python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
foliumのpopupの日本語が縦書きになる現象と悪戦苦闘したら奇跡が起きた話 |
色々調べてみたが解決しなかった為、今回はゴリ押しで解決してみる。 |
2021-07-18 20:39:25 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LINE WorksにAPI経由でメッセージを投げる |
DeveloperConsoleからBotの作成LINEWorksの管理者画面から、Botを対象ドメインへ登録Botをトークルームへ招待DeveloperConsoleからBotの作成画面からポチポチするだけです。 |
2021-07-18 20:06:14 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Javascript】SQLのwhere的な文字列で真偽判定【構文解析】【改良版】 |
【Javascript】SQLのwhere的な文字列で真偽判定【構文解析】【改良版】概要以下の記事でSQLのwhere的な構文typeでんきandtypeひこうなどでobjectの真偽判定をするプログラムを書いたのですが、オブジェクト化を一切せずに書いたので、かなり見にくくなってしまいました。 |
2021-07-18 20:02:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
間違って入力されている会員番号を揃えたい |
表示 |
2021-07-18 20:58:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
kaggleの円グラフをGoogle colabで実行するとエラーになる。 |
kaggleの円グラフをGooglecolabで実行するとエラーになる。 |
2021-07-18 20:50:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
〔Python〕" AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' "とエラー表示されてしまった。 |
〔Python〕quotAttributeErrorxNoneTypexobjecthasnoattributexfindallxquotとエラー表示されてしまった。 |
2021-07-18 20:34:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rubyでhashからキーごとに値を集計し2次元hashに格納したい |
rubyでhashからキーごとに値を集計し次元hashに格納したい前提・実現したいことrubyでhashからキーごとに集計して、新しいhashを作りたいのですが、エラーになってしまいます。 |
2021-07-18 20:29:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python スクレイピング csvファイルへの出力 カンマ , 改行 消す |
pythonのスクレイピングで為替相場の表をつくっております。 |
2021-07-18 20:26:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
関数内で非同期処理を行いたい |
2021-07-18 20:09:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PrintStr()の定義 |
PrintStrの定義前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-07-18 20:07:54 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: users: 〜のエラー解決方法 |
SQLiteSQLExceptionnosuchtableusersのエラー解決方法私が解決に苦戦したエラーを記載します。 |
2021-07-18 20:05:36 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: users: 〜のエラー解決方法 |
SQLiteSQLExceptionnosuchtableusersのエラー解決方法私が解決に苦戦したエラーを記載します。 |
2021-07-18 20:05:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS EKS With EFS CSI Driver And IRSA Using CDK |
AWS EKS With EFS CSI Driver And IRSA Using CDK AbstractFor multiple pods which need to read write same data Amazon Elastic File System EFS is the best choice This post guides you the new way to create and setup EFS on EKS with IAM role for service account using IaC AWS CDK v Table Of ContentsWhat is Amazon Elastic File System EFS provisioner ArchitectureWhat is Amazon EFS CSI driver Amazon EFS Access PointsCreate EFS Using CDKCreate IAM role for service account for CSIInstall EFS CSI using helmCreate storageclass pv and pvc Dynamic ProvisioningCreate storageclass pv and pvc EFS Access PointsHow to troubleshoot What is Amazon Elastic File System Amazon Elastic File System Amazon EFS provides a simple scalable fully managed elastic NFS file system for use with AWS Cloud services and on premises resources EFS provisioner Architecture The EFS volume at the top of the figure is an AWS provisioned EFS volume therefore managed by AWS separately from Kubernetes As most of AWS resources are It will be attached to a VPC Availability zones and subnets And it will be protected by security groups This volume can basically be mounted anywhere you can mount volumes using the NFS protocol So you can mount it on your laptop considering you configured AWS security groups accordingly which can be very useful for test or debug purposes Or you can mount it in Kubernetes And that s what will do both the EFS provisioner in order to configure sub volumes inside the EFS volume and your pods in order to access the sub volumes When the EFS provisioner is deployed in Kubernetes a new StorageClass “efs is available and managed by this provisioner You can then create a PVC that references this StorageClass By doing so the EFS provisioner will see your PVC and begin to take care of it by doing the following Create a subdir in the EFS volume dedicated to this PVCCreate a PV with the URI of this subdir Address of the EFS volume subdir path and related info that will enable pods to use this subdir as a storage location using NFS protocolBind this PV to the PVCNow when a pod is designed to use PVC it will use the PV s info in order to connect directly to the EFS volume and use the subdir Ref Previously I wrote a post introduce EFS provisoner using quay io external storage efs provisioner latest an OpenShift Container Platform pod that mounts the EFS volume as an NFS share read more In this post I introduce CSI Driver provisioner What is CSI driver A CSI driver is typically deployed in Kubernetes as two components a controller component and a per node component Controller PluginNode pluginHow the two components works What is Amazon EFS CSI driver The Amazon EFS Container Storage Interface CSI driver provides a CSI interface that allows Kubernetes clusters running on AWS to manage the lifecycle of Amazon EFS file systems EFS CSI driver supports dynamic provisioning and static provisioning Currently Dynamic Provisioning creates an access point for each PV This mean an AWS EFS file system