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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】所得税の算出方法をプログラム化してみた https://qiita.com/hideorder/items/a878a794418ef99b7f19 算出方法についてオフィシャルを参考に国税庁No 所得税の税率所得税の算定基礎となる所得金額収入ー必要経費ー各種控除これに金額に応じた税率が適用されて、さらに控除額が引かれたものが所得税になります。 2021-08-01 17:19:18
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「咳カウンター」システムを作ってみた(PC側ソフトウェア編) https://qiita.com/sho2-ykym/items/e2c61b80c8db73264562 choughdatadetectreportpy・記録モジュール側で保存したZ軸加速度データを読込んで咳波形の判定と時刻毎のヒストグラム作成するツール処理概要・記録モジュール部で計測したデータの読み込みと前処理choughdatagraphplotpyと共通の処理・サンプルNoと経過時間msecの対応リストcoughACLZyyyymmddhhmmsstxtの読み込み・センサデータ本体coughACLZyyyymmddhhmmssSDAファイルのデータ読み込み・読み込んだセンサデータにローパスフィルタ処理・サンプルNoと経過時間msecの対応リストを基に各加速度データサンプルに時刻情報を設定・咳のカウント処理次判定段階でのカウントここでは振幅の閾値を超えた咳候補波形に対して波形ピーク値とFFT積分値による条件に適合する波形を全て抽出する・次判定段階でのカウント結果に対して、近接する咳波形をひとつの咳として丸め込む・丸め込んだ咳カウント結果を基に時間毎のヒストグラム作成と描画・次判定段階でのカウント結果、近接する咳波形を丸め込んだ結果、ヒストグラムの描画結果はそれぞれファイルへ保存データ格納フォルダchoughdatagraphplotpyと共通の内容・作業ディレクトリの下にinodatayyyymmddフォルダを作成し、その中へ以下のデータを入れる作業環境に応じてプログラムを書き換えて使用してください・このプログラムを実行する前に、記録モジュール側で保存したファイルを予め以下のようにリネームし、上記のフォルダへ格納しておいてください・ACLZTXT→coughACLZyyyymmddhhmmsstxt・ACLZSDA→coughACLZyyyymmddhhmmssSDA・ここでyyyymmddhhmmssは計測開始の日時を表す入力ファイルchoughdatagraphplotpyと共通の内容・coughACLZyyyymmddhhmmssSDA計測データ本体。 2021-08-01 17:16:53
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「咳カウンター」システムを作ってみた(機能紹介と記録モジュール編) https://qiita.com/sho2-ykym/items/94ef0680b5669b63a6d7 Coughdataloggerino概要・加速度センサのデータを読み込んでSDカードへ保存する・使用する加速度センサはLISDHサンプリング周波数Hz、センサ値bit精度、LISDHのFIFOにサンプル以上溜まったらデータを読み込む・センサデータがサンプルを超えたらバイナリデータbyteサンプルとしてSDAファイルへ保存する・センサデータ保存の回毎に累積サンプル数とプログラム起動時からの経過時間をTXTファイルへ保存する後の処理でサンプリング周波数のばらつきを補正する為に使用する・加速度センサやSDカードへのアクセスでエラーが発生した場合は、正しく計測されていませんその場合は、LEDが連続点滅回の「明・暗」と回の「暗・暗」して知らせます・電源SWのON後、LED点滅秒間「明」→回の「暗・明」→「暗」のタイミングが計測開始となる→計測開始の日時年月日の時分秒ならば「」を別途メモしておく→後で咳の認識やグラフ表示の為に使用します・電源SWのOFFまたはSDカードを抜くことで計測が終了となる・使用ファイルNEXTSDATXT次に計測するときのSDAデータとTXTデータの保存ファイル名を保持計測する際には事前にSDカードにこのファイルを作成しておく必要ありデータ形式ACLZXXX←初期状態では最低限この行は必須ACLZXXX←計測する毎に行が増えていくACLZSDAセンサデータ本体、SDASensorDataAruduinoの頭文字データ形式byteの整数データ列下位byte上位byteの連続ACLZTXTサンプルNoと経過時間msecの対応リスト、およそサンプル毎に記録データ形式SNoTimermsec←最初の行は測定開始時の時間を表すSNoTimermsec←番目のサンプルの時間はmsecincludeltWirehgtincludeltSPIhgtincludeltSDhgt定数の定義ここからdefineDEBUGデバッグ用シリアルプリント出力のオンオフOFFONdefineLEDONTIMEダイアグ表示時のLEDの「明」時間msecdefineLEDOFFTIMEダイアグ表示時のLEDの「暗」時間msecdefineACCZBUFSIZEAccz用バッファサイズの最小値int型個bytesLISDHの設定ここからdefineACLSENADRSx加速度センサのICアドレスの設定defineCTRLREGxCTRLREGのレジスタアドレス設定defineCTRLREGDEFVALUExCTRLREGのデフォルト値defineCTRLREGVALUExCTRLREGの設定値Hz、XYZ軸全て有効defineCTRLREGxCTRLREGのレジスタアドレス設定defineCTRLREGVALUExCTRLREGの設定値g、高解像度有効defineCTRLREGxCTRLREGのレジスタアドレス設定defineCTRLREGFIFOENxCTRLREGの設定値FIFOを有効にするdefineCTRLREGFIFODENxCTRLREGの設定値FIFOを無効にするdefineFIFOCTRLREGxEFIFOCTRLREGのレジスタアドレス設定defineFIFOCTRLREGBYPASSxFFIFOCTRLREGの設定値Bypassmode、ウォーターマークレベルdefineFIFOCTRLREGFIFOxFFIFOCTRLREGの設定値FIFOmode、ウォーターマークレベルdefineFIFOSRCREGxFFIFOSRCREGのレジスタアドレス設定defineWTMxFIFOSRCREG内のWTMbitの位置bitdefineFSSxFFIFOSRCREG内のFSSbitの位置bitdefineOUTXLxX軸加速度データ下位bit読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTXLBREADxAX軸加速度データBURST読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTYLxAY軸加速度データ下位bit読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTYLBREADxAAY軸加速度データBURST読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTZLxCZ軸加速度データ下位bit読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTZLBREADxACZ軸加速度データBURST読込みレジスタアドレスdefineOUTZHxDZ軸加速度データ上位bit読込みレジスタアドレスLISDHの設定ここまで定数の定義ここまでデータ収集用外部変数定義ここからconstintPsichipSelectPSISDリーダーライターとのインターフェースのチップセレクト。 2021-08-01 17:15:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita jquery.datatable.jsで重複するセルをハイライト表示する https://qiita.com/qwe001/items/91c1421accedaa8022c0 jquerydatatablejsで重複するセルをハイライト表示するデモ前提としてjqueryjsとjquerydatatablejsを読み込んでおく必要がありますSeethePenbyqweqweonCodePen実装preDrawCallbackfunctionsettingsvarapithisapivaritemsapirowsdata重複セルをチェックするitemsmapitemidxarrgtitemisduplicatecodearrfiltercodegtcodeitemcodelengthgttruefalseitemisduplicatenamearrfilternamegtnameitemnamelengthgttruefalsereturnitemデータ取得が完了したタイミングで重複チェックを実行。 2021-08-01 17:13:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C言語 ひし形の出力について https://teratail.com/questions/352269?rss=all C言語ひし形の出力について標準入力に正の整数nbspnnbspを入力すると半角数字を使用してnnbsp段のひし形を標準出力に出力するプログラムを作成したのですが、なぜか全体的に桁余分な空白が出てしまいます。 2021-08-01 17:53:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) シェル芸 以下のように出力するスクリプトを教えて下さい。 https://teratail.com/questions/352268?rss=all シェル芸以下のように出力するスクリプトを教えて下さい。 2021-08-01 17:52:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) node-red上のGoogleCalenderを自動で更新したい https://teratail.com/questions/352267?rss=all nodered上のGoogleCalenderを自動で更新したいnoderedを使いdashBoard上にGoogleCalenderの埋め込みをしたいです。 2021-08-01 17:30:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GAS 更新時に日にちを自動入力 https://teratail.com/questions/352266?rss=all 2021-08-01 17:26:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Java 電卓 連続計算 https://teratail.com/questions/352265?rss=all 電卓 2021-08-01 17:19:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Railsアプリ制作:ArgumentError in Toppages#index を解決したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/352264?rss=all Railsアプリ制作ArgumentErrorinToppagesindexを解決したい。 2021-08-01 17:12:54
