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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LeetCode "45. Jump Game II"に、Dijkstra's algorithmで挑んだ話 https://qiita.com/Takeshi_Sue/items/0d743b065e215c6aec4f ただし、複数の地点が最小だった場合、最も配列の終わりに近い地点を選ぶで確定した地点から直接つながっていて、かつ未確定な地点に対し、かかる時間を計算し、画期込まれている数より小さければ更新する一番最後のインデックスが確定していれば終了、そうでなければに戻るコードimportcopyclassSolutiondefjumpselfnumsListintgtintlennumsは何度も使いそうなので、予めもらっちゃう。 2021-08-15 01:58:12
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita わざわざ気象庁のオープンデータをスクレイピングしてみた https://qiita.com/kazu-gor/items/ab2748ae4536763205de わざわざ気象庁のオープンデータをスクレイピングしてみたはじめにくだらない話を見たい方はクリック気象庁のホームページにはみなさんご存知気象データをダウンロードするページがあります地点から気温・降水量など様々な項目から選択してデータをcsv形式でダウンロードすることができるためとても便利なのですがそんなの甘えだと思いませんか思いません冗談はさておきダウンロードできることをド忘れしていた私はわざわざこのページをスクレイピングしてデータを取得しましたPythonだから簡単にかけるとは言え時間を浪費してしまいましたなのでその時間が無駄ではなかったと自分の中でオチをつけるためにプログラムの内容をここで紹介することにします本編環境MacOSBigSurPythonJupyternotebookスクレイピングしたサイトURLblocknoampyearampmonthampdayampview↓↓サイト内のデータはこんな見た目です↓↓ソースコード今回は数値データのみ欲しかったので「年」の項目は無視していますimportrequestsfrombsimportBeautifulSoupimportreurlblocknoampyearampmonthampdayampviewwithopendatakishoutxtmodewencodingutfasfresponserequestsgeturlresponseencodingresponseapparentencodingbsBeautifulSoupresponsetexthtmlparserpatternlttdclassdatagtlttdgtresultsrefindallpatternresponsetextreSforresultinresultsfwriteresultnとまぁソースコードだけ見てもサイトのHTMLを知らないんだからあまりわからないよということで実際にURL先に飛んで私が普段使っているChromeだと右クリックしてページのソースを表示をクリックすればそのページのHTMLを見ることができる←押せばでてくるはずので表示されたHTMLの一部を下記に貼り付けますlttrclassmtxstyletextalignrightgtlttdstylewhitespacenowrapgtltdivclassaprintgtltahrefviewmonthlysphpprecnoampblocknoampyearampmonthampdayampviewgtltagtltdivgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttdclassdatagtlttdgtlttrgtうーん行がとても長いちなみにこの行が示す情報量は先程の画像のこの赤枠部分のみですなんだか嫌になりそうですが欲しい数値の部分をよく見ると以外と単純な構造となっていますlttdclassdatagtlttdgtこれは年月の日平均気温の月平均値を示しています月だけでなく月月とすべて同じメソッドクラス名を使用していることがわかりますこういった親切なクラスの定義付けがあればスクレイピングはとても楽に行えます「よし材料も揃ったことだしURLにGETリクエストを送ってBeautifulSoupでちゃちゃっと要素抜き出しちゃおう」と思ったのですがつこのHTMLには落とし穴がありましたそれがこの部分私が赤線を引いたわけじゃあありません公式サイトの補足説明によると赤線は、観測場所を移転した場合、観測装置を変更した場合または観測の時間間隔を変更した場合に、その前後のデータが均質でないことを示します。 2021-08-15 01:02:28
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonを使って自由度調整済み決定係数の大きい説明変数の組み合わせを探索する②(増加法・減少法) https://qiita.com/bianca26neve/items/9dca3003a750d9cd1075 最初にも書いたが、戻り値が自由度調整済み決定係数の最大である保証はない自由度調整済み決定係数がどのくらい特徴量増加の影響を抑えられているのかが知識不足でわからない一番目について、検証データでは補って余りある実行時間の差があった。 2021-08-15 01:04:56
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptで個人的によく使う操作 https://qiita.com/dainabeblog/items/6273403c42cf20be5e00 JavaScriptで個人的によく使う操作URLを操作URL各要素取得leturlnewURLlocationlethreflocationhreflethostlocationhostnameletportlocationportletpathlocationpathnameletquerylocationsearchletprotocollocationprotocolブラウザー履歴エントリにstatetitleurlをセット画面に更新をかけたくはない。 2021-08-15 01:35:58
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita nuxtjsにfabricjsを導入するときの手順 https://qiita.com/greenteabiscuit/items/52bc842b686362314123 nuxtjsにfabricjsを導入するときの手順nuxtjsにfabricjsを導入するときの情報が少なかったのでそのメモです。 2021-08-15 01:35:41
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「web会議が終わり次第 お礼メール自動作成」業務をスリムに ! https://qiita.com/okinakamasayoshi/items/90c9b2d9b2a9d7568117 web会議が終わり次第自動でお礼メールが作れたらなぁ「会議終わり次第お礼メール自動作成」作ってみたPowerAutomateDesktopで作成今回はTeamsでのweb会議に限定ltフローgt①Teamsの「web会議ウィンドウが閉じた」を検知②Outlook起動同時に新規メール作成③あらかじめ作成しておいたお礼本文と件名が自動入力最後に宛先入力や本文の微調整を実施して送信完了技術面で工夫したところ会議中・・・Teamsウィンドウ個終了・・・ウィンドウ個と考え「ウィンドウ個の状態が消えたらOutlook起動」のアクションを当初組んだが、まれに会議中にウィンドウが個になる場合があり、Outlookが起動してしまう。 2021-08-15 01:18:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) visual studioでstrtokをstrtok_sに変換する方法について https://teratail.com/questions/354350?rss=all 2021-08-15 01:58:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Gitの改行コードLFについて https://teratail.com/questions/354349?rss=all coreautocrlffalse 2021-08-15 01:51:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) トップに戻るボタンができません https://teratail.com/questions/354348?rss=all トップに戻るボタンができません前提・実現したいことRubynbsponnbspRailsでwebアプリを作っています。 2021-08-15 01:50:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) excelの詳細設定をコマンド(ps,pythonなど)で設定する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/354347?rss=all excelの詳細設定をコマンドpspythonなどで設定する方法背景pythonでエクセル開くopenpyxl開いたエクセルに画像を貼り付けるこれでエクセルのファイルを作りたい。 2021-08-15 01:49:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 複数銘柄の時系列データをpandas1.0以降で、3次元的に扱うための方法について https://teratail.com/questions/354346?rss=all 複数銘柄の時系列データをpandas以降で、次元的に扱うための方法について前提・実現したいこと以下の図のように、日本株の全銘柄についての時系列データを各銘柄名のcsvファイルから読み取り、特定の指標点チャージやRerativeStrengthなどに合致しているかを分析するプログラムを作ろうとしています。 2021-08-15 01:48:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) リストの各要素一つずつに同じ文字列を繋げたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/354345?rss=all listあいうaABCこちらを得たい実行結果あABCいABCうABCにさせるためにこちらを参照してlistあいうaABClistmaplambdassalistprintlistこういったコードにしましたがTypeErrorが出ます。 