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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… IIJmio、「iOS 14.7.1」と「iPadOS 14.7.1」での動作検証結果を公開 https://taisy0.com/2021/08/02/143701.html ipados 2021-08-02 07:46:55
TECH Engadget Japanese Kindle本月替わりセール:8月は「大人の条件」「アリエナイ理科ノ大事典」「サイコパスの真実」「美しすぎる地学事典」など https://japanese.engadget.com/kindle-monthly-sale-075047729.html kindle 2021-08-02 07:50:47
TECH Engadget Japanese ロボットが配膳、タブレットで会話も──モスバーガーが都内で実験 https://japanese.engadget.com/orihime-porter-073127774.html 実証実験 2021-08-02 07:31:27
TECH Engadget Japanese Google、Android 2.3.7以前の端末からのログインサポートを終了へ https://japanese.engadget.com/stub-android-237-and-older-070034079.html android 2021-08-02 07:00:34
ROBOT ロボスタ 「LINE entry」を使った作品を募集 小学生向けプログラミングコンテスト「Tech Kids Grand Prix 2021」にLINEが協賛 https://robotstart.info/2021/08/02/line-sponsorship-ca-tech-kids.html techkidsgrandp 2021-08-02 07:27:57
IT @IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 2021年第2四半期の世界クラウドインフラサービス市場、前年同期比39%増の420億ドルへ https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/2108/02/news049.html canalys 2021-08-02 16:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] トヨタ、新型ランドクルーザー発売 200キロの軽量化と指紋認証スイッチ搭載で安全性向上 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2108/02/news114.html itmedia 2021-08-02 16:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 満足度の高い「住宅ローン」ランキング 11年連続で1位を獲得したのは? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2108/02/news117.html itmedia 2021-08-02 16:36:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ホールケーキのサブスクサービス? コンビニスイーツも手掛ける製菓企業が狙うコロナ禍のニーズ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2108/02/news118.html itmedia 2021-08-02 16:33:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] デル、抽選でノートPC「XPS」シリーズなどが当たる「Twitter夏祭りキャンペーン」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2108/02/news113.html itmediapcuser 2021-08-02 16:18:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders JCB、DNP、パナソニックSSJ、りそなHDの4社、業界横断型の顔認証システムの検討で合意 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/21847 JCB、DNP、パナソニックSSJ、りそなHDの社、業界横断型の顔認証システムの検討で合意ITLeadersジェーシービーJCB、大日本印刷DNP、パナソニックシステムソリューションズジャパンパナソニック、りそなホールディングスりそなHDの社は年月日、業界横断型の生体認証基盤「顔認証マルチチャネルプラットフォーム」の検討を開始すると発表した。 2021-08-02 16:21:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Googlemapをデベロッパーツールで確認するとエラーが表示されます https://teratail.com/questions/352416?rss=all Googlemapをデベロッパーツールで確認するとエラーが表示されます前提・実現したいことHTMLで、GoogleMapから地図を埋め込み表示させた時にデベロッパーツール上で以下のエラーメッセージが表示されます。 2021-08-02 16:59:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GASでLINEBOT作成時に表示された Exception: https://api.line.me のリクエストに失敗しました(エラー: 400)を解決したい https://teratail.com/questions/352415?rss=all GASでLINEBOT作成時に表示されたExceptionエラーを解決したい前提・実現したいことGASを使用して、電車遅延情報のLINEnbspBOTを作りたいです。 2021-08-02 16:59:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WPF TriggerとBehaviorの使い分け https://teratail.com/questions/352414?rss=all WPFTriggerとBehaviorの使い分け前提・実現したいことイベントトリガーとビヘイビアの使い分けに関して教えてください。 2021-08-02 16:57:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 変数に最初に格納した値を維持したい https://teratail.com/questions/352413?rss=all 変数に最初に格納した値を維持したい概要前回の質問の内容と重複しますが下記ソースコードは、・デフォルト値のテキストエリア幅は・テキストエリア幅はの縮小はデフォルト値以下にはならない・文字入力数に応じてテキストエリアが拡大・縮小するやりたいこと・最初に取得したclientWidthの値を取得して維持するようにしたい。 2021-08-02 16:49:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 2つのリストのループ https://teratail.com/questions/352412?rss=all 2021-08-02 16:38:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Excel マクロ VBA 並び替えについての質問 https://teratail.com/questions/352411?rss=all ExcelマクロVBA並び替えについての質問Excelの並び替えを行い、上から順に処理を行うマクロがあります。 2021-08-02 16:36:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 音楽ファイルの読み込みを絶対パスからURL型に変更する https://teratail.com/questions/352410?rss=all 音楽ファイルの読み込みを絶対パスからURL型に変更する前提・実現したいことRunnableJARを作成するために、作成したプログラムでの音楽ファイルの読み込みをURL型nbspgetClassgetResource…nbspに変更したいです。 2021-08-02 16:33:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AWS CPUプロセスの自動化方法について https://teratail.com/questions/352409?rss=all 2021-08-02 16:30:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VScodeの#include <bits/stdc++.h>エラーについて https://teratail.com/questions/352408?rss=all VScodeのincludeltbitsstdchgtエラーについて前提・実現したいこと昨日Atcoderを始めてこのページを参照しながら環境構築を行い無事作業を進めることができたのですが、今日VSCODEを開いてみたらincludenbspltbitsstdchgtに波線が引かれていてエラーが出てしまいます。 2021-08-02 16:28:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [rails チュートリアル] undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass https://teratail.com/questions/352407?rss=all railsチュートリアルundefinedmethodxfornilNilClassrailsチュートリアルの章を行っていた時に下記のようなエラーが発生しました。 2021-08-02 16:24:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JavaScriptでブラウザバックを禁止したい https://teratail.com/questions/352406?rss=all JavaScriptでブラウザバックを禁止したいrailsで開発中です。 2021-08-02 16:23:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GASでスプレッドシートからgoogleアカウントを作成したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/352405?rss=all タイトルの件ですが、スプレッドシート上に入力された情報からGoogleアカウント作成・削除を行いたいと思っているのですがネット上で検索したところGoogleフォームを使用したGASしか確認できませんでした。 2021-08-02 16:19:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画像認識AIをanacondaで実行する https://teratail.com/questions/352404?rss=all 画像認識AIをanacondaで実行する前提・実現したいこと記事の内容をanacondaで実行したいです発生している問題・エラーメッセージどこにソースコードを置くか実行はどこで行うか使い方がわからずなにから手を付けてよいかわからない状態です試したことanacondaで環境を作成しpythonをダウンロードしましたここに問題に対して試したことを記載してください。 2021-08-02 16:12:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ユーザー情報のグループ名の確認する方法を知りたい https://teratail.com/questions/352403?rss=all ユーザー情報のグループ名の確認する方法を知りたい素人質問で大変恐縮ですが現在、新しいユーザーを作成してグループ名を変更したいです。 2021-08-02 16:08:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Unity】X【WebGL】WebGLでゲームを実行すると、環境が暗くなってしまいます https://teratail.com/questions/352402?rss=all 【Unity】X【WebGL】WebGLでゲームを実行すると、環境が暗くなってしまいますいつも大変お世話になっております。 2021-08-02 16:07:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Googleフォームの回答を更新履歴としてGoogleサイトにアップしたい https://teratail.com/questions/352401?rss=all Googleフォームの回答を更新履歴としてGoogleサイトにアップしたいGoogleサイトを編集中。 2021-08-02 16:04:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) MySQLで学生ごとに出席率を取得したい https://teratail.com/questions/352400?rss=all MySQLで学生ごとに出席率を取得したい【やりたいこと】MySQLで学生ごとの出席率を取得したい【クエリの条件】SELECT文で出席数、欠席数、遅刻数、遅刻分欠席回で欠席回を取得している遅刻分欠席回で欠席回は月毎に回遅刻したら欠席にカウント例nbsp月に回遅刻、月に回遅刻の場合、合計遅刻数は回なので、欠席遅刻になるが実際には月を跨いでいるので欠席は回とカウントしたい欠席【悩んでいること】日付を指定した際の合計出席率を表示させたい。 2021-08-02 16:00:45
