IT |
気になる、記になる… |
DMMブックス、「DMM新潮祭」のセールを開催中 − ほぼ全作品が70%ポイント還元に |
電子書籍 |
2021-07-30 14:48:32 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
M1チップ搭載「MacBook Pro/Air」、何もしていないにも関わらずディスプレイにヒビが入る問題が複数報告される |
macbook |
2021-07-30 14:20:11 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
3Dオーディオヘッドホンおすすめ4機種 |
機種 |
2021-07-30 14:59:58 |
AWS DevOps Blog |
EC2 Image Builder and Hands-free Hardening of Windows Images for AWS Elastic Beanstalk |
EC Image Builder and Hands free Hardening of Windows Images for AWS Elastic BeanstalkIn this blog post you will learn how to automate the process of customizing Elastic Beanstalk managed AMIs using EC Image Builder and apply the medium and low severity STIG settings to Windows instances whenever new platform versions are released |
2021-07-30 14:39:28 |
AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: ADP on Making DEI a Priority Internally and in Its Products |
Diversity Equity and Inclusion ADP on Making DEI a Priority Internally and in Its ProductsLinkedIn reports that hiring for diversity equity and inclusion DEI roles has increased more than since as companies expand their investments in ensuring that their organizations products and communications reflect the diversity of the customers they serve DEI is also a growing regulatory concernーparticularly with regard to pay equity In the US most … |
2021-07-30 14:38:18 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Spleeterを使って音源分離に挑戦 |
Pathの通し方②ibsndfileのインストール方法①ホームページ②下の方にダウンロードがあるので自分の環境に合わせてダウンロード③Spleeterのインストール方法pipを利用すればインストールできます。 |
2021-07-30 23:37:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
慣性抵抗が働く自由落下 |
慣性抵抗が働く自由落下前提・実現したいことc言語にて、速度の乗に比例する空気抵抗を受ける物体の鉛直下向きの運動方程式を書こうとしたらコンパイルエラーが出るのですが対処法が分かりません。 |
2021-07-30 23:51:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IPアドレスの調べ方 |
linux |
2021-07-30 23:43:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
非表示の行・列の一括保護 の コードの確認のお願い |
非表示の行・列の一括保護のコードの確認のお願い概要非表示の行や列を一括して、選択・保護する方法を考えていましたが偶然できてしまいました。 |
2021-07-30 23:34:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
回転にかかる時間を測定したいです。 |
回転にかかる時間を測定したいです。 |
2021-07-30 23:09:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python データ抽出 出力 |
2021-07-30 23:00:52 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails×Reactアプリをクローンした後の環境構築について。 |
だが、筆者がクローンしたプロジェクトは、mimemagicltに依存しているRailsアプリであったため、どうしても⑤のbundleinstallに失敗してしまっていた。 |
2021-07-30 23:34:28 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新規RailsプロジェクトをHerokuでデプロイするまでに最低限やることリスト10つ |
新規RailsプロジェクトをHerokuでデプロイするまでに最低限やることリストつはじめにRailsでアプリをつくってサクっとHerokuで公開するときに、とりあえずコピペでやっとくといいかもなリストです。 |
2021-07-30 23:27:11 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ActiveRecordから任意のカラムだけ抜き出す【Ruby】【Rails】 |
2021-07-30 23:17:58 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【基本】AWSでRDS(mysql)に接続してみた |
【基本】AWSでRDSmysqlに接続してみた概要AWSのRDSを使ってMySQLへ接続をしてみました。 |
2021-07-30 23:38:56 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新規RailsプロジェクトをHerokuでデプロイするまでに最低限やることリスト10つ |
新規RailsプロジェクトをHerokuでデプロイするまでに最低限やることリストつはじめにRailsでアプリをつくってサクっとHerokuで公開するときに、とりあえずコピペでやっとくといいかもなリストです。 |
2021-07-30 23:27:11 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ActiveRecordから任意のカラムだけ抜き出す【Ruby】【Rails】 |
2021-07-30 23:17:58 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Rechartsの複合グラフでY軸を2つ表示する |
reactre |
2021-07-30 14:46:03 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
America’s favorite truck goes hybrid: The Ford F-150, reviewed |
decent |
2021-07-30 14:49:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Beating TimSort at Merging |
Beating TimSort at MergingHere is a problem You are tasked with improving the hot loop of a Python program maybe it is an in memory sequential index of some sort The slow part is the updating where you are adding a new sorted list of items to the already sorted index You need to combine two sorted lists and keep the result sorted How do you do that update Yes this sounds like a LeetCode problem and maybe in the real world you would reach for some existing sorted set data structure but if you were working with python lists you might do something like this def merge sorted lists l l sorted list while l and l if l lt l Compare both heads item l pop Pop from the head sorted list append item else item l pop sorted list append item Add the remaining of the lists sorted list extend l if l else l return sorted listPython has a built in method in heapq merge that does this It takes advantage of the fact that our lists are already sorted so we can get a new sorted list linear time rather than the n log n time it would take for combining and sorting two unsorted lists Imagine my surprise then when I saw this performance graph from Stack Overflow Sorting the list is faster than just merging the list in almost all cases That doesn t sound right but I checked it and it s true As Stack Overflow user JFS puts it Long story short unless len l l gt use sortThe reason sort beats merge in most cases is because of a man named Tim Peters TimSortPython s list sort is the original implementation of a hybrid sorting algorithm called TimSort named after its author Tim Peters Here is stable natural merge sort modestly calledTimsort hey I earned it It has supernatural performance on manykinds of partially ordered arrays less than lg N comparisons needed andas few as N yet as fast as Python s previous highly tuned sample sorthybrid on random arrays Tim Peters explaining TimSortTimsort is designed to find runs of sequential numbers and merge them together The main routine marches over the array once left to right alternately identifying