投稿時間:2021-08-05 21:32:23 RSSフィード2021-08-05 21:00 分まとめ(36件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese 自動運転のスイカ輸送トラック、人の運転より10時間も早く1500kmを走破 https://japanese.engadget.com/self-driving-truck-is-faster-than-a-human-driver-110529234.html 自動運転 2021-08-05 11:05:29
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 映画モルカーとガンダム2作品がコラボ 理由は「のりものが大活躍」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2108/05/news158.html itmedia 2021-08-05 20:15:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 東京で停電が起きたとき、すぐに知らせてくれるアプリ「TEPCO速報」を入れておこう https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2108/05/news157.html itmedia 2021-08-05 20:11:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita FastAPIのOpenAPIバージョンをpyproject.tomlから取得する https://qiita.com/que9/items/4c4685f95c507561356d 引数に設定する値はtomlパッケージを使ってpyprojecttomlから読み込んでいる③。 2021-08-05 20:57:26
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GASでアプリケーションを作成する際のフォーマット https://qiita.com/plumfield56/items/a2b6d11ff6c080f38df1 AccesstoXMLHttpRequestatexecfromoriginhasbeenblockedbyCORSpolicyNoAccessControlAllowOriginheaderispresentontherequestedresourceこれを回避するためにdoGetでやると良いという記事はすぐにみつかりましたが、doGetにしてもlinkとボタンのどちらも入れるとなぜかエラーが出てきたりしました。 2021-08-05 20:13:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Node.jsをインストール後、node-sassを導入しようとするとエラーが出る https://teratail.com/questions/352931?rss=all 2021-08-05 20:59:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unity C# でboolを使ってスクリプトを書いたのですが、どこが間違っているかわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/352930?rss=all UnityCでboolを使ってスクリプトを書いたのですが、どこが間違っているかわかりません。 2021-08-05 20:56:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) カンマ区切りで登録されたデータからランキングは出せますでしょうか? https://teratail.com/questions/352929?rss=all カンマ区切りで登録されたデータからランキングは出せますでしょうか以下のデータ形式の場合に、tagnbspのランキングを出したい。 2021-08-05 20:48:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) railsで検索機能をつけたい https://teratail.com/questions/352928?rss=all ユーザーの名前検索は機能するのですが、本の名前検索では写真のようなエラーがでました。 2021-08-05 20:46:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VSTO、C#で書き換えたxmlファイルを1回目のデバッグでExcelのVSTOアドインに反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/352927?rss=all VSTO、Cで書き換えたxmlファイルを回目のデバッグでExcelのVSTOアドインに反映させたい前提・実現したいことCで書き換えたXMLファイルを回のデバッグでExcelのVSTOアドインに反映させたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージExcelのVSTOのボタンの名前やonActionイベントボタンクリックイベントのようなものの名前をC側で書き換えた際xmlファイルに書き換えはされるが、回目のデバッグでは書き換え前のものが反映されており、回目以降でないと反映されないです。 2021-08-05 20:18:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Dart】 クラス内でのsetterメソッドについて https://teratail.com/questions/352926?rss=all 【Dart】クラス内でのsetterメソッドについて前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-08-05 20:15:12
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsコントローラー内でAjaxリクエストか判定する方法 https://qiita.com/K_Satani/items/6e965288a0c665345125 Railsコントローラー内でAjaxリクエストか判定する方法背景一つのコントローラー内で通常のリクエストとAjaxリクエストで処理を分岐させたいなと思い調べてみた所、これで上手くいったので共有です。 2021-08-05 20:38:36
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Linux・systemd・nftables でv6プラス・OCNバーチャルコネクト用ルーターを作る(2021年版) https://qiita.com/kakinaguru_zo/items/37777d80ea18c8134108 IPv通信をIPvで包むやり方には幾つがあるが、BiglobeOCNバーチャルコネクトvプラスなどで使われているMAPE方式を提供するISPのために、家庭内のIPv通信をIPvに変換して高速化するルーターをLinux・systemd・nftablesのみを用いて作る手順を示します。 2021-08-05 20:17:21
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsコントローラー内でAjaxリクエストか判定する方法 https://qiita.com/K_Satani/items/6e965288a0c665345125 Railsコントローラー内でAjaxリクエストか判定する方法背景一つのコントローラー内で通常のリクエストとAjaxリクエストで処理を分岐させたいなと思い調べてみた所、これで上手くいったので共有です。 2021-08-05 20:38:36
技術ブログ Developers.IO CloudWatch アラームのダウンタイム(特定期間の発報抑止)を Metric Math を使用して実現してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudwatch-metricmath-downtime/ cloudw 2021-08-05 11:17:08
海外TECH DEV Community Cloud Technology News of the Month: July 2021 https://dev.to/castai/cloud-technology-news-of-the-month-july-2021-1ipc Cloud Technology News of the Month July The cloud scene is moving fast even when we re all busy enjoying the summer Here s another portion of fresh cloud technology news at your doorstep  This series brings you up to speed with the latest releases acquisitions research and hidden gems in the world of cloud computing the stuff actually worth reading  Without further ado here s what the cloud world has been up to this July Story of the month Kubernetes costs are rising but companies still aren t tracking them properlyMany companies running Kubernetes still struggle to monitor costs despite their cloud bills growing higher than ever  The CNCF and the FinOps Foundation carried out a microsurvey to check how businesses manage Kubernetes and cloud costs today They found that cloud and Kubernetes related bills continue to grow over of respondents saw their bills jump to more than during the last year At the same time companies aren t monitoring these costs with enough accuracy to make informed estimations and eliminate cloud waste  While nearly of surveyed businesses said their monitoring strategy relied on estimations almost admitted to having no monitoring in place at the same time declaring that the ability to accurately predict their monthly bill before it arrives was “Very important  Back in the day provisioning was easy But with VMs that are cloud instances and dynamic Kubernetes setups traditional cost management tactics don t cut the chase anymore  Reporting is important but it s just one side of the coin The other is what you do with your findings the actual optimization We covered this topic in more detail on our blog Cloud cost reporting alone isn t going to cut your AWS