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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 孫社長「AI革命は間違いなく広がる」と熱弁 未上場AI企業への出資額、ソフトバンクGが世界の1割を占める https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2108/10/news154.html itmedia 2021-08-10 22:30:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog 2つのビデオを自動的に比較し共通のコンテンツを探し出す https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/jpmne-automatically-compare-two-videos-to-find-common-content/ 自身のコンテンツの、サードパーティビデオによる不正使用を調査する組つのビデオストリームについて、コマーシャルが異なる場合でも確実に同じ番組が流れていることを確認つのビデオを比較して、どれくらい共通のコンテンツが存在するかを調べる通常、放送局ではこのような比較は手動で行われていますが、その場合人の担当者が同時につのビデオをモニターする必要があります。 2021-08-10 13:20:18
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ラズパイ + Google Data Portalで自宅の気温・湿度をグラフ化 https://qiita.com/kaz2018/items/25dbbf2c69485a612d65 時間おきにラズパイからデータが送られてくると、下記のような感じでspreadsheetにデータが追加されていきます。 2021-08-10 22:35:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 好きなアイドルの曲に同じ言葉が何回出てくるか調べる https://qiita.com/millefeuille/items/69298566a140290b30dd 好きなアイドルの曲に同じ言葉が何回出てくるか調べるはじめに「LOVE」というアイドルが好きです。 2021-08-10 22:01:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) オブジェクト検出をしたい https://teratail.com/questions/353690?rss=all オブジェクト検出をしたい花の物体検出を行いたいです。 2021-08-10 22:57:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JavaのCRUDアプリを作成したいが各クラスの役割がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/353689?rss=all 【課題の前提】・MySQLを使う、テーブルはすでにできているので作成しなくてよい。 2021-08-10 22:57:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) cygwinでコンパイル時elf形式で出力するか、exeからelfへ変換したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/353688?rss=all cygwinでコンパイル時elf形式で出力するか、exeからelfへ変換したい。 2021-08-10 22:55:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C++ CSVファイルを読み込むプログラムのエラー https://teratail.com/questions/353687?rss=all CCSVファイルを読み込むプログラムのエラーこんにちはC初学者です。 2021-08-10 22:46:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ワードプレスの復元方法が知りたいです https://teratail.com/questions/353686?rss=all ワードプレスの復元方法が知りたいです前提・実現したいことお名前comのレンタルサーバー上で誤ってサイトが入っているディレクトリを削除してしまいました。 2021-08-10 22:40:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) openpyxlでExcelファイルを読み込めない https://teratail.com/questions/353685?rss=all openpyxlでExcelファイルを読み込めない前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-08-10 22:36:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) reactNative×typescriptの型Element'と 'ComponentType<any>の違いが分かりません https://teratail.com/questions/353684?rss=all reactNative×typescriptの型ElementxとxComponentTypeltanygtの違いが分かりませんreactNativeで以下のコードを記述したところ、AppNavigatortsx側で下記のエラーが発生しました。 2021-08-10 22:31:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Python】seleniumのxpathで指定した要素のテキストが取得できない https://teratail.com/questions/353683?rss=all 2021-08-10 22:24:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Djangoでのテーブルの並び替えと分割 https://teratail.com/questions/353682?rss=all Djangoでのテーブルの並び替えと分割困っているところDjangoを使ったアプリ開発に挑戦しているのですが、テーブルの並び替えと分割の仕方がわからず思うようにできません。 2021-08-10 22:22:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WindowsでNeovimの背景を透過したい https://teratail.com/questions/353681?rss=all bspnvimqtnbspvltnbspgtmac 2021-08-10 22:19:24
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby 配列と繰り返し処理 https://qiita.com/suzu_ryuya/items/ff01cc3cbe753553cbc8 以下のプログラムだと、配列foodsの各要素を変数foodに代入して、putsで出力する処理を実行しています。 2021-08-10 22:32:32
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DBeaverからUbuntuにリモート接続したいけど接続情報の設定がうまくいかない(作業中) https://qiita.com/ume-san/items/6417390507fc3c710c54 これはPostgreSQLが既に起動されている状態だと私は理解したんだが、違うのかDBeaverから、postgresデータベースに接続できないよ。 2021-08-10 22:47:36
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS 認定 DevOps エンジニア – プロフェッショナルに合格したので勉強方法を書いておく https://qiita.com/Regryp/items/228936a4c991ad925254 学習のヒントとして、出題範囲や、参考とするドキュメントなど事細かにリンクが載っていますので、最初に見ることをおすすめします。 2021-08-10 22:57:13
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS-VPC概要メモ https://qiita.com/sofric/items/0b4112c926e85a603cb8 VPCの使い方VPCを設定し、その中でIPアドレスとサブネットを設定することで仮想的な分離されたネットワークを作成・管理することができる。 2021-08-10 22:04:12
海外TECH Ars Technica Today’s Firefox 91 release adds new site-wide cookie-clearing action https://arstechnica.com/?p=1785945 management 2021-08-10 13:00:58
海外TECH Ars Technica AMD RX 6600XT review: A sad trombone noise of a “$379” 2021 GPU https://arstechnica.com/?p=1785836 gputoo 2021-08-10 13:00:49
海外TECH DEV Community How I almost won an NLP competition without knowing any Machine Learning https://dev.to/ferdi05/how-i-almost-won-an-nlp-competition-without-knowing-any-machine-learning-24la How I almost won an NLP competition without knowing any Machine LearningOne of the cool things about Machine Learning is that you can see it as a competition Your models can be evaluated with many performance indicators and be ranked on various leaderboards You can compete against other Machine Learning practitioners around the world and your competitors can be a student in Malaysia or the largest AI lab at Stanford University Kaggle started as a platform to host such Machine Learning contests and it gained a lot of attention from the data science community The best data scientists exhibit on Kaggle their most sophisticated Machine Learning skills craft the most elaborated models to reign over these competitions Kaggle is now a broader platform where you can enter these competitions but also learn data science discuss it and collaborate with fellow data scientists Most of the Kaggle competitors are Machine Learning practitioners Many software engineers do not enter these competitions mostly because they think that they do not have the needed skill set tools or time to be successful in them Machine Learning can be hard to learn and use It s a very technical field Running a Machine Learning project is complex you will have to gather and clean data choose a pre trained model or train a model that suits your needs fine tune it for your curated dataset and deploy the model in a production environment You will also need to worry about monitoring scalability latency reliability This is usually a resource intensive process it takes time knowledge compute resources and money This does not fit well with the regular activities of a software engineer At this stage I need to point out that I am not a data scientist You may now wonder how I ranked among the best data scientists in a Kaggle Natural Language Processing NLP challenge without using any Machine Learning This blog post explains how I successively leveraged Hugging Face AutoNLP web interface and Inference API to achieve this result Find all the scripts and assets used in this GitHub repository ferdi kaggle disaster tweet competition Participating to a Kaggle competition without coding any Machine Learning The Kaggle competitionEntering a Kaggle competition is straightforward You are asked to perform a task such as sentiment analysis or object detection that can be solved with Machine Learning Kaggle provides a training dataset with examples of the task to achieve You can use this dataset to train a Machine Learning model Then you can use this model to perform the same task on a test dataset also provided by Kaggle This is your attempt at solving the challenge Then you will submit your model predictions for this test dataset to Kaggle and they will evaluate it and give you a ranking in the competition that you entered You will find plenty of NLP competitions on the Kaggle website I participated in the Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets competition as it is quite recent months when writing this post and has over submissions from other teams This competition challenged me to build a Machine Learning model that predicts if a tweet is about a real disaster or not Charlie Langa charlielanga marksmaponyane Hey Sundowns were annihilated in their previous meeting with Celtic Indeed its an improvement PM Aug This tweet is not about a real disasterKaggle provides a training dataset of around tweets the input object with their associated label the desired output value These labels tell if each tweet is about a disaster its label is or not its label is This dataset will be used to train a few Machine Learning models and evaluate them Kaggle also provides a test dataset of around tweets without any paired label We will use the newly created Machine Learning model to predict if they are about a disaster asking the Machine Learning model to apply labels to each of these tweets Both datasets also contain two other data columns that will not be used a keyword and the location of the tweet AutoNLP web interface to the rescueThe process of training a Machine Learning model is not straightforward It requires collecting cleaning and formatting data selecting a Machine Learning algorithm playing with the algorithm parameters training the model evaluating its performance and iterating And this does not guarantee that performances will reach your expectations This is a resource intensive process Fortunately I used a web interface to do all the heavy lifting and save hours of Machine Learning induced head scratching What is AutoNLP Leveraging its experience with the most performant architectures of NLP Hugging Face offers the AutoNLP web interface to automatically train evaluate and deploy state of the art NLP models for different tasks All you need to do is feed it your datasets AutoNLP uses supervised learning algorithms to train the candidate Machine Learning models This means that these models will try to reproduce what they learned from examples that pair an input object and its desired output value After their training these models should successfully pair unseen input objects with their correct output values AutoNLP will train a range of NLP models suitable for the task required by the competition and will use a various set of configurations for each of them Then each model s performance will be automatically evaluated I saved a lot of resources and money by avoiding their computer intensive training Later I selected the most performant model to make predictions for the Kaggle competition Training Machine Learning models with data onlyThe competition requires to label each tweet as related to a disaster or not And binary text classification is one of the tasks achievable with the AutoNLP web interface So I started a new project In this competition Kaggle provides only one training dataset but you need one dataset to train the models the training dataset and another one the validation dataset to evaluate their performance I split the original dataset provided by Kaggle into datasets using a rule of thumb ratio of The columns of both datasets need to be mapped The text column is the input object and the target column is the desired output value Here the input object is the tweet content and the output value is its associated label Then the web interface started the training and did its magic After a few minutes models were trained evaluated and uploaded on the Hugging Face Hub with private visibility They were ready to serve still without any Machine Learning instructions as you will see later For this competition Kaggle evaluates the performance of the predictions with their F score This is an accuracy metric for a machine learning model So the best model was the one with the highest F score Kaggle sometimes evaluates results with more sophisticated metrics Conveniently AutoNLP web interface automatically uploads every trained model s file on the Hugging Face Hub with their associated card Each card includes the model metrics that you may combine according