技術ブログ Developers.IO クラスメソッドで「内製化支援」はじめました杉井です! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/sugii-joined-classmethod/ 自己紹介 2021-08-02 07:46:26
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS事業本部コンサルティング部にジョインしましたyhanaです https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/yhana/ yhana 2021-08-02 07:45:57
技術ブログ Developers.IO クラスメソッドに再ジョインしましたt.hondaです。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/thonda-joined-classmethod-again/ thonda 2021-08-02 07:40:04
技術ブログ Developers.IO 静岡からコンサルティング部にジョインしました川村です https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/kawamura-emi-joined-classmethod/ ansible 2021-08-02 07:34:37
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon RDSのハードウェアメンテナンスを対象期間より前に完了させる方法を教えてください https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-rds-hardware-maintenance-scheduled/ utcsunday 2021-08-02 07:05:55
海外TECH DEV Community React lifecycle methods in Hooks https://dev.to/mcperera/react-lifecycle-methods-in-hooks-53nl hooks 2021-08-02 07:47:34
海外TECH DEV Community What is Dynamic Module Import ? https://dev.to/mcperera/what-is-dynamic-module-import-44lk dynamic 2021-08-02 07:44:43
海外TECH DEV Community AWS open source news and updates #78 https://dev.to/aws/aws-open-source-news-and-updates-78-4abk AWS open source news and updates August nd Instalment Newsletter This is the last newsletter for the next three weeks as I will be taking some time off and shutting down my laptop I will look forward to bringing you a very full edition when I return but in the meantime enjoy another great collection of open source projects and blog posts to help you get the most out of open source on AWS This week we have a collection of posts on Apache Airflow a must read post for AWS CDK users on the Construct Hub Preview some great posts covering analytics and big data technologies such as Apache Spark and Apache Kafka a look at some new capabilities within AWS services such as openCypher and a round up of quick updates and case studies to finish off Enjoy the updates and see you in a few weeks time Book Spring Boot on AWSOver the weekend Tom Hombergs Philip Riecks and Björn Wilmsmann held an online launch party for their book Stratospheric From zero to production with Spring Boot and AWS This is an essential resource for any Java developer who is working with AWS Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Sofian Hamiti Jenna Pederson Sebastien Stormacq Dotan Horovits Alex Pulver Ravi Itha Muhammad Zahid Ali César Prieto Ballester Bruno Bardelli Tom McMeekin Parnab Basak Brad Bebee Mark Richman Mikhail Vasilyev Rob Mesirow Anil Lalwani David Sapin Mihir Desai Maciej Radzikowski Trivikram Kamat Steve Roberts Biroj Nayak Jessica Ho Justin Leto David Ehrlich and Shreyas SubramanianMake sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest open source projectsmetabadgermetabadger this open source tool from Salesforce helps you to prevent SSRF attacks on AWS EC via automated upgrades to the more secure Instance Metadata Service v IMDSv The project provides detailed documentation on the background and use cases that this tool is looking to help how to setup and install as well as how to run this project cdk ipvcdk ipv my colleague Sebastien Stormacq released this open source project over the weekend that will help you create IPv VPCsaws cdk pipelines datalake infrastructureaws cdk pipelines datalake infrastructure this is an open sourced solution to help you build a data lake on AWS To help you get started Ravi Itha and Muhammad Zahid Ali have written this blog post Deploy data lake ETL jobs using CDK Pipelines that should make your life a little easier aws cdk tfsecaws cdk tfsec this is an open source project that shows you how you can analyse and secure Terraform code using a CI CD Pipeline and tfsec This blog post Secure and analyse your Terraform code using AWS CodeCommit AWS CodePipeline AWS CodeBuild and tfsec from César Prieto Ballester and Bruno Bardelli walks you through the code tfsec is an open sourced static analysis security scanner for your Terraform code including more than preconfigured checks with the ability to add custom checks mwaa dashboardmwaa dashboard is an open source project that helps you automate Amazon CloudWatch dashboards and alarms for your Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA environments Mark Richman provides everything you need to help you get this project up and running in his blog post Automating Amazon CloudWatch dashboards and alarms for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow which is a super nice post I am using this to monitor my own test development pipelines and has really helped simplify this task aws cdk codecommit snykaws cdk codecommit snyk this open source project provides a CDK construct that uses Snyk CLI to scan Python packages for open source package vulnerabilities BK Das provides detailed information on the architecture as well as how to get started in his post Use the Snyk CLI to scan Python packages using AWS CodeCommit AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild AWS and Community blog postsApache AirflowWe have a number of posts this week featuring Apache Airflow or more specifically Amazon s Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA First up we have Parnab Basak with Deploying to Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow with CI CD tools which will show you how you can set up a simple CI CD system to automate how you can deploy your DAGs into MWAA He covers how you can do this using CodeCommit CodePipeline GitHub GitHub actions Jenkins and Bitbucket Bitbucket Pipelines Next up we have Justin Leto David Ehrlich and Shreyas Subramanian show you how to orchestrate an ML pipeline using the popular XGBoost eXtreme Gradient Boosting algorithm in the post Orchestrate XGBoost ML Pipelines with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow They cover how to dynamically create and run AWS Glue jobs to preprocess training and validation data How to construct the DAG to support ML pipelines including the import statements the DAG operator configuration the DAG task definitions and the DAG dependency definition Finally they show the difference between using native Airflow operators vs invoking AWS SDK API calls from a generic PythonOperator hands on Lastly I have a post written by myself Working with parameters and variables in Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow which is a long read with examples scripts and code that will dive deep into how you can work with parameters and variables within MWAA what you need to be aware of that is perhaps different to self hosted Apache Airflow and how you can put this all together to create re usable workflows hands on Apache KafkaIf you are looking to use Apache Kafka to help you ingest and process high volume high frequency streaming data in this particular example IoT data then this is a post you will want to check out Siddhesh Keluskar has put this detailed post Field Notes Deliver Messages Using an IoT Rule Action to Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka which will show you how you can build a real time streaming data pipeline by securely delivering MQTT messages to a highly scalable durable and reliable system using Apache Kafka hands on Apache SparkWhat would we ever do if the taxi drivers of NYC stopped working and stopped providing the rich data sets that we use week in week out to show case how to use data analytics tools I am not sure but whilst they are still generating all that great data we can be thankful that this helps put together blog posts like this one Visualize data using Apache Spark running on Amazon EMR with Amazon QuickSight from Tom McMeekin This a really nice in depth post that covers a lot more than the title suggest You will explore how to setup and use Apache Spark on Amazon EMR openLDAP deploy a Thrift server use Beeline as your jdbc client and many more great open source tools Well worth diving deep into hands on AWS Cloud Development Kit AWS CDK Last week Alex Pulver put together this post Construct Hub Preview that announced the Construct Hub preview This is a one stop destination for finding reusing and sharing constructs authored by AWS AWS Partner Network partners third parties and the developer community As the CDK developer community has grown customers have told us that they do not have an easy way to find the construct libraries created by the community because the constructs have been published through various package managers The Construct Hub will now be a central location where CDK users can find a comprehensive collection of constructs to help them build their applications As Alex concludes This is an open source preview and we need your help to make the Construct Hub the best end to end experience for discovering and sharing constructs This is a must read post this week so make sure you check it out DevOpsFinding the right balance of open source tools and AWS services that will meet your functional and non functional requirements to help you maximise the value you get from those resources is the focus on this post Choosing a Well Architected CI CD approach Open Source on AWS from Mikhail Vasilyev The post helps you with a decision making framework aligned to the Well Architected framework and looks at source code management continuous integration and container registry options you can choose from and how these all can work together Colleague Jenna Pederson has been working on using Inspec an open source framework for testing and auditing your applications and infrastructure in her latest blog post How to use CDK Outputs in your Inspec tests showing you how you can use this together with a feature of CDK to help you build better tests for your Infrastructure as Code hands on MLFlowMLflow is an open source platform to manage the ML lifecycle including experimentation reproducibility deployment and a central model registry Sofian Hamiti builds on a previous blog post showing you how to deploy MLflow on AWS and builds on that to share how you can automate an end to end ML lifecycle using MLflow and Amazon SageMaker Pipelines Well worth reading MLOps with MLFlow and Amazon SageMaker Pipelines hands on openCypherBrad Bebee posted this last week Announcing openCypher for Amazon Neptune Building better graph applications with openCypher and Gremlin together sharing news of how developers can now use openCypher and Apache TinkerPop Gremlin to build or migrate property graph applications Check the quick updates section for more details OpenSearchOpenSearch Dashboards Notebooks lets you easily combine live visualizations narrative text and SQL and Piped Processing Language PPL queries so that you can tell your data s story Viraj Phanse Ashwin Kumar Anirudha Jadhav Eli Fisher collaborated on this post Feature Deep Dive OpenSearch Dashboards Notebooks that explores popular use cases for Notebooks how the feature works and how to get started with it OpenTelemetryThis post Beginner s Guide to