the next run then merging it into the previousruns intelligently Everything else is complication for speed and somehard won measure of memory efficiency This is why x y sort can be surprisingly fast once it finds the sequential runs of numbers it functions like our merge algorithm combining the two sorted lists in linear time Timsort does have to do extra work though It needs to do a pass over the data to find these sequential runs and heapq merge knows where the runs are ahead of time Timsort overcomes this disadvantage by being written in C rather than Python Or as ShawdowRanger on Stack Overflow explains it CPython s list sort is implemented in C avoiding interpreter overhead while heapq merge is mostly implemented in Python and optimizes for the many iterables case in a way that slows the two iterables case This means that if I drop down to C and write a C extension I should be able to beat Timsort This turned out to be easier than I thought it would be The C ExtensionThe bulk of the C Extension whose performance I m going to cover in a minute is just the pop the stack algorithm discussed before but using an index to point to the head of the stack full version New List PyObject mergedList PyList New n n for i elem PyList GetItem listObj i elem PyList GetItem listObj i result PyObject RichCompareBool v w Py LT switch result List has smallest Pop from list case PyList SetItem mergedList i elem i break case List has smallest Pop from list PyList SetItem mergedList i elem i break if i gt n i gt n One list is empty add remainder of other list to result break return mergedList C mergeThe nice thing about C extensions in Python is that they are easy to use Once compiled I can just import merge and use my new merge method import merge create some sorted listsa list range b list range merge themmerge merge a b Testing ItTesting my new merge with a list of integers and floats we can see that we are beating Timsort especially for long lists import mergeimport timeita list range b list range def merge test m merge merge a b def sort test m a b m sort sort time timeit timeit sort test setup from main import sort test number merge time timeit timeit merge test setup from main import merge test number print f timsort took sort time seconds print f merge took merge time seconds timsort took secondsmerge took secondsGraphing the performance we get this We are beating Timsort with our mergeBut if we switch to a list of only integers sort is beating us for small lists and even on big lists our performance improvement is thin at best With lists of all int or all float we lose our advantage What is going on here Timsort s Special ComparisonsIt turns out that Timsort has some extra tricks up its sleeves in the case of a list of integers In that initial pass over the list it checks the types of the elements and if they are all uniform it tries to use a cheaper comparison operation Specifically if your list is all longs floats or Latin strings Timsort will save a lot of cycles on the comparison operations Learning from Timsort we can bring in these comparison operations ourselves We don t want to do a full pass over the list or we will lose our advantage so we can just specialize our merge by offering separate calls for longs floats and Latin alphabet strings like so Default comparisonPyObject merge PyObject PyObject Compare assuming intsPyObject merge int PyObject PyObject Compare assuming floatsPyObject merge float PyObject PyObject Compare assuming latinPyObject merge latin PyObject PyObject merge h Beating TimSortDoing that we now can finally beat Timsort at merging sorted lists not just when the list is a heterogeneous mix of elements but also when it s all integers or floating point numbers or one byte per char strings merge vs TimSort for int merge vs TimSort for float merge vs TimSort for Latin alphabet strings merge vs TimSort for everything without a specialized compare The default merge beats Timsort for heterogeneous lists and the specialized versions are there for when you have uniform types in your list and you need to go fast TimSort Is GoodThere I have beat Timsort for merging sorting lists although I had to pull in some code from TimSort itself to get here I m not sure how valuable this is if you need to go fast you might not choose Python but it was a fun learning project Also I learned that dropping down to C isn t as scary as it sounds The build steps are a bit more involved but with the included Earthfile the build is a one liner and works cross platform You can find the code on GitHub and an intro to Earthly on this very site and with that example you can build your own C extension reasonably quickly The surprising thing though is how good Timsort still is It wasn t designed for merging sorted lists but for sorting real world data It turns out real world data is often partially sorted just like our use case Timsort on partially sorted data shows us where Big O notation can misinform us If your input always keeps you near the median or best case performance then the worst case performance doesn t matter much It s no wonder then that since its first creation Timsort has spread from Python to JavaScript Swift and Rust Thank you Tim Peters Practically you might not want to use pop but just track an index of where the head of the stack should be like the C code shown later It was easier because my teammate Alex has experience writing C extensions for Python so by the time I had found the Python header files Alex had already put together a prototype solution |
2021-07-30 14:49:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introduction to Python Functions |