to your need and code snippets to use the model And there is even a widget to quickly experiment with the model Solving the Kaggle challenge with the Inference APIIt is now time to use the most performant model on the test dataset provided by Kaggle There are two different ways to use the model the data scientist way deploying the model on a dedicated infrastructure or on a Machine Learning platformthe developer friendly way of using it through API calls This is the one that I will describe here Serving Machine Learning models with the Inference APIUsing Machine Learning models in production is hard even for Machine Learning engineers you may have a difficult time handling large and complex modelsyour tech architecture can be unoptimizedyour hardware may not meet your requirementsYour model may not have the scalability reliability or speed performances that you were expecting So I relied on the Inference API to use my model still without coding any Machine Learning The API allows to reach up to x speedup compared to deploying my model locally or on a cloud thanks to many optimization techniques And the API has built in scalability which makes it a perfect addition to a software production workflow while controlling the costs as I will not need any extra infrastructure resources A few API calls to solve the challengeLet s call the Inference API for each row of the test dataset and write the output value in the submission file I could have used the API via regular HTTP calls but there is an alternate way the huggingface hub library conveniently offers a wrapper client to handle these requests and I used it to call the API import csvfrom huggingface hub inference api import InferenceApiinference InferenceApi ferdinand autonlp kaggle competition token API TOKEN URL of our model with our API tokenMODEL MAX LENGTH parameter of our model can be seen in config json at max position embeddings fr open assets test csv Kaggle test datacsv read csv reader fr next csv read skipping the header rowfw open assets submission csv w encoding UTF our predictions datacsv write csv writer fw csv write writerow id target writing the header row returns a label about a disaster or not given a tweet contentdef run tweet content calling the API payload is the tweet content possibly truncated to meet our model requirements answer inference inputs tweet content MODEL MAX LENGTH Determining which label to return according to the prediction with the highest score example of an API call response label score label score max score max label None for dic in answer for label in dic label score dic score if score gt max score max score score max label label return max labelfor row in csv read call the API for each row writing in the submission file the tweet ID and its associated label about a disaster or not write row row run row row is the tweet ID row is the tweet content csv write writerow write row After running the Inference API on all the input data it may take a while I ended up with a file that I submitted to Kaggle for evaluation This model made it to the top of the competitors with a mean score At first I was surprised to not rank higher Unfortunately the test dataset and its associated label used for this competition are available publicly So a few clever contestants submitted it and received an approximate score which is not something realistic in a data science problem Having a second look at the leaderboard I saw that the best data science teams have a score This is very close to the score that I obtained and another AutoNLP test may give better results depending on how lucky I am with the random variations of each model s parameters Given the time and resources invested in solving this challenge this is almost a win Do more with the AutoNLP Python packageWith the AutoNLP web interface the Inference API and a very few lines of code NLP models were automatically created deployed and used to achieve a great ranking in an NLP competition without learning or using any Machine Learning techniques AutoNLP can also be used as a Python package and can support more Machine Learning tasks than those provided by the web interface but the interface is quickly catching up You can use the package to perform tasks like speech recognition and enter even more Kaggle competitions If you want to win a Kaggle competition or to train a model for your business or pleasure you can get started with AutoNLP here 2021-08-10 13:51:28
海外TECH DEV Community Top 15 best beginner projects ideas for new programmers https://dev.to/innocentcoder/top-15-best-beginner-projects-ideas-for-new-programmers-4n19 Top best beginner projects ideas for new programmersHere Are the top beginner project ideas that are you must try in your programming career This Post Report From When you re first learning to program there seem to be a lot of things to know The greatest method to improve your programming skills is to use them to create coding projects Here are a few greatest programming projects to increase your expertise and make it a good developer even if you re a newbie or returning to coding Stop WatchThis Stopwatch project is a simple project developed using JavaScript CSS and HTML This project is interesting Here the user can set the timer for doing anything and also stop the timer or reset it This system helps calculate time in any work TO DO AppThe To Do List is a simple project developed using JavaScript bootstrap and HTML This project is interesting Here the user can add the number of to do work details and you can see the details stored in the list form like sticky list notes Also the user can delete the list items if he she wants to remove them Music PlayerThe Music Player is a simple project developed using JavaScript CSS and HTML This project is an interesting project for listening to our self made songs collection app The user can play different kinds of music and enjoy the sound of their music The user can click the forward and backward play buttons to change the songs Advanced CalculatorAdvanced Calculator is a simple project in HTML CSS and JavaScript This project is for solving the mathematical calculations of numbers You can see the basic features of the advanced calculator in this project Also there are two modes in this calculator system So you can either use the basic mode or advanced mode Currency ConverterThe Simple Currency Converter is a simple project developed using HTML CSS and JavaScript This app converts Currency from one unit to another You can have different options for the currency units on your own Here the user has to type themselves for the currency unit while converting Simple ChatBotThis automated communication system is developed using Python The project file contains a python script bot py Talking about this chatbot it allows the user to provide suitable numbers for age guessing and counting At last this chatbot asks you multiple choice questions Also this is a simple cmd based project which is easy to understand and use Typing Speed TestTyping Speed Tester is a simple project developed using HTML CSS and JavaScript This project helps you to improve your Typing speed This is like a game a typing test Here you have to duplicate the provided text exactly in the field given The timer starts when you start typing and only stops when you match this text exactly E Commerce AppE commerce in javascript is a simple buy and sell website The whole programming is in HTML CSS and JavaScript Also this project uses Firebase as a backend So to the proper functioning of this project make sure you have an active internet connection You can simply use any kind of code editor for this project Movie Streaming App“Online Movie Streaming is an online movie show where the users can see the movie free of cost Nowadays all people want to watch the movie online All the CDs are not in use This system will make it easier for users to watch the movie online This system is designed in PHP and MYSQL Chat AppThe system is built fully in Django Framework in back end and HTML CSS in front end It contains a similar user interface as a messenger application where all registered users are listed and you can chat with anyone Along with the chatting feature all the recent messages are present on the same screen with a scrollbar where the user can scroll to see any previous messages with any other user The web chatting app also has an admin panel from where all the Chats and Users can be managed Video ChatVideo calls have become an integral part of today s communication with over a increase in regular live video usage among millennials in just the last years according to TokBox We can see that video chat apps are growing in popularity with incredible speed both for businesses as well as personal use Trading AppStock markets generate massive amounts of data that require a lot of analysis And that s where Python helps as well With the help of this language Developers can use it to create solutions that identify the best trading strategies and offer actionable predictive analytical insights into the condition of specific markets To create software with such capabilities can be used not only Python but Django framework based on Python For example Quantopian Quantconnect Zipline Bank trader IBPy etc Youtube CloneSimple Youtube Clone project is in ReactJS Axios js Lodash js It uses Youtube API to fetch videos and display them to the users Here you can search for any videos you want to watch This mini project doesn t have features like the real youtube which contains like and dislikes comments subscriptions etc This simple ReactJS application only lets you surf videos online read descriptions and it is pretty responsive It contains a search bar that displays various results searched by the users Not only the searched video but also it displays related videos too Spotify CloneToday we will be building a Spotify Clone using ReactJS and get all the required data from the official Spotify Web API Spotify is a music application where you can listen to your favorite music It has an inbuilt music player so that you can pause play repeat and adjust the volume of the music Facebook CloneFacebook Clone is a Social Networking Script which creates a dynamic Social Networking platform like Facebook Facebook generates revenue through targeted advertisements based on user profiles It also generates revenue from different applications which are developed by third party providers 2021-08-10 13:36:43