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] VSCodeを入れたらやること https://qiita.com/minhee/items/2c7d6fead02cc2248313 拡張機能の検索フォームで、「zenkaku」と入力すれば出てきます。 2021-08-01 17:28:27
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] VSCodeを入れたらやること https://qiita.com/minhee/items/2c7d6fead02cc2248313 拡張機能の検索フォームで、「zenkaku」と入力すれば出てきます。 2021-08-01 17:28:27
海外TECH DEV Community 4 Skills to Become a Front-end Developer in 6 Months (Road-map) https://dev.to/codewithshahan/4-skills-to-become-a-front-end-developer-in-6-months-road-map-ldi Skills to Become a Front end Developer in Months Road map Let me give you a simple Road map to know Where You Are and Where You Should to Go Next Building BlocksEvery website has a two parts A front end and a back end The front end is the part where you see in the browser and interact with All the visual aspects Back end is the part that powers the front end It s behind the scene and it s mainly about storing data and databases and providing it to the front end JobsSo web development jobs fall into three categories The front end developments back end developments and full stack developments which involves both front end and back end developments ‍Front end DevelopmentsFront end developers use HTML CSS and JavaScript Back end developers has different set of tools available to them So let s talk about HTML CSS and JavaScript HTML is short for hypertext markup language We use HTML to define building blocks of our web pages CSS is short for Cascading style sheet and we use CSS to making them beautiful JavaScript is used for adding functionality to the web pages Here is a real exampleLet s say you want to build an application like Instagram First we use HTML to define all the building blocks of the layout What are these building blocks is here an image some text or username another block of text for commenting sharing and liking So We use HTML to add these building blocks to our web pages Then we use CSS to give it visual effects For example we use CSS to make the font bold We can make our image around we can add some padding we can change the color of the icons and define their look when we hover over them So CSS is all about the statics or visual effects With CSS we can also create beautiful animation Now most web pages these days are interactive The response to our actions like clicks and scrolling This is where JavaScript s comes in With JavaScript we can add functionality and behavior to our web pages For example we can like a post So JavaScript is a programming language while the HTML and CSS are not We use them to define the building blocks of our web pages and style them Every webpage you have seen in internet is built with these three languages So the better you will learn and understand these languages and their features the better you will be at front end developments Front end Developer in Months So your front end development journey starts with HTML amp CSS I would say if you spend hours a day studying and coding you should be able to have a reasonable understanding these two language in about a month and a half Once you learn these languages you need to learn JavaScript I would say learning JavaScript would probably take another six weeks month of your time Of course you re not gonna be JavaScript experts in just six weeks But you will have a reasonable understanding and you will learn more as you work in different projects So the first three months is all about fundamentals Now building website often includes a bunch of repetitive tasks This is where front end frameworks and libraries come in A frameworks or libraries comes with a lot of code that you can reuse in our websites So they help us to get the job done faster That s why a lot of companies these days use one of these popular frameworks like React Angular or Vue Now we don t need to learn all of this to get started Different