IT |
@IT Smart & Socialフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
「西日本豪雨」の気象データなどのビッグデータを解析 ウェザーニューズが「浸水被害リスク予測」を提供開始 |
提供開始 |
2021-08-13 16:05:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
Yahoo!カーナビで「移動式オービス」を通知可能に |
yahoo |
2021-08-13 07:30:24 |
Engadget Japanese |
Spotify、Wear OS上でのオフライン再生が可能に |
spotify |
2021-08-13 07:00:46 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
「西日本豪雨」の気象データなどのビッグデータを解析 ウェザーニューズが「浸水被害リスク予測」を提供開始 |
提供開始 |
2021-08-13 16:05:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] PCのスケーラビリティを決定付けた超重要コンポーネント、地味にスゴイ「APIC」の登場 |
itmedianewspc |
2021-08-13 16:46:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 無印、新宿地区の2店舗をリニューアルオープン 「もったいない市」や「24時間使える自販機」 |
itmedia |
2021-08-13 16:27:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 木造カバーで覆われた自販機はなぜ生まれたのか? 世界遺産「石見銀山」にて |
itmedia |
2021-08-13 16:10:00 |
AWS - Japan |
[AWS Black Belt Online Seminar] CON202 ECS Fargate入門 |
blackbelt |
2021-08-13 07:34:56 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFront+LambdaでBasic認証(htpasswd)を設定した |
CloudFrontLambdaでBasic認証htpasswdを設定した概要CloudFrtontSのような構成でBasic認証の実装方法は既にいくつものサイトで紹介されているが、パスワード情報を平文でLambda内に保存する方法が主流なので、htpasswd形式で保存する方法を試してみた参考サイトLeonidMakarovMediumcomServerlesspasswordprotectingastaticwebsiteinanAWSSbucketgistgithubcomlmakarovlambdabasicauthjsAmazonCloudFrontとAWSLambdaEdgeでSPAのBasic認証をやってみるQiitacomCloudFrontとLambdaでBasic認証設定してみたBasic認証RFCTheBasicHTTPAuthenticationSchemeRFC日本語訳MDNWebDocsHTTP認証jawikipediaorgBasic認証SHACryptUnixcryptusingSHAandSHAgithubcommvoshacryptnodeshacryptimplementationfornode手順CloudFrontSを構築するLambda関数を作成するLambda関数にファイルをアップロードするファイル構成SHACryptライブラリhtpasswdindexjsLamdbdaEdgeを設定する動作確認手順CloudFrontSを構築する省略手順Lambda関数を作成するAWSコンソールにて、バージニア北部リージョンuseastでLambda関数を新規作成するランタイムはNodejsxとする実行ロールは、「AWSポリシーテンプレートから新しいロールを作成」から、ポリシーテンプレートに「基本的なLambdaEdgeのアクセス権限CloudFrontトリガーの場合」を選択して作成するか、それと同等のものを使用するタイムアウトをLambdaEdgeの最長である秒に設定する手順Lambda関数にファイルをアップロードするファイル構成ファイル構成は上の画像のようにファイルで構成されるhtpasswdindexjslibshajsshacryptjsSHACryptライブラリ「libshajs」と「shacryptjs」は、node用のshacrypt実装の中から、githubcommvoshacryptnodeを使用するhtpasswdhtpasswd形式において、現在安全なパスワードハッシュ方式はbcryptかSHAのどちらかのみであり、aprなどの他の方式は全て脆弱なので使用すべきではない今回はbcryptよりもSHAの方が計算量が少ないのでSHAで実装するSHA方式によるhtpasswd形式データの生成は、OpenSSLかLinuxのcryptを使用するのが手軽だ。 |
2021-08-13 16:13:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
データサイエンス100本ノック(構造化データ加工編)をやってみた part6(P-052~P-062) |
PPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartmapダミー変数に変換pdgetdummies標準化preprocessingscale正規化preprocessingminmaxscale常用対数化nplogmathlog自然対数化nplogmathlogPPレシート明細データフレームdfreceiptの売上金額amountを顧客IDcustomeridごとに合計の上、売上金額合計に対して円以下を、円超をに値化し、顧客ID、売上金額合計とともに件表示せよ。 |
2021-08-13 16:29:11 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SAM CLIでテンプレートを別名指定した時のmodule入りLambdaの注意点 |
2021-08-13 16:12:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
親コンポーネントから受け取ったDateオブジェクトが意図した値にならない |
親コンポーネントから受け取ったDateオブジェクトが意図した値にならない実現したいことReactでカレンダーを作っています。 |
2021-08-13 16:55:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
sklearnの初歩的質問 |
sklearnの初歩的質問前提・実現したいことPythonでsklearnを使い始めたばかりで理解の不足が原因だと思います。 |
2021-08-13 16:52:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AWSのCloud9をVS Codeで使う方法 |
cloud |
2021-08-13 16:36:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Slider Revolutionがサイトに表示されない |
SliderRevolutionがサイトに表示されないWordPressのバージョンを最新版に更新したら、サイトのトップページに掲載していたSlidernbspRevolutionのスライダー画像が表示しなくなりました。 |
2021-08-13 16:17:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
キーの押下のプログラムが動かない |
キーの押下のプログラムが動かないゲームを作りながら楽しく学べるPYTHONプログラミングという本内でのプログラミングコードです。 |
2021-08-13 16:15:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
xlsxからcsvの出力で、PermissionError対策用のコードが起動しない |
まず、下記のコードを実行した結果成功し、xlsxファイルがあるフォルダにcsvファイルが出力されました。 |
2021-08-13 16:07:43 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
vmware仮想マシン上のUbuntuでmultipassを動かす為に仮想 CPU パフォーマンス カウンタが必要だった話 |
はじめにvmwareの仮想マシンでUbuntuを動かしてmultipassから仮想マシンをネストして動かそうとしたときに「仮想CPUパフォーマンスカウンタ」が必要だった、というお話です。 |
2021-08-13 16:12:50 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFront+LambdaでBasic認証(htpasswd)を設定した |