has to be created manually on AWS first and should be provided as an input to the storage class parameter For static provisioning AWS EFS file system needs to be created manually on AWS first After that it can be mounted inside a container as a volume using the driver What is the benefit of using EFS CSI Driver Introducing Amazon EFS CSI dynamic provisioning Amazon EFS Access Points Amazon EFS access points are application specific entry points into an EFS file system that make it easier to manage application access to shared datasets Access points can enforce a user identity including the user s POSIX groups for all file system requests that are made through the access point Access points can also enforce a different root directory for the file system so that clients can only access data in the specified directory or its subdirectories You can use AWS Identity and Access Management IAM policies to enforce that specific applications use a specific access point By combining IAM policies with access points you can easily provide secure access to specific datasets for your applications We go through the introductions from above now going to setup Create EFS Using CDK Note We need tag key efs csi aws com cluster value true so that later we restrict the IAM permission within this EFS onlyfrom constructs import Constructfrom eks statements import EksWorkerRoleStatementsfrom aws cdk import Stack Tags RemovalPolicy aws eks as eks aws ec as ec aws iam as iam aws efs as efs class EksEfsStack Stack def init self scope Construct construct id str env vpc kwargs gt None super init scope construct id env env kwargs efs sg ec SecurityGroup self EfsSG vpc vpc description EKS EFS SG security group name eks efs efs sg add ingress rule ec Peer ipv ec Port all traffic EFS VPC access Tags of efs sg add key cfn eks dev stack value sg stack Tags of efs sg add key Name value eks efs Tags of efs sg add key env value dev file system efs FileSystem self construct id vpc vpc file system name eks efs lifecycle policy efs LifecyclePolicy AFTER DAYS removal policy RemovalPolicy DESTROY security group efs sg Tags of file system add key cfn eks dev stack value efs stack Tags of file system add key efs csi aws com cluster value true Tags of file system add key Name value eks efs Tags of file system add key env value dev Create IAM role for service account for CSI staticmethod def efs csi statement policy statement iam PolicyStatement effect iam Effect ALLOW actions elasticfilesystem DescribeAccessPoints elasticfilesystem DescribeFileSystems resources conditions StringEquals aws RequestedRegion ap northeast policy statement iam PolicyStatement effect iam Effect ALLOW actions elasticfilesystem CreateAccessPoint elasticfilesystem DeleteAccessPoint resources conditions StringEquals aws ResourceTag efs csi aws com cluster true return policy statement policy statement EFS CSI SA efs csi role iam Role self EfsCSIRole role name eks efs csi sa assumed by iam FederatedPrincipal federated oidc arn assume role action sts AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity conditions StringEquals string like kube system efs csi controller sa for stm in statement efs csi statement efs csi role add to policy stm Tags of efs csi role add key cfn eks dev stack value role stack Install EFS CSI using helm Use the above service account as external parameterhelm repo add aws efs csi driver helm repo updatehelm upgrade i aws efs csi driver aws efs csi driver aws efs csi driver namespace kube system set serviceAccount controller create false set serviceAccount controller name efs csi controller saAnnotate IRSA and then rollout restart controllers kubectl annotate serviceaccount n kube system efs csi controller sa eks amazonaws com role arn arn aws iam role eks efs csi sa serviceaccount efs csi controller sa annotated kubectl rollout restart deployment n kube system efs csi controller deployment apps efs csi controller restarted Check IRSA work kubectl exec n kube system efs csi controller bdc wd env grep AWSAWS ROLE ARN arn aws iam role eks efs csi saAWS WEB IDENTITY TOKEN FILE var run secrets eks amazonaws com serviceaccount tokenAWS DEFAULT REGION ap northeast AWS REGION ap northeast Check CSI ec user eks ctl kubectl get pod n kube system grep csiefs csi controller bdc wd Running hefs csi controller bdc qtcc Running mefs csi node rn Running hefs csi node zdwg Running mFor understanding IAM Role for service account Go to Create storageclass pv and pvc Dynamic Provisioning storageclass yaml kind StorageClassapiVersion storage ks io vmetadata name efs scprovisioner efs csi aws comparameters provisioningMode efs ap fileSystemId fs directoryPerms gidRangeStart gidRangeEnd basePath data provisioningMode The type of volume to be provisioned by efs Currently only access point based provisioning is supported efs ap fileSystemId The file system under which Access Point is created directoryPerms Directory Permissions of the root directory created by Access Point gidRangeStart Optional Starting range of Posix Group ID to be applied onto the root directory of the access point Default value is