companies use different tools for their different projects As you move from one project to another you may want to learn about the other tools If you re starting out just focus on react Because it s the most popular tool in this space Once you learn react you can always learn the other tools if needed For React you would probably need one to two months All right what the next steps Version control systems We use version control system to keep track of our products history and work collaboratively with others There is many version control systems out there like Git Subversion Mercurial and so on But Git is the most popular tool in this space and it s used more than percent of software development s team That s why you see its almost all jobs description You would probably need another two weeks to learning Git ConclusionSo these are essential skills for every front end developer must have You ll see this list in almost every job description For now just focus on these four skills or four steps Remember less is more Don t try to learn too many things quickly You won t learn anything You will just waste your time Alright that s your Road map RecommendationIf you are interested in Front end developments and programming tips and tricks feel free to visit my YouTube Channel SpecialDo you want to learn programming without waste your time with lots of unnecessary theory or boring to do app tutorials amp Clear and concise courses with a perfect mix Here is a professional coding instructor that I love most Mosh HamedaniFeel free to leave a comment I am trying to helping othersHappy Coding 2021-08-01 08:53:01
海外TECH DEV Community Django Book - Best Books in 2021 to Learn Django Framework https://dev.to/courseprobe/django-book-best-books-in-2021-to-learn-django-framework-388h Django Book Best Books in to Learn Django FrameworkI m listing below some fo the best books you can use to learn Django in Django for APIsDjango for APIs Django is often used as a backend API to power mobile apps or websites using a dedicated JavaScript front end like React Vue or Angular This book is a hands on guide to building modern APIs with Django and Django REST Framework The book covers building Django APIs from scratch connecting to a React frontend user authentication basic sessions tokens permissions documentation viewsets and routers Python and Django Web DeveloperPython and Django Web DeveloperBuild a Django site even without knowing Python Programming This book takes you step by step building your first blog with Python and Django Build the most awesome websites with Python and Django learn the basics with this book and speed up your learning curve This is the best Django book it is the perfect introduction for you to take a look under the hood and understand everything that makes a Django site hopefully it will be a motivation for you to continue learning Python and programming in general Django for Professionals Production websites with Python amp DjangoDjango for ProfessionalsThis is an extension of the Django for beginners book While in the basic version you would build simple websites that are focused on the understanding of concepts this book focuses on more complex real life applications and projects and is written keeping that in mind The author gives you lots of tips and techniques that you need when you build production apps Django Design Patterns and Best PracticesDjango Design Patterns and Best PracticesThe book covers some unique topics that you would not find in many other books or even online resources Though a design patterns book it covers a fair amount of basics about Django starting with why Django came into existence The Temple of Django Database PerformanceThe Temple of Django Database PerformanceDjango s built in ORM is powerful but to really maximize performance in your web applications you need to go a step deeper and master database performance This books shows you how It covers profiling and measurement tools how to evaluate queries and a host of advanced techniques If you are still not sure if you should start learning the Django Framework in keep reading below to know more about Django What is Django Django is an open source web framework It has been written in Python and is free A high level framework it allows for faster web development with clean practical design With all the common features already built in developers can focus on business logic rather than taking care of repetitive functionality Some interesting features of Django are Template language specifically created to