OpenTelemetry from Dotan Horovits at logz io provides a really nice clean and easy to follow introduction into the world of OpenTelemetry Well worth spending ten minutes of your time and the videos are also very informative Make sure you check this out this week Red Hat Enterprise LinuxOne of the ways many business are looking to modernise their workloads is to move from proprietary systems to open source This includes running workloads such as MS SQL Server which you can now run on Linux In this post Understanding Amazon Machine Images for Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Microsoft SQL Server Kumar Abhinav provides a deep dive into how to deploy SQL Server on RHEL using these new AMIs how to tune instances for performance and how to reduce licensing costs with RHEL AWS SDKsIn this post Mocking modular AWS SDK for JavaScript v in Unit Tests Trivikram Kamat and Maciej Radzikowski show you how you can mock the SDK clients using the community driven AWS SDK Client mock library hands on Case StudiesApache CassandraIn this post Idea to product PricewaterhouseCoopers launches Check In within three months on Amazon Keyspaces Rob Mesirow Anil Lalwani David Sapin and Mihir Desai show you how PwC built the Check In solution from idea to product within months using Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra and additional open source technologies on AWS Check In is a single technology driven solution that provides clients the data to plan prevent and react precisely to mitigate risk to their people and business Read on to find out more about Check In and how PwC were able to reduce the time it took them to go from idea to launch Core WCFCore WCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework WCF to NET Core Used to build service oriented applications based on the NET Framework WCF enabled applications to asynchronously send data packaged as messages between service endpoints In this interview Supporting development of Core WCF Steve Roberts is joined by Biroj Nayak a Senior Software Development Engineer working in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC to talk about the open source Core WCF project and the contributions he s been involved with DrupalJessica Ho takes a look at how Acquia and Amazon Web Services AWS together offer a secure resilient and highly performant solution with the next generation enterprise digital experience platform Acquia Cloud Next To find out more read the post How Acquia Enables a Highly Scalable Drupal Digital Experience Platform on AWS Quick updatesopenCypherAmazon Neptune announced support for openCypher a popular query language for building applications with graph databases Developers can now use openCypher with Amazon Neptune giving them more choices to build or migrate graph applications to a highly available secure and fully managed graph database Support for openCypher is compatible with our customers existing property graphs and developers can use both Apache TinkerPop Gremlin and openCypher queries within the same graph Customers like openCypher s syntax which is inspired by SQL because it provides a familiar structure to compose queries for graph applications With the addition of openCypher Amazon Neptune now provides customers with that widest array of query language support including openCypher Gremlin and WC SPARQL Customers can use the openCypher and Gremlin query languages together over the same property graph data Support for openCypher is compatible with the Bolt protocol enabling customers to continue to run applications that use the Bolt protocol to connect to Neptune openCypher is available in lab mode in this release and is enabled by default Neptune customers who use Gremlin can immediately start using openCypher to query their graphs New customers can get started with loading and querying their data using openCypher Customers migrating to Neptune can easily connect to the graph database and continue to use their existing openCypher queries to build and run graph applications Customers using openCypher have access to all Neptune features such as the Neptune workbench which now supports querying and visualising results of openCypher queries Support for openCypher is available in all regions where Neptune is supported and there are no additional charges to use openCypher Check out the documentation page Accessing the Neptune Graph with openCypherSPARQLAmazon Neptune announces support for SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol GSP for graphs using WC s Resource Description Framework RDF Using GSP on SPARQL endpoints customers now have an efficient method to interact with complete named graphs within a graph store This can streamline building graph applications using Amazon Neptune and tools that support the WC Recommendation GSP such as Apache Jena GSP provides customers with convenient endpoints for manipulating an entire named graph in one HTTP request instead of having to write multiple complex SPARQL queries to achieve the same result SPARQL provides a query based approach to fetching inserting and deleting RDF triples GSP supports these actions on entire named graphs in the graph store The addition of GSP in Neptune introduces a new endpoint URL https your neptune endpoint port sparql gsp that customers can use to access RDF graphs in Neptune To find out more check out the documentation page Using the SPARQL Graph Store HTTP protocol GSP in Amazon NeptuneRabbitMQYou can now launch RabbitMQ brokers on Amazon MQ This patch update to RabbitMQ contains several fixes and enhancements compared to the previously supported version RabbitMQ To learn more read the RabbitMQ Changelog SuricataAWS Network Firewall uses the open source intrusion prevention system IPS Suricata for stateful inspection and