2021-08-15 01:37:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 2Captchaのdata-sitekeyを見つけたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/354344?rss=all Captchaのdatasitekeyを見つけたい。 2021-08-15 01:29:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) blenderでVRoidを改造したものをFBX形式でエクスポートしようとしたのですがエラーが出てしまいエクスポート出来ません https://teratail.com/questions/354343?rss=all 2021-08-15 01:26:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 外部のSSL証明書をapacheで使用したいがどういう設定を行えばよいでしょうか? https://teratail.com/questions/354342?rss=all 外部のSSL証明書をapacheで使用したいがどういう設定を行えばよいでしょうか起きている事象・問題httpscomphpinfophpでアクセスしたときは普通にHTTPSで表示できます。 2021-08-15 01:23:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 一枚目の目標画像を作る https://teratail.com/questions/354341?rss=all ebedepngfefecfebbadfedpng 2021-08-15 01:10:42
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]redirect_toとrenderの違いについて https://qiita.com/mkato1013/items/c743d141b410f4b932d1 メッセージ送信に失敗しているので、イジワルな言い方をするともっかいやり直しビューへという感じですね終わりにインプットの段階では、でしたが、簡単なアプリケーションで試してみると理解は深まると思い、コードを記述してみました。 2021-08-15 01:34:48
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita m1 macでmysqlのDockerを立てる https://qiita.com/greenteabiscuit/items/2aa8b7e1ec9bfd68a11d mmacでmysqlのDockerを立てるもともとのmysqlのイメージを使っていると動かず、linuxamdのプラットフォームを利用する必要がある。 2021-08-15 01:43:20
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]redirect_toとrenderの違いについて https://qiita.com/mkato1013/items/c743d141b410f4b932d1 メッセージ送信に失敗しているので、イジワルな言い方をするともっかいやり直しビューへという感じですね終わりにインプットの段階では、でしたが、簡単なアプリケーションで試してみると理解は深まると思い、コードを記述してみました。 2021-08-15 01:34:48
海外TECH DEV Community Day 1: 100 days of code https://dev.to/gauravshekhawat/day-1-100-days-of-code-4jao Day days of code How to center an div element vertically or horizontally There are many ways to center an div element few of them are Method Using margin auto For horizontal centering In this method if the width of our element is less than we can just set its margin value to auto and this will automatically center the element horizontally Method Using css flexbox both horizontal and vertical centering Method Using css grids both horizontal and vertical centering The below example is for horizontal centering similarly we can center the element vertically orThe other method for both horizontal and vertical centering at the same time is using place items center which is a shorthand for align items and justify items in order center inside of me display grid place items center Method Using transform translate property both horizontal and vertical centering See the below codepen by Gabriel Laroche for the example Although using this method is not recommended and must be used only when the other methods are not working Method using inset and margin autoThis is almost similar to the previous method The inset property is defined in the notes section below Method abusing margin and paddingFirst we can remove the height from our parent element so that it will become the same height as the child Now we horizontally center the child it using margin auto then we increase the top and the bottom padding so that the element seems centered Difference between position relative and position absoluteSummary The relative property defines the behaviour with respect to the element s current position The element is not removed from the normal flow of the document In absolute positioning the element is removed from the normal flow of the webpage and is positioned with reference to its first ancestor having position absolute relative very imp like if you want to center an div inside a div then first you have to set the display property of div to be relative then the display property of div to be absolute and then this will work otherwise with respect to the viewport See this article of medium to understand the concept in full detail Also see this standford slidecss tricks article Css position sticky propertyThis property is mostly used to make a sticky navigation bar at the top of your website Best guide medium article See this css tricks article MDN complete guide to position Summary Sticky positioning is a hybrid of relative and fixed positioning The element is treated as relative positioned until it crosses a specified threshold at which point it is treated as fixed positioned The threshold must be defined in the form of top bottom right left All background properties Background imagecss tricks article on background imageShort Summary body background url sweettexture jpg background linear gradient black white background radial gradient circle black white Setting a Fallback color If the background image is not supported then the fallback color will be loaded instead body background