bill Source CNCF The Business of CloudThe Pentagon canceled its JEDI cloud computing contract with Microsoft that could have been worth a smashing billion choosing to pursue deals with other cloud service providers with Microsoft still on the table and citing the evolution of the cloud landscape as the reason why Is the Pentagon going multi cloud Source YahooPentagon cancels billion JEDI cloud contract ーSteven Sinofsky stevesi July Speaking of Microsoft the company will now provide Windows in the cloud and stream it to local devices while running the legacy apps Some enterprise customers might find that handy instead of installing software and managing security on hundreds of desktops you can get away with one configuration in theory But why stick to desktop when the cloud works so much better in a web browser Source MicrosoftCellular networks are transforming to commodity hardware with the cloud Consider this AT amp T decided to move its G management systems to Azure Vodafone launched a massive pilot program and Ericsson is partnering with Google Anthos to develop new solutions at Ericsson s Silicon Valley D Labs  Source LightReadingZoom agreed to buy the cloud call center service provider Five for some billion in an all stock transaction The year old company is set to become an operating unit of Zoom after the deal closes in the first half of Source TechCrunchCloud cost monitoring and reporting solution Kubecost raised M in the seed round To see how Kubecost compares to CAST AI take a look here Kubecost vs CAST AI A perfect match for end to end cloud cost optimization Source VentureBeatI am convinced that a small and dedicated group of twitter devs could tweet hot takes about a completely made up AWS product idk AWS Infinidash or something and it would appear as a requirement on job specs within a weekーTwirlip of The Mists jna sh June A fake AWS product called Infinidash went viral in a prank gone awry on an industry scale “It could have come out of thin air I wanted to express this and I ve always found AWS s product brands impenetrable so it seemed like a natural home for the idea said the man behind the mayhem Source The Register Research into the cloudAWS use is still on the rise a massive survey of almost developers showed Here are a few highlights of respondents involved in infrastructure development use Kubernetes a slight decline from last year of surveyed devs use Amazon Web Services AWS Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure Compare that to and in last year s survey While Azure usage is higher in larger companies Google Cloud is the top choice among individual and small company users What about AWS It peaked right in the middle among companies with employees Source The RegisterBut then there s a new report from Gartner showing that AWS s growth rate trailed behind its peers in AWS recorded a gain in revenue compared with a jump for the entire market and an impressive surge for Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Why are companies choosing AWS s competitors Microsoft offers better integration with legacy infrastructures and is a one stop relationship for enterprises already using its software And Google is accelerating thanks to its AI tools and focus on open source technologies like Kubernetes Source BusinessLive Pulse and Red Hat teamed up to survey enterprise tech leaders about Kubernetes Which workloads are they deploying on containers When do they choose hybrid cloud environments A good source for anyone interested in how enterprises are using Kubernetes today Source RedHat New in CAST AIUsing AWS kOps Here s how to save upOur team recently released a brand new product cloud cost optimization for kOps used with AWS If you use this self managed Kubernetes service and want to save up connect your kOps cluster and start saving  And here are some new product features hot off the press   Our Savings Estimator and Autoscaler can target a higher variety of instance types when recommending Spot Instances allowing you to unlock even more savings Audit log is now much more detailed and available for EKS and kOps clusters We introduced an annotation and label that protects a node from being considered for eviction and deletion Users can now set the minimum and maximum values of CPU and RAM for nodes to be added to a cluster in the Unscheduled pods policy This will limit the possible pool of nodes that CAST AI considers  We have added the support of kOps and Clusters can now be sorted based on the name region or status 2021-08-05 11:39:37
海外TECH DEV Community Angular Learning Curve is a Journey https://dev.to/this-is-angular/angular-learning-curve-is-a-journey-2209 Angular Learning Curve is a JourneyEvery story can be very personal but a story of a developer always ends up being framed Abundance of informationLearning Angular can be quite a task especially when an abundance of online materials can be rather frustrating than helpful And the trickiest part when working with information on the internet is that the verification process can be time consuming Today when we live in a booming era of technology time is precious like never before Therefore productivity and cost effective programming decisions are essential for any web developer who wants to succeed Figuring out Angular tips amp tricks comes not only with experience it also requires access to a good and trusted source of information Browsing the internet for answers can be exhausting especially when opting for a self learning Angular journey Going through various books