Introduction to Python FunctionsWhat are python functions Python Functions are a set of actions that we group together and give a name to The core functions in Python language includes string title and list sort In python one can define his or her own functions in order to teach Python new behavior Advantages of using Python functions•We write a set of instructions once We save some work in this simple example and we save even more work in larger programs •When our function works we don t have to worry about that code anymore Every time you repeat code in your program Writing a function means there is one place to fix mistakes and when those bugs are fixed we can be confident that this function will continue to work correctly •We can modify our function s behavior and that change takes effect every time the function is called This is much better than deciding we need some new behavior and then having to change code in many different places in our program Basic python syntaxIn Python a function is defined using the def keyword Calling a FunctionTo call a function use the function name followed by parenthesis Arguments in PythonInformation can be passed into functions as arguments Arguments are specified after the function name inside the parentheses You can add as many arguments as you want just separate them with a comma The following example has a function with one argument planguage When the function is called we pass along a programming language which is used inside the function NOTE A parameter is the variable listed inside the parentheses in the function definition An argument is the value that is sent to the function when it is called Number of ArgumentsBy default a function must be called with the correct number of arguments Meaning that if your function expects arguments you have to call the function with arguments not more and not less Arbitrary Arguments argsIf you do not know how many arguments that will be passed into your function add a before the parameter name in the function definition This way the function will receive a tuple of arguments and can access the items accordingly Keyword ArgumentsYou can also send arguments with the key value syntax This way the order of the arguments does not matter Arbitrary Keyword Arguments kwargsIf you do not know how many keyword arguments that will be passed into your function add two asterisk before the parameter name in the function definition This way the function will receive a dictionary of arguments and can access the items accordingly Default Parameter ValueIf we call the function without argument it uses the default value Passing a List as an ArgumentYou can send any data types of argument to a function string number list dictionary etc and it will be treated as the same data type inside the function E g if you send a List as an argument it will still be a List when it reaches the function Return ValuesTo let a function return a value use the return statement The pass StatementFunction definitions cannot be empty but if you for some reason have a function definition with no content put in the pass statement to avoid getting an error RecursionPython also accepts function recursion which means a defined function can call itself Recursion is a common mathematical and programming concept It means that a function calls itself This has the benefit of meaning that you can loop through data to reach a result The developer should be very careful with recursion as it can be quite easy to slip into writing a function which never terminates or one that uses excess amounts of memory or processor power However when written correctly recursion can be a very efficient and mathematically elegant approach to programming In this example tri recursion is a function that we have defined to call itself recurse We use the k variable as the data which decrements every time we recurse The recursion ends when the condition is not greater than i e when it is |
2021-07-30 14:42:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Three more satisfying buttons and how to make them |
Three more satisfying buttons and how to make themSatisfying buttons can take many forms Let s see three more Simple buttonNot every satisfying button must be hard to implement This simple button will use only small transitions and shadows to make it feel great How does it look Let s make itThe implementation will be very similar to the one in the first part of this series So if You didn t read it do it now button Use realistic shadows box shadow px px px hsla px px px hsla Make sure that transform origin match translate direction It makes translate and scale work it the same axis transform origin bottom center On button press button active Make shadows much smaller box shadow px hsla px px px hsla Apply perspective transformation transform Translate down on Y axis translatey em Make button smaller scale Plastic buttonThe button will deform inwards on press Let s see the implementation How to make it To make a neuromorphic button we need to give it a few shadows By default we want to make it look raised button Add outside shadows box shadow Top left white shadow px px px hsla Bottom right black shadow px px px hsla On button press button active Add inside shadows box shadow Inner top left black shadow inset px px px hsla Inner bottom right white shadow inset px px px hsla Make it a bit darker filter brightness Don t forget about UX Let s add a light border around it to make it easier to spot button Add glass like border border hsla px solid Learn more about plastic like buttons from Neumorphism