gidRangeEnd Optional Ending range of Posix Group ID Default value is basePath Optional Path on the file system under which access point root directory is created If path is not provided access points root directory are created under the root of the file system apiVersion vkind Namespacemetadata name storage apiVersion vkind PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata name efs claimspec accessModes ReadWriteMany storageClassName efs sc resources requests storage Gi apiVersion vkind Podmetadata name efs writer namespace storagespec containers name efs writer image centos command bin sh args c while true do echo date u gt gt data out sleep done volumeMounts name persistent storage mountPath data volumes name persistent storage persistentVolumeClaim claimName efs claim apiVersion vkind Podmetadata name efs reader namespace storagespec containers name efs reader image busybox command bin sh args c while true do sleep done volumeMounts name efs pvc mountPath data volumes name efs pvc persistentVolumeClaim claimName efs claimApply and check kubectl get sc efs scNAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGEefs sc efs csi aws com Delete Immediate false ms kubectl get pvcNAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGEefs claim Bound pvc aef c b ae bcada Gi RWX efs sc msDynamic Access point is createdCheck read write pod and ensure pods are located to different nodes to demonstrate EFS strongly kubectl get pod n storage owideNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATESefs reader Running s ip ap northeast compute internal lt none gt lt none gt efs writer Running s ip ap northeast compute internal lt none gt lt none gt kubectl exec efs reader n storage cat data out head n Fri Jul UTC Fri Jul UTC kubectl exec efs writer n storage cat data out head n Fri Jul UTC Fri Jul UTC Ref Create storageclass pv and pvc EFS Access Points First create access point using AWS CLI or AWS console and then get the Access point ID and EFS ID to pass to volumeHandle fs acbc fsap feafccbd efs ap yaml kind StorageClassapiVersion storage ks io vmetadata name efs scprovisioner efs csi aws com apiVersion vkind Namespacemetadata name storage apiVersion vkind PersistentVolumemetadata name efs pvspec capacity storage Gi volumeMode Filesystem accessModes ReadWriteMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy Retain storageClassName efs sc csi driver efs csi aws com volumeHandle fs acbc fsap feafccbd apiVersion vkind PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata name efs claimspec accessModes ReadWriteMany storageClassName efs sc resources requests storage Gi apiVersion vkind Podmetadata name efs writer namespace storagespec containers name efs writer image centos command bin sh args c while true do echo date u gt gt data out sleep done volumeMounts name persistent storage mountPath data volumes name persistent storage persistentVolumeClaim claimName efs claim apiVersion vkind Podmetadata name efs reader namespace storagespec containers name efs reader image busybox command bin sh args c while true do sleep done volumeMounts name efs pvc mountPath data volumes name efs pvc persistentVolumeClaim claimName efs claimApply the yaml file kubectl get pvcNAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGEefs claim Bound efs pv Gi RWX efs sc h kubectl get pvNAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGEefs pv Gi RWX Retain Bound storage efs claim efs sc h kubectl get podNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEefs reader Running sefs writer Running s kubectl exec efs reader cat data outTue Jul UTC Tue Jul UTC How to troubleshoot Failed case if we input wrong EFS ID kubectl logs n kube system f tail efs csi controller bdc wd csi provisionerE event go Server rejected event amp v Event TypeMeta v TypeMeta Kind APIVersion ObjectMeta v ObjectMeta Name efs claim fa GenerateName Namespace storage SelfLink UID ResourceVersion Generation CreationTimestamp v Time Time time Time wall x ext loc time Location nil DeletionTimestamp v Time nil DeletionGracePeriodSeconds int nil Labels map string string nil Annotations map string string nil OwnerReferences v OwnerReference nil Finalizers string nil ClusterName ManagedFields v ManagedFieldsEntry nil InvolvedObject v ObjectReference Kind PersistentVolumeClaim Namespace storage Name efs claim UID cf c a a fdebe APIVersion v ResourceVersion FieldPath Reason Provisioning Message External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim storage efs claim Source v EventSource Component efs csi aws com ip ap northeast compute internal fef be b ddce Host FirstTimestamp v Time Time time Time wall x ext loc time Location xe LastTimestamp v Time Time time Time wall xcaf ext loc time Location xe Count Type Normal EventTime v MicroTime Time time Time wall x ext loc time Location nil Series v EventSeries nil Action Related v ObjectReference nil ReportingController ReportingInstance events efs claim fa is forbidden User system serviceaccount kube system efs csi controller sa cannot patch resource events in API group in the namespace storage will not retry I