CloudFrontLambdaでBasic認証htpasswdを設定した概要CloudFrtontSのような構成でBasic認証の実装方法は既にいくつものサイトで紹介されているが、パスワード情報を平文でLambda内に保存する方法が主流なので、htpasswd形式で保存する方法を試してみた参考サイトLeonidMakarovMediumcomServerlesspasswordprotectingastaticwebsiteinanAWSSbucketgistgithubcomlmakarovlambdabasicauthjsAmazonCloudFrontとAWSLambdaEdgeでSPAのBasic認証をやってみるQiitacomCloudFrontとLambdaでBasic認証設定してみたBasic認証RFCTheBasicHTTPAuthenticationSchemeRFC日本語訳MDNWebDocsHTTP認証jawikipediaorgBasic認証SHACryptUnixcryptusingSHAandSHAgithubcommvoshacryptnodeshacryptimplementationfornode手順CloudFrontSを構築するLambda関数を作成するLambda関数にファイルをアップロードするファイル構成SHACryptライブラリhtpasswdindexjsLamdbdaEdgeを設定する動作確認手順CloudFrontSを構築する省略手順Lambda関数を作成するAWSコンソールにて、バージニア北部リージョンuseastでLambda関数を新規作成するランタイムはNodejsxとする実行ロールは、「AWSポリシーテンプレートから新しいロールを作成」から、ポリシーテンプレートに「基本的なLambdaEdgeのアクセス権限CloudFrontトリガーの場合」を選択して作成するか、それと同等のものを使用するタイムアウトをLambdaEdgeの最長である秒に設定する手順Lambda関数にファイルをアップロードするファイル構成ファイル構成は上の画像のようにファイルで構成されるhtpasswdindexjslibshajsshacryptjsSHACryptライブラリ「libshajs」と「shacryptjs」は、node用のshacrypt実装の中から、githubcommvoshacryptnodeを使用するhtpasswdhtpasswd形式において、現在安全なパスワードハッシュ方式はbcryptかSHAのどちらかのみであり、aprなどの他の方式は全て脆弱なので使用すべきではない今回はbcryptよりもSHAの方が計算量が少ないのでSHAで実装するSHA方式によるhtpasswd形式データの生成は、OpenSSLかLinuxのcryptを使用するのが手軽だ。 |
2021-08-13 16:13:51 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「しくみがわかるKubernetes」をEKSで学ぶ |
コマンドを実行するとCloudFormationのスタックが登録され、クラスタに必要なリソースが生成される。 |
2021-08-13 16:36:42 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
#4 Rails × Vue.jsで動的なページをSPAさせる(リベンジ) |
つまりユーザーが投稿した画像一覧を表示させていきたかったんですが、如何せん画像のjson形式で受け渡す処理を書くのが難しくて、、、、。 |
2021-08-13 16:58:26 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
unicornの自動起動(ubuntu20.04でのsystemd) |
とはいえ自動起動できればどっちでも良いと思います最初initdでやったのがこちら↓unicornの自動起動ubuntuでのinitd環境Ubunturailsunicornnginx参考AmazonLinuxでunicornをsystemdを使って立ち上げるUnicorn手動起動完全マニュアルUnitファイルunicornserviceの作成etcsystemdsystemにunicornserviceを作ります。 |
2021-08-13 16:47:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web Designer Roadmap 2021 |
Web Designer Roadmap What is a Web Designer Are you both creative and technically inclined You may want to consider a career as a web designer Web designers build or redesign websites They understand what it takes to make a website functional and easy to use but also understand what is needed to make it aesthetically appealing to the user Web design is a rapidly growing industry as digital media has become part of everyone s lives and people rely on the web for their communications information shopping social life and more Read More Web Designer Roadmap |
2021-08-13 07:32:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Updates on clone in Angular - August 13 |
Updates on Dev to clone in Angular August Help me improve these updates by giving suggestions Github Repo Deployed on Firebase Last week we added basic details page This week I added user details and a reaction section in article details There is no API for adding reactions to actual dev to site so the reactions component is read only for now This week I have good news Chellappan did the listings page for us I am really happy this is a first opensource contribution in my project Thanks ChellapanHe implemented the masonry layout in this and next I ll write how he implemented the masonry layout Now back to my work this time added a global component store for user details in the article details component I also had a lot of problems with the layout of the page the layout was not working correctly whatever I set in the grid template columns but after putting a lot of time in it I realized its just that article details content is not working correctly either the image was bigger then the body or the code snippets were I was really tired of this to solved this problem my mind told so what is not styled the details content This made me realize that the problem should be there Then I checked and then there it was so for now I made images with width and its working fine for now This is where we are now Next week I ll style article details and on the comments section IssueThe article section is really getting on my nerves Making so many stores for articles is annoying Moving it to Nx I ve heard a lot about Nx this will be my first Nx project Commits doneBranchWIP added listing pages and masonary layoutwip listings cleanupcleanup review comment fixcleanup remove unused codeadded sidenav nav functionalityarticle details page with sidenavresolve splice bugsAs you can see a lot of content was added Now we will soon dive into improving it more using Nx and Tailwind once we finish the basic application |
