IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 選手村のベッド破壊動画が波紋も、メーカーは「SNSで発信してくれるのはありがたい」 |
itmedia |
2021-07-30 20:07:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python初心者がTwitterAPIを使ってつぶやいてみた。(2021年7月の情報) |
Confirmyouremail を クリック し ましょ う 。 |
2021-07-30 20:49:08 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
OpenCV・PIL・PyTorchの画像要素の順番と3次元配列のイメージの違い |
OpenCV・PIL・PyTorchの画像要素の順番と次元配列のイメージの違い結論から言うと、画像要素はそれぞれこのような順番の違いがあるOpenCV高さ、幅、色チャネルPIL高さ、幅、色チャネルPyTorch色チャネル、高さ、幅故に、PyTorchでは必ずimgtransformedimgtransformednumpytransposeのように要素を入れ替える必要があるので注意通常のnumpy次元配列とOpenCVやPILの次元配列のイメージの違い通常のnumpy次元配列はこのようなイメージだと思う通常のnumpy次元配列Xnparray要素の取り出し最初の数字が三次元目の軸奥行き方向、番目が二次元目の軸縦、番目が一次元目横gtgtgtX奥行き軸axisの番目を取り出すgtgtgtXarray縦軸axisの番目を取り出すgtgtgtXarray横軸axisの番目を取り出すgtgtgtXarray奥行きRGBチャネル高さ幅の順なのでOpenCVやPILで読み込んだ画像をPyTorchに変換するとこのイメージと同じになるしかしその前に一般的に画像処理に使われるライブラリOpenCVPILでは同じ次元ではあるのだが、配列構成のイメージが違うOpenCVPILの次元配列OpenCVやPILなどは、高さ幅、奥行きRGBチャネルの順になるimportcvimgcvimreadimgpngprintimgshapegtprintimggt要素の取り出し行高さを取得printimgshapeprintimggt列幅を取得printimgshapeprintimggt奥行きチャネルを取得printimgshapeprintimggt高さ幅奥行きRGBチャンルの順なので次元ごとの要素の取り出し方が通常のnumpy及びPyTorchとは異なることに注意高さと幅のイメージが直感的に異なるが実態はこうなっている。 |
2021-07-30 20:21:22 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
右クリックからWinPythonのCommand Promptを開けるようにする方法 |
右クリックからWinPythonのCommandPromptを開けるようにする方法記事の目的Python開発環境WinPythonが導入されたPCにおいて、エクスプローラ上で右クリックした場所でWinPython環境が有効化されたコマンドプロンプトが開けるようにする。 |
2021-07-30 20:04:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのスクレイピング(タグだけ異なる場合) |
pythonのスクレイピングタグだけ異なる場合pythonのスクレイピングでタグは違うけどclassは一緒の場合のスクレイピング方法が分かりません。 |
2021-07-30 20:57:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スクレイピングしたデータをIOSで受け取りたい |
スクレイピングしたデータをIOSで受け取りたい今Pythonでデータをスクレイピングをしています。 |
2021-07-30 20:47:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
c#でDirect3d 12 |
directd |
2021-07-30 20:31:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
全くストアでダウンロードができません |
追加 |
2021-07-30 20:12:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
学校のパソコンのセキュリティが厳しすぎる |
学校のパソコンのセキュリティが厳しすぎる前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-07-30 20:08:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
マウスでドラッグした部分のXpathを取得したい |
「表示しているウェブサイトからマウスでドラッグした部分のHTMLを取得してXpathに変換する」ドラッグしてHTMLを取得することはできたのですが、それをXpathに変換する方法が分かりません。 |
2021-07-30 20:05:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
valueにリスト型のデータを持つ辞書型データをcsvに出力する方法がわかりません... |
valueにリスト型のデータを持つ辞書型データをcsvに出力する方法がわかりませんvalueにリスト型のデータを持つ辞書型データをcsvに出力する方法がわかりません現在持っている下記のデータ構造の辞書型に対して、下記のような構造のcsvに出力したいですが、うまくできませんでした。 |
2021-07-30 20:03:49 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails]Capistranoで自動デプロイで気をつけたいこと |
その後、一度プロセスをkillします。 |
2021-07-30 20:53:24 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語 基礎文法 |
ATourofGoチュートリアル形式でGo言語の一通りの文法を学ぶことができるコンパイル・実行方法コンパイルgobuildhellogoexeファイルが作成されるので、あとはそれを叩けばよいビルドと実行を同時に実施するgorunhellogo基本文法基本ルール文末にセミコロンを付ける必要がない付けても良いセミコロンで文を区切れば行に複数の処理を記載できるダブルクォートで括ると通常の文字列、バッククォートで括るとraw文字列処理のブロックは波括弧で括るクラスのメンバアクセスはドットで行う大文字と小文字は区別される識別子に使えるのは文字、数値、アンダースコアで、数値以外から始めるバイト文字も使用可関数定義は「func関数名引数」、戻り値の指定は「return式」プログラムはmainパッケージのmain関数から開始される変数「var変数名型名」で変数宣言できるvaraint初期値の指定なしvarbint初期値を指定varc型を省略複数の変数宣言vardinteintf複数の変数宣言varaaintvarbbintvarcc変数スコープによる違いローカルスコープ関数内で宣言グローバルスコープソースのトップレベルで宣言ローカルスコープの変数に限り、varを省略して変数名式の形式で宣言できるこの際、変数の型は指定できないfuncmainabcvardintvarも使用可能定数constで宣言することが可能funcmainconstcstringhogeconstcccfmtPrintlnccchogehogeiotaを使う定数iotaを使うと連続したものを生成することができるconstciotaciotacconstciotacciotacfmtPrintlncccfmtPrintlnccccコメント単行コメントコメント複数行コメントコメントコメントコメントパッケージパッケージのルールプログラムのグループ分けする機能で、このパッケージのグループを「名前空間」と呼ぶパッケージは一つ以上のソースファイルで構成される同じパッケージに属するソースファイルは全て同一のディレクトリに格納する一つのディレクトリに複数のパッケージを配置することはできないmainパッケージを除き、パッケージ名と格納ディレクトリ名は同じにするこれは必須ではなく慣例パッケージのインポート他のパッケージのインポートimportp複数のインポートimportpppパッケージのエクスポート関数の最初の文字を大文字にするか、小文字にするかで挙動が変わる小文字の場合、異なるパッケージに属するソースファイルからは参照できない大文字の場合、異なるパッケージ外からも使用できるpackagepこの関数はpパッケージ以外からは使用できないfuncfnc略この関数はpパッケージ以外から使用可能funcFnc略演算子とデータ型演算子演算子は大きく、「演算」「比較」「論理」「単項」に分類される三項演算子条件演算子はない算術演算子演算子説明加算減算乗算除算余剰ampビットANDビットORビットXORampビットANDNOTltlt左シフトgtgt右シフト比較演算子演算子説明等しい等しくないlt未満lt以下gtより大きいgt以上論理演算子演算子説明ampampANDOR単項演算子演算子説明インクリメントデクリメントマイナスビットNOT論理NOTデータ型「基本形」と「複合型」に分けられる基本型単体で意味を成すデータ型数値型文字列型真偽値型複合型他の型と組み合わせて使用するデータ型型宣言型に別名をつけて新しい型を作成すること「type新しい型名元の型」で宣言できるint型をベースにした型宣言typeMyIntint複数の宣言も可能typeMyIntintMyIntint宣言した型の利用varnMyIntvarnMyIntvarnintfuncmainfmtPrintlnnnfmtPrintlnnn型が異なるため演算できない数値型以下の種類がある。 |