cater to front end development Fast secure scalable and versatile Takes care of site maps RSS feeds content administration user authentication etc…Eliminates the need to write SQL queries by using Python objects Great documentation and support community Learning Django may take time but once you do so you will appreciate the enhancement it brings to your applications Django styles itself as a high level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean pragmatic design Built by experienced developers it takes care of much of the hassle of web development so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel And they really mean it This massive web framework comes with so many batteries included that oftentimes during development it can be a mystery as to how everything manages to work together Why should I use Django in The major benefits of Django The size of the Django community is ever growing so you have lots of resources for guidance even on a complicated project Features like templating routing forms authentication and management tools are included by default You don t have to hunt for external tools or worry about third party tools introducing compatibility issues Simple constructs for users loops and conditions allow you to focus on writing code It s a mature and optimized framework that is extremely fast and reliable What is Django best for Django is a high level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites Built by experienced developers Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel 2021-08-01 08:41:16
海外TECH DEV Community Tagged Template Literals - The Magic Behind Styled Components https://dev.to/dekel/tagged-template-literals-the-magic-behind-styled-components-2f2c Tagged Template Literals The Magic Behind Styled Components Intro amp BackgroundIf you have some experience with React you probably came across styled components In the last few years the concept of css in js became more popular and there are multiple libraries that are available for us to use styled components is one of them but you can also find Emotion Radium JSS and more In this post I m not going to cover the pros and cons of traditional stylesheet files vs styled components and instead I m going to focus on tagged template literals the magic that let us use the styled components syntax styled component basics a quick reminderLet s take the following simple syntax for example The StyledDiv in the example above is actually a React component that returns a div block with the css of color red font weight bold Well kind of Actually it s a bit more complicated than that The output of the above is a div with specific css class names having the above css definitions inside Some of you are probably using this without giving it too much of a thought If we take a closer look we can see the usage of the backtick right after the styled div This syntax in Javascript is called Tagged Template Literals Template LiteralsLet s start with Template Literals and then move on to the more interesting concept In javascript template literals are strings that can contain expressions within them As you can see from the example above expressions can be variables but are not limited to them We can use either variable or function inside a template literal and the value that will be used is basically the string representation of the expression Now that we understand the power template literals it s time to move on to tagged template literals or just tagged templates Tagged Templates Whats the fuzz With tagged templates we have the power to parse the template literal ourselves using our own home made function Note that in the example above the variable strB contains the string String A and not String B as you might expect Let s break it downThe function funcA returns the string String A By using the function funcA as a tagged template we completely ignored the string that was sent and we just return something else We can use it with an empty string and the output will be the same Check it out Advanced featuresThe function we use in a tagged template can return everything that we want we are not limited to only return strings Building tagged templates have an option to also accept variables that can be used The first argument is a special object which behave as an array and provides access to all the native strings in the original string that was passed to the tag template function strings strings strings alongside a raw property which allows you to access the original raw strings The rest of the arguments