url sweettexture jpg blue Multiple Background Images The image that you want on the top should be listed first These may be used to put logo on top of a background after changing some of the properties as given in the second code block body background url logo png url background pattern png body background url logo png bottom center no repeat url background pattern png repeat The codepens of each of these are Background Gradientscss trick s guide Please make sure that you go through the above guide it is wonderfully made I left the tricks section for later Also cannot understand anything below the pie chart example Points that I noticed The default value of the angle in the linear gradient angle color color is not deg but it is deg Play with the below codepen to understand more Background positionThe first value is the horizontal position while the next value is the vertical position The lengths and pertencages are measured from the top left The percentages have special meaning moving a background image by X means it will align the X point in the image to the X point in the container For example means it will align the middle of the image with the middle of the container means it will align the last pixel of the image with the last pixel of the container and so on When four three this just means that the remaining one value is are given then they are interpreted as three values background position right px bottom This positions the background image px from the right and px from the bottom of the container four values background position right px bottom px This puts the background image px from the right and px from the bottom of the container Multiline underline text gradient animationKevinPowell video link Background sizecss tricks articleThe various ways are Keywords cover full covering the entire container even if it has to cut some parts of the image or expand the image contain respects the aspect ratio of the image and shows the whole image even if it has to leave some empty space One Value Example px this will be considered as width and the height will be set to auto Two values First is the width second is the height Multiple Images We can specify their sizes individually Example html background url greatimage jpg url wonderfulimage jpg background size px px cover first image is x second image covers the whole area This will follow the background stacking order Background repeatcss tricks article Few Notes In the padding property the values are written in the clockwise order starting from top padding px px px px top padding is px right padding is px bottom padding is px left padding is pxIf position sticky the top property behaves like its position is relative when the element is inside the viewport and like its position is fixed when it is outside CSS element element Selector Example div p background color yellow Select and style the first element that are placed immediately after elements This was used in the above medium article for sticky position so the space between two rows can be px while the most upper and the most bottom space be px The property top bottom right left are measured with reference to its nearest positioned ancestor just parent Adding some shadow to a div element makes it look much much better You will also learn some bad way to center an element inside its container Also we can put variables inside a CSS file The inset CSS property is a shorthand that corresponds to the top right bottom and or left properties It has the same multi value syntax of the margin shorthand Points that I still need to work uponBackground gradient things left from the article Background repeat round and space some 2021-08-14 16:07:57
海外TECH DEV Community ✅ Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions (Part 2) | Facebook Jedi Interview Round 🔥 https://dev.to/theinterviewsage/top-facebook-behavioral-interview-questions-part-2-facebook-jedi-interview-round-3ghg Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions Part Facebook Jedi Interview Round This article is the second part of the series on Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions In the first part we discussed the following Introduction to Facebook Behavioral Interview Jedi Round Tell me about a time you disagreed with someoneTell me about a time you showed leadershipTell me about a time you failed or made a mistakeTell me about the project that you are most proud ofTell me about a time you had to manage conflicting prioritiesTell me about yourself Why do you want to leave your current role Do you have any questions for me Now let us review the next top behavioral questions which are usually asked at Facebook Question Tell Me About A Time You Had To Handle PressureVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Never