get 'scary' and warning on organ damage |
coronavirus |
2021-07-16 06:54:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Marcus Rashford mural graffiti 'not racial', say police |
motive |
2021-07-16 06:15:35 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonタイムセール祭り】 3,000円台の電動かき氷器、44円/500mlの炭酸水24本セットなど |
amazon |
2021-07-16 15:45:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
IAM サービス アカウントでの Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL に対する認証 |
管理用ユーザーアカウント権限OAUTHトークンの権限借用ユーザーアカウントでサービスアカウントとしてサービスを呼び出す場合に必要ですIAM認証用にCloudSQLを構成する構成フラグを指定してIAM認証を有効にするIAM認証はアカウントを追加しただけでは使用できません。 |
2021-07-16 07:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
米国連邦政府 CISO の Chris DeRusha 氏、Google Cloud Government Security Summit で特別基調講演 |
また、連邦政府の最高情報セキュリティ責任者CISOであるChrisDeRusha氏に、本イベントの特別基調講演で連邦政府機関の今後の方向性を概説していただくことになりました。 |
2021-07-16 07:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道南の新規感染者ゼロ 新型コロナ |
道南 |
2021-07-16 15:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米フォード、主力EVを公開 普及へ試金石、F―150 |
試金石 |
2021-07-16 15:04:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
「ホラーかよ...」人形工場の生産ラインで髪の毛、目玉を植え付ける動画が不気味すぎた |
「ホラーかよ」人形工場の生産ラインで髪の毛、目玉を植え付ける動画が不気味すぎた人形工場の労働者が作業風景を撮影した映像がTikTok上で物議を醸している。 |
2021-07-16 15:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『モンスターハンターライズ』新たな称号が手に入るイベントクエスト「 称号・ゴウケツの心」が配信開始! |
nintendo |
2021-07-16 15:35:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
企業・教育・地域をフィールドとする藤原大、100年後の社会を見つめた展覧会を開催 |
humannaturedaifujiwara |
2021-07-16 07:00:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「一粒のまぎれた米を探す」男たちの苦労をコミカルに描いた、精米機メーカー SATAKEの新CM |
satake |
2021-07-16 06:30:03 |
Cloud Blog JA |
IAM サービス アカウントでの Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL に対する認証 |
管理用ユーザーアカウント権限OAUTHトークンの権限借用ユーザーアカウントでサービスアカウントとしてサービスを呼び出す場合に必要ですIAM認証用にCloudSQLを構成する構成フラグを指定してIAM認証を有効にするIAM認証はアカウントを追加しただけでは使用できません。 |
2021-07-16 07:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
米国連邦政府 CISO の Chris DeRusha 氏、Google Cloud Government Security Summit で特別基調講演 |
また、連邦政府の最高情報セキュリティ責任者CISOであるChrisDeRusha氏に、本イベントの特別基調講演で連邦政府機関の今後の方向性を概説していただくことになりました。 |
2021-07-16 07:00:00 |