Engadget Japanese |
2019年8月19日、LINEに「オープンチャット」機能が追加されました:今日は何の日? |
追加 |
2021-08-18 20:30:58 |
AWS Big Data Blog |
Query SAP HANA using Athena Federated Query and join with data in your Amazon S3 data lake |
Query SAP HANA using Athena Federated Query and join with data in your Amazon S data lakeIf you use data lakes in Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S and use SAP HANA as your transactional data store you may need to join the data in your data lake with SAP HANA in the cloud SAP HANA running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC or with an on premises SAP HANA for … |
2021-08-18 20:15:29 |
AWS - Webinar Channel |
Modernizing your migrated workloads with VMware Cloud on AWS - AWS Virtual Workshop |
Modernizing your migrated workloads with VMware Cloud on AWS AWS Virtual WorkshopWith AWS you can easily modernize your infrastructure workloads and applications without expensive replatforming VMware Cloud on AWS gives you seamless access to the largest and most functionally rich selection of cloud native services available in the public cloud today In this episode you will learn how to take advantage of these services by enhancing integrating with and developing new applications Learning Objectives Enhancing current applications a k a quick wins Increasing availability and performance by integrating with AWS services Designing hybrid applications based on user requirements |
2021-08-18 20:56:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
タスクのチェックボックスにチェックを入れると、横線を入れたい |
タスクのチェックボックスにチェックを入れると、横線を入れたいReactとLaravelで簡単なSPA開発を行なっています。 |
2021-08-19 05:04:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Reactのstyled-componentの中でのthisについて |
color |
2021-08-19 05:04:03 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSL(Subsystem for Linux)で使い捨てのUbuntuをポコポコ作る |
Ubuntuのイメージを保存して、そのイメージを使って新しくUbuntuをインストールするという流れになるので、その作業場所としてWindows側のユーザーディレクトリの下にwslディレクトリを作って移動します。 |
2021-08-19 05:14:23 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Facebook reveals top posts but still won’t share key data about disinformation |
content |
2021-08-18 20:38:32 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Samsung says it will stop loading its $1,000 smartphones with ads |
samsung |
2021-08-18 20:20:20 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Where the sun always shines: Putting solar in space |
caltech |
2021-08-18 20:16:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
react-color-palette: <ColorPicker /> component for your React project. |
react color palette lt ColorPicker gt component for your React project Hello everyone I would like to introduce you to my lt ColorPicker gt component I will be glad of any feedback have a nice day GitHub RepoOnline Demo Features LightweightNo dependencies️Strict Installation npmnpm install react color palette yarnyarn add react color palette Usageimport ColorPicker useColor from react color palette import react color palette lib css styles css export const App gt const color setColor useColor hex return lt ColorPicker width height color color onChange setColor hideHSV dark gt |
2021-08-18 20:29:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Interview Prep Questions |
Interview Prep QuestionsFollowup post for Setting Yourself Up for Interview SuccessBelow is a list of questions that I found extremely helpful when preparing for my interviews Most of them came directly from the interviews I had and some were general ones I found online When I used these to prep I put them on flash cards I wrote the question on one side and my answer or answers on the other Then I would go through them at the beginning of each week I was interviewing to prepare for my interviews For reference I was interviewing for Senior Staff and Engineering Manager positions with a focus on SRE Site Reliability Engineering and Reliability roles I broke up the questions into categories to make them easier to sort through They are in no particular order I only numbered them to make them easy to reference Using my answers to these questions I was able to answer every question that was thrown at me during my interviews General QuestionsWhat do you want out of your next role Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone How did you handle it What was the outcome The follow up questions might not get asked but get in the habit of answering those even when giving the initial answer What are your greatest strengths What are your greatest weaknesses You likely will not directly get asked the above questions but if you are aware of what your strengths are then you can work them into your answers for other questions If you know what your weaknesses are you can also mention those and how you are working to improve them The key is to not have any blindspots What is a time when something took a lot out of you and what did you learn List the major achievements you are most proud of at your current job Tell me about someone you look up to and why Tell me about a time you made a mistake What was a piece of feedback that was hard to hear but helped you improve Sr Staff Level IC QuestionsTell me about a complex system you designed Tell me about a large project you had to get buy in for What was it and how did you get the buy in you needed Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned from it Even if they don t ask for what you learned you always include that It shows that you are humble and have the ability to grow What do you value highly when working with software