Worked Under Pressure Handling work pressure and stressful situations is a crucial part of everyone s career journey Interviewers often ask candidates to tell about a time they had to handle pressure at their workplace Evaluation Criteria Everyone faces stressful situations and comes under pressure once in a while at their jobs Through this question the interviewer s goal is to assess whether you can perform in challenging situations or unstructured environments and distinguish between the urgent and the important They are trying to understand if you can stay calm exercise judgment and act responsibly in such unexpected high pressure scenarios They are also evaluating your Communication Time management Problem solving andDecision making skills Employers want to know if you can Handle competing priorities Shift gears when needed andUnderstand the implications of missing deadlines They are looking to see if your coworkers can rely on you to get the work done Question Tell Me About A Time You Worked With A Difficult PersonVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Never worked with a difficult person Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person is one of the most frequent questions asked in behavioral interviews Interviewers sometimes phrase this question as Tell me about a time you worked with someone challenging Evaluation Criteria Once in a while in every workplace you will face a situation where you have to work with a colleague who has a difficult personality By asking this question the interviewer s goal is to assess how you work in difficult situations or unstructured environments They are trying to judge your Maturity level Communication skills andWillingness to speak up irrespective of your coworkers seniority They are also evaluating whether you are empathetic and respectful towards your colleagues while understanding your coworker s motivations and viewpoints behind the conflict A crucial element to this question is that the interviewer is looking for a positive resolution of the conflict that benefits the company and not just an individual They are trying to see if you are flexible to compromise and open to learning from challenging experiences Question Tell Me About A Time When The Project Was AmbiguousVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Never Worked On Ambiguous Projects Tell me about a time when the project was ambiguous is one of the tough questions asked in the behavioral interview Evaluation Criteria In everyone s career journey they face a challenging situation where they need to work on a task that is ambiguous uncertain and does not have a clear path forward By this question the interviewer s goal is not to trick you but to assess how well you can adapt and perform in challenging situations and unstructured environments They are trying to understand your ability to be Proactive Stay calm Exercise judgment andAct responsibly in such unexpected scenarios They are assessing your perseverance to explore the ambiguity and learn new things despite the challenges They are also evaluating your Communication Time management Problem solving andDecision making skills Employers want to know if you can handle competing priorities shift gears when needed and understand the implications of missing deadlines They are looking to see if your coworkers can rely on you to get the work done Question Tell Me About A Time You Worked On Something Outside Your OKRVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Don t Have Any Work Experience Tell me about a time when you worked on something outside your OKR is a popular open ended question asked in behavioral interviews OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results which is a goal setting framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes Interviewers also tend to ask this famous question in the following ways Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond Tell me about a time when you exceeded your coworkers or manager s expectations Describe a time you went beyond the expectations of a customer Have you ever exceeded expectations in one of your previous jobs Have you ever worked on a side project at your workplace Evaluation Criteria To grow in Software Engineering careers employers expect developers to exceed expectations for promotions to the next level By this question the interviewer is trying to assess your Work ethic Personality andMotivation to take on new challenges with a positive attitude They are trying to understand your ability to be proactive and your perseverance to learn new things continuously Employers want to know if you are independent in your thought process and have the willingness to do more than what is expected from you They