Engadget Japanese |
映画『ソニック・ザ・ムービー2』ナックルズの声にイドリス・エルバ。本人がツイート |
本人 |
2021-08-11 01:55:23 |
Engadget Japanese |
スマートフォンのAmazon売れ筋ランキング。多数ランクインはやっぱりあのメーカー。世界シェアトップの貫禄を示す |
amazon |
2021-08-11 01:10:55 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東急、二子玉川ライズS.C.に体験型施設を開設 『はらぺこあおむし』作者の世界観を表現 |
itmedia |
2021-08-11 10:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] どんなクルマもCarPlay対応にする「Coral Vision Carplay Wireless Pro A」を試す USB-C接続、ワイヤレスCarPlayに対応 |
carplay |
2021-08-11 10:32:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 約8割のインフルエンサー、Clubhouseを「全く利用しない」 理由は? |
clubhouse |
2021-08-11 10:30:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
バイオインフォマティクスで物質生産における環境と経済の両立を目指すdigzyme |
digzyme |
2021-08-11 01:00:47 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Db2 on CloudのREST APIを使用したデータロード (python & curl) |
APIDocuploadhomestoragefilepythonの前準備、本編コードを実行して、必要なシェル変数、accesstokenにアクセストークンの値が入っていることが前提です。 |
2021-08-11 10:36:15 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】forEachよりもreduceのほうが万能性高くない? |
【JavaScript】forEachよりもreduceのほうが万能性高くないforEachの模倣次のようなforEachは、forEachjsarrayforEachbodyreduceにより一行で模倣できる。 |
2021-08-11 10:45:28 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】forEach vs map |
【JavaScript】forEachvsmapforEach配列の各要素をぞれぞれ呼び出します。 |
2021-08-11 10:33:50 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows10のDocker×VSCode環境でReactを動かすまでの道のり |
ハマったポイントの要約dockercomposeymlでエラーが出まくる→ファイルの文字コードをUTFに変更したら直ったDocker上のReactアプリにアクセスできない→Docker立ち上げ時にポート開放を行う導入手順①Dockerの導入ここからWindows用のインストーラーを入手。 |
2021-08-11 10:32:51 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【9】【コールバック関数】 |
この呼び出し側が引数に指定した関数のことを「コールバック関数」という。 |
2021-08-11 10:00:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VS code で Live Server の Go Live を押してもブラウザが起動しない(Mac) |
表示させたいフォルダを選択し、右下の「GonbspLive」を押してもブラウザが何も起動しない状況です。 |
2021-08-11 10:59:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
npm init を行った際に作成されるファイルについて |
こちらの項目に「mainjs」を指定し、他は全て「Enter」キーを押したのですが、ディレクトリ内には、packagejsonのみ作成され「mainjs」は作成されませんでした。 |
2021-08-11 10:52:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unity のエラーをなくすには |
unityのエラーをなくすには前提・実現したいことプログラミング初心者です。 |
2021-08-11 10:50:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
custom search apiを利用したコマンド検索 |
customsearchapiを利用したコマンド検索前提・実現したいことcustomnbspsearchnbspapiを利用して特定のサイト内の単語の掲載数を確認したいと考えております。 |
2021-08-11 10:48:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
start bootstrapのテーマが仕様出来ない |
startbootstrapのテーマが仕様出来ない状況説明startnbspbootstrapのテーマを使用するためにstylecssとindexphpのファイルを作成しましたstylecssは新しくフォルダを作成し、indexphpはindexhtmlからindexphpと名前を変更しました。 |
2021-08-11 10:46:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
scikit-learnでデータ分割するときに配列番号を指定して特定のデータを取ってくる方法がわからない |
scikitlearnでデータ分割するときに配列番号を指定して特定のデータを取ってくる方法がわからない前提・実現したいことscikitlearnでデータ分割するときに、ランダムではなく先頭から順番に分割した後で、そのデータ分割結果を指定して、検証データ・訓練データとしたいです。 |
2021-08-11 10:33:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
githubでのファイルのダウンロード方法 |
githubでのファイルのダウンロード方法初歩的な質問なのですが、GitHUbでファイルをダウンロードしたいのですが、ダウンロードのボタンが表示されるものとされないものがあり、ボタンがないものはどのようにダウンロードすれば良いのでしょうか例えば以下のリンクのものにはダウンロードボタンが表示されませんGonbsptonbspfileの横の点々のボタンも押したしたがダウンロードは不可でした。 |
2021-08-11 10:33:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
複数ページへのリダイレクトがうまく行かない |
複数ページへのリダイレクトがうまく行かない前提・実現したいこと複数ページを同じページへリダイレクトしたいのですがうまくいきません。 |
2021-08-11 10:28:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studio CodeでPHPを実行できない |
VisualStudioCodeでPHPを実行できない前提・実現したいことVisualnbspStudionbspCodeでPHPを実行したいです。 |
2021-08-11 10:28:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AndroidStudio MediaPlayerでRTP、RTSPの再生について |
AndroidStudioMediaPlayerでRTP、RTSPの再生についてAndroidStudioのJavaにてMediaPlayerを使用してRTP、RTSPのストリーミング再生をしたいのですが、うまくいきません。 |
2021-08-11 10:25:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ディープラーニングのレイヤーの決め方の考え方 |
ディープラーニングのレイヤーの決め方の考え方画像認識プログラミングレシピという本で画像認識について学習中です。 |
2021-08-11 10:10:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データベース登録処理のシンタックスエラーについて |
データベース登録処理のシンタックスエラーについて前提・実現したいこと初めて質問させていただきます。 |
2021-08-11 10:07:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#でスクリプト間の変数の共有をしたい |
unity |
2021-08-11 10:06:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
追加CSSのboldが効かない |
nbsppnbspfontweightbold |