is now a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS compliant service Customers can now use AWS Network Firewall to capture transmit and retrieve sensitive payment card data for use cases such as payment processing that are subject to PCI DSS FreeRTOSFreeRTOS now includes the Simple Network Time Protocol SNTP client library to make it easier for developers to add time information in their FreeRTOS based IoT applications The SNTP client library named coreSNTP is used to synchronise clocks between two devices or a device and the cloud You can use coreSNTP in IoT applications where devices need to display time or use time for its business logic e g control temperature and lighting In addition you can use coreSNTP to validate certificates during TLS handshakes with the cloud or if required generate signatures to authenticate cloud storage requests e g SigV signatures for HTTPs requests to Amazon Simple Storage Service The SNTP functionality becomes especially important in IoT devices that cannot retain time and date information in the absence of external power e g IoT devices that do not contain real time clock modules Find out more by reading the README Events for your diaryCloud Native Dayrd September Bern SwitzerlandWhat is this an in person event returning A stellar line up including our own Michael Hausenblas an event looking at CNCF projects and the future of IT Find out more and to view prices register by clicking here Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen 2021-08-02 07:37:49
海外TECH DEV Community How to use the if not Python statement? https://dev.to/hrishikesh1990/how-to-use-the-if-not-python-statement-39ea How to use the if not Python statement In this short tutorial we learn about the if not Python condition statement We also look at its various use cases along with the code Before we look at the if not Python statement we will first give a small brief about the Not operator in Python In case you are not familiar with it do read along Else please feel free to jump straight to the Solution Table of Contents If not PythonNot Operator RecapWhy do we use the If not Python statementCode and ExplanationIf not Python Limitations and Caveats Not Operator RecapSimilar to and amp or the not operator is another logical operator in Python This operator returns True if the statement is not true and vice versa Hence the Not operation is commonly used along with the if statement Based on this functionality the Not operator is used in two major use cases The first case is to check if an element is not in a string or any other iterable and the second is to check if a condition is not met In this article we look at the latter Although both these requirements can be met using other methods using the not operator improves the readability of your code Why do we use the If not Python statement When it comes to checking if a particular condition is not met the if not Python operator is used extensively in two areas To negate the output of an if statementAnd to check if an iterable is not emptyLet us look at real world examples of both these cases For the first case let us assume that you have an iterable a list that contains information of all the blocked users on your application When a user attempts to sign in your code could check if the user is not in the Python list In a conventional if statement this logic would have to be written inside the else statement however the not operator negates the output and outputs the inverse Thereby increasing readability by allowing the user to write the logic under the if statement For the second case empty variables or items return falsy values and similar to the previous use case a normal if statement would have logic within the else statement The Not operator negates the output again making the code more readable Code and Explanation Using the if not Python statement to check if it negates the output of an if statement number if not number gt print number is greater than else print number is not greater than Output number is greater than As you can see the code under the if block was returned although the condition returned false This is because the not operator negated its value Similarly the code to check if an iterable is empty using the if not Python statement is as follows List if not List print List is empty else print List Output List is emptyThe if not Python code can be used to check if a string dictionary set and even a tuple If not Python Limitations and Caveats There are no major limitations while using the Not operator however since the logic is inverted I would recommend practicing the if not Python statement a few times before you actually start using it in your code Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below 2021-08-02 07:37:03
海外TECH DEV Community Features introduced in ES2021 ✨✨ https://dev.to/siddharthshyniben/features-introduced-in-es2021-5eal Features introduced in ES ES is slowly coming out in browsers Here s aquick roundup of features provided by ES string replaceAll MDN Replaces all instances of a string xx replace x y gt yx xx replace x g y gt yy xx replaceAll x y gt yy Numeric separators MDN Let s you seperate your numbersconst number Is this a billion a hundred millions Ten millions const number Ah so a billionconst FEE is this Or because it s in cents const FEE woah that fee Logical OR assignment MDN Logical OR assignment foo bar assigns to foo if it is falsy let foo foo bar foo gt bar foo baz foo gt bar no assignment because foo is truthy Logical AND assignment amp amp MDN Logical AND assignment foo amp amp bar assigns to foo if it is truthy let foo foo amp amp bar foo gt undefined no assignment because foo is falsy foo foo amp amp baz foo gt baz Logical nullish assignment MDN Logical AND assignment foo bar