are also evaluating your Communication Time management Problem solving andDecision making skills Question Tell Me About A Time You Had To Learn Something QuicklyVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Don t Have Any Work Experience Another popular behavioral interview question is Tell me about a time you had to learn something quickly Evaluation Criteria In everyone s career journey they face a situation when they have to learn something quickly to succeed at their job By this question the interviewer s goal is not to trick you but to assess how well you can adapt and perform in challenging situations and unstructured environments They are trying to understand your enthusiasm to Learn new things Exercise judgment under pressure andShift gears when needed They are also evaluating your Communication skills Ability to self identify the gaps in your skills andThe willingness to improve yourself continuously They are looking to see if you understand the implications of missing deadlines and can your coworkers rely on you to get the work done Question Tell Me About A Time You Received Constructive FeedbackVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Don t Have Any Work Experience Tell me about a time you received constructive feedback is one of the most challenging questions asked in the behavioral interview Interviewers sometimes also ask this question as What is your greatest weakness Evaluation Criteria Everyone makes mistakes in their careers and has received constructive feedback from their managers or peers By this question the interviewer s goal is not to trick you but to assess how you react when you receive feedback from others They want to get a handle on how well you can adapt and perform in challenging situations and unstructured environments They are trying to judge your ability to stay calm and composed with the right attitude when receiving criticism of any type whether constructive or negative Employers want to understand your enthusiasm to Learn new things Exercise judgment under pressure andShift gears when needed They are also evaluating your Communication skills Ability to identify the gaps in your skills andThe willingness to improve yourself continuously Question Tell Me About A Time A Project Took Longer Than ExpectedVideo Explanation with Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks Sample Answer Example and a Special Case of Don t Have Any Work Experience Software Engineering projects usually take longer time than planned As a result interviewers often ask the candidates to tell about a time when their project took longer than expected Evaluation Criteria Everyone in their career journey has worked on a project which has taken more time than initially planned By asking this question the interviewer s goal is to assess whether you can adapt and perform in challenging situations or unstructured environments They want to get a handle on how well you can Manage competing priorities Understand the implications of missing deadlines andShift gears when needed They are trying to see if you can distinguish between the urgent and the important Employers want to know your ability to stay calm exercise judgment and act responsibly in such unexpected high pressure situations They are assessing your perseverance to explore the ambiguity and learn new things despite the challenges Interviewers are also evaluating your Communication Time management Problem solving andDecision making skills They are looking to see if your coworkers can rely on you to get the work done Preparation MaterialLearn more about the Evaluation Criteria Response Framework Tips amp Tricks and Sample Answers Examples to effectively prepare and answer the top questions asked in the Behavioral Interviews at Facebook Certain special cases are also discussed which are usually faced by the candidates during these interviews ️Detailed Notes on Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions Part ️Detailed Notes on Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions Part Cracking the Facebook Behavioral InterviewIf you have not read our first article on Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions we recommend reading it by clicking the below link Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions Part Facebook Jedi Interview Round The Interview Sage・May ・ min read beginners tutorial programming career Cracking the Facebook System Design InterviewIn case if you have not read our series on Cracking the Facebook System Design Interview we recommend reading it by clicking the below link Top Facebook System Design Interview Questions Part Facebook Pirate Interview Round The Interview Sage・Jan ・ min read beginners tutorial programming career Useful LinksEducative io