online sources trying to figure out the correct solution can bring all the spectrum of emotions due to the majority of sources being too advanced Most of the Angular materials available online presume that you are already intermediate making it hard for beginners or anyone who decided to switch from another framework A good example is the complexity of TypeScript due to its combination with Angular When both make a pair it is impossible to avoid the feeling that you are dealing with a new programming language Other various combinations like ngModules Unique architecture Angular decorators with assigned responsibilities require a change in developer mentality Loneliness in online classroom The Angular learning curve can vary and it is very individual but synchronized and updated systematic information available to Angular developers can help a lot And still even with a guided step step manual that explains that you can t avoid RxJS or that you must learn the RxJS operators by heart make no difference when there is none available to answer your questions Therefore Angular workshops where you can discuss your difficulties with other developers can bring your Angular journey to another level There are multiple Angular workshops available online but some of them either don t follow the suitable structure for beginners or don t have a tutor who can clarify and help you when you are lost And the combination of both is a must if you want to achieve your Angular ROI after becoming a developer Angular Workshop series by Aliaksei KuncevicAngular Workshops series by Aliaksei Kuncevic the Google Developer expert and founder of Angular Rocks podcast tackles all the points When he worked on his learning program he stayed in touch with very famous industry professionals and used his own Angular experience as a base Apart from that he launched a free educational Angular Rocks Podcast with Angular related information in a very structured order to help those who can t enroll in the paid workshops Multiple years of experience many Angular professional discussions consulting assignments and educational sessions all contributed to the three series of Angular workshops suitable for different levels Whether you are a beginner or in the middle of your journey you will be able to find your answers What makes it gold is that all the paid workshops will secure professional guidance and the possibility to connect with other developers Learning Angular in a group is fun and motivating You have no excuse to procrastinate when inspired by other Angular enthusiasts During Aliaksei s previous workshop one of the students made a great observation which proved that a challenging process could be exciting too when you identify the right path for your Angular journey I love Angular for its modular architecture extensibility and clear separation between logic and markup The initial learning curve can be exhausting but as soon you grasp the Angular basic concepts and see a clear path you turn your developing journey into a rewarding process As soon as you are ready to make your first step gradually you will progress All of the tree workshops can be taken independently and are suitable for different levels Angular Getting Started Workshop can work for anyone at the beginning of his journey with Angular While Angular First Steps and Deep Dive can work if you are already familiar with Angular The workshops structure ensures a very smooth Angular learning journey which is why Angular Getting started workshop is free This workshop will answer the critical question is this framework really for you and are you happy with the teaching style of your tutor and you want him to guide you on your Angular journey Your invitationLearning a new framework can be painful but it is always fun when you are not alone Stay inspired connected and never stop exploring Keep your Angular developer spirit high and remember that Angular will start paying you back when you master a rapid form of development The registration for the Angular workshops series by Aliaksei Kuncevic is now open here Check it out Everyone is welcome to join choose the one right for you or find out which is the right for you by taking the FREE Angular Getting Started workshop Thanks for reading and ask your questions in the comments or contact me directly via linkedin or DM me on twitter 2021-08-05 11:39:35
海外TECH DEV Community How GoLang IDEs Assist Developers to Create Immersive Taxi Dispatch Software? https://dev.to/charles84609022/how-golang-ides-assist-developers-to-create-immersive-taxi-dispatch-software-504c How GoLang IDEs Assist Developers to Create Immersive Taxi Dispatch Software Developing taxi service apps for clients with GoLang IDEs Integrated Development Environments streamlines the total development processes for swift output Since the Go Programming language was introduced in by Google it holds its top fame among developers in the contemporary market The simple and effective coding language helps you as a developer to make competitive taxi app designs to the latest marketplaces Being a service oriented architecture it would be well suited for developing taxi dispatch software that is deployable scalable and productive Though it is too simple for you to build effective taxi apps for launching Let s see how this minimalist language assists developers to build taxi service software dependable proficient and concurrency to the current trends Why Choose Golang for Taxi Dispatch Software Development Programming from Go Golang assists the developers