assigns to foo if it is nullish null or undefined let foo foo bar foo gt bar foo false foo baz foo gt bar No assignment because foo is not nullish Promise any MDN Basically Promise race but waits for resolvement instead of settlement WeakRef MDN A WeakRef object lets you hold a weak reference to another object without preventing that object from getting garbage collected SupportYou can check out details at CanIUseSupport is not too bad IE doesn t support any of these but it doesn t matter Edge supports all of these from v Numeric separators are supported from v and WeakRef is supported from v Firefox supports all of these from v Numeric separators are supported from v and String replaceAll is supported from v Chrome supports all of these from v Numeric separators are supported from v and WeakRef is supported from v Opera supports Numeric separators from v and supports String replaceAll from v Safari on iOS supports all this from v Numeric separators are supported from v String replaceAll is supported from v and Logical assignment and Promise any are supported from vAndroid browser supports all this from vOpera Mobile supports String replaceAll from vChrome for Android supports all this from vFirefox for Android supports all this from vSamsung internet supports all this from v Numeric separators are supported from vSupport on Opera Mini QQ Browser Baidu Browser and KaiOS browser is unknown 2021-08-02 07:31:37
海外TECH DEV Community Find index of element in list Python https://dev.to/hrishikesh1990/find-index-of-element-in-list-python-571e Find index of element in list PythonIn this short tutorial learn to find the index of an element in a list in Python We look at the code to achieve this with its pros and cons Before we delve into how you could find the index of an element in a list we do a small recap on what lists are in Python However in case you are already familiar with it you can head straight to the Solution Table of Contents Find index of element in list PythonLists in Python RecapFind index of element in list PythonCode and ExplanationLimitations and Caveats List in Python RecapLists in Python are an ordered collection of items and these items could be of various data types Lists are enclosed in square brackets and the items in a list are separated by commas Given lists are an ordered collection of items each element has its unique position and each element can be accessed by telling Python the position These positions are called indexes Index in a list starts with This essentially means that the first element in the list has an index of and not and subsequently the second element has an index of This concept holds true for most programming languages If you have trouble understanding this concept at first just keep in mind that the indexes are all off by one With that out of the way let us look at how to find the index of an element in list Python Find index of element in list in Python Since the index of lists is used to access elements in Python it is only natural that one would want to find the index of an element This may seem easy when dealing with a small list however this could become tedious when the length of the list increases To facilitate this Python has an inbuilt function called index This function takes in the element as an argument and returns the index By using this function we are able to find the index of an element in a list in Python Syntax of Index list index element start end Here “list refers to the name of the list you are looking to search Parameters Element Required the element whose index you would like to find Start Optional the index to start the search End Optional the index to end the search Return Values Return the index of the passed elementValueError is returned if the element is not found Code and Explanation data types Str Int Float Searching for “int print data types index Int Output As you can see we have used the above code to find the index of an element in a list Next let us look at an example using the other two parameters vowels a e i o i u Searching for “o within index print vowels index o Output Searching for “o within index print vowels index o Output ValueError o is not in listIn the above code we first search for the element “o between the st and th index and the index is returned as the element is present However the second code snippet searches for “o between the th and nd index and since “o is at the rd index a ValueError is returned as “o couldn t be found This is how you used the index function to find the index of an element in a list Find index of element in list Python Limitations and Caveats ValueErrors are returned if the element cannot be found I would recommend using a try catch in case you are using it in a bigger piece of code The parameters are case sensitive and index would return a ValueError even if the element is present but in a different case I would recommend using the upper or lower methods in case you aren t sure about the case Index method only returns the index of the first occurrence in case you are looking for the subsiding occurrence using the start and stop parameter accordingly P S If you d like to learn more about lists check out these tutorials on checking if a list is empty and removing items from lists Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below 2021-08-02 07:14:47