海外TECH DEV Community Mixing Clean Architecture https://dev.to/miros/mixing-clean-architecture-428c Mixing Clean ArchitectureTL DR This article gently introduces the CleanMixer tool which is helpful for visualization and control of elixir project architecture Throughout this article CleanMixer is used as a backbone theme for introducing architecture principles best practices and their reasons Disclaimer Most of the theoretical material I will cover uses Robert Martin s excellent book Clean Architecture IntroductionFirst of all let s introduce a definition of what a component is Any set of source files can be a component It is something physical for example a namespace in Elixir that is a set of files in a separate folder with the same module name prefix for it It could be an umbrella app it could be a hex package If we are talking about a component from a logical point of view a component is an abstraction of some functionality in other words some DDD Bounded Context some functional area or ​​business capability Or it could be a purely technical abstraction ーfor example an adapter for accessing Kafka The relationship between components is physical The source file of one component should mention the module s name or the source file of another component It should not be confused with logical coupling where one component discovers its dependencies only at runtime using Dependency Injection Let s use the Clean Mixer tool to visualize the architecture of some imaginary project and see what the picture looks like when the principles are violated mix clean mixer plantuml vWhat are the problems here Firstly it is unclear which component is the domain or the core of the application Which component contains the most critical business logic of our application For what purpose was this service created Secondly the layers are poorly visible It is not clear where the Domain Core is but on the other hand it is also not clear where all the adapters and infrastructure components are For example the Queues component is used by many other components Is it an important domain object or is it some small detail of interaction with the outside world It is unclear As a result the whole picture looks tangled Everything is together and everything depends on each other It is not clear where the essential parts are The main reason for this is that there are cyclical dependencies And cycles in dependencies are a strong indicator of the Stable Dependency Principle violation We will talk about it very soon There are often two arrows in the picture One is red where the principle is violated and one is black where the principle is not violated Another problem is that all the components are specific Therefore it is better to depend on abstractions If one component depends on abstraction then a clear boundary is drawn between the components And thanks to this boundary these components can vastly change independently of each other without any avalanche like propagation of changes in the system The Abstractness metric here is minimal for most components meaning they do not contain interface definitions elixir behaviours Now the principles Principles of cohesionHow are the components formed What are they created from We will cover two principles here They are the Common Closure Principle and the Common Reuse Principle Common Closure PrincipleLet s start with the Common Closure Principle It says that files that change for the same reason must reside in the same component And naturally the opposite files that change for different reasons and at different rates should be located in different components These architectural principles are very similar to more widely known SOLID principles but in a more generalized way The SOLID counterpart of the Common Closure Principle is of course the mighty Single Responsibility Principle This principle follows from the fact that maintainability that is the convenience of maintaining a project is more critical than reusability When some functionality is in a single place i e in one component it is naturally more convenient to change it On the other hand if functionality is not split into a bunch of small independent pieces it is more difficult to reuse it A client should not depend on what he does not use the Interface Segregation Principle Maintainability is especially important in the early stages of project development When to produce a lot of code and preferably good understandable code is more important than trying to package this code to be reusable in other hypothetical projects Common Reuse PrincipleThe next one is the Common Reuse Principle Files that are used together must be in the same component Sounds very familiar Indeed this architectural principle is a generalization of the SOLID Interface Segregation Principle It follows from the fact that if a component has good cohesion and implements some logically integral piece of functionality then its files should have many dependencies among themselves It is difficult for clients to depend on one file in such a component and not to depend on the others because they need all the functionality implemented by this component Customers don t want to use a small piece of a large multipurpose component that has everything in the world You don t have to depend on what you don t need Files that are loosely related to others should not be in that component Clients of that component might not want to depend on them Principles of couplingNow let s talk about coupling principles how the components are related Very often arbitrary relations between components indicate that something is wrong with cohesion as well Relationships between components in this context mean source file dependencies some code in a source file refers to a module name of another component Acyclic Dependency PrincipleThe first and the most critical principle is the Acyclic Dependency Principle It s straightforward There should be no cycles in the component dependency graph You can always get rid of cycles Dependency cycles make components inter dependable and make independent work on different parts of the system more difficult For example let s say our component is a hex package The hex package has a version Suppose we had made changes to package B that forced us to increment its major version Now we need to update all clients of this package So we need to update package A And since we change something in package A we need to update its version in package C Because of the circular connections of the three components here we also need to update the version of package C in package B So if we make changes to one component we need to change all components in their cycle All three components physically form one monolithic system If these components were microservices it would mean a nasty lock step deployment of all of them at once In the world of microservices it is a nightmarish beast of a distributed monolith img alt Acyclic Dependency Principle lt br gt src dev to uploads s amazonaws com uploads articles ujtqhxpropd png Breaking CyclesHow do I break the cycles There are two approaches here Breaking Cycles with a new componentOne way to do it is to move common code into a new component Let s imagine we have two components ーthe component of Happy Doge and the component of Good Doge But as we know all Doges are good happy boys Therefore the Happy Doge uses docility of the Good Doge and the Good Doge uses the happiness of the Happy Doge We can combine this functionality into a new component of the base Doge and use it from both of these two components It s a great feeling if while trying to avoid a circular dependency we suddenly realize that our system is missing some business related component the bounded context in DDD Breaking cycles with DIThe second way to break the loop is to reverse the direction of the dependency If you have a cyclic graph then to break it it is enough to direct one dependency in the opposite direction How to do it Let s assume that we have a domain component and it uses some functionality from the authorization component But we do not want the domain to be dependent on anything We want it to be the core of the system What should we do Within the domain component we define an abstract interface and implement it inside the authorization component It turns out that the domain no longer depends on any functionality in the authorization Now the authorization component must implement some abstract interface that the domain requires from it The concrete implementation of the functionality into the domain component is injected at runtime That is a good old fashioned dependency injection which in my opinion is highly underused in Elixir The most straightforward way to implement an interface in Elixir is behaviour Every time I say interface you can think about behaviour defmodule Domain UseCases CreateUser do alias Domain User spec create user String t UserRegistry t ok User t error term def create user username user registry do case user registry exists username do ok true gt other gt end end end defmodule Domain UserRegistry do type t module callback exists username ok boolean error term end end defmodule Auth LDAP do alias Domain UserRegistry behaviour UserRegistry impl UserRegistry def exists username do ok true end end Stable Dependency PrincipleDo you remember that odd red arrow that was on the opening diagram It is time to make sense of it That arrow was red because it violated the Stable Dependency Principle dependencies should point in the direction of stability But what is stability It is important to note that stability is not the opposite of volatility It is not how often the source files of that component change Stability is a definition in terms of dependencies It determines how hard it is to change a component without breaking other components in your system It measures how much work it takes to change it There are stable components and unstable components Component A is a stable one Three components use it This means that it is responsible for them since they depend on it If it wants to change its interface or internal functionality these components may also need to change Therefore it makes the component stable It s harder to change it Component B is unstable It has no dependencies and nobody uses it Therefore it can change as often as it wants Some components by their very nature must be volatile We just want it A good architectural principle is to divide components that change frequently and those that change rarely Components that change frequently should be unstable Components that rarely change can be stable Unstable components should depend on components that are more difficult to change and not vice versa Because of their volatility they may change frequently and we don t want to modify a bunch of other components code every time we change it code smell known as the Shotgun Surgery Conversely a volatile component should not be a dependency of a component that is difficult to change From this we draw a simple conclusion Dependencies should point in the direction of stability Thus if you go through the dependency graph each next component in the system should be more stable than the previous ones To assess this more quantitatively we need to introduce simple IN and OUT metrics IN is the number of inbound dependencies and OUT is the number of outbound dependencies Those connections are source file based For example we have a Cc component Inside it there are two public files They are used by two files from the Ca component one from the Cb component and one from the Cd component This means that its IN metric is equal to four Instability metricI OUT IN OUT Based on the IN metric you can calculate the Instability metric The Instability of a component is the share of its outgoing connections among all its connections If the Instability of a component is equal to one then no one depends on the component He has no reason not to change It can be a volatile component If Instability is zero then the component is very stable Other components depend on this component It is difficult for it to change but on the other hand since it does not depend on other components So it will change only for important reasons for reasons of either unavoidable change in business logic or some kind of purposeful refactoring decisions that hopefully won t change its interface Let s consider the case of violation of the Stable Dependency Principle I think it is a bit easier to use the Stability metric It is simply the inverted Instability S I IN IN OUT Suppose