2021-07-30 20:33:30 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
.gitignore |
config |
2021-07-30 20:34:38 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitコマンド |
2021-07-30 20:25:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails]Capistranoで自動デプロイで気をつけたいこと |
その後、一度プロセスをkillします。 |
2021-07-30 20:53:24 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
指定のライフサイクルルールが付与されていないS3バケットをチェックするスクリプトを作成してみた |
設定 |
2021-07-30 11:15:18 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
New bank-fraud malware called Vultur infects thousands of devices |
device |
2021-07-30 11:30:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn web development 05 - All About Tables in HTML and HTML Divs, Spans, Headers, Footers, Navs. |
Learn web development All About Tables in HTML and HTML Divs Spans Headers Footers Navs Hello Welcome My name is kunaal This is a part of learn web development series In today s article you ll learn about tables in HTML and also learn about html Divs Spans Headers Footers Navs Today s article is the last article on web development HTML Series From tomorrow we ll learn about CSS TablesWe all know what table is and what the purpose of table is So lets see how can we make table in in our webpage Table tag lt table gt lt table gt Table tag is used to create table in the page lt table gt lt table gt Output Well we ll not see anything because our table is empty So we know table consists of two things rows and column right So once we have made our table then we need to create rows and columns tr tag lt tr gt lt tr gt This is knows as table row tag And yes this is used to create rows inside table lt table gt lt tr gt lt tr gt lt table gt td tag lt td gt lt td gt This is known as table data This is used to create data inside rows You can create any number of data inside rows Each data represent single column table gt lt tr gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt Now as we added data inside our table We can see output OutputIt doesn t look like a table Does it To make this look like table use border attribute in table tag lt table border gt lt tr gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt td gt data lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt OutputSo that s how we create table in the page Divs Headers Footers Spans Navs Div lt div gt lt div gt This tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document You can put anything inside this element images text forms anything This is used as a wrapper for other element lt div gt lt h gt This is a heading lt h gt lt div gt lt div gt lt img src image png alt image inside div gt lt div gt Header lt header gt lt header gt This tag is same as lt div gt lt div gt The only difference is that we use lt header gt lt header gt for creating header section You can use this tag in place of div but generally this tag purpose is to create wrapper for header section lt header gt lt h gt Welcome to home page lt h gt lt p gt This is a paragraph inside a header element lt p gt lt header gt Footer lt footer gt lt footer gt This is also the same as lt div gt But it generally use to wrap footer elements or to create a footer in the page lt footer gt lt a href gt logo lt a gt lt ul gt lt li gt Home lt li gt lt li gt Project lt li gt lt li gt About lt li gt lt li gt Contact lt li gt lt ul gt lt footer gt lt nav gt tag is also same as div It is used to create navbar for the page Span lt span gt lt span gt This is used to mark a part of a document or part of a text Span tag is like div but the difference is span tag is used to create inline element whereas div is used to create block element Example lt p gt This is a text with lt span gt span lt span gt tag in it lt p gt So that s sit about Tables and divs I hope you understood each and everything If you have any doubt feel free to ask me in comments If you like you can subscribe my youtube channel I create awesome web development tutorials You can also watch tutorial on Youtube CloneThanks For reading |
2021-07-30 11:46:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
tmux break-pane |