Unlimited Plan off for first users TryExponent com Membership Limited Time offer Follow for Daily Coding ProblemJoin our membership for exclusive benefits‍Best System Design Interview CourseComplete SWE Interview Course Limited Time offer ‍ ️Behavioral Interview Guide Special Discount Recommended Interview Preparation Book on Amazon ️Buy us a Coffee at BuyMeACoffee com InterviewSageTo stay updated about new posts Subscribe amp Follow Us This article is part of the series on Behavioral Interviews at Facebook So follow us to get notified when our next article in this series is published Thanks for reading ltag user id follow action button background color bdf important color ffafa important border color bdf important The Interview SageFollow Our goal is to create Software Eng Interview tutorials to help you get a job at companies like Facebook Google Apple amp Amazon We will deep dive into System Design Coding amp Behavioral interviews Some images used are from freepik com Freepik pch vector vectorjuice pikisuperstar rawpixel com slidesgo stories Upklyak jcomp macrovector official syarifahbrit redgreystockFull Disclosure amp Disclaimer 2021-08-14 16:03:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple promises macOS scanner fix in a future update https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/14/apple-promises-macos-scanner-fix-in-a-future-update?utm_medium=rss Apple promises macOS scanner fix in a future updateApple will be fixing an issue in macOS preventing some scanners from working a bug fix that will be arriving in a future operating system update Some Mac users have encountered problems when trying to scan with warnings advising they do not have permission to open the application on their device Apple has given the heads up that a solution is on the way In a support document published on Friday and found by MacRumors Apple acknowledges that the error sometimes appears on trying to use a connected scanner within Image Capture Preview or the Printers Scanners preferences Read more 2021-08-14 16:02:41
海外TECH Engadget Matter smart home networking standard delayed to 2022 https://www.engadget.com/matter-smart-home-standard-delayed-164447784.html?src=rss Matter smart home networking standard delayed to You ll have to wait a while longer for the Matter standard to usher in a hopefully more harmonious smart home The Connectivity Standards Alliance has delayed Matter s rollout from late to the first half of Members need more time to ensure the development kit and other tools can match the quot expectations of the market quot according to the CSA A rough version of the Matter specification should be ready by the end of but the kit first device certifications and a formal certification program will take a while longer The longer timelines for those elements should not only boost quality but ensure they re quot deployable at scale quot the CSA added The delay might be important Matter is designed to not only ensure more consistent and reliable smart home networking but to speed up development through open source tools Amazon Apple Google and many smart home device makers such as Nanoleaf and Signify are already committed to Matter If the standard is going to see widespread adoption it needs to work well from the start ーthe extra time could help achieve that goal 2021-08-14 16:44:47
海外TECH Engadget ICYMI: We listened to Samsung’s $150 Galaxy Buds 2 https://www.engadget.com/icymi-we-listened-to-samsungs-150-galaxy-buds-2-160043512.html?src=rss ICYMI We listened to Samsung s Galaxy Buds After a brief hiatus ICYMI is back to give you a helpful summary of all the gadgets and gizmos we ve put to the test recently This week Billy Steele lent his ears to Samsung s new entry level Galaxy Buds to check out their new design and features A little while ago Terrence O Brien created beautiful music on the Novation Circuit Rhythm sampler and struggled with the controls on the SkulptSynth SE Devindra Hardawar also experienced immersive VR courtesy of two professional headsets from HTC Lastly Daniel Cooper checked out Framework s repairable laptop to see just how easy it is to customize and fix Samsung s Galaxy Buds offer premium features at an affordable priceBilly Steele EngadgetAffordable wireless earbuds often come with compromises but Billy Steele feels that Samsung has found a winning combination with the Galaxy Buds Redesigned to include wireless charging and ambient sound at an entry level price of the Galaxy Buds are percent smaller and percent lighter than the Galaxy Buds which makes them comfortable to wear Billy says that the sound quality though improved doesn t have quite the same clarity and depth but the dynamic range is comparable Low end tones lack punch and tracks that should sound