initially we had a stable component in the system We designed it this way and it contains the core of the system s functionality one that we expect not to change very often But at some point in time while adding some new functionality to the core of the system one of the developers saw that the initially volatile component Flexible had the code he needed and he just jumped to reuse it A new connection was created between a stable component and a mutable component This connection violates the Stable Dependency Principle A stable component has a ⅔Stability metric It has two incoming connections among a total of three connections The flexible component has a Stability metric of He has one incoming connection and two outgoing ones We remember that in the Stable Dependency Principle stability should increase in the direction of connections Ideally the Stability of the component that is lower in the picture should be greater than the Stability of the component that is higher in the picture but here it is just the opposite This connection is broken and so is our original desire for a component that rarely changes to be stable A component that changes frequently an unstable component should have few or no incoming connections and yet they have appeared Solution Once again it is the Dependency Inversion Component C defines the interface it needs Component D implements this interface and the necessary functionality is injected into component C Stable Abstraction PrincipleThe next principle is the Stable Abstraction Principle Stable components should be abstract Indeed we said that some components in the system must be stable and many incoming connections to them can not be avoided But it means that when this component changes much other code in the system can break This can be prevented by depending on abstractions Stable components should be abstract thereby loosening coupling by defining explicit interfaces Unstable components need to be concrete because they implement some specific functionality and that is why they have value Dependencies must point in the direction of stability and therefore dependencies must point in the direction of increasing abstractness You can take a simple metric A the number of abstract files among all the files in our component A AbstractFiles TotalFiles The Main SequenceWe can visualize these metrics of Abstractness and Instability This plot has two zones to avoid The first is the Zone of pain It contains very concrete components And they have very high stability These are difficult to change because if you try to change such components you may need to change a bunch of others On the other hand there is a zone of uselessness There are components here that are abstract but very unstable It is unclear why a component that is changing all the time and no one depends on it defines some abstraction This is most likely some kind of rubbish like unnecessary interfaces We can then assume that the most valuable and problem free components will be the components that are as far away as possible from these two extreme points And these components form what Bob Martin called the Main Sequence Distance from this main sequence can be a good metric The further the component is from the main sequence the more suspicious it is So it is prudent to take a close look at it Why did such a bad guy appear in the system and what is wrong with him Maybe he has something wrong with connections Somewhere you need Inversion of Dependencies Or maybe in general you need to repartition the responsibilities between other components or introduce some new ones There is a particular case and it is essential to mention it These are nearly immutable components Although they are in the pain zone they are not dangerous because they rarely change The classic example is the standard libraries of the language All of our code is permeated with it but this is not a big deal because the developers of these libraries take on a solid obligation to define stable interfaces and functionality Clean and Hexagonal ArchitecturesLet s try to bring these principles together in the frameworks of Clean and Hexagonal Architectures I will talk about them together as if they were the same thing Because indeed they have the same basic principles The first principle is that the domain is always at the center of all dependencies Domain neither depends on nor directly uses any source files from other components Only other components have physical connections to a domain because they implement the interfaces that are defined in it While Clean Architecture considers the domain to be central Hexagonal architecture emphasizes that the inner parts of the architecture define the interfaces implemented by the outer parts Inside the system in its core is the Domain along the edges there are all sorts of adapters to implement API query the database access Kafka etc But fundamentally these two architectures are very similar in their values To reiterate the Domain is the most stable part of the application Therefore all other components depend on it But these dependencies should be to data structures that are fundamental entities of a specific domain Or they must be abstract interfaces that are defined by the Domain Both architectures have many things in common in their layering as well In the center is the Domain Entities Layer These are pure data structures and entities with basic behavior that is stable in the Domain If for example you want to create a new application with new functionality in the same domain then theoretically you could take these structures out into a new application and build some new functionality based on them with no or few changes This is the most stable part of the application the Domain the part that changes relatively rarely and only for important reasons changes in your knowledge about the domain Around the inner core is the Domain Services Layer that is use cases These are those entities that implement business processes using the core Domain structures They by definition are application specific Therefore they are less stable and need to change more often Next is the Application Services Layer This would include technical but important concerns such as transaction management for the database Along the edges of the system are Adapters This is the lowest level logic i o Those can be HTTP API controllers or clients Kafka queues etc When moving from the center of the system to the edges stability and reusability decrease Reusability Domain entities gt Domain Services gt Application Services gt AdaptersStability Domain entities gt Domain Services gt Application Services gt Adapters Clean Mixer ExampleLet s try to analyze a specific example Look at the picture First we see where the core of our system is It consists of im Instant Messaging and im business chat It is important to note that all dependencies for components inside our Core Domain are only incoming Therefore these components are very stable At the top we have the app server component and it is very unstable because it has many outgoing dependencies It contains all the dirty initialization building supervisor trees configuring dependency injection etc We also can see the app services components ーit s the Application Services Layer which lies between the very stable application core and the very unstable component app server Red arrows point to the Stable Dependency Principle violation But the difference in Stability metrics is not that big So it does not seem that these violations bring any problems worth looking at at this specific moment Also note that components within the Core Domain are more abstract than other components I metric It is also quite interesting that two very stable components have many incoming connections the xmpp and xep components Those implement low level protocols This is the kind of functionality that someday soon we might like to move to a separate hex package and use in other applications that work with these protocols Therefore we want these components to be stable to be more conveniently reused in other applications It is also worth mentioning the data io interface component This is an entirely abstract component that contains only the most basic data structures and interface definitions It was created to break cyclic dependencies Automated architecture testsBut fixing the current state of the system is only the first step How do we automatically check for architectural regressions This can be done reliably only by automated tests This is especially important if your target architecture is a Distributed Monolith Without rigorous automated control it can quickly regress to a Big Ball of Mud Some examples of tools just for that are Archunit for Java and NetArchTest for C Well now Elixir has a Clean Mixer test arch test exsExUnit start capture log true trace true defmodule MessagingServer Architecture ArchTest do use ExUnit Case alias CleanMixer Workspace domain im im business chats core infrastructure xmpp xep application services jabber app services im app services data io app services adapters chatbot platform api app server network interface components data io interface setup all do workspace CleanMixer project include hex true gt Workspace new timeout ms ws workspace enddefp dependencies of workspace name do Workspace dependencies of workspace name gt Workspace reject hex packs gt Enum map amp amp target end defp dependency workspace source name target name do Workspace dependency workspace source name target name end defp component workspace name do Workspace component workspace name end defp format cycle cycle do cycle gt Enum map amp amp name gt Enum join gt endThe rules are described in the form of regular ExUnit tests I split the components in the system into several layers which are similar to the layers in the Clean Architecture In each subsequent layer stability decreases and instability increases The most stable layer is the Core Domain then goes the Core Infrastructure components that implement protocols The next level is Application Services And then the Adapters There are two exceptional cases These are the interface components which we do not want to depend on anything And protocol components which should be as stable as possible since we want them to have a minimum of outgoing dependencies for easy subsequent reuse In the first test we don t want our system to have circular dependencies between components test there are shall be no circular dependencies between components ws ws do assert Workspace component cycles ws gt Enum map amp format cycle endIn the next test we don t want Core Domain components to depend on application services for comp lt domain app service lt application services do test domain component comp shall not depend on application service app service ws ws do refute dependency ws unquote comp unquote app service end endWe don t want our Domain Components to depend on Adapters for comp lt domain adapter lt adapters do test domain component comp shall not depend on adapter adapter ws ws do refute dependency ws unquote comp unquote adapter end endWe check that the Core Infrastructure is independent of app services for comp lt core infrastructure app service lt application services do test core infrastructure component comp shall not depend on application service app service ws ws do refute dependency ws unquote comp unquote app service end endWe check that the utils component is independent of any other component Naturally we want it to be stable and reusable test utils shall have no dependencies ws ws do assert dependencies of ws utils endAll in all we check that each next more unstable level depends only on more stable components In fact we simply check for The Stable Dependencies Principle We can run these tests with the following command gt mix run no start test arch test exsRunning these tests on each commit in CI gives me a great deal of assurance that our architecture remains what I expect To summarize Prohibit cyclical dependency graphsSeparate domain and infrastructure The domain should be at the center of your application infrastructure at the edges Explicitly define interfaces and control dependency directions using Dependency Inversion but prefer to depend on interfaces not implementations Visualize the current state and automate checks for architectural regressions About the authorI am Miroslav Malkin Erlang Elixir expert at FunBox I am also co founder of CogitoΣ where we investigate code and process quality and measure their impact on product success 2021-08-10 13:29:43