2021-08-11 10:06:12 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows10のDocker×VSCode環境でReactを動かすまでの道のり |
ハマったポイントの要約dockercomposeymlでエラーが出まくる→ファイルの文字コードをUTFに変更したら直ったDocker上のReactアプリにアクセスできない→Docker立ち上げ時にポート開放を行う導入手順①Dockerの導入ここからWindows用のインストーラーを入手。 |
2021-08-11 10:32:51 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Systems Manager Change Manager のテンプレートが承認できない |
changemanager |
2021-08-11 01:13:35 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Windows 環境から Node.js を完全に削除する方法をやってみた |
microsoft |
2021-08-11 01:05:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
App Development Roadmap 2021 |
App Development Roadmap What is App Development App Development refers to the creation of computer applications for use on mobile devices such as tablets smartphones and smart watches Mobile device features such as cameras motion and location awareness can be used to create unique and inventive mobile only applications for things such as taxi and bike sharing Mobile devices typically have popular apps for searching browsing and social media preinstalled and users can download and install additional appsFrom Google Play Android and the Apple App Store iOS Mobile applications are designed and built for different operating systems and developers will want to learn how to build for both the Android operating system and Apple s iOS To learn android development from starting to become pro You can follow these steps Originally Published App development roadmap |
2021-08-11 01:51:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 VS Code extensions every Frontend Developer should use |
VS Code extensions every Frontend Developer should use Hello everyone my name is suman and I m a frontend developer In this blog post I would like to share VS code extensions that every frontend developer should use The purpose of using these extensions is to write faster cleaner and more consistent code Let s Jump in Read More VS Code extensions every Frontend Developer should use |
2021-08-11 01:50:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🚀20 Best CSS3 Library For Developers. |
Best CSS Library For Developers Web Developers used to spend a lot of time creating beautiful CSS Thanks to the CSS libraries we now have a better faster and more effective way to build responsive websites and web applications Are you still looking for the best CSS libraries Do you want to know which library you should try In this article we have best CSS libraries for your inspiration How do CSS libraries work CSS library gives web developers a basic structure which includes grid interactive UI patterns web typography tooltips buttons form elements icons This structure helps web developers to start quickly and efficiently when they are designing a website or web applications Here we have put together best CSS libraries We hope you like them and most importantly find the best one for your needs Let s go Read More Best CSS Library For Developers |
2021-08-11 01:41:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
11 git command i use Everyday |
git command i use EverydayWhen I started my career I was always afraid of losing my code changes Sometimes I would copy the code to text files just to be sure that I won t miss something That s not a great practice If you know how to use git properly you won t have these doubts Git has everything you need to make you safe And much more Let s dive in Read More Git Command i use Everyday |
2021-08-11 01:39:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deploying a containerized app to IBM Code Engine |
Deploying a containerized app to IBM Code EngineWelcome back to THINK Tuesdays A weekly blog series where I discuss and share my journey with IBM Cloud Services Before you begin do checkout my previous blogs Deploy a NodeJS app to IBM Cloud Container RegistryDeploy an image from IBM Cloud Container Registry to KubernetesIn this week s THINK Tuesday we will be discussing how to use IBM Cloud s Code Engine service The coolest new service on the block It enables you to deploy a fully scalable app on IBM Cloud in a matter of minutes Let s take a look at some of the amazing perks of this service Auto scales up down even to zero when idleBuilds container images from source codeSeamless integration