2021-08-13 07:23:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Running migrations for an Aurora Serverless cluster |
Running migrations for an Aurora Serverless clusterDatabase migrations are typically run as part of the continuous deployment pipeline We run the database migrations after the application is successfully deployed This ensures that we don t migrate the database if the deployment failed Amazon Aurora Serverless enables you to run your database in the cloud without managing any database capacity It automatically starts up scales capacity up or down based on your application s needs However Aurora Serverless does not have a public endpoint There is no way to make the cluster public Hence running migrations for Aurora Serverless is challenging since we can t directly access it over the internet It can only be accessed byusing a VPN into your VPC running your migration script in a VPC launching an EC instance and installing the DB client to work with the database oruse the Aurora Web Data APIThe above options involve a lot of additional work for a seemingly solved problem or incur additional cost For example provisioning an EC instance just to run database migrations for your “serverless app seems like an anti pattern and an unnecessary expense AWS Lambdas through some trickery however can access the Serverless cluster Why not delegate the execution of the migrations to a Lambda This is a cost effective approach since you ll only pay for computing when it s invoked in the true Serverless spirit In this tutorial we ll set up and run database migrations for a ToDo application against a PostgreSQL Aurora Serverless Cluster This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the following tools or frameworks serverless sequelize webpack Starter ProjectPlease clone the starter project present “here This project contains the setup to create a PostgreSQL Aurora serverless cluster using the serverless framework In this tutorial we will add support to run database migrations on successful deployments Getting startedThis tutorial is broken down into the following partsCreating migration resourcesWriting utility functions to run migrationsCreating a migration fileWriting a lambda for database migrationsRegistering the Lambda using serverlessWriting and registering a post deployment scriptUpdating the webpack config Creating migration resourcesMigrations require versioning I prefer a database first migration approach This involves creating a version folder and adding all the sql file related to the migration in that folder Step Create the folder for the first migrationmkdir p migrations resources v Step Create a trigger to update the value of the updated at column whenever an entry in the database is updated Create a new file updated at trigger sqltouch migrations resources v updated at trigger sqlCopy the snippet below into the newly created fileCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger set timestamp RETURNS TRIGGER AS BEGIN NEW updated at NOW RETURN NEW END LANGUAGE plpgsql Step Create a users table to store the users Create a new file create users sqltouch migrations resources v create users sqlCopy the snippet below into the newly created fileCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY name TEXT NOT NULL user ref TEXT NOT NULL created at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP updated at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP deleted at timestamp NULL CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users idx user ref ON users user ref CREATE TRIGGER set timestampBEFORE UPDATE ON usersFOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger set timestamp Step Create a lists table to store the lists Create a new file create lists sqltouch migrations resources v create lists sqlCopy the snippet below into the newly created fileCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lists id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY name TEXT NOT NULL user id INT NOT NULL created at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP updated at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP deleted at timestamp NULL CONSTRAINT lists fk user id FOREIGN KEY user id REFERENCES users id CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS list idx name ON lists name CREATE TRIGGER set