海外TECH DEV Community How To Fetch Image From Database In Php And Display In Table? https://dev.to/dsp1992/how-to-fetch-image-from-database-in-php-and-display-in-table-22fi How To Fetch Image From Database In Php And Display In Table How to fetch image from Database in PHP and Display in Table It is simple to fetch image from database in PHP and display in table format with example and code Fetching image from the database using SELECT query and mysqli fetch array function in the table format How To Fetch Image From Database In Php And Display In Table In this article you going to see how to fetch image from database in php including other related topics of fetching of image Fetching image from database in PHP and display in table is similar to fetch any data from database and show in HTML Table We generally store image at server and its path on database table We are considering an example of products to demonstrate the purpose Steps to fetch images and data from database is as belowCreate MySql Database tableUpload image and store data in database table using PHPFetch image and data from database using PHPMore Details How To Fetch Image From Database In Php And Display In Table Step Connection with DatabaseFor this we have create a table product in ebhor database The dbConn php file is used to connect with the database Make dbConn php file as a common file for reusability which always connected with MySQL database Include only the dbConn php file name on that file where you want to perform a task with the database You don t need to make a connection every time in every file dbConn php lt php db mysqli connect localhost root testDB database connectionif db die Connection failed mysqli connect error gt Step Fetching image from Database CodeHere we are fetching an image from the database into the table format The index php file is using for displaying images In this file we are using a table for displaying records and images in the proper format We are fetching records using mysqli fetch array function from the database You can see the above example there are fetched data with the images In this example you can see the data in the table format for proper view And we have also set the width and height of those images You can also define image size as you want After completing all close the database connection index php lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt Fetch image from database in PHP lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt All Records lt h gt lt table border gt lt tr gt lt td gt Sr No lt td gt lt td gt Name lt td gt lt td gt Images lt td gt lt tr gt lt phpinclude dbConn php Using database connection file here records mysqli query db select from tbltest fetch data from databasewhile data mysqli fetch array records gt lt tr gt lt td gt lt php echo data id gt lt td gt lt td gt lt php echo data fname gt lt td gt lt td gt lt img src lt php echo data images gt width height gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt php gt lt table gt lt php mysqli close db close connection gt lt body gt lt html gt More Details How To Fetch Image From Database In Php And Display In Table Conclusion Finally we done with all discussion regarding how to fetch image from database in php I hope you liked my this article If you have any queries or any question regarding this Feel free to comment on Me 2021-08-10 13:29:31
海外TECH DEV Community How To Automate App Releases using Fastlane and SemVer for Hybrid Applications https://dev.to/jeiman/how-to-automate-app-releases-using-fastlane-and-semver-for-hybrid-applications-24m0 How To Automate App Releases using Fastlane and SemVer for Hybrid ApplicationsNOTE This tool implementation is useful for when you have both iOS and Android binary applications residing within the same repository usually a React Native application or hybrid app development tools which produce iOS and Android apps However it can be customisable to your needs with a little re configuration The StoryImagine if we could automate the entire app versioning process for our mobile applications by just typing in whether you want to bump it by MajorMinoror PatchImagine if you don t have to worry about the app versioning process of knowing what is already in production and what version we need to bump it to Lo and behold the App Release Management ARM tool NOTE Semantic versioning MAJOR MINOR and PATCH is the de facto standard you use to version your applications Please refer to this link to find out more about SemVer standards Fancy word but what does it actually do It pretty much does what is mentioned above The process is as follows It will fetch the latest versions from TestFlight and Google Play Console respectively It will show you a summary of what the versions are If both Android and iOS match the tool will select either one of them to use as the base of bumping the version The tool will prompt you whether you would like to bump it based on major minor or patchBased on the input the tool will run a SemVer operation in calculating the next iteration in the version and display the results for you If you re happy with the result you may press yes to proceed It will update the following files for you package jsonandroid app build gradleios ProjectName xcodeproj project pbxprojOperation completed It all looks fancy but why this approach Well imagine if you are a product owner or a new engineer who is new to the application code and is required to manage the App Releases This tool will aid them in completing their task with ease without worrying about configuring the wrong version code bump by accident Ok cool how do I set it up Please refer to the documentation README file for detailed instructions on how to set up the tool Clone the devops fun repository Once completed navigate to development gt app release management tool folder Ensure that the env file is present before proceeding any further Refer to the README file for more information Run fastlane command Choose Option The rest are pretty self explanatory thereafter What if I want to manually bump the version via a tool You may run the bump version sh and pass in a version code as an argument development app release management tool bump version sh What does it look like Based on the image above the following actions occur It will do a check against your iOS TestFlight build number and Google App Version and identify if the versions match Please refer to the README md file on how to set up a service connection to the respective stores in order to retrieve the app details programmatically If they do it will display your current version in the App stores and will ask you for input whether you want to bump the major minor or patch Based on your input it will use the semver sh script to perform the necessary version bump according to the Semantic Versioning standards If they don t match up you ll be defaulted to using the bump version sh which requires manual input of your SemVer for your application ie bump version sh I hope this article has proven beneficial and useful to your release management process If you have any inquiries please reach out to me Happy automating your release process Do leave a comment or recommendations on improving the tool Resources References 2021-08-10 13:22:23
海外TECH DEV Community Add Sign in with Apple to your React App! https://dev.to/aspittel/add-sign-in-with-apple-to-your-react-app-2occ Add Sign in with Apple to your React App AWS Amplify added support for implementing Sign in with Apple to your apps In this tutorial we ll start from zero by creating an Apple Developer account then enable Sign in with Apple using the Amplify Admin UI finally we ll add it to a React app Create an Apple Developer account note that this costs and takes up to hours You also may need to create a development certificate in your account Go to the AWS Amplify Console and create a new backend app Choose a name for your project and then open up the Admin UI once your project is initialized Click Enable authentication in the Admin UI Under Add a Login Mechanism choose Sign in with Apple Don t fill anything out yet though Then go back to the Apple Developer Portal and under your profile choose Certificates Identifiers amp Profiles Go to the identifiers page through the left hand navigation bar and then click the plus button On the Register a new identifier page keep the selection on App IDs then click continue Then choose App on the next page and continue again Choose a description for your app for example Amplify Sign in with Apple Practice App and then use one of your domains under the Bundle ID for example com welearncode siwa Scroll down and select Sign in with Apple Then Continue Finally review and register Now we ll register a service ID Go back to the Identifiers page then on the righthand dropdown choose Services IDs and click the plus button On the next page keep Services IDs selected then click Continue Choose a description for your service for example Amplify Sign in with Apple Practice App Under Identifier use what you used for Bundle ID above but this time with a sid at the end for example com welearncode siwa sid Then click register on the next page Go back to the Services IDs page you should be redirected there and click on your created service ID Check the box under Enabled then click the Configure button On your Amplify Admin UI page where you re configuring Sign in with Apple you should see a redirect URL Copy and paste it into both Domains and Subdomains and Return URLs In the first box Domains and Subdomains remove the https and oauth idpresponse from the url just leaving the subdomains and amazoncognito com Then click Next and Done Last thing to register on the Apple side a Key Select Key on the left hand dropdown and then click the plus button Name your key and select Sign in with Apple below Click the configure button next to Sign in with Apple Choose your App ID then click save Then continue and register Download the key and save it to a place you ll remember because we ll need to use it in the future Now we ll go back to the Admin UI We ll now fill out the form here Your Team ID is the App ID you created if you go to the Identifiers page and select your app choose the App ID Prefix on your app s page Your Key ID can be found by navigating to the Key page selecting your key and then it will be under Key ID Finally your Private Key certificate is that file you downloaded in the last step