tmux break paneBreak pane is a handy tmux command when your layout gets too cramped and youwant to just move a split into its own window Calling break pane doesexactly that it creates a new window for you and moves your currentlyselected split into that windowDefault key binding for break panebind key break paneBe sure to check out the full youtube playlist and subscribe if you like it How I navigate tmux in Waylon Walker・May ・ min read bash linux productivity Also check out this long form post for more about how I use tmux |
2021-07-30 11:38:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Webpack Academy #0: What is webpack and why use it? |
Webpack Academy What is webpack and why use it Welcome to my new academy Webpack Academy I will try to share my webpack knowledges Let s start Fast presentationFrom webpack doc At its core webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications When webpack processes your application it internally builds a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles To summarise Webpack will help you to handle import export of your file in your project and it will put all of your code in one file called bundle Why use webpack Legit question if you have ever build javascript project you should now the problems about import js file in your application I will show you a brief illustration of what we did before lt script src jquery min js gt lt script gt lt script src jquery some plugin js gt lt script gt lt script src main js gt lt script gt We need to import all dependencies on by one and in the correct order if we want to import a new lib we need to import it in the correct order because if this new lib depends on jquery we need to import it after import jquery You think you can handle it yes you can but imagine if your need to import libs this can be CHAOTIC At this moment we create manually bundle file build script jsconst scripts jquery min js jquery some plugin js main js concat uglify writeTo bundle js lt script src bundle js gt lt script gt We fix the multiple import of scripts but don t fix the dependencies between libs Web Pack WebpackWebpack handle only js and json file natively But we will see in the next article how to handler other file You only need to give an entry point to webpack and it will create a dependencies tree from this file and check all other file From now we don t need to handle dependencies order by our hands ExampleContext We have two files that export one variable first jsexport const first second jsexport const second We have another file that import both filethree jsimport first from first import second from second export const three first secondAnd finally the main file that will console log the three variablemain jsimport three from three console log three With the old tips we should use something like this build script jsconst scripts one js second js three js main js concat uglify writeTo bundle js lt script src bundle js gt lt script gt But with webpack we don t need to handle dependencie order Let s run our code with the webpack config jsconst path require path const config mode development Webpack start from this entry point entry myApp src main js This is the output of Webpack output From current folder dist folder that will contains all bundle path path resolve dirname dist filename bundle js module exports configDon t be afraid by this config file during the academy we will add and change few but a the end you will understand all line To summarise this config we indicate to webpack the entry point of our project and we indicate the output file name and path Let run webpack command you need to install webpack CLI before And finally go to dist folder and check the bundle js file Try itnode dist bundle jsYes it s work If you want to try fetch my repository from this commit I hope you want to learn more about webpack in my academy If you want to have nice article to read about web dev you can subscribe to my FREE newsletter at this url gt And you can follow me on Twitter Github And if you want to buy me a coffee D gt |
2021-07-30 11:14:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Siri accused of anti-China bias after inaccurate Olympic medal tally |
Siri accused of anti China bias after inaccurate Olympic medal tallyTo the vocal annoyance of iPhone users in China Siri was reportedly unable to read aloud the number of gold medals won by the country Siri at the OlympicsSports fans actually watching the Olympics could see this week when China won its th gold medal ButiPhone users asking Siri what the results were reportedly could not find out Read more |