海外TECH DEV Community Frontend Interview Experience at Amazon Germany https://dev.to/learnersbucket/frontend-interview-experience-at-amazon-germany-2lom Frontend Interview Experience at Amazon GermanyVisit learnersbucket com If you are preparing for your JavaScript interview You will find DSA System Design and JavaScript Questions After applying at Amazon India through different means and not hearing back from them I one day randomly applied at Amazon Germany for frontend role directly in the career section and luckily my resume got shortlisted Note As I have signed an NDA I cannot share the exact questions I received the email regarding the shortlist and was asked to fill availability for the phone screen st round Phone Interview It was scheduled on th June and I had a general discussion with the technical recruiter regarding what I do on a day to day basis followed by a behavioral question and after that he asked me if I was willing to relocate and what are my salary expectations etc He said that your final interview will be scheduled only after your second round goes well nd round Phone screen with Manager The second round was on nd July and it was taken by the manager He asked me to create a web component followed by lots of questions and changes and one CSS styling question At the end there was a behavioral question After that he said will you relocate or work from India We are looking for a team member to join us here rd amp Final roundIt was composed of technical rounds to be done on a single day The decided date was th of July I was very nervous before this as I knew I am not well prepared a OOPs Backend engineer with years of experience same team We had a formal introduction followed by one behavioral question and then an oops question In the end there were two more behavioral questions The implementation had to be scalable otherwise it does not meets the criteria of the question This round did not go well because I haven t prepared for OOPS My confidence took a toll b Frontend Frontend engineer years of experience same team I was asked to create a component followed by lots of questions on accessibility styling events etc In the end behavioral questions Finished this round in half an hour It went superb Boosted my confidence c Cultural fit BI data engineer different team Taken by an external team member for unbiased opinion Solely based on behavioral questions of them All were very different Had to think about everything I have done in my past experiences and then answer it It went okay d Managerial System design same team He said let s start by answering your questions first and then move forward After that he asked me to implement a frontend system Discussed the following pointsLayoutStylingAccessibilityPerformanceTracking user activityRecommendationsPreferencesFollowed by behavioral questions This round went nice the manager seemed to be happy e DSA FullStack engineer Sister team Was asked to implement a two way algorithm based on trees Tree to HTML and HTML to Tree parser with lots of constraints Which tree will you choose why How to differentiate nodes and text etc Followed by behavioral questions This round did not go well I had tough time understanding the question After st implementation the interviewer said there is some misunderstanding and explained the question again and asked me to re implement the solution After second implementation he asked me to implement the second parser vice versa Verdict NOT SELECTED The recruiter called me next day and personally gave the feedback he said there a lots of strong points and push but the team thinks that you need some improvements majorly on writing scalable and maintainable code The recruiter had already told me to go through leadership principles and STAR technique because you will be grilled a lot on that I was already hesitant that I won t be able to make it Still I did my best My strengthFrontend components System design My weaknessOOPsDSABehavioral questions I have noted where I have to improve and will work on it Long way to go Life long learning Keep Hustling PS I have more interview experiences which I will share in the coming weeks 2021-08-02 07:08:39
海外TECH DEV Community SE Internship Log[1] https://dev.to/ruheni/se-internship-log-1-3407 SE Internship Log Hello there internet stranger This is the second article in Software Engineering SE Log The better part of the week was spent arguing with the TypeScript compiler and we both know who was right It was me JK The compiler is always right Technical skills Types Types Types This week I learnt there s more to types than string number boolean Array and Object types TypeScript allows you to do some advanced type wizardry by manipulating types from existing types besides extending from other types with interfaces Sounds meta right When a type interface is not specified TypeScript interprets it as its widest form type Case example if you have an array of strings the type will always be string However you can take it a step further and be specific with what the value of the string should be in your array or variable In the example below no type is assigned to colors Therefore TypeScript will interpret it as string const colors blue black white yellow orange However you can create a readonly type from the above example by appending the key words as const to the end of the statement This means that the properties will be immutable you cannot perform a write to the array const colors blue black white yellow orange as constThe intellisense on hovering on colors would reveal readonly blue black white yellow orange Union TypesYou could take the previous example a step further and create a union type from colors array with a little TypeScript magic const colors blue black white yellow orange as consttype color typeof colors number On hovering on type color a union type is created blue black white yellow orange The number annotation is an Indexed Access Type this means that it looks up a property from another type Template Literal TypesTypeScript also supports Template Literal Types which builds on top of string literal type It enables creating types from interpolated strings For example type lang en de type book TypeScript Handbook Functional