big and bombastic are a bit flat and subdued That being said he was still impressed by the inclusion of active noise cancellation which Samsung says can reduce percent of background noise Billy could still hear a bit of his box fans and white noise machine during testing but the feature was definitely better than relying solely on passive isolation He felt that Samsung delivered on the call quality improvements as well via a combination of machine learning three microphones per bud and a voice pickup unit to maximize clarity He managed to get around seven hours of battery life from “regular use which included some ANC but was disappointed that the Buds only have an IPX rating which could produce issues during sweaty workout HTC s Vive Pro produces an incredible virtual reality experience ーbut it comes at a steep priceDevindra Hardawar EngadgetDevindra Hardawar liked HTC s Vive Pro VR headset so much he called it “an enthusiast s dream However he s quick to point out that its price tag makes it a tough sell The Vive Pro offers a K Hz display with x pixels per eye Additionally the LCDs have RGB sub pixels that help to produce the sharpest desktop VR experience that he s ever seen It also has solid ergonomics ーDevindra says the headset is comfortable to wear for extended sessions due to its weight distribution and its plush cushioning on the front and back But even if you re prepared to shell out for the headset Devindra admits it comes with some drawbacks First the controllers are the same archaic oversized ones that came with the original Vive He also felt that the on ear headphones produced some heat during use as did the displays But the biggest issue is the graphics power necessary to experience the device in its full glory Devindra says you can probably forget about getting anything truly usable out of the system s minimum requirements which means you ll need a lot of desktop power to get the most out of the Vive Pro Despite those hurdles he s quick to call the Vive Pro the highest quality desktop VR available right now Framework s modular laptop can be repaired by anyoneDaniel CooperFramework s laptop isn t eye catching or showy The design of the inch notebook resembles an older MacBook but with one noteworthy difference it s intended to be modded and repaired via the included Torx T screwdriver and the expansion cards While testing how easy it was to replace a keyboard Daniel Cooper said he felt fully confident that he could make multiple repairs to the machine ーsomething that can t be said for most consumer laptops In addition to being easy to upgrade and fix the Framework features a solid spec list a inch x display with a backlight capable of nits a variety of inputs via the expansion cards as well as a mm headphone jack a chiclet keyboard with mm of travel and an impressive p fps webcam with an degree field of view During testing the Performance model handled undemanding games well and scored an average in PC Mark The only thing Daniel didn t enjoy about the machine were the side firing speakers which produced weak tinny sound The HTC Vive Focus is a premium VR workhorseDevindra Hardawar EngadgetMuch like the Vive Pro HTC s Vive Focus isn t intended for the casual consumer The price point alone puts it on another level likely best for business users who should be pleased with the superior hardware ergonomics and build quality Devindra Hardawar says the system has just about everything you would want in a modern headset a sturdy yet light build with a design that s comfortable to wear for long periods of time and even has support for large glasses With a K resolution a Hz refresh rate and a degree field of view the Vive Pro delivered one of the most immersive standalone VR experiences that Devindra has seen He had a realistic sense of walking through meadows and beaches in a nature trek VR program and said he was consistently impressed by how great everything looked However he was disappointed by the limited software library that required him to remove the headset to purchase apps and games After his time with the Focus Devindra heartily felt that it is an ideal set up for companies who can take advantage of the business focused apps and the hardware quality without cringing at the price point The SkulptSynth SE is a formidable sound engineTerrence O Brien EngadgetAs a follow up to the original Skulpt the SkulptSynth SE makes some upgrades to the build quality but comes in more affordable at Terrence O Brien spent some time with the instrument and determined that it s still as powerful compelling and confusing as the previous version The SE features a total of oscillators stacked in four voices which produces a thick tone that Terrence called inviting He says the SE shines when the stacked