technical values Example answer I highly value simplicity bc I have found it leads to more reliable software I also value automation bc humans doing things manually usually increases the chances of error Expand more on your answer but that gives you an idea of the kinds of answers you would give Tell me about a time you had to make a decision that involved short term sacrifices for long term gains Tell me about a time when you solved a complex problem and how you went about it Note this is different than which asks about designing a complex system I choose a story about a gnarly bug I had to fix What is the most challenging part of being in an engineering leader for you SRE Reliability IC QuestionsTell me about an incident that you ran How do you define observability How have you improved observability on past systems you have worked with What tools have you built that were able to aid developers and or fellow SREs Give me an example of a time you made something more efficient Give me an example of a time you improved a process could be team process or technical process I talked about improving an on call rotation for these types of questions What does reliability mean to you What is your preferred testing strategy Here you want to talk high level like unit vs end to end smoke tests canary deployments etc Give examples of what has worked well or not for you in the past Give me an example of a calculated risk that you took where speed was critical What is your definition of SRE Manager QuestionsWhat is your management style Tell me about the person you are most proud of empowering and growing Tell me about a time when you had to give someone hard feedback How do you deal with competing priorities When you get how do you questions answering with your strategy is good but having a quick story to follow it up as an example is even better How do you gain trust from your team What do you look for when you are hiring How do you determine if someone is technically competent for a job How do you keep the jerks out Have you ever had a large project killed How do you broach the topic of technical debt when having to explain it to leadership and other stakeholders What does the diversity of your current team look like Tell me about a time you missed a deadline and how you handled it When was a time you failed as a manager and how did you handle it and make it right Depending on your experience you may not have an answer for all of the Tell me about a time questions That is OK Be truthful about it and then explain how you would handle the situation if you found yourself faced with it For example I never have had a large project killed but I talked about how I would be objective and make sure my team fully understood why it had happened If you have any other questions you would like to add to this list feel free to drop them in the comments below |
2021-08-18 20:12:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setting Yourself Up for Interview Success |
Setting Yourself Up for Interview SuccessWhen it comes to interviewing everyone has their own style and way they like to approach it When I started looking for my next opportunity I was not quite sure what to expect I read a few blog posts to prep myself These were incredibly helpful but I found a few things even beyond their recommendations that helped me to succeed and that is what I want to share with you all My approach may not be ideal for everyone but it worked very well for myself and using it I was able to land five job offers Interview OftenMany folks will tell you that interviewing is a skill and you should make sure to get in some practice rounds before aiming towards a company you really want I found this to be the case The first couple of phone screens I did I had to pause and think about the answers to the questions As things went along I was asked similar questions over and over and it got much easier However even with a couple of practice rounds I still felt a bit stressed and anxious going into interviews Then as my interviewing frequency picked up I noticed my anxiety nearly went away When I had an interview scheduled almost every day my anxiety was almost non existent because it felt like just one more meeting on my schedule Once I had this realization I started to schedule interviews on a consistent cadence each week This not only lowered my anxiety but did wonders for my ability to solve the technical problems Instead of getting nervous before a technical session I would get focused Interviewing on a consistent basis got me into a nice groove when it came to tackling technical interviews such as coding or systems design problems I even went so far as to schedule a set of interviews with a company solely for the reason of getting me in the groove and prepped for one of the final companies I interviewed with Not only did that extra company help prep me but it turned out to be a fabulous interview and I got an offer that I seriously considered in the end Flash CardsThe first couple of roles I did hiring screens for determined I was not a great fit One of the roles I actually thought I was a great fit for but realized I had not presented my skills as well as I could have during the phone screen Immediately after those phone screens I decided it was time to get organized and take interviewing more seriously I sat down and wrote out the questions they asked that at the time I didn t think I gave good answers to Then I took time to come up with much better answers I combed