go ahead and upload that Finally choose a redirect URL in development http localhost or similar for your chosen port should work Then deploy Now you can integrate Sign in with Apple into your app We ll create a very bare bones React app for the sake of this tutorial First create a React app npx create react app siwa testThen install the AWS Amplify libraries npm i aws amplifyPull down your Amplify app you can find the command to do this for your app on the upper right hand side of the Admin UI under Local setup instructions amplify pull appId your app id envName stagingYou may be asked some questions about your app which you should be able to answer with all the defaults In your index js file add the following in order to configure your project index jsimport awsconfig from aws exports import Amplify from aws amplify Amplify configure awsconfig Now clear out the default App js file and replace it with an empty React component import App css import useEffect useState from react function App return lt h gt Hello world lt h gt export default AppLet s implement the UI first we ll add a conditional based on if a user is signed in or not and render either a sign in or sign out button We ll import Auth from aws amplify which will help us implement the functionality We ll create a user in state that s set to null to start out Then if that user is signed in we ll add a sign out button and render information about that user If there isn t a user we ll render a sign in button We ll use Amplify s federatedSignIn with SignInWithApple Right now we aren t setting a user but you can go ahead and sign in with just this code import App css import useState useEffect from react import Auth from aws amplify function App const user setUser useState null if user return lt div gt lt p gt User JSON stringify user attributes lt p gt lt button onClick gt Auth signOut gt Sign Out lt button gt lt div gt else return lt button onClick gt Auth federatedSignIn provider SignInWithApple gt Sign In with Apple lt button gt Now above the returns we ll add two more functions above the conditional First a getUser function that returns the current user Second inside a useEffect we ll listen for auth to change for example if someone signs in or out If the user signs in using the hosted UI then we ll get the user and set state with it If they sign out we ll set the user back to null function getUser return Auth currentAuthenticatedUser useEffect gt Hub listen auth payload event data gt if event cognitoHostedUI getUser then userData gt setUser userData else if event signOut setUser null else if event cognitoHostedUI failure console error Sign in failure Now we ve implemented Sign in with Apple on a React app using Amplify 2021-08-10 13:22:21
海外TECH DEV Community A JSON Based Serverless Quasi-Static Platform https://dev.to/arifamirani/a-json-based-serverless-quasi-static-platform-ha5 A JSON Based Serverless Quasi Static Platform IntroductionI ve been working with large NGOs to architect their multi faceted systems These systems are responsible for information dissemination data collection analysis and sources amp sinks to other systems Our near term goal was to build an information platform IP The MDP was narrowed down to the following feature set Target personaThe IP was intended for main personas VillagersDirect consumersLow tech capabilityLanguage barriersVaried devices sizes and capabilitiesIrregular bandwidthOps teamResponsible for training using the contentSubmitting feedback for content from usersUpdates to content limited Content teamPrimarily responsible for contentRegular content updates Requirements Media supportThe portal has to support different media types which includes but not limited to video digital books images audio podcast The content is generated by a marketing and education team which is then uploaded to a public repository for downloads All content is in the public domain Multilingual and region supportThe content itself is versatile The information and instructions change based on the local language diet and availability of resources The portal has to support reuse of content as well as specific content for a particular region Ease of management of the portal data by the content team was paramount Interval based updatesThe content team updates the data several times a day However there was no need to do real time updates New content can show up within the hour AnalyticsMeasurement is core to any successful deployment especially for large and diverse ones We factored in the need of granular measurement for clicks bounces playback skips right from day one rd Party APIThe content for the portal has to be made available to rd party applications for their internal consumption The interesting part here is that the content over the API is the same as the website however the rd party applications must be throttled to avoid proxy or overuse of our endpoint Final ArchitectureApart from the requirements above we also were tasked to ensure cost effectiveness along with speed of delivery The obvious choice was a typical three tier architecture that would achieve most of the objectives The team also had the right experience However I decided to go a different route In the recent past I had deployed a JSON based architecture that had scaled well with up to million visitors but nowhere close to the complexity I made a few changes and architected the solution loosely on CQRS Command Query Responsibility Segregation pattern All the data that was needed to be displayed read path were based on JSON files that were continously refreshed via a fleet of Lambda functions On the other hand the write path were served by API Gateway HTTP Origin DatabaseThese are the primary sources of information They can be a Google Sheet Airtable RDBMS data sources They provide the actual content metadata and rules of transformation Pull Lambda FleetPLF run either on a reactive or schedule basis They fetch data from the data sources and merge them based on rules The output is split based on language region content and use case They generate JSON files at the end of the process and upload them to an S bucket using a convention that the webapp can understand Information Portal IP Built on React and Tailwind CSS the IP delivers the content to users It is a lightweight responsive PWA Can work with limited bandwidth and works across all device display sizes Once it loads it pulls the appropriate JSON from the server via CloudFront depending on the region and language setting All UI actions such as filtering and search are done on the client side The size of each JSON is manageable and uses aggressive compression to deliver data quickly The auto reload mechanism in React ReactSWR ensures that the client refetches the JSON every mins or on reload of page API ClientsFor the content rd party API we use the main API Gateway APIGW Using the APIGW method we can connect directly the GET method to an S resource This requires no glue code or handling It is seamlessly handled by APIGW Using API Keys amp Usage Plans we ensured only authenticated clients got access to data and also rate limited their API calls Analytics amp ReadAll of the write paths use the main API Gateway APIGW and Lambda functions to write to DynamoDB We capture all granular events such as playback download visit and batch them up to the server Partial data loss is ok with the volume we expected We created an internal portal to create a feedback loop of usage which was based on the data in DynamoDB The web app used the HTTP API endpoints within the same APIGW to fetch data from DynamoDB Aggregator LambdaTo monitor and analyse the content changes we deployed a cron based lambda functions that pulled the current JSON in the data bucket and created a snapshot of it The snapshots were aggregated over a time interval and uploaded to reporting S bucket A webapp fetched the latest aggregate data and charted it for the admin to review Results and ConclusionThe entire setup took about months to build Once deployed we never breached the free tier of many services for processing Our biggest cost center was data transfer We had also enabled all edge nodes for Cloudfront which cost us a bit more The latency issues were non existent Our DR was pretty self solved due to S becoming our primary data store and DynamoDB was highly available but not in the critical path Final notesWe had a specific use case that was served quite well with our design choices This may not be the most optimal architecture for more demanding and real time applications 2021-08-10 13:16:28
海外TECH DEV Community Top 3 Instagram Influencers You Must Follow in 2021 https://dev.to/wyattroberts5/top-3-instagram-influencers-you-must-follow-in-2021-5g0n Top Instagram Influencers You Must Follow in In this day and age the most influential people are on social media even from presidents of countries to scientists successful businessmen to be honest almost everyone So in a world where everyone uses social media there s no surprise that certain people have huge influences on other people Starting from the world s biggest stars like Ariana Grande Justin Bieber Dwayne Johnson with a combined following of billion people to smaller influencers with more than k they all have a certain influence on their audience This means that we choose who we get the influence from and this is more important than we think Having in mind that the average time people spend on a social media platform like Instagram for example is minutes per day That s why it s important that we choose what we see and soak in in those minutes It would be way better for your quality of life if you choose wisely and decide to follow people that will inspire you teach you something to improve your life or even teach you how to be happier Believing in that I decided to make a list of the best Instagram influencers that you must follow Let s take a look Bradford HaynesYou may have already seen him on your screens because he has featured on major network TV series and films Some of his films on Amazon Prime include “Five Blocks Away and “Best Summer Ever Bradford is also an admirable family manーbeing husband and father of two beautiful girls On his Instagram profile Bradford s followers are charmed into his fascinating world of films From moments captured between takes film release updates to heart warming family posts Bradford shares both on screen and off screen highlights of his real life His posts are often coupled with entertaining captions great stories and some charming wit Based in California USA Bradford Haynes is a former professional baseball player turned actor Yeah Bradford s talents shine through his social media content too What is notable about his profile is that Bradford does have a community of actors that follow him This is evident by the conversation highlights in his comments section Erik BergmanErik Bergman is a successful businessman who co founded a company called Catena Media and sold it after a few successful years This venture made Erik a multi millionaire with almost million before turning He then started an Online Casino Affiliate Program called Great com Great now donates all of its profits to the fight against climate change Besides all of the success Erik also has a podcast called Becoming Great and a wide audience on Instagram counting more than k followers He brings good vibes and happiness to another level with a contagious positivity and smile His Instagram account is called smilingerik Katrina JuliaOn her personal Instagram profile she shares a wealth of video content around topics such as how to create courses how to create content like a boss how influencers do marketing and how to build a lifestyle brand Katrina keeps it real as she shares highlights of her travels recently to Mexico and Bulgaria Katrina Julia is the lifestyle entrepreneur that will inspire you to create the health wealth and business that you desire for yourself Katrina is a transformation coach and creator of Fit Life Creation a lifestyle community designed to equip her followers to succeed in their transformation journey She has built a community of followers that are enthusiastic about changing their lives Of course giving her followers some wellness inspo along the way like bicycling your way through your travel adventures as a great solution to your fitness needs Being a speaker author athlete host videographer philanthropist and an amazing community creator Katrina is certainly an inspiring social butterfly that will pull all her skills out to create uplifting social campaigns 2021-08-10 13:15:55