oscillators are given a chance to really flesh out the sound He also approved of the various modulation options which give the device a surprising amount of depth Despite the improvements in the hardware specifically firmer knobs Terrence said that the SE still felt pretty wobbly and cheap overall And he was still frustrated by the cramped layout and the navigation of the controls ーhe recommends keeping the included cheat sheet at hand to help with the latter Additionally the touch keyboard wasn t always super responsive However using the app solved a lot of his complaints and he was excited about the MPE support which is unheard of at the SE s price point Intel s NUC Extreme offers gamers a full sized GPUDevindra Hardawar EngadgetDevindra Hardawar is quick to acknowledge that the new NUC Extreme aka “Beast Canyon is pretty sizable However he feels the trade off is worth it because the design provides support for a full GPU ーsomething that should attract gamers to the unit It s also a bit cheaper than the last model and more flexible due to the fast th gen Intel CPU which can be purchased separately as an upgrade for NUC Extreme owners This NUC was clearly designed with gamers in mind with an LED skull on the black metal case mesh air vents and three large fans on top Devindra was pleased to report that the case cooling on the device was excellent the GPU never went above celsius and the CPU stayed under celsius Additionally because of the thoughtful modular design he had no trouble fitting in large GPUs like NVIDIA s RTX Ti or the Radeon RX The system also performed well in benchmark testing in PCMark it outpaced every Windows PC we ve seen this year Still the to price tag for the NUC is high especially because owners will need to pay up for additional hardware and software The Novation Circuit Rhythm is entirely sample basedTerrence O Brien EngadgetThough physically similar to its cousin the Circuit Tracks Novation s Circuit Rhythm uses the popular screen free workflow of the Circuit with the full featured sampler and performance effects of the SP to produce a device that is ideal for lo fi hip hop and house music Terrence O Brien particularly enjoyed this simple workflow as well as the sampling and slicing features that are fun to use The Circuit Rhythm has RGB velocity sensitive pads buttons for switching views and tracks eight endless encoders and two knobs for volume and master filter Terrence says those eight monophonic sampler tracks are the core of the Rhythm and he was also impressed with its portability and hour battery life Though he would like to see some additional features like more fine grained temp control overall he deemed the Circuit Rhythm a strong contender for best entry level sampler particularly for anyone interested in hip hop or house music creation 2021-08-14 16:00:43
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) with .NET 5: Streaming and Replacement for WCF https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5310293/Remote-Procedure-Calls-RPC-with-NET-5-Streaming-an procedure 2021-08-14 16:43:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Plymouth shooting: Starmer asks why gunman had licence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58209726 shotgun 2021-08-14 16:36:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Haiti: Many deaths feared after major 7.2-magnitude earthquake https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-58215631 caribbean 2021-08-14 16:20:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Manchester United v Leeds: Six arrests made before game https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-58213906 centre 2021-08-14 16:30:59
ニュース BBC News - Home CJ Ujah: British sprinter 'shocked and devastated' after positive drugs test https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/58216873 CJ Ujah British sprinter x shocked and devastated x after positive drugs testOlympic silver medallist CJ Ujah denies wrongdoing and says he is shocked and devastated after a positive drugs test 2021-08-14 16:17:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Chelsea underline title credentials as Vieira endures miserable start https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58124898 crystal 2021-08-14 16:01:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Who were the victims? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58202760 martyn 2021-08-14 16:47:14
ニュース BBC News - Home A visual guide to what happened https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58200336 plymouth 2021-08-14 16:17:32
北海道 北海道新聞 ハイチでM7・2、数人死亡 「甚大な被害」と首相 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/578323/ 地質調査所 2021-08-15 01:17:34



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