are the expressions that we used inside the template literal Time to build let s start with something basicNow that we know a bit more about template literals it s time to move on to some more complex examples We already know that template literals don t have to return strings so how about creating a simple example of a tagged template that returns a react component with the relevant style We will start by creating a simple div example to just wrap our text with some styling on it The tagged template is the following code The full example is available here Check out the helper functions the cssObjFromStr we are going to focus on it in the next example Using props in the componentThe basic example gave us a nice intro but what about the component s props We use them all the time in React and losing them is not an option Moving to the next example we will add the option to also use props as part of our component that we would like to style We will use the onClick prop on the div element The full example is here Using props in the templateProps are not only relevant to the components but also to the template itself We want to use the props of the component inside the template itself colors elements behavior and more To do this we will need to pass the props from the lt Div gt to the cssObjFromStr method But this is not enough Let s assume that we use the lt Div gt element with the property textColor blue The issue we face here is that the lt div gt component inside the cmp will get the textColor property which is not a valid property of a div element A specific solution can be to extract the textColor from the props and pass the rest of the properties down to the lt div gt element Working example can be found here The styled components solution is a bit more elegant and much more generic all props that start with are considered private props and will not pass down to the actual jsx component We will use the same concept but in our example we will use the underscore to create private props Full working example can be found here SummaryThe styled component library contains much more than that with the entire built in HTML tags wrapped components classes and inheritance instead of inline style global themes and more however styled components is just an example of how to use the tagged template literals which is eventually just a native javascript feature as of ECMAScript also known as ES Cover photo by Gerd Altmann pixabay 2021-08-01 08:11:48
海外TECH DEV Community ⚡ Speed-up your web with Blurhash https://dev.to/meldiron/speed-up-your-web-with-blurhash-3mi8 Speed up your web with BlurhashAlongside this article I wrote a demo project made with Angular TailwindCSS and Blurhash You can check it out on Github Table Of ContentsIntroductionWhat is Blurhash Preparing a projectEncoding an imageDecoding an image Introduction Since I started working on e shops with hundreds of products on the website I have been looking for strategies to optimise the UX I started by adding loading animations but seeing the same rolling animation on ten places of a website is surely not the solution Then I found out you can use skeleton loaders to fill empty spaces with nice looking elements that represent actual data but are blank at the moment You can see this approach on dev to This is all you need for most websites but sadly this wasn t enough for me There was still a few seconds of loading time between when my data was loaded and when the images were rendered I could already see the name and price of a product but I didn t have pictures loaded yet Due to this whenever a new image got loaded the content jumped I tried to solve this by defining the size of an image and showing white space while the image was loading but that made the website feel really boring Finally I met Blurhash What is Blurhash Blurhash is a tool that takes our kb image and generates a B hash that can be used to generate a blurred version of an image You can easily store this hash as a text into your database and load it with every other text content such as article title or author name This comes really handy when working with any images because you don t have to be creative about What will I do while images are loading Instead of creating empty space you simply take Blurhash of an image and show the blurred version while the image is loading Preparing a project I started by creating an empty Angular project with TailwindCSS and Blurhash library installed First I defined my array of images This simulated data that I would receive from an API