in user interfaces by Michal Malewicz Glowing buttonThis button is made of glass and has a colourful light inside The light follows a user s interactions ーlike mouse movement Let s see it in action How to implement itI d say upfront the implementation is not beginner friendly Firstly We ll use inner shadows to make a glass like effect If You want to learn more about Glassmorphism check out New Glassmorphism How to Create Neon Glass Effect UI Design by Przemysław Baraniak button Background color in HSL It s raw because it needs to work with custom alpha color background raw Glass effect inner shadows box shadow inset px px hsla inset em em hsla inset px em hsla inset em em hsla inset em em hsla var color background raw inset em em hsla Next we ll use the after pseudo element as a glowing circle following a user s interactions Let s make use of the CSS Properties and Values API This API allows us to define types of CSS Properties which is needed to animate them Use CSS Properties and Values APIIt enables transitions for css properties Will control the left position of the glowing circle property glow left Allow any length or percentage e g px em or syntax lt length percentage gt Allow children elements to inherit this property inherits true Set default value initial value Will control the top position of the glowing circle property glow top syntax lt length percentage gt inherits true initial value Glowing circle button glow after Make sure it shows content Position it position absolute top var glow top left var glow left Keep it centred transform translate Make it smooth This is why we need CSS Properties and Values API transition top ms linear left ms linear Let s use a bit of JavaScript to control them Select the buttonconst Button document querySelector button glow Set glow position css propertiesconst setGlowPosition event gt Get the event s coordinates relative to the button const left top event target getBoundingClientRect const offsetX event clientX left const offsetY event clientY top Prevent setting position on keyboard click if offsetX gt amp amp offsetY gt wait for animation frame for better performance requestAnimationFrame gt set css property event target style setProperty glow left offsetX px event target style setProperty glow top offsetY px Set glow position on mousemove mouse and click touch and keyboard Button addEventListener mousemove setGlowPosition Button addEventListener click setGlowPosition Challenge for YouMake Your satisfying button and share it in a comment below I d love to see it |
2021-07-30 14:24:07 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Today's top 5 Apple deals on Amazon |
Today x s top Apple deals on AmazonApple s latest hardware is up to off at Amazon today with month end deals going on now on AirPods Pro the Apple TV K MacBook hardware and the new M iPad Pro inch off inch iPad ProAmazon has the cheapest inch iPad Pro price available today with month end savings knocking off GB sold out and GB Wi Fi models Read more |
2021-07-30 14:55:17 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
C.D.C. Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as Chickenpox |
C D C Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as ChickenpoxInfections in vaccinated Americans are rare compared with those in unvaccinated people the document said But when they occur vaccinated people may spread the virus just as easily |
2021-07-30 14:00:54 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
As Virus Cases Rise, Another Contagion Spreads Among the Vaccinated: Anger |
As Virus Cases Rise Another Contagion Spreads Among the Vaccinated AngerFrustrated by the prospect of a new surge many Americans are blaming the unvaccinated A tougher stance may backfire some experts warn |
2021-07-30 14:29:12 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Delta Variant Is the Symptom of a Bigger Threat: Vaccine Refusal |
The Delta Variant Is the Symptom of a Bigger Threat Vaccine RefusalThere are almost as many reasons for vaccine hesitancy and refusal as there are unvaccinated Americans But this problem not the variant lies at the root of rising infection rates |
2021-07-30 14:25:46 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融機能強化審査会委員名簿を更新しました。 |
Detail Nothing |
2021-07-30 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「ソーシャルボンド検討会議」(第4回)議事録を公表しました。 |
検討 |
2021-07-30 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prof Chris Whitty: Man pleads guilty to park assault |
assaultlewis |
2021-07-30 14:50:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Valtteri Bottas fastest in Hungarian Grand Prix second practice |
Valtteri Bottas fastest in Hungarian Grand Prix second practiceValtteri Bottas leads Lewis Hamilton in a Mercedes one two ahead of Red Bull s Max Verstappen in second practice at the Hungarian Grand Prix |
2021-07-30 14:13:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Alexander Zverev beats Novak Djokovic to reach final |
finals |
2021-07-30 14:31:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Day-by-day guide to the key events, big stars and British medal hopes |
japan |
2021-07-30 14:10:27 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
行革相、3回接種「来年実施も」 ワクチン見通し |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-30 23:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
男子単、中国の馬竜が2連覇 卓球・30日 |
男子シングルス |
2021-07-30 23:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
医療従事者の仕事、中高生に心構え語る 道教委がオンラインセミナー |
医療従事者 |
2021-07-30 23:06:02 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
LGBTの切実な声を一冊に 札幌の支援団体が作成 |
enishi |
2021-07-30 23:02:00 |