2021-07-30 11:54:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'Watch the Sound' host Mark Ronson tells Zane Lowe the origins of the series |
x Watch the Sound x host Mark Ronson tells Zane Lowe the origins of the seriesAs Watch the Sound with Mark Ronson debuts on Apple TV the titular host talks with Zane Lowe about how the show started what its aims are ーand whether there ll be more Mark Ronson source Apple In the build up to the release of Watch the Sound Apple released a trailer and host Mark Ronson spoke about the pleasures and problems in making the show Now Ronson has told Apple Music star Zane Lowe just why he got involved Read more |
2021-07-30 11:05:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Two red objects between Mars and Jupiter may explain how the solar system formed |
Two red objects between Mars and Jupiter may explain how the solar system formedA group of scientists has discovered two unusually red objects in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars and they may have originated from farther in the solar system These objects ーcalled Pompeja and Justitia ーare redder than the reddest known objects in the asteroid belt and may have migrated to the area from beyond Neptune If that s true then they could provide insight into the chaos of the early solar system and into how the solar system as we know it today came to be The team led by JAXA s Sunao Hasegawa identified the objects through observations collected at the Infra red Telescope Facility and Seoul National University Astronomical Observatory according to the paper they published As The New York Times points out most objects in the inner solar system tend to reflect blue light because they re devoid of or have very little organic materials Objects from the outer solar system such as the Kuiper belt however tend to be redder That s because they have a lot of organics like carbon and methane which may have been the building blocks of our planet As you may know the Kuiper belt is the region extending from the orbit of Neptune where you can find remnants of our solar system s formation If Pompeja and Justitia truly were transplants from beyond Nepture then they d serve as evidence for the hypothesis that a fraction of the asteroids between Jupiter and Mars came from the Kuiper belt They d also support the set of theories called the Nice Model on how our gas giants settled into their orbits The Nice model says our giant planets formed closer to the Sun until an instability forced Neptune Uranus and Saturn to move outwards and Jupiter to move inwards The event would ve caused asteroids rich in organic materials to scatter and move around the solar system nbsp Of course more observations and evidence are needed to be able to prove that the two objects are from the Kuiper belt The good thing is that since the asteroid belt is much closer to us than Neptune it would take a spacecraft less time to reach them if ever Earth s space agencies decide to send a probe to study them more closely |
2021-07-30 11:55:17 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Doctor Who' needs to evolve to survive |
x Doctor Who x needs to evolve to surviveThe BBC has announced that Chris Chibnall pictured center Doctor Who s executive producer and its star Jodie Whittaker pictured right will leave the series in A trio of specials through next year would herald the pair s departure from the long running series This then seems like an ideal time for Doctor Who to undergo the radical shakeup it so desperately needs I don t agree with The Guardian s recent piece saying that the series needs to be off the air for a while but it is very clearly time for the show to evolve again This is in part because Doctor Who under Chibnall has been such a waste the showrunner s work before taking the job while popular and award winning had always left me cold My initial apprehension was calmed somewhat by the news emerging from the production of the revived series th run Chibnall also deserves credit for hiring the first two writers of color in the show s nearly sixty year history The fact that many of the episodes had an explicit focus on material social history suggested a bright new direction for the series The Woman Who Fell To Earth too