so I can start working on the blurring algorithm images name Fastest car ever url ixlib rb amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q name Let s eat url ixlib rb amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q name Who doesn t love dogs url ixlib rb amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q name We love cats too url ixlib rb amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q After adding some basic HTML with Angular data binding I was able to get the images rendered To confirm what Blurhash can do in numbers I decided to write a tiny script that loads the file size of our images and presented it in the HTML Calculate original image sizefor const image of this images const fileSize number await new Promise resolve reject gt var http new XMLHttpRequest http open HEAD image url true http onreadystatechange function if this readyState this DONE if this status const fileSize this getResponseHeader content length resolve fileSize fileSize http send image originalSize fileSize Looks good to me let s start using Blurhash When working with Blurhash you split the job into two parts ENCODE and DECODE Encoding an image Before using the blur hash I need to have the hash right Encode function of Blurhash library takes an array of pixels with their colour UintClampedArray and returns a simple string that represents newly created hash for our image To provide the correct input to the function I need to render our image inside a virtual canvas and extract data about the pixels in the canvas private async generateBlurhash imageUrl string Promise lt hash string width number height number gt const loadedImageObject HTMLImageElement await new Promise resolve reject gt const img new Image img setAttribute crossOrigin img onload gt resolve img img onerror args gt reject args img src imageUrl const canvas document createElement canvas canvas width loadedImageObject width canvas height loadedImageObject height const context canvas getContext d context drawImage loadedImageObject const imageData context getImageData loadedImageObject width loadedImageObject height if imageData throw Error Could not render an image return hash encode imageData data imageData width imageData height width loadedImageObject width height loadedImageObject height Now I used this function to add hash attribute to our array of images for const image of this images const blurhashData await this generateBlurhash image url image hash blurhashData hash image height blurhashData height image width blurhashData width Hmm that wasn t too bad Few lines of code and the hashing function is ready When preparing this project I noticed that hashing is a pretty CPU heavy method and takes almost second to finish It is up to you to decide whether you want to use the client s CPU or do the hashing on the server Anyway keep in mind this only needs to be done when uploading an image so you don t need to worry about extreme load on the backend Decoding an image Once I had the hash of an image I needed to do the exact opposite I needed to convert our string input into image output I started with a simple decode function provided by Blurhash library Alongside the image hash I provided the expected width and height of hashed image const blurhashPixels decode image hash image width image height This function returns a loooooooong array in which every four items represents the RGBA red green blue alpha value of a pixel You can imagine this as a D definition of our image Although our D array od pixels is pretty useless to us the canvas can easily convert it into an actual image if we tell it the width and height of our D array const blurhashCanvas HTMLCanvasElement lt HTMLCanvasElement gt document getElementById blurhash canvas imageLoopIndex const ctx blurhashCanvas getContext d const imageData ctx createImageData image width image height imageData data set blurhashPixels ctx putImageData imageData Finally I put everything together hook it to an HTML template and add some delays so I can see what is going on The result is stunning check it out If you are lost and unsure how some parts work together please check out my Github project that contains the whole application I built alongside this article Snippets in the article were taken from the project to quickly showcase the specific logic of Blurhash That s it for now If you are interested in cool new technologies feel free to follow me and you will be notified whenever a new post is published 2021-08-01 08:11:22
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