through my mind to find examples that would better highlight my skillset In addition to writing down answers to the questions I was asked in the phone screens I collected some more generic technical interview questions from various websites and wrote down answers for those as well I initially put all of this into a Google doc The Google doc was great for getting my thoughts written down but I wanted something that I could use repeatedly to prep To achieve this I went back to my college days and used the tried and true study method of flash cards I made flash cards with the questions on one side and my answers on the other Then like in school I would run through the flash cards at the beginning of each week to make sure I had a quick recall of all the stories and highlights of my career Even though the interview questions didn t always exactly match those on my flash cards the flash cards helped remind me about the key points throughout my career Those key points and experiences were easily transferable to many types of questions For folks that are interested I wrote a second post listing out all of the questions I used to prepare Interview Prep Questions Molly Struve she her ・Aug ・ min read interviewing job career Professional Interview PrepBefore starting this process I looked into companies and websites that I could use for interview prep I felt pretty confident in my coding ability but wanted to learn more about the systems design portion that many interviews have To fill this void I signed up for Exponent Exponent is a bit pricey but it was completely worth it for me One nice aspect is that they have some free content available so you can see if it is right for you and what you want to accomplish I only ended up subscribing to it for two months I found their guide to SWE interviewing to have a lot of great information in it One part that was crucial in helping me was the systems design section I had never done a systems design interview before so I had no clue about how to approach one Exponent had many examples of folks answering system design questions which gave me an idea of what a good answer included They also had lots of literature about how to break down the system design questions and what to cover when answering them Once again I ended up making flash cards around system design question elements and ran through those periodically to keep myself sharp on that front For more details on how to I tackled my system design interviews stay tuned for a follow up blog post Take NotesDuring your interviews take notes Especially if you are interviewing at multiple companies it can be very hard to keep them all straight I have Google docs for each company I interviewed with that have extensive notes from each process These docs contain everything from the questions I asked to the background of each interviewer to any feelings I felt during the interview These notes were invaluable at the end of the process when it came to decision time Give yourself min before each interviewScheduling interviews around work can be challenging but one thing I found is that scheduling in downtime right before is crucial to get yourself in the mental state to interview My routine involved the following Gather up my notes already compiled for the company and write down questions I wanted to askResearch the interviewers if I had their namesTurn off all notifications and close SlackOpen any necessary tools code editor whiteboard tool etc Go to the bathroom and grab some water Power pose for a min and then have a quick dance party to get rid of any last min nerves and pump myself up That last point is not for everyone but for me listening to some pump up music while dancing makes me feel really good about myself and gets me in a good headspace I also listen to music before I compete with my horses to get in the zone which may be why it worked well in this scenario Enjoy it Once I got into that interview groove I started to really enjoy them I got to meet some incredible engineers and people while solving some fun and interesting problems A lot of the code interviews I did felt like I was working with colleagues Yes I was responsible for coming up with the solution but during the process I shared so many good laughs with interviewers as we commiserated over a typo or trying to put together a regex Maybe I got incredibly lucky and the people I met from the companies I considered were all just really nice Or maybe some of it had to do with the mindset I went into these interviews with Once I had settled into interviewing I approached each interview with a collaborative mindset I was there to learn about the company as much as they wanted to learn about me This made me much more relaxed and open during the interview and I think my interviewers ended up mirroring that feeling If you go into an interview like you are heading into battle then it likely will be a battle for both sides Even though I had to say no to many companies they are still places I would have loved to work I would recommend them to others in a heartbeat because of how much I enjoyed their interview process Good Luck Interviewing is not easy It is a full on side hustle when you decide to take it on But it is worth it in the end Your perfect next opportunity is out there now you just have to find it Anything else you all want to know about my interviewing process Drop any additional questions you may have in the comments |
2021-08-18 20:11:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 6: 100 days of code |