in concurrently attend multiple channels Today entrepreneurs are well aware of this gainful programming language and its beneficial to use for their on demand business projects Regarding you could find some valid reasons why you should use Golang for your Taxi Dispatch Software development in the following Comprehensive ProgramAs Go is an open source program you don t feel any hassle getting the development tools for your tech team to build the taxi app You can easily download various editors IDEs and Plugins from the relevant sources So it would make it simple for you as a developer Easy to LearnThe major reason to use Golang is that the language is very much easy for you to learn As it is easy for the software app developers it would be smart when you are completely informed of Java or C Even though there has been a slight difference in its keywords and syntax it is too familiar for programmers Fast App DevelopmentThe code you input through the compiled language is generated instantly as a format so you could receive a direct change belonging to your programming The Java program compiled into bytecode featured with a virtual machine As a result your complete taxi dispatch app development would be done fast Well scaledThe Goroutines of Go with its concurrency on software development occupy only KB of memory The concurrent process is scalable in its development Though it is the fine opposite of Java s thread heavy weight letters that fill up the memory it makes no crash and is well scaled on your complete development processes Best Golang IDEs to Simplify Coding NavigationIntegrated Development Environments reduce the time of your taxi app development for the client end Because of the increased productivity nature of the sources Go developers mostly used the following IDEs Which are so popular that keep the developers updated to standardize their development processes Visual Studio CodeThe right IDE visual studio code introduced by Microsoft has support with multiple programming languages Its intelli sense features to detect any code snippet that is left uncompleted in your coding Along with this breakpoint it boosts your app completion with call stacks in built Git integration and debugging Golang IDEGolang IDE is commercial as well as sophisticated for the development usages It supports foremost features that include tool integration and coding Golang benefits developers with accessing code creation tabbed interface fast navigation and highlighted function exit point VimVim the open source IDE for Go developers configured and customized with various plugins It creates a seamless environment for developers by its auto necessary plugin installs The IDE includes integrated source code assessment different third liner assistance Go to definition adding removing import paths etc WideWide is created for cooperative programming as a web based Golang IDE It works splendidly on web developments It has featured notable characteristics like code highlighting debugging Git integration and lots which are well suited for development companies and the team Atom Editor with GO PlusWith the Go plus plugin you can develop apps from Atom The lightweight framework could be used with a variety of plugins that enables the majority of editing functions such as linters vet build flows and additional tools for your development in Golang Greatest Golang Tools for Developers to Build Taxi Apps as FastYou can use the below mentioned Golang tools that could be used for a wide range of taxi app web development As a developer you can use these helpful tools to complete your clients taxi app development projects simply and swiftly It creates development service stability among your clients Go VendorGo Vendor is the powerful Golang tool to let the developers replicate the existing dependencies from GOPATH with the Go Vendor add update Also utilizing the fetch and transit legacy systems and the Go Vendor migration you could pull the latest dependencies or update the present ones Go SimpleThe greatest stuff about the Golang linter is it focuses on streamlining the Go source code When it is being up to date it furtherly enhances the operation As GoSimple is the essential plugin targeting the latest Golang version it avoids complicated constructs by always suggesting easy methods DepthDepth the immersive Go tool through the web software developers can retrieve and visualize Golang source code dependency It could be utilized as a specific project or a standalone command line and also added some personalizations by simply putting appropriate flags on the tree before fixing CheckstyleCheckstyle is a tool based on Java Checkstyle used by Go language to print out the coding style recommendations The developers would inspect file lines functions or line numbers which the users could configure too simply AppcompatAppcompat is a modern Golang tool that assists developers to detect exported declarations inappropriate modulations and backwards With this effective tool you can easily avoid false alarms It delivers API and character set which is updated with the current version of Android in the market Wrapping UpAs it has a powerful ecosystem that comprises various options for the development surroundings Golang is the best programming language to create different apps web panels for businesses Through you can easily build your taxi dispatch software app using its fantastic elements as mentioned 2021-08-05 11:34:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Future Apple devices may let you select text