with IBM Cloud servicesBuilt on OSS Kubernetes Knative Istio and Tekton keeping workloads portablePay only for what you useLet s get started Steps to Deploy an App on IBM Cloud Code Engine Step We are launching from this version of Code Engine from the IBM Cloud Dashboard The quickest way to get started is to either provide a container image or source code I pasted one of the sample demo apps image and hit Create to get started Step Fine Tune SettingsSince I want this to be a running app rather than a job that runs to completion select Application for type of Code Engine Instance Verify that I am passing in a container image For this tutorial I plan to stick with the defaults But there are options to fine tune the runtime settings to better configure how this app scales Step Launch the appOnce configured click Create and the app will be deployed in a matter of seconds Oila congratulations on deploying your first container on IBM Cloud Code Engine In this tutorial we are simply scratching the surface on what s available with this new and amazing service Thank you for following along this THINK Tuesday s Tutorial and be sure to look out for my next post where I will continue sharing my Journey with IBM Cloud Services Follow me on Social Media mrinasugosh Dev to mrinasugosh Github mrinasugoshTwitter mrinasugoshLinkedIn mrinasugosh |
2021-08-11 01:16:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Converting static HTML/CSS site to React App |
Converting static HTML CSS site to React AppConverting a static page or site into React App is actually simpler than what some might think The gist is that you ll only restructure and format things out Just plug the data to it or with an API to make it Dynamic or feel more like an App In this quick blog I ll be going through the simple steps on how to convert a static page into a React App PrerequisiteThis assumes you already have React installed into your machine and of course you know the gist of the library So before we start the conversion let s do a simple create react app to initialize our project I ll be using npx here npx create react app My App wait for it to finish cd My App or code My App if you have VS codeRemove the unnecessary files and the boilerplate code Now we re ready to go Conversion Turn page s into Parent ComponentsIf you only have one page you can create a folder called components under the src folder Then create a single jsx file there like index jsx Create a React Component within index jsx then copy and paste the body of your static HTML file to the return statement of that Component And if you have multiple pages I recommend creating a separate pages folder under src folder and create js file for each HTML page of your static site Again create React components for each file or page and copy paste the body of the HTML files into the react components Fix SyntaxThe next thing we ll be doing is correct the syntax of our plain HTML code into JSX More specifically change the following change class to classNamechange style props from string to objects and change the BBQ casing of CSS props to camelCase i e style text align center to style textAlign center End the self closing tags i e lt img gt to lt img gt or lt br gt to lt br gt Add CSSNow it s time to add your CSS to the components Create a styles folder under src folder and drop there all your CSS files Then import the corresponding CSS for each pages if applicable DependenciesInstalling the dependencies of your page i e Bootstrap Font Awesome etc that was recently delivered via CDN is recommended to be installed via npm or yarn if there s any Try to find the corresponding React module for your component and install them within your React App installing bootstrap for react via npm yarn instead of cdnnpm i react bootstrap oryarn add react bootstrapThen import them to their corresponding components pages Decompose Page sThis is the part where we truly take advantage of React which is by breaking down each page into smaller reusable components For this step create a components folder if you haven t yet If your website is written with Semantics in mind then the conversion would be a breeze Understand the structure of your pages Think about what sections makes up a page what smaller components or