Day days of codeThere will be less content today as I am busy with academics Don t forget to use the flex wrap wrapIn my last some of the projects I have to change almost the entire code in media queries so that my website look good on an mobile device This can be avoided to a great extent by using flex wrap wrap So use it wisely whenever needed Bootstrap BasicsBootstrap is a css library which consists of code written by someone else taking care of all the styles and responsive web design To use it in our projects go to Bootstrap and copy the css link inside of your html file To use any functionality of bootstrap just link bootstrap with your html and then just specify in the class of your html tag what you want to do with that element among some classes given in bootstrap website For example if you want to design a warning button lt button class btn btn warning gt Warning lt button gt Now practice and get your hands dirty Bootstrap column modelThis is a bootstrap way to make sure that our web pages are mobile responsive In this model bootstrap divides its page into distinct columns Large screen as we shrink the size of the screen down Bootstrap also let us specify how many columns should an div take depending on the size of the screen as small or large Here is the example This behaves as div in row on a large screen and div s in each row on a small screen SASS inheritanceLet s suppose we are designing alert messages as below If we write it using nesting in sass then in the output css the code will be copyed in the css styling of all the alert this will increase the size of our css to a large extent in long term To solve this problem we use inheritance Hence the better solution of the above problem will be |
2021-08-18 20:08:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting Started with Cypress |
Getting Started with CypressWhat s Cypress Cypress is a JavaScript based front end testing tool It helps you test the journey that users take from once they visit your website till they leave You can use Cypress to test what users will see when they visit the website for the first time Or where they should be redirected to when they click some link or another Or if cookies get saved when they signup or login And so many other things InstallationTo run Cypress you need to install it as a dev dependency into your project and then run yarn run cypress open yarn add cypress devyarn run cypress openNote You can also download it from Cypress io double click Cypess exe and then select your project Once you add Cypress to your project cypress folder and other sup directories will be added to the root of your project What we care about in these sub directories is integration You can delete all the files created under that directory and create a new file called first test spec js This is where we re going to add our first test Let s write a test for a function that returns random numbers between const getRandomNum gt Math floor Math random describe test getRandomNum gt it should be less than gt for let i i lt i expect getRandomNum lessThan So we have a function somewhere that returns a number between We first write a describe block to group all the tests related to getRandomNum and name it test getRandomNum Then we write the it block in which we write our test Finally we run a for loop to test our function We should expect a number lessThan every time we call getRandomNum If everything goes well the test should pass Now what if we refactored our code and accidentally made a tiny mistake function getRandomNum return Math floor Math random was added to the number by mistake If we run the test again it should fail The cool part is that Cypress tells you exactly where the test fails and why it fails Here in our test we told Cypress to expect getRandomNum to return a number lessThan but instead we got So Cypress complained about it to let us know that something went wrong after we refactored the code Cypress is much more powerful than just testing a function that generates random numbers especially for applications built in React for example It provides you with tools that help you mount your components and test their behavior It s exactly like simulating how a user uses your website Let s pretend that we have a website and that we want to test that the Contact link gets redirected to the contact page onClick describe only test contact link gt it should be redirected to a contact page gt cy visit http localhost cy contains Contact click cy url should include contact Add a describe block and since we only care about testing the contact link right now run that test only Start the it block First ask Cypress cy to visit go to the application Then we tell it to find the first element that has the text Contact and clicks it Finally Cypress tests if the the current url contains contact Note contains is case sensitive If the text is Contact but you write contact lower case the link won t be found and you ll have a Timed out error You can override that behavior by passing matchCase false as an option to contains cy contains Contact matchCase false click Also note that contains finds the first element that has the text Contact so if you have two Contact links on the page you ll need to use get with contains cy get nav contains Contact to get the link in the navcy get footer contains Contact to get the link in the footer Orcy contains nav Contact click cy contains footer Contact click What if we have a login page where people can