controller go Final error received removing PVC cf c a a fdebe from claims in progressW controller go Retrying syncing claim cf c a a fdebe failure E controller go error syncing claim cf c a a fdebe failed to provision volume with StorageClass efs sc rpc error code InvalidArgument desc File System does not exist Resource was not foundI event go Event v ObjectReference Kind PersistentVolumeClaim Namespace storage Name efs claim UID cf c a a fdebe APIVersion v ResourceVersion FieldPath type Warning reason ProvisioningFailed failed to provision volume with StorageClass efs sc rpc error code InvalidArgument desc File System does not exist Resource was not foundSuccess kubectl logs n kube system f tail efs csi controller bdc wd csi provisionerI controller go provision storage efs claim class efs sc startedI event go Event v ObjectReference Kind PersistentVolumeClaim Namespace storage Name efs claim UID aef c b ae bcada APIVersion v ResourceVersion FieldPath type Normal reason Provisioning External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim storage efs claim I controller go successfully created PV pvc aef c b ae bcada for PVC efs claim and csi volume name fs acbc fsap beacaI controller go provision storage efs claim class efs sc volume pvc aef c b ae bcada provisionedI controller go provision storage efs claim class efs sc succeededI event go Event v ObjectReference Kind PersistentVolumeClaim Namespace storage Name efs claim UID aef c b ae bcada APIVersion v ResourceVersion FieldPath type Normal reason ProvisioningSucceeded Successfully provisioned volume pvc aef c b ae bcada ltag user id follow action button background color important color df important border color important Vu DaoFollow Awesome Devops AWS SA CloudOpz vumdao vumdao |
2021-07-18 11:22:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Beginner JavaScript - 14 - Creating and Inserting Elements to the DOM |
Beginner JavaScript Creating and Inserting Elements to the DOMHey everyone In this article let us discuss about Creating Inserting and Removing Elements from the DOM in JavaScript This is the fourteenth part of my Beginner JavaScript Series on Dev Let us first discuss about creating and inserting elements in DOM before we move our attention to removing elements Creating and Inserting Elements in DOMFor creating and inserting elements in DOM I would live to cover basically two ways HTML Strings innerHTML insertAdjacentHTML document createElement appendChild appendLet us first talk about HTML Strings HTML Strings innerHTMLThe innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content inner HTML of an element Let us assume we want to add some html markup inside some element with the id of xconst markup lt div gt lt h gt This is some dummy markup lt h gt lt div gt document getElementById x innerHTML markup insertAdjacentHTMLThe insertAdjacentHTML method parses goes over the given HTML code and inserts the specified nodes that we create into the DOM tree at a specified position The benefit of using insertAdjacentHTML is that it does not reparse the element it is being used on so it saves the cost of re initiating this step and thus it avoids the extra step of serialization making it much faster than direct innerHTML manipulation SYNTAXelement insertAdjacentHTML position text Let us assume we want to add some html markup inside some element with the id of xconst markup lt div gt lt h gt This is some dummy markup lt h gt lt div gt document getElementById x innerHTML markup document createElement appendChild and append methodsThe document createElement method is used to create a new HTML element and attach it to a DOM tree Let us see the syntax for creating an element using the document createElement method SYNTAX TO CREATE AN ELEMENT OF A PARTICULAR TYPE const element document createElement elementType Let us see the examples for appendChild and append methods Let us say our starter HTML is this lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt title gt append and appendChild methods lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt body gt lt html gt Let us create a div element using the document createElement method and then make use of the appendChild method to add the newly created div to the body of the HTML const div document createElement div div innerHTML lt p gt This is a div element lt p gt Append the div as a child element to the body element document body appendChild div So this is it for this article Let us learn about how we can remove elements from the DOM in the next article PS If you are looking to learn Web Development I have curated a FREE course for you on my YouTube Channel check the below article Web Developer Full Course HTML CSS JavaScript Node js and MongoDB The Nerdy Dev・Apr ・ min read html css node javascript Looking to learn React js with one Full Project check this out Learn React with one BIG Project NOTES included Demo and Video Link The Nerdy Dev・Jun ・ min read daysofcode javascript react webdev Follow me on Twitter Check out my YouTube Channel |
2021-07-18 11:01:06 |
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