sub components builds up which area of the page An example would be lt main gt lt h gt Welcome to Homepage lt h gt lt article gt lt header gt lt h gt Headline lt h gt lt p gt Lorem Ipsum dolor lt p gt lt header gt lt section gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lt p gt lt section gt lt section gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lt p gt lt section gt lt section gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lt p gt lt section gt lt article gt lt article gt lt header gt lt main gt From there we can clearly see the repeated pattern of lt section gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lt p gt lt section gt We can turn that out into a component and prevent ourselves from repeatedly writing them src components Section jsxexport default function Section data return lt section gt lt p gt data lt p gt lt section gt That s one but we can further group this page into hierarchy Let s get through each of those First off notice that we also have the header That s also another component src components Header jsxexport default function Header headline description return lt header gt lt h gt headline lt h gt lt p gt description lt p gt lt header gt And now by looking on our HTML hierarchy the parent component where we will put the Header and and Section components will be the Article so let s import those components we just created and nest them inside the Article component src components Article jsx assuming that we have a data source for the contents of the pageimport Header from Header import Section from Section export default function Article props const headline description sections props return lt article gt lt Header headline headline description description gt sections map section gt lt Section data section gt lt article gt jsxNow we re cooking Alright for the last restructuring noticed that on our static HTML there are more Article tags with similar structure that follows Guess what we can also the same thing here src pages Main jsimport Article from components Article jsx export default function Main const someData return lt main gt lt h gt Welcome to Homepage lt h gt someData map data gt const headline description sections data return lt Article headline headline description description sections sections gt lt main gt But wait have you noticed a common problem that occurs on React App If you re an Eagle eyed reader then yes we committed prop drilling here We can use Redux or just simply the Context API but that s another topic for another blog so bear with me for now Ok just take note that the Main component we just created is saved under the pages folder as it s actually representing an entire page already in itself RoutingThis step is optional only if you have multiple pages and we can leverage React Router so that we don t need to refresh the page You can install react router dom via npm or yarn and start routing from App js which is in the top level of inside the src folder Still confused If things are still confusing to you then please don t because you don t have to Instead let me help you with that and I ll just do it for you Yah that s right let me handle it for ya I offer a service in Fiverr and I offer my service FREE for the first orders and after that it s dollars I will convert your static page into a React App completely FREE OF CHARGE for the first orders in exchange of an honest review Just visit and I ll handle the conversion instead for Free Till next time see ya Follow me on Twitter |
2021-08-11 01:11:25 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Breakthrough Infections and the Delta Variant: What to Know |
findings |
2021-08-11 01:50:28 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
地域型認知症疾患医療センター指定候補を選定-徳島県が公表 |
医療機関 |
2021-08-11 11:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
台風第9号から変わった温帯低気圧に伴う大雨による災害等に対する金融上の措置について(青森県) |
温帯低気圧 |
2021-08-11 11:00:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米TV司会者への監視疑惑、国家安全保障局を調査 - WSJ発 |
国家安全保障局 |
2021-08-11 10:07:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonタイムセール中!】コップにもなる保冷ペットボトルホルダーや53%オフの首掛け扇風機など |
amazon |
2021-08-11 10:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
クチの中がリゾートに! 専門店の「アサイーボウル」で南国気分を味わってみては |
ubereats |
2021-08-11 10:30:00 |