login or see an error message if the login fails let s test that describe Login gt we write the code we want to run before each test in a beforeEach block beforeEach gt cy visit http localhost login it should succeed with correct credentials gt find the element input with id username and type hajarNasr cy get username type hajarNasr find the element input with id password and type uniquePassword cy get password type uniquePassword find the element button with id submit btn and click it cy get submit btn click those two lines confirm that the user has logged successfully in and got redirected to homepage cy contains Welcome hajarNasr cy url should include home To test that an error msg gets displayed when user enters wrong data it should fail with wrong credentials gt cy get username type fakeUser cy get password type fakePassword cy get submit btn click this line confirms that user has not logged in because the page doen t contain a welcome message cy should not contain Welcome fakeUser and this should confirm that we re still in the login page cy url should include login and that an element with a className error is displayed in red cy get error should have css color rgb References docs cypress |
2021-08-18 20:07:44 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Coalition of 31 states calls on FDA to regulate flavored e-cigarettes |
Coalition of states calls on FDA to regulate flavored e cigarettesThe US crackdown on flavored e cigarettes might soon reach the federal government A New York led coalition of states and territories is pressuring the Food and Drug Administration to regulate flavored e cigarettes The group wants to not only ban e cigs with quot youth appealing quot flavors like candy mint and menthol but to limit nicotine levels and restrict marketing efforts aimed at kids The coalition is hoping to thwart what it calls a quot youth nicotine epidemic quot About percent of high school students from said they d used e cigarettes at least once in the past days according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine The alliance also pointed to the effects of nicotine on kids brains including higher chances of addiction as well as mental health issues and poisoning The pressure campaign follows high profile action against e cigarettes at the state level particularly in New York The state not only banned flavored cigarettes in late but sued Juul owned by tobacco giant Altria for quot deceptive and misleading quot marketing that contributed to a youth vaping crisis We ve asked Juul for comment on this latest action There s a chance the states could get more than they were hoping for when the FDA will decide whether or not to ban e cigs and oral nicotine starting on September th Even if this doesn t lead to an extensive ban though the coalition s sought after measures could significantly limit the reach of e cig technology across the US |
2021-08-18 20:30:03 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Rethinking Network Architecture with Routed Optical Networking |
people |
2021-08-18 20:02:55 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Chlorpyrifos Will No Longer Be Allowed on Food Crops |
common |
2021-08-18 20:20:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ashraf Ghani: Afghanistan's exiled president lands in UAE |
grounds |
2021-08-18 20:21:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Geronimo the alpaca: High Court bid to save animal refused |
london |
2021-08-18 20:06:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Most Conservative MPs ditch masks as Commons returns |
afghanistan |
2021-08-18 20:52:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Glenn Phillips is the star as Welsh Fire win final group game against London Spirit |
Glenn Phillips is the star as Welsh Fire win final group game against London SpiritWelsh Fire end their men s Hundred campaign on a high by beating London Spirit in Cardiff in a gripping final game of the group stages |
2021-08-18 20:41:11 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
NTTは総務省・自衛隊などから官僚25人…ITベンダー「天下り天国」の呆れた実態 - ITゼネコンの巣窟 デジタル庁 |
2021-08-19 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
倒産危険度ランキング【自動車26社】3位に三菱自、2位が日産、1位は? - 廃業急増!倒産危険度ランキング2021 |
危険水域 |
2021-08-19 05:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
敵対的TOBまでした東京製綱株を5カ月で放出!日本製鉄「珍事」の理由 - Diamond Premium News |
diamondpremiumnews |
2021-08-19 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
倒産危険度ランキング2021【ワースト301~400】あの大手コンビニもランクイン - 廃業急増!倒産危険度ランキング2021 |
上場企業 |
2021-08-19 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
北國銀がネットバンキングの振込手数料で「攻めの改定」を行うわけ - 橋本卓典の銀行革命 |
北國銀がネットバンキングの振込手数料で「攻めの改定」を行うわけ橋本卓典の銀行革命銀行間の送金手数料が年ぶりに引き下げられることに伴い、今年月から、銀行各行が振込手数料を一斉に引き下げる。 |
2021-08-19 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
FRB、年内のテーパリング開始示唆 7月議事要旨 - WSJ発 |
開始 |
2021-08-19 05:04:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
炎上DaiGo氏の動物愛護発言で考える、「生類憐みの令」の知られざる本質 - ニュース3面鏡 |
炎上DaiGo氏の動物愛護発言で考える、「生類憐みの令」の知られざる本質ニュース面鏡メンタリストのDaiGo氏が自身のYouTubeチャンネルで行った差別的発言が批判を集めており、同氏は謝罪した。 |
2021-08-19 05:02:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
よりよい未来のために「クオリティ・オブ・ソサエティ」を考える |
日本全国 |
2021-08-19 06:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大坂が3回戦に進出 W&Sオープンテニス |
進出 |
2021-08-19 05:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
GDP微増 リスク見極め下支えを |
国内総生産 |
2021-08-19 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
キリン「214億円減損」にミャンマー事業の代償 現地のコロナ感染拡大と政情不安が大打撃 | 食品 | 東洋経済オンライン |
下方修正 |
2021-08-19 05:30:00 |