timestampBEFORE UPDATE ON listsFOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger set timestamp Step Create a notes table to store the todos Create a new file create notes sqltouch migrations resources v create notes sqlCopy the snippet below into the newly created fileCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notes id SERIAL note TEXT NOT NULL deadline timestamp WITH time zone NOT NULL list id INT NOT NULL done SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT created at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP updated at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP deleted at timestamp NULL CONSTRAINT notes fk list id FOREIGN KEY list id REFERENCES lists id ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notes idx list id ON notes list id CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notes idx note ON notes note CREATE TRIGGER set timestampBEFORE UPDATE ON notesFOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger set timestamp Commit all the code you ve written so far git add git commit m add migrations resources Writing utility functions to run migrationsWe will use the sequelize framework to handle migrations but it doesn t come with out of the box support for database first migrations In order to support this we will write a few utility functions Create a new folder for migrations utils using the code belowmkdir p migrations utilsCreate a new filetouch migrations utils index jsCopy the snippet below into the newly created fileconst fs require fs const shell require shelljs function getVersion currentFileName let version shell ls migrations forEach item index gt if item currentFileName version index return version async function migrate currentFileName queryInterface const migrationResourceDir migrations resources v const version getVersion currentFileName split currentFileName split length const directories shell ls migrationResourceDir version for let index index lt directories length index const fileName directories index console log migrating fileName await queryInterface sequelize query fs readFileSync migrationResourceDir version fileName utf catch e gt console log e const error e original sqlMessage if error startsWith Table amp amp error endsWith already exists If the database is already built add this migration to sequelizeMeta table return throw e module exports migrate getVersion Based on the position of the current filename in the migrations folder we will get the version number that we need to target After getting the version number we will execute all the sql files present in the migration resources v versionNumber directory Again commit all the code you wrote using the following git commandsgit add git commit m add migrations utils Creating a migration fileSequelize stores the name of the migration file in the SequelizeMeta table to remember which migrations it ran So don t rename the files once you ve run the migrations Run the following command to create a new migration filenpx sequelize migration generate name init dbThe numbers represent the current date This makes sure that the migrations are run in order of creation Hence the file name will be different for the one that you generate Copy the snippet below into the newly created file in the migrations foldermodule exports up queryInterface gt const migrate require utils index return migrate filename queryInterface down gt Promise reject new Error error Commit your code using the following git commandsgit add git commit m add migrations to initalise db Writing a lambda to handle database migrationsIf the aurora serverless cluster is inaccessible via the internet then how can the Lambda access it Deploy the AWS Lambda in the same VPC as your database L L Create a Nat Gateway in a public subnet L L Create an Internet Gateway and a route pointing to it L LFor details on its working please take a look at this article Let s start writing our Lambda function We should create a folder for each of our lambdas I like to categorize functions by the operation they perform Step Create the following folder structure mkdir p functions database migrations Step Create a new project in that directorycd functions database migrationsyarn init yA package json file will be created Step Create the index js filetouch index jsCopy the snippet below in the