海外TECH DEV Community Crack The Coding Interview With Me:DFS https://dev.to/ifelseolga/crack-the-coding-interview-with-me-dfs-229l Crack The Coding Interview With Me DFS Theory ‍Code Interview QuestionsGeeksForGeekstechiedelight commedium com 2021-08-10 13:05:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Simplified Google Titan Security Key lineup shipping August 10 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/10/simplified-google-titan-security-key-lineup-shipping-august-10?utm_medium=rss Simplified Google Titan Security Key lineup shipping August Google s Titan Security Key lineup has been cut down to just USB A and USB C models both with NFC capabilities and the company has canned the older Bluetooth models Google announces new Titan Security Key lineupWith NFC functionality widespread among iPhones and other devices Google has decided to simplify its Titan Security Key lineup The previous Bluetooth models have been discontinued but will continue to work for current users Read more 2021-08-10 13:59:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Watch ECG could have required an additional armband https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/10/apple-watch-ecg-could-have-required-an-additional-armband?utm_medium=rss Apple Watch ECG could have required an additional armbandApple considered other ways to measure a user s heart using an ECG before launching the Apple Watch Series including using an armband and wirelessly connected electrodes In September Apple introduced the Apple Watch Series The model s main feature was its electrocardiogram ECG function which allowed the wearer to monitor the electrical signals generated by their heart from their wrist While the feature has gone on to help save many lives it appears that Apple s implementation in the Apple Watch wasn t the only way it was considering for the feature Read more 2021-08-10 13:42:05
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's child safety initiatives explained with Jason Aten on the AppleInsider Podcast https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/10/apples-child-safety-initiatives-explained-with-jason-aten-on-the-appleinsider-podcast?utm_medium=rss Apple x s child safety initiatives explained with Jason Aten on the AppleInsider PodcastOn this special episode of the AppleInsider Podcast guest Jason Aten joins us for a detailed explanation of Apple s new Child Safety initiatives including sensitive photos in Messages search and CSAM in iCloud Photos Apple announced a suite of new tools specifically to protect children and reduce the spread of child sexual abuse material CSAM online These tools were met with backlash as some details were left out of the original documentation Apple provided These child safety measures can be understood in three parts First Siri and Search on Apple devices running iOS later in will surface resources and organizations for victims of abuse and those who may be searching for CSAM content online Read more 2021-08-10 13:32:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple 'poisoned the well' for client-side CSAM scanning, says former Facebook security chief https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/10/apple-poisoned-the-well-for-client-side-csam-scanning-says-former-facebook-security-chief?utm_medium=rss Apple x poisoned the well x for client side CSAM scanning says former Facebook security chiefAlex Stamos former Facebook security chief says Apple s approach to CSAM scanning and iMessage exploitation may have caused more harm than good for the cybersecurity community Apple s CSAM scanning tool has become a controversial topicOnce iOS and the other fall operating systems release Apple will introduce a set of features intended to prevent child exploitation on its platforms These implementations have created a fiery online debate surrounding user privacy and the future of Apple s reliance on encryption Read more 2021-08-10 13:33:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to remove iCloud Activation Lock without password https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/09/how-to-remove-icloud-activation-lock-without-password?utm_medium=rss How to remove iCloud Activation Lock without passwordIf you buy an iPhone second hand and it has iCloud Activation Lock activated and the seller is unavailable you can still get going with the iPhone Here s how to remove iCloud Activation Lock without password Sometimes on acquiring a used or refurbished iPhone you could run into an issue where iCloud Activation Lock is enabled on a device Intended as a security feature Activation Lock is part of Find My helping device owners to lock down their iPhone or iPad and to prevent others from being able to gain access or even reuse the device once found However there can be situations where the iPhone is in the legitimate owner s hands but is still blocked and requires an iCloud Activation Lock removal Read more 2021-08-10 13:22:14
海外TECH Engadget Amazon knocks $120 off Lenovo's excellent Flex 5 Chromebook https://www.engadget.com/lenovo-flex-5-chromebook-deal-310-amazon-135551711.html?src=rss Amazon knocks off Lenovo x s excellent Flex ChromebookEver since we first reviewed it last year Lenovo s Flex Chromebook has been our favorite device in the Chrome OS realm It may not be the most high powered Chromebook out there but it has essential features that most users need at a price well under At launch the Flex came in at but it often went on sale and could be found for on rare occasions But Amazon has it for even less right now ーonly ーwhich is off and the best price we ve seen Buy Lenovo Flex Chromebook at Amazon When you get to the mark in the Chromebook space you re often asked to sacrifice when it comes to power That s not the case with the Flex ーit runs on a th gen Core i processor GB of RAM and GB of storage Those specs should be more than enough for most people especially considering a majority of Chromebook work will be done in a browser We found the Flex was more than capable of running numerous Chrome tabs at once with few hiccups We also appreciated its ability to do so for at least eight hours before needing to be recharged When it comes to design the Flex doesn t take too many risks and that s ok It s not the slimmest or the lightest laptop but at inches thick and three pounds it won t be hard to shuffle from room to room in your home or tote with you to school It s also a convertible which gives you more flexibility in how you use it The inch p touchscreen will serve most people well be it for work or entertainment purposes and we especially liked its backlight keyboard Overall it s hard to find a Chromebook that ticks so many boxes at this price point Sure Lenovo made some sacrifices when it comes to RAM and storage capacity but those are to be expected when you re looking at sub Chromebooks The Flex combines a solid in design with a good amount of power at a wallet friendly price point and that s more than we can say for other Chromebooks coming in at Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-08-10 13:55:51
海外TECH Engadget Xiaomi's Mi Mix 4 packs an under-screen camera in a ceramic body https://www.engadget.com/xiaomi-mi-mix-4-snapdragon-888-plus-under-screen-camera-133605155.html?src=rss Xiaomi x s Mi Mix packs an under screen camera in a ceramic bodyJust days after Oppo unveiled its latest under screen camera solution Xiaomi is now launching a new flagship phone with a similar if not the same feature The Mi Mix is the Chinese company s slimmest ceramic unibody smartphone yet featuring a inch x screen that stealthily hides a megapixel selfie camera underneath a near indistinguishable patch of pixels ーit s the same ppi density as the rest of the panel albeit with smaller pixels and transparent circuitry thanks to advancements in AMOLED production If the selfie photos on the Mi Mix turn out to be just as good if not better than Oppo s samples from last week then it s no surprise that Xiaomi went with this under screen camera tech The Mix series has always been about pushing the boundary of form factor design with the firsttwo models ーboth designed by Philippe Starck ーoffering super slim screen bezels along three sides They were some of the first ceramic smartphones too nbsp With the Mi Mix Xiaomi finally got rid of the chin by moving the selfie camera to a slide up module I wasn t a fan of that design though as it felt more fragile XiaomiNow that the under screen camera is seemingly reaching maturity it serves as a sensible evolution path to the Mi Mix Still CEO Lei Jun added that if you really care about your selfies you should stick to phones with punch hole cameras but for him the under screen camera is good enough The screen itself is otherwise very much the same as what many other recent flagships are offering bit color P gamut Dolby Vision HDR Hz refresh rate and Hz touch sampling rate It s protected by a layer of Gorilla Glass Victus Like many recent Xiaomi phones the Mi Mix provides stereo sound tuned by Harman Kardon which should go well with that vibrant screen XiaomiThe Mi Mix also happens to be the first smartphone sporting Qualcomm s latest Snapdragon G processor taking the clock speed up to GHz while being cooled by several layers of graphene and graphite LPDDR RAM options range from GB to GB whereas UFS storage goes from GB to GB Much like the iPhone series the Mi Mix also packs UWB ultra wide band but instead of tracking tags Xiaomi is using this for a feature dubbed quot Point to Connect quot Simply point your Mi Mix to a compatible Xiaomi smart device like a TV smart speaker like the freshly announced Xiaomi Sound or air conditioner and the relevant app will show up nbsp The company will also offer a small UWB hub for existing TVs and this will launch via a beta program in China on August th But if you prefer the old school way this Android phone also has an infrared remote feature ーas is the case with some Chinese smartphones these days XiaomiThe rear cameras are impressive on paper There s a megapixel main camera HMX sensor with optical stabilization an megapixel x optical zoom camera with optical stabilization and a megapixel degree ultra wide camera with free form lens Still Lei admitted on stage that he s saving the better camera components for his main flagship line The Mi Mix houses a mAh which is relatively standard these days but it supports W wired charging which goes from zero to percent in minutes by default or in just minutes if you enable quot Boost Mode quot There s also W wireless charging which normally takes minutes for a full charge or just minutes in quot Boost Mode quot XiaomiXiaomi will be selling the Mi Mix in China starting from August th with colors including white black and a new gray option Prices start from yuan or around for the GB RAM GB storage model and capping at yuan or about for the GB RAM GB storage option We ll have to stay tuned for international availability but we d be surprised if the world s second largest phone maker doesn t plan on taking the Mi Mix outside of China 2021-08-10 13:36:05