Programming type BookCategories book lang In this example we re creating internationalized a German and English versions of the book type The generated types on hovering is a union type of each lang and book i e TypeScript Handbook en TypeScript Handbook de Functional Programming en Functional Programming de Template literal types can be taken to another level be manipulated by conversion to uppercase lowercase un capitalization and capitalization type book TypeScript Handbook type lowercaseBook Lowercase lt book gt The output of lowercaseBook is typescript handbook This is all just a tip of the iceberg of what Type manipulation with TypeScript looks like You can explore the TypeScript documentation and learn more on types Genericskeyof Type Operatortypeof Type OperatorIndexed Access TypesConditional TypesMapped TypesTemplate Literal TypesShould probably have spent more time reading the docs and not making gifs Soft Skills Pursuing projectsThis is more of a technical skill but I feel like it still falls under the soft skills Advice from my manager was to work on other projects on the side It is not compulsory and I don t mean that you should sacrifice your time Working on other projects besides work would potentially expose you to new technology and or features of the programming language you re using Projects may require you to read someone else s code and gain a better understanding of how and why the thing was built the way it is An alternative to side projects is contributing to existing open source projects This week has been mind blowing watching my manager tackle tasks in minutes that took me a day It all seemed like magic especially the TypeScript stuff but it s all practice and experience What comes next It s definitely getting more familiar with TypeScript and digging deeper into the TypeScript Handbook A TS cheat sheet maybe A project this week I win a fight with the TS compiler I mean what are the odds There s always a lot to learn It s one step at a time and be patient with the process Till next week 2021-08-02 07:03:44
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi ‘WeatherClock’ shows you the hour’s forecast https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-weatherclock-shows-you-the-hours-forecast/ Raspberry Pi WeatherClock shows you the hour s forecastMeet Eli s WeatherClock a digital analogue timepiece that displays the weather at each hour of the day as well as the time Here s an example every day at pm instead of the hour hand just pointing to a number three on the clock s face it also points to a visual representation of what the weather is The post Raspberry Pi WeatherClock shows you the hour s forecast appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2021-08-02 07:48:34
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 5月診療分、金額が前々年同月比プラス傾向続く-支払基金、件数はマイナス状態 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20210802155007 社会保険診療報酬支払基金 2021-08-02 16:10:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 合併症の項目に「心筋炎・心膜炎」などを追記-厚労省がコロナ診療の手引き第5.2版を事務連絡 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20210802154400 厚生労働省 2021-08-02 16:05:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 協会員の異動状況等 https://www.jsda.or.jp/kyoukaiin/kyoukaiin/kanyuu/index.html 異動 2021-08-02 09:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 つみたてNISA取扱い証券会社一覧 https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/oshirase/tsumitatenisaichiran.html 証券会社 2021-08-02 09:00:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定:日本アジアグループ(株) https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1023/20210802-11.html 日本アジアグループ 2021-08-02 16:25:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 株価の日米格差は縮小へ ワニの口は年内に閉じる https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=68406?site=nli nbspポイント経済回復力、ワクチン接種の遅れで日本株は軟調な展開回復が鮮明な企業業績と比べて日本株は割安、米国株はミニバブル米国の緩和縮小と日本の経済正常化に伴い、株価の日米格差は縮小へ目次ー株価の日米格差が拡大ー割高な米国株の危うさー日本株優位で、ワニの口が閉じる公算株価の日米格差が拡大している。 2021-08-02 16:15:48
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Indonesia breaks Chinese stranglehold in badminton women’s doubles https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/08/02/olympics/summer-olympics/badminton/indonesia-china-badminton-olympics/ Indonesia breaks Chinese stranglehold in badminton women s doublesGreysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu won badminton women s doubles gold on Monday breaking a Chinese stranglehold and claiming Indonesia s first title of the Tokyo Olympics 2021-08-02 16:28:23
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan’s Takefusa Kubo ready to give ‘150%’ to beat Spain https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/08/02/olympics/summer-olympics/olympic-soccer/takefusa-kubo-spain-japan-olympics/ Japan s Takefusa Kubo ready to give to beat SpainKubo s stints at several Spanish clubs have not yielded much in terms of success further adding to his motivation to make an impression against the 2021-08-02 16:01:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: New rules for fully jabbed US and EU arrivals begin https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58050538 amber 2021-08-02 07:07:08
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ニュース BBC News - Home Banking giant HSBC sees first half profit more than double https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58051818 banking 2021-08-02 07:02:40
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【寄稿】UFOの正体、敵国の新技術かも - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/278491 正体 2021-08-02 16:03:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 音質を自分好みにカスタマイズ! 聴く人の耳にフィットするイヤホン「Rayz」 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/08/machi-ya-rayz-start.html 音質 2021-08-02 16:30:00
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