just by looking at it https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/05/future-apple-devices-may-let-you-select-text-just-by-looking-at-it?utm_medium=rss Future Apple devices may let you select text just by looking at itApple s latest gaze detection research could mean that future users could select text input fields in an app or website with just a look Future Apple devices could see when you re looking at an online formAs long as a website is written correctly browsers like Safari recognize different types of text input fields It s how Safari knows to offer your surname in one and your email address in another Read more 2021-08-05 11:32:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's MacBook Air on sale for $749, save $250 with this exclusive deal https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/04/apples-macbook-air-on-sale-for-749-save-250-with-this-exclusive-deal?utm_medium=rss Apple x s MacBook Air on sale for save with this exclusive dealApple s Intel MacBook Air is off exclusively for AppleInsider readers Pick up the inch Air for for one week only Save on this Intel MacBook AirThe triple digit discount is valid on Apple s Early inch MacBook Air in the Gold finish Equipped with a GHz Intel Core i dual core processor GB of RAM and a GB SSD this system originally retailed for but AppleInsider readers can exclusively pick it up for with free expedited shipping within the contiguous U S Read more 2021-08-05 11:30:36
海外TECH Engadget Amazon launches new resale programs following backlash over stock destruction https://www.engadget.com/amazon-fba-grading-returns-wholesale-policy-changes-114014902.html?src=rss Amazon launches new resale programs following backlash over stock destructionAfter ITV News found that Amazon in the UK was destroying brand new returned stock rather than re selling it the company has announced changes in how it deals with returned and unsold products In a statement the Amazon says that it is launching two programs for businesses that use the retail giant s infrastructure These programs FBA Fulfilled by Amazon Grade and Resell as well as FBA Liquidations will enable third party sellers to list returned stock on their product pages With the former when a product is returned to Amazon the company will evaluate its condition and then re list it as as used product Amazon added that sellers can set the price based on the grades Amazon hands out and can control much of the process themselves FBA Liquidations meanwhile lets sellers ship returned or overstocked product to wholesalers straight from Amazon s logistics depots They can connect with Amazon s bulk resale partners and try to in the words of the company s corporate parlance “recover a portion of their inventory cost The announcement comes shortly after the controversial report from ITV News which claimed that truckloads of brand new products were marked for destruction One anonymous tipster told reporters at the time that the process did not spare even premium products like MacBook units and despite what s going on right now sealed COVID face masks As The Hill explained the consequences of that report have raised hackles in the UK with Labour MPs demanding an explanation for the evidence presented At the time Amazon said that “no items are sent to landfill but as a last resort some are sent to “energy recovery Libby Johnson McKee director of Amazon Returns ReCommerce and Sustainability said that the new initiatives are one example of how Amazon is trying to quot ensure that products sold on Amazon … go to good use and don t become waste McKee added that the policies will help reduce costs and help companies who use Amazon s fulfillment platform will be able to grow their businesses FBA Grade and Resell is available in the UK now with other European nations coming online across next year FBA Liquidations meanwhile is available in the US and other European nations but is coming to the UK in August nbsp 2021-08-05 11:40:14
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: What to expect at Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked event https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-what-to-expect-at-samsungs-galaxy-unpacked-event-111556146.html?src=rss The Morning After What to expect at Samsung x s Galaxy Unpacked eventFor years Samsung s Galaxy Note was the centerpiece of the company s summer phone launches but times have changed There s no new Note this year and Samsung will instead focus on the new Galaxy Z Flip and Fold as well as a stylus to work with these devices We ll also see a new flagship wearable and a new OS to go with it and a new pair of true wireless stereo earbuds At least that s what the rumor mill says so peer through our latest guide on what s going to make its debut next week ーDan CooperSony might have shown off its next gen VR headset alreadyOptional VR support for all major PS games On Tuesday Sony reportedly revealed more specifics about the headset at a developer s summit teasing details beyond performance resolution and streamlined cabling Apparently codenamed next gen VR NGVR it may feature controllers with capacitive touch sensors that sense the distance to your fingers ーlike the sensor on Nintendo s JoyCon ーbut far more sophisticated The headset will apparently offer a bigger degree view with flexible scaling resolution and tapping eye tracking to improve resolution where you re looking Sony told developers it s planning optional VR support for all AAA releases so you could play them either in VR or on