was a blisteringly confident debut and all seemed well And then yeesh As good as Chibnall is at birthing some truly inspired ideas the quality of his execution is terrible He struggled to flesh out the quartet of lead characters and failed to offer them real stakes to deal with And for all of the era s emphasis on diversity the content of each episode seemed to be far more backward looking I ve written before about Chibnall often appearing to make the argument opposite to the one he thinks he s making Unless he intended to say that polite protest is the only good protest Amazon s treatment of its staff is good actually and that we can all benefit from the spoils of colonialism Naturally the casting of a woman in the central role encouraged the usual petulance from those corners of the internet Sadly I think that the actors involved have all performed miracles trying to make anything Chibnall writes remotely believable And Whittaker s departure before she could work with another executive producer will be yet another tragically wasted opportunity in this era I hope that this bad faith criticism doesn t force the production team to make a “safe choice for the next Doctor The big secret to Doctor Who s endurance is both the malleability of its premise and its knack for reinventing itself Every few years often as the show s creative team changed it would become an almost entirely different show You could argue that this lack of sentimentality has been the case since the show s first mission switch which happened in its fifth episode The revived show has been using a version of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer template since and it s starting to wear a bit thin It didn t help that while Series was designed to avoid any of the show s dense backstory Series was at times incomprehensible to anyone but die hard fans Chibnall after all devoted his series arc to validating a production gaffe in an episode that aired on January th And in doing so made the Doctor the Time Lord equivalent of Jesus contradicting everything that we d learned over the last six decades This was the worst kind of self indulgent fan fiction and hardly a bold new direction for a mainstream drama Unfortunately the media landscape has changed and competition has intensified beyond all belief The BBC no longer has a monopoly on the conversation as it did ーat least here in the UK ーand is dwarfed by the streaming giants Netflix Amazon Disney and others also have the wealth to offer the sort of creative freedom that once made the non commercial BBC stand out among the crowd The knee jerk reaction I m sure will be to demand Doctor Who jumps on the bandwagon driven by Marvel s recent streaming shows That would be a mistake because Who is at its best when it pushes away from whatever genre show is cresting into the mainstream that year Financially the BBC can t compete with these mega franchises but the quality of its writing and its unique sensibilities can The one thing that the series could learn from those shows however is how to build every episode into an event This could mean that the show becomes a run of occasional specials with a longer running time like a glorified movie of the week Or it could like the COVID influenced season be a shorter run of tightly interconnected episodes Chibnall may indeed stumble onto the template that helps revitalize the show going forward but I m personally hoping for something more radical For instance if Doctor Who can t succeed as a glossy hour long standalone drama then why not go back to being a series of short serials Netflix s Russian Doll and the BBC s I May Destroy You are both examples of excellent half hour dramas that offer a break from the current prestige drama template It helps too that Doctor Who was run in this format for of its first seasons and offers new ーor at least different ーmethods for structuring a story It may also make it easier to binge during its long second life on a streaming platform Think about it how many times have you ducked watching a long episode of The Crown because it s too much time to invest out of your day but you ll happily burn through four episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine without complaint You could even get Michaela Coel to write it although at this point I ll settle for anyone who isn t named Chris Chibnall |