newly created fileimport source map support register DatabaseMigrations import shell from shelljs exports handler async event context callback gt console log JSON stringify event shell exec node modules sequelize cli lib sequelize db migrate config config config js Register the source map makes it easier to debug the application in production The shelljs library allows us to run shell commands from nodejs You can read more about it here Invokes the sequelize cli to run the database migrations git add git commit m add database migrations lambda Registering Lambdas with the serverless frameworkYou need to register the AWS Lambdas with the serverless framework Step Create a folder for lambdas in the resources folder mkdir p resources lambdas Step Create a functions ymltouch resources lambdas functions yml Step Copy the following snippet in the newly created filedatabaseMigrations handler functions database migrations index handler role LambdaServiceRole Name of the Lambda Path to the handler IAM Role of the Lambda Step You need to register the functions in the serverless yml Paste the following snippet above the custom section in the serverless ymlfunctions file resources lambdas functions yml Commit your code using the following git commandsgit add git commit m register the Lambdas in the serverless yml Writing and registering a post deployment scriptThe database migrations need to be run after a successful deployment Step Create the post deployment js filetouch scripts post deployment js Step Copy the following code into the newly created filefunction migrate serverless return npx sls invoke function databaseMigrations stage serverless variables options stage module exports migrate On successful deployment we will invoke the databaseMigrations Lambda function Step We need to tell the serverless framework to run the post deployment js file after a successful deployment Paste the following code snippet in the scripts sectioncustom scripts hooks aws deploy finalize cleanup file scripts post deployment js Commit your code using the following git commandsgit add git commit m Add the post deployment script Updating the webpack configTo be able to run the migrations from the Lambda should have the following dependencies forcefully included sequelize cli sequelize pgCopy paste the snippet below in the serverless yml custom webpack section to facilitate thiswebpack includeModules forceInclude sequelize cli sequelize pg excludeFiles test jsCommit your code using the following git commandsgit add git commit m Update webpack config Viola you re done The starter project already includes a Continuous Deployment workflow You will need to add the Github secrets and push to the master branch Now sit back and watch the magic unfurl Where to go from hereA managed relational database service that scales up and down on demand allows you to focus solely on writing the business logic for your application Using Aurora Serverless is a move in the right direction To see how you can resolve mutations directly off of the database in your AWS AppSync application that uses Aurora Serverless as a data source please take a look at this repository➤I hope you enjoyed reading this tutorial on running migrations for an aurora serverless cluster If you have any questions or comments please join the forum discussion below This blog was originally posted on To know more about what it s like to work with Wednesday follow us onInstagram Twitter LinkedIn |
2021-08-13 07:22:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Disney says it found ways to compensate talent in the wake of 'Black Widow' lawsuit |
Disney says it found ways to compensate talent in the wake of x Black Widow x lawsuitDisney has apparently found quot ways to fairly compensate quot talent even if it continues its hybrid release strategy Company CEO Bob Chapek said during an earnings call that Disney has quot entered hundreds of talent arrangements with its talent and by and large they ve gone very very smoothly quot Chapek s statement comes in the wake of the lawsuit Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson filed against the company over its streaming strategy nbsp Johansson s salary was tied to the movie s box office success and her original contract didn t cover earnings from a hybrid release According to her complaint she