your TV although it s not clear whether this would mean a first person perspective like Resident Evil or Hitman or simply a headset based view of what you d see on your TV Continue Reading Heatworks opens pre orders for its plumbing free countertop dishwasherThe company is offering a discount for early birds HeatworksHeatworks Tetra tabletop dishwasher was initially unveiled in the before times back at CES and it s taken until now for the machine to arrive on the market Its not so novel concept is to do your dishes from your kitchen counter no need for plumbing Just fill its onboard water tank add a custom detergent cartridge and set it going with the company saying it uses a lot less water and energy than washing dishes Unfortunately its small size means you ll only be able to clean three place settings worth of crockery per cycle but if your home can t accommodate a full size unit this one may be worth a look Continue Reading Facebook disables accounts of NYU team looking into political ad targetingResearchers say they examined systemic flaws in how Facebook s ad library worked Sundry Photography via Getty ImagesFacebook once again finds itself in deep waters after shutting down accounts used by a team of NYU researchers looking into political advertising The project was designed to examine by trawling through the company s extensive ad libraries how political advertisers target individual users The social network said it had no choice but to lock the team out after it had violated the site s rules on data scraping NYU meanwhile said Facebook was prompted to act because it didn t want third parties finding problems in its systems Continue Reading Nissan s Leaf S is now the cheapest EV in the USIt s cheaper with more range Nissan has unveiled its Leaf with more standard features and a lower base price that makes it the cheapest EV in the US The new basic model the Leaf S with a kWh battery costs or including the destination charge ーthat s if you qualify for the federal tax credit Compared to its closest competition that s cheaper than the Mini SE and can go farther too with miles of range versus Continue Reading Amazon delays New World MMO again this time to September th New World old news Amazon has delayed New World mere weeks before its previously announced August st release date It will now arrive about a month later on September th so Amazon Game Studios can spend an extra few weeks polishing fixing bugs and improving stability For those keeping count this is New World s fourth delay Amazon announced the game s first major delay after taking the unusual step of rolling back the availability of Crucible its first AAA title It later ended the development of that game Before taking over as CEO of Amazon Andy Jassy told employees he was committed to the studio Continue Reading Intel has a plan to go beyond nm chipsIt s aiming to recover its unquestioned leadership IntelIntel has not had a great five or six years with its own processes failing just as competitors leap ahead with new manufacturing processes The company s new CEO Pat Gelsinger has a plan to get Intel back to where it was with some ambitious new chip plans In the latest episode of Upscaled our silicon expert Chris Schodt delves into what s going on and explains why if Gelsinger succeeds we ll all be talking about Angstrom chips in the near future Continue Reading But wait there s more T Mobile to shut Sprint s LTE network by June A star fragment is flying out of our galaxy at nearly two million miles per hourSamsung s inch Galaxy Tab S FE G will cost Vudu and FandangoNow merge into a single streaming serviceTencent limits how long kids can play its flagship game Honor of Kings The New York International Auto Show is canceledGhost of Tsushima s co op multiplayer mode is getting a standalone release 2021-08-05 11:15:56
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan takes two medals in men’s 20-km race walk as Italy’s Massimo Stano wins gold https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/08/05/olympics/summer-olympics/olympic-athletics/race-walk-olympics/ Japan takes two medals in men s km race walk as Italy s Massimo Stano wins goldStano was followed closely by Japan s Koki Ikeda and Toshikazu Yamanishi in the silver and bronze medal positions respectively 2021-08-05 20:10:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Number pinged by Covid app falls significantly https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-58076215 significantlythe 2021-08-05 11:23:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Migrant crossings: Record 482 cross English Channel in one day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-58100694 figures 2021-08-05 11:45:21
ニュース BBC News - Home Aya Hachem: Men jailed for student's drive-by murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-58087826 firms 2021-08-05 11:44:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Sports Direct's Mike Ashley to hand reins to future son-in-law https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58097496 future 2021-08-05 11:52:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Bridgend: Man in court accused of Logan Mwangi murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58053074 bridgend 2021-08-05 11:16:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Paul Embery: Pro-Brexit fire union official unfairly sacked, tribunal finds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56376172 means 2021-08-05 11:08:25
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