2021-07-30 11:30:12 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: You can now upgrade your PS5's SSD, if you meet all the criteria |
The Morning After You can now upgrade your PS x s SSD if you meet all the criteriaYes you can finally upgrade your SSD storage on the PS ーa console that already demands pretty huge game file sizes It s a whole lot more complicated than plugging in a USB drive however First up you have to be a PS beta user in the US Canada and parts of Europe Then you need a PCIe Gen SSD for read speeds of MB s or higher ーthere are options from Samsung Western Digital and Seagate But that s not the end of things Sony notes in its guide to SSD upgrades that you also need to factor in the PS s cooling mechanism This means you might have to add a heatsink to your SSD or choose a compatible SSD with the cooling structure built in Aaron Souppouris EngadgetOh it has to be the right sized heatsink too And Sony suggests doing the whole installation in a well lit room flashlight “optional It literally says that Did you buy a next gen console so you didn t have to think too much about these kinds of things Well sorry It s time to measure a heatsink The feature will roll out to non beta PS users later this year TLDR The Western Digital Black SN heatsink model should work if you want to upgrade your PS storage ーMat SmithIntel NUC PC Extreme reviewA tiny gaming desktop you may actually want Devindra Hardawar EngadgetIntel s very own desktop PC series gets a little more compelling The new NUC Extreme AKA Beast Canyon is a lot like last year s NUC Extreme But it s a bit cheaper and more flexible thanks to its faster th gen Intel CPU and support for full sized GPUs It s bigger yes but that ability to work around full sized GPUs makes it a genuine if expensive gaming PC desktop option Devindra Hardawar puts it through its paces Continue reading Cat simulator Stray heads to PlayStation and PC in early Watch the first gameplay trailer Finally a game you play as a cat After being teased in we finally get to see the game in action ーand news it will arrive next year Gameplay involves using physical abilities as a cat to navigate the environment and solve puzzles You can also scratch furniture Continue reading Nothing s Ear wireless earbuds are an ambitious startAnd a tribute to tech design of the past Engadget Mat SmithNothing s long teased launch product is almost here Its transparent cased wireless earbuds look cool ring in at and perhaps a little surprisingly sound pretty good The Ear s are a little temperamental with connectivity ーand pricier headphones sound better ーbut Nothing has delivered some stylish buds that will come to the US next month Mat Smith tests them out Continue reading Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson sues Disney over streaming strategyThe simultaneous release will reportedly cost Johansson over million Jay Maidment Marvel StudiosBlack Widow star Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney over the company s decision to release the movie in theaters and on Disney simultaneously Johansson claims this was a breach of contract In the suit Johansson says Black Widow was supposed to be released exclusively in theaters per her deal with Marvel A large portion of Johansson s salary was tied to its box office success The move to launch the film on Disney may have impacted Black Widow s performance in theaters According to Variety it s on track to become one of the lowest grossing Marvel movies to date based on box office sales Continue reading YouTubers have been rickrolled over a billion timesYou know the rules nbsp RevideoAnd so do I Continue reading But wait there s more What Remains of Edith Finch will hit iOS on August thAMD s Radeon RX XT is its next flagship p GPUEngadget Deals Apple s MacBook Air M is on sale for right now at AmazonTesla update adds Disney streaming and a Car Wash modeFacebook s next product will be its long awaited Ray Ban smart glassesOld Amazon Kindle devices will soon lose G accessSamsung vows to make foldable smartphones mainstream |
2021-07-30 11:15:16 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
How Often Do the Vaccinated Spread Covid-19? |
How Often Do the Vaccinated Spread Covid The C D C s new masking advice was based in part on data showing that the virus can thrive in the airways of vaccinated people The findings are expected on Friday |