海外TECH Engadget Twitter's AI bounty program reveals bias toward young, pretty white people https://www.engadget.com/twitter-ai-bias-beauty-filters-133210055.html?src=rss Twitter x s AI bounty program reveals bias toward young pretty white peopleTwitter s first bounty program for AI bias has wrapped up and there are already some glaring issues the company wants to address CNETreports that grad student Bogdan Kulynych has discovered that photo beauty filters skew the Twitter saliency importance algorithm s scoring system in favor of slimmer younger and lighter skinned or warmer toned people The findings show that algorithms can quot amplify real world biases quot and conventional beauty expectations Twitter said This wasn t the only issue Halt AI learned that Twitter s saliency algorithm quot perpetuated marginalization quot by cropping out the elderly and people with disabilities Researcher Roya Pakzad meanwhile found that the saliency algorithm prefers cropping Latin writing over Arabic Another researcher spotted a bias toward light skinned emojis while an anonymous contributor found that almost invisible pixels could manipulate the algorithm s preferencesTwitter has published the code for winning entries The company didn t say how soon it might address algorithmic bias However this comes as part of a mounting backlash to beauty filters over their tendency to create or reinforce unrealistic standards Google for instance turned off automatic selfie retouching on Pixel phones and stopped referring to the processes as beauty filters It wouldn t be surprising if Twitter s algorithm took a more neutral stance on content in the near future 2021-08-10 13:32:10
海外TECH Engadget Retro Games is making a mini version of the Amiga 500 https://www.engadget.com/retro-games-thea500-mini-commodore-amiga-500-console-131501091.html?src=rss Retro Games is making a mini version of the Amiga Commodore s Amiga was one of the most popular home computers in the era just before the PC swallowed the world Now thirty years and change since its heyday Retro Games is making a “mini version of the computer and games console Much like Retro Games last machine a “mini version of the Commodore that can t use the Commodore name this will be branded as THEA Mini Retro Games has said that the console will include titles from the vast and excellent Amiga library including Another World Worms Simon the Sorcerer and The Chaos Engine The full list of titles hasn t been released but if Bart vs The Space Mutants and Dalek Attack aren t on there I will cry Much like pretty much every other retro console a glossy software layer will smooth out the rougher edges of this software Users will be able to save and resume titles part way through play and you ll be able to side load titles you ahem own over the included USB port Rather than simply emulating the vanilla Amiga the hardware will also run the Enhanced Chip Set ECS layers found in the Amiga Plus a short lived revision released in You ll also be able to harness the advanced graphics architecture AGA of the much pricier flagship model the Amiga Retro Games Koch MediaHardware wise it s likely to be a similar sort of moulded plastic around a mini board situation as found in THEC Mini But on the accessories front it ll ship with the Amiga s famous two button mouse and a joypad that to my eyes seems to be based on the Amiga CD s gamepad rather than the s which to be fair was more famously a joystick led machine Retro Games Koch MediaTHEA Mini will launch at some point in early and is expected to cost £ € when it arrives The only misgivings I have at this point is that Retro Games previous work with the THEC Mini made that a hard product to love in several ways Hopefully however many of those issues have been resolved for the new model which was the object of lust for many people soon be knocking on Oh and here s the greatest advert for a computer ever made 2021-08-10 13:15:01
海外TECH Engadget Google's new safety measures are designed to protect kids on YouTube, Search and more https://www.engadget.com/google-unveils-major-safety-changes-for-kids-on-search-you-tube-and-more-130051206.html?src=rss Google x s new safety measures are designed to protect kids on YouTube Search and moreGoogle has announced changes to YouTube Search and its other apps designed to make them safer for kids The latest updates will make YouTube videos created by kids private by default allow minors or their parents to request the removal of their images from Google Image results turn SafeSearch on by default and more The move is part of a recent push by Google to protect kids and give parents more control over what they see Many of the updates are dedicated to YouTube and YouTube Kids The key change is aimed at young creators aged to changing the default upload setting to the most private option available That means by default the video can only be seen by select users unless the creator changes it to public quot We want to help younger users make an intentional choice if they d like to make their content public quot Google wrote nbsp Google is also expanding its so called digital well being tools for YouTube It ll turn on break and bedtime reminders by default for all kids aged to while turning off autoplay by default At the same time it s adding an autoplay option on YouTube Kids while at the same time turning it off by default in the app Parents will also be able to choose a quot locked quot default autoplay setting nbsp nbsp Knowing the accurate age of our users across multiple products and surfaces while at the same time respecting their privacy and ensuring that our services remain accessible is a complex challenge Finally Google said it will be removing quot overly commercial content quot from YouTube Kids like a video that quot only focuses on product packaging or directly encourages children to spend money quot It also updated the disclosures that appear on “made for kids content when a creator identifies a video as containing paid promotions On Search Google promised to give minors quot more control over their digital footprint quot To that end it s introducing a new policy allowing anyone under or their parents or guardians to request the removal of their images from Google Image search results That change is designed to quot help give young people more control of their image online quot Google wrote It will also turn SafeSearch on for all existing users under and make it the default for teens setting up new accounts Currently it s just turned on for teen accounts managed by Family Link In other apps Google will disable location history for all users under without the ability to turn it on It s launching a safety section in Play that will show parents which apps follow Google s Families policies and disclose how they use the data they collect in greater detail On the advertising side it will quot block ad targeting based on the age gender or interests of people under quot the company wrote nbsp Google stressed that it wants to work with quot kids and teens parents governments industry leaders and experts in the fields of privacy child safety wellbeing and education to design better safer products for kids and teens quot Taken as a whole the new changes should help prevent young people from seeing harmful content while blocking exploitive ads In practice however it may take some time to shake out any bugs and ensure that advertisers are following the rules ーso as always it s best to keep a close eye on your kids digital habits nbsp 2021-08-10 13:00:51
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 公社債発行額・償還額等 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/hakkou/index.html 発行 2021-08-10 15:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 J-IRISS https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/j-iriss/index.html iriss 2021-08-10 14:35:00
ニュース BBC News - Home More than 75% of UK adults now double-jabbed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58162318 achievement 2021-08-10 13:50:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Esther Dingley: Missing hiker's boyfriend finds her body https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58159591 fragment 2021-08-10 13:40:54
ニュース BBC News - Home David Cameron personally promoted Greensill to investors https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58160208 company 2021-08-10 13:33:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Max Woosey: Camping challenge boy set for 500th night https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58147506 milestone 2021-08-10 13:09:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Paddy Power owner revenue soars amid online gambling boom https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58156250 gamblers 2021-08-10 13:21:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Smitten prison officer helped inmate lover escape https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-58160687 court 2021-08-10 13:45:27
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] Google マップの知られざる11の便利機能 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/08/11-clever-google-maps-settings-everyone-should-be-usin.html Googleマップの知られざるの便利機能車のナビがわりにGoogleマップを使う人も増えたのではないでしょうかナビゲーションや交通情報の確認に関して、これ以上のツールはありません。 2021-08-10 22:05:00
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 【番外編】難波千日前 釜たけうどん 八重洲北口店(東京)/ちく玉天ランチ http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/v-_Dp5QY1g8/single_feed.php 【番外編】難波千日前釜たけうどん八重洲北口店東京ちく玉天ランチさて、本日のブログは番外編でうどんの話です∀`ゞエヘヘま、でも、毎日暑い日が続くので今日のお店は駅構内。 2021-08-10 14:38:00
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 食堂ミサ本店 ニンニクが効いたたっぷり野菜の味噌ラーメン http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/1P9B8mlWbEo/single_feed.php 食堂ミサ本店ニンニクが効いたたっぷり野菜の味噌ラーメン上越市中郷区の「食堂ミサ本店」へと行ってきました。 2021-08-10 14:14:35
北海道 北海道新聞 クフ王「太陽の船」引っ越し 大エジプト博物館で展示へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/577039/ 古代エジプト 2021-08-10 22:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 青森で約800人孤立 自衛隊に災害派遣要請 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/577038/ 災害派遣要請 2021-08-10 22:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 <Fノート>命がけでレギュラーつかめ 指揮官の思い 松下幸之助の言葉から https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/577036/ 松下幸之助 2021-08-10 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 爽やかな香りに包まれ花摘み 紋別でラベンダー刈り取り体験 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/577035/ 刈り取り 2021-08-10 22:03:00
海外TECH reddit Ah yes, ML’s swimsuit definitely the focal point of this picture https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/p1p2g4/ah_yes_mls_swimsuit_definitely_the_focal_point_of/ Ah yes ML s swimsuit definitely the focal point of this picture submitted by u fakebbq to r HilariaBaldwin link comments 2021-08-10 13:22:30



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