could lose over million due to the company s decision to simultaneously launch Black Widow in theaters and on Disney where it made million during its opening weekend Back then Disney released a statement calling the lawsuit quot especially sad and distressing in its callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the Covid pandemic quot nbsp Now Chapek said Disney is quot trying to do the best thing for all its constituents and make sure that everybody who s in the value chain feels like they re having their contractual commitments honored both from a distribution and a compensation standpoint quot He didn t talk about specifics however or Johansson s lawsuit in particular In Johansson s complaint she said her camp tried to renegotiate her deal with the company upon learning about the simultaneous release However Disney and Marvel were allegedly unresponsive Chapek also talked about implementing an experimental release strategy for Shang Chi Unlike Black Widow it will be a theater exclusive for days before making its way to Disney Further subscribers may be able to watch it for free instead of having to pay extra for it like they ve had to do with Mulan nbsp |
2021-08-13 07:05:54 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
「日本円金利指標に関する検討委員会」第23回会合を書面開催 |
検討委員会 |
2021-08-13 16:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Taliban capture Afghanistan’s Kandahar as Western embassies evacuate staffers |
Taliban capture Afghanistan s Kandahar as Western embassies evacuate staffersThe U S and U K said on Thursday they would send thousands of troops to Afghanistan to help evacuate civilians as troops prepare to aid evacuations |
2021-08-13 16:06:40 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
South Koreans told to cut holiday travel and work remotely amid rising COVID-19 wave |
South Koreans told to cut holiday travel and work remotely amid rising COVID waveThe spread of the virus has accelerated as the highly transmissible delta variant has become the dominant strain in the country |
2021-08-13 16:01:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Plymouth shooting: Jake Davison named as gunman who killed five |
plymouth |
2021-08-13 07:50:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Marble Arch Mound: Deputy leader resigns amid spiralling costs |
costs |
2021-08-13 07:02:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
James Markham killing: Boy, 14, charged with murder |
james |
2021-08-13 07:41:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan heading for civil war - UK minister |
afghanistan |
2021-08-13 07:48:17 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
ネクシィーズグループの21年9月期は10億円の最終赤字へ - 不景気.com |
最終赤字 |
2021-08-13 07:16:01 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Cloud Build プライベート プールのご紹介: プライベート ネットワーク向けの安全な CI / CD |
新しいプライベートプール機能がフルマネージドの安全なCICDと、ネットワークピアリングを使用してお客様のプライベートネットワークに接続するDevOpsワークフローの自動化を活用して、CloudBuildをさらに強化します。 |
2021-08-13 08:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
地域活性化の政策アイデア募集 中高生や大学生も |
地域活性化 |
2021-08-13 16:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米空爆で「ISがイラクに侵入」 親イラン組織幹部が批判 |
民兵組織 |
2021-08-13 16:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
フライ級は吉良大弥が優勝 全国高校総体第20日 |
体育大会 |
2021-08-13 16:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内454人感染 2日連続400人超 札幌248人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-13 16:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
パナソニック、ブラジルのテレビ生産終了 採算悪化で集約、世界3拠点に |
集約 |
2021-08-13 16:03:49 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
在京民放の全5社、大幅増益 4~6月、テレビ広告回復 |
流行 |
2021-08-13 16:04:03 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証続落、37円安2万7977円 コロナ拡大懸念で売り優勢 |
売り優勢 |
2021-08-13 16:01:41 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
1.4㎏相当の大皿明太子クリームパスタが登場!デリバリーパスタ専門店「和太利庵」 |
生パスタ |
2021-08-13 16:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ファミマの中華まん、生地・具材を刷新して8月17日発売 |
中華まん |
2021-08-13 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「esports team αD」とLEVEL∞のコラボPC登場、LED搭載モデルも用意 |
esportsteam |
2021-08-13 16:30:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Cloud Build プライベート プールのご紹介: プライベート ネットワーク向けの安全な CI / CD |
新しいプライベートプール機能がフルマネージドの安全なCICDと、ネットワークピアリングを使用してお客様のプライベートネットワークに接続するDevOpsワークフローの自動化を活用して、CloudBuildをさらに強化します。 |
2021-08-13 08:00:00 |