2021-07-30 11:19:31 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
C.D.C. Says Some Vaccinated Americans Should Wear Masks Again |
C D C Says Some Vaccinated Americans Should Wear Masks AgainIn communities with growing caseloads vaccinated and unvaccinated people should return to wearing masks indoors in public areas health officials said |
2021-07-30 11:23:34 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
診療報酬上の特例措置、10月以降の継続を要望-補助金などの延長も、四病協 |
医療機関 |
2021-07-30 20:25:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Health ministry panel approves AstraZeneca’s vaccine for people 40 and over |
Health ministry panel approves AstraZeneca s vaccine for people and overThe panel also backed a proposal to make the shot available to people under age who wish to get AstraZeneca s jab or who are |
2021-07-30 20:27:48 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Record haul: Japan wins men’s epee team event for 17th gold medal of the Tokyo Games |
Record haul Japan wins men s epee team event for th gold medal of the Tokyo GamesJapan took just under a week to earn a national record golds at the Tokyo Olympics topping the total won at the Tokyo |
2021-07-30 20:41:23 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan gives U.S. women’s basketball team early trouble but ‘bad habits’ sting in loss |
Japan gives U S women s basketball team early trouble but bad habits sting in lossA Ja Wilson scored a game high points and had rebounds as Team USA pulled away from Japan after a tight first quarter to pick |
2021-07-30 20:06:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19 pandemic: Japan widens emergency over 'frightening' spike |
delta |
2021-07-30 11:43:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Brighton cat killer' Steven Bouquet jailed for stabbing 16 pets |
attacks |
2021-07-30 11:21:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ardoyne baby death: Woman in court charged with murder |
ardoyne |
2021-07-30 11:21:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Relive how GB's Bethany Shriever and Kye Whyte won historic BMX medals |
Tokyo Olympics Relive how GB x s Bethany Shriever and Kye Whyte won historic BMX medalsWatch the best bits from GB s history making day in the BMX racing finals as Britain s Bethany Shriever wins gold in the women s final and Kye Whyte takes silver in the men s final |
2021-07-30 11:27:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Team GB beat the USA to reach the semi-finals of the women's rugby sevens -highlights |
Tokyo Olympics Team GB beat the USA to reach the semi finals of the women x s rugby sevens highlightsWatch highlights as Great Britain beat the USA to reach the semi finals of the women s rugby sevens and keep their Olympic medal hopes alive in Tokyo |
2021-07-30 11:34:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Women's Olympic football: GB suffer dramatic extra time defeat to Australia |
finals |
2021-07-30 11:37:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: What's the advice for pregnant women and those who haven't had the jab? |
covid |
2021-07-30 11:29:14 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
3万冊以上!Kindle本が最大50%オフになる夏のビッグセール開催中 |
万冊以上Kindle本が最大オフになる夏のビッグセール開催中Kindleストアでは、現在Kindle書籍が最大オフになる夏のビッグセールを実施中。 |
2021-07-30 21:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道銀純利益23・6%増 4~6月期、住宅ローン好調 |
住宅ローン |
2021-07-30 20:17:57 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日本、前半1―1 サッカー女子・30日 |
前回大会 |
2021-07-30 20:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コンサ攻めきれず、G大阪に0―2 J1第4節 |
北海道コンサドーレ札幌 |
2021-07-30 20:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
女子日本は3連敗で敗退 水球・30日 |
連敗 |
2021-07-30 20:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大会関係者、療養施設出て診療所 コロナ陽性 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-30 20:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
高温ガス研究炉が運転再開、茨城 原子力機構、10年ぶり |
茨城県大 |
2021-07-30 20:04:05 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
五輪車両の事故・違反、70件超 都内、開会1週間で |
交通違反 |
2021-07-30 20:01:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『千年戦争アイギス』で初心者歓迎&大幅アップデートキャンペーンを開催中! |
dmmgames |
2021-07-30 20:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
はるやま商事、ソニー「REON POCKET」対応のビジネスシャツを販売へ |
reonpocket |
2021-07-30 20:30:00 |